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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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I am not supporting Hamas.

I do not support any terrorist organizations,
fundamentalists or extremists., be they Israeli
or Palestinian.

And I am merely trying to separate the myths
from the facts by quoting from reputable sources.

You should try doing the same.

We need to liberate ourselves from genuflecting
towards just one side on this conflict. How about
rambing up responsibility on both sides.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 November 2023 3:41:58 PM
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"Another movement will take the place of Hamas
and it could be even more extreme."

But, keep telling us the Gazans are opposed to Hamas. Yet now you say they'll follow a group even more extreme.

"The gassing of Jews calls outside the Sydney Opera
house came from a tiny minority"

And the calls for Palestine to be established from the river to the sea? Were they also a tiny minority? Do you know that is a call for the destruction of Israel?

"Evidence of the beheading of babies? This has not been
able to be verified."

I linked the evidence. But if you don't see it, it doesn't exist, I guess.

"Benjamin Netanyahu has made it quite clear that Israel
is - "Not a State for ALL of its citizens. Israel is
the nation state of the Jewish people - and only it."

And Israel allowed and supported the establishment of Gaza that was just for Gazans and only them. They even forcibly removed Israeli settlers. And within two years rockets were being fired from Gaza into Israel.

Hamas isn't interested in peace negotiations. Their own charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew. There's no negotiating with that. You think they are reasonable people who can be reasoned with andd bought off. You're very very wrong.

Foxy, I know that you want to forget/ignore this, but the present conflict was caused by Hamas's surprise attack on unarmed Jewish civilians, brutal murders, rapes, burning people alive....and then videoing it and sending the videos back home for the relatives to celebrate over. And now you want Israel to just accept it.

" it's up to world leaders to come forward and say - "Enough!".

And then what? Hamas survives and begins to plan the next attack for you to ignore and rapidly forget.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 November 2023 3:54:28 PM
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Foxy, you face no real threat. The Jewish Rabbi do, read the verses of the Koran,
8:12, "God revealed his will to the messenger, saying 'Ishall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off te very tips of their fingers."

That children were decapitated is highly likely.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 6 November 2023 5:00:02 PM
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Spectator Australia for the 4th November has an editorial titled 'Go to war but don't kill anyone", dealing with the the attitude of "handwringing" leaders of the Western world with their "tut-tutting" and sanctimonious approach to Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself but, as Albanese says, "Every life matters".

The "bellowing" Left didn’t say that about the murder of 1,400 Jews by Hamas that started the conflict. A "cowardly silence" prevailed.

Israel is always held, by the Left, to higher standards than everyone else. The Australian idiot of a Foreign Minister has several times called for "restraint" from Israel, but not the barbaric Hamas baby-killers. The hypocrisy of that woman is sickening. She was lauded on the social media account of the "Hamas-supporting Quds News Network". How proud she must be!
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 November 2023 5:00:27 PM
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I actually agree with Foxy that Hamas are not anti-Semites:

They don't particularly hate Jews,
They just hate anyone who has 2 or 4 legs.

ISIS at least tested their victims before executing them, so if they were able to recite a verse from the Quran, then they were off the hook.
The women they captured too, if they were willing to convert to Islam, then they were married off to one of them, but not killed.

But Hamas asked no questions - they murdered many Israeli Muslims too, they murdered many Thai workers who are Buddhists, they also killed cats and dogs, then they burned the houses of their dead victims, which ISIS did not. They even murdered 100's of their own "Palestinians" who attempted to flee the bombings, and killed 1000's more of them with failed rockets. Earlier, when they just got into power, they threw many good Muslims off the roofs of tall buildings.

No, they are not anti-Semites, that was a wrong diagnostic.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 6 November 2023 5:28:40 PM
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How a ceasefire works....

Bernie Sanders has been supporting the wrong side since he started touting for the USSR back in the 1980's. But even he can see the truth about Hamas...

Sanders was asked.."Do you support a ceasefire and if not, why not?".

His response..." "I don't know how you can have a permanent ceasefire with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel."

"And I think what the Arab countries in the region understand is that Hamas has got to go,"

When you're to the left of Bernie, you really are in the realms of extremism.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 7 November 2023 6:05:03 AM
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