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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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BD, welcome back. Nice post. Not sure I want the pastoral role. Maybe you could line me up for re-education, I like some of the company in that group (even if I disagree with them from time to time). You might keep in mind that forced re-education tends to have the opposite effect than is intended by the forcer.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:44:38 AM
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Thanx Rob, Irf, take ur tablets :)

Recent documentary on the ABC, traced the origins of Immigration2 Postwar Australia.
The primary goal was the Populate or Perish mentality. After WW2 we had 7 million people.
We were surrounded by many new independent Asian countries.

Arthur Callwell, a notable Labor figure, was at the forefront of this movement to populate.
The rise of the ‘white’ Australia policy was partly a reaction to the ‘reaction’ of existing Australians to the first boat load of ‘European/Asian’ migrants, (less than hospitable).

It was decided to seek ‘culturally/socially’ compatible migrants from the ‘right stock’ which was considered to be those of similar background to the main racial groups already in Australia, hence British/Irish/Scottish were prime candidates. (what a surprise !)

It should go without saying, that to ‘defend’ a country requires ‘loyalty’ and this in turn is usually derived from ones sense of history, ethnicity, language and cultural identification.

This is clear as a ‘human reality’ from the expansion of Islam, where non muslims under Islamic rule were exempt from Military service, due to doubts about who they would in fact be fighting for.
The same applies for Muslims living in Australia. Who really expects Muslims to shoot other ‘brothers’ if we happen to be confronted by Indonesia ? Who would expect those who consider themselves “Greeks of Australian nationality” to fight ‘Greek brothers’ who might take a liking to our land ? Their perception would undoubtedly be “We can be transformed from a cultural minority to a political majority with privilege, position and power” overnight”.

This thinking has characterized the Bogomils of Bosnia converted to Islam to obtain the protection of the Turks from Orthodox Slavs and Greeks, Low Caste Hindu’s in Tamil Nadu looking to Islam for status because of ill treatment by high cast Hindu’s. Serbs in Bosnia also fought the Muslims so they would NOT be transformed from ‘part of a majority’ (of Yugoslavia) to a ‘religious minority’ in Bosnia.

Why do people ‘collectively behave’ this way ? simple, they know human nature
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 5 December 2005 11:53:54 AM
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R0bert - you can sit up the back of class with me anytime............

Irf - you can join me on the playground - go Wallabies!

BD - what a shame your little break hasn't been enlightening for you. Still condemning a massive group of people from a diverse range of countries for the actions of the deranged.
Posted by Scout, Monday, 5 December 2005 12:03:48 PM
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When I see comments by Irfan, they make me feel sad. Here is a guy who has said some good things regarding Islamic terrorism, yet, and I suspect his ridiculous responses are the result of cultural conditioning, some sort of automatic, sub-concious response to his "kind" being attacked.

Irfan, get out more, form a group that is truly opposed to terrorism, go and protest out the front of Sheik Feiz, Sheik Omran, or if they're too fringe and unrepresentative of Muslims, go to Sheik Hilali's mosque to protest. He is a leader who is a sick, bigoted, homophobic, supporter of terrorism, and by you Muslims doing nothing makes Australians think your not on our side.

I happen to personally belive, after extensive reading regarding Islam, that it can't be reformed unless you rip out vital Islamic teachings of forcing Sharia onto the world, waging war on infidels, and so on. This can't happen as it did for the Christians. When they reformed Christianity and made it accessible to all people, those who read it realised that the popes that encouraged violence weren't following it. However, with Islam, the founder wasn't a nice man. He robbed caravans, massacred Jewish tribes, killed dissenters, took child bride - Aisha, and more. How to reform a religion when the book is another version of Mein Kampf ?

Anyone else agree?
Posted by Benjamin, Monday, 5 December 2005 3:41:14 PM
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i agree, the koran is a thesis on world domination for islam, i personally think its vile. It doesn't fit in the West at all unless in the negative ways we see.

like what has islam done for you today ?
Posted by meredith, Monday, 5 December 2005 3:46:12 PM
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Welcome back mate! OLO has not been the same without you.

Can I please request a change of portfolio? I would much prefer advocating for Men's Issues. You fellas need a good woman to stand up for you.

Benjamin, I agree about Irf. He has written some great articles for OLO. But his spurious and sarcastic comments to other posters of late really detracts from his self claimed moderate persona.

Posted by kalweb, Monday, 5 December 2005 5:30:50 PM
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