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On the federal election night TV coverage I saw 2 African immigrants supporting a Liberal Party candidate. This is not unremarkable. They should be / and are able to choose to support who they like. Nonetheless I still found it naïve of them to support a party so volatile to refugees etcetera.

But also, what this indicates is that while you and I may be able to see core issues that affect all, it’s much more splintered out in the real world. For example not all share the same access to quality education as others. Some “ethnic” people loathe others.

Yes, combined we can make a change. One need only examine Howard and Bennelong where it changed from 1988 from a Waspish electorate to what it is now.

Instead I think the issues you feel are common in this demographic should be made more publicly prominent. From this, an ability of all to recognise themselves as a block would exist.

This block consciousness does not exist at the moment and to create it would require some hard yakka.

But even achieving this is no gaurentee of influencing voting patterns.
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 4 February 2008 5:57:36 PM
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Thank You for you honest reply and being so forth coming. Well its seems you have now a very good understanding of English and also our politics.

I am reading between the lines here but perhaps you have been a bit hard on yourself. You may feel Aussies are racist but you would be wrong. They stand up if they think people from other places are trying to take over - that is all.
I am sure it would be the same back home where you came from wouldnt it.
The Greens are the only party in Australia that are prepaired to stand up for a law to introduce some sort of justice that isnt motivated for money and that is always a good thing for any country.

In all I think I mis judged you on the other thread and I feel sure your sincere in your thoughts Australians are racist.

To be honest I think we all deep down prefer our own at the end of the day.

Have you many interested and can Aussies join?
What are our thoughts on exporting animals and sending them on ships alive to other countries= do you think they should be killed here and sent chilled or do you feel its ok to send them alive.

Cheers and many thanks
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 4 February 2008 6:10:28 PM
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Am not sure of the electoral systems in the countries mentioned by Antonios, but I think he is referring to a 'Proportional Representational' system whereby a party get a number of seats depending on the number of votes they get. e.g. in a 100 seat house, 10% of the vote would get 10 seats in Parliament.

Perhaps he could well argue that such a system is more democratic than the system we use.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 4 February 2008 7:15:39 PM
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Dear People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming,
I know the Australian standards, I do not think Aussies are racists, only a very small part of them but it is hard to be victim. In many other countries the problem is much bigger. We must improve our relations with Muslims, we can change them if we are friends of them, if we scare them we push them to extremists. If we make them to trust, respect, listen to us we can change them. I understand the deep gap between the two civilizations but I know where we was 100, 200 years before. I am sure the Muslims in West Countries could change very fast if we are not stupid to push them in their ghetto, if we do not push them to the hard core of the Muslims. The real problem is with Muslim countries as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. For me the USA foreign policy is stupid, the invasion of USA joined the various parts of Muslims under the hard liners and gave to them an excuse for all their mistakes and weakness. Taliban system had no chance to stay for long time, very soon they could become one million pieces. The invasion gave to them life, goals, excuses. We can not win religious fundamentalists by guns. Europe had its religious wars sooner or later they could have the same questions and wars. We blocked them with our invasions. Also we must stop supporting Muslim dictators, people hate us when they find that we support their oppressors. Do you remember the USA assist to Indonesia of cause the tsunami? studies show that all Muslim countries was against the USA foreign policy except the Indonesian. Always the food, books, medicines, festivals are more successful from the guns.
The democracy is the best tool to promote people's rights, more democracy, better understanding, faster way to detect and solve social problems, less future problems. Australia is behind in democracy from Europe, this is not good for us, not good for the future of Australia.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 4 February 2008 8:05:02 PM
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Well you have got my vote. You can email us at if you want to discuss things and your serious about your party. This may be of interest to you as its part of our work and goals.

Now I am not saying we will agree on everything because we have to retain Australia as Australia. What i mean by that is I meant what i said on the other thread after ou trip to cairns. I am still furious about not being able to find one Aussie coyboy left or hardely anybody to speak English - Its SO ANNOYING in your "own country"!

That little pet hate aside I agree with you on other matters.


One of the things i think is a big problem is there are no parenting skills advise for Muslims arriving here with familes.

These poor kids are torn between two different worlds so how on earth do they fit in. Many Muslim people try to protect their kids especiailly young teenage boys from going out with the Ausie kids to the pubs clubs booze and girls to protect them - and who can really blame them.

The problem then is these teenage boys dont feel they fit in anywhere.

They are not Ausies like the Aussiekids but they are not living in their own culture either.

Then they get ent to all Islamic Schools so then again they are not learning to mix and they stillo feel they dont fit in.
Thedy grow up thinking they dont fit in and everyone is against them

This makes them torn and angry young men. When they do break out often they get themselves into trouble which is normal for any kid being too restricted.
I am just wondering what parent education classes the Government could put together and if they would listen.

I am against seperate schools because we need everybody to mix and grow together but if we suggested to stop it people would say we are racist because there are many other private schools.

What do you think may assist?
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 4 February 2008 10:12:25 PM
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Con grates AS your English has improved out of sight just from the birth of this thread.
However what has the greens got to do with this new party?
It may be the fact they have people from every country in the world as members.
Just like the other party's,you say your country of birth has racist and then that every country is a bit?
True sad but true, why then single out Australia?
Our system is the one picked by those who gave us federation it is based on the idea a member represents those who elect him.
Use your system if you must but why change?
I think you need to ask why you came here? truly why mate if you are so unhappy?
I would be the first to sit with you at work take you for a beer learn from listening to you, but in truth you too must try to understand us.
Have you heard what we call Englishmen who complain too much?
I one day would like to bring you together with my mate your country man.
30 years ago he jumped ship to stay in Australia,12 years after that he gave himself up and fought to stay.
He worked hard and sent for his wife to be, his grand kids speak two languages and fill the house with noise and joy.
He sells book after book of raffle tickets ,you can not avoid him , he always has a trip to your home land as the prize.
He is a real hero, and a real Aussie, also he is my mate.
open your heart and your eyes bloke if its that bad my mate can run a raffle to help you leave.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 5:47:55 AM
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