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Animal Welfare

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Well Celivia, judging by your last post, when the worms finally
devour your carcass one day, we might just export you to
be eaten by some fat Arab in Mecca too :)
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 15 September 2006 11:00:51 PM
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Haha, funny, Yabby!

What will be left of me to be exported or eaten if the worms have devoured my carcass?
Export my soul? I sold it!

IF there's a little part of me left, it might not even need heating-up since your woollen yabby jumper is keeping my worm-eaten body soooo nice and warm!
Oh and I taste really nice with a glass of recycled water- yummmmm. Bon appetite!

Awww Yabby, you don't mind a little fun hey on OLO?

About the dogs tied up and people abusing animals in Australia: fully agreed, it's disgraceful. I'd like to see all those animal abusers being prohibited to ever possess an animal again. There should be some kind of animal abusers black list.
Posted by Celivia, Friday, 15 September 2006 11:33:35 PM
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Yo Yabby

Your the one sounding life an Animal Libber or PETA member now Yabby. We have been very open about the damage done by these extreme lot and you darn well know it.
I have even posted a reply to a Free Range Pork Farmer on the other thread after they wrote to Animal Australian.

I see for the first time after years of nagging they have at last half way down a page said SUPPORT FREE RANGE PORK FARMERS.

Who said pigs dont fly!. Voiceless have been to vist a Free Range Pork Farmers. Its a start and its great. We have a long way to go.
If Brion Shermann has caught on its certainly a step in the right direction.,.
I Do hope he arranges TV advertising to show the public how of pork is treated.

There are very few Free Range Pork Farmers In Australia.

Hopefully Woolworths and Coles will see the light in co joint arrangments with farmers. .

The more letters the public write to Woolworths insisting on Free Range the better.

Not only Pork But Eggs Poultry cattle and all meats.

The Elections are on next year. I hope everybody writes and express their demands to Slaughter in Australia from free Range Farms.

It cant happen overnight because this country and the Government including labour have directed live exports and intensive farming to suite thier partys supporters. But It Can Happen.

What a legancy to leave your kids and grandkids for people like Murdoch and Vanstone.
What a terribly thing to do to those poor little kids when their familys are remembered in history as they will be as some of the people who inflicted for years unbelievable acts of gross cruelty to animals because they got an extra twenty bucks.

Enjoy your money Mr Murdoch because you are a morally poor person.
We pity your family and the familys that will have to live with the smell and blood on their hands for generation after generation.

What a shameful full from fame
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 15 September 2006 11:35:17 PM
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Celivia, life is a great leveller. Wether you are a sheep or
a Celivia, your fate is much the same, you will be recycled.

Who eats your carcass in the end is a moot point, it will be
another species most of the time. Not much you can do about it,
be you Celivia or a sheep.

Wendy, AFAIK Murdoch sold his farm interests some time ago.
You totally miss the point there. A few farming interests are
merely a small investment diversity for those big players.
They would not have a clue as to what is going on on the
farms they used to own. Murdoch got rich and powerful by
learning how to push the emotional buttons of mainstream
America. His tactics worked and he beat the Yanks at their
own game. To think that he even spends a couple of minutes
thinking about what is happening in rural Australia, would
be kidding yourself.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 15 September 2006 11:52:35 PM
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All that is required to stop dogs being tired up is for the authoritys to do their job.

In this case it would be the councils who carry out the bi laws working with State Governments.

Again its a matter of empoying staff to carry out inspections and just cruise around.

Considering again the huge taxes paid to ALL councils by its rate payers I dont think that is too much to ask.

The few powers given and codes are available to be used. Its an act of Parliment which would not be hard at all the be shared amoung police rspca and of course we require the inspectors from the council just like they have child welfare inspectors.

Once Again its all about people power but if every person stopped to think about it they would write their council demanding they enforce basic bi laws.

Write to your local member and ask they put on some animal welfare inspector and the Churches to support the proposal

It would be really easy if the public just actually ALL did so.

What are you going to make out of Yappys wool after he and Cameron are sacrificed?
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 15 September 2006 11:53:58 PM
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He is heavily involved in live exports?

Also the Packers although James was never interested much in that part of his dads biz prefering casinos.

I would like to think it bothered him but who knows/ Then we have the Lercourts and of course the conflicts of interest runs all the way though media ownership from large to small papers.

Why do you think the Animal groups couldnt get the story out about the Ship Stuck in WA about 6 months ago Yappy.?

Considering the reports done just months before by 60 minutes and the public interest it would have been a scoop story.

This how deep the conflict of interest runs. Also Live exports from Australia is USA Bush Driven. Another Good christian. Did you say Murdoch was in America .> hello .

I wonder if you really know what going on. I am sure you think you do in WA Yabby, Not that I agree with that line of reasoning either but on a national and international scale you clearly dont have a clue.

You read reports on live exports and take it thay as gospel.

Now we see all these eat pork adds put out by the pork board because of the raids done by animal lib. We the public pay against our will for those adds?

Remember everybody your! paying for these adds because Amanda didnt
Like being shown up.

The Government underestimates the public.


Perhaps somebody can start a petition asking for her resignation as an example of what the public dont want as a represenative.

I dont think PETA should be bagging Steve Either.

Another example of why we need to stop these extreme groups.

Remember they have a good head start and we yabby are NOT the farmers biggest enermy.

We are however prepared to do whatever it takes to stop live exports and intensive farming and! we will.

Already the extreme lot have rolled over and are now supporting fREE RANGE its a good start, so whos scared of whom.?

PETA your a discrace!
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Saturday, 16 September 2006 12:27:11 AM
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