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Always The Victim.

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"Productive" and "abuse" meaning Foxywoxy is not getting her own way; people disagree with her nonsense; and again, she departs in a huff. Let's see if this time she doesn't do a Dame Nellie Melba or a John Farnham and make another comeback, as she usually does.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 January 2024 8:59:17 AM
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Don't let them get under your skin Foxy,

Apparently Hamas is a terrorist organisation.
Palestinians aren't allowed to resist the horrible things done to them.
Israels leaders and members of the IDF openly talk ethnic cleansing, genocide, torture and executions, and have policies that echo these sentiments.

Israel kills 22,000 civilians largely women and kids
(forget those rotting under the rubble)
- And it's NOT a terrorist organisation?

That's because Israel IS 'always the victim'.

Israel is a NAZI terrorist state.

They are also like a whinging 5 year olds.
Some school teacher wears a Palestinian badge for solidarity
And the Israeli Ambassadors and lobbyists are calling the Minister for Education claiming Anti-Semite.

'Anti-Semitic' probably costs the australian government millions of dollars in made up bs.

These people here oppose a ceasefire Foxy, they want the killing to continue.
They don't care about the innocent people caught in this conflict.

Israel will not destroy Hamas.
This is just Israels far right messianic leadership trying to capitalise on all the years talking about how they would get rid of the Palestinians.
If Israel can kill more innocent people and get away with it they will.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 5 January 2024 9:23:47 AM
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You promised to ignore me.

Why are you commenting on me?

Hi AC,

Thank you for your kind words.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2024 9:31:12 AM
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ttbn said "I wonder what the attitude of the Israel/Jewish critics would be if Israel was not Jewish, but secular, populated by democratic Westerners, besieged by Muslims for around 70 years..."
Answer- I like ttbn's mirror gazing/ perspective shifting- it's a good tool in the toolbox.

Armchair Critic said- "Are we allowed to have a racist aparteid state and kick all the people we don't like out?"
Answer- Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White. It's the western countries that are being undemocratically forced to give up their identity year by year being replaced by mainly Chinese and Indian's. If Whites had the same protections as the Israeli Hebrew's we wouldn't be facing anhilation. In the US Hebrew's are one of the demographic groups seizing White power as a proportion of their population. White people need their own territories too. African genetics have pretty much the whole of Africa a huge land area- yet they are proclaimed as marginalized minorities- the five group multiregional theory implies that "Black African's are the most land rich genetic groups" on the planet.

I'm not sure if Israel satisfies the definition of an apartheid or they just make it hard to obtain citizenship. You could argue that Israel was founded based on a racist principle but it gets silly arguing about whether the middle eastern people were prisoners of war in a vanquished nation after WWII. Of course communists and woke want to make certain nations ungovernable according to Frank Kitson in Low Level Insurgency and probably (also Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals). I suppose that Alinsky made the title easy for woke and communists- and they say that Traditionalists are dumb. Traditionalists seem to believe that "just because you attend the academy doesn't mean you aren't dumb"- but selling universities must convince student buyers of their value- increasingly difficult with rise of online/open learning- OTOH universities absorbed the role of one the job training from the previous era apprentice system. The academy should admit that times have moved on and downsize.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 5 January 2024 9:33:06 AM
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Primatology is the "study of human group evolution" and the academy is a "vehicle for implementing individual or cohort human evolution".
Australopithecus (5M- 1st large brained homo sapien)- Home Habilis (2M) - Homo Erectus (1M- first ground based homo sapien)- Neanderthal (100K) - Human (80K) - Modern (10K)
It's interesting that human brain development happened before we were ground based. It implies that human ancestors were transitioning from trees over a long period of time.

It's possible humans left Africa before Homo Erectus- bonobo's seem to have got out of Africa to Indonesia without straight spines.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 5 January 2024 9:35:57 AM
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"Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White."

Interesting, it made me think of 'Jews don't identify as white people, but have contempt for other white people' type discussions
I read this comment on X a few weeks back, I'll have to dig it up but could take me hours to find.
It was from the 1920's I believe, and spoke of a Jew who stated the only way Jews would ever be safe in Europe was if they could control or malign those countries governments and culture.

Might be something to dig into if I can find that tweet as a starting point, given that their fearful, controlling nature has them controlling US Congress and all.

As to my earlier comment, it wasn't a school teacher, it was a Qantas employee who wore a Palestinian flag pin about the size of a finger nail.

You want to know what all this is?
It's actually pretty sad when you realise that here this is all it is:

Take all the bs away - and what's left?

Israel is actively engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide and has been since day one and prior, but it order to carry this out they need to disguise themselves as the victims and outlaw any criticism of this biblical aligned policy and attack any criticisers or those who would defend their lands from theft as being anti-semitic.

That's all it is.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Ethnic Cleansing. Land theft.
And you are not allowed to disparage Israel.

It's fecking sad and pathetic.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 5 January 2024 10:54:48 AM
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