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Dear Antonios,

What Belly wrote just now to you - think about it.

There is a lust for life in much of this country. Parts of it is covered in red dust and hardened by drought, then made soggy again with too much rain, rendered tough once more by bad times and fluffy as a lamington by good fortune yet again restored.

It's a country of contrasts - and so are its people. It is an uncertain ambivalent land not yet entirely sure of who it is, though bloody certain it isn't returning to where it came from.

If you would only try to understand this country as Belly points out.
See its colour and feel its Australian textures, the harsh sun, wide brown land. If you understand their constraints. Know their weakness and are aware of their strengths, then you'll be more ready to become a part of it all. That would be a good thing to be.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 4 February 2008 2:28:40 PM
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ASymeonakis said


in the Trade Union, Printing Division of South Australia, after 8 years we decided for elections, we gave the candidates' forms and Union bureaucracy forgot to sent them to Australia Electoral Commission.

Oh Come on belly and part of our Aussie culture is our wonderful sense of humour and youve got to addmitt politically thats a total crack up.
- hilarious

Hey ASymeonakis

Perhaps considering your thinking of a new political party you could use an advisor
Maybe next time you could arrange to do a deal with the unions to lodge the papers 'after' the elections ah.[ funny as]

I am not dismissing your complaints in the work place.
This is something Belly may be able to advise on and perhaps there is some real need for a big brother type programe for new workers in Australia. However i cant see any evidence here that would be cause for a whole new party.
Iknow years ago migrants had four months training 8 hour days to learn English- Maybe you could spear head that again.

Well I looking forward to your answering the questions we asked and BTW Welcome to Australian brother The best Country in The World.

I have found actually the Greeks And those from Italy have become very much a part of Aussie main stream with few problems. How is your son doing now? Does he like it here?

Perhaps this was more of a work place issue combined with a laungage skill problem do you think.?

Well look forward to your answers cheers for now
Foxy lovely.
Banjo Yes thats my understanding also but hey who knows in this changing world.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 4 February 2008 4:08:41 PM
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I did not write only for my personal problems but for other persons too and I can write for more persons. There is a study from West Sydney University about the race discrimination in NSW and Victoria , 32% of Aborigines and 35% of non English speaking background think was victims of race discrimination. Also we have the 75% of Australians who recognize that we (Australian)are racists. I read in some web sites that more than 25% of migrants are victims of race discrimination. In my workplace we had big problems in the past but last few years new owners, new management, Trade Union and Human Rights Commission changed the whole environment. We do not have any more bulling and humiliation and all this ugly things we suffered for many years.
About Muslims I have Muslim friends and they are very good persons but I am openly against the sharia law, I started a debate about it in an other forum and I am against the jihad, I wrote an article about it. I signed many petitions for Muslim women rights. Last week I signed Zapatero's statement about the understanding and cooperation between people of deferent civilizations (Muslims - Christians) I am atheist.
When I said Anglo Saxon racists I do not mean, all Anglo Saxon are racists, I do not mean they are more or harder racists. I mean simple in Australia they are the dominant race and the race discrimination caused from them as in Greece from Greeks, in Germany from Germans. I am not only against the Anglo Saxon racists but generally against any racist.
I wrote if we have no other choice . I never could become member of an organization who put racial restrictions. I spoke for an organization sensitive for migrants rights but not only for them or only from migrants. Migrants need alliance and friends.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 4 February 2008 5:20:39 PM
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You ssked how come the Greens did not have at least 10 MP with 7.8% of the votes? You said Quote "If all votes are equal then the Green party had to have more than 10 MPs in the federal parliament (with 7.8% of total votes) but it has not any MP."

I'm not sure if you mean Senators or house of Representaives. In the Senate you need 16.7% of primaries or preferences to be a Senator. As an Electorate Representative you need over 50+% of primaries or preferences to be an Elected Representative.

Are you suggesting we need more than twice as many Politicians so 7.8% of votes will elect a person into Parliament?

Your suggestion that The Greens should have 10 Mp's would require more than 7.8% With six States in Australia electing 36 Senators to gain 10 Senators would mean gaining 28% of all the States votes.

We certainly do not need more Greens Senators who would halt all growth and development in Australia.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 4 February 2008 5:21:04 PM
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About Green Party I wrote if the electoral system was fair then the Greens had to have 7.8% of MPs. The current system violates the principles of democracy= all votes are equal.
For Example:
In Italy Autonomy Liberty Democracy, regionalism (french minority) with 0,1% of the total votes won 1 seat in the parliament.
In Italy South Tyrolean People's Party, christian-dem. (german/ladin minority) with 0,5% of the total votes won 4 seats in the parliament.
In Germany Alliance 90 / The Greens, green with 8,1% of the total votes won 51 seats in the federal parliament
In Greece La.O.S with 3.80 % of the total votes won 10 seats
In Netherlands Livable Netherlands with 1.61% of the total votes won 2 seats
In France The Greens with 0.4% of the total votes won 4 seats.
I mean it is unacceptable, non democratic. The Greens had to have about 9 to 10 MPs
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 4 February 2008 5:36:49 PM
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Why not?
Posted by gianni, Monday, 4 February 2008 5:50:54 PM
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