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The Israeli Diaspora soul-searching : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 15/4/2008

The Jewish establishment fails to understand the shifting sands of the debate.

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6 pages of regurgitation of Zionist cant amid a few sensible posts. The propaganda machine must love Loewenstein...
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 7:55:56 AM
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6 pages of regurgitation of Zionist cant amid a few sensible posts.

That is the hate of which I am complaining about. Anything positive about Israel is dismissed by you as Zionist propaganda.

What are your comments about a children's program on TV Palestinian extolling the virtues of martyrdom? That to civilized people everywhere including Muslims is disgusting in the extreme. It has been shown on Al Jazeera and can be found on U tube. What about the Jews and Christian and others forced out of Islamic Republics? What about the Samaritans and Baha'i who were given refuge in Israel? What about the rockets fired at children in Israeli schools by Palestinians? What about the Fatah supporters who were thrown off roofs by Hamas supporters? Zionist cant? No the sad truth which you Israel haters dismiss in your willful ignorance.

Israel like Australia has full democracy where every one regardless of religion has a vote. Yet you with your hatred dismiss these facts as Zionist cant. What about Palestinian cant? Lowenstein is disliked because he distorts and invents. In his petition he included fake names, even included people who had never signed.

You don't have to be a Zionist to see what the Palestinians are doing. That is why Kevin Rudd rightly compares democratic and free Israel with Australia. I don't mind criticism but deliberate distortions are something different. Those stupid ignrant gays who march with the Palestinians who would kill them if they lived there. Israel in contrast has an annual gay parade.

Strange that only Israel is faced with a barage of criticisms like this. Not Korea, not Saddam's Iraq or Iran where gross abrogation of women's rights, killing of gays stonings are not uncommon. No mention of treatment of Christians in Palestine.

That is irrational hatred.
Posted by logic, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 10:07:06 PM
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Logic: "hate"; "Israel haters"; "hatred"; "irrational hatred."

The propaganda machine seems to be stuck. Perhaps it's time for its 5000 hate service?

This discussion was about Israel,not Korea, not Saddam's Iraq, not Iran, not Timbuktoo. Why would I comment on those places in a thread about Israel? Let me ask you another: as an Australian, which I presume is how you also identify yourself, what does Israel have to do with you or me? Do try to avoid mentioning Outer Mongolia in your response.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 24 April 2008 6:52:15 AM
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antiseptic ,
If a fearfull and acquisitive Israelei Government feeds "intelligence " to the US on Sadam's plans and the gas guzzling US wants an excuse to secure oil supplies, all of a sudden with a Howard led government, we have young Australians in the firing line.

That's what bothers me about Israel .
Posted by kartiya jim, Thursday, 24 April 2008 8:52:21 AM
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kartiya jim,

What an inventive scenario! So Israel is responsible for the naughty American attack on nice Saddam. You also use petroleum products. I would hate to think of what would happen if the world's oil supplies fell totally in control of Islamic extremists, or are you blissfully unaware of their philosophies towards infidels? Fortunately our leaders on both sides of the fence are well informed on the realities of the world.


In answer to your questions I am 3rd generation Australian and Jewish. My sister is married to a descendant of a Jewish convict. We are neither religious nor Zionist, but Israel has for us the same meaning as Ireland has to descendants of Irish colonists or the Mother country to those of English background.

Yes Jews were there on the 1st Fleet, the beginnings of Adelaide and Melbourne contained Jews amongst their early movers and shakers. The war hero General Sir John Monash was Jewish and a Zionist. Jews are part of the Australian psyche, our slang contains words of Hebrew origin. Antisemitism hardly existed here until some immigrants from countries with a bad record of that disease arrived after the war. Now Synagogues and Jewish schools for the first time have to use security measures. This has nothing to do with Israel it occurred long after 1948.

So many of the superficial trendy new left criticise Israel for anything they can think of, truth is no restraint on them, yet ignore the extreme horrors and gross human rights violations of Islamism. This smacks of bias to me.

Instead of answering my questions about that you try to pretend it is irrelevant, it would show if you have an awareness of the other side of the argument, rather than just a one eyed bias based on Palestinian cant.
Posted by logic, Thursday, 24 April 2008 11:09:39 AM
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logic: "Israel has for us the same meaning as Ireland has to descendants of Irish colonists or the Mother country to those of English background."

Erm..Israel was created in 1948. There weren't too many Israelis or even Zionists (the Zionist Movement was created in 1897) on the first fleet. Therefore, your ancestry is likely to be British and the British Isles the "mother country".
You live in Australia, not Israel, which means you are "Australian", not "Jewish", just as I am "Australian" not "atheist" and your ancestors were some form of "British". So, I ask again, what does Israel have to do with me or you, as Australians?

logic:"Antisemitism hardly existed here until some immigrants from countries with a bad record of that disease arrived after the war"

Actually, Australia has been far more anti-Jewish in the past although the present tide of ignorant vilification being directed by the likes of you against Arabs is increasing anti-Semitism in general. After the war, Australia was not willing to even accept Jewish refugees, specifying a preference for those who "looked like us". Perhaps your Israeli history comes from the same flawed source?

To cut to the chase, what most offends me about Zionists is that they are always looking to both play the victim and to seek to excuse appalling behaviour with a cry of "but they're worse", which my children learnt was not a valid justification by the time they were about 5. If Israel behaves badly, then Israel must be held to account, not those against whom the poor behaviour was directed. If those other regimes behave poorly, they must also be held to account, independently of Israel. Israel frequently behaves appallingly, and is rarely held to account, with the Zionist propaganda machine skilled at swamping discussion.
"logic"? "Hysteria" would be a better handle.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 25 April 2008 6:27:02 AM
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