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What really is PETA?

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Dickie “the urgent global requirement to grow more crops to sustain the poor”

I think the urgent need is to find ways of curtailing the poor through population control; then fewer crops would be needed.

Of course seeing how you ramble on like a three day old pork chop I could suggest open season and a bounty for a pair of ears but that would be too much even for me, a humble Skippy munching BBQer.

Now you seem to have time to post your venom here dickie but still have no evidence that I write in support of cartels, as you fraudulently claimed on another thread.

So where is your evidence or are you just better at running off at the mouth with cheap shots than substantiating your accusations.

Btw I am not stalking you (another of your errant accusations), just holding you accountable for what you have previously stated.

Yabby I take notice of dickie, it falls into that 365 day open season on the self-righteous meddlers.
Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 14 June 2008 9:32:18 AM
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2000 to 2007 Australia (DAFF): Four hundred and fourteen thousand (414,000) animals succumbing to the inhumane incarceration on the ships of death and dumped overboard whilst small children die from starvation, reduced to skin and bone and slipping into comas from malnutrition whilst their parents kill and are killed for a morsel of sustenance.
Posted by dickie, Saturday, 14 June 2008 10:52:35 AM
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Err Dickie, you will find its more like 40 million or so that were
shipped and died. Thats the whole idea, people eat them. On boats
no more die then in any Australian feedlot.

If you want to feed the starving, you are free to buy them before
they go on a ship and do exactly that. Farming is a business, not
a charity. Better still, the Vatican is filthy rich, let them
feed the starving which they helped create, with their anti condoms
anti family planning dogma.

Either put up or shut up. Those sheep are for sale in Australia,
for those who want to buy them.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 14 June 2008 12:32:54 PM
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Hi all

Col Rouge, in principle I agree with you bout the millions of "starving poor", but Yabby, in his haste to throw in "red herrings", lays the blame for that at the door of the Catholic church, which probably has very little to do with it since the vast majority of these people would never have heard of the Catholic Church or its policies on birth control. However, I agree that birth control is an obvious solution.

As Yabby points out, farm animals are born to die; they get to "enjoy" life at the hands of these farmers for as long as these people determine they are allowed to live (and that's not very long in the cases of the millions not used for "breeding" (who said that it all happens naturally?) I agree with PALE here. You people who are happy to load these animals onto these ships,in the full knowledge of the horror that awaits them will hopefully face a special kind of karma when your time comes.

Unfortunately for you people, the world IS listening, that's why there are new international boycotts against the Australian wool industry happening almost every week. And we're working to expand them them, in our small way, all the time, by making public the things that happen under Australia's "World's Best Practice".

Posted by Nicky, Saturday, 14 June 2008 7:22:38 PM
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I honestly do not know. I would think a bullet with a silencer on it would be kinder.

Yes C R is correct. There are too many people in the world (No pun intended:) Does anybody recall the name of the Aussie PM Years ago that fell from grace because he spoke out against aid.
He said if we continued for another fifty sixty years supplying enough food for these displaced people to re breed we would face a world problem that would bite us on the bum globally.

You know if people don’t believe in religion -who said we have the right to kill another living creature.

The whole act of taking a life and eating it is primitive and barbaric when you think about it TBO.

Here comes Yabbs calling pale a closet veggie... I don’t indulge very often because I know it will get us nowhere- but still…

Perhaps Dickie will take up some of the offers put to her to run a research station farm.
You know I think it wouldn’t be long before the birth population dropped in the areas she was providing meat to. Hehe

Hey guys you know - If animals must suffer and be used at the hands of humans I reckon they should be put to good use and at least get some Karma.

Yep working under foreign aid you’d get a fair "kick back" too.
Just ask those feed lot owners that we pay for in our taxes.
To make it even more effective you could start with the richer men in the poorer areas who are the big kings of their regions.

Wouldnt take long for word to pass around that eating meat made less of a man of you. Unable to have children.

Stranger things have happened and you know how all these meat rumors stick around for years:)

I pray every night Kevin Rudd comes back as a cow exported LIVE having his eyes pulled out with human hands and a hook through arse while still alive.

Starved on water and pissed on for three months.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 14 June 2008 8:46:10 PM
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+Dickie, you will notice …
Nicky people respond in the way they are approached. Myopinion seems no different.

+. I had no idea you had a VOLUNTEER who (also)* went into hiding from you - you happened to throw that in.

Nicky "you raised this person." You’re being dishonest to now to pretend you don’t know what I am talking about.

I’ve always told you –You raise it-+ we’ll respond honestly.

I remind you that it was ‘you’ (WE) that went out of your way to post on a public forum -that some poor person was forced to sell their house and move so we could not find them.

“That was to infer that pale must be pretty scary awful people and to discredit us”.

It was a nasty bitchy untruthful comment.

BTW I don’t care what you can imagine re the petition for live exports- Ask Lyn.

, +why would you think that the Handle with Care coalition would have any use for +Pale’s lawyers? It's just PALE not wanting to be left out of the action, of course.

Nicky why do you (WE) make RSPCA QLD Pales business your business?
Your all so busy worrying about what pale are doing its pathetic.
As you asked so nicely I will tell you.

Because they have years of knowledge.

Er,What action are you suggesting we are missing out on.?
20 years later! and nobody even 'thought' to ask Muslims for help or farmers and work with them instead of bagging them.

To top it off we joined OLO and posted comments for others to read about ‘our’ ideas and ‘programs’. Sin of All Sins to You( WE)

Followed closely by you (WE) with your hatred and nasty posts aimed at us.

I said I couldn’t print what Christa said Nicky because believeme it WONT help Animals.

Nor are we trying to discredit Animals Australia - what rubbish.

You’re ( WE) the only one doing that. They are just as much victims of you as we are.

FYI Lyn is one of our favorite people.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 15 June 2008 7:53:46 PM
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