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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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I think John Stone should join with Leigh, kaktuz, Boaz_David and the other assorted wackos here and form the Adolf Hitler Society.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 1 December 2005 1:46:52 AM
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Irf, you are so naughty using such language, Hitler loved Moslems, and he employed them to crush the Jew’s. I think you realize who the group is now. And your perpetual ignorance in light of facts: a Question: What is the larges Selling Book in Turkey and Europe amongst Moslems? Sorry, not the quran or the bible, and no, not how to integrate. Last guess.
Ok I will tell you. Mien Kampf. So your impractical assertions and insults along with Ignorant racist remarks against your host country and abuse are un-warranted. This is the standard we are forced t o accept from the psychopathy of unacceptable proportions from the Left : Sorry, you are clearly out of your league. Ignorance is not a virtue, it is a standard adopted by the Left for convenience, The Nutters or how you put it, the real Waco’s. Enjoy the bliss while it lasts, Standards are making a come back and it will goodbye to you and that strand
Posted by All-, Thursday, 1 December 2005 2:58:08 AM
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Yes, All-. And I guess you will tell me next that Adolf Hitler was a Muslim from Lakemba.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 1 December 2005 4:09:41 AM
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John Stone has said what a great many people are thinking in Australia.
He may not have said it perfectly, but we get the gist of it.

The usual confusion exists in many responsive comments on 1. race and 2. religion.
C'mon people - get this sorted out in your woolly thinking.

1. It is quite out of order to be critical of a person' race.
2. But a religious culture, set of ideas, belief system must be open to scrutiny, testing, criticism and if necessary, rejection.

It is evident, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Islam is a system of ideas, and way of life, and basis for community, that will radically influence and alter the nation of Australia.
Many of us believe that we shall be affected - for the worse!

It would make good sense then to adjust our immigration policy - for the sake of peace.
But I can imagine this will be very difficult.

There are many (who consider themselves open minded) who blindly think any such moves would be ... racist.
No, it would be religion-ist.
And wise
Posted by tennyson's_1_far-off_divine_event, Thursday, 1 December 2005 7:36:40 AM
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Spot On Mr Stone.

Our politicians know although don't want to face the reality of our European brothers, our leftists despise anybody who speaks the truth in this regard [deleted for flaming].

The [person] who said "I work with Muslims, they are good" is such a typical response of someone that probably has never even been to a Bankstown, or an Auburn, and copped abuse for not being the same.

Islam is the greatest threat, not militarily, they are impotent as old men, demographically to the west. Unless Islam is reinterpreted, which is likely difficult (how to interpret Quran suras that state the half-worth of women, for examples or their attitude towards homosexuals) because the hardliners have the text to back them up.

ALL ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION MUST BE HALTED IMMEDIATELY. Racist? How so? They blow up visiting western tourists in Islamic nations, or a McDonalds because,as Stone says, Islam is exclusionist. If you're not Muslim, you are a DHIMMI. Type that into google, read widely, then you will post the same.

Anybody ever wonder why massive Christian communities in the mid-east are all but gone? Tolerant Islam?
Posted by Benjamin, Thursday, 1 December 2005 8:05:05 AM
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As an atheist I think all religions are equally false. However I do believe that most of the world major religions have some valuable ideas to pass on to our children. I also respect peoples right to practice their religion as long as that practice is within the law. People like tennyson's_1_far-off_divine_event don't seem to have this view, they are no better then any other religious fanatic that wishes to impose their religion on everyone else be they UBL or P. Roberson.
There will always be ingrate people you will whish to blame some other group for the problems of the world whether it’s people with different colour skin, different culture, different faith or lack of, different Country, different, state, different suburb, different street. These hateful people come from all walks of life and thankfully the people who wish to stop it come from all walks of life to. Some people will never learn the worlds problems are caused by intolerance and exclusion and can only be solved by tolerance and inclusion.
PS some would say the import of US style churches has change the Australian christian movement for the worst as well.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 1 December 2005 8:41:51 AM
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