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Promised land a hollow promise : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 25/7/2006

Israel has lost its direction as a nation.

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Col Rouge wrote:

"The sooner the organisation which is deemed illegal by most democratic countries, Hezbollah, is deemed illegal and driven into extinction in Lebanon, the sooner the ordinary majority of non-Hezbollah Lebanese will be able to resume the productive and peaceful lifestyle which they previously enjoyed as a French Colony."

You that we in the civilised world shouldn't treat Hezbollah and Hamas the same way that Irgun, the Stern Gan and Hanagah, that should have been driven into extinction but instead became the mainstream of Israeli politics?

Col, can you point out to me the differences between Irgun, the Hanagah and the Stern Gang in 1945-1948 and Hamas and Hezbollah today?

By the way, Lebanon was never a French colony, it was a French mandate, there is a great difference. Lebanon was liberated from the Turks around the same time that Palestine was, and by the same people, that is, Australians fighting under a British general.

Lebanon shows that Arabic people can form a peaceful government when left alone. The Palestinians could also have formed a stable government, except for the influx of Europeans into Palestine from the 1890s that continues today, but that peaked in 1945-1955.

The Palestinians were never given a fair, unpressured, chance to form a state of their own.
Posted by Hamlet, Wednesday, 26 July 2006 11:37:06 PM
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It is indeed tragic.
Two days ago, during heavy fighting, Israeli planes hit by mistake 5 Israeli ground soldiers. Earlier in the war, two Cobra helicopters collided and another hit a high-voltage cable. And today it was the UN. Obviously, the legend of Israeli Defence Force being perfect Superman is just a myth and human errors do occur.

This level of accidents is still significantly lower than that of the US army in Iraq and Afghanistan or even the British and we should be proud that only our Australian army has so far managed to avoid such tragedies.

The more such errors occur on our front lines, terror succeeds and not just Israel but the whole civilized world achieves a "failed world status" and soon all of us, peace loving citizens, including in Australia, will be damned to a life of a fear.

One reminder among many for the complacent among us, of what it means to live under Islamic rule: Australia is a hot country and so is Iraq, sometimes reaching 50C. In Iraq with meagre electricity, ice-distributors were threatened to be killed if they continue. The reason? "there was no ice at the times of Mohammad"!

At this time of war, the 3rd world war between radical Islamic terrorism and the civilized world, we must understand that casualties are inevitable and count our blessings that so far the front lines are still far enough from our shores. We must encourage and give every support to those who do the fighting for us, even when they are less than perfect and make human errors, rather than wait and gamble on our lives that we would commit less accidents once the war reaches our door-step.


"Lebanon shows that Arabic people can form a peaceful government when left alone"

Peaceful in what sense? finally not having a civil war? turning the other cheek (due to weakness, not saintliness) to Shiite terrorists, allowing them to amass 13000 anti-civilian missiles in their country?

I am also curious to learn about your view of the latest influx of Arabs into Europe?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 27 July 2006 1:04:24 AM
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One reason why Hizbollah especially differs from Irgun & Haganah is that they fought only for a specific, well defined purpose, to form a jewish state, and in the particular case of Haganah, mainly to defend that state and the settlements within it. Unlike these, Hizbollah, having been provided with everything it wanted, continued to fight, and has now picked a fight with Israel for no apparent reason (please do not go into Haar Dov/Shaba (/Sheba'a) farms, it is entirely Syrian according to all pre2000 Lebanese & Syrian maps). If it had not done so, and simply restrained itself, it could well have had the opportunity to become similar to these organisations, but it did not, choosing instead to launch a purposeless attack on civilians, in a neighbouring country, for future political gain.

The other point, being why should HAMAS not be treated the same as Irgun/Haganah, is well made. In fact I strongly believe that the current teething problems aside; and provided it does not become as corrupt as the Fatah derivatives it replaces; it could well become a true political force, with the potential, and mandate, to negotiate a meaningful settlement. However, the attacks must stop before this can happen. Having control of a semi-autonomous region, they have an obligation not to allow their supporters to fire on their neighbours, or to advocate strikes on them, unless they feel that they can take Israel on in open warfare. This is the notion they are currently being disabused of at the present time, and it is hoped that they learn from it.

Hopefully for the Palestinians they will learn that attacks on Israel cost too much to be entertained as policy, only then is their any real prospect of peace.


Posted by 2bob, Thursday, 27 July 2006 1:13:32 AM
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2 Bob.

Your right of course except for one thing.

United europe will come out of this with the Germans never ending desire to dicate to the world and the muslims extream plan to take the west.

It will take a while yet but when it comes Australia will be taken quickly.

We live next door to the largest population of the muslim world.

We have stuff all soldiers and our young men are blown on drugs and women for that matter.

Its all part of their long term plan and they have been wrecking the west with drugs for years while funding their war at the same time.

Whats even more frightening is the disloyalty and stupidity of many Ausies.

They just dont get it that the only chance we have is to stop or control it over there.

When Australia is attacked and it will be they might see why Howards done what he has.

I am not a fan of either he or labour considering the cruelty to animals by live exports and intensive farming.

However we certainly need Howard to stay where he is because we are in for it sooner or later.

We have seen the good days and soon we will see where we have been sending our animals to because the public have not cared enough to do enough to stop the cruelty.

Karama is coming.

I call it Cow Karma.

We have bugger all chance of holding this beautiful country.

You would have thought the world had learned through sitting back and watching hitler but no.

They get on these pages and bag us because we try to stop it before it reaches our shores.

Peter Costello copped it because he pointed out our Ausies were being bred out.
For that they call him a racist.

Every country wants and needs to preserve its own .

More and more you see our men marrying non Australian girls.

The war started years ago but as usual the Ausies just didnt know it.

God Help this country because nothings going to save it.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 27 July 2006 4:25:11 AM
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Dear Wendy Lewthwaite,

Your post has raised concerns. Firstly that it was well thought out and written but with inclusion of fear inducing comments to drive a blind action much like what is happening over in middle east.

The numerous insinuation like 'muslim extreme plans to take over the west', 'Australia will be taken quickly' 'our young men and women are blown on drugs' 'disloyalty and stupidity of many Ausies' 'karma is coming' ' bugger of chance of holding this beautiful country' 'our men are marrying non Australian girls' 'sit back and watch hitler' and on

Intermixed is what you want: 'control it over there' 'we need Howard' 'they call him racist' and so on.

All with not one argument with accepted facts to substantiate it. Its very close to feminist driven propaganda and while the population anxiously watched for the fearful events that was said to be real, nobody was watching what the real issues that were discretely being implemented that harmed the population as a whole.

I would like to think that we live in a more mature world where only logic applied to cold hard facts that will drive action.

Ps~Karma is not a global application but at individual level for each own actions...bit like the common quote 'you reap what you sow'
Posted by Sam said, Thursday, 27 July 2006 6:39:22 AM
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Dear Rancitas :)

No did not start 'here' where you said......

Looking behind all those statements will lead you to ONE place....

Genesis Chapter 12

Abraham.......... Isaac and Ishmael

Isaac .......... Jews.... Promise of God for the land.

Ishmael..........Arabs....Promise of greatness, but NOT....the land.

Read the whole of Genesis from chapter 11 (for intro to 12) and then to the end :)

"The in there" :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 27 July 2006 10:53:10 AM
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