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Animal Welfare

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I take it thats a no on finding free range pork in the supermarket yabby? Can you come up with a farmer in WA at all? .. and lets not harp on about chooks again.

As for shearers - dont forget those that break a sheeps necks or slice thru its jugular simply because it wouldnt stay still. (not laughing out loud) But that doesnt happen in WA - footloose sheep and all. (better management over there apparently)
Posted by pigfarmer, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 10:53:36 PM
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Pigfarmer, marketing freerange meat, compared to factory farmed stuff,
comes down to similar principles, be it chicken or pork
or beef, or whatever. If you don't understand that, marketing is
clearly not your aptitude lol, find somebody over there to advise
you who does, or start simply at a growers market. Meantime hang
on to that classers ticket :)

Yup, WA leads the field (yet once again) in footloose sheep,
without wool at all, so no need for shearers breaking necks,
or pressers on speed, with more strength then brains. If
you have worked in sheds, you know what I mean.

Dorpers, Damaras, various composites, are multiplying here at
rates that would astound you! I notice quite a few Eastern
Staters around, frantically buying genetics here now.

However thanks for doing me a favour in verifying for me
that lots of stuff happens right here in Aus, that we should
not be proud of and that the notion that us Aussies have it
all perfect and all those in the Middle East are evil, is in
fact a myth.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 11:35:44 PM
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Pig farmer has better skills than you not to mention ethics!

Yes Coles HAVE to have chicken Free Range and eggs due to public demand.

Thats is because battery hens have up until now gained more media attention.

PORK FREERANGE is next! Big time so soon Coles and Woolworths will HAVE to have Free Range Pork as WELL.

They have a duty of care to ensure the product they sell is produced through humane conditions.

Thank you! You just gave me another idea of whom to Sue!

Now lets talk Turkey shall we?

Pig Farmer and No farmer should HAVE to be marketing specialists anyway!
We all know the way it works [Worked.] Its going to change.

Farmers pay their fees and the marketing is set up by boards giving the little man no say.

Of course Amandas cruel intensive piggery have been marketed more.

DPI told a farmer to WATCH his methods because he sounded Animal he cared about the animals.

Lets talk MLA Cattle man ass NFF whoever Livecorp.

PORK if you like.! They take the funds and levies and PUSH their own agendas.
My tax money goes to fund live exports even if I dont agree with live exports.
Every single working Australian as well! $650.00 per person per year

Yo 1000'000 Sheep die a WEEK die in Australian paddocks!

All the more reason for us not to breed them isnt it.

Not in proven death areas because of no water and LESS care.

Most of them are bred by WEALTHY people who export like Rupert Murdoch, so dont tell me HE cant afford staff! BAN SHEEP BREEDING IN PROVEN DROUGHT AREA.

Employ staff to run properties properly or get out of the biz.

Australia could work wonders in the Middle East.

Christ Yabby they are not so poor they need the few bucks from the Aussie farmers and public.

Fix our own Animal Welfare FIRST.

Wait until you all get run through court to return the funds to the Australian people you stole and sent off shore.

Pig Farmer would run rings around you. .
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 14 September 2006 12:14:22 AM
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Pig Farmers isnt into sheep you fool.

Your not reasonsible for the new breed of sheep either.

I knew when you rang me you had no idea so thats not what is bothering me.
Whats bothering me is you get on here and talk so much utter crap.

ok Lets! inform the public shall i? about marketing Ah/

Since you want to make out to the forum that pig farmer just couldnt be as clever as the evil corp low lifes that keep pigs cattle in intensive farms.


Pigs! You see them chewing madly at the bars, eyes sticking out of their heads screaming going mad to get free or JUST MOVE.

Yep marketing ladies and gentleman.

They all pay their fees and levies, including YOU ladies and gentleman.

As a matter a fat almost $800.00 per year comes out of YOUR TAX money. its going to suuport that!

Dont want to support cruelty with YOUR taxes? either do I.

Dont want to support LIVE EXPORTS with your! taxes. Either do I

. Dont want to suport Amandas intensive piggery of cruelty either do I.

Of course ! Free Range is not marketed like Amandas or Ruphert Murdochs .

Its called favours for the boys.

Farmers should NOT have to be reasonsible for marketing to that degree.

Well Yabby soon everybody will want free range pork. Oh by the way, you know that PORK add on TV YOUR PAYING FOR IT out of YOUR taxes because they didnt like us showing up the CRUEL intensive pig farms.

Hush Hush They might
hear you. Well the whole of Australia will know the well kept secrets soon i promise.

Even up the use of the Fees paid by all! farmers.

Nothing is being done to promote Free Range Only intensive but WE pay for it.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 14 September 2006 12:32:51 AM
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Yep, that’s a no from yabby on the free range pork question! Sure pigs, chooks, cattle, all the same thing …..whatever. No point discussing a market you know nothing about.

As for sheep, LOTS of thing happen here in oz, but it was you that tried to tell us that sheep had such a footloose life here, whats a few weeks on a boat? Not expecting anyone to call your bluff?

You are right Wendy. We are forced to pay our levies to Australian Pork Limited, yet they openly condemn free range farming on their website. Based on science of course! When you go into a butcher shop and see those glossy posters for ‘New Fashioned Pork’, ‘Get Pork on Your Fork’ etc, they are all supplied by APL. They are constantly in the ear of the butchers, so when they wont support free range farming, indirect or even direct pressure is put on butchers just to ignore these extremeists, weather out the storm, it will all go away eventually and people will forget all about those piggery raids and things will go back to normal. Therefore, the butcher with a conscience or even the good business sense to sell free range, will be left high and dry with no supply. Supposedly.

APL actually say free range is a cruel practice, intensive farming is best for the pigs welfare. Woolworths have based their lack of support for FRP on APL information. Woolies reckon they are looking after the environment by not supporting free range piggeries. What if MLA or Coles came out and said that about cattle feedlots – they were in the best interest of the animals and the environment – there would be an uproar. Not the pig industry, too few players with too much money and influence.

There are not enough free range farmers to supply the market and until there is, there will not be confidence in the supply of the product. Marketing the product is not the problem, converting more farms to free range is the answer. We have to guarantee continuity of supply.
Posted by pigfarmer, Thursday, 14 September 2006 7:38:28 AM
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As Pigfarmer said: "We have to guarantee continuity of supply."

And that's where we, the hoi polloi, can really make a difference. We tell the Supermarkets what we want. Not just once, but every time we go shopping.

Believe me, freerange pork is not only ethical, environmentally sustainable but it simply tastes better and you don't have to worry about ingesting anti-biotics and who knows what other artificial additives.

Freerange is WIN/WIN/WIN. Good for animal well being, good for us and good for the environment.

Intensive farming - affects the health and well being not only of the farmed animals but of ourselves and our children.

Big time corporations only listens when their hip pockets are hurt. They are very vulnerable, because ultimately the consumer chooses.

I will be posting a bit less for the next two weeks as I need time for planning and writing, Antje and Wendy have kindly offered to monitor this thread for me.

Thanks to everyone - even Yabby whose presence reminds us that we must be vigilant and positive.

Posted by Scout, Thursday, 14 September 2006 9:15:09 AM
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