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Give ‘babe’ some wriggle room : Comments

By Mirko Bagaric, published 9/5/2006

We are camped somewhere near the base of the moral mountain when it comes to pig farming.

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Animals Australia and Voiceless are to be commended for this latest initiative.

Organisations willing to put aside their own beliefs in vegetarianism or whatever, in the best interest of animal welfare. People showing how truly committed they are to their cause.

Not just talk, fancifull ideas, jealousy and condemnation of others.

Lets get behind them, not try and hinder their great work.

Nicky - an all too common occurance I am afraid :)
Posted by PF, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 6:33:34 AM
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If putting up a debate regarding the vegetarian’s views verses the main stream views of the majority of the public is aggressive to you -I would say you’re rather unreasonable.

Nobody loves animal more than I.

I have many friends and family who are members of Animals Australia.

If you want an example of people working together you have seen the proposal to the Animal Welfare Senate Enquiry.

You boo hood it yet it shows the Australian Federation Of Islamic council RSPCA QLD People Against Live exports the Humane Society International NSW and the petition supported by AMIEU Nationally all working for the common goal of improving animal welfare.

The public mainly are meat eaters not vegetarians.

You’re very naive to think the Government will ban live Exports unless! A Commercial alternative is put up so they can consider adopting it as a policy with a view of phasing out the cruel live export trade

Bagging the farmers won’t help. Befriending the farmers and helping them find good viable alternatives to live export agents and re opening abattoirs here in Australia will.

These are the facts .-Commercial hard nosed real business men re opening meat plants is the animals only saviour to live exports.
Gee does that sound aggressive.

I meant it to be a plea of help for the animals.

Live exports has increased to an alarming rate. If we don’t start to divert these animals to plants in Australia for slaughter right now opening more abattoirs here millions more animals will suffer.

This is the real world and we have to come up with real solutions to the problem.
Not tell people you cant help to get these abattoirs up and running because you might loose a few vegetarian members.

Think about it while eating your lettuce leaf.

Antje Struthman
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 8:42:17 AM
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Isnt this thread about pigs?

I haven’t heard of too many pigs going overseas as live exports? Halal pork! That would go down well in the Muslim community :)

You seem stuck in the past Antje, or is just sour grapes at Animals Australia, and Voiceless for refusing to support your organisation? They have taken a brave step here and if you were fair dinkum about stopping intensive farming you would swallow your pride and get right behind them, not condemn them on a public forum. Shame on you.

“Dont get labelled and seen working with extreme groups Brian because I know you really want to make a difference”

Well, he's made that statement hasn't he? :)) Loud and clear.
Posted by PF, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 6:17:41 PM
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PF, you are absolutely correct; this thread began with Mirko Bagaric's wonderful article about the pig industry. The initiative of Animals Australia and Voiceless deserves the highest commendation, and promoting slaughterhouses should not be part of the business of any animal welfare organization. Members of these groups look to peak organizations like AA for leadership in stamping out cruelty. Antje, if I were a sheep, a cow or a pig, I wouldn't choose to go to any slaughterhouse, yours or anyone else's; transport, yarding and eventual slaughter MUST be terrifying and painful ordeals for all animals. Linda McCartney said that "if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian". How right she was. And there is absolutely no reason to believe that we were "meant" to eat meat, or need it for nutrition; I have managed poerfectly well without it for years, for no reason other than the ethics of breeding baby animals only to drag them off to slaughter after their pitifully short, miserable lives, filled with God knows what mutilations, drugs and chemicals for growth to maximize their profitability..
Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 7:13:18 PM
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Again- I support organisations working to help animals.
The difference being your arguments is everybody must turn vegetarian.
That is silly and arrogant. Nobody has the right to tell others what to eat. It will never work.

PF who wrote complaining bitterly about Animals Australia?

Bridget Bardott supported the project I sent you Nicky and there is no greater Animal Lover.

She understood like a few other vegetarians reopening more plants in Australia was the only way.

She was delighted with the input of AFIC

If all Animal Welfare Groups where active in supporting this proposal along with AVA and RSPCA and it was presented to the Government with a view for policy to promote co joint abattoirs and farms with live animal importers and Australian Grass root Farmers live exports would faze out.
I suggest you ask Brian or Glenyce to come on this public forum and debate this Nicky .for the animal’s sake

Brian seems like a good man but needs to hear the counter argument.

Kosha is the most cruel slaughter of all and Melbourne is the hub of it.

I am not just going to stick to talking about pigs.

All animals count to me.
I shuddered when on 60 Minutes the PETA lady said she was going to have her body parts and skin kept after she died and have it put on a BBQ.
. As thousands of people who had been otherwise sympathetic to the plight of the animals rushed to switch their TV to another channel I sat there and cried for the lost chance to for the poor animals.

Extreme does not work. Main Stream and getting behind opening abattoirs will.

Call me commercial any day by comparison. You cant "force!" the world into "vegetarianism" you can only improve the dreadful conditions.
Lets Ban Live Animal Exports by slaughtering here disposing of our Nations Greatest Shame.

By making pigs free Range and all the Animals . Telling people not to eat meat wont do it.

A Nation Can be judged by the Way It Treats Its Animals
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 8:15:25 PM
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Well Nicky, sweet and innocent as you sound, you have to get your
mind around reality. The worms will even chew up your carcass,
when you die. We all get recycled, no matter what our species.

In some ways, animals actually get it even easier then us humans.
We are not allowed to be euthanased by law. We sometimes have
to suffer slow, agonising deaths, until nature takes its course.
If a doctor tries to intervene, he can be jailed.

Frankly, who eats me when I die, I really don't care, I won't be
around to know. Secondly, I hope somebody takes me to the vet
when the time comes :)
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 8:53:50 PM
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