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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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Oh dear, AC is becoming increasingly deranged as the rubbish he spouts becomes increasingly untenable....

"I'm pretty ceratin they didn't blow themselves up...."

AC, I was specifically talking about the link YOU provided showing (your words) "Tens of dead bodies including children and women are strewn across the coastal road “Rasheed Street” after the Israeli military slaughtered them. These are families who were fleeing to south Gaza."

I pointed out that in fact these people were shot by Hamas gunmen trying to stop their human shields from escaping. So what does AC do? Throws a tantrum and then goes off on some rant which doesn't in the least address the points I made. He WANTS to believe these people were victims of Israel and the facts, as usual, don't concern him.

Then I invited AC to back up his claim that I'd said the land "unpopulated prior to 1948"." So does he even attempt to support his assertions. Nup. Just another tantrum where he attempts (unsuccessfully as usual) to say that pointing out there's never been a state called Palestine is the same as saying the land was unpopulated. So either he's a deflecting or is functionally illiterate. Tough choice.

Then, wonder of wonders, he asks "What is an anti-semite anyway?" Well the term has been in use for centuries but hopefully AC will catch up. Its someone who reflectively blames the Joos. Its someone who sees Jewish mothers and children barbarically slaughtered and blames them for it. Or young women raped and burned alive and averts their gaze. Someone who supports those calling for Palestine from the "river to the sea" or seeks excuses for those demanding to "gas the Jews".

Then in a statement that is both hilarious and utterly lacking in self-awareness he declares..."you all seem pretty stupid to me right now."
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 November 2023 10:46:37 AM
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As at November 2, attacks on Jews in Germany had increased by 240%; in America by 400%, and in London alone, 1,353%.

Anti-Semitism is not just confined to Muslims; it is rife among Western Leftists, particularly in Generation Z.

All the ingredients for another Holocaust are in place.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 November 2023 10:51:14 AM
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According to Yuyutsu: "Modern science shows clearly that the majority of the so-called "Palestinians" are not Arabs, but ethnic Jews/Judeans who always remained on their land, who are at least as Judaic, if not even more, than their Jewish brothers who went into exile and returned to Israel from Europe."

That's just not true. But show us this "modern science".

"Please leave that old chestnut [antisemitism] out of our conversation."


Antisemitism is real. When you have people calling for the the gassing of the Jews. When you have people calling for the Palestine from the river to the sea ie the destruction of Israel. When you have people celebrating the deaths of 1400+ Jews. When you have people reflectively believing every claim from the so-called Palestinians but pooh-poohing every claim from Israel, even in the face of disputing facts. When you have demands for a ceasefire but no demands for the return of hostages that include children.

Then, yes, antisemitism is real.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 November 2023 11:02:18 AM
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I did not say that antisemitism was not real.

The point that I was making was that it should not be
used as an excuse to allow Israel to entrench its
own version of a one-state which denies millions of
Palestinians basic rights.

There's over 2 million people who live in Gaza, over
half of whom are children. And humanitarian corridors
must be established immediately. The siege must end.
And power must be restored immediately so hospitals
can be more than graveyards.

Taking sides does not help anyone in this dire

A ceasefire must be called for and hostages returned.

But I can't see it happening anytime soon.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 November 2023 11:18:42 AM
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Be careful what propaganda you fall for.

"A ceasefire must be called for and hostages returned."

The Israelis have said no ceasefire will be considered until all hostages are returned.

A ceasefire achieves nothing in the long run. Sure the immediate death toll stops, but Hamas' leadership have already said that they will continue to launch attacks like 7/10 until Israel is destroyed. So Israel calling off the invasion simply allows for a time when more Israeli women and children will be butchered.

Israel has decided that the only way to resolve the Hamas issue is to destroy Hamas or at least so degrade its ability to injure that it can't threaten Jews for a long time to come.

They are now systematically clearing out the tunnels that are so integral to Hamas' efforts to wipe out Israel. And they are systematically picking off the Hamas leadership.

A ceasefire stops all the killing, but only for a time. Its not a long term solution because it will not force the Gazan leadership to negotiate in good faith. The solution is to remove the current leadership and replace it with either Fatah or some other more moderate group that is prepared to live in peace with the Jewish state. But that requires the ruthless removal of Hamas which means death to those who Hamas uses as human shields.

The thinking that a ceasefire solves anything is naive in the extreme and lacks any historic understanding.

You keep telling us that the vast majority of Gazans don't support Hamas and are therefore innocent bystanders. I think that's also extremely naive but if that's true, the removal of Hamas will allow the Gazans a chance to install a more moderate regime that has the welfare of the people at heart rather than using the people to further a messianic mission of killing all Jews.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 November 2023 11:49:13 AM
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Australian Muslim preacher preaches jihad on Australia.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 6 November 2023 12:26:11 PM
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