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It would be a nightmare Foxy, yet in a way it is what we have, sounds silly?
Well a man of Italian roots runs NSW some from parts of Europe well away from England control inner Sydney Branch's of the Liberals.
A party to try to govern for Aboriginals and migrants?
It is trouble beyond belief divisive and we would soon see white Anglo Saxons isolated and would they then be the victims?
We in both sides of politics are already inclusive room exists for all people all thoughts.
I am happy it is so, but just maybe , please let it be so, we one day can be one people not divide ourselves.
Now some, like it or not, from minority's divide them selves from us, with intent!
We can say we would do the same in other country's if we are blind but some do not want to be like us, why then come?
Remember just what the term migrants means, it means people from every nation in the world who have come to Australia, few in reality have been of much trouble.
We must never forget some of our greatest people are of migrant stock, we tend to claim some who achieve but not those who have not done so yet.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 February 2008 5:34:30 AM
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OOOOOO-K.....I'm going to say it A-GAIN....


Now.. in case anyone hasn't noticed, since 9/11 a lot of Americans have embraced Islam. Why? because they took the trouble to look into it after the events of 9/11 actually got their attention enough for them to ask 'hmmm what are these Muslims on about'? UN...fortunately, they appear to have been exposed to the very sugary warm fuzzy 'packaged' Islam promoted by various outlets.

PALESTINIANS got attention by blowing up airliners.. by massacering Israeli Athletes.. hijacking aircraft... and now, we even have people on this forum like Lowenstein... even brother Kieth .. speaking warmly about their 'plight'....

FOXY has underlined the incredible danger of even THINKING about such an idea.. "All migrants form a political party"... shudder....cringe...

FOXYness.. ru speaking about 'recent' migrants or.. 'British' migrants which formed the backbone of the country? .. please clarify this as it is key to the whole discussion.

No matter what the answer.. my 'headline' still stands. How stuuuupid it would be, to have any other view of this countries national destiny, than one of INCLUSIVE blending of all ethnicities including Aboriginal.

We do NOT need any program or political movement which is based on 'us/them' aside from... the "us" who want a blended, homogenous,unified Australia and the 'them' who would seek to impose a particular religion on us. For that mob.. no mercy.. 'go and never come back' and if you were born here.. go anyway.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 3 February 2008 7:37:17 AM
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The whole system is not very helpful for the creation of new political parties. The electoral system (My English is not very good)is not enough democratic. It was very good when it created but we stuck in the 19th century. The Australian electoral system violates the basic democratic principles, If all votes are equal then the Green party had to have more than 10 MPs in the federal parliament (with 7.8% of total votes) but it has not any MP. Compare the democracy in Europe and Australia and you will find that Australia lack of democracy and block the voices for changes. For Example:
In Italy Autonomy Liberty Democracy, regionalism (french minority) with 0,1% of the total votes won 1 seat in the parliament.
In Italy South Tyrolean People's Party, christian-dem. (german/ladin minority) with 0,5% of the total votes won 4 seats in the parliament.
In Germany Alliance 90 / The Greens, green with 8,1% of the total votes won 51 seats in the federal parliament
In Greece La.O.S with 3.80 % of the total votes won 10 seats
In Netherlands Livable Netherlands with 1.61% of the total votes won 2 seats
In France The Greens with 0.4% of the total votes won 4 seats.
In Australia the Greens has no MP!!
It is not only the electoral system unfair the mass media have controlled from few corporations and they have ignored totally migrants rights. Although according to studies a very big part of migrants are victims of race discrimination the mass media avoid to write anything about this bad side of Australian reality.
While at this moment we (migrants) are not ready to form our own political party, for various reasons we do not abandon our rights to form our political organizations to protect our basic rights.
We know that the time works for us (migrants) and we hope Australian Government, political parties etc, will not continue to ignore our basic rights.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 3 February 2008 7:46:45 AM
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foxy, political parties only ensure the rights of their leaders. they're nothing but bandit gangs, intent on getting control of the wealth of the nation to reward their supporters and ensure their continuing power.

the only group that works for all is the group of all: the electorate. giving them control is rule by the majority. the special interests say: "shock, horror!" but rule by a small minority is much worse, if you're not part of the elite.

party rule is divisive by it's nature, the natural inheritor of the norman warlords that created parliament in the first place. it's time to move on to democracy.
Posted by DEMOS, Sunday, 3 February 2008 9:18:39 AM
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Yes DEMOS, let’s empower the electorate.

Yet you seem very cold on my suggestion for one way of significantly improving empowerment of the community and the average person

Would you care to respond to this, on the appropriate thread?
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 3 February 2008 9:55:14 AM
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Good Morning,

I didn't mean to suggest "division" by starting this thread. As Ludwig points out - that would indeed be a nightmare. My aim was to have an interesting discussion - as to the possibilities of the topic.
Reading your posts however - I'm beginning to realize that I was being a bit naive.

It's not an easy task to get a single community to agree within its own ranks - let alone to get different factions to unite. You'd need
very strong leadership within each community - leadership that would be able to unite people towards a common goal... But again, as Belly
confirmed - that's what we already have.

Thanks for all your inputs.

It will be intersting to read further - what other posters have to say.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 February 2008 10:57:28 AM
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