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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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"I showed you the actual photos. Just declaring that it isn't true because you don't want it to be true, isn't a winning strategy if you want to get to the truth. But we all know that isn't your aim, is it."

If off memory you showed me a picture of destroyed ambulances at Al-Shaifa hospital, please understand Israel admitted to the strike there, and there were actually 3 strikes on ambulance convoys at the same time, one of which was on Rasheed street, which was the footage of bodies all over the road.

"Meanwhile Hamas themselves are saying it was them and that provoking Israel to war was their plan...."
- Well any attack would've would've automatically lead to reprisal attacks on civilians, anticipating this would've been obvious.
But I think they knew how Israel would react and set out to get the reaction they have gotten, knowing the world would be appalled by what they see.

I'd argue that Hamas carefully looked at things, specifically Israels weaknesses and as it turns out they found a way for the Netanyahu government to get bitten by it's own sting.

Israel will lose a lot more conscripts going into Gaza, than what they lost on Oct 7, (which will cause outrage itself) but for now it's the outrage of hostages families which will cause them to go in.

Israel has been acting tough and ruthless
- But it's this attitude which will bring them down

Don't forget we saw them kill a few hundred Palestinians just a few years back just for approaching the border fence.

Israel will never live this down in the eyes of the world.
They're genocidal child murderers, and saying 'Jew-Haters' and 'anti-semite' probably won't be as effective a way to stifle criticism anymore.
Jews are refused service in shops in Melbourne, though I'm sure the government will quickly put an end to that discrimination.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 November 2023 8:49:41 AM
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AC : "If off memory you showed me a picture of destroyed ambulances at Al-Shaifa hospital,"

Are you hopelessly confused or pretending to be confused to just try to hide lies?

Let me recap....You showed a clip of someone riding a bike along a Gazan street filled with bodies, and, you claimed, as is your wont, that they were all killed by the joos. I then showed you (1) that the Arabic commentary over the clip was saying it wasn't done by Israel and (2) other comment said they were shot by Hamas snippers because Hamas doesn't want its human shields to get away. Nothing to do with a ambulance incident. I never disputed Israel took out the ambulance although they did it because it contained Hamas soldiers in contravention of international rules which of course, in your mind, don't apply to Hamas.

As to the photos, I was pointing out that they put a lie to your claims about Israeli propaganda. Which, as usual, went over your head.

Now we find AC holding two completely contradictory views at the same time and pretending both are true. (1)Oh the massacre wasn't done by Hamas; it was done by the evil joos.(2) Of course the massacre was done by Hamas and wasn't that clever of them to force Israel's response.

You can't make this up.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 November 2023 9:10:41 AM
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Hi mhaze,
Why the hell do you go on and on about things?
'Wait that argument we had weeks ago, I'm not finished yet'
- [rolls eyes]

"I then showed you (1) that the Arabic commentary over the clip was saying it wasn't done by Israel and (2) other comment said they were shot by Hamas snippers because Hamas doesn't want its human shields to get away. Nothing to do with a ambulance incident. I never disputed Israel took out the ambulance although they did it because it contained Hamas soldiers in contravention of international rules which of course, in your mind, don't apply to Hamas."

It seems more like you're the one with cognitive dissonance trying to hold 2 conflicting positions at the same time, not me...
So your argument comes down to some 'other comment'?
That's all you've got?

Read the facts

Israel was actively targeting ambulances on the basis they believed they were being used to transport weapons and members of Hamas.
Those people weren't laying all over the road from snipers, and civilians weren't shot by Hamas.
(Hamas: "Let's waste our limited ammo on our own people - we don't need it for Israels expected ground offensive, 2 down 2 million to go... Team Israel Yay!" - don't talk rot, at least make it believeable)

They were all over the road as occupants of a moving vehicle that was targeted by Israel,
- who admitted they were targeting ambulances in that location and at that time.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 November 2023 9:48:05 AM
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At the end of the day all wars are a consequence of a failure in diplomacy.
'Put yourself in your adversaries shoes'.

If you don't like wars or needless killing of the civilian population, then support diplomacy instead.
You can't bark about civilian casualties in Ukraine and then turn a blind eye to it in Israel.
- You just look completely biased, not to mention stupid.

Both wars US - Ukraine / Russia and US - Israel / Palestine are a result of the failure to recognise each other parties interests, (to dictate to the other side) and a failure (or US / Ukrainian / Israeli policies) to NOT negotiate and NOT resolve the disagreements.

That made war inevitable;
- And close to 2 million dead and wounded are the current result of it
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 November 2023 10:13:24 AM
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Dear Critic,

On further investigation, Liel Weinstein was killed in the rave party rather than in her nearby barracks. She must have been allowed a few hours leave that night and it would be unlikely that she danced in uniform (at a peace party).

As well as conscripted cooks, Israel's army also employs civilians in its kitchens, usually the senior chefs while junior soldiers like Liel spent more time peeling onions.

Now I do find your logic wanting, according to which a 19 year old conscript, whose only "crime" was to turn 18 in relative health, for which she was sent for two years of peeling onions without being asked, is more responsible for why the "Palestinians remain stateless and subjugated" than her 40 year old boss, the chef, who has taken the job voluntarily, for pay - just because she wears uniform and he doesn't...

In reality, the reason they remain stateless is that they just never wanted a state of their own. Also those who are subjugated are subjugated by their own corrupt leadership, not by Israel. How could "subjugated" people ever be able to dig all these tunnels and acquire all those weapons?

«Think of Jews in a concentration camp.»

They were not taken and held there because they attacked Germans.
They had no measure of autonomy.
They were not allowed to leave even when other countries were happy to take them.

«I can't think of any situation where I'd have to harm other peoples kids on the scale Israel is doing to protect my own.»

Can you think of yourself in Israel's situation?

They just found a missile-production factory next to children's bedroom:

«And personally if Hamas were as bad as suggested, then I would expect them to start shooting hostages with every bomb dropped.»

So do you think they just love the hostages, or do they rather love themselves and want to keep some of their cards for later?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 10 November 2023 2:43:18 PM
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"You can't bark about civilian casualties in Ukraine and then turn a blind eye to it in Israel.
- You just look completely biased, not to mention stupid."

I don't "bark about civilian casualties in Ukraine". Another lie? I'll add it to the list.

"You just look completely biased"

You're confusing my views with yours.

"Both wars....are a result of the failure to recognise each other parties interests"

Almost all wars are. But in these cases the wars are about one party defending itself against aggression from the other. I'll leave you to ponder which is which.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 November 2023 2:52:18 PM
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