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Animal Welfare

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Yes But We must run some TV adds to educate the public regarding that and Church leaders.
Just like you see the TV adds promting pork etc. Oh buy the way tax payers money pays for that. Guess Amandas piggery was is a embarassment.
There are plenty of people overseas interested in Free Range Farms in Australia and slaughtering here.
I will post you just a few enquires over the last few days Ozgirl , just taking the names off.

1 i would like to know
how i can your partener in my country egypt
i wait your answer
Dear Sir/Madam

2 Thanks For Your Email

We Waiting From You Best FOB Melbourne inclues

The Cartons And Printer Under Our Company

Name And All Document Under Our Company

Name. AQIS Inspect The Meat in Melbourne

If Your Prices Good Trust Me I Get To You LOTS

Of Customer in Middle East/Asia

My Agent in Middle East And Asia

3 Hi Wendy,

Would be interested but need more detail and discussion.

This requires very careful planning.

Subject: Re: Jobs lost in Australia due to livestock export

Hi Wendy,


Where are the farms and how many heads and types of cattle are they?

5 Hi Wendy,

Visited your Web site. Would like to share some thought about job lost in
Australia due to livestock export.

6 Subject - WANTED : Egg

Dear Sir,

Please advise if you still supply fresh egg?

Thank you.

( For Halal Global Australian All Kind Meats)

BUY Inquiry for MEMBER - Halal Global Australian All Kind Meats
Subject - WANTED : Organic Irish Food and Beverages

I am looking for Irish suppliers of organic foods and beverages that include meat & grass feed too (beef, pork, lamb v processed sausage, bacon, filets etc...) Also potatoes and Milk products (yogurt, milk, butter etc..) Basically food that is known to be Irish but organic.



So as you can see Ozgirl the overeas companies like the idea of free range and slaughtering here.

Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 11 September 2006 6:56:50 PM
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Pigfarmer, if your sheep are not footloose, its not hard to change
your management. Perhaps its just us West Australians
way ahead of you Eastern Staters yet again :)

Alchemist, your debate goes in a different direction again, its
a long and philosophical one. Perhaps you could start a thread on
it. Methinks its way over the head of most of those contributing

Wendy, farmers pay about 50 million in levies. They vote on how its
spent, including the govt 1 for 1, mostly on scientific research
and marketing. The live budget is just a few small million, mostly
on helping improve animal welfare practises in the Middle East.
If it gets your knickers out of a twist, we'll just change the accounting procedure. All grower money to help Middle East animals,
scientific research gets a larger Govt contribution. Simple really!

Note that its farmer money helping to change practises in the Middle
East, not so called animal welfare groups, including yours.

If you have all these amazing markets which you claim, they are free to buy direct off farmers, through their Coop, Wammco. All profit
goes to farmer owners, no middle men. Fletcher makes his money
by paying as little as possible, not through record prices.

You clearly have no idea of WA livestock prices Wendy. In a farm
budget the difference is not 20$ either, its $40'000, or the difference between feeding the family or not.

If you are intent on banning feedlots, ok so go ahead in your own
State of Queensland, where most of them are. Leave us West Australians out of it! While feedlots are legal, floating feedlots
are legal too. Vets right now recommend feedlots, to help animals
get through drought conditions. Saves burning off energy, walking around looking for nothing. As with anything, there are good and
bad feedlots, life is not black and white.

One way to get around all you city slickers, the many fees and charges that you impose etc, the unreasonable unions, the greedy
Fletchers et al, is to simply sail the whole lot off shore.
Simple really!
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 11 September 2006 9:10:44 PM
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All Government Money To Go To The Middle East. Wendy is right. The marketing is live export driven mate we all know that
Hey everybody note that large amounts of money from the Government go to middle east. Where do you think the Government money coms from in the first place chum.
Its not your money. Its the tax payers money.@
Your real Pd off because this woman is right onto you lot. Good For her. Shes got my vote. Your noted as on public record to saying wE will just change the accounting. Yeh well we are used to that. I say we because after sitting back mainly just watching I have decided to help.When the public know as Wendy said each and everyone of them are forking out over six hundred a year to the middle east I think you might see a more balanced arrangment through MLA and others.
Its all going to stop. End Of Story. At least half of the public purse will go to marketing for partners for Australian Farmers are building abattoirs. You say the animals are on board two weeks./ Lier. They are onboard for three months going blind from them pissing on each other and the acid .
Lung diseases .
You are the biggest fool I have come across and I have met some.
Time is running out for the cruel livexports
Sorry Scout Celivia Antje ozgirl Robert and everybody else but what a jerk. He goes on here and just posts utter crap and lies in the hope he can confuse everybody.
Fletcher is a good operator who puts bread and butter on the table for many familys.
As Wendy and the others said you make out we cant build some abattoirs and send meat in boxes. Bull its not something thats real hard to do.
Thats a good point Antje. Neither of these two lunatics will use their real names. Doesnt give much credit to your comments does it.
Look at me I dont mind saying who I am. Doesnt matter really its your funeral.
Posted by BennySampson, Monday, 11 September 2006 10:32:53 PM
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My God Benny, 600 thou of your money (plus 20 million others)
for animal welfare in the Middle East! Wow, you think thats
bad. Here we have an alleged animal welfare group, against
spending money on animal welfare. This group never ceases
to amaze me :)

Ok lets put it to a farmer vote, they pay the levies.
4 million times 30$ conservatively speaking thats 120 million
to gain, 600 thou to pay to shut up these nutters, thats
umm 15c a head. Rofl....

Most of the public purse goes on marketing the 88% of sheep
and 92% of cattle that are slaughtered locally already, if you did not know.

Amazing that Cameron Morse boarded a live sheep ship, sailed to
Jordan, where they unloaded the cargo, all in two weeks.
Whew, ping goes the 3 month story, clean out the window!

Last time I remember those clever city slickers running a meatworks
in WA, it was Rob's Jetty, a backward facility, union dominated,
run by the meat commission. Such eminent crooks like Laurie Connel
were on its board. I remember the early 90s, when farmers gave
away truckloads of sheep for free or had to shoot them, such
were the talents of that mob in marketing WA farmers sheep.

Clearly its beyond you lot to come up with a method of putting
sheep in a box, without sending farmers bankrupt in the process.
The evidence is clear for all to see. Right now the sheep price
in WA is no more then fertiliser value, including what your
beloved Fletcher pays.

Clearly its time for more militant farmer action here!
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 11 September 2006 11:47:18 PM
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Yabby,“Methinks its way over the head of most of those contributing here.”

Your right, I decided to contribute to these animal welfare threads, to see the depth of evolved understanding around. Sadly it appears there's none, just more of the same destruction and abuse.

No mention of the extinction of our natives, no mention or care for the habitat natives need to survive. Wendy has hijacked both threads with her god fearing zealousness, but is completely blind to the effects her ideas will have on the planet.

Humane killing, compared to animal killing.

Humans kill for the sake of killing and enslave animals for slaughter. Humans destroy the environment of animals for the sake or breeding placid easily killed animals. Humans kill humans with improving lethal sophistication. Humans in their killing sprees kill everything in site with their massive weaponry. Typical humanity under the auspices of god

Animals who kill for food, ethically select the sick, old and infirm young, they don't enslave or torture (growth hormones, over crowding, no freedom), nor kill for sport or gluttony.

I doubt another thread would change anything but what we see here, either that or no replies what so ever as there appears none who have a clue about the reality of our world. God just blinds them to anything but psychopathic barbarity. Their so stupid, they don't realise there will probably be no market in the ME, considering what gods current messenger G. W. Bush said on the anniversary of 9/11. He said, this is not about terrorism, its about the most defining ideological conflict of the 21st century, and were going to win it no matter what.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, no qualms there, for gods followers, it's kill kill kill.

Headlines promoting Yahweh. 'Don't miss the next exciting barbaric acts against the animal inhabitants of the planet, coming soon to a place near you, delivered by the grace of god.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 8:43:54 AM
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Thanks for your support. Interesting that when a someone like Yabby disagrees with us our sex is somehow relevant. Sounds like desperation to me. Ethical treatment of animals is an issue that concerns everyone, regardless of gender.

Anyway I am about to repeat a post I made on Celivia's thread because I think it is relevant and am finding time running away again.

Here goes:


That is the very best we can do.

No blame.

No recrimination.

Just simply travelling towards our goals.

1. Set up new abbatoirs - within strict guidelines for humane slaughter (sorry alchemist). Lobby your local MP.

2. Phase out live export - this can be achieved working with other countries - not against them - as Wendy is doing with Halal Meats. Again lobby your local MP.

3. Increase demand for freerange produce - tell your local supermarket what YOU want.

4. Eat more vegies - if you are unable to purchase the kind of meat you want, eat more vegetarian meals, better for you anyway. Everytime you are at the check out, leave a note for the manager that you aren't purchasing any meat until you are sure it is freerange and humanely produced.

5. When you go to church (if ANY Christians are still reading this thread) tell your minister about your concern for ALL god's creatures. Tell him what you are doing towards ethical treatment of animals.

6. Keep posting on the animal welfare threads.

7. Get Up is currently conducting a survey to determine issues to hit the pollies with next Fed election. Fill out the survey - its free and will make a difference

8. Tell your friends, family - not only that you love them but you love animals too (in the non-biblical sense).

Thank you

Posted by Scout, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 10:41:16 AM
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