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The Forum > General Discussion > There Is An Epidemic Of Gun Crime In Australia

There Is An Epidemic Of Gun Crime In Australia

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Maybe, maybe not.
Armchair Critic,
How much more evidence of the failings of the social engineered "Don't slap" do people need before they see what's happening. It IS THE cause of all the dysfunction in society now !
"Experts" with no life experience interfering by thinking they can legislate natural instinct ?
Isn't it time these Uni mutts are told to study something that can make them be of use to society instead of being the problem-causing burden where there wouldn't be a problem if they let parents do what is natural ! Even animals discipline their young !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 28 December 2022 7:18:00 PM
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Wrong Issy,

In NSW Greens, under Firearms, it states as principle and belief.

"7. That personal protection should never be regarded as a genuine reason for owning, possessing or using a firearm."

That is personal protection (self defence) is NOT a genuine reason to apply for, and be granted a gun licence and therefore being the sole objective of owning that gun. If you have a gun in your possession, for a genuine reason, such as farming, and your are in the unfortunate position of justifiably using that gun in self defence, so be it, unfortunate as it is. your line is what we call Dodge City law.

You are lying when you say Greens policy states; "that guns should never be used for self defence."

Some years back I actually brought that up with now Senator David Shoebridge, He categorically denied what you're saying is Greens policy.

Why does the Shooters and Hooters (NSW) Party go to lengths in their preamble to say; "We do not support “American style gun laws” in NSW." Then they go on to do exactly that, advocate for American style gun laws. Including this a few paragraphs later;

"Establish family and home protection as a genuine reason to own and use a firearm and continue to support measures increasing a person’s right to self-defence."

That is simply a call for the wholesale arming of the population American style. If you want the same gun laws in NSW as the good ole' boys enjoy in Alabama, just come out and say so
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 December 2022 7:45:20 PM
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There are bits and pieces in Shooters and Hooters Party 'Firearm Arm' policy I can agree with, but essentially its aim is to push more guns into the community with less regulation and oversight, its all aimed at protecting the "rights", fun and enjoyment of you hard core gunnies. In fact there's nothing in it that wouldn't allow for 97% of the population being able to carry a concealed gun, and/or having a loaded gun lying around the house, in my opinion. Greens policy I can support all 32 points.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 December 2022 8:00:49 PM
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Not withstanding the issue of an unarmed public that would not have the means to overthrow a tyrannical government...

Does forfeiting the right to self defense and thus removing one's ability to defend against intruders outweigh the issue of having an armed public, and all the needless deaths that can come from this?

Keep in mind

A/ If that couple had been armed, the woman in question mite still be alive, and the intruders themselves might have had justice metered out upon them instead.

An armed public might reduce the amount of kids doing these things.


B/ More guns on the street might have meant the intruders themselves may have been armed and both the male and female stabbing victims might've been shot instead.

As well as the fact that more kids might have more guns accessible to them and thus more events like this.

I for one am glad there are less guns on the street rather than more, but I hope that I'm never in a situation where my life is at a greater risk if I'm unable to defend myself against a determined intruder.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 28 December 2022 8:15:01 PM
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Hi AC,

I find your comments always reasonable, we may not be politically aligned but I can see your reasoning. There are always a lot of "what if's" we can apply to any particular situation, like the tragic murder of Emma Lovell in our town. The evidence shows that by simply arming the population in so called self defence, instead of reducing crime it increases it. Certainly there are the instances of justified homicide that will occur, but at the same time there will be many more unjustified murders, in the home, in the neighbourhood and in the community.

I bang on about the Shooters and Hooters Party, and their gun policy. Its clear to me that these people are not greatly concerned with community safety, which they use as a mask for their real objective of protecting the "rights" of those they represent, the hard core gun users like Issy. That's not to say Issy is not a responsible gun user, I believe he is, he's of little concern, it all the unknown types who are of greatest concern.

BTW; I was in Coles the other day, and this bloke was going off at the Service Desk, glad he didn't have a gun! Yelling and screaming, banging the counter, I think it was over a pak of fags, not sure, there was no reasoning with this bloke, got my arse out of there.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 December 2022 5:39:05 AM
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Hi Paul1405,
Truthfully I think my political alignment has reverted back to my original youthful opinion on politics;
- More closely aligned with Monty Brewsters 'None of the Above' than anything.
As for you, and my opinion of the Adam Bandt and Sarah Hanson Young types,
- Well you don't seem anywhere near as bad as my opinion of them.

"The evidence shows that by simply arming the population in so called self defence, instead of reducing crime it increases it. "
- I'd agree with that, if the US is the example.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 29 December 2022 6:20:04 AM
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