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Migrants in Australia as well as the Indigenous People have no direct voice in Australian politics.
Foxy, neither do integrity, common sense & working class.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 7:29:55 AM
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Dear Individual,

Well, it's interesting what you've written. Yesterday I surfed the net looking for an overview of "Human Rights" in Australia so that I could contribute on another thread in this Forum.

I was surprised to find that - The Australian Constitution, very much a product of its time, says little about human rights and when adopted in 1901 did not explicitly address questions of discrimination relating to gender, ethnicity, disability or economic circumstances.

In contrast to many countries - for example New Zealand, with the
'Bill of Rights Act 1990' - Australia also does not have a Bill of Rights.

Recurrent proposals for such a Bill or Charter of Rights have gained little support.

The High Court, final interpreter of the Constitution, has traditionally been reluctant to concern itself with human rights issues. However, since the early 1990s it has indicated that it is prepared to develop the common law relating to human rights.

Also Federal and state legislatures have been more active, although
development of anti-discrimination legislation across the individual states has been quite uneven.

Professor George Williams has summarised the arguments for the introduction of a Bill of Rights:

* Australian law does not protect fundamental freedoms.
* A Bill of Rights would give power of action to Australians who are otherwise powerless.
* A Bill of Rights would bring Australia into line with the rest of the world.
* A Bill of Rights would enhance Australian democracy by protecting the rights of minorities.
* A Bill of Rights would put rights above politics and arbitrary government action.
* A Bill of Rights would improve government policy making and administrative decision making.
* A Bill of Rights would serve an important educative function.

The United States incorporated a Bill of Rights into its Constitution in 1789. Ireland in 1937, Canada in 1982, New Zealand in 1990, South Africa in 1996, and the United Kingdom in 1998. This makes Australia alone among like-minded countries not to provide for Human Rights in legislation or the national constitution.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 10:30:08 AM
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Mate...I looked up that Zapatero thing you mentioned. Here is a quote related to it.

<<Never in our lifetime has there been a more desperate need for constructive and committed dialogue, among individuals, among communities, among cultures, among and between nations," Ban said in Madrid at the start of a two-day meeting of the Alliance of Civilizations, a U.N.-backed initiative aimed at encouraging dialogue between the West and Muslim countries.>> (Ban Kee Moon)

To which I respond...."would you seek dialogue with a paedophile about his sexual inclinations"

Our greatest enemy is our own ignorance.

I challenge you Asym.. look at this.

Quran 65:4 'divorcing pre-pubescent children' (who have not YET had their mestrual cycle)

That such marriages CAN be 'consumated' sexually is confirmed by a highly regarded scholar HERE.

SCROLL down to '65:4 as a main heading with some arabic writing.

Then..scroll further to paragraph *13 .. read for a bit till you find THIS:

<<Therefore, making mention of the waiting-period for the girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl in marriage at this age but it is also pemssible for the husband to CONSUMMATE marriage with her. Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Qur'an has held as permissible. >>

IFFF you wish to dialogue with 'that' then be my guest. Hell will freeze over before I do. I reject 'that' with the same vehemence that I would reject a man who interfered with my 12 month old grandaughter.

So... we don't need 'that' kind of migrant..who holds that what the Quran says is 'all totally valid and true and is guidance from Allah'....

Other than that mob.. I heartily support a 'United Australia' type party which crosses racial and political boundaries.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 4:20:42 PM
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Dear Belly few words about me,
I am hard, initiative, open mind, creative. Always I voted ALP for Parliament and Greens for Senate. I do not like the bureaucracy.
I like free thinkers, productive, open, creative minds, initiatives.
If I think something must be done I will do it.
For example in Germany I was one of the 2-3 persons who expelled from the Greek Socialist Party's Student organization the former secretary of Panhellenic Resistant Front, against the Greek junta, from this organization created the Greek Socialist Party.
In Cyprus I was one of the persons who expelled from the Cypriot Socialist Party the communist wing, about 40% of party's officers, MP, etc, their newspaper wrote that I was sent from the Greek Socialist Party to expel them.
In Cyprus I was ordered to leave the country as dangerous for the national interests and when the secretary of the Trade Union and spoke person from the Cypriot Socialist Party closed an appointment in Greek Embassy in Nicosia with the Interior minister, I rejected it without to accept any discussion on my rights, at the end I won.
One time I suggested in the General Secretariat of the Union to take in the court a state organization and it rejected it. I did it as districted secretary of the Union!
When I was studying in Greece, on holidays (about 4 months per year) I was working in Greek merchant navy. When I started this job I found that the conditions was bad and there was not any Union Of the Greek Socialist Party for laborers in the merchant navy because the party was very new. I decided to create one, to give it name and head office address without to ask any one!! I wrote in hand letters and I gave them in Greek seamen etc in various ports overseas. In a Romanian port the communist regime did not permit the ship to leave the port until to find what was my letters.
Political activists are not historian or philosophers but creators of our future.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 5:11:45 PM
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Dear Foxy
Our conditions are not so bad at the moment for the creation of a migrant’s political party, which could create problems and divisions in our society.
Instead of a political party we can create a Center for Migrants to promote:

1. migrant’s rights and benefits
2 the cooperation, understanding and mutual benefits between people with different colour, race, or religious.
3. offer practical assist to migrants and victims from race discrimination, in cooperation with the HREOC or other federal, state agencies and community organizations.
4. useful not only for the migrants but for all Australians.

A center open to all Australians, without racial, religious or political opinion limits,

With full respect to democratic principles and values, with elected bodies in local and national level.

We have already the president, YOU, and we can create it very soon, in few weeks.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 5:56:59 PM
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It wouldnt work.
White anglo-saxon has to maintain what it built.
I dont say that against other races though.
The English came here on God Appointment to claim the land and bring out the Holy Bible. The Word of God replaced the rainbow serpent who was only satan. And thats what happened. To mix buddha with mohammed with all of the other possibilities would spiritually make one huge dark soup and Christianity would suffer the consequences.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 6:13:25 PM
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