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Lies as a pretext for war : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 29/6/2006

How easy it is for lies and propaganda to be used as a pretext for war.

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Good answer Coach. But it doesnt go far enough.

I suggest Ms Marilyn Shepherd do some more home work.

She would do well just to read the piece by John Stone to the Quadrant Mtg in Fridays Australian.Whether you are enamoured with the auther or not is irrelevent, what he has to say is a synposis of the main issue.

Perhaps then she would like to go on and read some books by say, Bat Ye'or, Robert Spencer or Ibn Warriq, then you might perceive that we might just have a problem here, and a serious one.
Posted by bigmal, Saturday, 1 July 2006 4:16:56 PM
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Philo - <The only society that can survive is one who allows freedom for every individual political / philosophical / religious views; and accepts others right to hold them>

Very idealistic – the society you describe would only work if all members were willing to abide by those precepts - what happens when one group decides that its own philosophy and beliefs should reign supreme and has no compunction about using violence to obtain its desires?

Jinx - <Since Dee and Alan know so much about the truth ..>

The ‘truth’ about what?

<maybe they could fill the world in on some questions that no other neocon has been able to explain:>

I didn’t mention 9/11 in my post, so perhaps you should direct your questions to those who did. And I am not a ‘neocon’ whatever that may be.
Posted by dee, Saturday, 1 July 2006 5:26:12 PM
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Have actually watched that footage that you linked to in your last post?

Now seriously, all conspiracy theories aside, that footage proves nothing. I am not suggesting a CIA conspiracy or anything of the sort because frankly, i'm confused about the whole matter, theres a lot of internet wackos out there, but i'm certain of one thing, there is no 150 foot long boeing 757 in that video. I must of watched it a hundred times and I just don't see it.

Seriously mate, put aside all your preconceptions for 5 seconds and watch that video objectively, if you can see a plane, well you've got better vision than me.
Posted by Carl, Saturday, 1 July 2006 10:15:13 PM
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What is the weapon for opposing thoughts and ideas? You well know the phrase, "The pen is mightier than the sword!" The only way to overthrow the lust for power and those that wish to inforce a particular thought / view on all society is by counter researched sound thinking presented passively and caringly. The emotion of power must be defused and the principle of cooperation in community must be realised as the prime principle of a democratic society, otherwise it is war.

Our Parliaments should be a stable place [sometimes questionable] where sound well reasoned debate ought to take place. Politicians whose emotions outweigh their reasons must be calmed otherwise anarchy will emerge as others enter the emotional fray. War is fueled by passion, lust and emotion; so to curb that emotion for reasoned argument is the key to peaceful coexistence. Christians have a saying in viewing opponents, "He is not the enemy he is a victim of the enemy." This means his ideas are opposing mine, but he is to be valued as a person.

The base natural behaviour of man is to destroy what we view as the enemy, and we witness this demonstration within Totalitarian politics. The principle Christ demonstrated is to forgive and love your enemy; demonstrated by him in prayer when they nailed him on the cross, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." The principle Christ taught was that faith / belief was the sovereign domain of the individual and could not be enforced or violated of the individuals conscience.

How we view what is true will be coloured by our view of reality. i.e. "Did the British invade Australia? Did the British settle Australia?" I do not wish to discuss this subject but how we view it might determine what we believe as true about our heritage. To hold one position firmly over another, then those holding the opposite position we view as lies. To accuse of lieing most often is an emotional unsound argument to gain advantage and discredit another.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 2 July 2006 8:04:02 AM
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Hi Carl
yes I did see the video enough to realize that it is indeed difficult to identify the type of plane, agreed. But I did see a plane.

Second, did you note that the 'video' is in fact time lapse.. taking frames each .25 of a second or so. The car moves in jumps. So, the speed of the plane would make it most difficult to capture any really clear image, and I suspect that we experience optical distortion also.

Passenger manifest ? - err you have an explanation for all those now 'secretly hidden in the conspiracy protection program' ? :) all 58 of them plus the crew ?

You are right about many internet whackos out there. I think we need to see the incident in context of the big picture. We all saw the airliners crash into the WTC, the speculation surrounding this, and flight 77 simply confirm to me that 'There are none so blind as those who 'will' not see' as Jesus said.

Think about it mate... such a HUGE plan could never be entertained by even half reasonable men having an idea that soooooo many aspects could all be covered up etc...

I return to my challenge 'Alternative' ? "Every" government elected democratically in the Philippines is elected on the grounds of "The incumbants are grossly corrupt" think about that for a moment :)

Could you please postulate a viable alternative than Bush and co which will NOT include simply the other side of the 'spin' or 'vested interest' coin, and will not involve people who want power for the sake of it....
Is there some ideology or master plan or political force you can point me to ?

....waits :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 2 July 2006 8:51:41 AM
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It is best to ignore any posting by Marilyn Sheperd, simply because she is wacky and obsesed. Even though her issues have been totally demolished she keeps on with the same spin.

By all means have a laugh but don't waste the time and energy replying.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 2 July 2006 10:29:23 AM
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