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The Israeli Diaspora soul-searching : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 15/4/2008

The Jewish establishment fails to understand the shifting sands of the debate.

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Danielle: "And you naively state that Jews do not need a homeland ..."

Would that be the "long-lost tribe" of "Cajun Jews" in Louisiana that have Tay-Sachs syndrome (even the same mutation) at the same rate as the Ashkenazim, despite your claims that it is an exclusively Jewish condition.

The main reason for anti-Jewish sentiment historically has been the sense that the Jews are more loyal to their fellow Jews than to their greater society, I suspect. Such a situation can hardly be expected to engender great feelings of communality and any regime that is essentially despotic, such as was the case with all of them prior to the French Revolution, could be reasonably anticipated to take steps to stamp out an easily-identified source of disloyalty, whether it existed in reality or not. If you look at the examples you've given, I suspect you could find many other minorities equally persecuted. The unique features of the Jews in this regard are their matrilinear descent and their self-appointed status as "the chosen race". This means that even when the men (and historically, it was nearly always the men, the holocaust was an exception I believe) are herded off to be killed and the women are raped or taken away, any ensuing progeny are Jewish, thus preserving the "race" and also preserving the oral histories. Most other groups historically have been patrilinear, so when a woman was taken from her culture, her offspring lost their heritage as part of her culture.

Danielle: "Jews have been a continuing presence in the Middle East since time immemorial. The earliest known Hebrew script dates from the 11th century BC, a proto-Hebrew script predated this; Arabic script is distinctly different."

So? Do you know a single person in your own circle of Jewish friends who has recent (say within the last 5 generations) ancestry in the Middle East that predates the formation of Israel?
As I said, I have a Danish grandmother, should that give me carte blanche to settle in Denmark at the expense of local Danes? If not, why not and if so, why?
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 10:00:54 AM
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Antiseptic: “As I said, I have a Danish grandmother, should that give me carte blanche to settle in Denmark at the expense of local Danes? If not, why not and if so, why?” – because she is not the English, surely. Otherwise, you ought to have a “right of aboard” (some different word used to usually in job offers targeting Anglo/Saxons/Celts only In the British Commonwealth employment opportunities sections) in the UK. Of course, if you are white. And please, do not be obsessed with a common belief in the Jewish mutual loyalty: not much in common between of-different-places-originating Jews either in Australia or even in Israel. I am not going to mention a common Jewish proverb because of possibility to be accused in breading anti-Semitism, which is a very constituent of Australian xenophobia and racism having been blossoming under and since a Howard rule already.

Danielle, your “Later, Russian Jews, persecuted and killed, weren’t considered for entry into non-communist countries” is although fantastic and testifying: the Jews were DISCRIMINATED, not killed in the streets as in the Europe of the Inquisition, a significant time of the "later Russian"-Soviet history although the USSR provided refuge to millions of the European Jews lucky to escape homelands occupied by the “civilised democratic Nazi” Germany of Hitler as “neutral countries” refused entry to Jews-holders of legal valid documents according to memorandums of understanding with the Third Reich. Not speaking of OPPORTUNITIES REALISED in a main-stream -using an Australian definition, society, achievements, of which level is still a dream for the Jews/non-Anglos/non-Christians in Australia.

Logic: “Israel like Australia has full democracy”. Well, of course Israelis (both the Jews and others, the local Arabs inclusively) are capable to change their governing politicians even more effectively, than in contemporary semi-colonies of English Kingdom.

In a few words, Israel had been reinstated/exists as a cradle of a Jewish nation, for the Jews seeking ultimate refuge from biological hatred, and for own Jewish way of living.

Is this inspiration something illogical, while round a globe any country of Anglo-sphere has still been associated with blond grey-eyed Anglo-representatives only?
Posted by MichaelK., Tuesday, 29 April 2008 11:18:09 AM
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“ ... The main reason for anti-Jewish sentiment historically has been the sense that the Jews are more loyal to their fellow Jews than to their greater society ...”

No. It was because they were considered Christ-killers - G-d-killers in Christian Europe.

Jewish teaching is that is that their first loyality it to their country, secondly they are Jews.
Jews have fought against each other when fighting on different sides in war.

“ ... minorities equally persecuted ...”

Identify any minority which has historically and consistently been persecuted in the same way as Jews..

“ ... it was nearly always the men ...”

Jewish men, women and children have been persecuted and murdered indiscriminately throughout European history.

“ ... choseness ...”

“Choseness” does not indicate being “better”, just that they were chosen to teach the concept of monotheism. In fact, converting to Judaism is a long and difficult task. They do not proslytise, nor do they readily take converts. Jews believe that other religions are valid. They do not believe that being Jewish grants one any “leg up” in the “salvation” stakes. In mainstream Judaism, one is judged on one’s merits, not one’s religion. Incidentally, not all religious Jews believe in an afterlife. Different groups see this a personal decision. Being Jewish is not easy ... as very evident from just the OLO posters here.

“ ... matrilineal descent ...”

Matrilineal descent, which incidentally is not now specific to all Jewish groups, was introduced in the Biblical period; so that the children of Jewish women who were raped were not set apart from other Jews. This is quite different to some contemporary societies, where children from wartime-rape are considered half-breed bastards; and extremely disadvantaged in society. Also, very pragmatically, a Jewish woman who had a child, ensured that at least one parent was Jewish.

“... Do you know a single person in your own circle of Jewish friends who has recent (say within the last 5 generations) ancestry in the Middle East that predates the formation of Israel? ...”

cont ...
Posted by Danielle, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 12:13:51 AM
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Yes, I know two families - both with unbroken lineage back to the biblical period in the Middle East. I nearly became engaged to the son of one family, Egyptian-Jews; he had also been born in Egypt. Both families had been expelled from Arab states.

“ ...I have a Danish grandmother, should that give me carte blanche to settle in Denmark at the expense of local Danes? If not, why not and if so, why? ...”

I am rather surprised that once you leave Denmark, you are dispossessed of your heritage.

England and Ireland have what is called the “grandparent stamp” which permits the holder unrestricted residence in England and/or Ireland. Currently I have a cousin living in England based on an “Irish” grandfather’s stamp. For over 12 years he has split up his year between England and Australia. His son has lived continually in England for over 15 years.

Indeed, some Australians, whose origins lay in Europe and elsewhere, are so attached to their heritage that they have dual nationality.

Emerging now: Contemporary racism and the new face of anti-semitism ... Just as ugly as in the past.

None should ignore the vicious and well-organised campaign in England - (and ... “England” talking about colonialism ...!?) - in an attempt to ban Israeli Jews in 2005 - and the merger of English organisations Natfhe and AUT.

Patently, the language of “anti-Zionism” is being used to create an ideological foundation and climate for licensing more openly antisemitic discourses and movements

Jews should have seen it coming. Sometime earlier an academic refused to teach whilst an Israeli-Jew was sitting in the lecture theatre. No matter that this paticular Israeli had been a pacifist, had never been in action ... The academic wouldn’t have “survived” if he had done this to a student from anywhere else.

Do you naively still state that Jews do not need a homeland ... Or is it that you don’t want them to have one?


Thank you for very honest post ...
Posted by Danielle, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 12:22:41 AM
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Danielle: "It was because they were considered Christ-killers"

So, it wasn't racism, but religious persecution. Congratulations, now you're starting to think. I do dispute your simplistic explanation though, as the exclusivity of the Jewish religion naturally leads to suspicion, even in secular societies. It's only a small step from suspicion to persecution - ask any Muslim, or Mormon. I'm not suggesting that's proper, merely factual.

Danielle: "Identify any minority which has historically and consistently been persecuted in the same way as Jews.."

Identify any minority which has existed as an identifiable group for as long as Jews... Minorities are persecuted everywhere and in every era. If a specific minority is in existence for a long period it will be persecuted over and over again. Ask the Gypsies.

Danielle: "“Choseness” does not indicate being “better”,"

I didn't suggest it did, but it is easily misconstrued to take that meaning, especially if Bill the Despot gets the idea that the people involved think they're "better" than him...

Danielle: "Being Jewish is not easy"

Being human is not easy. Why should Jews be an exception?

Danielle: "a Jewish woman who had a child, ensured that at least one parent was Jewish."

Hence ensuring that a line of descent could be documented, which was my point. IOW, the genetic studies you mentioned earlier (what about that "exclusively Jewish" Tay-Sachs syndrome, BTW, any chance of acknowledgement that you were wrong)are hardly surprising.

Danielle:"Both families had been expelled from Arab states."

Around 1948?

Danielle: "I am rather surprised that once you leave Denmark, you are dispossessed of your heritage."

What makes you say that? I asked a question : should my Grandmother's nationality mean I have a right to move to Denmark at the expense of the local Danes? An answer would be nice...

Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 7:00:42 AM
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Danielle" "England and Ireland have what is called the “grandparent stamp”

All well and good, but how many non-Israeli Jews have an Israeli grandmother? OTOH, how many non-Israeli non-Jews have a grandparent born in what is now Israel?

Danielle: "Patently, the language of “anti-Zionism” is being used to create an ideological foundation and climate for licensing more openly antisemitic discourses and movements"

So now we're back to the proposition that being anti-Zionist is the same as being anti-Jewish. Rubbish. Show a single thing that I have said that is anti-Jewish, rather than anti-Zionist. My biggest issue with you Zionists is that you are intellectually dishonest and hypocritical, not to mention racist in the extreme. As long as you continue to be that way, I'll continue to point it out. I expect I'll be doing so for some time to come.

For the record, I have several friends who are Jewish. One of them was the best man at my wedding, another one is an Israeli living in Australia who spent 8 years in the Israeli navy. None of them are Zionists. We have had many discussions on the subject.
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 10:13:35 AM
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