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Lies as a pretext for war : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 29/6/2006

How easy it is for lies and propaganda to be used as a pretext for war.

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I just wanted to thank you. I have read the entire submission and will do so again.

I have never been able to understand why “Jews” who suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis, could in turn perpetrate such atrocities on the Palestinians.

I realise now that the “Zionists” themselves, were not only anti-Semitic (towards what they perceived were their ‘lesser Jewish brethren’), but had a policy which was to effectively sacrifice the Jewish masses to increase pressure on the powers that be to grant an Israeli state in Palestine, and that they were willing collaborators in the Nazis’ plan in order to further that cause. Not only did they know that the exterminations were being carried out, they actively kept it from the rest of the world and discouraged other nations from taking Jewish refugees.

It makes more sense to me now that those who could behave in such a way toward their own “brethren” would have no compunction about the misery and destruction they have caused for the millions of Palestinians who must, in their eyes, be less than human. It also helps to explain the preponderance of racist thinking among Israelis – because they were the Zionists’ preferred type of people.

It is also interesting that, in order to support their calls for an Israeli state, they perpetuated the myth that Jews could not be assimilated which, of course, was no different to the Nazi belief. It seems that we still haven’t learnt that such ideas, propagated about any race or creed, are completely wrong and lead us down the slippery slope to barbarism.
Posted by tao, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 8:13:19 PM
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“it would-be-hard-to-beat-the-Palestinians-for-sheer-virulent-hatred” Yes, let’s play mine is bigger than yours – a very useful tactic in your version of “genuine debate”. By the tone of your posts you are consumed by some sheer-virulent-hatred yourself.

“I-find-it-difficult-to-muster-much-sympathy”. No-one is asking for sympathy, just rational thought.

“its-your-privilege-to-compare-our-PM-with-Islamic-terrorists-who-torture-helpless-civilian-captives-and-then-behead-them”. How about a PM who, based on lies, takes us into an illegal aggressive war which has resulted in thousands of “helpless civilian” deaths, the rape of teenage girls, torture in Abu Ghraib, destruction of essential infrastructure and the razing of whole suburbs? Let us not forget the use of depleted uranium in weapons which results in increased incidence of birth defects and childhood cancer. The man should be tried for war crimes - Nazis were tried for the similar things. No doubt as a defence he'll claim he didn't know - his stock answer when anything goes wrong. And, funnily enough, he has gaven Arabs and Muslims EVEN MORE REASON TO HATE US! (sorry about the shouting, no italics) .

So what if Islam has a “universal mission”? Haven’t you noticed that the most powerful (and possibly stupid) man in the world, in charge of the most powerful military machine in the world, believes that the Christian God tells him what to do? Like invade Iraq. I think it is much more dangerous that the US ruling elite is dismantling and repressing democratic rights at home, ignoring international conventions, and engaging in unilateral militarism to achieve its geopolitical goals. And what do you know – it’s a predominantly CHRISTIAN country and the Christian right wing is gaining more and more power. And this stupid man has his finger on the nuclear button! And you think a few Islamic extremists are going to do more damage than that. What a joke!
Posted by tao, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 11:51:07 PM
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• Tao, you should be real-proud of yourself, and you will be more-so, once your dedicated probe to-lead you finally to-realise that diabolical elders-of-zion spun ultra-nationalistic-fury across the Europe in 1930's ultimately uprooted our expendable Jew-lesser brethren to Palestine. Not before awesome Germany for its tenacious, proud people was chosen precisely for the bloodbath, with its sons as executioners. Destined to-be ravaged as-a-result, debilitated and demoralised for generations to come!

Yet aren't currently right-now being-duped-likewise so massively impenetrable the American people in-turn? Are they destined to-face the reality after-the-fact? Are we to-revisit moreover of bloody calamities in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran? Just to suss it out, so uniquely typical kind of the hereditary endowed psychopathic savagery. Capable to unleash plan B avian-flu epidemic, should they face major jeopardy. As a crisis invoked emergency powers around the globe to drive petrified populous into quarantine-camps (for their own good).

To understand full-implications extent in-reflection on the diabolical-evolution, you got-to look-back-a-little. To see what-has happened-a-couple of millenniums ago. When you were an-innocent care-free pagan goyim race. You worshipped your countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of-the-air, of the running-streams and of the-woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your-naked-bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure.

You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battleground. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in-the-valleys of the great outdoors. You even took to-speculating on the wonder-and-mystery of life, while laying foundations of the natural-science and philosophy. Yours was-a-noble, sensual-culture, unirked by the prickings of the social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about-human-equality.

Who knows what-a-great and glorious destiny might have been yours? If we had-left-you alone! But we did-not leave you alone. We took you in-hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course-of-your history. We conquered you as no-empire of yours ever subjugated Africa-or-Asia. And we did-it-all clandestinely behind-the-scene, without-tracer-bullets, without our blue-blood or turmoil to-be faced by us, without diabolical forces of any kind to-be ever attributed to us.
Posted by Leo Braun, Thursday, 27 July 2006 12:18:29 PM
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We did it solely by the irresistible jewanderthal might of our spirit, with our great ideas and awesome propaganda. We made you goyim the willing and unconscious bearers of our jewanderthal mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the world, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we jewanderthals were doing to your-goy-tribes, you became the agents-at-large of our racial tradition, carrying our jewvoracious modus-operandi gospel to unexplored ends of the earth.

Our tribal jewanderthal customs have become the core of your-moral-code. Our tribal-laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your concocted-constitutions and westminster parliamentary system. Our jewanderthal legends and our folk-tales are the sacred-lore which you still-croon to your goy-n-shiksa infants. Our jewanderthal poets have filled your hymnals and your-prayer-books.

Our national jewanderthal history has become an-indispensable part of learning via your judeo-pastors, judeo-priests and judeo-scholars. Our judeo-kings, our zionist statesmen, our judeo prophets and our jewanderthal warriors are your heroes. Our ancient jewanderthal petite-enclave of the movers-n-shakers is your Holy-Land. Our national judeo-literature is your Holy Bible.

What our jewanderthal masters thought and taught has-become inextricable woven-into your very speech and tradition, until no-one among you can-be called educated, who is not being familiar with our racial heritage. Jew-artisans and jew-fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in jewanderthal's image. As innumerable cathedrals raised to the judeo-memories. A jew-maiden is your-ideal of motherhood-and-womanhood. A jew-rebel-prophet is the central-figure in your-religious-worship.

Last but-not-least, we've pulled-down your pagan-idols, cast-aside your racial-inheritance, and substituted them with-our-god and our-traditions. No conquest in-history of the humankind can even-remotely-compare with-a-such clean-sweep of our conquest-over-you. No wonder-it-still remained so-utterly perplexing for many. Would you like me to repeat it again ... how did we do it? Or you rather to view an-insignia of the zionist-menorah ...

Alternatively some might prefer to view original version parody, first published in The Century Magazine by Marcus Eli Ravage, in January 1928. It never meant for derogatory manners acrimony, under racist-provocateur-exploits. As well-informed testimonies shared-by-me ... is all-about what's best for Australian civil-society-future and global-humanity on-a-whole.
Posted by Leo Braun, Thursday, 27 July 2006 12:25:42 PM
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'By the tone of your posts you are consumed by some sheer-virulent-hatred yourself.’

I state the fact that Palestinian children are taught hatred from the time they are old enough to speak, yet *I* am the one with the hate problem. Palestinian children - from toddlers onward - are regularly photographed holding weapons and chanting songs about Jews being the sons of ape and swine (which they learn at school) yet *I* am the one with the hate problem. Figures!


‘Oh don’t do anything to make them hate us!’ Classic appeasement. Australia was identified as an enemy long before the Iraq war. Bin Laden stated that Australia had been ‘warned’ not to interfere in East Timor.

'It [Australia] ignored the warning until it woke up to the sounds of explosions in Bali’.

‘So what if Islam has a “universal mission”?’

So what if this mission is to enforce 7th century laws onto the rest of us. So what if those laws regard non-Muslims as a lower form of life. So what if this is a religion that holds females to be inferior and would force me into a hijab/burkha/mantoo in a heartbeat. When Muslim immigrants start expressing desire for sharia law in Australia, its time to take notice.

‘And you think a few Islamic extremists are going to do more damage than that.’

I think Islamic extremists are no threat militarily although they will do plenty of damage in sneak cowardly attacks like the ones in London and Madrid – this will be a threat for some time to come.

I do believe that millions of Muslim immigrants will disrupt our societies (as they are doing already) and eventually outnumber Europeans in some countries (like Holland).

Although there are plenty of decent Muslims who wish to live in peace, large scale immigration from Islamic countries is simply not worth it – the benefits are minimal and the risk of importing radicals is too great.
Posted by dee, Friday, 28 July 2006 12:28:35 PM
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“Oh don’t do anything to make them hate us!’ Classic appeasement.”

Where do you get “classic appeasement” out of opposing an illegal, aggressive, murderous war waged solely to get control of the oil? Might I remind you there were no WMD, no links with Al Queda, no yellowcake from Africa, no imminent threat– in short, no justification for the invasion. Your own PM said at the start of the war that it could not be justified on the basis if regime change - now it’s all about regime change - to a US stooge regime that will hand over the oil. By not launching such a war, who would we have been appeasing? You really are clutching at straws here dee. If anyone was doing the appeasing it was John Howard sucking up to W in order to get support for his own deputy sheriff job in this region in order colonize East Timor and the Solomons etc.

And gee whiz, waddayaknow, Arabs hate the fact that they are having the living daylights bombed out of them, they hate the fact that tens (or hundreds) of thousands of them – human beings – have been killed, maimed and tortured. But refraining from unprovoked indiscriminate killing, maiming and torturing would have been “appeasement”.

to be continued...
Posted by tao, Friday, 28 July 2006 11:33:39 PM
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