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Black and white flag : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014

Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?

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"So what’s the answer to my question?"


This is the second time you have put yourself in an untenable position, and you can't even see.

You can't see, because of the hate that has poisoned your rationality and has blinded you.
You are fooling, only yourself, by posting a page full of rubbish and no substantiation of your ridiculous claim.

Got it?
Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:12:04 AM
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"this is where you show how ill-informed you are!"

This SPQR, is your comment on my statement ;
"How would it be if I tried to put all Christian people on the spot for Inquisition ......
It would be absurd..."

What is the matter with you?
Is it that don't read ?....or
Is it that you can't think straight?

Your track record shows; its both
Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 2:09:49 AM
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About rape:
Allah said, (Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess.) The Ayah means, you are prohibited from marrying women who are already married, (except those whom your right hands possess) except those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, "We captured some women from the area of Awtas who were already married, and we disliked having sexual relations with them because they already had husbands. So, we asked the Prophet about this matter, and this Ayah (Quran 4:24) was revealed. Consequently, we had sexual relations with these women.''

"The Apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Quran 4:24) Abu Dawud (2150) -

"O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee" (Q 33:50)

"But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good" (Q8:69)

“We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them.” (Bukhari)

As to beheading, try Quran 47:4 and 8:12. About killing: Q9:111.

Don’t Muslims ever read the Quran? How are they going to be good Muslims if they don’t kill and rape?

A thought: rather then our resident Muslims trying to convince we infidels that Islam is wonderful, why don’t they spend their time trying to convince Muslims that Islam teaches peace and tolerance? I mean, for most honest people the sorry state of Islamic societies might be a clue about something…
Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 28 December 2014 4:39:25 AM
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Hello McAdam,

I can understand your angst have had your tail well and truly kicked …after that, anyone would be sore.

As I pointed out, EVERYDAY in our university lecture theatres and forums and EVERYDAY in the media CHRISTIAN PEOPLES held accountable for their history.

You SAY that such would be unfair –-nevertheless, both you and NC are more than happy to USE such criticism if it aids the defence of your belief system.

So, we regularly get Islamic apologists coming out with claims like this:
--The crusades were an unprovoked attack on a peaceful Muslim community, or
--The American/Atlantic slave trade was an example of Christendom’s (or America’s) inhumanity and hypocrisy …and you would never ever find similar anywhere under Islam !

Your ally NC being totally oblivious to the Islamic Turkish Arab , because to paraphrase him: lefty academics and Hollywood movies only ever talk about the Christian American slave trade --- therefore, any talk about an Islamic slavery just had to be a HATE crime. And its precisely that sort of lopsided viewing of things that gives ISIS its recruits
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 28 December 2014 6:23:29 AM
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1. assuming what is in issue
2. reversing onus of proof
3. mind-reading

Three logical fallacies in 8 words, not bad.

"This is the second time you have put yourself in an untenable position, and you can't even see."

4. Assuming what is in issue
5. Lying - you have not established any "untenable position" on my part. Your attempt to squirm out of the whole issue by saying the Pakistani army is attacking the Taliban is irrelevant and evasive.

"You can't see, because of the hate that has poisoned your rationality and has blinded you. You are fooling, only yourself, by posting a page full of rubbish and no substantiation of your ridiculous claim."

6. mind-reading, furious personal argument
7. assuming what is in issue
8. trying to reverse the onus of proof

McAdam, I'm asking you WHETHER, not telling you THAT, the Koran authorises killing, enslaving and rape. Therefore there is no claim on my part, and no need for me to substantiate the claim - which in any event kactuz has just done. Although there JUST MIGHT be some other verses in Koran and hadith too, mightn't there, McAdam?

I say you know that your argument that Islamism has nothing to do with Islam is stupid and dishonest.

I say the reason the only reason you are are answering by way of furious abuse, mind-reading, misrepresentation, evasion, circularity, lying and repetition, is because you know that if you answer the question you will prove yourself wrong, so you prefer intellectual dishonesty and abuse instead. Not much of an advertisement for Islam.

But by all means, prove me wrong. Answer the question. No abuse, no fury, no pretended indignation, no diversion into irrelevance about Pakistan, no insisting on prior points, no pretending some other formality is more urgent.

Just answer it. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 28 December 2014 7:23:48 AM
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Taqiyya and misquoting Quran

To the Taqiyya description from the original sources (my post of 27th) SPQR has come up with his usual internet trash and on the authority of a known Islamophobe, whose references to Quran on Taqiyya are totally twisted as are his distortions of history and other sources.

Taqiyya is the recognition that one’s utterances in the face of pressure and torture contrary to his/her beliefs are an understandable response. There is nothing more to it.

This is a fact recognised by human common sense and all legal codes of this age which do not recognise any contract or commitment made by someone in duress.

But SPQR will continue doing it as he has done before.

• His post 30 July (on another article by the same author): he brings up a quote and writes on top of it “From Koran”
• He is confronted to quote a reference from Quran by another poster including myself
• He replies (his post 31 July) “<<the Quranic passage you quoted...doesn't exist in the Quran>>
Oh yes it does old fellow-- along with a lot worse.
Better do some reading up on your religion,eh!”

Note that he even pointed out the location of his fictitious reference in Quran “ALONG WITH A LOT WORSE)”even though he has not seen it there for himself. Does he have a shame in misquoting? NONE AT ALL!

Interpretation of history has a high level of subjectivity. But in case of Quran, clarity can be established.

Still SPQRs attempt to distort references from Quran.

Another SPQR insists that Quran authorizes rape. McAdams has asked him for so many times now to quote “a reference from Quran about preaching and authorization of rape”. Every time he comes back with his gobbledygook and NO reference. How can he, when there is NONE.
Posted by NC, Sunday, 28 December 2014 8:06:57 AM
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