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What really is PETA?

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Hi all

If it becomes possible to create "meat" with all the characteristics which you carnivores deem to be essential to get through life by scientific means rather than by butchering animals, why do you people have a problem with that? And there is quite an established school of thought that animal rights/cruelty will become the next great social justice issue (see the latest issue of papers from the Australian Law Reform Commission).

Perhaps "holocaust" at this time was a less than appropriate term, but it is just a word that was applied to a particular atrocity. The word does not have to be limited to one atrocity. Ms Newkirk qualified her statements very well, I thought. Is "genocide" more appropriate?

Yabby, far be it from me to fail to acknowledge how much you sheep farmers do for your animals. If you could raise them without spending a cent on them, you would and you know it. It has nothing to do with the welfare of the animals, it has to do with the pockets of the farmers. It's unfortunate and inconvenient in the extreme that you have to do things like "tailing", castrating and mulesing them and especially drenching them. You failed to include how much it costs to get them slaughtered; or packed off on a truck to God knows where.

PALE - sounds like so much more PALE claptrap to discredit any animal advocacy organization other than your own to me. Do get real.

Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 8:17:17 PM
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*It's unfortunate and inconvenient in the extreme that you have to do things like "tailing", castrating and mulesing them and especially drenching them.*

Funny you should say that, I am doing experiments with exactly
that, but not with merinos. What is wrong with animals living
naturally, if they live naturally in nature? However they will
always need feeding through droughts and lean times etc.

As to sending some to slaughter, I will always do that, for it
would be cruel not to. My animals would die from starvation from
overpopulation and I am not cruel to animals.

Losing a bit of skin here and there, well any outdoors type bloke
would do that regularly as part of his work. Some sooky pencil pushers
just don't understand that. We are not a bunch
of wimps, as you lot seem to be.

As to your opinion about what motivates us and what really does,
once again, you don't have the foggiest, just more ignorant
assumptions and then you actually believe your own crap.

As a matter of interest, as long as this place pays its own bills,
I am happy with that. Any profits are ploughed back in to improve
it, so its purely a lifestyle choice, I contribute the work for
free basically. I can make far more money on this computer on the
money markets, trading for an hour or two, then farming would ever
make. There are even benefits to that. Between times I can check
to see what crapola you girls have written yet once again. I
find it highly amusing :)
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 8:42:52 PM
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Hi there Nicky. Commiserations. I too succumbed to the flu - first in 20 years.

I do not intend to respond to the garbage which the debauched and sordid excuses for humanity have placed on this thread but simply to enlighten you to Yabby's deceitful swill about his industry, in an article on OLO: "Your Money or Your Health."

Have a look at the link below which I provided. The last few paragraphs will give you an insight into WA's agricultural "economic" strategies coupled with an aligned government and their disgraceful use of human faeces and hazardous waste, force-fed to animals through grazing, used on paddocks and finally consumed by humans.

More animal abuse - more human abuse!,21598,15729670-2761,00.html

No wonder we feel ill!
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 9:09:58 PM
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There you go Dickie, a url from Pelican, who is an organic
veggie farmer. Its about the joys of using Sydney's waste
for compost!

She thinks that this is farm superior, compared to what
we normal farmers use, ie concentrated fertilisers.

No wonder you two veggies are both sick :)
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 9:37:54 PM
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Well said Yabby, but unfortunately falling on deaf ears.

See Nicky, this is why you can’t be taken seriously. Whether you accept it or not, you are also a carnivore even if you don’t eat meat.

As for animal rights/cruelty becoming the next great social justice issue, dream on. With clowns like you and dickie, cuphandle (what kind of username is that for a bloke?), Peta and Animals Australia dribbling rubbish, you’ll never be taken seriously. Look at the idiots, dole bludgers, and other clowns at the protests in Canberra over the culling of the roo’s. Do you honestly think that they were taken seriously? They were the laughing stock of the country.

You claim to be intelligent and yet you put your own “spin” on what Newkirk said about 'The Holocaust on Your Plate' Campaign. If Newkirk qualified her statements so well, why did she apologise two years later. Have another read about the nutcase Peta organisation.

Another contradiction by Newkirk:

Newkirk Agrees: Eating Meat in Moderation Can Be Healthy

"Tailing", castrating and mulesing.” I’ve tried to discuss this but it is obviously a subject that is too hard for you to understand.

P.S. I’m having a party and a big barbecue this weekend, I’ll be thinking of you all as I tuck into a couple of big steaks and some baby beef.

Is it just me or do others see similarities between Peta and Scientology. Propaganda, spin, lies and followed by a bunch of blinded dimwits. Definition of both organizations: CULTS!
Posted by myopinion, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 9:56:34 PM
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"She thinks that this is farm superior, compared to what
we normal farmers use, ie concentrated fertilisers."

We "normal" farmers, Yabby?

You are not "normal" when your industry's "concentrated fertilisers" consisted of industrial hazardous wastes mixed with human sewage - a concoction of dioxins, heavy metals, carcinogenic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, hospital contaminants and pathogens and God knows what else.

I am well informed on the ignominious operations of the Brookdale hazardous waste plant, its dumping of Class 4 and 5 hazards and the locations this muck was dumped. I have investigated this nightmare as a member of a government advisory committee.

So take your ignorant and fraudulent crap elsewhere Yabby.
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 11:19:58 PM
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