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Animal Welfare

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You need to know many groups work under the extreme rules of NOT supporting Free Fange Farmers

People welcome to join whoever they wish
Protesting about people eating meat is anti productive

Damage done by extreme groups lying around the malls naked with pretend blood on them
It angers Farmers getting them off side, we need them onside.

Makes it easy for the Government discreit ALL animal Welfare people as extreme.

A clear agenda with PETA and groups that work with them.

Rallys are controlled by the leaders.

They keep themselves in paid jobs.

Money wont help if its just going to keep certain people in cushy paid jobs travelling around with expences paid.


There are some great groups for smaller animals such as cats and dogs.

If anybody joins AA Animals Australia or Animal Liberation you are automatically banned from working with our group PALE

Why? >Because we are working direct with Muslim leaders to promote contacts with overseas Muslim buyers of live animals and put them in contact with Australian Farmers to build more abattoirs we are black listed by Animals Australia and AL

Its all very political.
PALE Charges membership $1

Unless we have an alternative to live Exports it will! continue and get stronger.
On Animals Australia cover it reads AA is the peak Animal protection body that represents animal groups thoughout Australia Umm by whose Authority?

Certainly Not The Governments or RSPCA

We are the only group in Australia to be working with RSPCA QLD
RSPCA are the Animal Welfare in this country

People should not be made to feel guilty about eating meat!

However PALE is the only Ban live Export full time office in QLD and in fact Australia.

Its NOT just a fund raiser.

So anybody who can give ten minutes or ten hours time to help us stop live exports and encourage more abattoirs open to slaughter in Australia we ask you to contact us.

Looking for branches and helpers in all other states.

I will pay outgoings.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:09:00 PM
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A few assorted comments.
If you value your own health, get a copy of The Chemical Maze [subtitled Your Guide to Food additives and Cosmetic Ingredients] by Australian author/researcher Bill Statham. ISBN 0 9578535 2 1. Check out some of the ingredients in these shampoos etc and you will find that Bill recommends that you use caution before putting them on your skin. Just because something is sourced from a "natural" plant, this is no guarantee of harmlessness. Think of tobacco, for instance.

Interesting sites and links:
Posted by Rex, Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:38:55 PM
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Natural, unnatural, free range, humanly killed, all feel good fuzzy stuff. Stop enslaving and abusing animals for your gluttony. Animals weren't designed to be fenced in, kept pregnant so you lot can gorge yourselves. Filled with hormones and additives so they grow faster and taste better for you, ground into powder so you can have your skin looking like fried pasties.

But none of you have come up with anything reasonable, as it may harm your economic or food addicted vested interests.

Do you drink your coffee white, eat bread containing dairies. What about the environment for animals, doesn't that matter, what about their mental health,doesn't matter, what about animals rights to be free to lead their lives as they were designed, doesn't matter does it.

If you want to fight for animals, give up the use of their products, otherwise your nothing but a hypocrite. Fight to have more land given back to animals, remove all ferals from the country so natives can get back their land. Doesn't matter does it, just give me a long white and cream bun. Then puff up your feathers and brag about your activist attitude. But this is all you'll do, another white with cheese burger thanks.

Without an ethical stance, its all just an ego trip. Do it yourself first, provide a believable example, not just rhetoric like other brain dead ideologists. But it won't happen, no ones game to take responsibility for themselves.
Posted by The alchemist, Saturday, 9 September 2006 3:08:27 PM
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Celivia, Sorry about the email address not working for the NSW Free Range Egg Producers Association - it's the only email address for them I have on my system and as far as I'm aware they don't have a website. The phone number for them is (02) 4572 3315.
I'm expecting we will have a draft national standard for free range egg production by tomorrow (Sunday). Then it's just a simple matter of getting it accepted as part of the industry regulations!
Posted by freeranger, Saturday, 9 September 2006 3:54:50 PM
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Alchemist, I already raised this suggestion, but apparently its better to be kind to the animals and just keep on eating meat...

Not that I havent come to see the error of my suggestion.. I mean that is going a bit far?
But I could see that if producers and exporters are to be stopped in their tracks and to sit up and take notice they would only respond to an economic motivator, such as boycotting meat and meat products.
Posted by OZGIRL, Saturday, 9 September 2006 4:23:59 PM
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You will never ever stop people eating meat, or drinking milk or eggs etc
What we can insist on is that Live Animal exports are fazed out as quickly as possible
What you can do is insist the abattoirs are re opended or new ones built in Australia
We can insist on animals being allowed to walk around free and not locked in small pens feedlots and intensive farming. There is no money for this here so we need to bring in some funds from overseas to work direct with farmers. We can insist on gas being used to render an animal unconsious intsead of some methods being used. They say they have tried that and failed but I dont think they tired too hard, If they can send men to mars they can improve on that.It would be good if somebody opended a chain of fast foods made of alternative products to compete with Macdonads etc.
Whatever happens there is no way one or two people can arrange all of those things and more alone. They need public and Church and Government support.
At the end of the day every person needs to work united to improve conditions and do as much as possibly.
The live export business is truely horriff and without hestiation I say our Our Greatest shame. The ones who can stop it are the people who are buying the animals alive now.
Its the way we must go and to those people we must try to convince to build plants in Australia to purchase and co own them because the one thing which is very clear is that Australia are not going to do it alone.
I repeat Telling others not to eat meat will only backfire on the very animals we are trying to help. Personally like you I wish! people would stop eating animals TODAY forever. However I am practicle enough to know thats never going to happen.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Saturday, 9 September 2006 6:12:19 PM
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