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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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[Deleted for flaming]

Anyhow Rancitas, extreme white nationalism should be considered a by product of the 'multiculture' that is here to stay. It seems to surface when multiculti is vorciferously shoved down an unwilling participants throats.

Look at France. The 'decision makers' thought multiculti was as great as it looks on paper. The ordinary man on the street obviously see things differently evidenced by their reluctance to accept the new 'socialist' voting bloc and consumers for the benefit of big business.

Immigration, explosion des banlieues...
Posted by davo, Thursday, 1 December 2005 5:35:36 PM
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I've amended some posts above. I may have missed some that are offensive, and am happy for posters to point any out to me. We have rules on this site to try and keep the debate moderate. I try to exercise as light a hand as possible, but this thread seems to be getting increasingly offensive.
Posted by GrahamY, Thursday, 1 December 2005 6:10:28 PM
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I would hope that all posters and moderators would see the need for open and frank debate on this issue. When someone starts deleting or ammending posts deemed to be offensive, then its censureship - and censureship is a form of tirany. It is a denial of freedom of expression. Truth and honesty do not need bodyguards.

One of the many problems with Islamic societies (and Muslim communities in the West) is that they do not want to hear things that they don't like. Because of this we have the many problems inherent to Islamic cultures. How can they solve a problem if they cannot consider it, or if they must always blame it on 'external' factors? For Muslims, to consider any problem as intrinsic to Islam, its doctrine and great prophet is unthinkable.

I have given up posting to Islamic sites. My comments are usually deleted, no manner how sincere or polite. They are afraid or simply refuse to consider your thoughts and opinions, because they are, by Islam's own definition, blasphemy. Thus one cannot discuss terror or domestic abuse or any other issue in function of Islam, because it is not in their rules.

Thanks to multiculturalism and PC thought, any public debate about Islam must be conducted under those limitations. Hence, debate is no debate at all, just a bunch of cute , meaningless words.

This issue (immigration) and the greater one (terror) is not going away. We need more honest debates like this, not the phoney TV and public conferences that are feel good kumbaya events that resolve nothing.

The issue here is not "race" "culture" "negative behaviour" or even "hate speech" - this is about terror and people who want to impose their ideology and way of life on others. This is about a people who support terror and about a people that refuses to contemplate the hate, anger and intolerance in the ideology they proclaim. These people do not want to talk about the real issues - instead they hide behind epithets or seek to silence others.

It will get worse!
Posted by kactuz, Friday, 2 December 2005 5:34:59 AM
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Perhaps I wasn't clear enough Kactuz. The deletions were for impolite language. You can go and check where they occurred - they are marked between square brackets and the reason for deletion is given.
Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 2 December 2005 6:14:09 AM
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Your comments/ phobia are built on incorrect assumptions:

1. Islam in one line: belief in one God, messengers and holy books, pray, fast and pay the alms (poors due). Can one be a Muslim without believing in the hadith? The answer is yes.
2. Hadith have no divinity and was ignored by the prophet (Only the Quran was written during his time). It was also ignored by his followers and successors. Hadith started being collected 2 centuries after the prophet (PBUH) death.
3. Hadith, given its diverse sources have validation rules and beyond couple of hundreds common ones, should be taken cautiously. It is a fair assumption to say that most hadith are not believable by most Muslims. Dawood did a great job explaining sources and validation rule when looking at the hadith but basically should be narrated and not conflicting with the Quran.
4. ‘Reliable’ Hadith is a secondary part to the Islamic legislative system (known as Shariah). I am not rejecting all the hadith but I am saying common sense need to apply when you read the material. Hadith was written by mortal men about mortal men 9 centuries ago.
5. There is no room for blind faith in Islam: in your world the church banned 60 gospels from circulation, in our faith the filtering of information it at the individual level.
6. Out of the Abraham faith: Islam is the only religion that accepts the other two as people of the book. That explains if you compare apples to apples (ie religious states): Islamic countries had Christian and jewish minorities throughout history and in many cases reached senior positions in Muslims dominated countries (996 AD-1055AD, many examples today). In a church controlled state throughout history, Ferdinand and Isabella is the most common example. Prove me wrong if you can..

PS: I counted around 1,500 posting by you, Boaz, Skid, with angry, hateful, provocative and ridiculing tone...Do you stick by your statement 'there are no tolerant, intellectual muslims'? :-)

Peace and good W/E
Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 2 December 2005 2:38:37 PM
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Rancidus asks the question "How did the bombings in London show that multi-culturalism isn't working?"

You really have to shake your head in pitying wonder at the mindset that can not figure that out. Rancidus can not make the connection that when "British" Muslim homeboys aspire to mass murder British people, that it could in any way be indicative of an unbridgeable social divide or a society approaching critical mass.

Rancidus's attitude is just like the old joke about the man walking down the steet with an elephant. When his friend asks him what is he doing walking around with an elephant, the man replies "Elephant? What elephant?"

One attepted bombing of British people had been thwarted by Scotland Yard prior to the successful London bombings. Another attempt by "British" Muslims to poison London's water supply was also thwarted by the alert Special Branch. Te second wave of bombings directed at London commuters quite literally fizzled out when the home made bombs refused to detonate.

But to Rancidus, all of this is just normal everyday activity in Multicultural Land. "Elephant?" says Rancidus. "What elephant?"
Posted by redneck, Friday, 2 December 2005 6:11:59 PM
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