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Animal Welfare

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I was actually addressing that post to Scout but ommitted to put her name in there..
the 1st line was the only one meant for you..sorry.

Take care..
Posted by OZGIRL, Saturday, 16 September 2006 12:04:21 PM
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Scout left post for you on Steve Irwin forum...

WEndy thanks for that link...Cheers lil buddy.:)
Posted by OZGIRL, Saturday, 16 September 2006 4:24:15 PM
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Good research on MLA.
I must inform you thats the same porkys that has been around for years.

The truth these animals are not used to pellets. They SAY they are left in the yards for a certain amount of days to adjust.

Firstly stock are tired, stressed, banged around and weak being on trucks often for days!

Secondly IF they got used to shock stress AND change of diet, injuries they get sick on boats especially in bad weather.

Thirdly the bloody pellets work their way to a dust powder that they simply CANT eat.

It blows around their eyes along with the strong amonia from peeing on each other[remember they are stacked on top of each other 6 stories high.[ Cruel] They go blind.

They of course mostly all contract pneumonia and other lung diseases. Its brutal neglect. Dont forget the heat and the cold.

One of our ship deck hands has reported over 50 degrees very common. Often No water.

So yes Ozgirl I am still sending yabby on his Cruise but its not two weeks! often its up to three months.

Animals are earth bound creatures and not meant for sea trips. Unlike us if they get sick they can not vomit.

Instead gas blows up inside them to cause a excruciatingly painful death and they roll around and around often sqashing and terrifying others screaming out for help for someone anybody to help them but nobody ever does.
Pneumonia is common .
Sometimes just before the dock if the think there might be a check they put the real sick ones down the mincers alive or toss them into the sharks.

This is what Australia! does with its Animals.

These animals are ours and we have a responsibilty to them
Everybody kNOWS where they are going and hOW they are treated.

You Must Speak out and keep speaking out to Ban live Exports.

Nobody has the right to live off the suffering of innocent animals.

To every live exporter in Australia and world wide.

I wish the same ending to you and your family.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Saturday, 16 September 2006 7:28:22 PM
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Rofl Wendy, with your passion and imagination, perhaps your true
destiny is to write Mills and Boon novels!

Now lets look at the reality. Most shippers go out of Fremantle
and most of them come from 1-6 hours from Perth. Look at a map,
beyond that its mainly desert. The real long haul transport of
sheep is those going from WA to ES meatworks in NSW, Vic or SA,
as apart from shippers, they are so cheap here, that various
operators come here, both graziers and meatworks, pay something
like 20$ freight and cart them over the Nullabor. So its not the
live trade that is the problem with long distance sheep cartage,
but Australia itself, for Australian abattoirs.

If bad pellets were causing deaths, rest assured that the manufacturers would be sacked tomorrow. Dead sheep are not paid for,
so its not rocket science to figure out that operators would go
out of their way to avoid them.

Let me educate you a little. Sheep are ruminants, so unlike Rubert,
who can eat steak or salad and it doesent matter, with sheep you are
actually feeding the rumen bacteria, who when they die, feed the sheep. So a sudden change in diet can cause acidosis. But sheep
on farms as sheep anywhere, die of all sorts of things. Pneumonia
is a common reason for on farm deaths, so is pulpy kidney. Sheep
also have far more energy and brawn then they have brains, so just
like my puppy, they do silly things and learn the hard way.

Yup, sheep that die are shot and fed through a mincer, to avoid
ocean hazards. What is the problem?

Its time for you to get real Wendy. Around Australia, city and
country dogs and cats go feral and cruely kill all sorts of Aussie
wildlife and livestock. Have you ever seen a mob of sheep ripped to
bits by your so called pets? They suffer for days and days and die
cruel deaths
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 16 September 2006 11:03:16 PM
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Well has it ever occured to you that if people were a little more reasonsibly those dogs wouldnt be running around.
Yabby yes we have a problem with plants in Australia for several reasons not just one.
You pointed out the other night that yup! it was no big deal thousands of animal died on these death ships and they are the lucky ones.
You know how they are treated the other end.

Spoke with a x live exporter tonight.

I will ask him when I can to come on this forum and tell these
people what he saw.

Hes no softie but reckons only a low life mogrel would send cattle off knowing what was going to happen.

Hes doing quite well Free Ranging.

You have always said well what about the poor farmers loosing an extra few bucks.

I said what about the poor bloody animals and surley Australia is not so desperate we need an extra few bucks per animal at the cost of our international reputation.

You may think I wear my heart on my sleeve too much yabby but thats on this forum.
You have tried to undermine every project I have mentioned but you never once looked at any.
You might not find me so soft at a board table yabby do not underestimate me and the people i am working with.

If this is such a cant do proposal why do you think AFIC have a MOU with my company.

Remember thse guys have been around a few thousand years and are amoung some of the most screwed players that exsist.

No I cant do it all alone yabby. I certainly never said I could.

Like you said the Government have to take off some taxes and others need to promote it especially State Governments.

I do not need your consent and I am not interested in your rubbish.

We slaughter here and send in a box. Also the pellets do turn to dust and the trip!! are often 11 to 12 weeks!
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 17 September 2006 12:52:56 AM
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Also if labour had a brain in their heads the would fix the mess they created in the first place. Afyer all if its anybodies mess it is labour.
yup they made it so hard and so bad a few low lifes said stuff em will ship the "b" alive.
I know what happend in the end. Not to mention the industry itself pumping off roo meat knowing the Halal thingy.

Better if Beazley does go. If he cant get a better adviser than Jack lake then he doesnt deserve to be there.
Kevin Rudd didnt even have the brains to chash in on the AWB and live Exports.

Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Peter Beattie is different and he is interested in the co joint venture along with others. As I have always said it takes a few good men.
The votes along on this live export issue is enough to get them into power but oh no Rudd heads for the hills.

Pathetic wimpy leaders like that should be put down thise mincers alive like the sheep.
Oh yeh the pretty story they are shot first. You know darn well its not true.,

We have a list of emails from the oil riggers over the years that reckon when ever one of those ships gets within a mile of them the smell turns "quote your guts."

And I will answer the question you asked cilivia > because ones THEIR DUTY and ones none of their bloody business.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 17 September 2006 1:11:36 AM
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