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Animal Welfare

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Stop your lies. Nothing is old footage and you know it. Or perhaps you dont. I repeat, when you called me I was surprised to find you knew little and had small understanding of the live animal Export industry.
As they have said in QLD for a very long time Yabby
"Dont you worry about that"
We have plenty of footage being gathered on a daily basis from all over. There are just so many people gathering footage that we have chosen to get on with the task at hand of finding investors to co join farmers.
You have never said one thing about animal welfare or how to help with it.
What about Amandas piggery? Remember thats just One! plant.
What about battery hens? Ha. Apart from agreeing its cruel[if you do] Do you have anything to say? Any ideas on how to fix it.

Ok Yabby you bred yabbies clearly would work have worked hard to build up your export bussiness because if nothing else your like a dog with a bone, then sold it.
Your bored now that much is clear. You like a child after attention.
One way to get our attention is to help in "some way"
Do you have any intention of doing anything at all to help celiva and Scout improve animal welfare? "Why Not try This"? Just for fun. Why dont you go in and give the Church leaders a tickle for the girls.
I know you can do that very well because I actually read some of your posts on your own forum.
Some of them were actually quite amusing. Why not put your skills to helping the animals. Leave live export out of it if you like. As you say there are many other issues that deserve attention.
Yabby do you intend to help any of the other animals? For Scout and Celiva? or is this just a sauce of amuzment to you while the animals suffer.
A simply yes or no would be appreciated by all I am sure
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 10 September 2006 2:20:10 PM
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Wendy, its all old footage and you know it. But of course
that interferes with your little obsession, so like a true
believer, you ignore it.

The very reason that the live export industry is being so
careful at the moment, is that around every corner there
is yet another nut with a camera and they are aware of that.

Yet in our very own country, stuff is happening with no
cameras, appr. 100'000 sheep a week die and nobody gives
a stuff.

Rest assured that I am doing my bit for animals, but I am
not on OLO to wear my heart of my sleeve or to brag about
what I do, but to discuss rational issues on a rational basis,
they stand or fall on my ability to reason.

I certainly would not want church leaders getting involved
in the politics of animal welfare. The role of the church
is to preach to its flock, not politics. Unless of course
you have no problem with them getting into the politics
of your uterus. Politics is politics after all.

Yes I have opinions about piggeries and battery hens,
but I tend to focus on one issue at a time. Right now
its your obsession with the live trade, which is unrealistic,
as time will show.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 10 September 2006 2:57:51 PM
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Well a great effort by everyone...Wendy has vast experience on this topic and Celivia is very willing to learn all she can..Scout is also very coherent and provides plenty of food for thought..

Yabby has given the girls a run for their money and put forth some valid arguements and he never did tell me how to farm said yabbies...?

Graham Y... has made some very insightful comments and cleared the air from the christian side of the arguement and me ..well i dont pretend to know much about live exports at all..the one thing that has 'spoken' to me is the loss of Steve Irwin and I am going to set up my wildlife shelter...because I believe actions speak loudest,.

The lack of reference to Steve on these 2 threads has been rather puzzling to me as he was the foremost expert on all topics in relation to animal welfare, so I find that a glaring ommission..

There is a thread started by myself in relation to the incidence of abuse by the Government of Indigenous peoples and removal of their human rights.
A disgrace and a shameful situation we should not tolerate..
Posted by OZGIRL, Sunday, 10 September 2006 4:30:54 PM
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Yabby, yep, time can only tell, but it has to be given a chance, doesn’t it, to find that out. You are not in the possession of a crystal ball. You are so passionate about live exports that it is a shame you cannot transfer that passion over to another animal issues, since this arguing against it is getting nowhere. You could be an asset, Yabby, if you let yourself.

Alchemist, I am not reluctant to acknowledge the depth of feelings animals have. If I thought that animals didn’t have feelings I wouldn’t be interested in trying to improve things for animals. I am so aware of that, that in fact, I don’t want to support useless actions of making people feel guilty about eating meat. We cannot tell them what to do. We can only inform them with FACTS about meat and people then can make up their own minds.
My main point is, while I agree with you that consuming animals is not in their best interest, from looking at the history of extreme animal activists groups, I have seen thatvery littlle has improved for animals; the only things that animal activists are doing is to make people feel guilty about eating meat and to try to bully them by insisting that everyone must become vegetarians.

There are several discussion threads going on about Steve Irwin. I’m sure everyone on here liked what he did for the wildlife animals.
I, (and others) do not have much time and certainly not the money available that Steve had, but I try to do what I can fit in.

I am at all not against some groups informing people how bad meat is as long as it is true. Unlike smoking, it is debatable whether free range, chemical free/hormone free meat is bad for people’s health.

Wendy, I don't mind becoming a member of PALE. I'll contact you later this week.
Posted by Celivia, Sunday, 10 September 2006 5:21:55 PM
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"it is a shame you cannot transfer that passion over to another animal issues, since this arguing against it is getting nowhere. You could be an asset, Yabby, if you let yourself."

Celivia, you are jumping to huge conclusions without substance there.

I certainly am passionate about a number of animal welfare issues,
also do something about them, just in a different way then you do.

I've also done well in life because I've learned to be a good judge
of character and am very careful before putting my name to any cause.
In this case I made a judgement call and decided to keep a looong way
away lol, for my own very very good reasons. You make your
decisions as you wish, we are each responsible for our own actions
and pay the price accordingly. I've long ago learned one thing,
sadly people need pain to learn. Enough said.

Ozgirl, I've tried to stay on topic, you could start a thread about
questions regards yabbies, I will answer them for you.

Maximus, thanks for the comment. Yup, lots of knickers in a twist
on this thread mate :)
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 10 September 2006 10:28:36 PM
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I recall readinbg Steve Fielding of Family First said Rodoes were '"entertainment" for "people"
please write him and the AVA asking why they dont recommend banning these cruel activities?

Click below to see how government FORCE live exports!
training was not provided by this Government. This is WHY the HKM project is vital.
Below peta launches another attack on live exports.
While animal liberation extreme groups PETA have differences with main stream groups regarding telling others what to eat we fully support any stand against live exports.

Re pigs held in horror> Animal liberation have our support.
regarding raids on piggerys and other intensive farms Animal liberation have no choice OTHER than just enter.
Roberson is a cruel man determined like others to hide the truth from the public. As they do not give a dam about animal welfare its clear they dont care about disease and peoples welfare either. We all know intensive farming spreads and breds disease. Its not rocket science.
We also agree with the Government that you cant tell others not to eat meat. The Answer IS FREE RANGE AND SLAUGHTER IN OUR OWN COUNTRY>
Even if? A sheep was bring a thousand dollars a head! Its No excuse for Animal Cruelty that Live Exports brings. Its time for the farmers to stop hiding behind the Vaile As well.
We ask everybody reading this forum to join pale help us with the only alternative to live exports.
Without members the animals will continue to suffer.
We are against telling people not to eat meat!
Because it backfires with the public and turns othwise helful people away from animal welfare. This may be ok with those groups whpo just pull at heart strings to raise money to keep themselves in paid jobs. However We are serious about improving life for animals.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 11 September 2006 9:43:06 AM
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