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Always The Victim.

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Thank you for this information Yuyutsu. Absolutely fascinating.

I had always wondered if Jesus has been a rabbi.

Out of curiosity I had checked how many mosques there were in Israel - 400. There are 430 mosques in the whole of Australia. Considering the small size of Israel, Muslims are very well accommodated.

The Palestinians have many times been offered their own state. The first 5 times:

5 times in the past Palestine has rejected offer of a state of its own.

The first time they rejected an offer 80% of the territory!
Posted by WhiteMouse, Friday, 5 January 2024 9:56:05 PM
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I was sent a video allegedly recorded by Palestinian raiders of Oct 7 showing clips of the assault on that day targeting Israelis.
I still recall the film “Africa Adio” from the 1960’s & although the content was horrific, this video is something else. It really should be made compulsory viewing by those teachers who lead school children like in those recent demonstrations supporting Palestine. Any video showing a different angle of atrocities should also be made so these ignorant Australian teachers might possibly wake up to the insanity that is the middle East.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 6 January 2024 8:20:10 AM
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«So the Israelis ran them off and killed them and 'declared it' Israel.
True story.»

Are you saying the Nakba didn't happen?
That Israel didn't drive 750,000 Arabs off their lands in 1947 and 1948, executing people, poisoning wells etc.

I've got footage of the fighters admitting it.
Murdering people, burning them, raping them, putting them in cages.
I may not have put all events into a larger context, but I don't think you can argue those events didn't happen.

The first settlers started arriving in 1917, many fled Russia in the 20's as well as Europe in the 30's and after the war. There was already disharmony in the 20's, Palestinians didn't want the Jews, but they just kept of coming. Israel went all over the middle east looking for people to send back to bolster their population numbers against the Arabs.

The problem with 'a land without a people for a people without a land', was that some other people actually already did live there.

country only on the tiny areas which they purchased as their land, should the native residents refuse their offer to join their new state as equals.

Why would they want to join Israels apartheid state under Israels early terrorist like Irgun and Haganah rules?
Why would they not be offended by that offer when they were promised self determination if they fought against and ousted the Ottomans alongside our ANZACS?
If Indonesians came to Australia stole our territory and then invited me to become a citizen of their new state, how would you expect me to respond to that?
(Cant swear here sorry)

I've got nothing against Indonesians, but my response might be something like
'Why don't you all go and fondle yourselves',
- just as an example.

Do you own your own home Whitemouse?
I'm willing to make you an 80% offer on it.
You can keep the 80% and I'll take the rest.
Sound like a fair deal?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 6 January 2024 9:19:37 AM
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The closest parallel to the Gaza war as to what triggered it is the US led coalition against the Islamic State of 2014-2019. In both cases Sunni's political Islam (ISIS) engaged in wholesale slaughter of non-Arab non-Muslim peoples of the Levant, Kurdish speaking Yazidis (Israel's Jews by Hamas).

The war to destroy ISIS in Mosul covered a greater area than Gaza, but the urban fighting was similar to that in Gaza. The ratio of dead civilians killed for each ISIS member slain.

Similar military campaigns, yet the Western response has been very different. No-one demonstrated for civilians killed by Coalition bombing in the ISIS war. The West understood that the ideology and deeds of ISIS had to be removed, not withstanding the ugliness and tragedy of innocent deaths.

Why that stark contrast? The place of Jews in both Islamic and Western political culture and conversation. Antisemitism.

(Middle East Forum)

Antisemitism has no logic. Is a mental illness - an illogical phobia.
It needs to be treated as such with counseling and medication.
Posted by WhiteMouse, Saturday, 6 January 2024 8:31:20 PM
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Thanks Indyvidual for the information on
Sounds like a summary of Africa... as they say... there are no woke or socialists in a prison.

"So the Israelis ran them off and killed them and 'declared it' Israel.
True story."

Not that the Hebrew's have always been perfect themselves (if you disagree with Hebrew's you are by definition Anti-Semitic)- but Israel was a "solution" that arose due to a different "solution" during the WWII period due to the Hebrew's being a stateless people.

White people's of the world are being disenfranchised from territory greater than many other ethnic groups so that they will themselves soon become stateless and probably extinct. Ironically white nations have done more for protection of ethnicity and stabilization of the world in the last 500 years than most others.

Despite perceived or imagined sleight's of the Hebrew's on our culture we need to be aware that some of the situations of the Hebrew's are similar to our's. But it is hard for the average person who has a low interest in politics to understand the subtleties requiring mental maturity. But as with every situation if we believe that we have been sleighted we need to act in our own enlightened self interest and not cop out on our responsibility to ourselves.

Judea was a particularly difficult province for Rome to govern and after several attempts they finally enslaved and scattered the Judean peoples. If Judea had paid Roman taxes Jerusalem and Masada would be more intact today. Rome felt they needed to civilize the Mediterranean Sea (due to multiple incursions into Europe that continued into the 1300's) and Judea didn't want to do what the Roman's wanted- hence the conflict.

After Middle Eastern Judea was scattered by European's some say Judean's attempted to disrupt Europe from within. Some governments decided to create laws regulating the behavior of Judean Hebrew's within their nation because they saw them as a disruptive influence- aren't government's supposed to govern?
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 7 January 2024 12:50:42 AM
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Rise of universalist principles such as Locke Liberal Democracy redefined (revisionism) localism as evil. The US founded on similar principles some contradictory at some levels. For example the 1. "a government of the people" with 2. "freedom of religion (and ethnicity)". Once you have "freedom of religion" in a sense "you don't have a people"- "you have many peoples". According to the "government of the people" principle you now need many governments for the many peoples. If the religions are very similar it may be possible to cohabitate a territory on the basis of a working relationship.

In a sense the western world has become an experiment to conduct missionary work on an industrial scale educating the world in certain principles- mobilizing the whole population in the project. While there is benefit in missionary work to a point for the commonwealth this universalist globalist project seems to be a sick imitation of healthy society- benefitting no one.

There will always be hierarchies in societies and hierarchies of individuals in organisations and hierarchies of nations- according to principles including value. Pray that we know when to "stand up" and "stand down" but never give up our lives to those that would make us mistrust our own judgement.

Most conflicts have an ethnic component- even ones that don't appear to- forcing many ethnicities together in multiculturalism seems likely to accelerate conflict exponentially. Why would certain people want to destroy the white cultures and create an unstable world.

Communist's seem to use a Taoist philosophy- "do something by doing the opposite" (principle of action through inaction is known as "wu wei". Tao Te Ching). The create peace by good defense (peace by "total war") is a principle known in many political philosophies but not so much about "equality by tyranny", "freedom by slavery (disarming the public, politicizing workplaces/ the academy, etc)", "truth by stopping discussion", and others. How could we let this happen- Orwell wrote "1984" in the 60's?
Interesting tactics apparently also used against white people in the western world under so called "affirmative action".
Taoism adopted by Hippies
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 7 January 2024 12:59:51 AM
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