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Migrants in Australia as well as the Indigenous People have no direct voice in Australian politics.

As a poster pointed out in another thread on this Forum: -

Is it time with a large migrant population (passed and present) to take definite action to ensure their basic rights, (for themselves, and future generations) by joining forces and creating a political party to represent them?

As the poster in the previous thread pointed out:

"Our future, Our Country, Our Responsibility!"

Any thoughts?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 February 2008 1:22:40 PM
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foxy id liked to say to you that i have included all diffrent nationalities in my writtings on this site i just don't stand up for the whites i stand up for all of us forgotten australians of whom were in these state run institutions as it was not only the aboriginies who were raped abused it was all cultures ,also how come your post got on line today when i posted my disscussion and had to wait 24 hours , anyway i am here to help the forgotten australians to be regonized and to be given a apology to just not the aborinal stolen generation ,as we are all one country nad mr rudd should remember this , as for the lberals i asked john howard to do some for the forgotten australians ,he wiped his hands of it i only hope for australias sake mr rudd does not do the same as we are equal as to what happend to the stolen generation , regards micheal a real victims of the forgotten australians ,
Posted by huffnpuff, Saturday, 2 February 2008 7:43:59 PM
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Any migrant who has got citizenship has every right to take part in politics, should they so want and can even be Prime Minister if they try hard enough. So can any aboriginal, and they do take part in politics, quite powerfully. Their voices certainly get heard more then any migrant, citizen or not.

So what is the problem?

There are many differences in attitudes among migrants, and some like the Serbs and the Croats seem to want to have a good fight now and again. How could they operate in a single migrant political party?

However, as a migrant and whose wife is a migrant from a country other than my own, I will say one thing. I am fed up with the Australian attitude that Australians are too clever to learn from migrants, and with Australian professionals' arrogance in refusing to accept that migrants may have skills and training, in the medical field among others, that are a damn sight better than theirs.
Posted by HenryVIII, Saturday, 2 February 2008 7:50:14 PM
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If you had any idea how much tribal strife their is among authentic indigenous people you would realize how unrealistic your suggestion is. Also could you honestly see the Jews and Arabs being represented by one party. This is not to mention the feeling between black and white Africans and Croats and Serbs and .......
Posted by runner, Saturday, 2 February 2008 8:36:04 PM
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Dear huffnpuff (Michael),

Thanks for your input.

I don't know why I got online today and you had to wait 24 hours.
I normally have to wait as well.

Perhaps it's because of the week-end and they don't have as many new threads over this period as they do during the week. Therefore they are able to process things quicker.

Anyway, I am glad that you were able to get your thread admitted.
I wish you every success with it. Your case and those of the Forgotten Australians deserves to be heard - and acknoweldged in
Parliament. I don't know if you've approached your Member of
Parliament about your case. It might be worth doing.

Dear Henry VIII,

You asked - "So what's the problem?"

I don't know if you're aware how many political parties and organisations there are in Australia - but the list is quite long.
Not all of them are registered. I looked them up on the web and was surprised to see one called ""

I got the idea for this thread from another poster who wanted to form
a political party for migrants to fight for their basic rights. And I
thought "That's interesting." Let's see what other people think
about such a suggestion.

Because I do feel that the political system itself is the best protection of rights in Australia.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 February 2008 8:39:07 PM
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Dear runner,

Those that don't want to unite and form one political party - will as you point out - never do it. Or they will support the current choices available to them.

But you may be surprised to see how many of the various groups might actually unite - in their own interest. There's enough of them now to no longer be small fish in the large political ocean. United - they've got the numbers - and a louder voice.
And as you know - in politics that counts.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 February 2008 8:47:09 PM
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