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The Forum > General Discussion > Always The Victim.

Always The Victim.

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Jews don't see themselves as victims. They are a resilliant group.

Look at the number who have received Nobel Prizes n medicine and the sciences. Compare them with with groups understanding that they number so very little of the world population.

If you have ever had your life saved by medication or a medical procedure, the odds are extremely high that it was developed by a Jew.

Perhaps for the antisemites out there, all medication or procedures should be provided with information as to whether it was a Jew who developed it. Then antisemites can reject it.
Posted by WhiteMouse, Monday, 15 January 2024 10:46:04 PM
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With all due respect - I suggest that you do your
research into the limitations that Israel has always
placed with each and every offer they made in
their negotiations with the Palestinians. Where
rejections were inevitable.

As for the Nobel laureates or any other individual Jewish achievements?
These are not people belonging to any Zionist powerful lobby
with agendas to manipulate their victim status.
They are achievers and individuals. And should be treated
as such. Here, we are criticising Israel's government policies
not individual people - whose achievements speak for themselves.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 9:17:08 AM
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As of 2023 Sixteen Nobel Prize laureates have been
Muslims, more than half of them in the 21st century.
Nine of the 16 laureates have been awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize while 4 have been for science and 3 for

Do you know how many Muslims, doctors, nurses,
and specialists work in
Australia's hospitals - helping save Australian lives?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 9:36:14 AM
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Hi Whitemouse,

If you want to attack me personally that's fine.
Please try to keep the more hostile comments off the main forum if possible.
- Not for my sake but for the sake of the forum itself.

- You can abuse me if you want but don't go too far, as there's a line that tries to uphold a certain level of respect and decency here.
I've probably been pushing the envelope a little too much lately I admit.

So, here I was making an assumption, you might be a member of the local chapter of Christians4Genocide, but it looks like I was wrong.

"When I was in my early teens, I was among the first to witness the immediate aftermath of hand-grenades thrown into an open cinema filled with families and small children, babies."

You can tell me about your experience if you want to.
I'm happy to hear the stories on both sides.

Do you think killing innocent people is a path to peace or more conflict?

I denounce the violence against innocents on both sides, (especially the kids) and I will always support negotiation and compromise over conflict.
Conflict itself is always a failure or absence of diplomacy.

Despite your comments towards me on the main forum...
(I understand it's a heated topic, and obviously you've witnessed some horrible things)

- I welcome you to the forum.
The discussions don't usually get this toxic.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 9:45:14 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
I feel like I've fallen behind in responding to your recent comments on several threads.
I don't want you thinking that I don't care about your comments, or the effort you took to write them.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch up, but I have read them.

"Israel should just leave those cursed territories. Period. Not talk about it with anyone.
Those "Palestinians" will continue to wage war against Israel anyway, with or without an agreement, with or without a state, but once Israel leaves their land, Israel can at least have peace with the rest of the world, including with yourself, I believe."

I agree, If Israel was to negotiate in good faith with the Palestinians (whether Hamas or otherwise) and come to some agreement that both sides could somehow accept (a tall order) then I absolutely assure you that if the Palestinians broke the peace and initiated attacks, I would denounce those attacks in the strongest terms.

Until then, without an agreement regarding borders, and whilst an occupation exists, I have to side with the oppressed over the oppressor.

I know Israel is a small nation, but Hezbollah can already hit everywhere in Israel if it wants to, Iran can also do so with ballistic missiles as well.

You say Palestinians would not keep their word to any deal.
I'm not in any way convinced Israel would either.
- Especially not under Netanyahu, and his hard-right government.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 10:09:16 AM
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Dear Critic,

Thank you for your kind post.

«I agree, If Israel was to negotiate in good faith...»

But how can you "agree" with me on something I never said?

So let me ask you more precisely:

Should Israel withdraw unilaterally, as I suggest and hope, from all the territories it took in 1967, returning to its pre-1967 borders, and should despite that Israel still be attacked afterwards by anyone without provocation, will you then side with Israel?

«I know Israel is a small nation, but Hezbollah can already hit everywhere in Israel if it wants to, Iran can also do so with ballistic missiles as well.»

Which is why Israel must keep its nukes, and hopefully never have to use them. Iran never cared about "Palestinians" - its regime will keep hating Israel forever just because Israel used to be the deposed Shah's best friend.

«I'm not in any way convinced Israel would either.
- Especially not under Netanyahu, and his hard-right government.»

Yes, that grandmaster knocks out everyone in the sport of lying.

Why look at the international arena?
He made a rotation deal with the opposition leader, Benny Gantz:
"I'll be prime-minister for 18 months, then it will be your turn for the next 18",
but once 18 months passed, Netanyahu pulled up a trick from his hat (deliberately failing to pass the annual budget) in order to bring about fresh elections instead.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:21:58 PM
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