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Animal Welfare

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Just a quickie…

“Death rate rises on live export shipments to the Middle East
A report commissioned by Livecorp and Meat and Livestock Australia has shown that the overall death rate for live sheep exports has risen to 0.95% in 2005-6, over 0.75% the previous year. Livecorp CEO Cameron Hall has stated that the figures, which amounted to 38,000 sheep deaths, were “well below acceptable levels”.

38,000 sheep died in transit and this is acceptable?

““The likely explanation for the increased annual death rate in sheep exported in 2005 compared to 2004 is that there were almost one million more sheep exported during the second half of 2005 than in 2004…The risk of death is known to be higher in the second half of the year in sheep sourced from southern Western Australia…”


Take Action!


Cheers All

Posted by Scout, Saturday, 16 September 2006 8:38:16 AM
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"38,000 sheep died in transit and this is acceptable?"

Umm, given the 4 million sheep sent, yup its acceptable.
The usual people who don't know the first thing about sheep
and have never worked with them, comment on this one.

I repeat, sheep are not like your pet poodle lol. Besides,
how many house pets died last year in the cities? Is
that acceptable?

Funnily enough trained vets who understand all this,
think its acceptable too. But emotionally engulfed
housewives, who know nothing about sheep, get upset.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 16 September 2006 9:41:33 AM
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Yabby..we wont pack you off on that mean old boat with all those poor sheep..

We were just joking Yabby...:) :)

What would we do without you.?
Posted by OZGIRL, Saturday, 16 September 2006 10:42:51 AM
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Scout something I found interesting in the link was the claims by the industry

"Meat and Livestock Australia’s General Manager, Mike Hayward has attributed the deaths to a new fodder being used on some shipments, stating “It essentially led to an increase in mortalities because a more than normal number of sheep failed to eat… there was a higher level of disease in the animals as a result of that lack of fibre.” "

How massive does a reduction in fibre on a two week journey have to be to case death due to an increased level of disease?

If the food provided is so bad that some sheep won't eat it (and there is no alternative available on board) then somebody is admitting to gross neglegence. If you change an animals diet you have a responsibility to ensure that there is a plan B if that does not work.

As an aside I'm locked out of the Dissing men thread for some more hours due to post limits and have not been able to respond to OZGIRL's comment. I'm expecting to be away till late tomorrow so it may have to wait. I think we've been over this before, I don't agree with that part of her post and in my response I mentioned an intention to raise it on the the dissing men thread where it better fits. I think it's another stereotype that too many people believe which hurts us all. I don't think I said anything there to be ashamed of. Sorry to raise it here but I didn't want to leave it untouched that long.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 16 September 2006 10:59:27 AM
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I dont think we really need to justify ourselves to anyone..

My comment was mostly tongue in cheek anyway..but for heavens sake Some pple should just get over themselves?

I am allowed to have my opinions, wether or not they fit someone elses values or beliefs or not surely.

I thought what you did was sweet Robert..dont aplolagise for that.Its a sad state of affairs when a man such as yourself finds himself apolagising for trying to mediate a peaceful outcome,on a 'forking' forum?
This has gone too far..I respect and appreciate mens intelligence to be at least equal to my own..

Forking?What the?.... please explain?

Also...if u are now going to tell me that Im off topic on this thread..
So indeed were you when u decided to do a feminist trip on me on the Steve Irwin forum..

I am without a man with my not ugly..I can get one..noone could EVER accuse me of selling out to men.

Lighten up..not everyones morals and definitions have to align with yours, and whatever made u believe that they would?
Posted by OZGIRL, Saturday, 16 September 2006 11:27:54 AM
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OZGIRL, you are correct we don't need to expain ourselves but at the same time I tend to take it too personally when some like Scout attacks me. We've been through too much over too long for that to be easily dismissed. I need to take some of my own advice.

I do think the stereotype you mentioned (even if not seriously) is relevant on the other thread. It comes up often enough and is part of the flip side to the topic being discussed there. Time for that later, have a nice weekend.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 16 September 2006 11:49:30 AM
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