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DEfine migrant. Within 10 years?, 20, 50?...
Posted by StG, Sunday, 3 February 2008 11:20:09 AM
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Perhaps it might help the readers of this thread to be told what these basic rights are that you are not getting right now.
For eg Are they to not work on a friday or be given a few hours off with or without pay.
Is it to be able to mary and have more than one wife.
Or is it to be able to obtain a driving licence by having a translater to attend the test to answer the questions in English for you like you have now.( BTW I do not approve of that one)
Is it perhaps being able to carry out Halal Slaughter in your back yards and business as is done overseas.?

Is it basic rights to follow the Koran as law disegarding our
Australian Laws?

Is it the right to change our culture making it as Islamic country.

I am not trying to be rude but as far as I can see the Australia Government have bent over backwards to make migrants feel at home but hey if you have a concern thathasnt been addressed this is a good place to raise it and I encourage you to do so.
So please tell us what you are being denied - right now

BTW I have many Muslim and other friends so speak your mind freely please.
Peace be your
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 3 February 2008 12:32:09 PM
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I am still pondering foxys original question

“Migrants in Australia as well as the Indigenous People have no direct voice in Australian politics.”

When describing “migrants” does Foxy mean migrants who arrived with and since the first fleet or those of a non-English background ?

As far as I understand, if someone had citizenship and is over the age of 18, they have the same right as everyone else, “migrant” or “indigene” to participate in the elective process.

If a migrant has not accepted allegiance to Australia, through applying and qualifying for citizenship, then they do not deserve to participate in the electoral process.

If the electorate do not have a voice in Australian politics, who does?
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 3 February 2008 1:22:01 PM
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Intentions are honourable but from experience this system of liberal democracy does not look kindly on the entities. It was born from a formula of adversarial (two major party) politics.

Get rid of compulsory voting and perhaps direct democracy will have a chance.

Until then all our votes mean nothing beyond the ballot and the campaign issues.

Remember the Democrats?
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 3 February 2008 1:37:37 PM
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Foxy do not worry your thread has bought instant interest and debate, just what the forum exists for.
Antonio's Symeonakis , mate may I say your words offend me? or can I ask you a a few questions?
You quote the Italian system, is it not true it is a bit of a shambles? more governments post ww2 than any one?
How would an Aussie migrant be treated in those country's you quote if he wanted Australian representation in Parliament?
Why do you feel unhappy with the way my country picks who is to run it?
Is it not true you could join a party and one day lead this country?
Like me or not Boaz David has a point, not in thinking the only migrants we have are Muslim, or that all of them are a threat.
But surely he is right in saying we do not need to divide ourselves.
Have two cultures three if you must but one for every ethnic group?
Is that not the end result of your post?
One vote one value holds no fear for me but in truth our country is not doing too bad as it is.
Strangest fact of all we have people from all over the world in local state and federal government already!
I rather think my friend you need to ask why you are unhappy just maybe you ask too much.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 February 2008 3:23:26 PM
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Dear Stg,

You asked me to define migrant - 10years, 20 or 50 back?

Well that's a fair question and one I hadn't really given much thought to. And Col Rouge asked me also - who I meant by migrant?
Again - a fair question.

I suppose I was thinking in terms of people who still regarded themselves as "migrants." They could be of any background and I hadn't really placed a time frame on them.

Now this raises another question in my mind - if they think of themselves as - Italian, Greek, Polish, British, Scottish, Irish -
where does Australian come into the picture?

What is the difference between citizenship and nationality?

Any thoughts?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 February 2008 5:42:42 PM
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