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The Forum > Article Comments > Some will not integrate > Comments

Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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Kenny, you have the worst grammar and the worst spelling out of all the posters on this forum.

Is that how you talk in real life: do you live in Sydney, King's Cross perhaps.

Anyway keep mincing and wincing.
Posted by davo, Monday, 5 December 2005 8:36:03 AM
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Kenny is right. The mad racists are wrong. Gimme a Wallabies jersey anyday. I may look like an All-Black, but deep down I'm a Wallaby. But it takes brains to know that. Understanding other people requires some brain cells. Racists tend to lack those very cells.
Posted by Irfan, Monday, 5 December 2005 9:24:40 AM
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Never mind how lazy I am with my typing Davo (intellectual rigor is not your strong point here) try thinking about how lazy you are with your thinking. Try exploring the root cause of your hatred for your fellow man. Because I'm bet my left one if it wasn't our Muslims brothers you were talking about then it would be someone else. Asians, Europeans, Africans or anybody else’s name that doesn't rhyme with smoko. I might be light on grammer but your light on substance Davo.
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 5 December 2005 9:41:48 AM
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The confusion continues among those who claim to be intellectually rigorous. So let's take it slowly, one more time.

1. Racism is wrong. Correct. Agreed., slowly remember...

2. Religion. Government. Community Rules. Taboos, etc. are a different matter than Race. These things are choices and decisions.

We must always, be allowed to critique and test, and even reject ideas, beliefs, and religious 'systems'.

... for those who need it a little clearer...

A. Races [& nationalities] include:
Chinese, Italians, Iranians, English, Irish etc.

B. Religions, Creeds, Ideas, Cults and Systems include:
Communism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Anglicanism, Klu Klux Klan, Atheism, etc.

Race & Religion are different.
You are born into a race [or mixture thereof].

You may be born into a 'religion' and 'religious system', and 'body of ideas' but that can be accepted, rejected, criticised, critiqued or tolerated.

Have a nice day!
Posted by tennyson's_1_far-off_divine_event, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:11:35 AM
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Criticism of a belief system is one thing. Hate-filled ranting is another. What we are seeing on this forum from loonies is hatred based on ignorance and generalisations. Frrom John Stone, it can be forgiven. He is, after all, getting on a little. Senility can compromise a person's reasoning abilities. But some of the lunatic fringe that congregate on this forum and spew hatred toward people they haven't even met is the sort of stuff Auschwitz guards are made of.
Posted by Irfan, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:28:49 AM
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AUSTRALIA-1 PARTY (version 1.1)

PALIMENTARY LEADER John Stone/Plantagenet/TUS ?
TREASURY Realist (Seems to be good with money)
FOREIGN AFFAIRS Pericles (usually sees things as they are..usually)
DEFENCE Skid (The PitBull) Marx (go get em boy)
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Col Rouge ( Now, .. its like THIS)
IMMIGRATION Redneck ( a simple job.. just say ‘no’)
EDUCATION/Culture Justin86 (The Philosopher/Thinker)
YOUTH AFFAIRS Pastor Dave (Turning boys into men and girls into women)
ETHNIC AFFAIRS (we have some ?)
WOMENS ISSUES Kalweb/Meredith

Slated for immediate Exile to Tasmania (you can shout all you like,...but we can’t hear u :)

Almanac, Kenny, Rancitas , Ranier, Fellow Human, Dawood.

For Re-education: (there is still hope :)

Laurie, Scout, Xena, Enaj.

Yes..of course.. this is tongue in cheek and deliberately provocative. In fact, the exile and re-education thoughts are based on the ‘left’ model :). The simple act of seeing how Australia ‘could’ be in the forum context, with people we are familiar with, probably gives us more insight into the polarization of our current political process. The truth is, we have very different approaches to and beliefs about issues effecting us all. Perhaps the deliberate exclusion of some, and inclusion of others, will help us reflect on the need to seek as much commonality as possible, so that no-one in fact feels disenfranchised.

For those who feel my ‘list’ is exclusionary, discriminatory, unfair, Nazi like, just take a moment to realize that those of differing views would feel the same if certain ‘different’ names were listed.

With sufficient dialogue and interaction, I’m sure even Kactuz and Fellow Human, Redneck and Rancitas could actually see each others points of view and reach an agreement. Once we actually understand that most of us really want the same thing, but tend to see others through the blinkers of our own experience and engage in ‘transferance’ of all our accumulated ‘stereotypes’ of what these positions involve, projecting them onto others who don’t share our views.

“Collective Behavior” is a fascinating study, specially as we are all experiencing it in this forum.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:37:46 AM
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