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Animal Welfare

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Pig Farmer

If I had wanted to betray or upset you I would posted your real name.

I have speaking with a large free Range pig Farmer that is delighted to help form a Free Range Farmers group.

After All thats what we were talking about in the first place. Whatever your problems you have made it clear you dont want to be involved and we respectfully except that.

I explained to you I didnt read the link you put up from animals australia because I didnt have time and we are well aware of their pork stand.

We are arranging the people to sit in the cages for the next campaigns up here to be honest. We work with everyone! for the animals.

I understand how difficult it has been for free range farmer.

You are stepping on toes if you are going to keep trying to defame pale publicly because several of the members are lawyers who give up much valuable time.

If you think you can go on public record and discredit me personally the same applies.

Here is an idea as you know more about pork and free range pigs than I do why dont you just take over the whole free range pork debate Australia wide.?

I will carry on with my live exports and free range beef etc.

I have no intention of responding to your silly comments anymore and suggest you get on with the task at hand and I will do likewise.

I look forward to seeing your success in a year or so when hopefully you have assisted many others to become free range pork farmers.
That would be fantasic,.
best wishes in your fututre efforts and a job well done to obtain your RSPCA free Range accreditation.

Wendy Lewthwaite
people Against Live Exports and Intensive Farming in conjunction RSPCA QLL
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 17 September 2006 9:27:46 PM
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Hello pigfarmer.

My name is Antje Struthmann

It’s a shame that this forum has become off post

Are you not proud to be one of the few Free Range Farmers that are being recognized as animal welfare friendly?
To all concerned Wendy has never harassed any person.
Pale helps anybody who treats their animals with dignity and respect they deserve.
She wanted to help you too, pigfarmer, nothing more nothing less.
When we contacted you by telephone you stated you were quiet happy to have the letter you received up on the forum.

Our duty is to help animals and you continued off post comments are becoming quiet tedious.
We will resume posting about animal welfare and if you cared sincerely about the animals you would do like wise.

We were asked to mind this forum for a couple of weeks for Scout.
I apologize to the other posters for getting off post.
However as CEO and Secretary of Pale I felt I must respond.
If anybody doubts about my authenticity you will find me on our webpage

My mobile telephone number is 0408446576
I am the one with the distinctive German accent as the name would indicate,
so it would be a bid hard to get Wendy and myself mixed up.

By the way Yabby, Pale is not Animal Liberation nor a Vegan or Vegetarian Group, but a Main stream one supporting the 96% of majority who eat meat.

I look forward to getting back on track regarding animal welfare and correspondending with Robert, Ozgirl, Cilivia ,Yabby to whom I must apologize to once again for getting off post.
Posted by AntjeStruthmann, Sunday, 17 September 2006 10:05:42 PM
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Threats on a public forum wendy? How clever.

The self destruct button has been activated.
Posted by pigfarmer, Monday, 18 September 2006 6:12:09 AM
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Wow, this thread seems to have gone pear-shaped in the past week! I've been trawling through some of the posts and I haven't finished yet. (Been away from my computer).
Celivia posted the site of Compassion in World Farming - they are a top organisation based in the UK at and they have a representative in Australia at email
Posted by freeranger, Monday, 18 September 2006 6:58:23 AM
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Free Ranger

Welcome back

Yes WCF has done some great work. Not sure if they are some starting to change their views on opening more abattoirs and supporting Free Range.

What every body has to remember is unless we support Free Range Farmers there is no point in telling the public to insist on Free Range because there simply is not enough supply.

I would encourage everybody to work with several groups. However make sure that they are not behind the scene working to stop abattoirs being built.
This is why we started pale years ago because farmers are important and we need to support the free range ones.

oportunitys to supply more Free Range

1 The people who are moving from city to country.

2 Of course the people overseas wishing to purchase Free Range.

3 For Large Companies such as Woolworths involved.

Again Welcome Back Free Ranger. I would like to perhaps at some stage Free Ranger kick off a talk regarding the RSPCA accreditations for Free Range.
We have had many emails over the last few years from different view points.
Just because we work with a fantasic RSPCA CEO in QLD does not mean we are not happy to discuss this.

Many people have been opposed to the accreditations claiming they have to pay a percentage of their farms to RSPCA.

Others have been straight out outraged claiming this is open to abuse and not in the interest of the animals.

Personally I havent made up my mind.

Please let me know what you think about the matter of these accreditations from RSPCA Free Ranger and others.

Forums get heated at times but I really dont think Yabby would try to get me booted off the OLO. Perhaps I am wrong but I dont think hes that type.
I have replied to the editor about the use of capitals and we will take the advise given to us from head office. Which is to stay on post and ignore personal attacks.
Getting off post is not going to help the animals at all.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 18 September 2006 9:03:02 AM
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I have a lot of catching up to do, but essentially there are concerns about RSPCA endorsement of barn laid egg production systems which involve the beak trimkming or de-beaking of birds. The RSPCA standard for free range also allows the use of de-beaking. It just seems rather incongruous that an animal welfare group would accept royalty payments for sales of a product which involves a practice which many people regard as a serious animal welfare issue.
I understand there are a couple of RSPCA accredited 'free range' farms in SA which have de-beaked birds and there is at least one application being considered in Victoria - not sure about other States.
From consumer surveys it is clear that buyers of free range eggs believe that the eggs they buy are from hens which have not been beak trimmed or de-beaked so any process that allows that to happen is misleading.
There is currently a huge debate in the industry about the definition of free range and it is hoped that a new national definition will be hammered out in the next month of so which will prohibit beak trimming in free range flocks and require full daylight access to vegetated outdoor areas.
The need for beak trimming is an indication of overcrowding and intensive production. It is not necessary on a true free range egg farm.
Posted by freeranger, Monday, 18 September 2006 9:59:09 AM
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