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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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The left and the right are both as bad as each other.
Mash potato brains.

Lets go back 2 years, remember all the endless BLM crap that went on for a year or so.
The left were screaming 'Black lives matter' here, there and everywhere.
If anyone on the right tried to counter that argument with 'All lives matter' then the left would immediately call them 'racist'.

Well now the 'stupid right' are doing the same thing as the 'stupid left'...

Now the collective right are screaming 'Jewish lives matter!'
- And the progressives are screaming 'No, all lives matter - look what you have done'.
- And the collective right are like 'You're all anti-Semites!'

Can anyone else see the irony, or is it just me?

... And I'm sitting here on the sidelines thinking to myself
- 'You're all a bunch of hypocrites and deep down none of you actually stand for anything, 'all lives matter' the same now and it was 2 years ago'.

I wonder if any of you can see how I see things
- that you all seem pretty stupid to me right now.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 November 2023 1:22:16 AM
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Dear Josephus,

«Foxy they are not a race called Palestinians, they are Arabs, like the surrounding nations and the area Palestine was given the Name by the Romans. They are not a separate race of people; they are related to the nations around them.»

Modern science shows clearly that the majority of the so-called "Palestinians" are not Arabs, but ethnic Jews/Judeans who always remained on their land, who are at least as Judaic, if not even more, than their Jewish brothers who went into exile and returned to Israel from Europe.

The Romans invented that name, "Palestine", as an insult for the sole purpose of humiliating the rebelling Jews they defeated. Anyone who understands this and still uses that name, shows ill will which is commonly named, Anti-Semitism.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 6 November 2023 8:00:10 AM
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Don't blame me for the facts I provide in
my discussions.

I am merely quoting the research from
encyclopedias and historians. Including
Israeli historians, Israeli newspapers,
and Israeli journalists and authors.

Blame them if you think - they know less than you.

As for anti-Semitism? "

Please leave that old
chestnut out of our conversation. Stating
facts is not being anti-anything,
especially not antiSemitic.

Palestinians are also Semites.

Ive fully explained things on this discussion. I've provided
links. What you choose to believe is up to you.

Many Jews do not live in Israel and are in favour of a
Palestinian State alongside Israel. Not every inhabitant
of Israel is Jewish and not all Jewish Israelis want to
conquer more and more Palestinian land.

Silencing pro Palestinian facts is not a particular
effective way to fight rising antisemitism. It undermines
the moral basis of the conflict. It leaves Israel free
to entrench its own version of a one-state which denies
millions of Palestinians basic right.

Antisemitism as I have posted many times - is not wrong
because it is wrong to denigrate and dehumanize Jews.

It is wrong to denigrate and dehumanize anyone.

Which makes ultimately that any efforts to fight
antisemitism that contributes to the denigration
dehumanization of Palestinians is no fight against
antisemitism at all.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 November 2023 9:54:08 AM
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Dear Foxy,

I only mentioned anti-Semitism in the context of the use of the name 'Palestine'.

Those who use this name ignorantly without knowing and understanding its source, are not anti-Semitic.
Yet once you know the origin and meaning of that word, you should refrain from using it, similar to how we commonly refrain from using the profane word 'Nîgger', and any further use of that word despite knowing, is an indicator for anti-Semitism.

As for the facts, many encyclopaedias are not up to date with the latest research, which shows that the so-called "Palestinians" are not only Semitic (that goes without saying) - they are Jews!

Being Jews themselves, by using that filthy name, they also denigrate and dehumanise themselves.

If these native Jews which never left Israel in the first place, respect both themselves and their newly-returned brothers, if they want to demonstrate goodwill and reliability, build trust and live in peace sharing the land, then they should cease calling themselves such bad names.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 6 November 2023 10:30:46 AM
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Jews don't qualify as a race.

Jews include individuals of enormously diverse
origins and physical appearance, making the idea
that Jews could easily be designated a race

Centuries of dispersion among other racial and
ethnic groups have broadened the Jewish gene pool
to an extent that it is impossible to identify
a common set of genetic markers that biologically
distinguish Jews from others.

Even as far back as biblical times, Jews have
possessed and passed on, genetic markers that came
from outside the community.

There's more at the following:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 November 2023 10:32:50 AM
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Theologian, Mark Powell, writes that "Hamas is not the greatest threat to the nation of Israel, but all devout followers of Islam."

This is clear from the disgraceful demonstrations by Muslims living in the West, which has "also exposed the growing ideological divide ... in Australia."

Good old "successful" multiculturalism, with "success" pertaining to it's ripping apart of the population, as it was intended to do.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 November 2023 10:34:18 AM
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