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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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AC raves "You seem to take this position 'If my enemy said it, it must be a lie'."

I showed you the actual photos. Just declaring that it isn't true because you don't want it to be true, isn't a winning strategy if you want to get to the truth. But we all know that isn't your aim, is it.

AC lied: "Even when Israel themselves admitted to targeting the ambulances, you were still trying to say Hamas did it,"

Well that's simply untrue. More made up assertions. I never made any such claims. I'll just add it to the list of things you assert which are just straight out fabrications, shall I? I'd ask for a retraction, but this is AC and such an honourable course is not in his DNA.

Let's try and make it simple for you AC. You won't understand but I can but try. Thousands of Gazans have already died. Thousands more will die. They are dying because Hamas is using them as human shields. Hospitals are being targeted because Hamas uses them as bases for its activities. I know you don't want that to be true, but alas it is.

Hamas has spent almost 2 decades trying to kill Israelis and destroy their state. When it was just rockets and the odd bloke looking to get early access to his 72 virgins, that was barely acceptable. But on 7/10 they massively overstepped the mark. Israel has decided that Hamas will be destroyed. That, despite best efforts, means Hamas's human shields are in the firing line. But Hamas must be destroyed.

Israel advised non-combatant Gazans to leave Gaza city to avoid the bloodshed. Many did and we were told that those that didn't, couldn't. Yet yesterday, as Israel closed in tens of thousands more, those who we were told couldn't leave, left.

Its war. People die. People especially die when one side wants to hide behind them
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 November 2023 7:01:43 AM
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The Koran Agenda.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 9 November 2023 9:39:31 AM
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Sadly, mostly, Australia and the apathetic Australians living in it, believe that the mainstream media tells "truth". Post 9/11, Madrid Bombing & London Bombings there has been less and less "news" available, but more so propaganda from governments world wide by media in all its forms.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 9 November 2023 1:55:29 PM
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AC has fallen for a lot of gumph in his time but this takes the cake..."

"the piece specifically points to how it was not Hamas necessarily behind them [the 7/10 massacres].Instead, it was Israeli forces themselves."

Meanwhile Hamas themselves are saying it was them and that provoking Israel to war was their plan....

Who to believe? Hamas or AC's anonymous fantasies?

Some of the stuff he chose to believe about the war on the Eurasian steppes was pretty funny, but this is order of magnitude more moronic.

Oh if he needs more evidence, here's the photos....
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 November 2023 3:01:55 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
"19 year old corporal Liel Weinstein, formerly a celebrity in Israel's kids TV show, was conscripted and served as a cook in an Israeli military base close to Gaza.

Her only weapon was the kitchen ladle: according to your system of thought, since she was in uniform, was she "fair game" when murdered on October 7th?"

Well I don't know the details of her death, if Hamas attacked a military barracks, they probably would've shot everything that moved.
She may have defended her fellow soldiers, come at Hamas with a knife or a weapon, I don't know.

But in any case yes, not just Liel Weinstein, but any member wearing an IDF uniform is 'fair game' so long as the Palestinians remain stateless and subjugated.

Think of Jews in a concentration camp.
Do they have a right to fight back against their captors? Yes.

"You too, I believe, can you honestly claim that if you, God forbid, had to defend and save your own children and the only way of doing so was by killing the children of those who try to kill yours and who were used by them as human shields, then you would have refrained from doing the same?"

I would do what I have to do to protect my kid, as any decent parent would.
I think however there's a difference between that (what I said above) and what Israel is doing.
I can't think of any situation where I'd have to harm other peoples kids on the scale Israel is doing to protect my own.
And personally if Hamas were as bad as suggested, then I would expect them to start shooting hostages with every bomb dropped.
Dropping all those bombs doesn't seem like a good way to get them back in one piece.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 November 2023 7:46:12 AM
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Just to follow on Yuyutsu,

What if it wasn't just Liel Weinstein killed in an IDF barracks, but her whole family home was bombed just because she was in the IDF
That is probably closer to what Israel is doing.

Hi Fester
"Okay AC. So all those murdered Israelis, including many women and children, were off duty Israeli soldiers, and all those Gazan people killed just happened to be living atop terrorist tunnels and bunkers? Maybe the Gazans killed were off duty terrorists? The head of Hamas has stated that civilian deaths are part of the plan, so it makes sense that they use their own as human shields."

- I never said ALL were 'active soldiers', I said 'just over half'
If this info is accurate, then I'd say maybe 55% IDF (maybe 750) and 45% being civilian casualties (maybe 650).

Of those 650 - if you asked me how many were killed by Hamas and how many were killed by the IDF, I really wouldn't like to speculate, but I'm sure there is footage of Hamas firing on non-combatants but it may be that IDF also killed a significant number of them.

This article gives an idea of things.
October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

I know there are a lot of burned out cars near the location of the music festival, maybe many people were trying to escape.
How many of those cars had people in them I don't know.

Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival.

- The truth never comes out straight away.
What we got here just as in Ukraine is a media script.
It takes a while for stories to filter through to expose the narrative, and by that time most of the people have made up their minds about the issue and have gone on with their lives.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 November 2023 8:23:22 AM
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