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Black and white flag : Comments
By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?
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This intelligent, reasoned and articulate article should be required reading for anyone attempting to understand and comment on the recent events in a Sydney coffee shop.
Posted by halduell, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 11:22:20 AM
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Junaid, perhaps you're right. Perhaps it was just a strange coincidence that the guy was a Muslim, nothing to do with the Muslim belief system?
Perhaps IS are just misinterpreting Islam too? The Koran doesn't say anything about killing unbelievers, right? Perhaps it's all just a terrible misunderstanding. Right? Saw a quote in the paper the other day, by the Muslim who was sentenced for killing a British soldier. The judge who told him he's betraying Islam. "I'm not betraying Islam." he replied "You don't understand Islam." Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 12:26:58 PM
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It just happens they all somehow interprate islam in their own way.
AU is forever going to be sus of the islamic nation. Posted by 579, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 1:26:06 PM
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You are so right Junaid, this symbolic violence will continue till people with 'vision' can see 'the true color'
Posted by abida, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 2:06:22 PM
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Isn’t this the Junaid Cheema that considers a child holding a sign calling for critics of Islam to be beheaded a mere mistake? Isn’t this the writer that says that anti-Muslim attitudes are ‘intolerable’ and ‘insane’ – the product of hate and fear. Isn’t he the one that uses statistics to ‘prove’ that Muslims are responsible for just a miniscule part of world terror? These references are from an OLO article in 2012, before ISIS, before Boko Haram, before the recent attacks in the UK, Canada, the US – not to mention the ever present atrocities in Muslim societies (including Muslims killing children this week)
Perhaps Mr Chemma would care to explain why a non-Muslim should not be offended by the slander, hate and violence in the Quran directed at infidels? Perhaps he would also explain to us why we should trust a people that consider a man like Mohammed to be a great moral example when all of the hadith and early Islamic histories (written by Muslims) tell us he attacked his neighbors for 10 years, killing, looting, raping captives, torturing and enslaving men women and children? No, he blames Australia and the West. He calls us intolerant and bigots but like all Muslims he ignores the actions of Muslims. To him, morality is for others, Muslims have faith, expressed in the black and white banner proclaiming their love for a barbaric god that delights in brutal torture and a man that is quoted in the hadith saying “I am made victorious with terror”. Mohammed, Cheema and the vile sheik share that belief, morals not required. As with all Muslims, Mr Chemma never calls for Muslims to change, to be tolerant and change their societies, to condemn the hate and violence in the Quran, to condemn Mohammad’s attacks on his peaceful neighbors. No, it is always the non-Muslims that are wrong, that must change and accept the goodness of Islam and Muslims without criticism or questions. Rather than a case of suspending rationality, mistrust and dislike of Islam is a matter of common sense and basic moral principles Posted by kactuz, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 3:44:50 PM
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We may, I suspect, get a similar article (with name changes) after the next terror episode staged by a Muslim in Australia.
Perhaps there won't be one? Wanna bet? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 3:52:47 PM
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generally those who are fundamentalist secularist get it wrong. For decades the abc/progressives have deceitfully and willfully misrepresented Christ and His teaching. Now they want to label and demonise anyone disagreeing with their heretical view of Islam. Well I suppose all truth is relative to the secularist so who says what the monster in Martin place did was wrong. Oh that's right moral relativism only applies to justfying ones own perverted views and behaviour.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 4:01:00 PM
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One day I hope that mass media will start publishing productive pieces like this rather than throwing petrol on the fire.
Posted by jvisions, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 4:05:26 PM
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Not a bad piece
Dear bigots The author has referred to those lunatics that call themselves Muslims spreading terror as a cancer to humanity, infinitely stupid, heretical and blasphemous - not sure what more you want short of more blood. Seems you resort to filthy ad homonym tactics and red herrings, because you have no real argument. You attempt character assassinations by purposely misinterpreting the author's previous articles and cutting and pasting fabricated stories that 99.99 % of Muslims overtly discount. The coincidence is not the murky background of the killer, was he Shia, was he Sunni or a self confessed practitioner of black magic. What is certain is that he was deranged, he was a criminal and he was publicity hungry. The coincidence is not that he called himself Muslim (this time) but the coincidence is that the Perth hostage crises lasted for only moments and the 2011 Adelaide siege which claimed more blood barley touched our TV screens and has now become a distant memory, this tragedy will be a political football for votes and foreign policy. It would be stupid to ask good Anglo Australians to apologies for the deranged killer of the 2011 Adelaide Siege, but you have no problem putting an entire religion on trial for the crimes of a deranged convict, who changed his religion as often as one changes socks. Posted by theHypocrisy, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 6:24:52 PM
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He changed his religion did he? Reference please. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 6:40:57 PM
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Does the Koran sanction the killing of unbelievers, or not? Does the Koran sanction slavery and the rape of slave women, or not? Did Mohammad marry a six-year old girl, or not? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 6:51:15 PM
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Left-wing apologetic garbage. The author spends the vast majority of the article making out he and his wife and others of the same religious affiliation are the real victims here. What about those in the cafe? They got one sentence. Can the left ever stand back for a moment and not stick their metaphysical victimhood theories into everything?
Posted by Aristocrat, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 11:20:31 PM
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The term 'bigot' is thrown around so recklessly that it is meaningless. Bigot does not mean = anyone who disagrees with my own views. It simply means intolerance. Perhaps you're a bigot for not tolerating their views.
Posted by Aristocrat, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 11:28:42 PM
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The hostage taker in the cafe was a criminal and should have been be treated as such. He met the fate he deserved.
And, at the same time, the person who insults and harasses a lady because of her dress should be held accountable. Hatred tends to spread like wild fire, destroying everything it touches....that is human history. Wild fire is checked by fire walls; the fuel free spaces, wherefrom fire travels no further. Responsible behavior is not to become fuel for the fire of hatred. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 18 December 2014 12:51:24 AM
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Mr Cheema, you mention that your wife was abused by a 'shell of a man'. What happened? Was she praying? Did someone enter your home or approach your wife in a mosque? Did you report it to the police? Note that abuse of others, particularly women, is a serious crime in some societies, if not others (I am thinking of a certain verse). I will not condone abuse by anyone, even of Muslims, even of people that say that Mohammad is wonderful even after you point out how he disparages a pregnant woman split open for offending him or has another killed when nursing her child because he didn’t like her poetry.
So a man that abuses a pregnant wife is bad, a shell of a man, but a man that gloats over a woman split open is a great moral example to all who want to see Allah’s paradise (notice the reference to the Quran…). What I am trying to say is that when it comes to Islam, Muslims take off their brain and hide it in the closet. Likewise, they never apply to themselves the moral principles they demand of others. They never ask why Islam is perceived as a source of violence or why Islamic societies (all very difference, sharing only a religion) suffer from most of the same problems. Muslims never doubt and never ask questions, so they cannot change, and so the hate, violence and terror continue. But then again, Muslims believe Islam is perfect so it must be the fault of those evil infidels. It must be a mistake; it must be that Muslims are provoked by the terrible false criticisms. Who knows, maybe saying unkind words to a woman wearing a veil (shawl?) or saying that Islam is a death cult is much, much worse than shooting children, putting a bomb among spectators at a marathon or killing people in a café. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:21:32 AM
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TheHypocrisy - Would that be moi? Oh dear, how inconsiderate of me to cite the author’s previous articles. And of course, Muslims, all Muslims, as we know, do not take the Quran seriously, and as for the hadith, well, any Muslim (at least 99.9999%) will tell you that they are just fabrications about the life and sayings of their prophet, which are also totally extraneous to Islam and its teachings. It is a fact that Muslims never mention Mohammed and to them he is just another illusive, insignificant figure outside of the precepts of Islam.
In fact the extensive literature on his life and actions is totally preposterous and misinterpreted. For example, the campaigns undertaken, listed here ( were in fact missions to deliver flowers to his adversaries. Nothing says “love” and “peace” like an early morning incursion on a sleeping village to relieve them of their worldly goods, their silly freedoms and even their dreary lives. These are a small things compared to the privilege of sacrificing themselves to enrich and amuse the faithful, even if the flowers were somehow misplaced. It is possible, I suppose, to think that the portrayal of nonMuslims in the Quran and hadith may contribute to the silly impression that Muslims have different values and cannot integrate into Western society. Yeah, nothing says promotes peace and respect for others like calling them “lower than animals” and telling the faithful not to be friends, but to be harsh to them and attack them wherever they are. Dear me again, I must be quoting from some writings… Oh what can it be? And yes, an entire religion should not be condemned for the crimes of a single man, but maybe, who knows, it is proper to consider the beliefs of that religion, the character of its idols and most of all, the fact that everywhere that religion dominates, hate, discrimination and violence flourish. Maybe that is just an eerie coincidence, or maybe not. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:24:20 AM
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Mr Sheema has produced a miserably worded article defending his co religionists, who's religious beliefs compel them to defend those among them who wish to engage in hostile and murderous acts against western civilians.
The importation of Muslims into western countries has been a social and economic catastrophe. They are nothing but trouble, and that trouble is increasing in direct proportion to their growing numbers. Muslim countries are renowned for their violence, and Muslim suburbs in western countries fit that bill also. Muslim suburbs are notorious for their high rates of serious criminal behaviour, welfare dependency, and "troubled" schools where teachers (especially female teachers) are routinely threatened. Australians flee these once peaceful suburbs and go and live in others to get away from the people that Mr Sheema defends. His mention of Cronulla was another misrepresentation of the facts. Everyone in Sydney who is not a Muslim or an ABC luvvie knows that the riot was caused by the behaviour of young Muslim men, who routinely acted aggressively on the beach and insulted young Australian women lying on the beach on their bikinis. Islam is a dangerous religion who's declared intention is to take over the world and turn the entire world into something resembling the shambles of the middle east. Mr Sheema might consider that infidels such as myself do not consider that scenario to be desirable. The Lindt café attack was just another Muslim attack on western societies which will get worse and worse, until we in the west realise that these people are our enemies, and we forbid the importation of any more of them into our once peaceful societies. If we can condemn Nazis as a group, than why is it we can not do the same for Muslims? Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:31:54 AM
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The Iranian Govt wanted Monis extradited in 2000 for serious crimes yet our Govt protects him and virtually ignores his action. George Brandis' new fascist laws gives immunity to our intelligence agencies to commit crimes and even legalises assassination. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 18 December 2014 5:12:08 AM
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The Black and White flag lives in infamy with the Swastika, Hammer and Sickle and other Fascist banners. Monis is just another storm trooper of Islam.
Posted by McCackie, Thursday, 18 December 2014 7:06:59 AM
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Anyway, it wasn't an ISIS flag that that terrorist forced people to hold up: it was an al Qa'ida flag. So there.
And anyway, it's common for that 'shahada' to be printed on Muslim flags - the Saudi flag is green with that shahada across the top. With a sword underneath. After all, Islam is a religion of peace: so obviously that's the sword of peace. And anyway, look at all the flags of nominally Christian countries with weapons on them. Like ........ um ......... um ........ Imperialist b@stards ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 18 December 2014 7:37:36 AM
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Thanks for that article Arjay. It really does go to show that our government, immigration policies and the courts and prison system, all or some of the above need to toughen up. Despite being made aware by the authorities of this mans home land, who wanted him back to face criminal charges, they allowed him into our country and even granting asylum. He, as we have read and heard, had continued to commit crimes. Violent crimes and ones displaying hatred toward Australians. It is clear now that Australian Authorities, back in 1996, made a highly unprofessional decision. I imagine he had been granted citizenship (not sure) and with asylum could not be deported, so released back into our society. There are no doubt a few others like himself who were not thoroughly screened (so as to be deemed non threatening and suitably willing and able to integrate and respect our laws) and bring with them their hatred and extremist attitudes.
The Govt cant go back and fix their mistakes unfortunately, and there will be growing concern and fears over who else is a possible threat to us. Surely to God, the seriousness of taking some control, no, total control over who they allow into our society must be top priority. Before granting asylum or citizenship it must be proven that they are unquestionably genuine. Backgrounds checked and cleared. Fully aware of what may be acceptable in their country, could be considered a crime by our laws and punishable accordingly. Extremist behaviors not tolerated and will lead to deportation. Posted by jodelie, Thursday, 18 December 2014 7:40:21 AM
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Nice one Loudmouth :)and McCackie
Posted by jodelie, Thursday, 18 December 2014 9:11:39 AM
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I looked on in disbelief as the ABC tried to paint the issue as one of Muslim women being victimised. WTF? Excuse me?
People react to Muslim women with fear and loathing because they understand that by their religious attire they express their support for a belief system that believes in killing innocent people. The ABC of course asked the Grand Mufti, and he of course said the whole thing has nothing to do with Islam. How nauseatingly typical of theABC. The question is not whether the Grand Mufti says it's okay to kill unbelievers, it's whether the Prophet Mohammed says it, and unfortunately he does, and it's in the Koran, which Muslim publicly women affirm by their hijab. The apologists then go on to criticise Christians who have killed and persecuted, and rightly so, although strictly speaking irrelevant. However the difference is, when Muslims kill unbelievers, they are doing what Mohammed told them to do; when Christians kill anyone, they are doing what Jesus told them not to do. Then it is said that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceable people. However that's because they are *not* following the dictates of their religion, not because they are. The West's traditions and laws of religious toleration grew out of the abysmal experience of the Reformation and Counter-reformation, and the cruel and bloody religious wars that toleration finally put an end to. It was relatively easy for Christians to make that obvious change to a better society, because, unlike Mohammed, Christ explicitly told his followers not to persecute and kill people, even at law; and because of the 18th century Enlightenment's revolution of rationality. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 18 December 2014 11:41:24 AM
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Islam has neither of those advantages. ISIS's idea of moral excellence is Mohammed's supposed humanity in saying that slave children should not be sold separately from their slave mother, until they reach puberty. How very enlightened of him. Those who embrace Islam embrace the teachings of a mass murdering thieving slaving rapist; and the best we can hope for, apparently, is to have them living in our midst and not acting on their belief system, which is what we've got – or had until - now. But is that really the best we can hope for? Can Muslims really not see and do better than that? Must they be forever the moral imbeciles in modern global society? I don't see why Australians should not be calling on Muslims to *re-think* their belief system. Mohammed may not renounce you for your beliefs - but I do. I call on Junaid Cheena and his wife to publicly renounce Islam. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 18 December 2014 11:44:23 AM
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The fact about the culprit, “just another convicted felon” rightly called by the Author , wanted for crimes in the country of his origin and involved in some 40 crimes in Australia, is that he represents none other than the Criminal Mind which motivated him. Trying a faith as a culprit, for the act of a criminal mind, is a tendency we need to watch against. Few of the responses in this post confirm the fears the Author appears to have.
Without trying to make it a debate, I will restrict my post to that great soul known as “Muhammad”, who too has been spoken of disrespectfully. Knowing that the Australians are rational people who prefer facts over slander, I draw your attention to the fact that a detailed view of the history, not the one-liners thrown around, provide the insight one needs. Fortunately there is a wealth of literature, mostly by Westerners, discovering this wonderful person. It is happening since about a century now after a long period of misinformation that flooded the post-crusade Europe. You may want to start with Karen Armstrong’s “Muhammad”- a 256 page book by someone who does not prescribe to any religion. As an alternative to your own study, let me share with you, for starters (will post more, if discussion progresses), what Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) had to say (in his book: Heroes and Hero Worship) “The lies which well-meaning zeal has heaped around this man (Muhammad) are so disgraceful to ourselves only. …. How one man single-handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilised nation in less than two decades …A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was to kindle the world, the world’s Maker had ordered so” Posted by NC, Thursday, 18 December 2014 12:29:52 PM
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NC, rather than read the hadith (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawud, Malik, etc..) or the early histories (Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sad, Tabari, Kathir, Hisham, etc…), all written by Muslims, you use modern sanitized versions to make your point. How scrupulous and honorable!
The fact is that a large part of the original accounts are about Mohammad’s ruthless wars on his neighbors. If you lived within 800km of Medina in the 7thcentury, you could expect Mohammad to attack your village, loot, kill, rape, torture if required to find booty and then the captives, -- men, women and children – would be divided among the Muslims as slaves. A few quotes from these sources: Narrated Humaid: Anas bin Malik said, "Whenever the Prophet went out with us to fight against any nation, he never allowed us to attack till morning and he would wait and see: if he heard Adhan he would postpone the attack and if he did not hear Adhan he would attack them." (Bukhari Volume1-Book 11-Number 584) How many a township have we destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. (Quran 7:4) …Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy). (Bukhari 4:52:220) And there is this jewel: Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas: “A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet… So he took a dagger, placed it on her belly, pressed it, and killed her. A child who came between her legs was smeared with the blood that was there. When the morning came, the Prophet was informed about it” – and it was fine and dandy with him (Abu Dawud 38:4348). And don’t forget Asma bint Marwan, a nursing mother killed by Mohammed because of her poetry This “wonderful” person, this noble example, Mohammad, committed all kinds of atrocities, massacred whole tribes, tortured people, raped women, and even beat his wife – that is what all Islamic sources say. How about a little honesty, NC? Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 2:22:08 PM
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He stuck an Islamic flag in the window. He called himself a sheikh. He had recently proclaimed his allegiance to ISIS. He used the usual psychotic cop-out, when the police responded to his murder of two hostages: "See what you made me do !" This raises questions: do Muslims, i.e. devout Muslims, have a concept of guilt ? Only of being victimised ? Do they think they can do no wrong, it's just the world picking on them ? Do they have a concept of compassion for non-believers ? Silly question. But does the Koran have anything in it comparable to the Good Samaritan story, i.e. compassion for one who is not one's own ? I suppose, as a kaffir, much of this is not my affair. It will be up to Muslims to clean out the psychotics from their midst before they do much more damage. They owe that to their fellow Australians. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:20:22 PM
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Another thing, NC, when Muslim radicals, ISIS, the Taliban, Boko Haram, etc. cite scripture to justify their actions, they refer to the Quran, hadith and usually Tabari -- not Armstrong or Carlyle.’
But maybe your approach has its merits. We can have Armstrong’s and Carlyle’s writings on the subject translated into Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, Hausa, Swahili and then drop thousands of them into the camps of those mistakenly referred to as ‘terrorists’. Then, who knows, in two or three weeks, Ahmed might just be saying something like this to Omar: “Hey man, we were doing it wrong, ever since those new revelations arrived we now know that Islam promotes peace and tolerance”. I think it is worth a try and maybe there will be a Nobel in our future. No, wait, you can have it all yourself. Peace at long last may be at hand and it was your idea and you deserve credit. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:54:16 PM
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Kactus and JKJ have done an excellent job of summing up the truth and pointing out the roots of the problem. Their posts on this thread should be required reading at the ABC.
How the apologists continue to believe there is not a Muslim/Islamic problem is beyond belief. Any bets on them also blaming the latest Taliban attack in Pakistan on the West? Oh wait, the Taliban are not really Muslims either, they are just calling themselves Muslim. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Thursday, 18 December 2014 4:13:25 PM
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I agree NC and thank you for sharing
If I want a medical opinion I will go to a doctor not a chimney sweeper. Respected historians and social scientists unequivocally stand in awe and humility of that great soul. No wonder he is still honoured in the most powerful buildings in this world, even though they are on different sides of politics- the author mentioned the US Supreme Court and US congress. Your right Australians are very decent people, but what your dealing with here is a blood thirsty medieval mob. They use outdated oral traditions out of context rejected by authentic Islam and fail to even quote correctly the verses of the Quran, how they managed to slip the word "raid" and "terror" into 7:4 is beyond any decent Australian, but I don't think your dealing with decent Australian's here. My faith in this nation tells me it's probably one or two individuals changing their nicknames - Australia is too great to be represented by such chimney sweepers and if you wrestle with a chimney sweeper you are bound to get dirty. Still nothing to refute the arguments in the article just red herrings and character assassinations Posted by theHypocrisy, Thursday, 18 December 2014 4:55:14 PM
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What would you accept as refuting the arguments in the article? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 18 December 2014 5:45:09 PM
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Facts - the dude was raised in islam and used its language and symbols to generate the self image he wished to project.
Also facts - he is not representative of mainstream Australian islam nor even organised/radical/extreme groups claiming islam as the justification for their brutality and murder. He is an outsider. He's not "a muslim" and he's not "a muslim terrorist". He's a (dead) nobody. Also also facts - the rhetoric and anger and division and 'us v them' fear that has been knowingly generated by certain political and media groups ABSOLUTELY contributed to his mindset. He was, in totality, a failed human who used a gun and a flag to get attention. His level of adherence to islam is utterly irrelevant. He represents that religion in the same way as the KKK represents Russian Orthodox Christianity... ie not in the slightest Posted by The Camo, Thursday, 18 December 2014 8:16:56 PM
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Hi Camo,
So perhaps he should have tattooed "terrorist" across his forehead ? What else do you need - he swore allegiance to IS, he forced hostages to hold up an Islamic flag which proclaimed 'there is one god and Muhammad is his messenger etc.' or whatever. He had the usual disregard for the lives of others, and like terrorists everywhere, instantly shifted the blame for whatever he was doing onto others, the police in this case. Yes, he was also a criminal, perhaps having murdered his first wife, and having molested dozens of women. Yes, he was a complete scumbag. He lived off the welfare system as 'disabled' when he wasn't disabled at all. But he was still a terrorist. He used terror to try to get his way. He was indiscriminate about who was taken and who was shot, the lives of others meant nothing to him. So what else do you need ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 19 December 2014 7:14:10 AM
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Is this the right forum for serious discussion on history and theology? I don't think so.
Kindly consider an analogy. If we find some food on the road side, do we put it in our mouths? Certainly not, as we not know its source. How are we then, expected to put in our minds, the information coming from people masked by the pseudonyms? I will rather go to the primary source or to the authors I can trust and in so doing will attempt to see the other side's view too, then I'll have the satisfaction of putting in my mind what I can trust. The assertion that Islam preaches more violence than other religions should be given that treatment. Start with comparison of Quran with Bible; the old testament. This is a well documented subject, by scholars of comparative study of religions. Now, what is this forum discussing? A despicable act ...which must be condemned unconditionally, of a person with a history of mental instability and violent behavior. Based on that act, we are being told that the entire community...the whole religion and its followers...over a billion of them, be condemned. This would be considered a sane advice, if we were to apply it universally. And if we were to apply it universally, who would be left in this world, un condemned? None but our selves because we are a superior race....the Aryans. That is racism and Nazi approach; that breeds perpetual distrust and destruction. And first victim of this destruction is the mind beholding hatred Please stop this holier than though approach and be realistic as:- " We're all pretty strange one way or another; some of us just hide it better." Posted by McAdam, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:13:05 AM
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Seen few comments. Familiar, quite familiar, in fact.
Criminals live in every society and within all creed and conviction systems. If people try to extend their crimes to the creeds of their societies, the description will produce books that the largest of the libraries will fail to hold. I will continue with the focus of my post of the 18th, where I recommended a book by Karen Armstrong and presented a quote from Thomas Carlyle. Today, I draw your attention to a book entitled “Muhammad: His Life based on Earliest Sources”, by Martin Lings (1909-2005), a Shakespearean scholar. Today's quote from George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), who needs no introduction. In his book ‘The Genuine Islam’, he too resented the “lies heaped around (Muhammad)”, as did Thomas Carlyle. The two learned men guided their societies out of the-then prevalent misinformation about Muhammad that few posts here are still trying to spread. George Bernard Shaw observes: “I have studied him – the wonderful man in my opinion, far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity” Please notice that George Bernard Shaw was one of the earlier scholars who challenged the image of ‘anti-Christ’ assigned in his times to Muhammad. “Saviour of Humanity” is the title he has instead, for Muhammad. He goes on to say: “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion, which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence, which can make itself appeal to every age” And: “I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today” And: “I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness”. Posted by NC, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:48:03 AM
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I need proof that he was anything other than a standard issue abusive jilted father/husband with a history of violence. There are sieges and hostage situations and kidnappings and murders regularly undertaken by these evil men against innocent people. Rarely against strangers, granted, but not "rarely" full stop. That this particular individual used symbols of a faith that disowned him does not link him to that faith, nor does it link that faith to his actions. As for calling him a 'terrorist' - that is laughable and counter productive. By doing so you merely give credence to his false - and failed - personal hunt for glory. Was Martin Bryant a terrorist? Julian Knight? Craig Minogue? Keith Faure? Posted by The Camo, Friday, 19 December 2014 10:19:15 AM
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"Mr Happy man" is the title of a short video clip on YouTube. It is about Johny Barns of Bermuda.
I think the world needs more like him and pray that I have the ability to be good and loving to my fellow human beings and other creatures. I think majority would join me in this prayer. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 19 December 2014 10:20:08 AM
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theHypocrisy - Yeah, I wonder how I got the words ‘raid’ and ‘terror’ into Quran7:4. Maybe I made the verse up – you know what the Quran says about those evil, deceitful, untrustworthy infidels. Oh wait, what is all non-Muslims, including Australian nonbelievers, the ones you call “decent”. So which is it? Decent (you) or “lower than animals” (Allah)?
By the way, have you ever heard of Pickthal? To humour you I submit some translations: Yusuf Ali: How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest. Pickthal: How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. Khalifa: Many a community we annihilated; they incurred our retribution while they were asleep, or wide awake. Mohammad Asad: And how many a [rebellious] community have We destroyed, with Our punishment coming upon it by night, or while they were resting at noontide! So Hypo, feel better now? Notice anything? From these 4 translations and all others I checked, it seems that Allah and Muslims are bragging about attacking villages of non-Muslims by surprise and killing them. Now why would anybody use the words “raid” and “terror” in that context? As to changing my ‘nickname’, the first thing I do everyday when I awake is to think of a new name to use. You are so clever. So you refuted my arguments, did you? I must have missed that post. I pretty much try to quote or reference the Quran and hadith, in case you haven’t noticed, so please tell me exactly what passages are incorrect, distorted, invented, refuted. Hypo, you should understand that Islam’s own writings are a gold mine for any critic of Islam, followed closely by the behavior of Muslims. If you want to play the ‘old out of context’ or ‘bad translation’ game, I am good with that too. Also, have you ever notice the inconsistencies in Quran translations and how they add words to make it nicer? Posted by kactuz, Friday, 19 December 2014 2:29:08 PM
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Proof: * He proclaimed that he was a Muslim, of the pro-IS variety: * he swore allegiance to IS; * he forced hostages to hold up an Islamic flag; * he called himself a sheikh; * he used the standard no-guilt excuse so beloved of terrorists and psychopaths, that the police made him do it; * for all I know, he had 'there is no god but Allah' tattooed on one ball, and 'and Muhammad is his messenger' on the other; * he used terror, indiscriminate taking of hostages in a random and easy place for taking hostages, random killing of defenceless hostages - standard tactics for terrorists. That does it for me. What might do it for you ? Evidence is there, it smacks you in the eye. Your prejudice would deny, come hell or high water, any evidence. So what's the point of engaging with you ? McAdam, Amazing logic ! So the acts of a terrorist are somehow the work of Nazis and racists ? Just a little psychotic :) Perhaps you should see a shrink, not that that would do much good. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 19 December 2014 2:59:39 PM
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Hi Joe,
Just popped in to this thread and saw your questions posed: "This raises questions: do Muslims, i.e. devout Muslims, have a concept of guilt ? Only of being victimised ? Do they think they can do no wrong, it's just the world picking on them ?" Yes. This is a very important factor you raise - they have no concept of guilt. Nor do they have the Golden Rule of "Love Thy Neighbour". It's made me think more about the Catholic Guilt. They have a very different mentality to the West with its Christian roots. Good Samaritans in Islam - definitely not to Non Muslims. BTW, I sent you a timeline of Muslim invasions in Europe - there are plenty of reasons for the Crusades. Posted on that thread of Valerie whatshername. I found it somewhere and can't vouch how accurate it is, but will do for now. Posted by Constance, Friday, 19 December 2014 4:48:49 PM
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Sorry, looks like you are wrong about George Bernard Shaw. "The advertisements quote Shaw proclaiming the prophet Mohammed was "the saviour of humanity" in a book he is supposed to have written entitled The Genuine Islam. But International Shaw Society treasurer Richard F Dietrich said he had compiled a complete list of Shaw's works, which did not include the book. "I think The Genuine Islam is bogus," he said. In his writings, Shaw described the religion in a 1933 letter to Rev Ensor Walters as "ferociously intolerant"." "You spoke on Philosophy of Peace, but as a Muslim it would have been more appropriate if you had delivered a lecture on the Philosophy of War, for Islam doubtless was spread at the point of the sword," Shaw is quoted as having said" Posted by Constance, Friday, 19 December 2014 7:36:46 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by The Camo, Friday, 19 December 2014 7:55:59 PM
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The Camo,
"If I called myself the god of Australia would it make it so? [No] If I covered myself in the southern cross and sang waltzing matilda while I took hostages does it make me a representative of Australia?[No} Does it make me an Aussie Terrorist?{No} Does it make all Australians kidnappers/murderers?"[No] but then all Australians do not subscribe to a belief that their religion says that it is OK to murder in the name of their god, whereas Moslems do, not out loud but tacitly by being followers of Muhammad and by believing and proclaiming that the Koran is the immutable word of God. Monis was a Moslem, he publicly proclaimed that he followed ISIS, what more do you want? He was a Moslem terrorist. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:00:26 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by The Camo, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:07:56 PM
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Camo, you can ignore the facts and pretend all you like that Islam had nothing to do with it, but it just means you're wrong, simple as that. Just because you don't like reality, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's you who's an abject fcking retard for trying to pretend that reality doesn't exist. The fact that the guy was a sociopath doesn't mean Islam was not involved - so was Mohammed in case you haven't noticed.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:34:33 PM
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"The fact that the guy was a sociopath doesn't mean Islam was not involved"
Yes. It actually does. That is the entire point. Posted by The Camo, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:51:58 PM
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He acted in the name of Islam, whether Muslims like it or not: that was his rationale, his be-all and end-all. Yes, he was filth, yes he was a psychopath, anc yes he was using terror and claiming to act in the name of Islam. As a kaffir, I can't say whether or not he actually WAS acting in the spirit of Islam, whether he had complete sanction to murder from the Koran - Muslims may know if this was so, if they know their Koran. As for your earlier spew about Australians, I can't make out what you are getting at: who is saying they are the god of Australia ? Of course if you wrapped yourself in the flag, it doesn't make you representative of Australia. Neither did Moson 'represent' Islam when he ordered an Islamic flag to be put up in the window - but he certainly wished it to be known that he was Muslim, and that he supported IS, didn't he ? Otherwise, why did he bother ? What he did has no bearing on other Muslims, unless they come out and support his vile actions. What he did, does not suggest that all Muslims are terrorists, or kidnappers or murderers, only those who carry out such acts, whether here or in Syria or Iraq. If so, then yes, they are vile people. If they were honest enough to come out in support of IS, then yes, they are vile people, who would support the machine-gunning and beheading of children, the rape and enslaving of women. How much worse do those mongrels have to get ? Set up giant mincing machines ? Gas ovens ? T Totally uncivilized animals. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 19 December 2014 10:35:23 PM
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I like the article and what I say next is not a critique -The same way the Muslim community as a whole does not want to be judged by their extremist counterparts, I would ask that the western community as a whole particularly in Australia is not judged by the bigots.
It seems troubling that the author feels like they are being forced to pick sides (even though they said they were not going to it seemed that they did). I would hope to think we are all on the one side, Muslim Australians along with all other Australians and we can work together to stamp out bigotry on both sides. We are all here together and the only way to go forward not backward is to be good mates. It does seem religion was a factor in the choices the gunman made, although the group known as IS (agree bad name)has their own brand of religion. Posted by DonMega, Saturday, 20 December 2014 12:16:19 AM
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According to your theory, the fact that Mohammed was a homicidal maniac who claimed God told him to do it, automatically excludes any question of Islam being relevant to anything he or his followers does? All it means is that you're saying what you know is untrue. DonMega Ditto. The bigots are those who are trying to pretend that the whole thing had nothing to do with the Muslim religion, and that Australians are all one big happy team, and that anyone pointing out that both these claims are untrue, are "bigots". The word bigot actually has its origin in "By God". It refers to those who believe that their religion justifies them in intolerance. You've got it back-the-front. You can't have it both ways. Muslims can't say on the one hand that they believe in Mohammed and the Koran, and then say on the other hand that they don't believe in killing and enslaving unbelievers, because that's what the Koran teaches, and Mohammed taught by example. It's no use saying Muslims don't agree with their "extremist" co-religionists, as if that label solves the problem for you, because Mohammed happens to be the first among them. It's no use saying most Muslims don't kill or enslave people, because all that means is that they're not doing what they believe in. There's no way out of it by weasel words, which is all you, the Muslims, the politicians and the media have to offer. According to your dopey theories, the fact that ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban, the Muslims decapitating Christians in South-East Asia in recent years, and this guy in the cafe, all claim motivation by Islam, is all some kind of strange coincidence, some kind of mystery, nothing to do with Mohammed and the Koran or the Muslim wrong. You and Camo are wrong, simple as that. No-one can be as dumb as you're pretending to be. That's is just straight-out intellectual dishonesty on your part. There's no other explanation. It's you who are intolerant bigots. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 20 December 2014 6:04:15 AM
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Some friends are suggesting. It is an unwise suggestion. As unwise as it would be to bring petrol cans to the house on fire. There is too much violence in the world. Middle East is burning already. Whose interest would be served to bring that fire home to Australia? Australia is an island of peace and of the most livable places....keep it that way. Constant care and effort would be required to maintain that peace and harmony. And the way forward is, with tolerance of diversity and LOVE FOR THE NEIGHBOR. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 20 December 2014 8:10:36 AM
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Loving thy neighbour is a great idea, and I'm all for it.
However a) you got that idea from the Christian religion b) other religions don't necessarily share it, and Islam definitely doesn't share it c) reality doesn't cease to exist because you don't agree with it or like it d) the Muslim religion definitely does preach killing and enslaving of non-believers, people who deny it are lying or ignorant, Mohammed practised it big time, the Koran teaches it, and the fact that Muslims throughout the world are currently involved in conspicuous killings of children, beheadings of people of other religions, and other gross abuses is NOT SOME KIND OF STRANGE COINCIDENCE. We need to recognise and deal with truth. Trying to deal with a truth that you don't like, by pretending it's not true, is not just idiotic, it is morally culpable. Sensitivity towards others is fine and great, but it does NOT justify pretending what is untrue. The appropriate thing to do is to call on Muslims to recognise that their belief system is abusive and fundamentally inappropriate to social harmony in a global society, praise them for not practising it, and call on them to re-think and renounce it, not to respect them for it or pretend that it doesn't exist or is somehow okay. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 20 December 2014 8:56:52 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by The Camo, Saturday, 20 December 2014 11:19:30 AM
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The fact you get emotional and abusive about it, doesn't mean that the facts of Islam don't exist.
" Which bit of islam?" *Anyone* who embraces the faith of Islam embraces the teachings of Mohammed and the Koran, you fool. It is vastly idiotic, to use your phrase, to deny it. Its vastly, astoundingly, obviously stupid to suggest that anyone embracing Islam does not embrace the killing, enslaving and rape of unbelievers that Mohammed and the Koran preach. The fact that you don't like people pointing out what Muslims believe in, doesn't mean they don't believe in it. If they don't believe in it, they should renounce Islam. You can deny it exists all you like. All it means is that you're a lying idiot. No doubt many thinking Muslims do in fact disagree with the teachings of their own religion, but are reluctant to openly renounce it because they fear being killed by their co-religionists. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 20 December 2014 12:08:36 PM
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Moron Camo,
" .... linking this guy to every other follower of islam is vastly idiotic." Of course. Whoever said otherwise ? Straw man argument. Do you think we are all idiots out here, or children ? That we fall for the dumbest of 'arguments' ? This terrorist was an idiot, perhaps psychologically unbalanced, but a terrorist. Perhaps all terrorists are psychologically unbalanced, I don't know, or care really: if they are terrorists, i.e. commit terrorist acts, then they deserve what follows. But to the extent that they declare allegiance to some fascist rubbish like IS, then they are declaring allegiance to a pre-civilized, primitive set of ideas - 'ideology' is perhaps too sophisticated a term to describe it - that may have been common a few thousand years ago, but has no place in the modern world. And for those on the dumb-dumb-Left: every political position is, in a sense, in the 'middle' - there are political positions to the Right and Left of it. Your difficult task is to distinguish between the two - in other words, to every established political position (such as democracy, capitalism, equality before the law, liberalism, etc.) there is a reactionary response and a progressive response. For Christ's sake, don't confuse the two. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 20 December 2014 12:38:52 PM
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While we're on the subject of how to respond to Islamo-fascism, I must commend the letmeridewithyou or whatever campaign: yes, let's keep our friends close and our potential enemies closer. I don't ascribe to that interpretation however.
Seriously, I really doubt that there has been any upsurge in vicious and vile attacks on defenceless Muslim women anywhere in Australia - that's an almost archetypical beat-up of fascist apologists, posing as Left do-gooders. I take the bus into town most days of the week and I've not only NEVER seen any vile attacks on Muslim women, not even sideways looks, but I've not noticed any reservations on the part of Muslim women, they seem as relaxed and comfortable - to coin a phrase - as they ever were. People stand up for them on the bus, there are occasional smiles - which I hope there will be more of now - and I get the idea that any hypothetical attacks on Muslim women would be quickly stomped on, perhaps literally. So please, let's bury this bullsh!t once and for all: the vast majority of Australians are happy and relaxed about riding on the buses with anybody. Perhaps it's the non-bus-riding Greens and pseudo-progressives (who haven't ridden on buses since their student days) who are trying to whip up a non-existent 'problem'. Actually, I really love being on the bus: you see so many Australians besides affluent Anglos: students, pensioners, and always Australians from clearly many different origins. We are One, AND we are Many. May it always be that way: WE ARE ONE. A lady in a nikab engaged some of us fellow-passengers in a spirited conversation about nothing in particular, with the odd jokes, it was a great way to pass the time. Beautiful eyes ;) [Sorry dear, when you're beautiful, you can't hide it.] I deplore all attempts to divide Australians on some trumped-up issue, even more so in a beat-up over some scum-terrorist murdering people in Sydney, my home-town. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 20 December 2014 1:02:59 PM
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I sure would answer the questions raised about Islam, as the answers to these over a thousand year old questions exist and have been amply given to the satisfaction of hundreds of millions of rational thinking human beings, only if I knew the genuineness of the person raising these questions again; on this occasion.
Two things need clarification first; real identity of the person to assess his/her suitability for this theological discussion and satisfaction that the person raising the questions is not peddling the material fed to him/her with ulterior motives? And second, is this a correct precedence that action of a confirmed mentally unstable person is to be taken as representative of the entire community and is it fair to put the entire community on trial for this reason? A comment about the ulterior motive. I can be wrong here, and I hope I am, I just try to put two plus two and they don't add up. I am puzzled as to who in Australia would fuel this fire of hatred which sure can result in more hatred and unrest and possible harm, like the author cited harassment of a lady. Who, in his right mind, can think that intolerance and mutual suspicion is beneficial to peace, harmony and tranquility of Australian society? .Keep in mind the current example of Ferguson Missouri, USA. Yes it is understandable that there are people who must portray Muslims as subhumans, deserving to be justify keeping them in cage of Gaza, in order to grab their land and bombing them at will is the bombing done today. Yes the commandment of loving thy neighbor is from the same God who revealed it to Jesus and before that to Moses and possibly to the Messengers before Moses. After all, it is one God of the whole mankind and of all creations. His message is the same for all. He says Love Thy Neighbor. Any one now telling us to Hate Thy Neighbor for the reasons he/she feels he/sheknows better, is claiming to be wiser than his/her God. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 20 December 2014 1:11:39 PM
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Dealing with Muslims is frustrating. Fifty years ago in school I used to debate, but nothing is like talking about Islam with Muslims. Facts and logic don’t matter. Words mean nothing. Facts are fluid and standards are applied arbitrarily. A source is good when they use it but weak or unreliable when I use the same. The more I studied Islam, the more it became a matter of WTF, as they say. My experience with Muslims is between the unbelievable and bizarre. It is incredible how much they will do to ignore what the Quran and hadith say. I have had Muslims who wouldn't read passages in the Quran aloud, because, I suppose, they didn't want to hear it from their own lips. When asked to explain a ‘difficult’ verse, it is just excuses. The fact is that "good" Muslims are either ignorant or in denial as to the hate and violence that permeates their dogma. They don't even want to know. To them, Islam is what they say it is, what they want to believe it is, not what the Quran and hadith say or even what Muslims do. It is in their minds. The problem is therefore that good Muslims have no problem with the hate in the Quran or Mohammad’s violence. Guess what that means! Reason and logic also fail. If asked why a supposedly good, all-knowing god would leave passages in his scriptures that some followers would use to justify the evil they do, including child marriage and murdering young victims of rape (for not having the 4 witnesses), you get a blank stare. The bottom line is that, for Muslims, the only real sin is unbelief. Allah himself performs barbaric torture on unbelievers, not for murder, or for stealing, lies or rape, but because of unbelief. None of that silly “confess your sins, repent and sin no more” of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Islam has rituals and routines, but little morality. Muslims cannot change and they cannot be honest. They make excuses and blame others. The future will not be nice. Blood will flow. Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 20 December 2014 1:24:45 PM
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your experiences ring true to a number of people I know who have had similar experiences. My experience has been similar. Muslims who are ignorant of the Koran are some of the nicest people I have come across. Even some involved in the people smuggling industry (sanctioned by Rudd and Gillard) are the lovliest guys (fishermen trying to make a better life for kids). On the other hand I have met and talked to some who hold to the beliefs of the Koran. They lie, treat women shockingly (that's being nice) and are serial welfare cheats. Posted by runner, Saturday, 20 December 2014 1:39:41 PM
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McAdam, About your “Two things”, actually three:
1. suitability for theological discussion I don’t have a degree in theology, but I have read the Quran (uffa!) and hadith and early histories. I am also very familiar with the Bible and the classics of the Western tradition. None of this is needed to discuss an ideology or the behavior of people. 2. probability of ulterior motives. That is for each person to know. The only things that matter are are issues and facts. If asked about motive, I would say that I am worried about our future and probable conflicts, and that I think one particular group is causing trouble. Take it or leave it. 3. making one person as representative of an entire community. That is wrong. Period. However, patterns, statistics and facts can indicate a problem and should cause one to ask questions. The idea that “it is wrong to stereotype” is foolish. Everybody stereotypes and very often stereotypes have an element of truth, but not always. The lone sheik is not indicative of all Muslims, but the fact that Muslims almost everywhere they dominate discriminate against and persecute non-Muslims is damning. Facts are facts. If I say that Muslims accept the Quran as the perfect word of god and Mohammad as a messenger and a great noble example, those are true. If I say that the Quran is full of hate and violence and that Mohammad did many evil things, those too are true (if words mean anything and if moral standards are universal). If you are against generalizations, then you would condemn the Quran. Are you aware of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of verses that vilify and slander non-Muslims in the broadest terms? Is it OK for the Quran to generalize about entire communities but wrong for us to hold Muslims accountable for their actions and beliefs? Who knows, quien sabe, maybe those quranic verses and the actions of Mohammad explain the intolerance of Islamic societies, the endemic violence and the integration problems of Muslims immigrants. That is just a wild guess, of course. Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 20 December 2014 2:12:31 PM
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Muslims, Jews and Christians do not worship the same God as their respective definitions differ. The God of Christianity is a Trinity, the very idea of which is blasphemy to Jews and Muslims. God, as such, did not bid us to love our neighbour, that is a teaching of Christ. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 December 2014 2:35:08 PM
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The reference to the quote from Sir George Bernard Shaw, I presented in my post of the 19th, is from ‘The Genuine Islam, Vol 1, No: 8, 1936’.
There are dozens of similar views on Muhammad from the learned men of conscience from the west and elsewhere. The views will show those still engaged with the vicious campaign of misinformation in this age that their statements, in the worlds of Thomas Carlyle (my post of the 18th), are “disgraceful to (themselves)” only. Those who have carefully studied the life of Muhammad with an unbiased mind have only one response to him: An absolute respect. The fact shows up even in the secular take of rational minds like Karen Armstrong who is regarded as a current authority on history of religions. Her book “Muhammad” sits on the Amazon website with following introduction: “Muhammad's story is more relevant than ever ……..Countering those who dismiss Islam as fanatical and violent, Armstrong offers a clear, accessible, and balanced portrait of the central figure of one of the world's great religions.” Here is another view of an unbiased mind, Annie Besant (1847-1933), a British Socialist from page 4 of her book entitled “The Life and Teachings of Muhammad”. “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.” On the main subject of this discussion, I note with comfort a sensible advice in today’s post (by DonMega). “I would hope to think we are all on the one side, Muslim Australians along with all other Australians and we can work together to stamp out bigotry on both sides.” Yes, bigotry on both sides must be stamped out. Continued Posted by NC, Saturday, 20 December 2014 2:52:04 PM
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Continued from previous post……
The peripheral issues in the first post of today took up most of the space I wanted for the focus of my posts, hence the second post of the day. This view about Muhammad is from Lamartine (1790-1869), a French writer and poet. The reference is from pages 276-77 of his book “Histoire de la Turquie, Pans 1854, Vol. 11”. “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modem history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislation, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then-inhabited world; and more than that he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls.... His forbearance in victory, his ambition which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire, his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death-all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold: the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with the words. Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” Posted by NC, Saturday, 20 December 2014 2:53:46 PM
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So NC have you converted to Islam or were you borne a Muslim? If you truly believe that which you have posted then there is no greater person or prophet than Muhammad and you really have no excuse for not being a follower. If you are not a follower of Islam you must either be a hypocrite or just playing devil' advocate (no pun intended).
Whilst Lamartine's description of Muhammad is very flattering it does include a particular phrase that could hint at the problem many of us feel he created... "restorer of rational dogmas". The Quran may be a lot of things but rational is a big stretch. Is the reason you are spending so much time defending the Prophet because you cannot defend the questionable passages in the Quran? Muslims tell us the Quran is pure and comes directly from of Muhammad's teachings because it is in the original language he spoke (actually that's debateable but you can't tell a Muslim that and survive); Muslims believe the verses have not been polluted or interpreted. So it follows that the more violent and questionable verses are indeed Muhammad's words. Why is it these defender's of Muhammad haven't addressed the violence in his teaching/Quran? Can you please provide us with your understanding on any of the passages from the Quran that Kactus shared with us. It's my understanding the verses in the Quran are not there for the followers to cherry-pick, the whole Quran is the message, right? Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 20 December 2014 3:46:16 PM
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An intelligent and insightful article, this is the sort of writing and opinion that should be in the papers to balance the fear mongering that has become the norm - disappointing to see comments taking personal shots at the author instead making a reasoned debate about this though am I wrong to have expected better? If we scratch under the surface of the stories that the media feed we see unfounded claims of beheading plots in sydney to justify police raids that the media were prearranged to 'accompany' them on, a Young man shot at point blank range and no one questions it... It seems that claims of 'terror' all over the front page and the media frenzy happens only when people involved are Muslim.The question has to be why..
Posted by Mikmik, Saturday, 20 December 2014 3:57:38 PM
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Truly amazing that so many great minds can be so wrong, but then they didn't have the benefit of 9/11 or of the school children murdered in Pakistan only a few days ago Wonder what they would have thought about Muslims forceably closing girls schools?. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 December 2014 4:47:31 PM
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MikMik asks "It seems that claims of 'terror' all over the front page and the media frenzy happens only when people involved are Muslim. The question has to be why"
Could it be because 99.9% of the terrorists and terrorism related violence in the world is committed by Muslims? Can you provide us with even one example in Australia over the past five years where a person held hostages, threatened violence, made political demands, whilst displaying an Islamic flag that involves a person that isn't a Muslim? Why do you pretend the Sydney siege wasn't a terrorist act? How does that improve your life? The perpetrator certainly believed he was demonstrating on behalf of Islam. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 20 December 2014 5:42:31 PM
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Yeah, but how do you know he wasn't a atheist pretending to be a Muslim ? Year after year ? Calling himself a sheikh but actually being a atheist ? Switching from Shia to Sunni but really being a atheist ? That just shows what utter b@stards atheists are. Yeah. And how do we know that the murder of 130 children in Pakistan, and the kidnapping this week of hundreds of children and murder of forty-odd people in Nigeria, and bombings in Afghanistan, wasn't the work of atheists ? See what complete b@stards atheists are ?! And they pick on fascist Muslims ! Always ! Like we're the only ones ! B@stards ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 20 December 2014 7:10:06 PM
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"The future will not be nice. Blood will flow." Says a critic of Islam. In fact all hate in this thread...please do go through it again..comes from critics of Islam and then they insist Islam and Muslims are hateful. That is bigotry
Any one who says there is more violence in Quran than Bible, Old Testament is ignorant or is guilty of bigotry. Then it is said "making one person as representative of an entire community. That is wrong. Period" and in the same breath a barrage of slurs is unleashed on Islam and Muslims, on account of the same incident; that is bigotry. Is it the the dilemma of human psychology, at play here ; what you can't forgive in others, in fact are your own weaknesses, get rid of them. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 12:09:21 AM
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Thank you Is Mise for pointing out following:-
"Muslims, Jews and Christians do not worship the same God as their respective definitions differ. The God of Christianity is a Trinity, the very idea of which is blasphemy to Jews and Muslims. God, as such, did not bid us to love our neighbour, that is a teaching of Christ." Let me share with you my humble understanding on the subject. "My understanding" is all that I can share, for only a fool can claim encompassing God in totality. Yes, the respective definitions of Muslims, Jews and Christianity differ. That does not make different gods for them but understanding of the same God differently. Rumi has illustrated the mutual squabbles on this subject by equating it with men arguing about the shape of the elephant, based on their own respective experience of touching a different part of the same elephant in the dark and then after having come out in the open, insisting on their respective definitions of shape of elephant. Our dogmas and definitions change with time. Jews at one point in their history were polytheist. That did not not mean that gods had become many. God remained one, it is that they thought differently, at that time. Similarly Christianity has changed its stand on universe being geo- centric and recently on evolution. Not that those facts have now changed, it is that their understanding by Christianity has. In my humble understanding it is the Same One God the Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in. It is just that their understanding may differ. About the neighbor. Good neighborly relations, along with the integrity of family unit are at the heart of any orderly social life. Ninth and tenth commandments of Jews deal with being good to neighbors. So, in my understanding good neighborliness is emphasized in all three religions. May God forgive me, if I have erred in narrating the understanding that I think I have done truthfully and in all sincerity. Thanks for reading this post Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 1:21:45 AM
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Dear rational people,
No matter which side of the fence you sit on, we can all agree this man was deranged. If a deranged man says he is Jesus, the rational thing would be to say, "no you are not Jesus". So if a deranged man says what I am doing is Islamic, wouldn't the rational thing to say be, "no this is not Islamic". To believe a deranged man's claims isn't rationality it's insanity. So which side of the fence do you sit on? Posted by theHypocrisy, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:11:28 AM
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Claiming to be a person you are not is different to claiming you hold an ideology. Deranged or not, people can hold ideologies.
Posted by Luciferase, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:48:23 AM
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Yes Kactuz, well said:
<<The fact is that "good" Muslims are either ignorant or in denial as to the hate and violence that permeates their dogma. They don't even want to know. To them, Islam is what they say it is, what they want to believe it is, not what the Quran and hadith say>> You nailed it. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 21 December 2014 5:36:30 AM
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The first reference on Muhammad in today’s post is from W Montgomery Watt (1909-2006), a Scottish historian and a Professor at the University of Edinburgh. Watt's comprehensive biography of Muhammad namely “Muhammad at Mecca (1953)” and “Muhammad at Medina (1956), is considered to be the classic in the field.
While bringing this extra-ordinary life to the eyes of the westerners, among many aspects, he did touch on the ones being pointed out in this discussion. His observations from a close view of history: 1. “To propose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves”; and 2. “None of the great figures in history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad”. Here is what he says in “Mohammad at Mecca”, Oxford, 1953, p 52: “His readiness to undergo persecution for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement all argue his fundamental integrity To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad.” Encyclopedia Britannica, in its early versions (1768), addressed the-then prevalent misinformation: “(Muhammad was) the most successful of all religious personalities of the world…… a mass of detail in early sources show that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were like-wise honest and upright men” Michael H. Hart, while ranking Muhammad at the top of the world’s most influential persons in his book “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History” (1978), had to address the misinformation under discussion here. “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.” Posted by NC, Sunday, 21 December 2014 10:03:59 AM
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Appeals to 'authority' don't count for much - anybody could drag bits and pieces out of the written corpus to justify any dictator. The facts are that Muhammad was a rapist (he raped Aishya at nine years old), he commanded people to be killed brutally who annoyed him, he launched unprovoked wars whenever he thought he could win. In short, he was uncivilized trash, not much different from people like Hitler or Saddam or Gaddafi. If he existed at all, of course :) Perhaps he was mythical, a vehicle for fable and parable, like Christ, to personify the mores and doings of the illiterate desert people of those days. After all, the Koran wasn't written down for a hundred years after his death, there were competing versions of it floating around, and perhaps still are. Back to topic: if someone declares that they are acting in the name of an ideology and can cite evidence for that from their favourite book, as IS can and does, then it is possible that their thuggery and barbarity actually does have the sanction of their book. What they assert, they can demonstrate. So it would have to be up to other Muslims to cite other bits and pieces for THEIR point of view, and to show that IS are in reality just a bunch of uncivilized thugs. If they could also cite bits and pieces, then it would become clear that there are major differences and inconsistencies in the Koran: Pre- and Post-Medina versions of Islam are therefore very different, with the later verses regressing to a backward brutality befitting desert tribes, but extending that reactionary outlook to the entire world, as they knew it. And learning nothing from anybody else in the process and currently trapping a billion and a half people in pig-ignorance. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 21 December 2014 10:49:09 AM
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NC you must be the perfect cherry picker, or do you simply prefer to select the writings of one person to use to form your opinion for you? In passing, have you ever formed your own opinion on something, or do you simply prefer second hand?
You say "Michael H. Hart, while ranking Muhammad at the top of the world’s most influential persons in his book “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History” (1978), had to address the misinformation under discussion here". It is a no brainer to see Muhammad is an influential person on the history, in the same way as Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Zedong were influential. Only an academic would then tell us that these people earned our respect, & should be admired or revered by people in general. I believe it is perfectly fair to he is entitled to be cursed by all, for the fact that his infamy did not die with him. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 21 December 2014 11:01:01 AM
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Come on NC, declare your affiliation with Islam.
And as I've asked you previously.... what do you have to say about the violent passages in the Koran that are Muhammad's message? If those passages are not Muhammad's message then all of Islam is a sham. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Sunday, 21 December 2014 11:42:03 AM
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Learn to read, I said that one incident does not an archetype make, but many make a pattern. You think there is no pattern of Islamic violence and intolerance in our world? What would happen to me and many of us ‘critics of Islam’ here (Jadine, Runner, Lego, Loudmouth, Hippie, Constance, Hasbeen, etc..) if we were in a public square in an Islamic society, saying what we have written here? Stupid question, see link: So 1500 people, Muslims, urged on by Imams, drag a couple into an oven, for a RUMOUR of blasphemy. I guess that is the “neighborliness” emphasized by Islam and expressed so well in Quran 48:29. Or how about this: You must be very proud, McAdam, defending the weak and powerless against the tyrants that seek impose their hate on those wonderful, kind, blameless Muslims, and who, oh horrors, accuse them of following their scriptures and the example of their prophet. In fact you may have noticed that not only are Islamic societies the most benevolent, tolerant and prosperous in the World, but also known for their peacefulness and love of reason. In fact it isn’t for nothing that millions of Westerners, Africans and Asians have left their countries and rushed to Islamic paradises, even taking small boats across perilous seas, to live in Islamic societies where the ideals of mercy and liberty flourish under the teachings of Islam. This benevolence, tolerance and freedom is all due, of course, to the strict adhesion to the tenets of Islam and the example of its prophet. Right? See, when you throw out facts and logic, everything is easy. Never think, never ask questions! Oh, BTW, how can the god of Jews, Christians and Muslims be the same when the Quran says Mary is part of the trinity (one of three, Quran5:116) that Christians worship? Obviously Allah and Mohammad know more about Christian doctrine than even Christians. I look forward to the Pope apologizing and replacing the Holy Spirit with Mary in all liturgies. Yes, my dear Roman, I nailed it, but it is a very big nail. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 21 December 2014 12:31:39 PM
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What evidence is there that Monis was deranged? His beheavior seemed sane enough if taken in the context that he was following the precepts for dealing with infidels as laid down by Muhammad "So if a deranged man says what I am doing is Islamic, wouldn't the rational thing to say be, "no this is not Islamic". No it wouldn't, one would need to analyze what he was doing and then compare what he was doing to Islamic teachings and if he were a Muslim then that fact would need to be taken into account also. "To believe a deranged man's claims isn't rationality it's insanity." I'm sure that you don't really mean that, the deranged can be very rational and, moreover, appear to be quite normal. "So which side of the fence do you sit on?" The side that says that Islam is a political movement that has no place in a democracy. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 21 December 2014 1:54:44 PM
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It has been claimed that:
"Quran says Mary is part of the trinity (one of three, Quran5:116)" The actual translation of 5: 116 is as follows:- 116. And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah ? he saith: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy Mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower of Things Hidden ? (Translation by Pickthal) The loose expression that God of Jews Christians and Muslims is different, can mislead the reader that the followers of these religions believe in existence of more than one God....that would negate the monotheism for which these religions are known. In fact the followers of these three religions worship the same one God, as there is none other than that there is. The difference is in perception of the same God. And difference in perception arises from the very nature of God. God, as a concept is beyond human faculties. Any explicit explanation will raise the difficulties being experienced. Rumii's illustration that I mentioned earlier appears spot on. This is how it appears to me, but if some one feels differently, it is his/ her prerogative. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:25:18 PM
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It has been implied that violence is exclusive to Muslims. Please consider example of USA as reported by CNN -The list of the 25 deadliest single day mass shootings in U.S. history from 1949 . 32 killed - April 16, 2007 - Blacksburg, Virginia. 27 killed - December 14, 2012 Newtown, Connecticut. 20 children, ages 6 and 7, and six adults, 23 killed - October 16, 1991 - In Killeen, Texas, 21 killed - July 18, 1984 - In San Ysidro, California,18 killed - August 1, 1966 - In Austin, Texas, wounded at least 30, 14 killed - August 20, 1986 - Edmond, Oklahoma,13 killed - November 5, 2009 - Fort Hood, Tx.13 killed - April 3, 2009 - In Binghamton, New York, 13 killed - April 20, 1999 - Littleton, Colorado. 13 killed - September 25, 1982 - In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 13 killed - September 5, 1949 - In Camden, New Jersey, 12 killed - September 16, 2013 - Washington Navy Yard 12 killed - July 20, 2012 - Twelve people akilled and 58 wounded at Aurora, Colorado.12 killed - July 29, 1999 - In Atlanta, 10 killed - March 10, 2009 - In Alabama,9 killed - March 21, 2005 - Red Lake High School, Minnesota. 9 killed - June 18, 1990 - In Jacksonville, Florida, 8 killed - October 12, 2011 - Seal Beach, California. 8 killed - August 3, 2010 - Manchester, Connecticut 8 killed - January 19, 2010 - Christopher Speight, 8 killed - March 29, 2009 - In Carthage, North Carolina8 killed - December 5, 2007 - In Omaha, Nebraska, 8 killed - July 1, 1993 - In San Francisco, 8 killed - September 14, 1989 - In Louisville, Kentucky8 killed - August 20, 1982 - In Miami,
Note: These are incidents of shooting only. Incidents of other form of violence are not included here. Similar statistics for other countries can be referred to. Clearly, it is false to claim that violence is exclusive to Muslims. Saying so, at this juncture to fan inter communal rift, is injurious for the peaceful Australian society Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:48:12 PM
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@McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:48:12 PM
That is the well-worn fallacy of faulty comparison. Your previous post was suss too. This one, McAdam, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:25:18 PM If you cannot lie straight in bed why should anyone bother to entertain anything you have written? The opposite becomes the case, readers suspect you are only interested in deceiving them and you are up to no good. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 21 December 2014 2:55:16 PM
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McAdam where do come off saying "It has been implied that violence is exclusive to Muslims"? Please provide one quote from anyone in this thread that supports this ridiculous statement.
No one has ever said that, insinuated that or even mistakenly posted something that implied that. Are you stupid or just trying to deflect the conversation away from the truths you don't want to accept? Posted by ConservativeHippie, Sunday, 21 December 2014 4:21:17 PM
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That's called a 'straw man' or 'Aunt Sally' argument: nobody has said that violence is exclusive to Muslims, so you are putting up an easy target, only to easily knock it down. Anybody can do that, it really is quite childish. Burt where Muslims have been involved in violence, then yes, they have been involved in violence. If they have committed violent and vile acts in the name of Allah, then they have committed violent and vile acts in the name of Allah. Whether Allah would approve is up to Muslims as a whole to work out. But everybody else is entitled to say that yes, they were violent and vile acts, and they seem to have been carried out in the name of Allah. Were the acts of Monis carried out in the name of Allah ? Did he put an Islamic flag up in the window ? Did he make his motives clear ? Yes, he did. Did those Pakistani Taliban not only shoot Malala in the face, intending to kill her, and doing it in the name of Allah ? Yes they did. Did they murder 130 children in the name of Allah ? Yes, they did. Did Boko Haram, this week, murder fifty-odd people and kidnap hundreds of women and children, in the name of Allah ? Yes, they did. Has anybody killed anybody this week in the name of Christ, or Buddha ? I don't think so. Cop it. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 21 December 2014 5:41:11 PM
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"The loose expression that God of Jews Christians and Muslims is different, can mislead the reader that the followers of these religions believe in existence of more than one God....that would negate the monotheism for which these religions are known. In fact the followers of these three religions worship the same one God, as there is none other than that there is. The difference is in perception of the same God. And difference in perception arises from the very nature of God." As I pointed out earlier the God of the Christians is a Trinity, three persons in one God. This is not a single God as is the God of the Muslims and of the Jews. To Christians He is God the Father and He has a Son, the Christ (who is also God) and the third person is the Holy Spirit (who is also God). So if the Christian God (3 in one) is not different to the other Gods then I'll eat my RM Williams. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 21 December 2014 6:08:01 PM
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Jesus Christ, NC, are you seriously claiming that Mohammad was a nice bloke?
Yep, Mohammad did undergo persecution for his beliefs, so did Hitler. Der Fuhrer got banged up in prison for his beliefs, does that make Hitler a virtuous person? Ivan Milat honestly believes he can kill people for fun, I suppose you could say that jailing him was a form of "persecution". Mohammad was a warlord who conducted 58 successful military campaigns against Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, pagans, Buddhists and Hindus. He was successful because he had the bright idea of telling his warriors that they would go to heaven and screw 72 virgins forever if they died in battle for him. It worked a treat. Once in power, he beheaded anybody who crossed him, just like ISIL. He had women stoned to death. He invented a religion where women were chattels like a sword or a camel. He instructed his followers to murder non believers in the most cruel ways, take their land and possessions, and to take their females as sex slaves. His "religion" is very similar to the Indian "Thugee" religion (from where we get the word "thug" from.) He "married" a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 11 years old. The strife prone failed religion that he left behind is the primary reason why Muslims are becoming the most hated people on planet Earth. It is a religion which has failed it's people socially and economically, and it seeks to blame everybody else for it's failure. It's adherents will not objectively examine it's beliefs and suggest it must reform itself, because it is a religion which orders the murder of those who dare suggest reformation. Mohammad was a psychopathic, murderous, misogynistic paedophile who, like so many Muslim leaders, robbed, raped and murdered his way to the top. And you have the absolute effrontery to come on OLO and claim that he was a virtuous man? Even your own supporters must be looking askance at you for that one. Thank you for helping out your opponents. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 21 December 2014 6:37:16 PM
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HATE against Muslims is being spread in this forum. Please see following . quotes extracted from many:-
" why Australians should not be calling on Muslims to *re-think* their belief system. I call on Junaid Cheena and his wife to publicly renounce Islam." "these people are our enemies, and we forbid the importation of any more of them into our once peaceful societies." "If we can condemn Nazis as a group, than why is it we can not do the same for Muslims?" "Islam is a dangerous religion who's declared intention is to take over the world" "Those who embrace Islam embrace the teachings of a mass murdering thieving slaving rapist" "99.9% of the terrorists and terrorism related violence in the world is committed by Muslims" HATE destroys. And it's first victim is the beholder; it destroys his/her ability to stay rational and impartial. Example of irrational thinking is the quoting of incidents manifestly in name of Islam, and then concluding that all Muslims...should be condemned. It is said, Malala was shot and 132 school children were massacred in Pakistan and the recommendation implied is that all two hundred million of Pakistanis be condemned, even though, they have risen up as a nation as a whole against these criminals and are finishing them through national effort of their armed forces, law enforcement and civil society. If we were to condemn entire communities and countries for the crimes of a few deranged zealots, who will be left un condemned in this world? Finally, what is the point that we set out to discuss? An evil act by the criminal must be condemned .......but evil must be suppressed and not spread. Please remember HATE is harmful;........ to you. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:11:05 AM
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Mr. McAdam
Question: Why, instead of quoting modern writers on Mohammad, why don’t you quote Mohammad himself. Certainly there must be a few verses somewhere that preach tolerance and love? I mean if you look hard and ignore the hundreds and thousands of verses in the Quran and hadith, you will find a few that seem to proclaim brotherhood and peace. After all, Muslims everywhere use those few verses to show that Islam is really a peaceful enterprise. Maybe there is a “Sermon” on the Camel”, similar to the Sermon of the Mount, but superior, of course. I am sure there was such discourse, and if it only had been recorded, it would have had verses like “I will cast love into the hearts of the enemy”, “The believers are kind to each other and even kinder to the unfaithful”, and “infidels are wonderful people, higher than animals” or something like that. Actually, there was a “Battle of the Camel” in which Aisha watched Muslims slaughter each other by the thousands soon after your prophet’s death. Oh by the way, the “ill ride with you” campaign was based upon a phoney, made up event. (“Confession time. In my Facebook status, I editorialised. She wasn’t sitting next to me. She was a bit away, towards the other end of the carriage…. She might not even be Muslim or she could have just been warm!”) So the whole episode was imagined to make Muslims seem to be victims of hate and racism was made up, and Australians to be evil, violent racists, and this even before the real victims were buried. Words fail me. Posted by kactuz, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:43:21 AM
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You want me to renounce my religion. What should I become, instead; I ask you. Don't say Atheist, because if you did, I would know you were not being honest, atheist are against religion, you are against Islam. Please propose your preferred religion and tell me how is it relatively more rational and less violent. Caveat :- Let me remind you of the Commandment of God, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." God and His messengers deserve to be revered. Those who believe in them should revere. And those who do not believe in them should be mindful that they do not hurt the religious sentiments of those who believe An honorable person would be mindful of this fact. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:48:23 AM
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Note well this from McAdam:
<<God and His messengers deserve to be revered. Those who believe in them should revere. And those who do not believe in them should be mindful that they do not hurt the religious sentiments of those who believe>> Not too far removed from what some of his fellow faithful have been saying: Posted by SPQR, Monday, 22 December 2014 5:18:30 AM
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From McAdam's last post:
To HATE-BRIGDE:- You want me to renounce my religion. And there it is - the truth and reason for the defence of Muhammad finally came out. McAdam no one has asked you to renounce your religion but if some of the comments have made you start to question it, that's a good thing. Anything we believe in has to be able to stand up to scrutiny. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Monday, 22 December 2014 7:58:20 AM
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You're right: "HATE destroys. And it's first victim is the beholder; it destroys his/her ability to stay rational and impartial." So on a spectrum from 'Love' to 'Hate', where would you put the killing of 130 children ? But then you deliberately twist any rational commentary: "Example of irrational thinking is the quoting of incidents manifestly in name of Islam, and then concluding that all Muslims...should be condemned." Who ever has said or written that ? I certainly don't believe that to be true. There must be millions upon millions of Muslims who would never hurt anybody. Do I have to repeat that before you will drop your stupid and dishonest interpretation ? Who ever has said or written that all crimes committed by Muslims can be attributed to ball Muslims ? I certainly don't believe that to be true. There must be millions upon millions of Muslims who would never hurt anybody. "It is said, Malala was shot and 132 school children were massacred in Pakistan and the recommendation implied is that all two hundred million of Pakistanis be condemned ... " Is that how your mind works ? If you were not Muslim, would you condemn all Muslims for the acts of a few ? As an atheist, I wouldn't. But if and when people commit crimes in the name of a god, such as the attempted murders in France in the last couple of days, then we must call it as it is - an attempted crime in the name of Allah. If crimes are committed here in Australia, or in Pakistan, or in Nigeria, or in Syria, or in Yemen, or in India (the Mumbai killings), and those crimes were committed in the name of Allah, then what else is anyone to think than that they were committed in the name of Allah ? What Allah thinks off it all, I wouldn't comment, that's for Muslims to do, the millions upon millions of Muslims who would never dream of committing such vile acts in the name of their god. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 December 2014 7:59:54 AM
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K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, a non-Muslim, in his book entitled “Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam” (1989) observes that presenting truth in this day and age is not a challenge:
“because we are not generally fed now on that (distorted) kind of history and much time need not be spent on pointing out our misrepresentations of Islam. The theory of Islam and sword, for instance, is not heard now in any quarter worth the name. The principle of Islam that “there is no compulsion in religion” is well known.” The message for those still engaged in spreading misinformation about Muhammad is that TRUTH IS OUT. The following (readily available) are few of the long list of references which attest this TRUTH. 1. Encyclopedia Britannica 2. Thomas Carlyle 3. Sir George Bernard Shaw 4. Karen Armstrong 5. W Montgomery Watt 6. Lamartine 7. Mahatma Gandhi 8. Edward Gibbon 9. Simon Ocklay 10. Bosworth Smith 11. Annie Besant 12. Michael H. Hart 13. Edward Montet 14. Dr. William Draper 15. Arthur Glyn Leonard 16. Philip K. Hitti 17. Washington Irving 18. James Michener 19. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao 20. Professor Jules Masserman Muhammad has lived in full blaze of history: • More people have written about him than about any other individual in the human history; • Microscopic analyses of all aspects of his life have resulted in immense respect of him by the scholars, historians and institutions. As a humble student of this great life, I can address misunderstandings about him, but the query has to be from a rational mind open to facts. Unfortunately, some of the posts (language included) of the peddlers of misinformation here leave no ambiguity about their mission of whipping hatred ONLY. Do I expect anything from them which is remotely rational: NO! Do I produce these quotes for their consumption: of course NOT; or for their response: NOT at all. These are the primary search tools for rational minds who want to discover truth for themselves, which is quite easy about Muhammad in this day and age, as observed by Mr Rao, above. Continued …. Posted by NC, Monday, 22 December 2014 10:13:06 AM
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Continued from the last post
Today’s quotes on Muhammad: Bosworth Smith (1784-1884) – American Protestant Episcopal bishop and writer in his book entitled “Mohammad and Mohammadanism”, London (1874), writes: “He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue. If ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammad, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)- hardly needs an introduction, in a weekly paper entitled “Young India”, writes “I wanted to know the best of one who holds today’s undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind .. I became more that convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his mission… Professor Jules Masserman (1905-1994) –Professor at the University of Chicago in Time Magazine (15 July 1974) in an article entitles “Who were History’s Great Leaders”, writes "People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser degree, Moses did the same." Posted by NC, Monday, 22 December 2014 10:16:36 AM
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@ NC
<<Who cherry picked a quote from Gandhi to try and show that Gandhi thought that Islam was the best thing since sliced naan>> Gandhi was probably being diplomatic --trying to hold the disparate parties together--THE COLD HARD UNDIPLOMATIC TRUTH IS TENS-OF-MILLIONS OF HINDUS AND BUDDHISTS WERE MASSACRED IN AN ATTEMPT TO CONVERT THE SUBCONTINENT TO THE RELIGION OF PEACE. Posted by SPQR, Monday, 22 December 2014 10:51:11 AM
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Adolf Hitler quote: "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" "Winston Churchill warned Neville Chamberlain that Nazism was hell bent on world conquest and that Hitler's peace posturing was a thin charade. But Neville Chamberlain would not listen and Hitler laid waste to countless lives and damn near took over the world." Winston Churchill quote on Islam: The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan (1899), by Winston Churchill, concerning his experiences as a British Army officer, during the Mahdist War (1881–99) in the Sudan. “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. Cont..... Posted by Constance, Monday, 22 December 2014 12:54:50 PM
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...Churchill quote: It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.” “Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī (865 – 925 AD) was a Persian physician, alchemist, chemist, philosopher, and scholar. If the people of this religion [Islam] are asked about the proof for the soundness of their religion, they flare up, get angry and spill the blood of whoever confronts them with this question. They forbid rational speculation, and strive to kill their adversaries. This is why truth became thoroughly silenced and concealed.”” Wole Soyinka[edit] "Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Soyinka (born July 13, 1934) is a Nigerian writer, poet and playwright. In 1986, he became the first African to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 1994, he was designated UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for the promotion of African culture, human rights, freedom of expression, media and communication. “England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there. . . . We should assemble all those who are pure and cannot abide other faiths, put them all in rockets, and fire them into space. . . . A virus has attacked the world of sense and sensibility, and it has spread to Nigeria. . . The assumption of power over life and death then passed to every single inconsequential Muslim in the world-as if someone had given them a new stature...Al Qaeda is the descendent of this phenomenon. The proselytization of Islam became vigorous after this. People went to Saudi Arabia. Madrassas were established everywhere.” Muslim dad wants one of Abbott's daughter's to die‏ Posted by Constance, Monday, 22 December 2014 12:59:20 PM
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That’s interesting about the “Thuggies”. It reminds me of the origins of the gypsies in Europe who have Indian origins. Indians fled to Europe because of Muslim invasions in India. Aisha was 9years old, not 11. The Christian concept of GUILT is of high importance as it does not exist in Islam. Posted by Constance, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:52:03 PM
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HATE BRIGADE, You wrote:-
"Quran says Mary is part of the trinity (one of three, Quran5:116)" Quran does not say so; what you wrote is a lie. You quoted translation of the verse,from Quran, which is wrong again. I posted the actual translation of the verse, you quoted. And did not see a confession of mistake or apology for a lie. Honorable behavior should have resulted in one of the two. So much for the authenticity and credibility of your scholarly discourses on Quran and Hadith. Or is it that I should brace for an other barrage of abusive language now, for what you have shown so far is, that only things you have, in addition to Hatred, is Lies and Abusive Language. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:29:46 PM
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Check out 5: 116: "5:116 And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah ? he saith: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy Mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower of Things Hidden ?" So Allah, Jesus and Mary were considered by whoever wrote that bit of the Koran to all be gods ? Three gods ? Well, two and a goddess, with Allah being a sort of senior god. Of course, we've only got Allah's word for all this, or rather Muhammad's word of what Allah said, or rather somebody else's version of what Muhammad said Allah said. It's interesting that Jesus, presumably a Christian, uses the term 'Allah', for his god. Perhaps the authorities should allow non-Muslims in Malaysia to use that term too ? After all, if it's good enough for Jesus ..... Constance, Yes, it seems a stereotypical Muslim has a very strong sense of shame and blame, and hurt, but not much of a sense of guilt, of having ever done anything wrong or hurtful to others. That article: is a beautiful example of that, and also of the low level of morality, i.e. sense of good and bad, rightandwrong - that someone would want somebody else, indiscriminately, it really wouldn't matter who, to suffer as much as a relative or friend has suffered. No, McAdam, that attitude is barbaric: innocent people shouldn't suffer, and most certainly more innocent people shouldn't have to suffer because one innocent person - really this girl, going off to fight for IS, is innocent ?! Let's just assume that, anyway - may suffer. Or more likely, one innocent person must suffer because the parents of this stupid girl will suffer if she gets herself killed. Do you understand how backward, how barbaric, that logic is ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:54:35 PM
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Are NC and McAdam the same person? They certainly think alike and dodge the pointed questions the same; but NC seems a little brighter.
For the umpteenth time - NC and/or McAdam will you please explain how the Koran ended up with so many references to hate and justification for killing off the non-believers if Muhammad was such a peaceful prophet. Every other religion and philosophy offers the opportunity to evolve with the times except Islam. Why is it that it's impossible to question or modify any aspect of the Islamic dogma. Asking these simple questions is not a sign I hate Islam; I am not a Muslim hater but I do worry what the world will become if at some point in time the Muslims rule given the state of the countries they currently rule. Is that a fair consideration? Posted by ConservativeHippie, Monday, 22 December 2014 3:40:14 PM
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@ Conservative Hippy
<<Are NC and McAdam the same person? >> You will find that whenever Junaid Cheema writes an article NC and McAdam will sudden appear on the scene as part of his support crew. Posted by SPQR, Monday, 22 December 2014 4:13:00 PM
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The stick of "terrorism" with which you have beating Islam and Muslims with, is fabricated; with lies. Please see and hear the 67th U.S. Secretary of State confess. Here is part of transcript:: "the people we are fighting today..we funded. .lets go recruit these mujaheddin ..lets get some, come from Saudi Arabia and other places..importing their Wahabi Brand of Islam. Lets be careful what we sow, because we will harvest. ...So we then left Pakistan, we said OK fine, you deal with the stingers that we have left all over your country, you deal with the mines..." So, the HATERS of your victims, the bullet that pierced the skull of Malala Yousafzai, or even the bullets and bombs that slaughtered 130 School children, and explosives which continue to kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan, could have been funded by you. Any Guilt? Was this the last Frankenstein that the west created? Is the factory closed for good? or is it still churning out new models of the monster? We will never know...or may be another Secretary of State makes similar confession......decades later. So, the HATERS, have you any guilt for murder of millions for the WMDs which never existed? Guilt for plundering and ruining a country and the whole region? So, HATERS, does your conscious prick for the crimes against humanity, committed in Guantanamo, the U.S. Congressional Committee has unearthed now and the brutalities committed in Abu-Ghareeb and elsewhere that surpass the barbarianism of all times, that some other committee may unearth later? Any shame, on the holocaust unleashed on the people already subjected to apartheid in Gaza and Palestine? You have displayed so far, the ability to look a fact right in the eye and then deny it exists. You are so shameless that you continue to insist that your interpretation is in fact translation of Quran. I am done pleading with you for good neighborliness, for you are the incorrigible lot If you are happy basking in the cesspool of your lies, slurs, and hatred, wish you good luck there Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 11:47:12 PM
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(Revised for Typos)
HATE BRIGADE, The stick of "terrorism" with which you have been beating Islam and Muslims, is fabricated; with lies. Please see and hear the 67th U.S. Secretary of State confess. Here is part of the transcript:: "The people we are fighting today..we funded. .lets go recruit these mujaheddin ..lets get some, come from Saudi Arabia and other places..importing their Wahabi Brand of Islam. Lets be careful what we sow, because we will harvest. ...So we then left Pakistan, we said OK fine, you deal with the stingers that we have left all over your country, you deal with the mines..." So, the HATERS of your victims, the bullet that pierced the skull of Malala Yousafzai, or even the bullets and bombs that slaughtered 130 School children, could have been funded by you. Any Guilt? Was this the last Frankenstein that the west created? Is the factory closed for good? or is it still churning out news monsters? We will never know...unless a similar confession......decades later. So, the HATERS, have you any guilt for murder of millions for the WMDs which never existed? Guilt for plundering and ruining a country ....and the whole region? So, HATERS, does your conscious prick for the crimes against humanity, committed in Guantanamo, the U.S. Congressional Committee has just unearthed and the brutalities committed in Abu-Ghareeb and elsewhere that surpass the barbarianism of all times? Any shame, on the holocaust unleashed on the people already subjected to apartheid in Gaza and rest of Palestine? You have proven to have, the ability to look a fact right in the eye and then deny it exists. You are so shameless that you continue to insist that your interpretation is in fact translation of Quran. I am done pleading with you for good neighborliness, for you are the incorrigible lot. If you are happy basking in the cesspool of your lies, slurs, and hatred, wish you good luck there "Lets Be Careful What We Sow, Because We Will Harvest." (Incidentally, this is the crux of Torah) Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 2:12:41 AM
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Tell us McAdam, do you have any sympathy for the Yadzidis and Christians currently fleeing the Middle East? Why are Muslims the only victims?
>>>>>>>> When I did a course on Islam and the West, Bernard Lewis was often quoted as a reliable reference for his objectivity. The tutor was an Pastor and journalist. He said among other negative Islamic with nonchalance that Muslims fake inter-faith dialogue as nothing in Islam can be questioned. It is only for appearances sake. Bernard Lewis, FBA (born May 31, 1916) is a British-American scholar in Oriental studies, and political commentator. He is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. He specialises in the history of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West, and is especially famous in academic circles for his works on the history of the Ottoman Empire. Lewis quoted: "The golden age of equal rights [in Spain] was a myth, and belief in it was a result, more than a cause, of Jewish sympathy for Islam. The myth was invented by Jews in nineteenth-century Europe as a reproach to Christians.[20] There was a time when scholars and other writers in communist eastern Europe relied on writers and publishers in the free West to speak the truth about their history, their culture, and their predicament. Today it is those who told the truth, not those who concealed or denied it, who are respected and welcomed in these countries. Historians in free countries have a moral and professional obligation no to shrink the difficult issues and subjects that some people would place under a sort of taboo; not to submit to voluntary censorship, but to deal with these matters fairly, honestly, without apologetics, without polemic, and, of course, competently. Cont..... Posted by Constance, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 7:37:35 AM
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If the US has been guilty of committing crimes, then they should be brought to book over them. Your quote from decades ago doesn't mitigate that guilt. Guilt should be exposed when people commit crimes. Was Monis guilty of committing crimes ? That seems clear enough. Has IS committed crimes in Syria and Iraq, or Boko Haram in Nigeria and Chad and Cameroun, or the Taliban in Pakistan ? That seems to be so: they are guilty of crimes. They too should be brought to book over them. Ideology does not excuse guilt. You can heave the word "HATE" around all you like, but you too must face up to the fact that dreadful crimes have been committed in the name of Allah, usually justified by reference to the Koran. Were those crimes justified ? Were those references to the Koran justified ? That's partly up to Muslims to determine, but in the final analysis, those crimes are everybody's business. I have no doubt that the vast majority of Muslims are appalled and disgusted by the crimes in the name of their god. Perhaps they can also justify their disgust at those crimes by reference to the Koran. Which interpretation will you concur with ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 7:54:09 AM
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Dr. John Andrew Morrow, a professor, research scholar, and author published a book entitled “The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World” (published by Angelico Press, 2013). In this book he traces the origin of slurs historically thrown on Muhammad (repeated in posts here) and found these accusations to be “dishonest, prejudiced and not based on sound scholarship”( Craig Considine , Ph.D. candidate at Trinity College Dublin).
Compare the findings of Dr Morrow (and there are heaps of such findings and still growing from the community of academic researchers) with an over a century old observation of Thomas Carlyle where he held these “lies” to be a “disgrace” only for those who propagate these lies. Compare it further with the observation of Annie Besant (1847-1933), who said “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet”. In today’s world, it is impossible for a scholar to subscribe to these lies and still be counted as a scholar by the intellectual community. This can happen in the cover of an assumed name with no fear of accountability for statements. Here are few more references for the truth seekers. Armstrong, Karen.Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam. London: Gollancz Victor Ltd., 1992. Arnaldez, Roger. Dialogue Islam-Chrétien et Sensibilities Religieuses. Islamochristiana, 1, 1975. Kerr, David. Christian-Muslim Studies, Islamic Studies, and the Future of Christian-Muslim Encounter. Eds. Yvonne Y. Haddad and W.Z. Haddad, W.Z. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1995. Forward, Martin. Muhammad: A Short Biography. Oxford: Oneworld, 1997. Jomier, Jacques. How to Understand Islam. London: SCM, 1989. Lindblom, J. Prophecy in Ancient Israel. Oxford: Basil Blackwel, 1962. Moyer, J.A. "Prophecy, Prophets." New Bible Dictionary. Eds. J.D. Douglas, et al. London: Inter Varsity Fellowship, 1962. Vroom, Hendrik. No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996. Wessels, Antonie. A Modern Arabic Biography of Muhammad: Islamic Culture. Netherlands: E.J.Brill, 1972. Continued ... Posted by NC, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 7:54:11 AM
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@ McAdam & co
Here is the real crux of the issue. If you and your associates see any report or rumour denigrating the West--and every lefty rag or blogspot is stuff full of it-- you grab it with glee and are out shouting about it. So we get: Bad bad USA <<recruit[ing] …mujaheddin… from Saudi Arabia and other places..importing... Wahabi[ism] >> Bad bad USA <<stingers …mines… [in Pakistan]>> Bad bad USA <<[funding] the bullet that pierced the skull of Malala Yousafzai,>> Bad bad USA <<crimes against humanity, committed in Guantanamo>> However out of context or simplistic the information –you accept it without question But should anything detriment re Islam be presented –however well documented –you dismissed as <<HATE>> Informed and validated by such a sub-culture -- is there any wonder that people like Monis think they are on the side of right and justice! WHEN WILL WE HAVE A COMMISSION INVESTIGATING THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY COMMITTED ON BEHALF OF ISLAM? And yes, one (often) reaps what one sows. What are successive Australian governments sowing on our behalf by allowing adherents to a creed whose avowed MODERATES, even, are so one-eyed and full of imagined injustices? WAKE UP AUSTRALIA Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 7:58:43 AM
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Normally, I consider this a futile exercise to address peddlers of the misinformation. But, I have interacted with you in July-August this year and you mention my name in your post. In my good-faith attempt to correct your error, I requested you to provide reference for your quote of Quran. You lied for the second time and repeated the assumed quote. Finally on July 31, you were forced to confess the misquote – pretty much like another misquote McAdam has established yesterday, and that proved to me the yours was not an error but a plain dishonesty. It soon became clear that your motivation was an unconditional support for a country which stands totally isolated in the world because of its deeds. Your goal: demonise Muslims because of their religion to justify worst type of atrocities against besieged civilians. You provided an opportunity to bring forth the facts including a catalogue of views of men of conscience from all over the world including the support base of you country. The evidence piled up. After more than 40 pages of (total) discussion you and your associates saw that the facts presented were simply too overwhelming to face. So, you disappeared after your last post of 16 Aug, of course along with your associates. Four of my posts from 16 to 18 August remain unanswered days before the thread was closed. Now again with your typical red herring, you come out with a statement that you cannot support by any source other than hat sites and flimsy references devoid of research worth the name. This time too, I plan to continue with the task of presenting real reliable references on the topic I am pursuing. Fortunately, there is more material available on this subject that I can keep posting for weeks. This is the first unintended positive of your campaign of misinformation. The second positive lies in the total lack of quality in your content and the foul language you and your associates use. This makes the argument crystal clear to the rational mind who remains the focus of my posts. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 8:00:51 AM
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Nobody is demonising Muslims. Nobody has to - in their name (are you prepared to repudiate their claim ?) dreadful crimes are being committed by terrorists, in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Kenya. Obviously, those crimes have been committed by a tiny minority of Muslims, the vast majority of whom would, I'm sure, repudiate those crimes. Of course, the guilt of those criminals, who use indiscriminate terror to get their way PRECISELY because they are in such a tiny minority amongst a vast majority of law-abiding and peaceful Muslims, is obvious to anyone. They are guilty of crimes which civilized people probably thought would never occur again, such as the beheading of children, the rape and enslavement of women and girls, the execution of unarmed prisoners. Such guilt must, sooner or later, be punished, wouldn't you agree ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 8:08:44 AM
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<<Normally, i consider this a futile exercise to address peddlers of the misinformation>> Hahaha Judging by your posting history you must have spent a lot of time treating with pedlars of misinformation because you are now retailing a lot of their merchandise. << So, you disappeared after your last post of 16 Aug,>> On my part i normally disengage with persons who exhibit signs of acute retention deficiency and keep repeating the same old much debunked gunk over and over and over again. I am not a medical profession so i cannot offer them the help they need. << I requested you to provide reference for your quote of Quran>> Once again you totally misrepresent my citation --but it is characteristic of you and your confederates to do that. I invite anyone who wants to acquaint themselves with the facts of the matter to go back and view the discourse for themselves and make their own decision about who was reasonable and who was unreasonable. And i suspect with the exception of you ,and McAdam --and your much "deleted for abuse" ally above, who had the foresight to rebadge himself. Most would view my position more favorably than yours.In fact i positively encourage people to go back and review how you ranted and use it as a measure of what we are in store for if you and your ilk ever get the numbers --very commissarish --or Mullahish --not a lot of difference in the two! I am not going to wade through all your repeat waffle –it should pretty apparent to all (but the abovementioned three) that you are spam –like just repeating the same old one-eyed speil. Have a nice day :) Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 9:42:34 AM
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Dr John Andrew Morrow? Yes, he may be a bit biased considering he claims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad! Gee, his name is a tad bit deceptive. …..Cont/Bernard Lewis (Scholar on Islam and the West) "Those who enjoy freedom have a moral obligation to use that freedom for those who do not possess it. We live in a time when great efforts have been made, and continue to be made to falsify the record of the part and to make history a tool of propaganda; when governments, religious movements, political parties, and sectional groups of every kind are busy rewriting history as they would wish it to have been, as they would like their followers to believe that it was. All this is very dangerous indeed, to ourselves and to others, however we may define otherness - dangerous to our common humanity. Because, make no mistake, those who are unwilling to confront the past will be unable to understand the present and unfit to face the future. During the first formative centuries of its existence, Christianity was separated from and indeed antagonistic to the state, with which it only later became involved. From the lifetime of its founder, Islam was the state, and the identity of religion and government is indelibly stamped on the memories and awareness of the faithful from their own sacred writings, history, and experience. is the duty of those who have accepted them [Allah's word and message] to strive unceasingly to convert or at least to subjugate those who have not. This obligation is without limit of time or space. It must continue until the whole world has either accepted the Islamic faith or submitted to the power of the Islamic state." Posted by Constance, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 2:27:10 PM
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"Bertrand Russell: Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872 – 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, socialist, pacifist, and social critic, who is considered to be one of the founders of analytic philosophy. Bolshevism combines the characteristics of the French Revolution with those of the rise of Islam… Those who accept Bolshevism become impervious to scientific evidence, and commit intellectual suicide. Even if all the doctrines of Bolshevism were true, this would still be the case, since no unbiased examination of them is tolerated…Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Mohammedanism rather than with Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of the world.[24] Carl Jung: Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) was the Swiss founder of analytical psychology. He created some of the best known psychological concepts and his work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields. We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god." John Quincy Adams: John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1848) was the sixth President of the United States. He was also an American diplomat and served in both the Senate and House of Representatives. …he [Muhammad] declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind…The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God.[66] Posted by Constance, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 2:40:57 PM
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NC McAdam, you write with the assurance and style of an educated person but fail miserably at distinguishing between the Islamists that are terrorising the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with. If anyone is lumping all Muslims into one basket, it's you.
You call us 'haters' for expressing opinions and raising questions that do not flatter Islam. How about answering the questions? By that I mean when someone points out a factual event that has taken place by a Muslim extremist or group, you go totally hysterical instead of explaining why you feel the event was justified or fabricated. Have you denounced the Taliban for killing 130 school children? Are the Taliban Muslims? The more you try to defend your position the more you are appearing to be exactly 'one of those' that many of us see as the problem. You are not doing any justice for Islam or Muslim people with your tantrums. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 3:10:20 PM
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"It has been implied that violence is exclusive to Muslims"? Please provide one quote from anyone in this thread that supports this ridiculous statement. No one has ever said that, insinuated that or even mistakenly posted something that implied that." That's exactly the problem. No one is willing to come out on this page (or others) and truly state if they hate people of a Muslim background. It is a very easy way to "cop out" on this issue. If someone does hate the Muslim religion, why not say something? Be honest. If someone does hate Muslim people in general or the religion in general - please say so. I won't make hateful comments on this topic - because I don't judge or stereotype each and every person living in Australia. For one I can't read every person's mind and two, every person is different. It's much easier for some however, to be critical, because there is no book written relating to them as individuals, like a religion (which can be quoted from) - unless of course there is an author with a book to sell - let's say like Julia Gillard. So someone could quote from one of her books and attack her if they wanted to. Finally in terms of leanings, I've got two types of choices - people like the (David Marr supporters) - or the Andrew Bolt crowd. I don't want to be associated with either of these groups (so I can be independent) and it means I'm going alone, to push for fairness, a work hard for a living ethic and saying no to stereotyping. I'm not going to be distracted by silly comments - and I'll gladly defend my credentials - because the victims in the recent Sydney case - along with other people affected by all types of extremist activities deserve better than a lot of the comments put down on these pages. Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 7:16:01 PM
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Dear ConservativeHippie, thank you for your mcomment:
"NC McAdam, you write with the assurance and style of an educated person but fail miserably at distinguishing between the Islamists that are terrorising the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with. If anyone is lumping all Muslims into one basket, it's you." NC does appear a well educated and well read person to me too but I plead not guilty. "Have you denounced the Taliban for killing 130 school children?" Yes, I denounce them in the strongest possible terms. "Are the Taliban Muslims?" I hate to be the judge of any body's belief but am convinced that if they are Muslims, the are of the level of the "Hashashin". They were recruited and used by Hassan-e- Sabbah to terrorize the world for ulterior motives. Taliban too were recruited and used for a purpose. Please refer to the "confession" I shared with you. Now some may think that, the act of creating and using the "assassins" was restricted to Soviet occupation of Afghanistan only and some on the other hand may be seeing that the act continues to be played out in the arena of the Middle East with reverberations,world over. It depends on the level of respective vision. If I am the one who is lumping all the Muslims into one basket, then how come a lady from "the everyday Muslim persons that no one on this site has a problem with", gets harassed? I respect your approach of isolating the criminals from the rest of the Muslims, with whom you say no one has any problem, but I will believe that statement to be sincere and true, when I see the discussion on Islam vanish from these pages and concentrated instead on condemning the heinous crime committed by the hostage taker and indiscretion of the zealot who harassed a lady for her dress. Best regards Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 3:44:43 AM
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Hi McAdam/NC,
I fully agree with you, when you denounce the Taliban [and all other Salafists] in the strongest possible terms. I hope that your denunciation includes IS, Boko haram, al-Shabaab, the Afghan Taliban, al-Nusra, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, and the various al-Qa'ida franchises across the Muslim world. I'm glad that you are able to distinguish criticism from 'hate' speech: in any healthy society, criticism - as I hope you will agree - is a vital feature. We criticise our best friends, we criticise our children, in the hope that they will see our criticism as constructive and take note of their faults, or at least, in turn, argue about them. Criticism is thus a sign of human respect. And I have enough respect for the people in the above-mentioned organisations to believe that they can think for themselves: they are nobody's puppets, not the CIA's, not even the Saudis'. They make up their own minds, and commit the most dreadful crimes against humanity, clear-eyed, knowing what they are doing. So when they use the Koran to justify their crimes, it puzzles me: are they actually citing what is in the Koran ? Are there parts of the Koran which justify what they are doing ? And are there other parts of the Koran which would denounce - as you rightly do - such vile acts ? Are there contradictions in the Koran ? Which bits should we take heart from, and which bits should we denounce ? If it is the literal word of Allah, did he get it right in one part, but wrong in another part ? Thank you, in any case, for your courage in speaking out against the vile crimes of the Pakistani Taliban. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 7:22:41 AM
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Hi Joe,
Don't be fooled. I recently found this man who has plenty of knowledge and insights of Islam at first hand. He has written an essay which won an award. He regrets modern British culture particularly and its demise which only contributes to the issues at stake. essay: He has consulted hundreds of oppressed Muslim women who have tried to commit suicide. Anthony (A.M.) Daniels (born 11 October 1949), who generally uses the pen name Theodore Dalrymple, is an English writer and retired prison doctor and psychiatrist. He worked in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries as well as in the east end of London. Before his retirement in 2005, he worked in City Hospital, Birmingham[1] and Winson Green Prison in inner-city Birmingham, England. Some of his statements: "When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself." "The root cause of our contemporary cultural poverty is intellectual dishonesty. First, the intellectuals (more specifically, left-wing ones) have destroyed the foundation of culture, and second, they refuse to acknowledge it by resorting to the caves of political correctness." "He is an atheist, but has criticised anti-theism and says that "to regret religion is to regret our civilisation and its monuments, its achievements, and its legacy." Posted by Constance, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 8:06:38 AM
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Good to hear your words “Nobody is demonising Muslims – nobody has to”. Your concern about the tiny minority using (their perverted version of) Islam for their crimes against humans is thoroughly understood and totally shared by me, as is, I am sure, by the huge majority of the Muslim world. Muslim societies are mobilising to deliver them a death blow, which I am sure, is imminent now. The discussion got to an unpleasant level, unfortunately, when crime of a deranged criminal were claimed to have been propelled by the teachings of Islam. Yes, there is a lot of material on this post to show that this sick attempt was in fact made. Anyway, I regard your statement to be constructive, thanks. ConservativeHippie, Your post (of 23rd) indicates a genuine misunderstanding you may have of my position. Hence my responsibility for a good-faith effort to correct it, hoping that the harshness you exhibit will yield to acceptable communication. My message to Joe must have provided answer to your question. Whatever the Taliban killing school children and their teachers may be, they can’t be Muslims, in my view. I have no issues (in the context of this discussion) with anyone not implying the sickness I explained in the second paragraph of the message above. SPQR, I would not have addressed you if you didn’t. If I didn’t address you, there was no reason for me to bring up my experience with you. And when I go over my experience with you, I must state facts, which is precisely what I did and would be willing to substantiate these facts from your posts, if you insist – that is. Your plan of not going to wade through all your repeat waffle is ok by me. My response will depend on yours. I wish good for you. Continued … Posted by NC, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 8:27:17 AM
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Continued ….
The John Quincy Adams (d1848), quoted in a recent post, is a good example of a product of the environment that subject the history to distortions and errors. The question is not about the existence of such ill-informed medieval images of Islam and Muhammad in the West. It is the distortions, however, which are in question. I have personally seen books in the University of California Library which describe Islam and Quran (in medieval narrative) as something totally opposite to the real Islam and Quran. I am sure many other libraries would have similar books. A quote from such a reference is possible, but the question would be about its AUTHENTICITY. Today, these medieval distortions are not being questioned by Muslims alone. There are legions of non-Muslim (mostly western) scholars busy demolishing these age-old misconceptions of Islam and Muhammad. A genuine research, quite in tune with the age of reason, has uncovered the facts. The facts are so well documented (thanks to the resources of this age), so vivid (thanks to the independent research) and so accessible to scholars as well as common readers (thanks to the age of information) that an independent scholar of this age cannot adhere to the medieval distortions and still maintain his/her reliability in the field of knowledge. Of course, negligible exceptions are possible here too – a minimum level of candidness is needed to see facts. But as we know, exceptions don’t form rules. The fact of growing awareness of the facts can be observed in many of the quotes I have presented so far and will continue to show up in the quotes that will follow. This quote addresses part of the misconception John Adams had. De Lacy O'Leary (1872-1957), British Orientalist who also taught at the University of Bristol in his book 'Islam at the Crossroads,' London (1923) observes that: “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” Posted by NC, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 8:31:00 AM
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Hi Constance,
Don't worry, I don't think I'm being fooled. Although, if there is such a concept in Islam as 'Teqqia', the right or obligation to lie in a good cause', I'm aware that whatever NC/McAdam says could be nothing more than fluff. Having been on the Left all my life, I'm fully aware of the 'principle' of lying in a good cause, if you are in a weak position [call it the Medina option] and coming straight out with all the 'honesty' and brutality you can muster when you get the chance [call it the Mecca option]. Fortunately, the Left has never had that chance and never will. But the innovation of single terrorists (I don't like or agree with the term 'lone wolf': they believe they have an entire religion backing them so they are not 'lone') complicates matters: it uses the Mecca option when numbers are still at Medina-level: force and brutality befitting a group with power, real Mecca-level power, when the individual doesn't not have any real power except his individual brutality and weapons. 'Lone-wolf' fascists, if you like. So, once a 'principle' such as teqqia is ever sanctioned, how does anyone know when someone is being honest and when they are lying ? The precautionary principle suggests that we be wary, not fully trusting. IF teqqia is, in fact, part of Islam, then Muslims can't really complain at that response. If they completely repudiate teqqia (although, by definition, how could you tell ?) then maybe we could lower our guard. In the meantime, of course, we should maintain a sort of arm's-length friendship, and Muslims should expect nothing more. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 8:35:03 AM
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Thanks for your response, Joe.
Yes, I'm always conscious of the code of Taqiyya. I mentioned oppressed Muslim women, more like "girls". And Mr Dalrymple is very mad at the ineptitude (and hipocrasy) of Western feminists. So am I. Muslim mentality is totally one-sided. The irony of immigration and diversity, is that Muslims are totally against diversity. It is there way or none. They can criticise anything outside Islam till blue in the face but we can't criticise them. They really do have "nerve", especially as minorities in any country. I am so angry of the West's failings on ignorance, avoidance and worst of all, dishonesty. Well, we are currently told that another attack is likely, and with the anti-Islamic protests in Dresden - 17,000 protesters, it looks like we have a long battle ahead. The natives do get restless eventually when human nature is discarded. Posted by Constance, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 9:34:37 AM
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Thanks Joe for your comments, which are mostly valid but appear a bit contradictory.
On one side, it is said ; a) distinguish.. between the Islamists that are terrorising the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with." And " "Nobody is demonising Muslims. Nobody has to" b) Then at the same time, questions are raised on " contradictions in Quran" and "Are there parts of the Koran which justify what they are doing ?" And "Muslim mentality is totally one-sided". If "a" is right then "b" is out of place and if "b" is right "a" is not honest. I am not against the questions being raised about Quran and Islam, which in any case are mostly natural and the persons raising these questions have every right to do so. It is the occasion of raising these questions that makes me uneasy. Raising them in this forum, gives me the impression that all Muslims are being put on spot and all are being lumped together for the crime of one lunatic. Please creat a separate occasion for a focussed discussion on comparison of religions to find out which of the religions is most rational and practical and least violent. On this forum, we should avoid putting the whole Muslim Community on the spot by criticizing their religion....that is if we are honest about distinguishing between the Islamists that are terrorizing the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 10:47:19 AM
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Hi McAdam/NC,
I don't recall ever saying that the "Muslim mentality is totally one-sided". I don't know about a 'Muslim mentality' (is there one ?) but my point was the opposite to yours: that possibly there are contradictions in the Koran: that the overwhelming majority (I hope, but with Teqqia/Taqiya, how can anyone tell ?) adhere to the early parts (the Medina sections) of the Koran but that the Islamo-fascists adhere to other bits (the post-Mecca sections), or at least attempt to cite them to support their vile crimes. Is that so ? Are there contradictory bits in the Koran ? So I'm still puzzled: does the Koran sanction the murder of bus passengers, fishermen, quarry-workers, schoolchildren, captured soldiers, people from non-Muslim groups ? Does the Koran justify any action performed by a member of a favoured group, on the whole Salafist Sunni Arabs, and permit them, or at least people acting in the name of Allah, to butcher others as if they were non-humans, sub-humans, untermensch ? Does the Koran permit adherents to act like Nazis - thinking they have the right to exterminate non-adherents to their ghastly cause ? Merry Christmas, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 3:14:06 PM
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McAdam : "On this forum, we should avoid putting the whole Muslim Community on the spot by criticizing their religion....that is if we are honest about distinguishing between the Islamists that are terrorizing the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with."
Islam, if lived to the letter of its holy books, is a supremacist ideology. That is the basis upon which it is criticized. It is understood that the majority of Muslims do not live by the letter, but nor does the majority protest at the actions of of those that do, not to say the majority necessarily support them. Where is the Muslim majority loudly denouncing violent actions? Are they cowered by them or do they sympathize with them? We can't know. However, there is a road which can unite us, requiring a formal pledge by religious leaders of all churches, Christian included, to secular democracy in Australia.(search my other posts for more on this. Such a pledge requires the religious to act against those in their midst working counter to it. The pledge itself has public value in quelling extremism on all sides. I can think of nothing else that has a chance of depolarizing the attitudes growing with each violent incident, actual or thwarted. Anybody got a better idea other than letting things roll on, with nasty consequences? Problem is, we don't yet seem to be at a stage where western authorities are calling it terrorism, referring to mentally deficiencies and lone-wolves rather than agents of supremacism incited by Islamic State. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 5:11:04 PM
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After expressing my view (on the 24th), in response to your question of the 23rd, I get another set of questions from you (on the 24th) that I will like to go over. I revisited your previous posts that I had only glanced at and noticed elements which will perhaps emerge more clearly during our discussion. Three questions for you to start with: Question 1: On your post of the 21st “After all, the Koran wasn't written down for a hundred years after his (Muhammad’s) death, there were competing versions of it floating around, and perhaps still are.” Where did you get this information from that Quran was written hundred years after Muhammad’s death? Also tell us about the “competing versions” of Quran and what lead to conclude that they existed or exist? Question 2: On your post of the 22nd “Yes, it seems a stereotypical Muslim has a very strong sense of shame and blame, and hurt, but not much of a sense of guilt, of having ever done anything wrong or hurtful to others.” a) Who is a stereotypical Muslim? A terrorist or a common Muslim? b) How were you able to measure that he/she does not have “much sense of guilt of having ever done anything wrong or hurtful to others” Question 3: Your position against religion is directed against all religions (you could be an Atheist, which is fine with me) or it is exclusively directed against Islam? The information you provide, and I hope that you do, will help me determine the direction of our discussion. I note interesting phrases you use – Taqiyyah, Medina option, Mecca option etc and would like to have a meaningful exchange on all these. Your answers will prepare me for that. Posted by NC, Thursday, 25 December 2014 12:40:11 AM
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Joe, "Muslim mentality is totally one-sided". Is a quote, not from you but from one of your side. You write "but with Teqqia/Taqiya, how can anyone tell ?"
You are sure that all Muslims practice Teqqia/Taqiya and therefore unreliable. And you can't see the havoc half knowledge, such as yours about Islam, plays. The point is that if I am not truthful, what worth is my word and what is the point in this discussion? We need to come to discussion with clean hands; taking the other person truthful unless proven otherwise. And how do we tell? Through inconsistencies. If a person says one thing and practices the other, he/she is not being truthful. Let me point out an inconsistency of your side. Lot of words about "not having any problem with every day Muslims" and "not lumping them all together" and at the same time not a word of condemnation for the person who harassed an every day Muslim and unfairly lumped her with that lunatic hostage taker. Do you see the inconsistency? A time to pause, to take a deep breath and ponder; whose mentality is totally one sided? Kindly do not address any post to me, if you are not sure wether I am truthful or not. Thanks Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 25 December 2014 1:34:58 AM
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"Islam, if lived to the letter of its holy books, is a supremacist ideology." No, it is not. Please study it deeply. "Where is the Muslim majority loudly denouncing violent actions? Are they cowered by them or do they sympathize with them? We can't know." They are loudly denouncing but their cries are not reaching you ears; thanks to the controlled western media, which puts the spot light selectively. Pakistani Nation for example, is risen as a whole against these enemies of humanity and this is the nation that has suffered most at their hands and is busy doing most, to finish them off. Please search media for yourself to verify, what I have said. "However, there is a road which can unite us, ....Anybody got a better idea ?" We have a lot of unlearning to do, to rid ourselves of the poison fed into us in centuries, against each other, by the zealots on all sides. Then we may be able to see what we really stand for. Scriptures and sages are good sources. Quran teaches humanity being one nation....children of one parents. Let me share with you a saying of a Muslim sage:- Bani a:dam aza: ye yek digarand Keh dar a: fairness ze yek goharand Chu: ozvi beh dard a:varad ruzgar Degar ozv ha ra: Nama: nad qara:r To kaz mehnat e digra:n bi ghami Nasha: yad Ke na: mat nahand a: dami (Sadi) Roughly translates; Children of Adam are limbs of a body, of common birth. If one limb aches the others become uneasy. If you are unmindful of pain of others, you are not human. I have tears in my eyes when I write this. Do you have in yours,when you read it? Regards Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 25 December 2014 2:30:23 AM
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I nominate this as the OLO joke of the year: <<[the]Pakistani Nation for example, is risen as a whole against these enemies of humanity>>
Pakistan is one of the most intolerant societies on earth if you are a non-Sunni.I refer anyone who wants to check this, to this link One Cronulla riot was enough to have the Muslim spokespersons and their progressive allies label Australia a racist society (and SBS hasn’t stopped running docos on it ever since) But Cronulla style riots –targeting non-Sunnis -- are a regular occurrence in Pakistan (and for far less provocation than the Oz example) But of course -- to even allude to such,in the eyes of McAdam & co is a HATE crime Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 25 December 2014 6:07:36 AM
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SPQR, you wrote;
"I nominate this as the OLO joke of the year: <<[the]Pakistani Nation for example, is risen as a whole against these enemies of humanity>>" Please refer to following:- 1."Pakistan announces a national plan to fight terrorism, says terrorists’ days are numbered" by Anup Kaphle, The Washington Post 2. "Your days are numbered, Sharif warns Terrorists, " Pakistan Newsweek. 3. Pakistan has mobilized the nation through All Parties Conference, has set up special courts for speedy trials of the terrorists and is willing to amend the constitution, if necessary. Pakistan Prime Minister's special address to the nation is awaited. The nation has indeed arisen. Please verify the information I have provided. Yes, what you say about intolerance is not baseless, and all is not well with Pakistani society, yet the nation is going ahead, to eradicate terrorism, regardless. I am basing on the latest, while you seem to be relying on the past material with you. And the jeers and gibes which is your style smack of non seriousness, one can do without. For by mocking truth while armed with falsehood, you only make a fool of yourself. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 25 December 2014 8:04:03 AM
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What you point to --Pakistan (finally!) deciding to take a stand against the Taliban & its affiliates --is indeed admirable, but it is more in the way of the Pakistan ruling elite defending their powerbase than a grand defense of human rights. Every day in Pakistan --PRESENT TENSE, NOT PAST-- non-Sunnis feel the boot of the sunni majority stamping on their face. And only one who is fooling himself would believe otherwise. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 25 December 2014 8:38:23 AM
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SPQR, I will not let you evade the reality. You contradicted my statement of the Pakistani Nation bracing up for anti terrorism and you have been proved wrong.
Copied below is an other proof; the news of the special address to the Nation by Pakistani Prime Minister announcing National Action Plan,that I had mentioned, as reported by Jang/Geo, the largest media group of Pakistan:- "ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has announced that special courts will be setup for a period of two years to cope with the scourge of terrorism that has claimed over 50,000 lives, Geo News reported. In his address on Television, PM Nawaz Sharif apprised the national about the outcomes of the meeting of parliamentary parties leadership. Nawaz Sharif said, Being the Prime Minister of Pakistan it is my responsibility to lead the war against terror. In strong message to militants, the Premier said the days of terrorists are numbered, adding that all funding sources of terrorists will also be eliminated. Nawaz said Madrassahs (religious seminaries) will not be allowed to operate without proper registration, they will operate under a clear system. Banned outfits will not be allowed to operate under new names and steps will be to stop their funding, he maintained. He said, NACTA (National Counter Terrorism Authority ) will be made fully functional and its financial issues would be solved. PM Nawaz said Tv Channels will not be allowed to give coverage to terrorists, steps being taken to root them out from social media as well. He said action will be taken against hate speech and hate literature." Pakistani media is available on line; see for yourself. Now dear SPQR, you should take your words back that you used to make fun of the truth I had posted; that is if you have any honor and moral courage. If not, then I do not see any point in interacting with a person who evades truth. Good luck and good bye. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 25 December 2014 10:59:48 AM
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I think your are confusing "the nation as a whole" with the state. Just because politicians say something doesn't mean the nation as a whole is rising up. Of course we would expect the politicians of Pakistan to say they are taking a stance against the group that just killed 141 children in the state's own army school. However, the question is whether they intend to take any stance against the belief system rooted in Islam that motivates the religious persecution that is rife in Pakistan, not just between Muslims and non-Muslims, but between different branches of Islam. Are they going to condemn Mohammed and the Koran for inciting this violence? Of course not! They would fear for their lives if they did. "that is if we are honest about distinguishing between the Islamists that are terrorizing the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with." Good point. I can't see how anyone in this thread has honestly distinguished them so far. The fact that the Muslims who are not terrorizing the world, are not terrorizing the world, doesn't mean they don't believe in the same belief system that the Muslim terrorists are acting on. It means they're not acting on it. So let's just cut to the chase. Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not? If not, do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not, apart from fearing for your life from the violence of your co-religionists if you were to do so? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 25 December 2014 4:18:17 PM
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I have been saving this second message of the day in a hope to hear your response to my questions. But then, you must be busy on this Christmas day. Now I get this question from Jardine “do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not” The question tells you a lot about the concerns raised on this thread to which you responded “Nobody is demonising Muslims – nobody has to”, which I rated as positive. Now what? You may like to drop a line or two on above question as well when you address my queries, I have raised with you. This person’s statement preceding this demand is an extra-ordinary manifestation of trust in one’s complete ignorance: Amazing! Then demanding a response is another extra-ordinary manifestation of trust in others’ inability to see who this person is: More amazing! Hope you are having a nice Christmas. Posted by NC, Thursday, 25 December 2014 6:31:25 PM
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I notice you didn't answer my question. Let's get one thing straight. If someone advocates or believes in killing, enslaving and raping people, it's not "demonising" them to point it out. Do you, or not? And if you don't, then doesn't that mean you're saying Mohammed and the Koran are wrong? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 25 December 2014 6:56:49 PM
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Yes Jardine, good point.
To use NCs own adjective, it is AMAZING how when questions like the ones you posed are raised. The gap between the extremists the moderates disappears! Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 25 December 2014 7:07:26 PM
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Jardine K. Jardine,
"I think your are confusing "the nation as a whole" with the state. Just because politicians say something doesn't mean the nation as a whole is rising up." Are you saying that State is rising up against terrorism and the Nation of Pakistan is not? I am sure most, if not all, on this thread can distinguish between state and the nation, Do you suggest that nation means that every one out of the two hundred odd millions of them have exact one position? It is absurd to expect, it never happens in any nation. Does the nation here mean; executive, judiciary, legislature, all political parties, almost all religious leaders, civil society, public opinion at large and the press? If that is what comprises a nation, for the purpose of this discussion? then Yes, believe it or not, they are all on one page and are fully supporting the all out operation launched by the law enforcement agencies and the armed forces. These are facts; take them as I am presenting or contradict them with evidence;...... not conjecture. Don't waste every body's time by further exposing your ignorance of the ground realities of the region masked by the main stream western media. The second point you raise about the religion, .....we'll address that too, ......after we settle this one first. Any logical and meaningful discussion has to be, point by point. Jardine, the person who taught you "If you can't convince them, confuse them", I have read him too and will not allow you to make gobbledegook of this discussion. Unless of course, the confusion is your last resort and you are bent upon leading this discussion deep into the abyss of confusion. And if you did that, every one on this thread will know, what you really stand for. Merry Christmas Posted by McAdam, Friday, 26 December 2014 1:56:35 AM
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By nation I mean the people at large, all the people in the territory of a state. By the state I mean that group in society claiming a legal monopoly of ultimate decision-making backed by force. I think in Pakistan the situation is that the vast majority of people are appalled by the recent killings of children, but probably there are some who sympathise with the Taliban. The state is motivated to stop the Taliban from killing people for numerous reasons. One of them is outrage at the killing of children. Another is that it's embarrassed it happened in an army school thus demonstrating the state's own impotence. Another is because the state, being a monopoly of force, seeks to forcibly suppress any person or group acting in competition with the state's claim of a legal monopoly of initiating aggression in any event. "... they are all on one page and are fully supporting the all out operation launched by the law enforcement agencies and the armed forces." It would be surprising if they weren't, considering what just happened. However the operation you refer to is an armed operation against the Taliban. My question is about the state and the nation's recognition of, or willingness to deal with any underlying problem in the Muslim religion itself that motivates the Taliban to do these kinds of things, and IS, and Boko Haram, and the guy in the Lindt cafe, and so on. The question is whether Muslims in general: a) agree with Mohammed and the Koran that it's okay to kill, enslave and rape non-believers, in which case the fact that they are not doing it doesn't mean they don't believe in it, it just means they're not acting on their beliefs; or b) don't agree with Mohammed and the Koran that it's okay to kill, enslave and rape non-believers, in which case they should reject and condemn Islam - shouldn't they? My question of you is, do you think it's okay to kill, enslave and rape people for not believing in the Muslim religion? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 26 December 2014 7:54:16 AM
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A bit selective there: Jardine asked, as an 'if-then'-type question: "Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not? "If not, do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not, apart from fearing for your life from the violence of your co-religionists if you were to do so?" which you corrupted into: " ..... “do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not” The second part depends on a positive answer to the first part: 'if A, then B or not B ?' You can't wriggle out of that by simply distorting what Jardine asked. So what's your answer to his question ? Do you think we're complete idiots out here ? That sort of bullsh!tting might go down well in a madrassa, but not in the real world. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:12:44 AM
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"A bit selective there: Jardine asked, as an 'if-then'-type question: "Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not?" "The second part depends on a positive answer to the first part: 'if A, then B or not B ?' You can't wriggle out of that by simply distorting what Jardine asked." Come off it...that's JKJ's standard modus operandi. For instance, if we're discussing the role of govt, he will then ask the person he's debating why they support the govt shooting people, etc. After which he will go on to abuse them fulsomely. It's a disingenuous style of debate, and one he pulls with monotonous regularity on this site. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:31:13 AM
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As we have to come expect from those on the left. Poirot opens a second front in an endeavor to take the pressure off her Islamic, fellow travelers.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:58:34 AM
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I answered your question. You didn’t get it. Here are the details: Your question1: “Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not?”- your post of the 25th. The question is based on the assumption that Muhammad and Quran authorise the ‘crimes’ you list. The assumption that your question rests on is a FALSEHOOD OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS. No and I repeat NO credible source, worth the name will give you an information like that. Barring, of course the internet trash that a host of hate-sites regurgitate these days, which obviously is YOUR SOURCE. These sites misinterpret history and carry false translations of Quranic verses. Countless people in the west have accessed the credible sources and were able to lit their lives with light of Quran. One example: Timothy Winter (now Abdal Hakim Murad) researcher, writer, academic who teaches at Cambridge University would a good person for you to examine. The internet, including Utube, carries series of his writings and lectures. See how Quran lifted the intellect of this man to where it is today. Some upright minds, irrespective of their religious affiliations, find nothing but respect for Muhammad and Quran when they see them for who and what they really are. An example: Karen Armstrong, an acclaimed authority on religious history and a prolific writer. Her books are available anywhere. Read her books “Muhammad” and “Islam”, for starters, and find for yourself how far-removed from reality are your assumptions. Some choose to change their unawareness from Islam into a total ignorance of facts through a one-eyed focus on the hat-sites of the internet. This is what I called your “extra-ordinary manifestation of trust” in your “complete ignorance”- my post of the 25th. Continued … Posted by NC, Friday, 26 December 2014 9:01:35 AM
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Continued …
Then your question2 “do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran” is the next step of the ladder you place on the shaky base of your assumed FALSEHOOD OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS. To this I responded “Then demanding a response is another extra-ordinary manifestation of trust in others’ inability to see who this person is: More amazing!” To explain it further, a dialogue is useful only as long as there is a meaningful exchange of information and views. When I identify in someone a sickening tendency to demonise Islam and Muslims (as also manifested by your friend SPQR), any hope of a meaningful dialogue fades away for me. No amount of reasoning can remove bias of some type of people, no matter how forceful it is. When encountered with such people, I prefer silence over an otherwise imminent harsh exchange. This is my first message to you and my last one as well, seeing what you have written so far. Please know that my time is too precious to be wasted unless there is hope for a meaningful dialogue. Joe, The above must answer your new query as well (26th). My response has a different angle than that of an otherwise convincing observation – (Poirot 26th) You have ignored the questions I have asked in my messages of the 24th and 25th. Is it that in your style of exchange you can ask questions and I cannot? Posted by NC, Friday, 26 December 2014 9:05:57 AM
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Hi Poirot,
Ah, the 'Left' rides to the rescue of the extreme-Right ! Jardine asked a perfectly legitimate question, in a perfectly legitimate way: "Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not?" A positive answer would not have needed the second question, but a negative answer would have inevitably led to the second question: "If not, do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not, apart from fearing for your life from the violence of your co-religionists if you were to do so?" a complex of questions which, in order to avoid answering, NC/McAdam corrupted into: " ..... “do you renounce and condemn Mohammed and the Koran, and if you don't, why not” Rather a childish 'trick'. And which you parrot by attacking Jardine. Goooood girl ! And then you go on to abuse Jardine fulsomely. Any chance of avoiding that and sticking to topic ? Just trying to help :) Welcome back. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 26 December 2014 9:45:09 AM
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"And then you go on to abuse Jardine fulsomely...." My heart bleeds...pull the other one...JKJ is one of the most abusive posters on this forum. "....Any chance of avoiding that and sticking to topic ?" Lol! it. Here's what your wrote on a thread recently....totally off topic. Topic was: "Exaggerating the terror genie: reflections on a fake sheik" (While the Sydney holdup says absolutely nothing about a terror 'wave', it is being read as part of a current, with Australia being caught in it.) "Thanks Jay, I've got to use that: " ....'to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake." Brilliant ! I've been typing up thousands of pages of old documents, Protector's letters, missionary's journal, reports, etc., in relation to Aboriginal policy in South Australia - what I found was that: * there was only one full-time employee of the 'Aborigines Department' (in fact, from 1837 right through to the 1930s) - i.e. the Protector; * that there was no 'herding of people onto Missions'; * that [big surprise for me!] there was no driving of people from their lands, quite the contrary, and * that there was no removal of countless thousands of children from families. Next time I'm in a discussion with a defender of all those myths, I'll try to be helpful and pass that one on :) ' .... 'to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake.' Story trumps facts. Ideology trumps reality. Beauty ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 December 2014 8:13:42 AM" ......... Hypocrite Posted by Poirot, Friday, 26 December 2014 9:57:09 AM
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Good try, my dear wounded swan,
Abuse is not 'on-topic'. It's not all about you. But I did like that free quote, about the post-modern, Cultural Studies 100 principle, of teaching that letting " ....'fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake." Brilliant ! I've been typing up thousands of pages of old documents, Protector's letters, missionary's journal, reports, etc., in relation to Aboriginal policy in South Australia - what I found was that: * there was only one full-time employee of the 'Aborigines Department' (in fact, from 1837 right through to the 1930s) - i.e. the Protector; * that there was no 'herding of people onto Missions'; * that [big surprise for me!] there was no driving of people from their lands, quite the contrary, and * that there was no removal of countless thousands of children from families. Next time I'm in a discussion with a defender of all those myths, I'll try to be helpful and pass that one on :) ' .... 'to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake.' Story trumps facts. Ideology trumps reality. Beauty ! Thanks again. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 26 December 2014 10:10:44 AM
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Good stuff Joe --well put.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 26 December 2014 10:22:22 AM
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Jardine and Joe
"probably there are some who sympathise with the Taliban" We are discussing specifics. You contested the statement that Pakistanis are rising up as a nation against terrorism. I provided you specifics and asked you specific evidence of your claim and warned you not to waste every body's time by your conjecture. And what I get is " probably" You can not even see that I am dealing with verifiable information that I provide and you are stuck in the guesswork. Do you really feel that "probably" is the valid substitute of specific information and evidence? Then you ask me "Do you think we're complete idiots out here?" My answer is I don't know, but certainly you are acting like ones, as you can not stick to the point and hasten to dilute or confuse the discussion by introducing distractions. Please tell me clearly where do you stand on "Pakistan rising as a nation against terrorism?" Once, this is out of the way, we will handle your ridiculous remarks about the religion too. By now, you have amply demonstrated that you are armed with half knowledge of Islam, and like any other ignorant person are super sure of your position, unaware that your propagadist disinformation would not stand any serious scrutiny of the subject when we reach there; after we clear the table of the point under discussion. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 26 December 2014 10:25:04 AM
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1. How is the question, whether Pakistanis are rising up against terrorism as a nation or state, logically relevant to the question whether Muslims, by being Muslim, believe in the authority of Mohammed and the Koran as to its being okay to kill, enslave or rape unbelievers? The former proposition, about Pakistan, does not depend on the latter, about Islam. It's irrelevant. As to the former, all you're doing is showing your belief that if the state does something, it means that the nation as a whole is doing it. Please tell me clearly where do you stand on "Pakistan rising as a nation against terrorism?" Depends what you mean by "Pakistan rising as a nation". I've explained what I mean by nation and state. You haven't. But tell me this: what difference does it make? If Pakistanis as a nation are rising up against terrorism, as evidenced by the Pakistani state's operation against the Taliban, or if they're not ... so what? What's that supposed to prove? How is this question logically prior to the question whether the Muslim religion preaches violence against unbelievers? 2. As to whether Mohammed and the Koran do say it's okay to kill, enslave, or rape unbelievers, it seems that all you have is bald denial. NC's tactic of saying that the only sources saying so are hate-sites, is like the argument that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are not true Muslims. Someone is not instrinsically hating or demonising Muslims by pointing out that Islam preaches violence against unbelievers. You've got it back-the-front. Let's get this straight. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 26 December 2014 12:05:53 PM
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The most damaging periods of human history have been when some portion of humanity believe they have found the perfect creed, that cannot be bettered, or the perfect leader who cannot be challenged. NC and co are the just the latest in a long line of we-have-the-perfect-creed peddlers.
However well motivated such causes start out, they almost invariable end in some form of censorship, suppression and terror. And even in the above discussions --conducted in a society where free speech is permitted --you can begin to detect hints of what would happen if NC & co had the numbers. Posted by SPQR, Friday, 26 December 2014 12:09:14 PM
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Thank you for writing, in answer to Jardine's quite legitimate question: “Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not?”- your post of the 25th. "The question is based on the assumption that Muhammad and Quran authorise the ‘crimes’ you list. "The assumption that your question rests on is a FALSEHOOD OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS." [I'm certainly glad to hear that]. So your answer to his question, after some to-ing-and-froing, is "NO". Is that so ? There is nothing in the Koran that justifies the unprovoked killing or enslavement of non-Muslims, or presumably the beheading of children ? Is that what you are saying ? If so, then are you also saying that Islamic State are not acting in accordance with any of the teachings of the Koran ? Are you saying there is nothing in the Koran which justifies what Islamic State is doing ? Or Boko Haram ? Or al Qa'ida ? Are you saying that the Koran teaches its adherents to prefer peace to war, never to provoke or aggress against a peaceful group even if they are not Muslim ? And certainly not to rape and enslave their women [Hello, Poirot, where are you ?] or behead their children ? Given that questions are not, in themselves, criticisms, or 'hate speech', I look forward to a clear "Yes" or "No". Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 26 December 2014 12:53:22 PM
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Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims in accordance with the authority of Mohammed and the Koran, or not? Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 26 December 2014 6:45:21 PM
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If JKJ stays true to form - he'll very shortly declare himself the "winner"!
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 26 December 2014 7:00:17 PM
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Notice how NC/McAdam/Junaid believes in violence but can't bring himself either to admit it or renounce it? Like you. Notice how when called on it, he evades, and ignores, and diverts, and personalises, and goes in circles - anything but join issue and admit what he can't defend? Like you. Your last piece of ad hominem assumes that truth doesn't matter. It is not "abuse" to call you on your tedious dishonesty. It's jut more tedious dishonesty on your part to say it is. All you have done is bring back up your bitter gall at my having repeatedly proved you wrong and self-contradictory and illogical and violent and stupidly unethical. Just shut up and go away. You could join a left wing cheer squad for compulsory government education of girls in northern Nigeria - things you believe in. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:17:00 PM
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"All you have done is bring back up your bitter gall at my having repeatedly proved you wrong and self-contradictory and illogical and violent and stupidly unethical. Just shut up and go away...." A thousand pardons, but I can't help myself. Watching you attempting to ascribe all kinds of odious values to the people you debate is like an endless series of's all you can do. Loudy, and his twenty questions demanding "yes/no" answers is vying for the role on OLO of most predictable poster...he does it no matter how scant his knowledge of the actual subject. That and his sarcasm means he's seriously challenging you, JKJ. Love the way you say you've proved me "violent"...pray tell, is that in the same way that you accuse everyone else of violence who has the temerity to debate you? Time to scratch around in the bottom of your kit bag for a new line, methinks. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:30:14 PM
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You had hoped that my answer to Jardine question would be either yes or no. Didn’t happen that way, for a reason, and here you are with the stuff you had prepared assuming that I will not see the crookedness built in the question. Apparently, you have not been able to see from my answer so far that I had seen through your questioner. Here are details for you in more explicit terms: The question is a two layer statement: The bottom layer is a FALSEHOOD OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS, as I have already pointed out, and the top layer “Do you think it's okay to kill, enslave or rape non-Muslims “is a question that no sane mind can say “Yes” to. But if you say “No” to the question, you still own the sinister assumption built into the bottom layer. Nice try! What you did not expect is that your assumption in the bottom layer can be easily demolished, which is exactly what I did and with that your whole trap got dismantled. Interestingly, you and SPQR have been eagerly waiting for a yes or no from me, applauding the questioner who seems happy with his mastery of 7th grade logic. Good part is that your follow up in this question episode has given me the insight about you I was hoping to get from your answers to my questions which you have evaded so far. The situation is: 1. You make a statement (one of many faulty ones) that “After all, the Koran wasn't written down for a hundred years after his (Muhammad’s) death, there were competing versions of it floating around, and perhaps still are.”; 2. But you evade to substantiate your statement despite my repeated requests. The obvious conclusion is that you can make statements without a credible source to support them. Useful information! Posted by NC, Friday, 26 December 2014 10:08:02 PM
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"How is the question, whether Pakistanis are rising up against terrorism as a nation or state, logically relevant ......." Please address this question to the person who raised it in the first place, by pointing out difference of nation and state, in this debate. The name of that person is Jardine; see your own earlier posts. This debate about Pakistan, has been started by a person of your side, who challenged and attempted to make fun of my passing reference, as "the joke of the year"...and then you Jardine entered the debate...totally unprepared. You and others on your side challenged what I had said about Pakistan rising up as a nation against terrorism. I provided the reference of international and national media and invited you to verify the information I had provided; and plenty of other means are still available to do so. But you continued to refute me; unprepared. Now, here is your situation. You are challenging a substantiated and verifiable statement...while yourself armed with only guess work and conjecture; "I think" and " probably" are the words you use. The irony is that you still can not see the untenability of your position and this is, in spite of the warning I gave you not to expose your ignorance any further. You know why it is happening?... You may never realize. It is because the hate damages the beholder. It first attacks the ability to stay impartial and rational. Read this again and again and contemplate; may you be guided to the truth, amen. Now on your repeated question; "Let's get this straight. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers" Please tell me which part of Quran preaches raping of unbelievers or of any body else for that matter? We will go over your questions, one by one; mind the word restriction, if you are realistic. Joe, please read, for you too raised a similar question. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 26 December 2014 11:41:29 PM
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How would it be if I tried to put all Christian people on the spot for Inquisition and inhuman crimes committed in the name of Religion and then based on that example I insisted, "your Bible sanctions burning people alive for thinking differently?" It would be absurd. Why? Because zealots err and transgress and commit accesses and atrocities in the name of religion; zealots of all religions. They are like cancer in any society and should be treated as such; by isolating, not letting it spread to the whole body and destroying it. Any attempt to involve and infect the rest of the body is madness. Can't you see the madness going on in this forum? The people who go about committing the crimes in the names of IS, Boco haram or what ever, are cancers. Let us help the body dealing with its cancer. Like, it has started in Pakistan; the arrest orders for the cleric of the main masjid of the capital city; Lal- Masjid, have been issued. We are not doing right when we insist that all Muslims are on the side of cancer. Don't do it, for if you did, you may only harm yourself and your beautiful and peaceful country. Read about the fire bomb attack on a Masjid in a European country and injuring a half dozen worshippers ?......Can't you see? That is the point the author of the' article,we are discussing, has made. Can't you see? As for the friends, armed with cherry picked hate material and based on this, posing to be experts and are bent upon starting a debate on comparative study of religions on this forum with word restriction. It is like trying to catch a Jet liner with a fly catcher. Please read on, please study further, if you are serious. Deep and honest study; by yourself will unmask the truth to you. This hate charged debate will only push you deeper in the ignorance. Can't you see? Or can you? Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:53:03 AM
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@ McAdam --this is where you show how ill-informed you are!
<<How would it be if I tried to put all Christian people on the spot for Inquisition and inhuman crimes committed in the name of Religion>> Happens EVERY DAY in the lectures theatres & forums of our universities --and across the media. Christianity & CHRISTIAN PEOPLES are daily held accountable for the Inquisition,the forced conversion of the Americas ,slavery -- you name... But when similar is raised about Islams dark history people like you and NC label it a HATE crime. Why, your good buddy NC wasnt even aware of the Islamic-Turkish-Arab slave trade --and once more, he didnt want to know anything about it. Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 27 December 2014 6:08:18 AM
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Just answer the question. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 27 December 2014 8:33:46 AM
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Shouldn't This Debate Be Over Now?
This debate should have ended after my post of equating the scourge of terrorism with cancer. That is as loud and clear, as it possibly can get. But it may generate a set of new questions.This is an attempt to answer those possible questions. Our capacity to accept new answers varies, depending on the different levels of prejudices and pre conceived ideas, that we all seem to have. Please recall, when West decided to arm the Mujahideen against Soviet Union, they were already in the field, with almost bare hands ..against foreign occupation of their homeland. At that time, they were like "Resistance in Europe against German occupation or like the Americans Founding Fathers struggling for independence from the colonial power. Reagan rightly equated them with the Founding Fathers, for this reason. When foreign funding started, came with it; the paid recruiters and paid zealots to motivate the recruits and potential recruits. That is the on set of cancer. The paid zealots and paid recruiters, are the cancer, possibly the financier too. Is the game over now or is it on? It's any body's guess, but those categories still appear to be in the field. All these categories would be judged differently by history. Those resisting occupation or apartheid, need our gratitude, for we all owe our freedom to them. This is the lot, that the likes of Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, come from. Those being used and made fool of, like the assassins of Hasson-o-Sabbah are the pitiable lot. And those who are in this business for personal gains, need universal condemnation and eradication. There is no mechanism available to judge the motive of a person other than his/her actions. So any crime against innocent civilians must be condemned and perpetrators punished. Terrorism in all its meneftststions and forms must be condemned. We must,at the same time, condemn, not as a precondition, but on its own merit, the state terrorism and subjugation of people through oppression. We must stand by the side of people opposing and resisting oppression. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 27 December 2014 9:03:15 AM
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So, the answer to Jardine's question, " Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers?" is 'No' ? IS and all similar terrorist and criminal groups across the Islamic world are acting very much against the Koran, and against the interests of genuine Muslims ? So, you are saying that the Koran and the hadiths are totally opposed to the beheading of children, the rape and enslavement or murder of young women, the murder of unarmed prisoners, the crucifixion of non-Muslims, the burning alive of teachers and schoolchildren ? There is no mention of anything as brutal as that in any Islamic texts ? Apart from the cutting off of hands, stoning, etc., that we are used to ? I certainly hope that you are right. IS etc. are un-Islamic terrorists ? You are appalled by what they have been doing, them and all the other fascist groups across the Muslim world ? So the Left has backed the wrong horse, again, on their path to extinction ? By the way, elaborating on SPQR's point, is there still slavery in Mauretania and other parts of north Africa, and in Saudi Arabia, or not ? Do you support that ? After all, it's probably 'cultural' ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 27 December 2014 9:49:33 AM
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Taqiyya 1 of 2 This is brief on Taqiyya (mentioned repeatedly by you and at least one other participant of this discussion). I am addressing it to you, but it is, in fact, for the honest seekers of the facts. They will find enough information to form a correct view on it. It is alleged that Taqiyya “allows Muslims to lie to the disbelievers” for host of ill motives. BACKGROUND A Muslim (Ammar B. Yasir) in Muhammad’s time was subjected by unbelievers to unbearable physical torture and forced to insult Muhammad and praise their deities. He understandably yielded to pressure in unbearable torture and complied with the demand, unlike Bilal, for instance, who used to shout words of praise for Allah in this situation at the risk of his life. Ammar expressed his feeling of guilt to Muhammad, at a later stage. Muhammad told him “Say it again if they force you to do so”. Shortly after this incident, the relevant verse of Quran (16:106) was revealed which has been frequently misquoted by the Medieval Mindset (resurfacing in hate sites) which has been focus of my recent posts. The exact translation of the verse is: “Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.” [Pikthal translation of the Quran 16:106] Peace of Ammar’s mind was restored after he found out that he had not sinned when his safety forced him to say what the perpetrators of torture wanted to hear. The above background and the history is the beginning and the end of Taqqiyyah in mainstream Islam – there is nothing more , nothing less. Original records available to upright researchers of this age show so vividly than none of them has ever endorsed the medieval mindset on this subject. Trash on the internet, filled with filth of distortions and misquotes, hosted by hate-sites is a different story. Continue Posted by NC, Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:15:36 PM
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Joe, Taqiyya 2 of 2 FACTS 1. The world Taqiyya has its origin in word “Waqa” which means “safequard”/”self-protection”. 2. As you can see, IT DEALS ONLY WITH A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL SAFETY IS THREATENED by the force a Muslim is subjected to; 3. World constitutions and penal codes of societies of this day acknowledge the fact the any statement/contracts made in duress have no legal standing. 4. There is not an iota of a suggestion here that the Muslims have been authorised to lie to unbelievers to achieve any other objectives; SOURCES The details of the background, pointed out above, have been meticulously preserved in the early records of Islam. The original information is accessible to modern-day researchers who are able to demolish medieval distortions surrounding Islam for the readers in the non-Muslim world. On Taqiyya, the following references will suffice. a: “Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam Hardcover” – by H. A. R. Gibb & J. H. Kramers (1997) b: “New Encyclopedia of Islam”: A Revised Edition of the Concise Encyclopedia of Islam - by Cyril Glasse & Huston Smith (2001) MEDIEVAL MINDSET AND INTERNET HATE SITES The medieval mindset is still attached to the medieval distortions even though these distortions have been completely demolished by new research in the West. It has benefited the people of west, the Muslim world always had access to the original records. But, interestingly, the medieval mindset has resurfaced recently in a host of hat sites at the net, which, unfortunately constitute THE SOURCE for these distortions echoing in this thread. Taqiyya, a phenomenon that delivers peace to sincere persons uncomfortable with their utterances in duress, is being presented as ‘code of Taqiyya’ and exploded out of context to further objectives of the medieval mindset. Posted by NC, Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:20:23 PM
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I notice you still asking me questions (your post of the 27th). Know that have you lost any right to my response until: • you answer my questions – about 72 hours old now; and • apologise for making a false statement that Quran was written 100 years after Muhammad’s death. Your other false statements would have come under scrutiny if a rational exchange had progressed, which did not because of your refusal to answer legitimate questions. Your answer would have exposed your ignorance you are hiding under tricky statements coming from you. Know further that an exchange where you can ask me questions and I cannot (my post of the 26th) is NOT ON. I addressed you for first time on the 24th appreciating in good-faith your statement “Nobody is demonising Muslims – nobody has to”. I am now convinced that you never meant what you said. This along with: • your misinformation; • your misquotes; • your pressing on with a crooked question resting on a false statement from your associate for a yes or no answer – which I dismantled by demolishing the false assumption it rested on; • your throwing around terminologies like “Medina option”, “Mecca option” etc despite your total ignorance of historical facts; and • your attempts to “demonise Muslims” have lead me to the conclusion that you are, if fact, another SPQR. This is my last message directly addressed to you. I will keep doing what I have been doing i.e. posting facts for upright minds on the subject I have pursued so far Posted by NC, Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:52:28 PM
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Come on NC, no one has to “demonise Muslims” .
They do a damn good job of doing it for themselves, where ever they raise their ugly heads. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 27 December 2014 1:05:39 PM
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So, since you don't agree that IS and all the other thug-terrorist groups across the Muslim world are flouting, or going against, anything in the Koran, then you believe that they ARE acting and speaking fully in accordance with the Koran ? It follows that you are suggesting that the Koran allows the beheading of children, the rape, murder and enslavement of women and girls, the murder of unarmed prisoners, etc. ? Is that so ? Or have I misunderstood ? That really, all the Islamo-fascist groups are operating in direct opposition to genuine Islam ? Which is to it to be, NC/McAdam ? A simple 'yes' or 'no' ? Or, of course, you can keep blustering and obfuscating, to dodge the issue. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 27 December 2014 1:50:23 PM
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Joe you are very lucky
NC demands: <<apologise for making a false statement that Quran was written 100 years after Muhammad’s death>> The usual options offered are --conversion or death! Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 27 December 2014 2:10:22 PM
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And here's a better assessment of Taqiyya: <<Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it … We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream … Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.[5]>> Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 27 December 2014 2:28:19 PM
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I had suggested that we close the forum because you and others on your sides were repetitive, indicating not having anything new to add. But you seem to be bent upon exposing your lack of knowledge and lack of reason. So be it. I had asked you following question:- "Please tell me which part of Quran preaches raping of unbelievers or of any body else for that matter? And had also suggested; "We will go over your questions, one by one; mind the word restriction, if you are realistic." Your answer to this specific question is as follows:- "Just answer the question. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers" No Jardine, this is intellectual dishonesty. If you say some something, it is your responsibility to substantiate it. You allege that Quran preaches and authorizes rape of unbelievers, onus is on you to furnish the evidence; elementry! Tell me where in Quran is rape preached or authorized? You seem to bent upon exposing your utter ignorance, in spite of my advice against it and in spite of the fact that I provided you face saving opportunity repeatedly. You challenged my true statement about Anti Terrorism in Pakistan and could provide no evidence to support your false claim. You started an unnecessary debate on state/ nation and then asked my explanation as who started this irrelevant debate and Now you keep repeating that Quran sanctions rape and when I ask you to provide any proof to support your ridiculous claim, you try to perry the question by counter question. You are so blinded by your hatred that you can't see how have you made a complete fool of yourself, more than once. I gave you every chance to save face but you exposed yourself. Come back to me when you have a reference from Quran about preaching and authorization of rape, otherwise, I am not interested in wasting my time with you. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 27 December 2014 2:36:57 PM
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Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 27 December 2014 2:50:42 PM
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You may be misunderstanding SPQR. The question is: In your view, is Islamic State acting against the teachings of the Koran in beheading children, raping and enslaving women and girls, and in murdering unarmed prisoners ? If so, will IS thugs go straight to Hell when they are killed ? A simple 'yes' or 'no' would do nicely :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 27 December 2014 2:58:54 PM
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I can find nothing on beheading children sanctioned in Muslim holy books in reading around the net, only enslavement. Perhaps an age limit is not being recognized by perpetrators.
I'm not sure what constitutes a "hate site" precisely, but here can be found many interpretations of statements from Muslim holy books: that do not support NC and McAdam. They may wish to pull apart several of the interpretations to refute the argument that Islam, while providing a code to live by, is a supremacist ideology. Refutation is needed both to convince doubters of fundamentalist Islam's good intentions, and, to convince IS et al that they have strayed from Islam by their actions. Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 27 December 2014 6:55:55 PM
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Luciferase, i dont often agree with you on other threads/issues but you have earned a lot of respect from me for your principled stand on this thread.
Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 27 December 2014 7:34:24 PM
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1. Pakistani issue You need to decide whether the Pakistani issue is relevant. If it is, then stop trying to squirm out of answering my questions by telling me to ask someone else what the relevance of it is. If it’s not, then stop trying to squirm out of answering my questions by pleading the prior relevance of it. Even if I conceded everything you claim about the Pakistani issue, which I don’t, all you would have established is that the Pakistani state has decided on a military operation against the Taliban. However obviously if the Taliban are motivated by beliefs or doctrines that Muslims, as Muslims, share in common, a Pakistani army attack on the Taliban is not going to solve the problem. Therefore you have not established any point of significance turns on this issue, far less any intellectual dishonesty on my part. The intellectual dishonesty is all your own: equivocation, evasion and ad hominem. 2. Relation between Islam and Islamism >>"Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers?" >”No Jardine, this is intellectual dishonesty. If you say some something, it is your responsibility to substantiate it.” I’m asking you, not telling you. Therefore there is no onus on me to prove it one way or another. Your argument is only the “No true Scotsman” fallacy. According to your theory, any Muslim terrorist, by committing a terrorist act, shows that he is not “sane” or is a “zealot”. Therefore Islamism has nothing to do with Islam, supposedly. The atrocities committed daily in the name of Islam are just some kind of strange coincidence, nothing to do with Islam. To state the argument is to see the stupidity and dishonesty of it, unobscured by your repeated attempts at evasion larded at every stage with spiteful personal argument. So what’s the answer to my question? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 27 December 2014 8:38:04 PM
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"So what’s the answer to my question?" Answer dear Jardine is; SUBSTANTIATE THE LIE YOU ARE TRYING TO PEDDLE, THAT QURAN PREACHES OR AUTHORIZES RAPE .....otherwise....EVERY ONE ON THIS FORUM HAS SEEN THAT YOU ARE LYING. This is the second time you have put yourself in an untenable position, and you can't even see. You can't see, because of the hate that has poisoned your rationality and has blinded you. You are fooling, only yourself, by posting a page full of rubbish and no substantiation of your ridiculous claim. Got it? Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:12:04 AM
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"this is where you show how ill-informed you are!" This SPQR, is your comment on my statement ; "How would it be if I tried to put all Christian people on the spot for Inquisition ...... It would be absurd..." What is the matter with you? Is it that don't read ?....or Is it that you can't think straight? Your track record shows; its both Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 2:09:49 AM
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About rape:
Allah said, (Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess.) The Ayah means, you are prohibited from marrying women who are already married, (except those whom your right hands possess) except those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, "We captured some women from the area of Awtas who were already married, and we disliked having sexual relations with them because they already had husbands. So, we asked the Prophet about this matter, and this Ayah (Quran 4:24) was revealed. Consequently, we had sexual relations with these women.'' "The Apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Quran 4:24) Abu Dawud (2150) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee" (Q 33:50) "But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good" (Q8:69) “We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them.” (Bukhari) As to beheading, try Quran 47:4 and 8:12. About killing: Q9:111. Don’t Muslims ever read the Quran? How are they going to be good Muslims if they don’t kill and rape? A thought: rather then our resident Muslims trying to convince we infidels that Islam is wonderful, why don’t they spend their time trying to convince Muslims that Islam teaches peace and tolerance? I mean, for most honest people the sorry state of Islamic societies might be a clue about something… Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 28 December 2014 4:39:25 AM
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Hello McAdam,
I can understand your angst have had your tail well and truly kicked …after that, anyone would be sore. As I pointed out, EVERYDAY in our university lecture theatres and forums and EVERYDAY in the media CHRISTIAN PEOPLES held accountable for their history. You SAY that such would be unfair –-nevertheless, both you and NC are more than happy to USE such criticism if it aids the defence of your belief system. So, we regularly get Islamic apologists coming out with claims like this: --The crusades were an unprovoked attack on a peaceful Muslim community, or --The American/Atlantic slave trade was an example of Christendom’s (or America’s) inhumanity and hypocrisy …and you would never ever find similar anywhere under Islam ! Your ally NC being totally oblivious to the Islamic Turkish Arab , because to paraphrase him: lefty academics and Hollywood movies only ever talk about the Christian American slave trade --- therefore, any talk about an Islamic slavery just had to be a HATE crime. And its precisely that sort of lopsided viewing of things that gives ISIS its recruits Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 28 December 2014 6:23:29 AM
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"SUBSTANTIATE THE LIE YOU ARE TRYING TO PEDDLE" 1. assuming what is in issue 2. reversing onus of proof 3. mind-reading Three logical fallacies in 8 words, not bad. "This is the second time you have put yourself in an untenable position, and you can't even see." 4. Assuming what is in issue 5. Lying - you have not established any "untenable position" on my part. Your attempt to squirm out of the whole issue by saying the Pakistani army is attacking the Taliban is irrelevant and evasive. "You can't see, because of the hate that has poisoned your rationality and has blinded you. You are fooling, only yourself, by posting a page full of rubbish and no substantiation of your ridiculous claim." 6. mind-reading, furious personal argument 7. assuming what is in issue 8. trying to reverse the onus of proof McAdam, I'm asking you WHETHER, not telling you THAT, the Koran authorises killing, enslaving and rape. Therefore there is no claim on my part, and no need for me to substantiate the claim - which in any event kactuz has just done. Although there JUST MIGHT be some other verses in Koran and hadith too, mightn't there, McAdam? I say you know that your argument that Islamism has nothing to do with Islam is stupid and dishonest. I say the reason the only reason you are are answering by way of furious abuse, mind-reading, misrepresentation, evasion, circularity, lying and repetition, is because you know that if you answer the question you will prove yourself wrong, so you prefer intellectual dishonesty and abuse instead. Not much of an advertisement for Islam. But by all means, prove me wrong. Answer the question. No abuse, no fury, no pretended indignation, no diversion into irrelevance about Pakistan, no insisting on prior points, no pretending some other formality is more urgent. Just answer it. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 28 December 2014 7:23:48 AM
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Taqiyya and misquoting Quran
To the Taqiyya description from the original sources (my post of 27th) SPQR has come up with his usual internet trash and on the authority of a known Islamophobe, whose references to Quran on Taqiyya are totally twisted as are his distortions of history and other sources. Taqiyya is the recognition that one’s utterances in the face of pressure and torture contrary to his/her beliefs are an understandable response. There is nothing more to it. This is a fact recognised by human common sense and all legal codes of this age which do not recognise any contract or commitment made by someone in duress. But SPQR will continue doing it as he has done before. Example: • His post 30 July (on another article by the same author): he brings up a quote and writes on top of it “From Koran” • He is confronted to quote a reference from Quran by another poster including myself • He replies (his post 31 July) “<<the Quranic passage you quoted...doesn't exist in the Quran>> Oh yes it does old fellow-- along with a lot worse. Better do some reading up on your religion,eh!” Note that he even pointed out the location of his fictitious reference in Quran “ALONG WITH A LOT WORSE)”even though he has not seen it there for himself. Does he have a shame in misquoting? NONE AT ALL! Interpretation of history has a high level of subjectivity. But in case of Quran, clarity can be established. Still SPQRs attempt to distort references from Quran. Another SPQR insists that Quran authorizes rape. McAdams has asked him for so many times now to quote “a reference from Quran about preaching and authorization of rape”. Every time he comes back with his gobbledygook and NO reference. How can he, when there is NONE. Posted by NC, Sunday, 28 December 2014 8:06:57 AM
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About rape and Quran: You quote Quran 4:24, full translation is: And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done) "Please note, "so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery." Clearly marriage is the subject here and not rape. Your second quote 33: 50, complete translation is: O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war, and the daughters of thine uncle on the father's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the father's side, and the daughters of thine uncle on the mother's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the mother's side who emigrated with thee, and a believing woman if she give herself unto the Prophet and the Prophet desire to ask her in marriage - a privilege for thee only, not for the (rest of) believers - We are Aware of that which We enjoined upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess - that thou mayst be free from blame, for Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Here too, "whom your right hand posesseth and those Allah hath given thee as spoils of war" are bracket with the kith and kin. No doubt it is the honest wedlock that is the subject and not rape. 008.069 Now enjoy what ye have won, as lawful and good, and keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. ( All Pickthal Translations) No preaching or sanction of rape here either. Continues Thanks Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 9:51:09 AM
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Hi NC/McAdam,
Thank you for that: but that raises yet other questions - not statements or assertions, please, but questions: * if the Koran, as you say, forbids the rape of any woman - captive, slave, non-believer, child, or any other female, then would you agree that IF Islamic State terrorists are doing this, then they are acting against the teachings of the Koran ? OR * IF they ARE acting in accordance with instructions from the Koran, can you point out those sections (or sections of any of the hadiths) which allow them to rape, enslave, murder, behead and crucify ? Of course, you can wriggle out of all this by claiming that IS terrorists are NOT raping or enslaving or beheading or shooting or bombing anyone, it's all US propaganda. Give that one a try :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:10:56 AM
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The problem is that EVERYWHERE Muslims go they take their hate and violence with them.
Quote: The Swedish police recently released a map of 55 areas where they publicly admit to having surrendered control to the criminal gangs. These areas have long had problems with mailmen, fire trucks and ambulances being attacked when trying to enter, which has led to them routinely requesting police escort. Now it’s the police being attacked outright. These no-go zones are primarily so-called “exclusion areas” which is the politically correct term for the 186 ghettos that have sprung up around Sweden in the past two decades. These areas are predominantly populated by immigrants from muslim countries with low education and even lower employment rates. The exception being the enthusiastic entrepreneurs in the fields of drug dealing, protection rackets and robberies. Its the same in Denmark: Quote: Many of the gang members who take an active part in the ongoing conflict in Copenhagen come from refugee families. For them, violence is a natural way to resolve conflicts. The band members are just part of a large group of young men with refugee backgrounds who are convicted and released over and over in a loop of crime. 70% of young people in penal institutions in Denmark are immigrants, and 40 percent of them are refugees The words “immigrants” and “Muslims” are mostly interchangeable. According to (PC) government experts, crime is caused by violence trauma they fled from and, yes, that trauma is inherited. The negative effect of Muslim immigration (crime, poverty, violence, abuse, rape, welfare overload and fraud) is evident everywhere Muslims go in numbers. Here on OLO we have an article “Monis and…” blaming immigrant problems on untreated PTS. Of course. Yet leaders in the West – Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, the US, Australia, etc. – lie to us and pretend the obvious problems have nothing to do with islam. And people like NC and MCAdma invest hours to proclaim all criticism of Islam and Muslims as hate or ignorance. Never once do they consider Islamic dogma as a source of evil. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:50:35 AM
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NC and McAdam (made a mess out of your name above)
On a kinder note. Firstly, know that my dislike of Islam proceeds from threats against myself (yawn) and my family (contemptable MFers!). They were not you and I don’t hold you responsible for what other Muslims do, but you defend an ideology that I sincerely believe is problematic. You disagree. Fine. I am certainly much older than you both, and I want for you and yours the same that I want for my children and grandchildren. From where I stand I see Islam as a detrimental force due to a complex number of forces that have come together (I have written about this 10 years ago here) but most of all it is because Muslims have no ability to reflect on Islam’s theory and practice. Criticism of the Quran and Mohammad are off-limits, so nothing changes. Basically Islam is an “all or nothing” proposition; either it is perfect or it is a mass of errors, so you give no ground. So it is. I'll let you know a little secret: In all my years here and on other sites, I do not know that I have ever convinced a Muslim of anything or changed a mind. I don’t really do this to argue with Muslims, but to share with non-Muslims what I have learned in thousands of hours of study of Islamic documents and doctrine. I am sure we all want a better world for our children, but I doubt that will be the case. As I have said here, the future will not be nice. Too much evil and stupidity has been done by all (Muslims and infidels). Pandora’s box is open and the venom of loathing will spread. At this point, I think that all our collective ramblings here are pointless. You will not change, we will not change and our leaders will continue to pursue foolish policies that will damn us all. But, at least, as the Chinese say, we can be thankful we live in interesting times. You take care. Jay Kactuz Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 28 December 2014 11:32:54 AM
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McAdam, I find your defense thin. What do you interpret as what the "right hand" possesses in the first and second quotes and what "Allah hath given thee as spoils of war" in the second?
I can't quite discern from the quotes whether marriage is involved in having sex with the (captive) spoils of war but, if it were, there would obviously be a degree of coercion involved i.e. a choice between yielding to the process or death. That's rape. If marriage is not involved in enjoying the "spoils", that's rape too. As I said, a thin defense, unless I'm missing something. Perhaps it could be understood in the context of its times. How would women survive with their menfolk annihilated and without any other (international agency) support? It's a crime against humanity nowadays. Rape aside, what of interpretations from the site I provided, say, regarding other such crimes? Posted by Luciferase, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:02:20 PM
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Continuing with my posts on Muhammad, the one revered by the great minds.
And who is by far the most remarkable man who ever set foot on this earth. In famous words of Annie Besant, “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet” In the words of Edward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay “History of the Saracen Empire, London 1870” page 54. “It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder; the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Mecca and Madina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran... The Mahometans have uniformly withstood the temptation of reducing the object of their faith and devotion to a level with the senses and imagination of man. I believe in One God and Mahomet is the Apostle of God' is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honors of the prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue; and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion." Posted by NC, Sunday, 28 December 2014 1:12:47 PM
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On gradual journey of humanity to human values of today:
This post covers a current reference to Quran on slave women of the time “those your right hand possess”. My focus would be the upright minds seeking truth on this and related aspects. Quran lifted the society of the time gradually out of its vile practices, which was the only way to do it. The poster presumes that human beings acted and thought exactly as the people of this age of reason do. Therefore, the current practices must decide what should have been right or wrong in those societies. Examine a fact for clarity on what I have just said. Twelve Tables are recognised as the first source of written law out of which the Roman and therefore Western laws have gradually evolved over centuries. Twelve Tables recognise the authority of a father over the life and death of a son and also authorise him to sell his son into slavery for a number of times. For a clarification again: I am not insinuating anything devilish about Roman society – but only pointing out that its right and wrong were different from present. Can you judge this law by the current standards and independent of awareness of the right and wrong of the society then. I don’t think so. Slavery has been prevalent in human society since long and was rampant in the times we are talking about. There were slave women in Muhammad’s times who were predominantly forced to bring money to their owners through prostitution. Islam changed this, as a first step. Imagine the social ills it corrected. Quran rated freeing a slave as one of the highest virtues. One of many freed slaves in Muhammad’s time was one of his most respected friends (black) Bilal. And then is the respect for women Quran introduced and gradually convinced its followers which equally benefitted the slave women. A bigger vision can see things in the right perspective. This is why great minds revere Muhammad for what he did for humanity. Posted by NC, Sunday, 28 December 2014 1:15:21 PM
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On McAdam’s notes on correct translation of Quran
McAdam’s presentation of the correct translation of the Quranic verses that Kactuz misunderstood has shifted the discussion a bit. The fact I have pointed out many times is that there is a whole lot of material on the internet generated by the medieval mindset full of distortions about Quran and Muhammad. If you decide not to look outside this trash, the outcome is obvious, as it shows in the posts repeatedly peddling falsehood. Kactuz responds to McAdam’s clarifications saying that he is a very old man. It only shows how long he has been exposed to distortions. Still, he can approach the subject with an open mind, if his prejudices let him. This was done by thousands of people in the west, with the result is the Islam is the word’s fastest-growing religion in the west. Arnoud Van Doorn, Dutch politician who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme , like Kactuz does– is an interesting case study for Kactus. He used to be a leading member of the Party for Freedom in Netherlands, headed by the notorious Geert Wilders. Respect for truth in his mind forced Doorn to dig for truth independent of his prejudice. As he said “I have heard so many negative stories about Islam, but I am not a person who follows opinions of others without doing my own research,” he said. “Therefore, I have actually started to deepen my knowledge of Islam out of curiosity.” The outcome of an honest search: He is a Muslim now!! With a confession that entire world has heard “I AM SORRY, O PROPHET” Doorn’s son observes: “I saw my father become more peaceful after converting to Islam” “That’s when I realized there is something good in this religion and it made me change my perception of Muslims.” The son too is a Muslim now. Kactuz may want to step out of the prejudices that one-eyed medieval literature has planted in him. He may be able to see the life-giving light of the Quran. Posted by NC, Sunday, 28 December 2014 2:54:45 PM
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Oh come on, McAdam, There must be 10,000 Muslim websites that say “ma malakat aimanukum” (what your right hands possess) refers to captives or slaves. Of course, all also go on to say that this is about care by compassionate Muslims who will marry and/or care for them. Yeah, right.
Read the quran and hadith again. Say the words carefully, s-l-o-w-l-y. It says that Muslims can have sex with captured or slave married women (and no need to even mention the fate of unmarried). This is a special divine exemption from the sin of adultery. It is very clear that this is an authorization to have sex with women -- married or not -- who are captured or owned by Muslims. Note that the woman’s opinion is not considered. That is rape. These are the same verses that ISIS fighters use to justify rape. Of course, if the quran were really perfect, the moral prohibitions would be clear, and evil men would not so easily find verses to justify their actions. As I have said before here, it seems that Allah and Mohammad don’t care very much about little girls. If they did, they would not put rubbish into the Quran/hadith that lets evil men justify evil. Do you want to hear the true story of a young girl named Aisha, who was raped then condemned to die for ‘zina’ a few years ago? The elders applied Islamic law. I saved the article. NC, When you say the “Quran lifted the society of the time gradually” you aren’t kidding. I remember when SaudiArabia abolished slavery in the 1960s. 1300years is really gradual. Nothing is absolute like morality based upon “current practices must decide what should have been right or wrong”. Are you saying then that homosexuality is fine? Yes, as to the “respect for women Quran introduced” nothing says respect like ignoring women, saying they are worth half a man, permitting beating, mentioning only one by name in the Quran and saying they are deficient in intelligence and not worthy to lick pus off their husband. Bye. Off to work. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 28 December 2014 3:45:39 PM
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So much fear driving so much hatred.
On both sides. To what end? Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 28 December 2014 3:50:35 PM
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So the full quotes show that The Quran, in no ways preaches or authorizes rape, as was being incorrectly suggested. Quran however does talk of slaves and spoils of war. That makes a few minds uneasy for they think and judge in the terms of present times. That was the prevalent practice of the time and is in no way exclusive to Quran or Islam. A quote from a biblical story and an extract from Bible are being quoted here. Jacob retuned after serving his uncle Laban, for years with a large heard and in addition, two daughters of the uncle; Leah, and Rachel as wives and two slave women Zilpah and Bilha . Later, his son Joseph who suffered at the hands of his brothers was to be sold in slavery, in his boyhood. And now a quote from Bible; However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT) The quotes from biblical story and from Bible are from secondary source with possible need of correction. Please do correct, if any misquote is noticed." Thanks Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 28 December 2014 4:16:41 PM
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So the morals of the Koran are equivalent to biblical tales of four thousand years ago ? Yes, it does reflect the morals of traditional desert tribes, but I didn't think they were as backward as four thousand years behind the West. You point out that the "Quran however does talk of slaves and spoils of war." If the Koran was handed to Muhammad in 612 AD, ready-made, with not a verse ever to be changed, the literal word of Allah, then he was certainly prescient, knowing that the new converts to Islam would need to deal with "slaves and spoils of war". So, if the Koran does talk a great deal about "slaves and the spoils of war", is that still applicable ? After all, not a word, or a n instruction, of the Koran is to be ever changed ? So slavery and distributing the spoils of war, including women, are still approved by the Koran ? Islamic State is, in fact, implementing the instructions of the Koran ? Lucky Islam is a religion of peace. Are you going to also claim that it is a religion of justice for women ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 December 2014 4:42:33 PM
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Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 28 December 2014 4:49:31 PM
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So you want us to believe that the Koran authorises the enslavement of women, but does not allow their owner to have non-consensual sex with them? You need to understand that other people are not as stupid or intellectually dishonest as you are. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 28 December 2014 5:08:17 PM
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McAdam, how do your "corrected" verses of the Quran alter their meanings to mere references to marriage, exactly? There remains the idea of Allah supporting females, as spoils of war, to be used as their captors see fit, sexually or otherwise.
As for Leviticus, anybody who uses it to justify supremacist acts or crimes against humanity doesn't have my support. I don't see that going on in the world anyway, whereas it certainly is under the Quran. From Rationalwiki, "Jews think that Leviticus is the unadulterated word of God, as dictated to Moses on Mount Sinai. Unfortunately, the atheistic liberal modern world doesn’t allow them to follow all of these laws. Christians think that it’s the word of God, but point to 1 Corinthians 10:23–26 as exemption from following these laws. Interestingly, many fundamentalists still cite Leviticus 18:22 (kill the gays) as legitimate, even though they reject the book on principle. Other Christians accept all the laws with the exception of the ritualistic ones. That’s the definition of irony." I don't care if you refuse to see exhortations to violence in your holy books while other followers of Islam embrace them. I do care that all followers of religion should commit to secular democracy ahead of any religious exhortation to do otherwise. Join me in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy. Root out any that is perceived from without and within your religion, and put the State first. Is that too much to ask? Posted by Luciferase, Sunday, 28 December 2014 5:13:59 PM
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Can you please explain why hundreds of Muslim women in Birmingham, UK are either attempting suicide or suiciding and being murdered by their own families because they have dishonoured Islam? There is a serious high rate of crime committed by Muslim men in the UK and else where. A psychiatrist in Birmingham who has worked in prisons there cites all this. And I have read about this sort of thing before. Here is Dr Theodore Dalrymple's inside view at first hand again, of his experience working with Muslim prisoners. Looks like you missed it. Can you please read it and comment? I don't want to overwhelm you but I do think they are very important issues. I don't understand how people could kill their own flesh and blood for the sake of honour. The women he says are so oppressed. And it seems if they Westernise, the trouble starts. Posted by Constance, Sunday, 28 December 2014 6:06:21 PM
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Obviously, a lot of your co-religionists don’t agree with your interpretation of the Koran and hadith – for example, the ones who have recently been beheading people, and killing and raping children, and blowing up public transport, abducting and raping school girls, and getting 13 year old girls to kill themselves by blowing up market places by threatening to kill their family if they don’t, and hacking people to death, throwing acid onto young children, slitting people’s throats, blowing up wedding parties, and so on. My question is, what steps have you taken to explain to the many Muslims who don’t agree with you, that their views of the hadith, Koran, Mohammed and Allah are wrong, and that you renounce and condemn their views? (No, my asking whether the widespread problem of Muslim atrocities has anything to do with their religious beliefs is not evidence of “hate” on my part, it’s evidence of hate on the part of your co-religionists. And your tactic of responding to questions about the connection between Islamism and Islam, by furious personal abuse, is evidence of hate on your part, so just cut that out and answer the question.) Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 28 December 2014 7:38:01 PM
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Kactuz, "There must be 10,000 Muslim websites that say “ma malakat aimanukum” (what your right hands possess) refers to captives or slaves."
And then you go on to criticize Islam for sanctioning slavery. And at the same time gloss over the permissibility of slavery in Judaism and Christianity, ignoring the clear injunction of Bible, on the subject. How is permissibility of slavery, Quran specific? Ever seen the judgement of US Supreme Court that slaves are property? And what was the American Civil War about? We need to be honest. And then you interpret the meanings of "so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery." as rape and not marriage. I believe you Kactuz when you say " I am certainly much older than you both". Yes Kactuz, very,...and it shows. Please pay head to NC's advice and use your investment of time in study of Islam to see the truth, while you still can. May God enable us all to see and embrace the truth, amen. Luciferase "Join me in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy." I do not agree with you, but respect you for your honesty, as against those who are one eyed on the subject. To others, who have raised questions about violence within Muslim societies and heinous crimes committed in the name of Islam. Good questions...... we could discuss but the quota restricts my ability to respond immediately, please wait. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 29 December 2014 12:39:31 AM
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Why is there so much crime against women in Muslim societies. Yes there is quite a lot of it. A case that caught international attention is of rural Pakistan where a girl named Mukhtaran Mai was gang raped on orders of the informal village court for the crime of her brother who allegedly had some relationship with the girl from the opposite party. Barbaric? Sure. In accordance with Islamic teaching? Let's see.
"KOLKATA, Jan 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A 20-year-old woman in eastern India was gang-raped by 13 men on the orders of a village court as punishment for having a relationship with a man from a different community.....she had violated the rules of her tribe by falling in love with a man from another community.........West Bengal recorded the highest number of gender crimes in the country at 30,942 in 2012 - 12.7 percent of India's total recorded crimes against women. These crimes include rape, kidnapping and sexual harassment and molestation..(Reported by Sujoy Dhar) Clearly the villagers of Mukhtaran Mai have something in common with the non Muslim villagers in neighboring India; the cultural baggage and tribal customs they have carried along, in spite of embracing Islam. This may explain the plight of women in UK from South Asia and neighboring countries.....not Muslims only. Are the females suppressed in these societies? Yes. Is the situation likely to improve? Yes, if I am reading the trend correctly. May be these societies are where the west was in Victorian time or there about. They'll make it too, in time. Expecting them to achieve immediately, the mind change that requires generations, is unrealistic. This "holier than though" and demonizing approach does not help, it only vitiates the atmosphere. This is how it appears to me, I am no expert on the subject and I can be wrong in my understanding. But what I have presented is true, to the best of my judgement. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 29 December 2014 2:57:58 AM
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You've come all this way and you still haven't answered my question. Just leave out the evasion, and abuse, and telling me what my subjective thoughts are, and answer it: Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? If someone were charged with murder or other serious crime, and they attempted to defend or excuse their conduct by saying that other people were doing it, can you see that that would be operating at the level of a moral imbecile? Also what steps have you taken to persuade the the many Muslims who obviously don’t agree with you and are currently committing atrocities, that their views of the hadith, Koran, Mohammed and Allah are wrong, and that you renounce and condemn their views as unIslamic? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 29 December 2014 7:18:38 AM
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@McAdam & Co,
Lets assume for a brief moment that McAdam has the correct interpretation of his religions texts --so he is right. The fact that HUGE numbers of the movers and shakers in Islam interpret the same text very differently must surely be seen as a huge warning sign. If his texts can be so readily mis-read what a huge danger they pose. However, on balance of probabilities -- I think what is most likely is that McAdam and NC are practising a form of taqiyya repacking things in terms which will go down well with a Western liberal audience—and should one day they get the numbers they will give a very different interpretation Posted by SPQR, Monday, 29 December 2014 7:32:53 AM
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Just one simple question: Is Islamic State acting in accordance with the Koran ? Yes ? No ? Any obfuscation from now on will be a sure sign of complicity, and/or taqqiya. At least, then, we'll know where we stand with 'moderate' Muslims. Yes ? No ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 December 2014 7:45:51 AM
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Sane Minds on Muhammad .. continued..
An interesting fact about Muhammad is that he was unlettered and led a very quiet life for forty years. Then all of Arabia stood in awe and wonder of his eloquence when he began to preach Islam. It was so matchless that legions of Arab poets, preachers, and orators failed to produce a composition that could compare with or equal it. Today’s quote is from: "Islam: The Misunderstood Religion," by James A. Michene- Reader's Digest May 1955, pp. 68-70. “Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about AD. 570 into an Arabian tube that worshipped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. At twenty he was already a successful businessman, and soon became director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow. When he reached twenty-five his employer, recognizing his meet, proposed marriage. Even though she was fifteen years older, he married her, and as long as she lived remained a devoted husband. Like almost every major prophet before him, Muhammad fought shy of serving as the transmitter of God's word, sensing his own inadequacy. But the angel commanded Read'. So far as we know, Muhammad was unable to read or write, but he began to dictate those inspired words which would soon revolutionize a large segment of the earth: "There is one God." In all things Muhammad was profoundly practical. When his beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse occurred, and rumours of God's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad is said to have announced,' An eclipse is a phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the death or birth of a human-being." At Muhammad’s own death an attempt was made to deify him, but the man who was to become his administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: 'If there are any among you who worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is God you worshipped, He lives for ever'.” Posted by NC, Monday, 29 December 2014 9:12:08 AM
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<<An interesting fact about Muhammad is that he was..>> The most interesting thing about your little piece is your fanatical one-eyed editing of history--heaven help us if you ever was in a position to oversee the media or redesign the schools curricula --- it would be: new dark age here we come courtesy of NC & co Posted by SPQR, Monday, 29 December 2014 9:30:21 AM
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Jardine,"About Atrocities Committed In The Name of Islam"
The questions you raise are valid and the approach to these questions that you suggest; by "cutting out personal abuse", is rational. Firstly, please recognize these societies differ from one an other and often various sections within a society are not on the same page. Secondly, these societies are masked from first hand view of the westerners, who are forced to see them through other's eyes, who may or may not be transparent. Third problem is the restriction of words we can use, to cover these huge topics. You will have to expand your own study to find the answers to your questions, please start with googling "The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam, by Karen Armstrong (former nun)", on Time web site. And Muhammad Asad was formerly a Jew. Just imagine, how off the mark one would be, who took the atrocities of Inquisition as the sole representative of Christianity? Zealots thrive in the environment of ignorance such as that prevailed in Europe at the time of Inquisition or such that prevails throughout the present Muslim societies. Some hard line Mullahs are deeply imbedded in the past. They follow the fossilized thinking of the Middle Ages. You must be aware of a concept called "Ijtehad" roughly meaning renewal with independent reasoning, is inherent in Islam and was very vibrant but is at standstill since middle ages. Islam has to revive it to realize it's full potential of guiding the modern humanity. Good news is that majority of middle class is for the way forward through Ijtehad. The hard liners with fossilized thinking who enjoy following in the relatively backward segment of the society are gradually loosing ground to reason. The Imam of the main Masjid of Islamabad is one such hard liner and government has ordered his arrest under pressure from the civil society. I realize, I have not been able to do full justice to your good question, but if I have convinced you to carry on with your quest to find the truth, you will find what you seek. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 29 December 2014 11:05:31 AM
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Me: "Join me in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy."
McAdam: "I do not agree with you..." What gives your religion the right to reign supreme over all of us? You and your co-ideologists are my enemy and I'll oppose you anywhere you are in the world, at home and internationally. "Just imagine, how off the mark one would be, who took the atrocities of Inquisition as the sole representative of Christianity?" Diversion. I do not judge what was done under Islam centuries ago, but what is done today. Why not use your energy and words to convince your fundamentalist element that your holy books do not espouse religious supremacy by violent means? Carry on preaching Islam's good message, by all means trying to achieve supremacy that way, but don't sit quietly while crimes are done by your co-religionists guided by its bad messages. Lack of fight against them is support for what they are achieving towards Islam's supremacist goal. You are not for turning. Your base denial of violent exhortations in your holy books, and deification of your prophet shared with NC, is a blind-fold to reason. That's what religion is. Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 29 December 2014 12:18:00 PM
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NC and especially McAdam, I admire your grace and calm persistence in the face of such wilfully ignorant bigotry.
Others, what a bunch of craven cowards you all are, jumping at shadows, scared of yourselves. I am enormously grateful that you are not remotely representative of my country. Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 29 December 2014 12:29:56 PM
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Hi Craig,
Most of us on this thread are trying to get at the truth, in the light of innumerable terrorist attacks, beheadings, murders. etc. supposedly in the name of Allah, i.e. carried out by self-proclaimed Islamists, or forgive the term, it's so not nice, Islamo-fascists. Either way, extreme Right-wingers. For example, is the Islamic State acting entirely in accordance with the teachings of the Koran ? Yes ? No ? If no, then should Islamo-fascism be unreservedly condemned ? If yes, does that mean that the Koran sanctions the beheading of children, the frappe and enslavement (and/or murder) of women and girls, the execution of captured prisoners, the extermination of entire tribes, the crucifixion of non-Muslims, the bombing of market-places and the wholesale and indiscriminate execution of schoolchildren ? Yes ? No ? That's all I asking about, others may have other issues for McAdam/NC. So please don't throw the label of 'bigot' around too freely. What is a bigot ? Someone who won't change his (or her) mind no matter what evidence you produce. Where does it leave you, or McAdam/NC ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:30:30 PM
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The criticism is directed to: 1. Muhammad; 2. Quran; and 3. The followers I have tried to restrict myself to No:1; have touched on No:2 because of few brazen misquotes and left NO:3 out of discussion for reasons. I can’t defend Muslim societies as- a- whole, just as kactuz can’t defend their counterparts in the west. The fact is that the actions of the followers don’t alter the sublime life of Muhammad and just content of Quran. But this style of discussion will be a big ask from kactuz who uses crime of a deranged criminal to vilify Muhammad and Quran. Not because there is a link, it is just because he wants to see a link. He did not pick the message I delivered through example of the Roman Twelve Tables which authorised father to take life of his son- did not touch it either. Imagine what Kactuz would do to present-day Muslims if this was a written law of their society at any point in time. Kactuz is oblivious to a miracle (in secular term) of Muhammad when he purged society clean of alcohol in his time – again in a gradual manner. No wonder, he could not grasp the gradual uplifting of society from its vile practices that Muhammad’s teaching brought about. He comes back with the example of appalling Saudis (of all Muslim world) who took too long to abolish slavery. This is terrible failure of Saudi dictators, beyond any doubt. But he conveniently forgets the torch-bearer of the western values, the US, which had laws forcing blacks to leave the bus seat when a white passenger arrives. One of many sufferers Rosa Park died few year ago (2005). That torch-bearer, US, where struggle of blacks for the same civic rights as guaranteed to whites have been showcased to the whole world in such graphic details that kactuz will find volumes of literature if he takes time from Islam bashing. Continued .. Posted by NC, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:31:17 PM
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Continued ..
THE CONTEXT AND THE PERIPHERAL ISSUE 2 OF 2 Would Kactuz extend these failures of US government to George Washington, Jesus and western civilisation etc. He must if he extends failures of Saudi dictators to so far in the past. Will it be the right approach if he does? NO. Details on No: 3 are completely unrelated to Nos 1 &2. The point is that injustices have marred all societies, historically, the western societies included. Kactuz brings up slavery for a reason, I suspect. The medieval literature and present internet trash is filled with insane views that the crime of slavery is exclusive to Muslims. Nobody can defend the role of some Muslim societies in it. What I hinted earlier is that it has been a practice since ancient times. It was common in Roman world since ages, also the10th century Vikings would sell men and women in open markets along Volga River and Caspian Sea. But nothing – repeat NOTHING in human history compares with the Atlanta slave trade (1441-1840) in volume, exploitation and brutality- exclusively operated by the western societies. Historic records are too many and too vivid to be ignored along with the (18th and 19th Century) western literature condemning the blacks to an inherent inferior position for a moral justification for their enslavement. A literature that deprives blacks of humanity (for instance) simply can NOT exist in a Muslim society – thanks to Muhammad’s teachings. Kactuz must reflect on a conclusive historic evidence: How did the huge number of black Africans end up in Americas – On work visas? business visas? Nowhere in the world you find that large concentration of slaves. The above is meant to show the fact that all societies have their shortcomings. West’s recent achievements in legal systems for social justice (in its own societies) is largely commendable. JUSTICE TO THE HUMANITY OF THE OTHER SOCIETIES IS ANOTHER SUBJECT. Now this is where discussion on No:3 will lead us. I do not prefer this as a focus, unless, of course, I am forced to. Posted by NC, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:34:27 PM
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And where would Rosa Parks sit on a Saudi bus ? Anywhere ? or up the back, behind a barrier ? Hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:36:44 PM
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Loudmouth/Joe, I can see no way in which McAdam or NC can be connected with the atrocious behaviour of the psychopaths who lead IS and the damaged people they manage to attract.
What McAdam/NC have consistently shown is that despite great provocation they are able to rise above. That is admirable and deserves to be acknowledged. On the other hand, despite every opportunity to extend a hand of friendship, the 'others' I referred to above have shown that their own natural level is the gutter and any extended hand is only for the purpose of dragging others to that level. Do you feel comfortable in the gutter? Yes? No? NC, I previously posted a link to Roger Waters' great song "The Bravery of Being out of Range". It could be the anthem of many here, who hide behind pseudonyms to spout their hatred and fearmongering. I spit on them. Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:44:34 PM
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Craig, what is bigoted about "Join me in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy." Answer given by your poster boy of grace and calm persistance: "I do not agree with you..."
Go jump, Craig, and take your PC labels with you. Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:49:39 PM
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Here's a turn up....
Broadcaster Alan Jones ordered to pay $10,000 for racial vilification. "It is simply not reasonable to malign and denigrate Lebanese males in general in the context of discussing a particular incident involving a small ground of young Lebanese men," said the judgment, handed down earlier this month. The tribunal found that Jones used "contemptuous and hateful language" and the broadcast was "gratuitously insulting and offensive to Lebanese males"." Posted by Poirot, Monday, 29 December 2014 2:28:53 PM
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Thanks. Your comment is in line with the observation that I shared in my first post (18th): “Knowing that the Australians are rational people who prefer facts over slander, I draw your attention to ……” McAdam has been very calm and graceful, I must learn from him. I could have shown more patience at times. Regards, NC Posted by NC, Monday, 29 December 2014 4:13:29 PM
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Simple question: Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ? Yes ? No ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 December 2014 9:15:29 PM
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Loudmouth Lane,
Of course they do. In fact, even as I type this the global Jihad is starting. Be afraid... I understand the reinforcements from the planet Zoobidoobie should be here day after tomorrow. Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 29 December 2014 9:36:16 PM
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Nothing you have said relates to the subject matter of the discussion. You are just spewing ignorance, hatred and bigotry yourself. NC/McAdam keep evading the central question, whether there might be some connection between Islam and Islamism, by accusing anyone who questions it of hatred and bigotry; and lots of other forms of evasion. The point is this. There are, around the world, a lot of atrocities being committed daily by Muslims who are obviously under the impression that the Muslim belief system justifies what they are doing. Therefore it is perfectly reasonable to ask whether this is the result of deranged lunatics who JUST HAPPEN to be Muslim - nothing to do with Islam: as NC and McAdam argue; or whether it has something to do with the Muslim belief system. If Mohammed, Koran and hadith sanction such abuses, then what logical inference do you think might follow from that, Craig? OTOH if they have nothing to do with the Koran and hadith, then obviously the time NC and McAdam have just spent defending an article arguing the problem is that Muslims are victims of mainstream Australian hatred and bigotry, and that you have spent spitting on me, would have been better spent persuading their co-religionists that it's not okay to behead, crucify, enslave and rape people, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it? Craig? McAdam Evasion. I will not be sent on an errand to work out your belief system for you. Answer the question. NC and McAdam The abuses of the Inquisition, and other persecutions by other religions, are irrelevant for several reasons. Firstly two wrongs don’t make a right. You are only demonstrating a lack of understanding of the concept of moral responsibility. The same with saying that slavery was prevalent in many places and times. Yes it was, but that’s not the question, which is, whether it is sanctioned by Mohammed, Koran, and hadith. Secondly, can you see that, in order to move beyond slavery, someone at some time had, and has, to take a stand on moral principle? (cont.) Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 29 December 2014 10:28:05 PM
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But what kind of moral principle is it to say that slavery may be justified if it’s prevalent in a particular culture in a particular time? If slavery were re-advocated, yo'd have no objection against it on moral principle, it’s a question of whatever seems popular at the time, is that what you’re saying?
Historically, the abolitionist movement didn’t come from Muslims, did it? Because they used your argument, didn’t they? In fact it was imposed on the Muslim world from outside, wasn’t it? And it still continues in parts of the Muslim world today. I suppose you’re going to tell me that is more irrelevant coincidence? Thirdly it’s easy to prove that persecutions done by the Christians were not supported by anything that Jesus said, just by reading the New Testament. However if Jesus had said beheadings, slavery, persecutions etc. are okay, then obviously it would be reasonable to infer that such abuses are a reflection on the Christian belief system per se, wouldn’t it? But the argument we are facing from NC and McAdam is not just a denial that Islam is relevant to Islamism, even while they refer to Koranic texts sanctioning slavery and permission to have sex with captive women. Their argument is that it is “hate” and “bigotry” to even question any connection between the Muslim belief system, and the current worldwide plague of atrocities by Muslims. So lets just agree to put aside all personal argument, and all evasion, and telling me what I think, and accusing me of hate, and bigotry, and diversionary talk about Pakistan, and Gibbon, and Karen Armstrong, and Craig’s spitting. And NC, McAdam and Craig please just answer the questions: 1. Are you saying that no part of the Koran preaches or authorises the killing, enslaving or raping of unbelievers? 2. What steps have you taken to persuade the many Muslims who obviously don’t agree with you and are currently committing atrocities, that their views of the hadith, Koran, Mohammed and Allah are wrong, and that you renounce and condemn their views as unIslamic? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 29 December 2014 10:34:17 PM
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I had deferred this post thus far, in favor of more important topics. All I had said was, putting in plain English, so that even you can understand, that all Christians should not be put on the spot by us, for Inquisition. Now who on earth, could make this completely innocuous statement, something of a contention and initiate a totally unnecessary debate? Other than a person devoid of reason; You act like a Paid-Thread-Hopper who has no time for studied response. That is why all your contributions to the forum have been cheap superfluous remarks that you had no evidence to support with, when asked to, and instead, you tried to wriggle out, through clever talk and foul mouth. Secondly, see the pattern of your posts; you keep throwing in spanners in logical discussions just for disruption. Your latest is "I think Mc Adam and NC are practising a form of taqiyya ....". Now what is this? After all, there must be a test,to judge the truth. Test is simple; reason and consistence, the test, likes of you can never pass. No sane person could say this after knowing what Taqqiyya is and NC 's post on the subject made it amply clear. I personally rate that post as one of the best researched; it added to my knowledge.. I wonder if you had time to read it or had the capacity to comprehend and retain it. You think that the seeds of doubt you sow, will find fertile ground in people's mind, as if they lack the capacity to discern verifiable information which is anchored in scholarship from the off the cough, loose talk which has no ground to stand on?. Like the statement "NC and McAdam are one person". What? Proof? That has never been your concern. I do not see a single post from you, which was knowledge based or which facilitated resolution of any issue under discussion. What is your agenda? And who are you? Frankly SPQR, I care two hoots for what you say. And will ignore anything you address me. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 29 December 2014 11:35:45 PM
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" You and your co-ideologists are my enemy and I'll oppose you anywhere you are in the world, at home and internationally." Fine , it is your right to pick your friends and enemies. However I do not consider you as my enemy, just because of a different religion. Then Luciferase, you go on to say "Just imagine, how off the mark one would be, who took the atrocities of Inquisition as the sole representative of Christianity?" Did I say atrocities of Inquisition are the sole representative of Christianity? You must be having some proof of this allegation. Kindly provide. Jardine, " I will not be sent on an errand to work out your belief system for you. Answer the question" I have read your posts and notice an intense desire to seek clarity on the issues agitating your mind. But then I see you close the doors of flow of knowledge, .......and you can't see the contradiction. Let me explain. Mind, like a vessel has to be empty to receive any thing new. The mind full with what it already has, can not absorb any thing new. Now you ask lengthy question spanning more than one post. Obviously the word-restricted -post can not accommodate the full answer. So one is forced to indicate relevant study....which you reject "errand to work out your belief system". Primary responsibility to pull ourselves out of ignorance is ours; others can only help. And if you suspect the sincerity of the helping hand and wish to remain where you are, what can any one else do?...... Good luck. Loudmouth, "Simple question: Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ? Yes ? No ?" Knowledge, dear Loudmouth, does not flow like blood transfusion to a sleeping recipient. One has to strive, to seek, grasp and digest it. You can get the answer if you are prepared to spare the effort required, .....more than the comfort of yes or no. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 1:14:30 AM
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To All Who Are Keen To Put Islam and Quran On Spot for Actions of A Few Zealots:
And keep insisting on the questions like; "Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ?" Please allow me to state your position, for your kind review. 1. You get upset even with mention of Inquisition, and start protesting that Inquisition is not representative of the Christianity. Even though it had the sanction of the organized institutions of Christianity; the Church and the Pope. 2. You are right that Inquisition is not the representative of the Christianity. And it is a black spot on the beautiful face of Christianity, which arguably is the most forgiving and loving religions. 3. Please, please, see clearly, no one is suggesting that Inquisition is representative of Christianity. As it is wrong to lump the actions of a few zealots on the entire religion. 4. Now, in the same breath, you put the entire religion of Islam on spot for actions of a few zealots of dubious origin who completely lack the sanction of organized religious authorities of Islam. DO YOU SEE THE DOUBLE STANDARDS IN YOUR STAND? Now a couple of more points for you consideration. Religion by design, lends itself to more than one interpretations; hence various denominations and differences of opinion within religion; any religion. a. Zealots have had extreme views. b. Zealots thrive in ignorance and therefore any society with less literacy and more ignorance is vulnerable to their exploitation. c. Simpletons get exploited; remember the example of Hassan-O-Sabbah? d. There are international players who use religion for their ends. Remember the confession of US Secretary of State? e. There are oddities about IS that do not add up; more on it later, if any one insists to pursue the subject Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 3:27:30 AM
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JKJ, whining about my critique of the appalling behaviour of some of the participants here does not invalidate that critique. You need to learn some basic logic little fella.
Whatever the Quran says, the simple fact is that a billion muslims live for the most part entirely peacefully and with some level of happiness. Some large portion of those people live in conditions which the whiners here would wither and die in (after having made sure that everybody heard their whining about it first, of course). Some tiny portion, mostly from or with recent ancestry in the most blighted of those conditions do stupid things. It might have escaped your notice up there on your little one-trick pony, but a sure predictor that some people will do stupid things out of anger, fear and frustration is the long-term existence of a pool of people in poverty and distress. Go and crawl into a ball and talk to the only part of the world likely to sit still long enough to pay attention to your poisonous pontifications. Poor scared little thing. And that IS the topic. Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 6:32:18 AM
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Thanks Craig,
I asked, "Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ?" and you responded, "Of course they do. In fact, even as I type this the global Jihad is starting. Be afraid..." Thanks for your confirmation of that query. Perhaps not 'afraid' though - after all, that's the aim of terrorists generally, to terrorise, to make people afraid that they may be the next victims of random, indiscriminate, attacks. 'Alert and vigilant' would be better. But yes, I do take the threat of global jihad seriously, utterly crazy as it my sound: we will see it in fuller operation next [northern] Spring when the Taliban in Afghanistan will go all-out for it, and when the Pakistani government will drop its guts and fold. And if you don't think that jihadis operating from Afghanistan and Pakistan right across the Middle East to Algeria and down through Nigeria and Somalia are a major threat to world peace and for a very long time to come, then you are more of an idiot that you seem from you post. So, NC/McAdam, that a 'yes" ? Your bum-buddy Craig seems to think so: "Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ?" "Of course they do." Of course, he may have been trying to be sarcastic in his own clumsy schoolboy way, unaware that OLO hosts past masters of the art. But if he wants to get into a pissing contest for half-wits - good news ! - he qualifies. Joe Lane Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 9:02:04 AM
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No-one is blaming all Muslims for the actions of a few terrorists.
The question is whether Muslims, by being Muslims, have in common with Muslim terrorists, that they believe in what Koran and hadith say in support of killing, enslaving and raping unbelievers. If that is so, then the difference is that the Muslim terrorists are acting on, and the Muslim non-terrorists are not acting on, such religious beliefs that they have in common. That would have explaining power. It'd explain why Muslim terrorists come out of the Muslim community, and believe that Islam justifies their abuses. And it would explain why ordinary Australian Muslims – who Craig says are “living peacefully” – are flying overseas to join the jihadis committing atrocities, or marrying them. If they are only “living peacefully” in the sense that they believe that Islam justifies atrocious abuses, but are not actively carrying out such abuses, that's not much recommendation, is it? Craig, hard to make out what you’re trying to say because your post is so larded with bitter sneering hateful sarcastic personal argument. Try and say something sensible without that – if you can. But it’s not sensible to say that religiously-motivated abuses are justified by poverty; or that it’s wrong to identify Muslims with the Muslim belief system. More evasion from McAdam, ho hum. Why not just come out and say that you have no interest in the truth, and want only to propagate the Muslim religion regardless of the fact that either Islam preaches hatred and abuse, or you should be on a mission to persuade your co-religionists to renounce Islam as they mistake it? The idea that there is a generalised problem of hatred and bigotry against Muslims because people wrongly associate Muslims in general with Muslim terrorism, would only make sense if the Koran does not sanction the abuses in evidence, or if those Muslims were trying to dissociate themselves from its teachings. Therefore the entire issue comes down to the questions that McAdam, NC and Craig keep trying to evade. And that IS the topic. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 9:19:31 AM
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Sane minds on Muhammad continued..
No matter who you are: a monotheist, a religious, an atheist, an agnostic, a leftist, a rightest or anyone else. And irrespective of you academic background (or absence of it) in science, literature, religion, history or any other subject. All you need is sane and unbiased mind to read about the wonderful man they call Muhammad. Once you read is life story, you will know that you wanted to know him! Here are two brief quotes for the day: Stanley Edward Lane-Poole (1854 - 1931)- a British orientalist and archaeologist in his book “Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad” “He was the most faithful protector of those he protected, the sweetest and most agreeable in conversation. Those who saw him were suddenly filled with reverence; those who came near him loved him; they who described him would say, "I have never seen his like either before or after." He was of great taciturnity, but when he spoke it was with emphasis and deliberation, and no one could forget what he said...” Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949), the famous Indian poet, writer and politician in “S. Naidu, Ideals of Islam, Speeches and Writings, Madaras,” (1918) “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: 'God Alone is Great'... “ Posted by NC, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 10:28:58 AM
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The Inquisition involved a church coming down on its own followers to maintain orthodoxy, not trying to impose supremacy over the worlds other religions by its violence. Furthermore, that was then, violence in the name of Islam was then and now.
Mcadam: "....I do not consider you as my enemy, just because of a different religion." You represent the subset of religion that does not respect secular democracy and supports its supremacy, that's what makes you my enemy. You disagree with joining in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy saying, "I do not agree with you..." You must believe your holy books support your stance. Which parts, and by what means? Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 11:16:55 AM
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I have omitted Christianity's further excesses after pursuing its own adherents, forcing Jews and Muslims to convert or leave. That is not to negate the point that it was centuries ago. Christianity has moved on, leaving Islam to clean itself up.
Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 11:51:51 AM
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JKJ, don't confuse justification with motivation. If one has the motivation, then a justification can be found. The people of the middle east and the west of the subcontinent have a great deal of motivation and if they did not have Islam, the justification would be found elsewhere.
My comments here have been so vitriolic because what I see from the rabbellous mob here is counter to all I believe to be good and worthwhile. There is intolerance, no attempt to understand, no good faith in the interactions, sanctimony, thinly-disguised selfishness and distrust; all of it from those on your side of the fence and fence (or Wall if you could wish it so) it most certainly would be if those like you, got their way. None of this is about Islam; that is simply the justification of those of you whose motivation is based on the lowest of self-interest. You don't face famine or war, you are worried there may not be room in your trough. Sanctimonious, cowardly fearful, disgracefully weakly principled. I am ashamed to say any of you are from my nation. Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 12:48:45 PM
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Oh yes, Craig, this is about Islam.
This is about a religion that teaches hate and violence. This is about a book that has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of verses that slander, denigrate and call for violence against nonMuslims. This is about a people that consider Mohammad to be a great moral example, a great moral example that attacked his neighbors for 10 years, assaulting them dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of times, and committing all kinds of atrocities against men women and children. That is what all Islamic histories say. This is about the “billion muslims live for the most part entirely peacefully” (your words) that live in countries that discriminate and persecute non-Muslims. Would these peaceful Muslims, by any chance, be part of the same mob of thousands that dragged a Christian couple out of their home and burned them in an oven because of a rumour? The fact is that these so-called peaceful Muslims are neither tolerant or peaceful, unless you define “peaceful” in a very restrictive personal manner. This is about a people that cannot be honest about their beliefs. They can only make excuses or blame others (because they believe Islam is perfect and they are the “best of peoples” while infidels are “lower than animals” -- in case you haven’t read the Quran or hadith) Don’t be ashamed or worry about me. I am fine and I have a clear conscience. I never make excuses for evil. NC, why don't you quote Mohammad and his followers on Mohammad? I have hundreds of good verses you can use from the hadith and Tabari. Why play with secondary opinions when you can strike those horrible infidels with the forceful words from the original sources? Just trying to help. Posted by kactuz, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 2:05:10 PM
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I'm not ashamed for you, Kactuz, I'm ashamed of you.
The tragedy is that you lack the capacity to be ashamed of yourself. Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 2:12:54 PM
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Hi Craig,
Perhaps you could give us some examples of your claims: "My comments here have been so vitriolic because what I see from the rabbellous mob here is counter to all I believe to be good and worthwhile. There is intolerance, no attempt to understand, no good faith in the interactions, sanctimony, thinly-disguised selfishness and distrust; all of it from those on your side of the fence and fence (or Wall if you could wish it so) it most certainly would be if those like you, got their way. "None of this is about Islam; that is simply the justification of those of you whose motivation is based on the lowest of self-interest. You don't face famine or war, you are worried there may not be room in your trough." So much ad hominem, so little substance ! All piss and wind really. But this could so easily apply to you: "Sanctimonious, cowardly fearful, disgracefully weakly principled." What, you think you'll be spared the butcher's knife when your turn comes ? You'll be up there alongside the IS apparatchiks ? Don't kid yourself. I'm happy for all Australians, of whatever ethnic background, to live here together, as long as they observe the rule of law and the equality of the sexes. Is that too much to ask ? Can you quarrel with that ? Joe Lane Adelaide Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 2:31:02 PM
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Sure, Craig, religious ideology's got nothing to do with it. We've just got disaffected people going after what they want, violently, and justifying it with their holy books.
Where you say, "None of this is about Islam; that is simply the justification of those of you whose motivation is based on the lowest of self-interest.", you could be referring to religious supremacists. However, you are right that it is self-interest, my safety in my secular, democratic country. What is motivating people to kill me? They have been born and raised within the safety net of our welfare state, or have been welcomed into it. The same is true of people from other religious backgrounds, but they don't want to kill me. Why not? Insufficient justification? So, "Some large portion of those people live in conditions which the whiners here would wither and die in....". That's true of people who don't want to kill me too. All we can do is try to help them, and if your argument is we're not doing enough, that's a different topic. However you are light-years off this being any motivation for criticizing Islamic ideology here. Finally, "My comments here have been so vitriolic because what I see from the rabbellous mob here is counter to all I believe to be good and worthwhile". Oh, you mean some people disagree with your beliefs? Go jump. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 2:57:44 PM
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This post revisits questions being repeated despite clear answers to them. It is for rational minds who apparently can see through these questioners, as one has recently come forward. On Slavery and Quran, I quote here a forceful message of Quran through 2:177, repeated elsewhere too, Pickthall’s translation: “It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, AND TO SET SLAVES FREE; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the Allah-fearing.” To “set slaves free" is a basic attribute of “righteousness” of an upright person that Quran demands. I mentioned in previous posts the one of the most revered of the friends of Muhammad (Bilal) was as freed (black) slave, of course, among countless others. And also the fact that Muhammad lifted the society from its vile practices gradually, as it was the only practical way to do it, remember slavery was a sanctioned human practice for ages. Does it leave any doubt on position of Quran on slavery: Absolutely NOT. But the case of the questioners is different. The other question: "Simple question: Does the Islamic State act entirely according to the instructions and teachings of the Koran ? Yes ? No ?" The question is built in Loudmouth’s question of the 23rd: “Nobody is demonising Muslims. Nobody has to - in their name (are you prepared to repudiate their claim ?) dreadful crimes are being committed by terrorists, in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Kenya. Obviously, those crimes have been committed by a tiny minority of Muslims, the vast majority of whom would, I'm sure, repudiate those crimes.” Continued … Posted by NC, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 4:18:24 PM
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Continued …
REPEATED QUESTIONS IN THIS THREAD 2 of 2 To which NC answered (NC’s post of the 24th) “Your concern about the tiny minority using (their perverted version of) Islam for their crimes against humans is thoroughly understood and totally shared by me, as is, I am sure, by the huge majority of the Muslim world. Muslim societies are mobilising to deliver them a death blow, which I am sure, is imminent now.” Is it not obvious from my answer that I consider IS jokers forcing “their perverted version of” Islam on Muslim majority? The Loudmouth still repeats the question, and will presumably keep doing so, because this is what he and his associates do. On kacktuz’s “Why play with secondary opinions”, he must know that when it is between Quran and Hadith, the Hadith is the secondary opinion – NOT Quran. • Hadith, a collection of verbal accounts of generations about 150 years after the death of the Prophet have their critics even within Muslims especially on topics it seems to pursue a different line from the Quran. • Hadith is known to be a human effort that can’t be flawless. • Quran, in contrast, was revealed to Muhammad’s Heart, every verse was immediately recorded by people assigned by Muhammad for this job, carefully preserved in his lifetime, passed on to the following generations with the same care. Even today, you get the same version of Quran anywhere in this wide world. Translations understandably carry the colour of the translators. If there is a conflict between Quran’s injunction and anything in Hadith – Quran’s injunction takes precedence – this is a universally agreed principle in the Muslim world. The position of Quran is the position of Islam on an issue. I do not and do not need to consult anything, including Hadith, on something clearly mentioned in the Quran. Slavery is one such topic. The hate and anger of some of posters is a suffering they have put themselves through by a refusal to part with the distortions of the medieval literature. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 4:27:23 PM
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NC, thank you for making Islam's stand against slavery, amply clear.
And your advice to guard against the distortions of the medieval literature,is worth serious consideration. Arming ourselves with medieval interpretations and taking them as irrefutable rules, puts us in the position similar to a person's who would still insist on gea-centricity of the world and insist that Galileo was wrong, because Church had so ruled in the past, or like the people who still contest evolution, on the authority of Church even when the Church has since shifted its position to the side of the truth. Any side, which clings to dogma and uses his /her fossilized interpretation to justify hate and carnage, is wrong. May it be Osama bin Laden, a Muslim or James Kopp, the alleged killer of an abortion provider in Buffalo, N.Y., a Christian or Baruch Goldstein, who shot 29 worshipers in the Hebron mosque in 1994 a Jew, are all wrong and represent example of fossilized interpretation of their respective religion. We all, need to be on the side of reason. It is not reasonable to spread hate......the basic message of the article we are discussing Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 1:12:41 AM
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Point To Ponder
We take our siblings to be our competitors .....then we grow out of it, to realize that siblings are the longest lasting bond we have. Then we take our peers to be our competitors and when we grow out of it, we realize that the peers are the ones who provide us our long lasting friendships. We take other humans to be "they" and we fear or hate them but then those among us who can grow out of it, realize the humanity to be one family. There are sages in every religion, in every society who discovered this. Like the saying of Sadi, I shared on this post. And now I share a quote from Khalil Gibran: "Human beings separate into factions and tribes and adhere to countries and regions whereas I see my essence as foreign to any one land and alien to any single people. The entire earth is my homeland and the human family is my clan. For I have found human beings to be weak, and it is small-minded for them to divide themselves up; the earth is cramped, so that only ignorance leads people to partition it into realms and principalities" Now the reality is that some people from various religions take others as enemies and are .at each other's throat. Should we follow them, rather than the likes of Sadi and Khalil Gibran? Should we join these misguided ones and go for each other's jugular or should these fringe groups be isolated and neutralized with a hope that they too, would one day grow out of the hatred. Just food for thought....relish. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 3:05:38 AM
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Quote From KHALIL GIBRAN; For I would have written the same, if I had the prowess:-
"Humanity is the spirit of divinity on earth. That divinity which walks among the nations and speaks of love, pointing toward the paths of life, while the people laugh and mock its words and teachings....... "Ridicule is crueler than killing, and more bitter." Jerusalem proved unable to kill the Nazarene, for he is alive forever; nor could Athens execute Socrates, for he is immortal. Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. Forever. You are my brother, and both of us are sons of a single, universal, and sacred spirit. You are my likeness, for we are prisoners of the same body, fashioned from the same clay. You are my companion on the byways of life, my helper in perceiving the essence of reality concealed behind the mists. You are a human being and I have loved you, my brother. Say about me what you will, for tomorrow will pass judgment on you and your words..." Do you have tears in you eyes while reading it; I have in mine while quoting. May we, all be guided to the truth, amen Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 3:36:34 AM
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HAPPY NEW BEGINNING Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 3:40:57 AM
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Sane Minds on Muhammad continued ..
Further to the quote from the same person (post of the 20th) Alphonse de LaMartaine (1790-1869), in 'Historie de la Turquie,' Paris, 1854. "Never has a man set for himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, a more sublime aim, since this aim was superhuman; to subvert superstitions which had been imposed between man and his Creator, to render God unto man and man unto God; to restore the rational and sacred idea of divinity amidst the chaos of the material and disfigured gods of idolatry, then existing. Never has a man undertaken a work so far beyond human power with so feeble means, for he (Muhammad) had in the conception as well as in the execution of such a great design, no other instrument than himself and no other aid except a handful of men living in a corner of the desert. Finally, never has a man accomplished such a huge and lasting revolution in the world….” "On the basis of a Book, every letter which has become law, he created a spiritual nationality which blend together peoples of every tongue and race. He has left the indelible characteristic of this Muslim nationality the hatred of false gods and the passion for the One and Immaterial God. This avenging patriotism against the profanation of Heaven formed the virtue of the followers of Muhammad..” "The idea of the unity of God, proclaimed amidst the exhaustion of the fabulous theologies, was in itself such a miracle …. His life, his meditations, his heroic revering against the superstitions of his country, and his boldness in defying the furies of idolatry, his firmness in enduring them for fifteen years in Mecca, his acceptance of the role of public scorn and almost of being a victim of his fellow countrymen..” "Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Conqueror of Ideas, Restorer of Rational beliefs.... As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, WE MAY WELL ASK, IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?" Posted by NC, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 4:59:07 AM
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NC/McAdam/Craig Minns,
So: Islamic State has declared that Monis was a martyr, a hero, that his murder of two random non-believers washed all his sins away - his alleged murder of his first wife, his alleged forty sexual assaults. He can now get stuck into his 72 virgins. As you have, in a very roundabout way, suggested that Islamic State is not acting in accordance with the tenets of the Koran or the Hsdiths, we can now join together in declaring that this IS position is disgusting, vile and non-human, and that any attempts to defeat IS must be supported. Let us all join with the vast majority of 'moderate' Muslims in eliminating this dreadful scourge of reactionary Salafist Islamism wherever it appears. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 7:48:48 AM
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Loudmouth Joe Lane,
I am not a Muslim. I am not a Christian. I am not a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Taoist, or a Jew, or a Shintoist. In fact, I'm not a follower of any of the great faith traditions. If you read the other thread I've been involved in - notable for the way in which the participants, unlike the mob you are part of, have managed to hold a discussion on a difficult topic - you will know my views on religion a little better. You may need someone to explain the concept of tolerance to you in one syllable words before you start. Here, let me try. Be nice. Smile, don't snarl. Try to act in the way you would like folks to act with you. Now, I'm sure you know all that, so why are you acting like a silly old tosser? IS is nothing to do with Australia. In fact, IS is nothing to do with Islam, as the two nice Muslims posting here have pointed out. Even in the Middle East IS is a tiny minority that is political rather than religious in nature and it will soon be a rather nasty memory best forgotten. I recommend you and the other silly old tossers rest up, take your blood pressure tablets (take a couple of extras, just in case), get away from the TV (the cricket captaincy decision-making would get anyone's BP up) and the computer for a little while, have a nice cold beer if the doc will allow it, perhaps go and wet a line and watch the young mums and kids having a ball. In other words, get back to life and stop worrying yourself silly enough to act like tossers. Posted by Craig Minns, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 8:42:02 AM
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Hypocritical tosser, but back to the point,
The Quran supercedes any other Islamic holy book yet is still full of exhortations to violence against hypocrites (Muslims not conforming to violent Islam, ie. McAdam & NC who only support non-violent jihad towards Islamic supremacy), apostates and infidels. By comparison, Christ's teachings, in the New Testament, contain no such exhortations. Craig, everyone has the right to hold faith, it's just that some want their faith to reign as the only faith. The Quran supports those of Islamic faith who follow a violent path towards this supremacy. Your soothing words of calm have not helped our Sydney victims of jihad, nor the thousands of others who have died in the name of Allah this year. But 2015 is a new year, and your assurance that it will be better calms me. This post was written while wetting a line, BTW. Some of us can walk and chew gum. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 9:59:38 AM
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Hi Craig,
It might come as an unpleasant surprise to you but I don't really give a toss about your religious beliefs. Your political beliefs, however, cause me great concern: I presume you think you are on the left ? Yet, you equivocate about the most vile, right-wing [surely you are not claiming that IS is somehow left-wing, are you ?!] and fascist organisation, you make light of what power it may have now or in the near future, and what evil it may do, at random anywhere in the world. You don't seem to understand the force of Islamism across the entire Muslim world, or its very long back-history. Nor of its ideological dominance over the minds of many of the 1.5 billion Muslims in that world. Islam provides the dominant, usually the only, framework or prism through which Muslims see the world, and it is invariably reactionary: that, if you like, is their terrible cross to bear, poor buggers. What ideological alternative - 'realistic' alternative - do Muslims have to Islamist fascism ? Tragically, nothing but to revert back to secular dictatorships, as in Egypt. The democracy that the US thought might somehow flower, obviously hasn't. The ghastly alternatives still seem to be nothing but either vile Islamism or vile dictatorship. I wish it were not so, I wish with all my heart that democracy could still somehow take root, ultimately allowing for some form of liberal and democratic socialism to struggle into life. But I don't think that will happen in my lifetime, or in those of my putative grandchildren. Or in this century. Power will seesaw between secular dictatorship, exploiting Islam when it needs to, and Islamism, blaming outside forces for all their problems, for a long time yet. On that score, I feel desperately sorry for people like NC and/or McAdam: they will be locked into a backward way of thinking, wasting their lives on thin-air illusions, for a long time to come. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 10:13:51 AM
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A short-history of the image of Muhammad in the West – 1 of 2
This post addresses Kactuz. He appears to have read more than the other three, but writes as an obvious captive of his narrow knowledge-base. Focus of this post is an overview of the image of Muhammad in the West and the source is Encyclopaedia Britannica (EB). EB traces the history of the distortions fed to a common western for centuries. I have tried to summarise it below to save readers’ time, retaining the EB’s words (within quotes) – details are there at the EB’s website. • “From the time when a polemical work by John of Damascus (676-749) was translated from Greek into Latin, some knowledge of Muhammad’s life was available in the West but was nearly always used abusively.” • “After the 9th century highly negative biographies of Muhammad appeared in Latin.” • “During the 13th century European medieval knowledge of the life of Muhammad was “completed” in a series of works by scholars such as Pedro Pascual, Ricoldo de Monte Croce, and Ramon Llull. In these works, however, Muhammad was depicted as an imposter and Islam as a Christian heresy, and in some of them Muhammad was portrayed as the Antichrist.” • “This highly negative image of Muhammad as a heretic, false prophet, renegade cardinal, or FOUNDER OF A RELIGION THAT PROMOTES VIOLENCE found its way into many other works of European literature OVER THE CENTURIES, such as the chansons de geste, William Langland’s Piers Plowman, and John Lydgate’s The Fall of the Princes.” • “In the early modern period, the medieval image of Muhammad continued to be promoted by a variety of Western writers.” • “The general hostility toward Islam formed part of Martin Luther’s polemic against the Roman Catholic church, and the image of Muhammad as the Antichrist appeared in Alexander Ross’s introduction to his translation of the in 1649.” • “Apocalyptic interpretations of Muhammad continued into the 19th century in America, notably in George Bush’s Life of Mohammed (1830).” Continued … Posted by NC, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 11:08:09 AM
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Joe, a reference to right- or left-wing makes no sense in the context of a movement like IS. I'd go further and suggest it makes very little sense in any context at all. All it does is to create simplistic categories that reduce complex sets of ideas to ideologies.
IS is a complex phenomenon that is not unlike the early stages of the modern Zionist movement, albeit better equipped and funded for reasons that need not be explored too deeply right now, and I suspect draws more on the lessons of that movement than either modern Israelis or the IS leadership would care to acknowledge. What has changed since the late 19th-early 20th centuries when the modern Zionist movement was at its height is that the capacity to disseminate propaganda is vastly greater and IS has shown great media savvy. The other difference is that the IS movement is largely aimed at an internecine political struggle between factions of political islam rather than against an external enemy in the form of a largely disinterested British administration. Don't make mountains out of molehills. This too shall pass. Luciferase, I hope the fish are biting better than the mozzies have for you... Posted by Craig Minns, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 11:29:43 AM
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You're still making the mistake of thinking that Muslims are sheep, either getting herded hither and thither by evil imperialists, or, shaken from a state of rustic bliss, reacting to unwarranted imperialist intrusion. No, as intelligent people, they develop their own dynamics and have done since Muhammad. When Colonel Lugard rocked up in Northern Nigeria in the 1890s, he found a raging Islamist struggle going on, with at least three Islamist factions contending, including the early forms of the Sufi groups within the Senussi who believed the Messiah was yet to come, this time to be born from a man. Of curse, factionalism within Islam goes back to the Sunni-Shi'ite split, and, inter alia, the break-up of Muslim Spain into different Caliphates. We shouldn't be surprised, since the difficulties of communication, transport, language differences etc. across the vast Islamic world were bound to throw up a multitude of interpretations (and perhaps the mistranslations) of the Koran and hadiths. It's not as if there has been only one form of Islam, ever, only to be fractured by Western imperialism, especially by the US. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 12:31:25 PM
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Joe, I'd love to continue this discussion, but in order for that to be a worthwhile exercise you will need to work out how to tell the difference between your own fevered imaginings and what I write. In the absence of that, all you have is political posturing. Of course, that might make you happy, but let's face it, the people behind IS are so much better at that sort of thing than you are.
Posted by Craig Minns, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 1:52:02 PM
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[I'm losing a post over this, I hope it's worth it] Wow, you really are up yourself, aren't you ? How do you mean, 'fevered imaginings' ? What have I imagined ? Do you find history incomprehensible, is that the problem ? Don't drop out just yet ! It gets better in second year :) As for that crack: ' ..... the people behind IS are so much better at that sort of thing than you are.' That's so hurtful :( Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 2:48:19 PM
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(Continued …The site would not permit this post earlier!)
A short-history of the image of Muhammad in the West – 2 of 2 • “The first fairly positive biography of Muhammad NOT BASED ON Christian “ideology” of the medieval period was Boulainvilliers’s La Vie de Mahomet (“The Life of Muhammad”), published in London in 1730” • “In 1742 Voltaire’s tragedy La Fanatisme; ou, Mohamet le prophète (“Fanaticism; or, Muhammad the Prophet”) was performed in Paris, and Goethe translated it into German in 1799. This most revered of German writers was deeply attracted to Islam and planned to write a drama on this theme but completed only the famous poem Mahomets-Gesang (“Mahomet’s Singing”).” • “At the same time (19th Century), Thomas Carlyle broke new ground in On Heroes, in which he provided a positive evaluation of the Prophet.” • (I repeat here famous words of Thomas Carlyle: “The lies which well-meaning zeal has heaped around this man (Muhammad) are so disgraceful to ourselves only .. A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest”) • And then (finally) came the time “when Western Orientalism was TURNING TO BIOGRAPHIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD BASED ON MODERN HISTORICAL AND ANALYTIC METHODS.” And this dawn of “modern historical and analytical methods” have enabled truth to seep back to view for a common western through the centuries-old barriers of misinformation erected around Muhammad by the medieval mindset. This age of reason has brought facts to the daylight. Countless researchers with upright minds tell you today that Muhammad was NOT a bit like anything the medieval literature wants you to believe. Today, it is impossible for a historian to say things about Muhammad, that you say Kactuz, and still be able to retain his/her credibility. The lunatic fringe is an exception. This fringe has always existed in human societies and will continue to exist. However, the inevitable destination for the names in this fringe, scholars on leaders, is the dust bin of the history. Message for you Kactuz, from all this: Please revisit your knowledge-base. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 5:53:00 PM
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"Wow, you really are up yourself, aren't you ?"
I thought not, Joe. He reminds me more of a guy so focused on his own self-esteem that .... Craig. Stick to threads where you can spout unfalsifiable P&W to your heart's content (i.e. faith-based threads) and leave threads like this, where beliefs are being vigorously tested, to we grown-ups. Your vitriol is purposeless. NC, I read what you write and appreciate your attempt to dispute the violent messages in your holy books. It would be wonderful to think that on Islamic blogs you, and McAdam, are carrying on the same argument to counter the basis in faith held by Islamicists for their violent actions. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 6:20:07 PM
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A happy New Year to all
and Best Wishes from NC Posted by NC, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 7:41:30 PM
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What am I to make of the violent passages in the Koran that people keep quoting? I find the same passages in my copy of the Koran, why is that? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 7:58:29 PM
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Same to you, NC.
And to the rest of you misery-guts mob, may the New Year bring you all the sh!t, doom and disaster you wish for. It's the only way you'll ever be happy! Posted by Craig Minns, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 7:59:16 PM
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"the violent messages in your holy books" Violent, in comparison to what? Utopia? Scriptures aim to guide us through this life on this earth. which has to face the realities of crime and punishment. Humans are no Angels; their nature is a combination of good and bad. That is why, there is no country without; law enforcement, jails, correction centers and penitentiaries. Some countries have execution chairs too. Exploitation and interstate wars are reality of our earthly life. Now the valid objection would be, if you were to say that Islam is violent in relation to other religions. Or Quran preaches more violence than Bible, Torah or Bhagwat-Geeta etc. I am conscious that these are the books that most of us have not read and may never be able to. The way forward, in this situation would be, reference to a reliable source of Comparative Study of Religions. Karen Armstrong is one such source of reliability, proven by the publication of a number of scholarly works on the subject. Or is it that we base our allegation on the beheadings, carnage or hostage takings etc and believe the perpetrators of these heinous crimes, when we put them on the pedestal of interpretation of Quran for us? Are we in safe hands for gaining knowledge from thugs? Or should we listen to saner voices, such as; "So why the suicide bombing, the hijacking and the massacre of innocent civilians? Far from being endorsed by the Koran, this killing violates some of its most sacred precepts." (Karen Armstrong, The True Peaceful Face of Islam, Time) I notice, that some on this thread are not great fans of this author. I had indicated an other; Muhammad Asad, a former Jew and had given his webpage address in my previous post. If not him even, then it should be some others verifiable source of Comparative Study of Religions, that you deem credible after due consideration. Please do not let these criminals, interpret our religions for us. Without, such a researched and knowledge based approach, objection of violence in Quran, stands in thin air. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 1 January 2015 2:05:13 AM
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Thank you NC for highlighting the need of "TURNING TO BIOGRAPHIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD BASED ON MODERN HISTORICAL AND ANALYTIC METHODS.” and thank you for adding to my knowledge.
The most respected pioneer of Modern Methods of Analytical Study of History is Ibn Khaldun. His monumental work Al-Muqadimmah,has been judged as the outstanding achievement of humanity, by the most authentic voice in study of history; Toynbee. Ibn Khaldun has a chapter on analytical methodology for study of history and illustrates one of the techniques of the methodology, by citing an example. He mentions a well reputed historian, who while describing a battle, states that hundreds of thousands of people died in that battle. Ibn Khaldun further states that the battle ground exists in its original form, even to the present times, as do many other battle fields. Any one can go and measure it. He says that the battle field can not, in actual fact, accommodate more than a few thousand people from both sides,......combined. Just accepting any thing that we hear or read, without subjecting it to the test of reason is very rash, and passing it on as truth, without first verifying, is like pedaling lies, not in keeping with the image of ourselves, we appear to be projecting to others; of we being educated, sane people. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:10:23 AM
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Son of Adam,
I studied Comparative Religion at both Sydney University and at The University of New England and came away convinced that Muhammad was nought but a rather brilliant tribal leader who copied what he wanted from Judaism and from Christianity. I formed the opinion, based on my studies, that he was a superb example of an opportunist. My studies of the Qur'an shewed me that Islam has the potential to be a very violent religo/political movement; it is not simply a religion. This potential has been demonstrated from the days of Muhammad till the present time and whilst none can see the future, it's a fair assumption that the violence will continue. Muslims have no real choice, it's conform or die for them. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 January 2015 10:16:47 AM
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Is Mise,
Thank you for addressing me as Son of Adam, as that is what I am....and am conscious that I am talking to an other son or daughter of the same father. Good to know that you have studied Comparative Religions. Is that reason enough for me to accept your opinion? Or you have to substantiate it? I did not see any substantiation. You have the right to your opinion, even though you form it through study, intuition or plain prejudice, but if you want me to accept it, I'll need reason, evidence and conclusive proof. Take care, Happy New Year. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 1 January 2015 1:20:50 PM
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Mac Adam,
I didn't think that you were a tar road! I gave a reference, The Qur'an, the contentious verses have been on this forum many times and to repeat them would be tedious. My copy of the Qur'an was by courtesy of the Saudi Government so, one assumes, it is an approved version. It is covered in green leather with gold embossed writing, has English and Arabic text and is designed to be read from right to left [or from a Western perspective, back to front']. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 January 2015 3:54:49 PM
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Quran and Violence 1 of 2
This message addresses Is Mise (post of the 1st). Intention is to explain Quran’s position to an open mind. It is not an attempt to convince Is Mise, knowing that subjectivity/bias has a tremendous capacity to force one see what he/she wants to see in a text. He is, however, requested to quote from Quran to support his assertion. Foreword for my opening statement is from Karen Armstrong’s article entitled “The True, Peaceful Face of Islam” in The Time Magazine (Sept, 2001) where she begins with “Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion”: • “a major part of his (Muhammad’s) mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare, in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and countervendetta……….” • “The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of nonviolence. When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia……..” • “Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war, several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle.” • “The very word Islam, which means "surrender," is related to the Arabic salam, or peace” Now my OPENING STATEMENT: Any passage from Quran that you can quote on “violence” WILL have one or all three of the following conditions: 1. The option of going to war is authorised in self-defence only; 2. The war must be restricted to the level of correcting persecution/ injustice inflicted on you – No transgression - No excessive force – No injustice of any kind; and 3. The armed struggle must have an overarching objective of restoring peace - and hostilities must cease if the other side offers peace. Continued .. Posted by NC, Thursday, 1 January 2015 4:18:55 PM
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Quran and Violence 2 of 2
You will agree that no code of justice conceived or discovered by humanity so far can question any of the above three principles listed in my Opening Statement. Now, please quote Quran on so-called violence as you see in the translation of Quran you have. The most-often referred verse of Quran (4:89) "slay [enemies] wherever you find them!" is also followed by the repeated reminder (4:90) "Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them" The available space in this post permits me to share research of Karen Armstrong (above referred article) that may interest other readers: • “In the Koran, therefore, the ONLY PERMISSIBLE WAR IS ONE OF SELF-DEFENSE”; • “Muslims may not begin hostilities (2: 190)”; • “Warfare is always evil, but sometimes you have to fight in order to avoid the kind of persecution that Mecca inflicted on the Muslims (2: 191; 2: 217) or to preserve decent values (4: 75; 22: 40)”; • “Hostilities must be brought to an end as quickly as possible and must cease the minute the enemy sues for peace (2: 192-3)”; and • “….but like the Gospels, the Koran suggests that it is meritorious to forgo revenge in a spirit of charity (5: 45)”. I see your correspondence with McAdam, he requested you to quote from Quran. Your answer: <<The Qur'an, the contentious verses have been on this forum many times and to repeat them would be tedious>>. Repeating them would be tedious? Quote of verse number takes seconds- not even a full minute. Look how many have I quoted in this post. Are you avoiding a reference? Please let us know. Posted by NC, Thursday, 1 January 2015 4:27:11 PM
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So you are suggesting that Islamic State is acting totally against the teachings of Muhammad: "• “In the Koran, therefore, the ONLY PERMISSIBLE WAR IS ONE OF SELF-DEFENSE”; • “Muslims may not begin hostilities (2: 190)”;" and, for their aggression, raping, murdering and child-beheading, IS terrorists will burn in hell forever ? That any person fighting for, or supporting, IS in any way, will go straight to Hell, to burn and burn and burn forever, not able to 'die' but always being in agony for their crimes against the teachings of Muhammad ? Sounds a bit rough, but okay. For bringing the name of Muhammad into disrepute, they will never escape the agonies of hell ? They will burn forever ? I'm just trying to clarify where you see the position of terrorists in relation to the teachings of the Koran: they are acting totally against those teachings ? They will never see any of those 72 virgins ? Neither will their families ? So the next idiot who tries to kill any random non-believer, who gets himself killed, will go straight to Hell, forever ? Okay. Thanks NC/McAdam. I'm glad that's sorted out. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 1 January 2015 6:58:31 PM
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Gawd a'mighty...
Give it a rest, Joe. The only black clouds I want to see are the ones coming in from the West bearing some lovely, cooling rain. Take your hot, dust-laden clouds of misery somewhere else. Posted by Craig Minns, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:07:14 PM
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"Quran (18:65-81) - This parable lays the theological groundwork for honor killings, in which a family member is murdered because they brought shame to the family, either through apostasy or perceived moral indiscretion. The story (which is not found in any Jewish or Christian source) tells of Moses encountering a man with "special knowledge" who does things which don't seem to make sense on the surface, but are then justified according to later explanation. One such action is to murder a youth for no apparent reason (74). However, the wise man later explains that it was feared that the boy would "grieve" his parents by "disobedience and ingratitude." He was killed so that Allah could provide them a 'better' son. (Note: This is one reason why honor killing is sanctioned by Sharia. Reliance of the Traveler (Umdat al-Saliq) says that punishment for murder is not applicable when a parent or grandparent kills their offspring (o.1.1-2)." copied from: No defensive only war there, just a bit of unjustified (in non Muslim eyes) of common murder. 'Paste' is very convenient andnon time consuming. Kindly explain the justification of honor killings. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 January 2015 8:47:44 PM
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" .... The only black clouds I want to see are the ones coming in from the West bearing some lovely, cooling rain. Take your hot, dust-laden clouds of misery somewhere else." I'm trying to decipher that. What on earth did any of it have to do with the topic, or with my questions to NC/McAdam ? What 'black clouds', 'hot, dust-laden clouds' ? What 'misery' ? My basic question was: "If Islamic State [i.e. whose flag Monis forced random hostages to hold up] is working totally against the teachings of Muhammad, will IS terrorists burn in Hell forever ?" Ah, I see where the 'black clouds' reference may come from. Yes, imagine the horror of burning forever, giving off stinking black clouds of your own body fats. Forever. Is that what you meant, Craig ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 1 January 2015 9:05:50 PM
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"My basic question was: "If Islamic State [i.e. whose flag Monis forced random hostages to hold up]..."
That wasn't an IS flag. "Early on, hostages were seen holding an Islamic black flag up against the window of the café, with the shahdah creed written on it in Arabic. Initially some media mistook it for the flag used by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL); the gunman demanded that an ISIL flag be brought to him during the siege." He was such an IS professional he couldn't even manage to take the "right" flag along with him. Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 1 January 2015 9:29:05 PM
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Thanks Poirot,
No, you're right, he was a terrorist, a murderer, a rapist, and in his own mind a committed Islamist - but no, he was forcing hostages to hold up possibly an al Qa'ida flag, not an IS flag. And I'm sure that you would agree, as NC/McAdam has agreed, that Islamist groups like al Qa'ida and Islamic State are, as far as you know, NOT acting in accordance with the teachings of Muhammad ? Would you also agree that they are reactionary, anti-progressive in every way, anti-women, anti-Left, anti-multiculturalist ? If so, we're on the same page :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 1 January 2015 10:14:16 PM
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Is Mise,
Your post of 1st January So this is your reference for your repeated assertions that Quran preaches violence! Interesting ! The description starts with verse 18:65 – Moses meets “one of Our slaves, unto whom We had given mercy from Us, and had taught him knowledge from Our presence”- Pickthall Two relevant points: 1. The person, with a special knowledge, was acting under direct command of God and even Prophet (Moses) could not know why he did what he did; 2. The person changed the direction of events, in three cases, for the good of people, with actions which looked strange at the surface, including the one you mentioned. The killing of the boy by the person was the Will of God (for the reasons explained). The life-giver is the life-taker- purely in religious sense, where is the problem? Please see that this action of a person who has the knowledge higher than that of a prophet, can never be an example for a common person to follow. The “religionofpeace” website you quote is one of the biggest known Islamophobe-sites of the present day, which peddles a level of misinformation about Islam hardly matched even by any of the hundreds of similar sites. The site tells you that honour killing is sanctioned by Sharia and you believe it!! So much for your “study of comparative religion at both Sydney University and at The University of New England”! Quran does not authorise honour killing, how can Sharia? Lunatics try to justify their actions with any authority. But does that reflect on the authority? No. What you are implying way exceeds any normal level of subjectivity. One message in experience of Moses could be that God’s handling of the world (the natural processes) may appear to be destructive at surface, but in fact the processes are constructive in the real scheme of things. Science today has advanced to a level to recognise some of it. Obviously, if you can deduce honour killing from this parable, you can see honour killing in mathematic equations as well, I am sure. Posted by NC, Thursday, 1 January 2015 11:46:53 PM
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Hi NC/McAdam,
Thank you for clarifying that point - that honour killings are completely against the teachings of the Koran. It may be an old and backward custom, in old and backward villages, reflecting male-dominated power structures, but it has no place in the Koran, in Islam or in Islamic societies. I'm sure you would also agree that rape and enslavement also have no place in Islam, they are not approved by anything in the Koran - is that so ? Rape and enslavement of non-Muslims ? Or rape and enslavement of Muslims - this is what's banned by the Koran ? I agree with the Koran, if it says that Muslim women should not be either raped or enslaved or both. But I also agree that non-Muslim women should not be raped or enslaved. How does that sit with you ? A simple 'yes/no' answer would be okay :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 2 January 2015 7:58:22 AM
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Ah! The art of Apologetics, are you a Jesuit by any chance? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 January 2015 8:22:29 AM
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"Quran does not authorise honour killing, how can Sharia? " Then why are they taking place in the UK, as Dr Dalrymple describes? As far as I am aware, I don’t see honour killings taking place in any other religion or culture outside Islam. Following my previous post, are you able to provide any explanation for this? Posted by Constance, Friday, 2 January 2015 8:56:37 AM
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" honour killing,.....why are they taking place in the UK...As far as I am aware, I don’t see honour killings taking place in any other religion or culture outside Islam. Please see the following quote from Daily Mail, UK, dated 20 November 2014. "New 'honour killing' murder shocks India after bride's father allegedly strangles her and burns the body days after marrying a man from the 'wrong' caste Police claim Bhavna Yadav was murdered in brutal case of honor killing The 21-year-old woman was Yadav from Rajasthan but married a Punjabi Days after they married, her parents are accused of strangling her Her parents confessed to the crime when interrogated, according to police By COREY CHARLTON FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 08:24 EST, 20 November 2014 | UPDATED: 12:44 EST, 20 November 2014 Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook" See Constance, your knowledge on the subject is insufficient. One needs much deeper knowledge to differentiate between "cultural" and "religious". Islam- phobia is evident from the way you have framed the question. It is up to you, to equip your self with up to date knowledge or remain stumbling with half knowledge. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 2 January 2015 1:16:32 PM
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Okay, that is only one instance which would hardly compare to what is occurring in the UK. You still have not given any explanation for what is occurring in the UK? The psychiatrist is talking about hundreds of cases. Why are you ignoring my question and diverting to one example in another culture. Anxiety - yes, phobia - no. Islamophobia is a politically correct construct used for the purpose of humiliation by totalitarians including the liberal elitists. PC has its origins in Communism. Would you consider the victims of honour killings to have had any reason for fear or anxiety? Posted by Constance, Friday, 2 January 2015 4:38:18 PM
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Is Mise, Joe and Constance 1 of 2
Is Mise, Thanks for your response. The subject concluded. Good wishes for you and goodbye. Joe, After: • pressing for few days for a “yes or no” answer to a question like “Is 7 plus 8 equal to 15, given that 6 is larger than 9 according to the mathematical principles”; • making ludicrous statement that Quran was written more than 100 years after Muhammad’s death and totally failing to return with a reference despite repeated reminders; and • repeating questions which were already answered. Now you have another one for me! <<How does that sit with you ? A simple 'yes/no' answer would be okay :)>> Sorry my friend, direct interaction with you is a risky business: you can take discussion anyplace imaginable even when it is totally out of sync with rationality; you ask pseudo-logical questions with inbuilt falsehood; and then you repeat and repeat and repeat your questions. I have more important things to do. I will, however, keep trying to address worthwhile questions in this thread, especially coming from open minds. Constance, On your <<"Quran does not authorise honour killing, how can Sharia? " …. Then why are they taking place in the UK, as Dr Dalrymple describes?>> Continued .. Posted by NC, Friday, 2 January 2015 5:35:14 PM
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Is Mise, Joe and Constance 2 of 2
Constance Continued .. The answer is simple: Lunatics justify their deeds with whatever authority they can use – a universally verified phenomenon. Having been to over one dozen countries in five continents for considerable lengths of time in most cases, I have observed deplorable social practices (not exclusive to Muslim countries) – amply clarified with examples by McAdam in his response to you 2nd. I have also seen people presenting their moral justifications from any source accessible to them. The justifiers are everywhere – details are too long for this post. While I have a deep respect for Muhammad and Quran (as their humble student), I will not spend one minute in defending the present-day Muslim society. Also, from my limited look at history and overview of the present world, I have no doubt that west has made tremendous advances in effective legal systems and social justice within its societies. Age of reason has given west, it never had before. On a related issue, justice to the other societies is another subject. If it sticks to the path of its current advancement, the west may be able to achieve that as well, one hopes. The above answers your question: <<As far as I am aware, I don’t see honour killings taking place in any other religion or culture outside Islam.>>, at least in part. It is all about lunatics who exist everywhere. And deranged minds must also justify their deeds. Human conscience demands humans to be just. Examples of the crimes of lunatics and their justifications for their deeds, even in the west, are countless. I will restrict myself here only that justifier-extraordinaire - who headed the strongest country in the world and brought justification for his deeds directly from God, recorded in history’s indelible ink in his own words: “God said to me George”,.....meaning...=>Go and bomb the hell out of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians). And that he did. I cannot implicate Christianity, Jesus or western culture in his crimes. You must also disassociate criminals and the other faith(s) Posted by NC, Friday, 2 January 2015 5:44:56 PM
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Yes, honour killings take place in India as well as Muslim countries. In fact, it's probably a feature of earlier peasant societies generally, in which the low status of women, and their use as trade objects between families is common, in Italy, Greece, and the countries of old Yugoslavia. Nowhere is it right, nowhere - it says little to point out that other societies do it as well as Muslim ones. A multitude of wrongs do not make a right. It's a vile practice in India, it's a vile practice in Jordan. And, as you say, it's totally against the Koran. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 2 January 2015 7:23:44 PM
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Perhaps you might clarify this for us: "The Hadith and homosexuality: The Hadith are collections of sayings attributed to Muhammad. Many Hadiths (ahadith) discuss liwat (sexual intercourse between males). Two examples are: "When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shakes." "Kill the one that is doing it and also kill the one that it is being done to." (in reference to the active and passive partners in gay sexual intercourse)...." Tolerance? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 January 2015 9:15:59 PM
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Is Mise
"Quran (18:65-81) - This parable lays the theological groundwork for honor killings, .... ...... who does things which don't seem to make sense on the surface, but are then justified according to later explanation....." NC has covered it comprehensively and we need to thank him for that. Just a thought from my side, which may interest you. To me the story in Quran helps me avoid the trap of "crime and punishment" which has baffled humans since ages. Somerset Maugham, an accomplished author for example, has fallen prey to it. He in his book, "The Summing Up" takes crime and punishment in literal sense and asks why people suffer for no fault of their own? And then, says, having seen, children dying painfully of Meningitis,( he was a doctor by training) concludes; there is no God. Hindu religion has the concept of transmigration of soul, that one may get rewarded or punished for the deeds or crimes of the life, lived previously. The story in Quran, on the other hand, helps us see that the Devine scheme is unfathomable by our narrow definition of crime and punishment. It is also, confirmed by explicit words in Quran, roughly meaning that humans may perceive certain things as good for them where as those may in fact be harmful and vice versa. This theme is also confirmed by the story of Yousaf (Joseph) in the chapter titled after his name and which is referred to, in Quran as the best of the stories, how he suffers at the hands of his brothers, to be sold in bondage in Egypt. And all that suffering, that he goes through, was for in fact, for his ultimate exaltation in knowledge and status to realize his dream of "the sun, the moon and the eleven stars bowing before him". This to me, teaches to see every challenge as an opportunity, and never to give in and to go on with this life with positive attitude. Is it a license for me take other's lives? Absurd, that would be to assume. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 2 January 2015 11:19:17 PM
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Is Mise,
""The Hadith and homosexuality: ..........." Now homosexuality? And what is the relevance of it, to the topic under discussion? Or is it that some on this forum, are incapable of focussed discussion, at all? If we were serious, honest and focussed, all of us should have; while condemning the crazy hostage taker, also condemned the brute, who harassed an innocent lady for her dress. Those, who even after this lengthy discussion, continue to beat about the bush and remain one sided, are confirming their one eyed view, that they blame on others. Now, final call, for the honest folks....any condemnation for the zealot who harassed a lady for her dress or faith? Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 3 January 2015 3:49:39 AM
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It is relevant in that the topic under discussion was a Muslim fanatic who believed in the teachings of Islam, as Islam decrees the killing of homosexuals for a private act then one wonders how you, as an adherent of Islam, see this matter. Do you believe that homosexuals should be killed, do you believe that they shake the throne of God? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 January 2015 7:34:19 AM
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Is Mise, from where I sit, there is no justification for a death penalty to exist in a modern state, since it is trivially easy to keep even the most egregious of offenders incarcerated and there have been many examples of failures of jurisprudence even in matters far less consequential than capital crimes. There is also a strong case to be made that execution, whether 'humanely' by the state after a lengthy and comprehensive case review process, or by lynching (ISIS beheadings are a modern example, which use and ancient method, decapitation), or with the hideous shows of barbarity that used to be common in the West and elsewhere has a deleterious effect on the group which practises it, in that it devalues human life to the point that the basic premises driving ethical behaviour within the group become unsupportable and force of arms is needed to enforce good conduct generally. Still another reason is the old poachers motto, 'better to hang for a sheep than a lamb', meaning that if the penalties for crimes are already high, then there may be little disincentive in escalating to more serious crimes, such as killing to prevent arrest. In other words, your question in regard to whether homosexuality deserves death as a penalty is far too specific to be useful. In some places, interference with trade is a justification, in fact, only a couple of generations ago it was used to justify killing hundreds of thousands of people in a little soiree you may have heard of in a lovely place called Vietnam. In others, just walking down the street in the wrong-coloured skin will do it, saving the police all the messy paperwork of arresting and preparing a trial brief. In others, our own fine country, for example, the death penalty is not a part of our law, but a fact of life nonetheless, with 4 extrajudicial executio...police firearms incidents in Qld this year. I'm not sure whether any of the victi...perpetrators were homosexual though. I'm pretty sure nobody thought to check - that would be unlawful discrimination, after all... Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 3 January 2015 8:19:08 AM
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Is Mise,
Your message of the 2nd on homosexuality All three great monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) don’t approve of it. You know it, but you must target Islam ONLY. And for that you have, or will find, flimsy reasons like you showed us recently how the parable of Moses provides “a theological” foundation of honour killing!! You have made your intentions of finding faults with Islam so obvious so far that any new attempt from you hardly merits a serious response. But while we are at it, let us take up penalty for a crime as a society finds suitable for itself. When a civilisation comes up with its own treatment of the so called crimes it is its RIGHT. (Remember, hit and trial has enabled western society to shift its views that it held in past, there is nothing to suggest that its current views/finding will not change in time. In case of Islam, this change in time is ensured by the authority of “Ijtehad” this thread has not touched on so far) But when a civilisation demands other civilisations to follow its practices, for instance, requiring Chinese civilisation to discontinue death penalty, it is its ARROGANCE. You must let others run their societies just as you don’t welcome suggestions from others to run yours. Please see the obvious line between the RIGHT and the ARROGANCE. Posted by NC, Saturday, 3 January 2015 10:16:13 AM
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NC et al,
All well and good but do you, as a follower of Muhammad, believe in death for homosexuality? If a simple 'Yes' or 'No' is thought to be inadequate, you may say "I so believe" or "I do not believe in death for homosexuals". Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 January 2015 10:57:16 AM
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Is Mise,
A point of more basic nature is that individual has no right to take law in own hands. Law enforcement is the exclusive prerogative of the state. Letting it be usurped by individuals results in the Inquisition like situation or like the local informal rural courts decreeing raping women for marrying out side their clan, as in India or as in a similar case of Mukhtran Mai in Pakistan. An other point is about your honesty, which you have put in serious doubt.Did you hold the Christianity as a religion and Christians as its practitioners responsible for Waco Siege which resulted in violent death of 82, persons, after a 50 days stand off? Did you put the Seventh-day Adventist Church or Christianity on the mat, like you are repeatedly trying to put Islam on trial for an act of a lunatic. If you were too young, at the time of Waco Siege, have you put your co religious or their religion on the mat for numerous crimes committed ever since? You are not in this discussion, with clean hands, do you see? And what is your right of questioning other people's beliefs? Are you intolerant of diversity or of freedom of religion? Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 3 January 2015 11:44:23 AM
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Just answer the question, Mac, or are you afraid that your co-politico/religionists will kill you as an apostate if you answer that homosexuals should not be killed?
Shew us all that you consider Islam to be in error in this matter. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 January 2015 1:09:59 PM
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Is Mise,
How many homosexuals have been put to death, in what country? What is your point? Other than taking the forum on a wild goose chase; is it sensible? This may be a subject very close to your heart, I am not interested in this discussion any further Clearly, you have run out of sensible points on the subject and are trying to take refuge in diversion, digression and out right dishonesty. You insist on receiving the answers to the questions you have raised, while at the same time, parrying the ones I have asked; is it honest? Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 3 January 2015 2:02:50 PM
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You wrote: "And what is your right of questioning other people's beliefs? Are you intolerant of diversity or of freedom of religion?" Everybody should have the right to question other's people's beliefs, especially when so many horrific crimes are committed in the name of those beliefs. You can question mine any time you like, those of an atheist, and you can - and should - do so straight after any string of atrocities committed by anybody in the name of atheism. After all, if crimes are committed in the name of atheism - in its name, not just because some vile killer happened to be an atheist - then you and everybody else would be entitled to know if there was any link between the teachings of atheism, such as they are, and the crimes committed in its name. When any dreadful crimes are actually committed in the name of Atheism, please feel free to demand of me how such acts could be committed, and whether I support them, in the name of atheism. Until then, I'll feel free to query whether or not the vile crimes of IS can be reconciled with the Koran. So far, you have agreed that the following crimes don't square with the Koran, and therefore are totally unIslamic: * honour killings; * rape and enslavement of non-Muslim women; * beheading of non-Muslim children; Would you also agree that the mass-murder of captured soldiers goes against the Koran ? Just out of curiosity, would you agree that men and women are equal in law ? That women have, or should have everywhere, the same rights as men ? Oh hello, Poirot, you're so quiet, I didn't see you there ...... Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 3 January 2015 3:17:32 PM
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Is Mise,
On your question: <<All well and good but do you, as a follower of Muhammad, believe in death for homosexuality?>> Question1: what do you see “well and good” in my response to you that you refer here. Be clear and to the point. For the background: I have never been asked this question in my life. There was never a situation that I had to pose this question to myself. I have not seen this issue discussed in a Muslim society and have not read even an article on it, let alone a book. Now for an informed answer to your question, I must: 1. Research Quran, knowing the high value it assigns to human life – but that would be the easier part; 2. A hugely time consuming part would be studying Haidths on the subject: a. making sure the Quran’s injunction are NOT conflicted; b. Studying ALL material on the subject, knowing that these verbal accounts do differ from each other even to the extents of contradicting each other sometimes. c. Deciding which ones of the verbal accounts I must prefer over the others and why. 3. Review the “Ijtehad” work done on the subject, if any. The above effort is an absolute pre-requisite of a responsible answer. The time needed for this exercise is not a matter of days, we are talking about months. Now Question 2: What makes you so important for me to spend this much time to answer you? Question 3: What authorises you to ask me a faith related personal question, knowing that your environment and your legal system gives you no right for this. I will wait for you answers. Recall my response to your associates: The right to ask questions is not yours only and I mean it. Posted by NC, Saturday, 3 January 2015 3:59:00 PM
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Are you taking up boxing as a sport? You should do alright as you sure do have ducking and weaving skills!! Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 January 2015 10:04:40 PM
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"Everybody should have the right to question other's people's beliefs, especially when so many horrific crimes are committed in the name of those beliefs." Let us clearly understand, our respective stands on religion. You maintain that you have the right to question other people's belief. Right? And that you have the right to pursue this, even after the the other person insists that he/she was not interested in this putting or being put on the spot. Right? This dear Loudmouth is called coercion; right? This is also called Inquisition. You know what inquisition literally mean? It means; ..investigation, especially one of a ...religious nature, characterized by lack of regard for individual rights, prejudice on the part of the examiners". How different is your stand than the approach of Inquisition?. I also know, you are not even handed in your inquisition, like inquisition by definition is biased. You start cursing other faiths on slightest hint of terror or crime but choose to remain silent on heinous terrorist acts committed in the name of Christianity like; Waco Siege, Branch Dravidians crimes, Timothy McVeigh and his claim of committing terrorism in reaction to Waco Siege. Likes of you cried hoarse on Oklahoma Bombing and immediately blamed it on Muslims but went mute on seeing the truth that the crime had been committed by a Christian. And that is the double standard on all incidents of domestic terror acts by Non Muslims world over, particularly the state terrorism constantly inflicted on Palestinians being kept in the cages of Gaza and West Bank. Now once again, you are for coercing others for their religious beliefs; right? And hear ye, I maintain that "There must be no coercion in matters of faith!" Quran (2: 256). You follow, what you please, even though it may be utterly flawed, I will follow my faith and would not be coerced by you to give you uncalled for explanations, on total digressions, ....miles away from the topic, ...such as homosexuality. . "Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion." Quran 109:6 (Pickthall Translation) Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 4 January 2015 2:03:46 AM
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Pretty obviously, to question any beliefs is not at all necessarily to sit somebody down and grill them, hour after hour, or even to make unexpected or unsolicited or unprovoked demands on anybody to explain their belief and value systems. Let's be clear: you have the right to raise questions about my beliefs. I have the right to raise questions about yours, particularly if you wish to promote them on forums such as OLO. It goes hand in hand with freedom of speech and expression, which necessarily include the freedom to inquire - again, particularly if someone has put their beliefs and values out there. If you wish to assert something, it is up to you to demonstrate it. By asserting something, you open the door to objections, particularly if you make your assertions on a public forum like OLO. If you suggest something, it is not 'coercion' to request that you clarify what you are asserting. You can't have it both ways: that you can assert something, but nobody is allowed to raise queries or objections. Australia is not yet a theocratic state :) Now that that is over and done with, back to topic: 'Branch Davidians', by the way, not 'Dravidians'. I don't recall blaming the Oklahoma bombing on Muslims - after the earlier New York bombings, I certainly may have suspected at first that Muslims may have been involved - let's be honest, there was something in the modus operandi that quite legitimately raised that suspicion - but I don't recall crying or shouting myself hoarse over it. That quickly passed of course, since there was not the slightest evidence of any Muslim involvement in this particular act of terrorism. My memory of it all is that very quickly, white supremacists were implicated, and McVeigh was arrested. Don't over-egg your pudding, NC/McAdam. Don't accuse people of what they haven't done, and obviously haven't done. As a tactic, it may go down well in primary school, but not in the mature world of OLO. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 4 January 2015 9:12:00 AM
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Is Mise and McAdam.
Is Mise, Your message of the 3rd (10: 04 PM): You are telling me that you don’t plan to answer my three questions that I asked you in my message of the 3rd (3 :59 PM). Fine. What is the matter with you guys – Is Mises, Loudmouths et al – You can ask, but can’t face questions? Know that before I entertain one more question from you, I must have answers to my questions – fair and square. Till then, goodbye – I wish good for you. McAdam, Your patience and grace deserve all credit, and I am not the only one to have said this! Personally I have tried to restrict myself to Muhammad and Quran as history and documentation makes almost all questions about the two reasonably verifiable in the current state of knowledge. I have left out the followers because any discussion inevitably takes you to the followers of Judaism, Christianity, atheisms and possibly other faiths (I consider atheism to be a faith and not in any negative sense). The deeds of the followers are quite hard to handle. And this crowd of loudmouths we are dealing with keep bringing up the lunatics of Muslim world ONLY because of their false assumption that there are no lunatics in their own societies. The deeds of western lunatics are quite horrifying as well. The details are many and you have elegantly point out few. My list is huge and I just mentioned the one who brought approval from God for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. But in the final analysis, this is not a sensible topic to dwell on. The difference is that, unlike loudmouths, you and I do not (as we cannot, for the sake of reason and rationality) question the Christian faith or good values of the western society because of the deeds of the western lunatics. The indications are that the readers do notice this difference. Your kind demeanour prompts you to keep answering their questions. My suggestion to you: please ask them questions as well. Posted by NC, Sunday, 4 January 2015 10:12:43 AM
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And this is where our dilemma lays. As it is against Islam to question your own belief. This is where the Western mind and fundamentalist Muslim mind differs. No doubt about it. Why are Muslims not allowed to question their faith? And there is your problem (and ours) with your non acceptance of the West’s right of freedom of speech which is being jeopardised with political correct dogma. “slightest hint of terror” – WOW, that’s some understatement. I hate to think what a real hint of terror is in your eyes. And who exactly blamed Waco on Muslims? Oh dear, Gaza, is that all you got? It’s been flogged to death with total disregard for all the Non Muslims being persecuted the world over. All you seem to care about is the Palestinians and nobody else including your very own women. I am still waiting for your explanation on why honour killings occur? Waco was a cult, not a mainstream religion, unlike Islam. There is a big difference between 1.6 billion followers of Islam and a small group of people in stuck in Texas following an obscure cult. “In McVeigh's 2002 biography American Terrorist, he stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[94][95] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic.[ These poor examples you have cited weren’t trying to take over the world like your Islamists and wouldn't be classified as Christians. Protestant propaganda wars on attacks of inquisitions: Structure of the Courts: The Church introduced a legal system which provided the accused with more rights and legal representation than the secular courts; this affected the trajectory of Western law, influencing the English Common Law and eventually the American court system. National Security: Regarding the (in)famous “Spanish Inquisition,” the Spanish monarchy used it to secure their nation against the ever-aggressive Muslim invaders. Like the protestant countries of England and Germany, the monarchy saw religion as the primary stabilizing agent within the state. Posted by Constance, Sunday, 4 January 2015 10:29:52 AM
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As I remember, O Members of the Ummah, I asked questions first, so will answer your questions when you answer mine.
What you gave were not answers but rambling obfuscations. So, do you think that homosexuality deserves death? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 4 January 2015 10:49:50 AM
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"And this is where our dilemma lays. As it is against Islam to question your own belief" What do you base this verdict on? You are so sure of how I think that you don't even need a nod from me; a stance that only an ignorant person could take. Of all the religions, Islam repeatedly asks the reader to reflect and more than once checks those who would blindly believe in and follow the ways of their elders. See following verses in Quran encouraging reflection and knowledge:- Verily, in that are indeed there are signs for a people who reflect. (30:21) My Lord increase me in knowledge. (20:114) In addition, are following verses urging reflection, reason and thinking:- Thus do We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, laws, etc.) in detail for the people who reflect. (Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #24) Do they not think deeply (in their ownselves) about themselves (how Allah created them from nothing, and similarly He will resurrect them)? Allah has created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, except with truth and for an appointed term. And indeed many of mankind deny the Meeting with their Lord. (Ar-Room, Chapter #30, Verse #8) He it is Who has appointed for you the night that you may rest therein, and the day to make things visible (to you). Verily, in this are Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) for a people who listen (i.e. those who think deeply). (Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #67) Does man think that he will be left Suda (neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him)? (Al-Qiyama, Chapter #75, Verse #36) Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?” (Al-Mumenoon, Chapter #23, Verse #115) Continues Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 4 January 2015 12:57:56 PM
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To the rejecters of truth the Quran states: Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray from the Path. (i.e. even worst than cattle). (Al-Furqan, Chapter #25, Verse #44) Do they not reflect? There is no madness in their companion (Muhammad). He is but a plain warner. (Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #184) Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect . (Al-Hashr, Chapter #59, Verse #21) Please prove me wrong by quoting more passages on reflection in any other scripture. Islam encourages reason and does not require its followers to accept gobbledegook like Trinity. Clearly your current knowledge of Islam is inadequate. "Waco was a cult, not a mainstream religion, unlike Islam. There is a big difference between 1.6 billion followers of Islam and a small group of people in stuck in Texas following an obscure cult." You mean to say that all Muslims, 1.6 billion of them are terrorists? Reconcile this with the following post of 23 December:- "distinguish... between the Islamists that are terrorising the world and the everyday Muslim person that no one on this site has a problem with. If anyone is lumping all Muslims into one basket, it's you." Now are all Muslims being lumped in one basket? and who is doing it? Your claim that media did not immediately blame Muslims for Oklahoma Bombing and your defense of Inquisition are so far removed from truth, that it is waste of time to comment on them. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 4 January 2015 1:06:30 PM
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" .... There is a big difference between 1.6 billion followers of Islam and a small group of people stuck in Texas following an obscure cult." Constance is obviously not saying that ALL Muslims are terrorists, only that there are 1.6 billion Muslims. Why do you read something into a perfectly fair statement that isn't there ? In fact, Constance may not be suggesting that everybody at Waco, in that cult group, was a terrorist either - from memory, many were women and children who probably never touched a gun in their lives. Certainly there were many women and children who died there. Is your tactic to divert discussion and deliberately make a simple statement - every simple statement - confrontational, in order to avoid having to discuss what people are asking ? If so, it doesn't work, it is really tiresome. And it doesn't help if you refer to people who raise questions as 'rejecters of truth': if it IS truth, as you assert, it is up to you to prove it, and not just by quoting slabs from the Koran: that may be your notion of truth, but it doesn't have to be that of anybody else who is not a believer. I suppose Christians could endlessly quote slabs of the Bible, but that also wouldn't mean much to me as a kaffir. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 4 January 2015 1:27:27 PM
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Then there are the various references to the Prophet condoning or ordering stoning to death for adultery.
Do all Muslims accept that death should be the penalty for adultery? Do Muslims wish to establish Islam as the world's religion? We often hear these things said. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 4 January 2015 1:46:41 PM
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Quote: “Research Quran, knowing the high value it assigns to human life” Haha haha - yeah, right. You do have a sense of humour. Anybody that thinks that Quran assigns high value to human life is either ignorant, drunk, a liar or a sick joker. Some verses, please? McAdam Quote: “Islam encourages reason” Oh yes, like telling the faithful not to ask questions? Want a verse for that? As to the trinity, how about the Allah and his partner, Mohammed? Is that a duality or a binity? Why do you think the Quran uses the plural ‘we’ so much? Is it the “royal we” of Mesapotaneia or could it just be Mo and his jr partner, Allah, talking? -- After all, the Quran says that obeying one is to obey the other, and also that they make decisions together? Of course there is the problem that when Allah (Quran) and Mohammad (hadith) disagree, who do Muslims obey? Poor Allah. Come on, Mac, have you ever seen a Muslim question the morality of the hate and slander against non-Muslims in the Quran, or the vile attacks on non-believers by your prophet? So, Mac, if the Quran is so carefully explained in so many ways, why do Muslims make such a mess of Allah’s perfect words? Could it be they are about as clear as the muddy field where the sun sets? (according to the perfect Quran) The only true requirements for a Muslim is blind irrational belief. That is what the shahada is all about. That is why the black flag was in the café that sad day in Sydney. NC and Mac, you are blinded by the fanatic faith in an evil dogma. You are obdurate to the simple reality of the Islamic world. Islam, to you, is not what the Quran and hadith say, or even the obvious facts in newspapers or on the evening news. It is what you imagine it to be, and the suffering of men women and children is nothing to you, because you only care about yourselves. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 4 January 2015 2:32:13 PM
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You are back with your characteristic words: “Haha haha …. Anybody that thinks that Quran assigns high value to human life is either ignorant, drunk, a liar or a sick joker.” Quran (5:32) “ …whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”. Pickthall gives an unparalleled verdict on sanctity of human life. Of particular interest is the repeated emphasis in “and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind”. On 31 Dec, I gave you the findings of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (EB) which supports views exact opposite of your medieval-views. YOU DID NOT RESPOND. Now that you have reappeared, let me ask you: Do you have research credentials more impressive than those of EB? What are your credentials? Support your claim! Then on 1 Jan 2015, I summarised an article from Karen Armstrong, which gave a picture of Islam and Quran an exact opposite of what you seem to hold. YOU DID NOT RESPOND I am interested in knowing the sources of your information other than the hate-sites. Please note that: Any passage from Quran that you can quote on “violence” WILL have one or all three of the following conditions: 1. The option of going to war is authorised in self-defence only; 2. The war must be restricted to the level of correcting persecution- -injustice and corruption (Fasaad - Arabic)you are subjected to; and 3. The armed struggle must have an overarching objective of restoring peace - and hostilities must cease if the other side offers peace. You can still respond. Please quote verses from Quran which promote war in absence of these three conditions. And please don’t bring up your age in defence, like before. Please be wise: Not just old. Posted by NC, Sunday, 4 January 2015 6:32:39 PM
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Hi NC,
Those two verses go oddly together: "5:32 For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth. "5:33 Those who make war upon Allah and His messenger .... will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom." But I do like" " .... whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind." Perhaps IS terrorists could learn something from that. Nah. More fun butchering and raping. Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 4 January 2015 6:49:55 PM
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Is Mise,
In my message of the 3rd (3:59 PM), detailed background of my message was obviously addressed to an open minds who may still be visiting this thread. You can deduce “theological” basis for honour killing from a parable (about Moses), apparently drawing human attention to the constructive impulse of the natural processes that appear to be destructive at the surface. And then you peddle Islamophobe stuff from hate-sites flanked by your jeers and gibes. Can you be reasoned with? Are you kidding? This is my last direct message to you till you answer questions I raised in my above noted message. Posted by NC, Sunday, 4 January 2015 8:54:35 PM
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"Waco was a cult, not a mainstream religion" This point is of fundamental importance to our discussion and please read on carefully. Yes it was a cult and not the mainstream religion. US government and the press acted wisely to isolate the cult from the mainstream and to deny them the support of misguided terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, if he was indeed motivated by this incident,as recorded in Wikipaedia or some others who possibly could have been. David Koresh built his church on a simple message: "If the Bible is true, then I'm Christ." He continues to have his following even after his death: "every Saturday, the Branch Davidian Sabbath, Sheila Martin and Clive Doyle have gotten together to pray and discuss the Bible. They affirm to each other that David Koresh was God in the flesh." (By Ashley Fantz, CNNApril 14, 2011 9:23 a.m. EDT) David Koresh quoted profusely from the bible and justified every action by the authority of Bible including having sex with Children: "I couldn't argue because he'd show you where it was in the Bible."Sheila Martin, too, condones Koresh having sex with underage girls. "In the Bible, if a girl is old enough to menstruate, then she can be a wife," she insists".(Ashley Fantz) No body blamed Christianity or the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, for the action of the lunatic. No body put the Bible on the spot and started a discussion on having sex with children. That was the right approach to; isolate, contain, subdue and finish the menace. Look at your conduct in contrast:- a. Blaming all Muslims, for the action of lunatics. b. Putting Quran on trial. And c. Every day coming up with new topics like homosexuality and Islam and continuing to spread noise as much as possible. Do you see the contrast between wisely handling the Waco Siege and your unwise approach of spreading the fire? Every impartial reader of this thread can. Frankly, I can not make any sense of your agenda of throwing petrol on the fire, contrary to the use of water on the fire of Waco. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 5 January 2015 12:58:42 AM
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"you are blinded by the fanatic faith in an evil dogma." In spite of the hatred oozing out of your quote, I can entertain all your objections: a. "Quran forbids asking questions"....I know where you are coming from; Muhkam Ayah and The Mutashabih Ayah. b. "Sun setting in muddy water spring", reference to the story of zulqarnain and his perception of setting Sun. Perception of a person is no error in Quran, as a website claims. Error is the way you have drafted your Bible, claiming Joanna being swallowed by a whale.....a physiological impossibility or the universe being geo- centric and the punishment of Galileo for telling the truth. Those are errors, besides many more, dear Kactuz. c. "Muhammad as God's partner"? Please re -read God has no partners. d. "We" for God is "royal we", as you rightly guessed. e. "When Quran and Hadith disagree, who do Muslims obey". Raising of this question shows lack of basic knowledge of Islam, as there is not an iota of doubt about what to do in such a situation. f. "The only true requirements for a Muslim is blind irrational belief". You need to prove it by applying the rules of rationality equally on all scripture and then showing how Quran is blind irrational belief , as you allege. We can discuss, the points you have raised, one by one, if you can enter a discussion with sober mind. Hatred, I told you, kills the rational thinking .....of the beholder. Kactuz, are you angry with my reference to Trinity as gobbledegook? Let's discuss and please show me how it is not. Kactuz, your old age is showing....perhaps you are too old, for a decent discussion. Please get hold of yourself; stay cool, stay descent or if you can not do that, stay quiet. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 5 January 2015 3:00:41 AM
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Do you believe that homosexuals should be put to death? Do you believe that adulterous women should be stoned? What do you think personally? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 5 January 2015 8:01:56 AM
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It was an evil cult for goodness sake - NOT MAINSTREAM. There will always be lunatics among us unfortunately. Do you agree with this? Is this why Muslim girls are wanting to end their lives? Muslim Child Brides: I'D RATHER KILL MYSELF 11 YEAR Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal RUNS AWAY Forced Marriage CHILD BRIDE She was apparently killed soon after her announcement. Mosab Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas Founder) tells the truth about Hamas. (Islam is bi-polar.) Ayaan Hirsi Ali (ex Muslim) Stealth Jihad: Posted by Constance, Monday, 5 January 2015 9:57:49 AM
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Thanks McAdam
for bringing out (your post of 5 Jan 12:58 AM) so vividly and convincingly why it is wrong to implicate Christianity and Jesus in the crime of David Koresh (Waco Siege) and why it is equally wrong to implicate Islam and Muhammad in the crime of Haron Monis (Sydney Siege). The Australian public has reacted to the aftermath of Sydney Siege along exact same lines. The Twitter drive for I WILL RIDE WITH YOU says it all. Source: BBC: 15 Dec, 2014 Sydney cafe: Australians say to Muslims "I'll ride with you" "The spark was this post on Facebook by Rachael Jacobs, who said she'd seen a woman she presumed was Muslim silently removing her hijab while sitting next to her on the train: "I ran after her at the train station.” “I said 'put it back on. I'll walk with u'. She started to cry and hugged me for about a minute - then walked off alone” Moved by the above message, a Twitter user, Tessa Kum started the hashtag, BBC reports: “There were 40,000 tweets using the hashtag #Illridewithyou in just two hours, according to Twitter Australia; 150,000 in four hours. And it's been rapidly growing since” The two great persons, Rachael Jacobs and Tessa Kum, and hundreds of thousands who were inspired by their kind acts present the REAL PACE of AUSTRALIA. Compare the act of this huge number of Australians committed to overcome intolerance and hate with a tiny minority on this thread still busy fanning intolerance and hate in extending a crime of a deranged individual to community and brazenly trying to take it far back to Muhammad and Islam. The pseudonym gives them the “The Bravery of Being out of Range”, rightly diagnosed in the thread. They cannot dare say in front of Australian public what they so comfortably spout on this thread! Posted by NC, Monday, 5 January 2015 11:13:38 AM
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Load mouth,
"not just by quoting slabs from the Koran: that may be your notion of truth, but it doesn't have to be that of anybody else who is not a believer." You are right, dear Loudmouth, but is this what you thought, I was attempting by the quotations? Obviously, you failed to see the context. Let me try to show it to you:- 1. Constance, leveled an allegation that "it is against Islam to question your own belief" 2. He did not substantiate this sweeping statement, by any evidence. 3. I contest this allegation and therefore had to show the proof of rejection of this notion. 4. I had to show the basis of my religion; Quran, urging its followers to reflect, to reason, and not to follow a belief blindly, just because of the belief being that of the elders or parents. 5. I quoted a few passages from Quran, where the believers are urged by Quran, to reason and to reflect. I quoted some that I could quickly find, otherwise, I know there are more, on the subject in Quran. 6. I also invited others to kindly show if there was a scripture, which urged its followers to reason and to reflect, more than Quran does. 7. The whole effort was to dispel the falsehood, and was not an exercise to invite non believers to believe in Quran. Now you see, if you jump into the discussion, without understanding the context first, you add to confusion, rather than clarity. This approach of yours is the cause of your frustration, when you say, that you find the discussion tiresome. What else would it be for you, if you continue to confront the truth with falsehood or half truth? May we all be able to see the truth, amen. Constance, "It was an evil cult for goodness sake - NOT MAINSTREAM. There will always be lunatics among us unfortunately." I agree with the above statement. If others agree too, then we may be able to wind up this forum and spend our time more usefully elsewhere. Cheers Posted by McAdam, Monday, 5 January 2015 1:13:11 PM
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Yes, it's a pity it was just a story, it didn't actually happen. Never mind. It's the thought that counts, isn't it ? Your straw man argument, that everybody is attacking Islam because of the actions of a terrorist claiming to act in its name - who is doing that ? No, people are criticising the actions of a terrorist. We are all entitled, including of course, you, to question whether a man purporting to act in the name of Islam, who takes twenty hostages, and murders two people, was actually acting in the name of Islam ? If somebody purports to act in the name of Islam, and murders two people (I know, that's not many these days, a bomb yesterday killed five people at a volleyball game in Afghanistan, and two dead doesn't compare to 130 children murdered in Pakistan. Could there be a common factor, I wonder), then in order to clarify the situation, everybody is entitled to ask if he actually was acting entirely within the instructions implied from the Koran or the hadiths. Once people are assured that he wasn't acting in accordance with the Koran or hadiths, then we can move on. But we have the right to ask. And we'll keep asking until we get straight answers, no more twisting and turning. It's got nothing whatever to do with the character of Muhammad, unless of course, he actually wrote the Koran ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 5 January 2015 1:18:12 PM
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Does or does not the Koran tell Muslims to kill homosexuals?
Does or does not the Koran tell Muslims to kill women who are adulterers? Two simple questions. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 5 January 2015 6:31:17 PM
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Your message (5th, 9:57 am), supported by Utube clips and fringe (as opposed to main stream) views prove a point time and again that you are a captive of an extremely limited exposure on the subject. Pick a subject and then pick a position on it, you will find trash from the internet supporting it. Does it make this position right? Ask yourself! I sent you thoroughly researched findings of Encyclopaedia Britannica, you don’t comment on them, yet totally ignore them. You find the mainstream scholarship and a (minority) fringe scholarship in all subjects. You find fringe views in books published this day and age proving man was created in his/her current shape. Similar examples abound. The present-day mainstream scholarship agrees on scientific criteria to weigh historic findings. This is what has brought respect for Muhammad and Quran to which the medieval mind (and your literature) have been totally oblivious to. Try your references in a session of scholars; your references will be thrown out of window, of course, along with you. And your associate, the loudmouth, addresses me about “I will ride with you”(message 5th, 1: 18 pm) with “Yes, it's a pity it was just a story, it didn't actually happen.” Whereas the same person says in his post of 20 Dec about the same “I will ride with you” “I must commend the letmeridewithyou or whatever campaign:” What can one make of him on this and similar contradictions? Given your efforts from day one: 1. To suggest the deranged mind of Monis was in fact motivated by Islam; 2. To extend the crime of this lunatic to Muhammad and Quran; and thus 3. fanning intolerance and hate against Islam and Muslims Are you sure that you are not the morbid mind that Australian Muslims must be protected from? Please think. Posted by NC, Monday, 5 January 2015 6:43:14 PM
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Stalemate. The defense, here, of the Quran is that its exhortations has been misinterpreted, both from within and without Islam. We've had scholars at ten paces, but no one's blinking.
If, if that defense is valid, What are NC and McAdam doing to solve the problem from within Islam? In fact, why does there appear to be such scant condemnation from within Islam of those misinterpreting the Quran's exhortations with violent actions? Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 5 January 2015 11:01:05 PM
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" What are NC and McAdam doing to solve the problem from within Islam? In fact, why does there appear to be such scant condemnation from within Islam of those misinterpreting the Quran's exhortations with violent actions?" Good observation Luciferase, and logical too. It would have been true also, if you took the position of being aware of all that is going on in the world; inclusive of what is on the Radar of the world media and what is obscured from it or masked by it. Remember, we discussed the world media having the monopoly of the spot light? And only a simpleton would believe, that world media is not controlled. A lot dear Luciferase, is happening in the world that you are not aware of. Remember, I informed the forum that Pakistan has risen, as a nation against this menace and is engaged in exactly what you point out. I was laughed those who had no touch with reality and were unwilling to dig the truth. I wish they knew the reality. You are right, to point out, what needs to be done urgently. The criminals, who tend to take refuge in their twisted interpretations need to isolated and neutralized, by the combined effort of those within and without Islam. But clearly, there is an effort on, to lump all Muslims together and project them and their religion as a threat. We will enter the realm of conspiracy theories, that we do not wish to, as the structure of our forum can not handle that topic. But just see the statements being broadcast from the mouth of that teen ager called Boston Bomber "we Muslims are one, harming one means harming all....or stop killing our innocents and we'll stop killing your innocent civilians" As if Muslims do not punish their criminals and as if killing of innocent civilians is teaching of Islam. We are living in interesting times and we need to keep our eyes open and not be the tools of those who underestimate us and think we are gullible goofs. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 2:51:05 AM
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As you write, " ... from the mouth of that teen ager called Boston Bomber "we Muslims are one, harming one means harming all....or stop killing our innocents and we'll stop killing your innocent civilians"' I'm sure most OLO posters would immediately agree that, just because this terrorist claimed to be acting in accordance with the instructions of the Koran, it does not mean that he was so. He claimed so, but it may not be necessarily the case that the Koran can be used to justify his alleged crimes. But it's primarily up to 'moderate' Muslims to disavow him, to repudiate his vile statement, and to assert (and show) that they do not stand with him, nor support his vile notion that innocent people should be killed in retaliation for the death of other innocents. Primarily: non-Muslims can still point out his alleged crimes, and question his assertions that "we Muslims are one" if he means that he was acting in their name, and that he has their support. If he quacks like a duck and claims to walk with ducks, then non-Muslims are entitled to ask whether or not he really is a duck :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 7:38:32 AM
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Yes, Loudmouth, what you write is truth.....half truth....and you can't even see.
Please read my post again....carefully this time. It says that the west and the rest, do not get equal amount of visibility on the mainstream media. People like me and their opinion is ignored....kept away from folks like you, who are fed what is selected for them. You only see, what some one else puts spot light on; can't you see? I gave you the information of monumental work, currently going on in Pakistan, exactly on the lines you are suggesting, and you are being kept in the dark about it. Can't you see, even now? May God help you and us all. There are millions and millions or possibly the whole 1.6 billions of them, who condemn the crimes of these lunies who get used by the likes of US Secretary of State or pursue their criminal motives for greed. One of my previous posts, lists the subclasses of who all get lumped as terrorists. This includes the victims of state terrorism, who are engaged in legitimate fight for their freedom and deserve the support of international community, like the victims of apartheid in South Africa received. But there are forces who would, for their own ulterior motives, lump them with the criminals and to that end, demonize the entire Muslim population and their religion; Islam. Is it not odd that the hostage taker, who is cramped for space, what he must man pack and the IS sentry who has to have his both hands free to discharge his duty, carry huge flags?. And flags they select for themselves are Shahada and Seal of the Holy Prophet; sacred for all Muslims?......a behavior unprecedented in all guerrilla and resistance movements of human history....Can't you see? We do not have to agree on all points, as it is our respective right to maintain our own world view and our own opinions. What is essential however is that we form our own opinions based on knowledge and reflection and we do not feed on regurgitated information and opinions. Good luck Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 9:15:27 AM
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"....I informed the forum that Pakistan has risen, as a nation against this menace and is engaged in exactly what you point out."
So, Pakistan has decided the are no good Taliban, only bad, as it turns to vengeance for the deaths of children of the military. That's not cutting it. It's just the usual despotism versus Islamicism, with intensity. Imran Khan has toned it down for awhile until vengeance is wrung and feelings subside. It'll be business as usual, soon enough, IMO, secularism versus Islam. Where is the denouncement from the ideological stance. Where is the beaming of radio and tv into tribal regions, the dissemination of literature opposing the ideological basis of the Taliban's cause, and the damnation by authority within mainstream Islam, wielding the Quran? Where can introspection of Islam itself be clearly seen? What are McAdam and NC and their ilk doing to oppose the ideologues? Are they waving their Qurans at the perpetrators, or just bleating about the violence? Are they invading the blogs of the ideologues to oppose them, writing letters to their journals and newspapers, or doing anything about it as individual citizens of the faith? They suggest Islam's massive public introspection is withheld by our MSM, at the behest of our authorities, to massage our opinion of Muslims, i.e. invoking conspiracy theory into their argument here. Yet it is our authorities that maintain the "insane lone-wolf" narrative to calm feelings, with the media reporting them. It doesn't add up. Nobody believes the entire Muslim world is in cahoots with the extremists. We just want to see a great genuine public fight going on against the extremists at a Quranic ideological level. What's happening in Pakistan is not that, nor are we seeing it on a world scale. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 9:33:35 AM
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“You mean to say that all Muslims, 1.6 billion of them are terrorists?” Of course not, otherwise we’d all be dead. I’m saying with the number of Muslims in the world, and statistics indicate that around 35% living in Europe have fundamentalist radical views. This is the problem. And when you downplay the current Islamic terror be they groups or individuals, that also becomes a great concern. You use one lousy example of a demented cultist which happened years ago. My medieval mind? And what’s yours? You want to throw me out the window? Sounds violent. It is a known fact that the Koran is not to be questioned as it is the direct word of God, and you cannot reject God. I also did some formal study on Islam and the West a few years back and was told same. “…There is no deity except Allah. He is indivisible and absolutely transcendent. God is the Almighty, the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. Worship and obedience belongs to Allah and Allah alone. Joining other gods with God is an unforgivable sin. Any one who joins other gods with God has strayed far, far away from the Truth.” “While the Holy Quran is 100% word of God revealed to the Prophet, not every Hadith is authentic. “ “The Bible is a collection of writings by many different authors. The Qur'an is a dictation. The speaker in the Qur'an - in the first person - is God talking directly to man. In the Bible you have many men writing about God and you have in some places the word of God speaking to men and still in other places you have some men simply writing about history. “ “Many people mistakenly believe that the Quran was authored by Prophet Muhammad. In fact, the Quran is the preserved speech of God. At the same time, one might ask, which proofs indicate that the Quran is the Word of God and not the writings of Prophet Muhammad? Posted by Constance, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 11:33:32 AM
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"We just want to see a great genuine public fight going on against the extremists at a Quranic ideological level. What's happening in Pakistan is not that," Your throwing in certain names, does not mask the lack of knowledge of ground realities, exposed by the way you have framed your statement. "What is happening in Pakistan is not that"? Have you read the charter of NACTA, the bill in National Assembly to creat special courts, the mechanism to monitor religious seminaries, and wholistic National Action Plan and its execution mechanisms? You haven't. For if you had, you would not be so off the mark. Have seen the national press, the editorials and response of the civil society? The nation is geared up to fight at all levels including challenging the religious basis of the rogue elements; you don't know. If you choose to doubt, every thing I tell you and are comfortable with Little information on the subject, I'll not disturb your comfort. Good luck. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 11:50:52 AM
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Hi McAdamNC,
"Is it not odd that the hostage taker, who is cramped for space, what he must man pack and the IS sentry who has to have his both hands free to discharge his duty, carry huge flags?. And flags they select for themselves are Shahada and Seal of the Holy Prophet; sacred for all Muslims?......a behavior unprecedented in all guerrilla and resistance movements of human history....Can't you see?" I could have written exactly that ! And directed it at you, but I would have been too polite :) Yes, I fully agree, phrase by phrase - and ask you - "Can't you see ?" Monis went out of his way to carry a flag with the shahada and force his hostages to hold it up - to non-Muslims, that really does demonstrate clearly that he was claiming to act in the name of Islam. NOTE: that doesn't mean he was necessarily acting according to the precepts of Islam as set out in the Koran and the hadiths, but that he purported to. With a flag, to emphasise the point. I would be reassured to know that he wasn't acting in the name of Islam, even if he thought he was. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 12:28:41 PM
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I have seen your impressively worded messages, your questions and your drawn-out justification for your right to ask questions. Do you have an obligation to answer questions as well? This is my Question 1 to you. Please answer Yes or No. On the issue of actions against terrorists in Pakistan, I see McAdam responding to you with a thorough awareness of all the actions the state government is taking. Hiding your ignorance of the ground realities in Pakistan in your response, you demand to see << What are McAdam and NC and their ilk doing to oppose the ideologues?>> (6th, 9:33 am) Assuming that your answer to my Question 1 is “Yes”, please elaborate your question with your example in the interest of a meaningful answer. We know that just like terrorist-fringe in Muslim societies, there is a lunatic-fringe in the west spreading hate and intolerance against Muslims. This brings me to my second question to you: Tell us what you have done against this lunatic-fringe. Your practical example will be easier for McAdam and NC to follow. This is my Question 2 to you. I will hold my further questions, have quite a few, till you respond to these questions. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 4:37:50 PM
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On your <<You want to throw me out the window? Sounds violent>>, (6th, 11:33 am), I did not say that I want to throw you out of the window. Here is what I said “Try your references in a session of scholars; your references will be thrown out of window, of course, along with you” I just ventured to guess the response of scholars to your fringe-focused, intolerance-centred, hate-shaped, insane, unreasonable and unscientific references you so generously keep throwing around. Now the scholars may choose to act differently, like ignoring your references altogether, of course along with you. Who knows? Whatever they do, they will not welcome your references, of course along with you, I have reasons to believe. That is where the mainstream views sit today almost in all fields of knowledge. Credibility of a reference today can be determined nearly as authentically as that of the mathematical statement of 2 plus 2 equals 4. Still, many like you keep doing what they like to do. Type, for instance, “earth is flat” on the internet and see thousands of references to the printed material, internet sites, Utube interviews and even societies supporting and spreading this view. How do you think scholars will react to these references. Much like they would to your references, my friend. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 4:42:14 PM
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When you write, “Try your references in a session of scholars; your references will be thrown out of [the] window, of course, along with you”, forgive me if it does seem to suggest that not only will Constance's references be thrown out of the window, but: " .... along with you” -so will she (or he). To which you (forgive me) go a bit psychotic, calling her response: "fringe-focused, intolerance-centred, hate-shaped, insane, unreasonable and unscientific references", when it was perfectly reasonable: she pinged you for what you wrote, and you denied it (a bit difficult when we can all see it here on OLO). Or do you simply mean that whatever you write, if she disagrees with you, she's wrong ? How old are you, six ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 7:43:04 PM
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My main information on Pakistan comes from the English language site There are Urdu and Pashto sites I can't read and some pay-walled sites.
I have visited Pakistan, long ago, including Lahore, Peshawar and Islamabad, which doesn't qualify me to say much, but it do have some feel for being on the street there. I've crossed the Khyber one way, then the other, and visited Afghanistan too. I've got photos, somewhere, of nice people I met everywhere. I saw guns aplenty too. There is plenty in the Pakistan and international news about steps to combat terrorism directly, such as with military court legislation, but I have found nothing on countering the ideology. Please direct me to details on any ideological purge that is seriously attacking the root problem, and I will yield the point. Regarding the sticking of change for the better in Pakistan covers some ground on this and its comments section makes for interesting too, as uninformed as some of it appears. What am I doing to oppose religious-based terrorism? I support my country's stand on ISIS, albeit somewhat trumpeted. I support secularism and democracy, and oppose support for theocracy, in the fora in which I partake. I oppose authority that is not truthful by raising what I see as the truth by writing letters to government departments or to newspaper opinion columns, which may or may not be published. I'm that stupid guy on the train that tells kids to stand for pregnant women and the elderly, or tell people to pick up litter they've dropped. I tell people what I support or oppose, and why, to influence their thinking, and do it well enough not to lose friends. Sorry this is not a yes or no answer, but the question wasn't as refined as some put to Quranic defenders here. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 8:21:31 PM
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Here's another link to a similar article if the other becomes pay-walled, with more depth: Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 6 January 2015 9:47:02 PM
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So, you have visited Pakistan and have read a newspaper and possibly some blogs; that you claim, make you an expert on Pakistan. Let us examine your expertise....and you asked for it. Peshawar city is subdivided into three parts and cantonment is one third of the city of over three million population. Military families are a fraction of this mostly civilian population. The children who died were civilians and military. You are wrong when you say " vengeance for the deaths of children of the military." You are also wrong to call it vengeance for this incident, as the operation Zarb e Azb started 15 June last year, in response to over 50,000 deaths (56012 till 31 December 2014) in various terrorism related incidents, and attack on Karachi airport was its trigger. "It'll be business as usual, soon enough" They passed the 21st ammandment of the constitution today, with not a single dissenting vote; this to you is sign of business as usual? Pity on your assessment. "secularism versus Islam." Secularism, is never an option for this country created in the name of religion. So much for your knowledge of the country, which is pathetic indeed. "Where is the denouncement from the ideological stance." Obviously, you could not understand the speeches made on the assembly floor, because they were in Urdu. Nor could you read the newspaper editorials because they were in Urdu. You are claiming the ignorance as an excuse. The ignorant you. And did you notice, while not a single vote came against this specifically targeted amendment of the constitution, because of the overwhelming public support, the parties having links with Madrassas did not vote; Jamaat e Islami and Jamiat e Ulma e Islam (F).... And you can't see the battle lines drawn....myopic you. Time is needed here as beliefs don't change overnight. Remember the example of followers of David Koresh, who still believe, he was Christ, he was God? Now you have exposed your ignorance and foolhardiness by claiming to be an expert on some thing you have no clue of. Do you see? Others can Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 12:52:01 AM
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"There is plenty in the Pakistan... about steps to combat terrorism directly, such as with military court legislation, but I have found nothing on countering the ideology. Please direct me to details on any ideological purge that is seriously attacking the root problem, and I will yield the point." Following is an extract from Dawn, the news paper you say you read,updated three hour ago and it contains the provisions for action against misusing religion for terrorism; "The preambles ....."special measures for speedy trial ...relating to terrorism,... “any terrorist or terrorist group using the name of religion or a sect and members of such armed groups, wings and militias”....... (iii) Any person who is or claims or is known to belong to any terrorist group or organisation using the name of religion or a sect and raises arms or kidnaps any person for ransom or causes death of any person or injury, or is in possession, storage, fabrication or transport of explosives, firearms, instruments, articles, suicide jackets or vehicles designed to be used for terrorist acts, or receives or provides funding from any foreign or local sources for such illegal activities and acts or does any act to overawe the state or any section of the public or a sect or a religious minority or to create terror or insecurity in Pakistan or attempts to commit any of the said acts, within or outside Pakistan shall be punished under this act; (iv): Any person who is or claims or is known to belong to any terrorist group or organisation using the name of religion or a sect, commits an offence mentioned at serial Nos......." The constitutional amendment number 21 is only the tip of the iceberg; please Google yourself, the civil society challenging the zealot Imam of Lal Masjid and calls for closure if this masjid and attached madrassa, called Jamia Hafsa. Please yield the point, as you promised. Yes, an other point, Army Public Schools, as per their website have "50% seats in each class ... for children of civilians." Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 3:50:45 AM
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Apart from the reactions of a nation to terrorism, comprehensively covered by McAdam (his messages of the 7th, 12:52 am and 3:50 am), who seems to know the ground realities way better than any of us in this thread, I will restrict myself to the questions I raised with thanks to you for attempting an answer. I share your disgust with IS, as you may have noticed in my previous posts. What they do in the name of religion is not much different from the one who unleashed brutalities on hundreds of thousands of civilians with his infamous announcement “God said to me George”…… IS will meet its doom, I have no doubt about it. The developing formidable resistance to these jokers and their likes within the Islamic world has my voice in it. I value your social stance and mine is quite similar to that. Initiatives of justice have my contributions: verbal, written or monitory wherever practical. Now my questions: With an implied “Yes” to my first question, you appear to have misunderstood the second one. It was clearly about “what you have done against this lunatic-fringe” given clearly that “there is a lunatic-fringe in the west spreading hate and intolerance against Muslims.” I am all ears for your response to this question. Secularism vs religion later (time permitting), let me let you know that I personally believe for human reason to be an important guiding light for human society to progress. I may also mention here the fact that the age of reason has yet to discover a just social principle that would contradict any of those revealed by Quran about 1400 years ago. I do see content of this statement possibly initiating an ignorant reaction from the loudmouths – but I will not waste my time on them. The reason I brought it up is the derogatory reference to “Quranic defenders” at the end of your message. Quran’s message on social issues of human societies: IT IS ALL ABOUT JUSTICE. Please draw my attention to any Quranic reference which you think suggests otherwise. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 6:51:32 AM
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Forced marriage in Australia Four Corners So if the mainstream media is full of lies, and the information on the internet are false, who then do we listen to? Why do Muslim want to only look after their brothers and sisters of Islam? Where do Non Muslims (infidels) fit in the picture? Where is “Love Thy Neighbour”. “If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants." (Fatir:45) But sometimes Allah does punish people because of their violations of His laws whether they are physical or moral. The Qur’an tells us that many nations and communities were destroyed because of their sinful lifestyles: If they treat thy (mission) as false, so did the Peoples before them (with their Prophets), the People of Noah, and Ad and Thamud. Those of Abraham and Lut; and the Companions of the Madyan people; and Moses was rejected (in the same way). But I granted respite to the Unbelievers, and (only) after that did I punish them: but how (terrible) was My rejection (of them)! How many populations have We destroyed, which were given to wrong-doing! They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?" (Al-Hajj: 42-45) 3. Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Allah allows some people to suffer in order to test their patience and steadfastness. Even Allah’s Prophets and Messengers were made to suffer. Prophet Ayyub is mentioned in the Qur’an as a Prophet who was very patient. Good people sometimes suffer but their sufferings heal others and bring goodness to their communities. People learn lessons from their good examples. Martyrs die for their faith, soldiers give their lives for their nations and this brings liberation and freedom for their people.” Cont... Posted by Constance, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 7:14:55 AM
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Why do they call Muslim converts Reverts? I hear and read that Islam says we were all born Muslims. Do you agree? Survey: Do you think Muslims have so far done a good job in presenting Prophet Muhammad to the world? Hits Percent Graph No 460 67.4% Yes 165 24.2% No idea 57 8.4% Well if Muslims themselves don’t think they make a good impression on the world, how do you expect the rest of us to think? Why Did Prophet Muhammad Go To War? “There’s no doubt that later Muslim rulers used force to spread Islamic rule. But Muslims today are divided about the Prophet’s personal legacy regarding justifications for the use of military force. Some Muslims argue that the Prophet used military force to spread Islamic rule, so that is the example that Muslims must follow today. However, other Muslims argue that the Prophet used military force only for self-defense of the small Muslim community, so that is the example that Muslims must follow today.” “Question: Why did the Muslims require Christian Arab and Jewish tribes in northern Arabia to pay taxes to the Muslims in exchange for Muslim promises of protection? Was this a defensive step to take allies and resources away from an enemy, the Christian Roman Empire? Was it to spread Islamic rule?” “It is written as "accept Islam and then you will safe, and if you rejected Islam you will be responsible for your people' sins". Quite implicit message.” Dar al Salaam. In other words you will only get peace if you have submitted to Islam.” Cont..... Posted by Constance, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 7:25:54 AM
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Hi Constance,
On force and violence: your quote, "There’s no doubt that later Muslim rulers used force to spread Islamic rule. But Muslims today are divided about the Prophet’s personal legacy regarding justifications for the use of military force. Some Muslims argue that the Prophet used military force to spread Islamic rule, so that is the example that Muslims must follow today. However, other Muslims argue that the Prophet used military force only for self-defense of the small Muslim community, so that is the example that Muslims must follow today.” raises the question for small children: how did the spread of Islam occur ? From Arabia across the Middle East ? Across North Africa, down into sub-Saharan Africa [hence the 1300-year-old slave trade], and into Spain, southern Italy and France (even into Switzerland), and across Central Asia to Mongol-controlled China, from which Kublai Khan menaced even Japan and Vietnam. Later, right to the gates of Vienna. Quite a wide spread of 'peace'. But was all that really done peacefully ? Hmmmm, something tells me 'no'. Muslims wish to convert the world, yet in Australia (according to Bob Birrell, 1999) inter-marriage between Muslims and other Australians is the lowest of any religious group. So, how is conversion to take place ? So let's put this rubbish about Islam being a religion of peace behind us and recognise it for what it has always been, and now is. I'm sure there are Muslims who have no intention of every going to war with their non-Muslim neighbours, live and let live. But a tiny minority is all it takes. Straw-man arguments now please, NC/McAdam, dodge the issues :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 9:46:07 AM
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Out of the Green corner comes (one or the other) with a flurry of lightning jabs and crosses interspersed with numerous feints.
Impressive, but there seems to be no weight behind the blows and their opponent dances around, grinning. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 10:09:24 AM
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An assertion that Islam is a religion of peace, made by one Muslim to another who believes in the spread of Islam by violence is acceptable, does not make it so. There must be a debate, using the words of the Quran, in its entirety, to support or refute the assertion. There must be a clear winner in the debate.
At The Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief, Altaf Hussain, said "Islam is a religion of peace and its teachings are for peace and brotherhood, but these Taliban are the enemies of religion, he said. He asked the (rally) participants that whether anybody who kills Muslim in the name of Islam, is Muslim? The emotionally charged supporters shouted, “Kafir, Kafir” (unbeliever). Also, paraphrasing, without naming a religio-political party, Altaf criticized holding dialogue with the Taliban and termed all those who support Taliban as, “munafiq” (hypocrites). "They are cunning, hypocrite and damaging Muslims under the garb of Islam and our last Prophet (Muhammad) had clearly given instructions that they are out of Islam", he said. What we have in Pakistan is a division along the lines of a debate which is not being had, with each side calling each other unbelievers and hypocrites. Proof by bold assertion of one side or another is not a debate, not introspection of Islam. Whether the government uses the contitutional amendment to purge the likes of the Imam of Lal Masjid and close his masjid and madrassa, is yet unknown. So what if it did, what would it prove? Nothing other than the government has the might to do so. It does not prove that Islam is a religion of peace. When I see purging, I'll concede the fact of it, but I do not concede that purging will demonstrate that Islam is on trial in Pakistan. Re my ""secularism versus Islam." Yes, I erred, it should have been military dictatorship, not secularism, of course. Pakistani secularists are censored out of the way by the state, as if they don't exist cont'd Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 11:40:40 AM
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To NC, I won't replace the word extremist for "lunatic". I support the strongest action by our authorities against extremist violence, by incitement or by deed, against Muslims. Full stop. I will speak out wherever I see it, or see incitement to it as the vast majority of Australians will.
However, I cannot argue against the ideology of these extremists if it is based on perceived Quranic incitement to violence against them, as seen in its entirety and not just its parts. That will have to remain your job, on both sides of the divide, as I am unconvinced such extremists are ideologically incorrect on this, based on argument I've seen here and elsewhere. Label me as you wish for holding this stance. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 11:41:09 AM
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Food for Thought:-
The trauma of seeing two innocent die at the hands of a lunatic is driving people angry; understandably so. Even one such death is too many. These very people become so insensitive to the nation which has buried 56012 of its innocent victims of terrorism and is living with double that number maimed. Their trauma is unimaginable, yet we sit on judgement on those people wether they have come up to our expectations of counter terrorism or not. Ever heard the name Aitzaz Hassan? You might have. A nine grader, well built for his age, who confronted a suicide bomber. He and two of his friends saw that nearly 25 years old lurking suspiciously near their school, in Hangul Pakistan. The protruding detonator showed them what it was. The friends took cover but Aitzaz threw stone at the bomber. The suicide bomber charged to get inside the school. A scuffle with Aitzaz made him blow up at the school gate. Aitzaz died but none of his school mates lost life. A national hero and recipient of international awards, that is Aitzaz; please google his name. Today was first anniversary of this heroic sacrifice, in Pakistan I do not know of a nation which has suffered more at the hands of terrorism, than Pakistan. And I do not know of a braver individual effort against terrorism than Aitzaz's. These people deserve to be spared being judged by us .......but then it is your judgement and you are free to do with it, what you like. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 1:31:16 PM
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Thanks for your response. In your <<I support the strongest action by our authorities against extremist violence, by incitement or by deed, against Muslims. Full stop.>> I read your suggestion for “strongest action by our authorities” against those who incite violence against Muslims. I regard this as a sensible statement. Like before, I will leave the topic of ground realities in Pakistan to McAdam, he will, I understand respond to this message as well. I can share with you one thing with certainty about Pakistan: Both religious and so-called secular parties (ANP plus few independent voices) in Pakistan NEVER got more than 5% seats (either side) in the National Assembly. You know Altaf Hussain’s vote bank, I understand, it is not ideological. Private press including private TV in Pakistan, according to my (first-hand) knowledge freely publishes and broadcasts views from both sides [ The (new) 21st amendment aims to limit access of the terrorist/extremists to the public media]. The traditional check on secular (and also purely religious) voice is the public who are not keen for the either, as the numbers I give above show. I will offer a brief comment on the last paragraph of your second message. You must have heard about Dr Iqbal (you have been to Pakistan), the man who presented in the idea of Pakistan in early 1930s. Iqbal holds Mulla (the Imam in a typical Mosque) in enormous ridicule. I produce one of Iqbal’s Persian verses with translation. “Muktab-e- Mullah o asrar e kitab – kor e madar zad o noor e aftab” (Mullah’s madrasa and mysteries of the Book (Quran) – The blind-by-birth and the sunlight) Masses do pray behind these Imams, but never trust them for real life leadership role. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 4:21:59 PM
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Hi NC/McAdam,
as you suggest, "<<I support the strongest action by our authorities against extremist violence, by incitement or by deed, against Muslims. Full stop.>> I read your suggestion for “strongest action by our authorities” against those who incite violence against Muslims." I fully support that position - as well as an addition: " .... or by Muslims." They are not exceptional: the law should come down hard on ANYBODY who incites, or carries out, violence, whether they are Callathumpians, Buddhists, Christian, Jews, Muslims, Yazidis or Hindu - especially random violence, especially unprovoked. I'm sure that, as a moderate Muslim, you would agree :) And I also fervently agree with Luciferase's point about genuine and full debate - one-word condemnations are not debate: debate has to take place on the field of discourse, discussion, ideology, assertions and detailed rebuttals. I look forward to that here in Australia, and in Pakistan - indeed, in all countries where terrorists rely on some sort of supposed ideological support. The funny thing about Australians, I venture to suggest, is that most of us will have to be convinced about the rightness, or superiority, of some purported body of principles: and I can't really see that happening, Islam seems just too ridiculous. So I guess it's the sword for us :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 4:53:08 PM
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Some of your today’s message carries discussable references, which is good. And also, knowing now that I am addressing a lady, my address will have added constraints. A basic point to start with. The theme of compensation and retribution runs in all three monotheist faiths. Can you please share your reason of bring Islam only up on the subject. I say this in an attempt to understand how to proceed with this discussion. Obviously, my answer can’t be same to an atheist (with all due respect for their views) and a question from a follower of other religion (Christianity, for instance – again with due respect for their faith). So, please clarify your position, if you may, for my further input after this brief one. 35:45 (your first reference) carries a repeated theme of Quran that reward is God’s Mercy as opposed to one’s right – again a theme quite common with Christianity, I understand. 22: 42-45 refers to people of Noah, again with a treatment common in Bible and Torah, of course along with SIMILAR cases. The other common factor in the two references is the doom of the evil doers, repeatedly pointed out by Quran. In a widely held view among Muslims, this is Quran’s statement that unjust societies can’t survive. They must bring destruction upon themselves. Involved in the above is the question of how God acts. This is where religious vs atheist directions are miles apart. Cause and effect discussion enters the scene. Similar is the question of hell fire or paradise – a description of an environment beyond the experience of human beings. Places or states? In a form “Not known to you yet “(Quran) The pleasant and unpleasant sides of that experience is brought up in terms of what humans can relate to – the only practical explanation understandable for all. And central to above all is the question whether or not we continue after death is some form. Yes, we do Quran, Bible and Torah tell us. If you believe we don’t, it is a whole different discussion. Continued …. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 5:49:43 PM
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Constance, On Loudmouth: Before he wastes his and tries to waste my time, he should know that I don’t read messages from Loudmouth, except for few words that eye catches when the text scrolls, while I go to the next message. I plan to continue this until he provides answers to my previous questions and agrees to provide answer to questions which I will inevitably ask him, if we decide to interact. On your questions on how some Muslims act presently – frankly, as I have said before, I have my own reservations. Not to say that all individuals of all other societies are above criticism. The issue of the followers is a complicated one. I leave it as the last item of discussion, if at all we have time to handle this. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 5:52:34 PM
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"Narrated Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani: A bedouin came and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Judge between us according to Allah's Laws." His opponent got up and said, "He is right. Judge between us according to Allah's Laws." The bedouin said, "My son was a laborer working for this man, and he committed illegal sexual intercourse with his wife. The people told me that my son should be stoned to death; so, in lieu of that, I paid a ransom of one hundred sheep and a slave girl to save my son. Then I asked the learned scholars who said, "Your son has to be lashed one-hundred lashes and has to be exiled for one year." The Prophet said, "No doubt I will judge between you according to Allah's Laws. The slave-girl and the sheep are to go back to you, and your son will get a hundred lashes and one year exile." He then addressed somebody, "O Unais! go to the wife of this (man) and stone her to death" So, Unais went and stoned her to death." Sahih Bukhari 3:49:860,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Stoning Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 7:59:48 PM
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If any posters wish to become Muslims
"How Does Someone Become a Muslim? Simply by saying with conviction, “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah,” one converts to Islam and becomes a Muslim. This saying means “There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah),1 and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.” The first part, “There is no true god but God,” means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone, and that God has neither partner nor son. To be a Muslim, one should also: n Believe that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him. n Believe that the Day of Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) is true and will come, as God promised in the Quran. n Accept Islam as his or her religion. n Not worship anything nor anyone except God. .... "An important note: If you are interested in converting to Islam or have a question regarding that, then it is highly recommended that you visit “Live Help” through chat that is found near the bottom right of this page, so an advisor may help you in pronouncing the testimony correctly and to provide you with important resources for new Muslims.". It is not, however, as simple to cease to be a Muslim. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 January 2015 8:21:40 PM
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Homosexuality and adultery, Why Islam on trial for this?
Please Read your scripture:- “If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10) “If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.(Deuteronomy 22:22 ) “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. (Luke 16:18 ) If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13 ) And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.” (Matthew 19:9 ) And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. (Mark 9:43) "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9) "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity." (Deuteronomy 25:11-12) Don't you read your scripture? And if you do and yet choose to single out Islam, are you not deceiver and lier? Why not measure every body with the same yardstick? Your problems and problems of the humanity will vanish . Read and act on you scripture which says:- For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14 ) Note:- The references used are of secondary nature. The possibility of error can not be ruled out. I will welcome any correction....thanks. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 8 January 2015 1:37:59 AM
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Back again…
Hi Loud, thank you for enlightening our Muslims friends as to the content of 5:33/34. It seems that Muslims are so desperate to find “peaceful” or “Thou shalt not kill” verses that they cut up Allah’s perfect words, putting them together to try to get a verse that meets their emotional needs. Those ‘fixed’ verses are the ones that Muslims quote all the time to ‘prove’ Muslims are peaceful. Actually Allah is a plagiarist because that quote is from the Jewish Talmud. If Muslims want a verse about killing, all they have to do is look at Quran 9:111 which says that Muslims are put on earth to kill and be killed, just like in Paris today. What this whole tread proves is that Muslims are unable to be honest about their theology or practice. They will do anything except admit that the hate and violence that is typical of Islam everywhere has anything to do with Islam. It is not just Mac and NC, all Muslims want to believe Islam is perfect and wonderful. The problem is that the Quran and hadith support hate and violence against infidels—and so the radicals – those that kill and oppress – always control the game. The good Muslims see Islam as they want it to be, not as what their sacred writings teach or even what Muslims do. The problem is that even the good Muslims have no problem with the hate and violence in the Quran or the evil deeds of their prophet. Figure out, if you can, what that means! This last week we have seen Western leaders condemn peaceful demonstrations in Germany against Islam. As I have said, the politicians, media, clergy, academia and bureaucrats in the West have sold their souls to the devil for praise and mutual acclaim, telling us that Islam is peaceful and anybody that says otherwise is a racist, islamophobe, bigot, steals candy from babies and kicks puppies. Today Muslims killed 13 in Paris because someone offended them, just like Mohammad did in his attacks on his peaceful neighbors. We never learn Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 8 January 2015 3:19:02 AM
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"Islam is Ridiculous" ?
"Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery." (Luke 16:18 ) And the punishment of adultery is death, so put all those divorcees who remarry, to death, how practicable? And the belief:- "The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Stated differently, God is one in essence and three in person. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3) there is only one God." And:- "The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion — the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: "the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God." There is therefore nothing created, nothing subject to another in the Trinity: nor is there anything that has been added as though it once had not existed, but had entered afterwards: therefore the Father has never been without the Son, nor the Son without the Spirit: and this same Trinity is immutable and unalterable forever (P.G., X, 986)." How clear? And believers of these gobbledegook say "Islam is ridiculous" see who is talking! Remember, I reminded you; "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." Quran 109:6 Look at your glass house, before throwing stones at others....and grow out if this childishness that you keep dragging this discussion into. Note: quotes are from secondary sources, please feel free to point out mistake, if any. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 8 January 2015 3:21:08 AM
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kactuz, "back "....... but no wiser; still pedaling your half truths, twisted interpretations and hatred.
You claim Quran 5:33-34 are from Talmud, so? Islam is not a new religion, it is continuation of the same message of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and other prophets, necessitated by the failure of keepers of those messages to preserve the purity of the message with them. You say that it is not 5:33-34 that represents what Muslims truly stand for but 9:111 is. Read on; "Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success ". 9: 111 So, this too is the same message. It reiterates that the fight is only permissible in the just cause of God and for no other reason, SO? And this too is the repetition of teaching in the Torah and in Bible, SO? Armed with this half truth and your characteristic erratic interpretations, you want the reader to believe your interpretation that Islam stands for violence. And you expect readers to find you more credible that the likes of Karen Armstrong, who writes "So why the suicide bombing, the hijacking and the massacre of innocent civilians? Far from being endorsed by the Koran, this killing violates some of its most sacred precepts" and "In the Koran, therefore, the only permissible war is one of self-defense. Muslims may not begin hostilities (2: 190)." It is for the readers to decide who they find more credible and those who find you so, good luck to them. Certain things never change and one of them is you Kactuz. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 8 January 2015 5:52:57 AM
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Hi McAdam,
I owe you a sort of apology for my incomplete summation of the Koran: I should have said that it was not only a ridiculous mish-mash of desert traditions, garbled oral memories of bits from the Torah and the New Testament, but that - by hanging onto outdated and primitive precepts - its followers were backward 'thinkers' as well. A parrot is not necessarily a thinker. When people can join the contemporary world of open and often heated discussion, genuine debate instead of assertions of authority (which mean nothing to non-believers), and demonstrate a willingness to change their minds if glaring faults are pointed out, there is not much point in trying to argue with parrots. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 8 January 2015 7:50:24 AM
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Are you sure you have respect for Christianity? Doesn’t sound like it. Tit for tat is child’s play especially when you have no argument. It looks like you are in total denial of the history of Muslim invasions throughout the world. Comment please? Posted by Constance, Thursday, 8 January 2015 7:51:48 AM
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@ Constance --absolutely spot-on.
For McAdam and NC it is all about promoting the interests of their tribe --and they will close their eyes and blocking ears to anything that shows a side of their tribe they dont want displayed. All brought to us through the generous sponsorship of multicultural Australia ;) Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 8 January 2015 8:12:58 AM
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Hi Joe,
Jihadi Terror Isn't "Crazy," It's a Manifestation of Islamic Theology Exactly. Our dishonest academics have contorted our history. I’m finding more and more enlightening websites including this German! one. When the Commies failed, bitterness remained (Frankfurt School ) and so taking over our universities and spreading propaganda against Democracy and the Western Capitalist system. Their aim is to cause divisiveness and chaos in the West in order to bring it down. I have a lot more reading to do, just discovered this site. It has confirmed all my long held suspicions. The Crusades are always portrayed as the aggressors – WHY? Because these Leftist Marxist academics have BRAIN WASHED their students bringing in the recent phenomena of minority rights such as Feminism, Gay Marriage, Multi Culturism, corrupted human rights (anti Church propaganda) and of course hatred of Western heritage etc. Hence wanting family breakdown in their pursuit of Socialism so the State becomes Big Daddy. As a consequence we are losing our freedom by the sinister force of political correctness. We have been conned. The Catholic Church has always been their greatest enemy. I’ve also read that there has been Commie infiltration of the CC. See Bella Dodd. If this all isn’t oppressive, I don’t know what is. “Somehow, Orwell wrote in June 1945, just before the publication of Animal Farm, the religious attitude to life must be restored. Christian thinkers were right to believe ‘that if our civilisation does not regenerate itself, it is likely to perish — and they may be right in adding that, at least in Europe, its moral code must be based on Christian principles’. Like T.S. Eliot, Orwell saw the delusion of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good.” Posted by Constance, Thursday, 8 January 2015 8:39:22 AM
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...Cont Islam is more of a political force than religious. The site states about 60% political and about 60% anti infidel rhetoric in Koran. Why do they always bring up Palestine and nothing else? They have no rituals (metaphysics). All you need to say is a few words and you instantly become a Muslim. Same with Divorces. say it about 3 times and its done (only by the male – females have no say of course). Islamic version of peace is only when we are all under their submission. Dar al Salaam. Posted by Constance, Thursday, 8 January 2015 8:39:50 AM
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Obviously Merkel has been bought off, like the rest of the worlds leaders, and news media. A year or two ago both she and Cameron said that Multiculturism was a dismal failure. Posted by Constance, Thursday, 8 January 2015 8:49:49 AM
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We are told that in the Quran the only permissible war is on of self-defense, and, Muslims may not begin hostilities.
A question to McAdam and NC, perhaps, are these the reasons why Islam is on the offensive? i.e. does the Muslim world generally believe that hostilities have been initiated against it and that it is in self-defense mode? Does Charlie Hebdo fit the bill for attack on the above basis? Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 8 January 2015 10:23:42 AM
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In your messages of the 8th, I don’t find answer to my question (of 7th) addressed. I presume that you want to pursue the discussion as a Christian. As a follower of a scripture yourself and (presumably) being fully aware of the violent content of Bible and Torah you may have realised the futility of targeting Quran (only) for violence, and that too because of ‘what is NOT in Quran’ as opposed to ‘what is in Quran’. Let us not forget that these scriptures addressed humanity which was quite different from present-day human societies. Also, the scriptures addressed even simplest of the simple minds. Within that material all three scriptures have a wealth of wisdom buried for those who have the ability to see. On your <<Are you sure you have respect for Christianity? Doesn’t sound like it.>> Can I ask you what makes you think that I “have no respect for Christianity” ? If I did not say such a thing (my statements are on record in these posts), should you really say what you have said? I leave it you. And now you seem to be bringing an undesirable subject in discussion by: <<It looks like you are in total denial of the history of Muslim invasions throughout the world. Comment please?>> This is the topic of the ‘followers’ that I pointed out as difficult to handle in my previous messages. Apart from the indefensible ‘habits’ of the kings of the east and the west, the subjectivity in interpretation of historic events that we all carry will not allow us to see the records the same way. Discussion in this environment is bound to get lost in a futile blame and counter-blame exercises. For instance, if your attention is drawn to a well recorded reasonably recent episode of the colonial onslaught against Muslims (as well as non-Muslims) by western nations (not just kings), imagine where the discussion will take us. I suggest that we avoid it. Posted by NC, Thursday, 8 January 2015 12:57:38 PM
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This is why nothing changes….
Quote: Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack… Muslim leaders and activists immediately denounced the terrorists actions, reiterating the verse in the Quran that tells Muslims when one kills just one innocent person, it is as if he has killed all of humanity. “tells Muslims”? The verse says “we have ordained for the children of Israel…” We may forgive our Muslim friends here their ignorance and misquotes of Quran 5:32, but when Muslim leaders do it, as above, it is pure deceit. As I said, Muslims can’t find a peaceful verse, so they make it up. Note that in the comments by Muslims, none ever ask why these things happen. Nobody ever considers if Islam might contribute to terror in any way. To be Muslim is to ignore simple facts and naked reality. A Muslim, by definition, has no problem with hatred and brutality, because that is what the Quan and hadith teach. Mac, you said it: They fight in Allah's Cause, so they (Muslims) kill and are killed. Oh yeeah, because Allah says so, killing is A-OK! Another thing, Mac, thanks for quoting the Bible. Have you ever noticed how much better written it is than the mumble-jumble of the Quran? The prose in the Bible is actually readable (except for the “minor prophets” portion, in my opinion) And another thing: The trinity is God, Jesus and Mary! Haven’t you ever read your scripture, the perfect Quran? You should be rooting for Mary, not pushing the Holy Spirit concept. Correct the Christians and then ridicule them. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 8 January 2015 1:07:01 PM
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To the Angry lot, Your anger and use of abusive language, shows .... end of reason with you.
Assuming, you are educated persons; You must have written Theses or Dissertations and interacted with your professors/ dissertation committees. How do you think, they would have reacted to your proposed thesis; Quran preaches violence? Wouldn't they ask you to define violence first and also require you to be specific about the determinant; Violent in comparison to what? Then the wording of your approved thesis would probably start on the lines"Quran is more violent, in the following sense........, compared to such and such scriptures...." And then they would require you to list all relevant passages in all scriptures and then apply uniform criteria and let the reader see clearly and undeniably if Quran contained injunctions inviting more violence, or not. Without, these steps, your assertion that Quran preached more violence, is of zero credibility, to the discerning eyes. The same applies to people fond of using the phrase; "ridiculous Islam". They too need to define "ridiculous" first and then judge their own belief system on the same criteria and they are sure to see, how ridiculous they and their beliefs are. You have been relentlessly posting one-eyed quotes, and now one post containing quotes from the scripture you believe in, knocks you off balance; you are out of your depths. And you still can't see the hollowness of your stand and the slippery ground of lies that you stand on. What am I saying that angers you? "One yardstick". Your refusal to apply one yardstick, means you are confessing that you stand on lies. Me parrot? If I was, I too would be parroting; "gobbledegook, gobbledegook" of Trinity, without applying my mind first. The "tit for tat", is not childish. It exposes your dishonesty to you. You mock other scripture for having, what is already in your scripture. Do you see, how dishonest you are? Dear angry lot, what you post, without any logical grounds and reason is Rubbish. Remain in Rubbish; if that is where you elect to be. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 8 January 2015 2:08:59 PM
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I'm with McAdam on biblical violence, even in the New Testament
However, there are not the exhortations for Christians to kill hypocrites, apostates, and unbelievers as there are in the Quran. In the New Testament, God and his angels do the dirty work, or He exhorts Christians to do self-harm. Perhaps he might offer an opinion on the content of my last post. Is there a general view in the Islamic world that the violence done by its followers is self-defensive, and initiated by unbelievers? Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 8 January 2015 2:51:24 PM
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Of course Islamic violence is in self defence In the Charlie Hebdo attack they entered the office with peaceful intent and merely wished to shew the workers there that they were peaceful by not firing their weapons but a foolish person berated them and laughed at their guns and said that they looked like cartoon characters. This was to much so the shooting started. We must remember though that the attackers (as they became through no fault of their own) probably had deprived childhoods and were led astray by people who distorted the teachings of Muhammad and that these murders (excusable though they are) are the result of lunatic minds and cannot be laid at blame to Islam or its teachings. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 8 January 2015 3:06:14 PM
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Do they teach mis-quoting in madrassas ? I suggested that " .... the Koran was not only a ridiculous mish-mash of desert traditions, garbled oral memories of bits from the Torah and the New Testament, but that - by hanging onto outdated and primitive precepts - its followers were backward 'thinkers' as well. A parrot is not necessarily a thinker." I did NOT say that Islam was ridiculous, although now that you mention it ...... I'll stick with that. As an atheist, I can't take any religion or other quackery seriously: whether it's burning bushes, or a god giving somebody blocks of stone tablets on a mountain, or in a cave, or out of an elephant's arse, it's all rubbish to me. Not necessarily a con-job, but a set of fables and parables, bits and pieces, that gradually coalesce into a book of fables and parables, get refined, touched up, improved, stories that sanction how the people in power already believe, until somebody says, "Yeah, that'll do it. That's The Book." One major problem with Islam, and all tribal-oriented religions as I see them, is that they have no room for enlightened thought or discussion. they can't even explain gravity, or relativity, or any social doctrine worth the name, let alone equal rights for women, and care for people in groups other than one's own [cf. the Good Samaritan parable]: in that sense, Islam is still a pre-civilized set of backward dogmas. Sorry :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 8 January 2015 3:10:23 PM
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Luciferase, Constance, Kactuz
Luciferase, Charlie Hebdo killings are crimes against humanity and also against Islam. The criminals must face the full force of law. Also, no level of self-defence can justify this type of violence. Before it is taken too far, Luciferase, as we have been discussing, please know that there is NO justification of such act in Quran. Constance, I have responded to your message (12:57 pm), today and will be happy to discuss it further if you wish. Kactuz, After seeing how long you stay in the thread this time, I will respond. You disappear, break the continuity of a discussion and then reappear suddenly without a hint of reference to the previous discussion. My response will be pretty much like my 31 Dec and 4 Jan posts you have NOT answered till today. Your comments on 5:32 (Quran) are ridiculous as they can be if one mistakes you for normal person. But you are a different case. Even then, I will try to get the real meaning across, after making sure that you are there and listening. Let me know if you want to proceed and will be available to continue. Posted by NC, Thursday, 8 January 2015 6:20:44 PM
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McAdam and NC.
There is an interesting topic up the top of the list, why are you not up there defending Islam against the attacks? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 8 January 2015 7:49:24 PM
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Re Quran 5:32 NC, based on the many interpretations given at that reference, isn't it quite probable that kactuz has it right? This site may help in further discourse on this thread, rather than appealing to preferred authorities. Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 8 January 2015 10:17:37 PM
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Loudmouth, true to your name, you are loudmouth no doubt....and foul mouth too.
"Sorry", you say? Sorry, you should be. You are dishonest even about your claim of being an atheist, as it appears. For if you were sincere, what took you ages to say any thing against other religions? All your objections on Islam and religion can be answered, provided you prove yourself worthy of decent discussion and you show your sincerity to understand. If your mind is already made up and you have nothing but abuse for religion, so what is the point in discussion? It is not a discussion in such a situation, but a foul mouthing match, that no decent person could be interested in. In that case, politely speaking, my response as taught to me is; "For you is your religion and for me is my religion" Which means, in the language, you understand; get off my babck, please! On an other topic. NC has rightly commented on Paris Shooting. Nothing but condemnation for shooting, of even one innocent. There are two points to consider though. Firstly, this is amply clear by now, that desecration of Muhammad, peace be upon him, is hurtful to Muslims? Why people still do it? Freedom of speech? Where is their freedom of speech when it comes to denial of holocaust? They don't speak because there is a law against It. A law against hurting feelings of a people? It is in accordance with the universal value that no one should hurt feelings of the others. Why can't the same principle be applied here and the world saved from this recurring tragedy? this age and time, when there is no doubt, that such hurtful acts provoke a few to take law in their own hands, yet some people must go and wave red rag to the bull. What wisdom? What motive? Secondly, the game started through IS, is a long one. Acts of violence are necessary to sustain the public support in the west, for the anti IS campaign. Continuation of madness, therefore cannot be ruled out. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 9 January 2015 2:53:30 AM
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Deuteronomy 20:10-18
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. 16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God. Well gosh, I guess that settles it. It's there in and black and white in the Bible, and as a professed Christian I am solemnly sworn to adhere, to the letter, to every single thing it says in that bloody enormous book. It doesn't matter how I feel personally - once you identify with any religion that has clearly defined and documented doctrines you automatically surrender your conscience, individuality and free will. If the koran says a Muslim should wage violent jihad, then all Muslims will follow that instruction to the letter, without quibble or question. And it's exactly the same for Christians (how could it be any different?). My Good Book says I must wage genocide, so genocide I must wage. What choice do I have? Posted by Jonathon Swift, Friday, 9 January 2015 3:12:46 AM
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<<If the koran says a Muslim should wage violent jihad, then all Muslims will follow that instruction to the letter, without quibble or question. And it's exactly the same for Christians>> The key point you seem to have missed is -- MCAdam & NC are claiming there are NO such texts in Islam it is all a concoction by the haters. Posted by SPQR, Friday, 9 January 2015 6:03:27 AM
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And another thing Jonathan--since we are quoting Biblical text here's a very app one in view of the Islams recent history:
Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? By their fruit you will recognize them! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 9 January 2015 6:06:46 AM
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<<Where is their freedom of speech when it comes to denial of holocaust? They don't speak because there is a law against It. A law against hurting feelings of a people? It is in accordance with the universal value that no one should hurt feelings of the others. Why can't the same principle be applied here and the world saved from this recurring tragedy?>> Now you know what to expect if McAdam & crew get the numbers! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 9 January 2015 6:36:14 AM
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Quote: this is amply clear by now, that desecration of Muhammad, peace be upon him, is hurtful to Muslims”
McAdam, Have you actually read the hadith and early Islamic histories? Tell me, exactly, how does one “desecrate” a man that murdered, looted, raped, tortured and enslaved men women and children? How do you commit sacrilege against a man that is quoted as boasting “I am made victorious with terror”? It would seem to me that the only people being desecrated are the memories of innocent men women and children attacked by Mohammad, a man you consider a “great moral example”. Just because you and other Muslims have absolutely no ethical standards for yourselves, your god or your dear prophet, this doesn’t mean that I have to exempt Muslims from all moral principles. What is wrong for me, is wrong for you, is wrong for Abbott, Obama and Bush, and is wrong for Mohammad. Do you have a problem with that statement? Another thing: don’t blame us infidels for these facts. The hadith and all early histories were written by Muslims, followers of Mohammad, and they were proud of his conquests and tactics. The fact that these included attacking peaceful villages, burning fields, plundering homes, torturing men, raping women and enslaving captives did not bother them at all. And these things don’t bother you, either. You really need to take a good long look at your heart and conscience, or you can continue to make excuses and blame others, like all Muslims. I wonder how you can say ‘peace be upon him’ after the name of a man that gloated over the murder of a pregnant woman, split open for offending him. And then Muslims like you have no clue as to why Islam is so violent or why nonMuslims may dislike it! PS: In case you don’t know, your dear prophet even attacked a mosque full of women and children – for ‘unbelief’ (what happened to the ‘no compulsion’ tenet?). Well, that is what is mentioned in the Quran and hadith. You must be so proud! Posted by kactuz, Friday, 9 January 2015 8:44:40 AM
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Don’t do a cultural relativist take. If you base all your beliefs on one man’s theory then that in itself has totalitarian potential. Lighten up. Open up. Live and let live. We are all tribal in the end. This is human nature, and there has always been a human need for spirituality and the community of religion. Always was, always will be. It is a fact that science flourished uniquely in Christian Europe and did not rely on just one man. There were many individuals who contributed. I’m not taking this any further. My recent point made is that Islam is not a true religion as it is hardly benign – like that son of a Hamas founder said, Islam has a split personality. It has too much doctrine based on POLITICS. Looks like over 60%. Muslims constantly bring up Gaza and Palestine as McAdam and NC have done also. Why? Why did Islam have to go to Jerusalem – why couldn’t they just stick to Mecca or Medina? I have always heard that when Islam grows in numbers that is when it becomes a threatening force. Then they're all over the joint. That German site I posted I reckon is a good one. I believe Germans would be much more objective than the English for example as they do not have the Colonial baggage and the current apologetics that ensued. >>>>>> Thanks SPQR, and yes, curious your last post. They’ve already told. Posted by Constance, Friday, 9 January 2015 9:33:01 AM
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Corrupt human rights advocates: Here is an example of just how out of touch the media (and leaders) are with public opinion. Compare the article with the Comments below it: Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us Posted by Constance, Friday, 9 January 2015 9:36:28 AM
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This S-uspicious P-erson with Q-uestionable R-eliability, is at it again; putting spins for his agenda; or assigned agenda it is?
He is attempting to scare every body "Now you know what to expect if McAdam & crew get the numbers!" What has McAdam suggested? Equal treatment of all! What to expect?.... Same rules, equally applied to all human beings; WHAT ELSE? This could scare only those who assert a status, above others. Those who would have preferential rules for themselves. Who would consider it a crime for gentile, to claim a status equal to that of the chosen ones. On the other hand, the equal treatment for all, should be welcome by all fair minded humans; the world over. The forum has repeatedly seen, this Suspicious Person; paddling doubts, spreading negative thoughts and out right plain mischief. This can not be the agenda of a well meaning person, who believes in fair play. Jonathon Swift, your post amply exposes the untruth, some people were trying to paddle here that only one scripture preaches violence. Your conclusion is logical but incomplete in my humble opinion. If we follow this in isolation, we may be following truth but half truth it would be.The complete message of Bible will have to be seen in the light of numerous quotes that preach forgiveness, love and charitable behavior. And such quotes are far too numerous in comparison. We will have to assimilate the sum total of the message and then apply it in present environments My impression of Christian religion (my knowledge of the subject, is limited, therefore I talk of my impression only) is that it a religion of compassion, tolerance and charitable love. Jesus stands out as personification of love, compassion and forgiveness. I see no reason, that believers of different religions can not workout a system of mutual tolerance and peaceful co- existence. I am not talking of clergy or others who have stakes in dissension and in keeping people at each other's throats May I be counted with those who sided with the good of humanity, amen. You pray the same? Posted by McAdam, Friday, 9 January 2015 10:08:01 AM
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McAdam : "I see no reason, that believers of different religions can not workout a system of mutual tolerance and peaceful co- existence."
Yes, it's called "secular democracy", but you disagree with this. Guessing why, it is because there is only one god, Allah, so there goes secularism (*), and, democracy puts man's self rule ahead of the rule of Allah. so we can't have that. * Of course, secularism could be construed as a bunch of different Islamic faith-based parties vying to make the law. This is an oxymoron if a single law system, Allah's (sharia), is supposed to supersede all others. I read sympathy between McAdam's lines re Charlie Hebdo and those for who hurtful acts provoke a them to take "law" in their own hands. What law?! Next,I come back to a point I made earlier and a question unanswered. Firstly, the point. Islam is internally divided, as is seen in Pakistan, with two Islams each calling the other unbelievers and hypocrites. Why is there no attempt at public convocation to determine what the Quran means in the Islamic world? Why does Islam defy introspection when it is so needed? Next, the question, which I will put as an assertion as it might get a response. There a general view in the Islamic world that the violence done by its followers is self-defensive, and initiated by unbelievers. This fits with McAdam's sympathy mentioned above. Finally, I am an atheist but will say that Christians follow the teachings of Christ, not all that is in a tome also containing great swathes of instructions for Abraham, Moses and Hebrews, not gentiles. There's a New Covenant in the New Testament, such that even the Ten Commandments were perishable had Christ wanted to add or take anything away. I reiterate that the NT does not exhort Christians to do God's destructive dirty work on his behalf. Any Christian doing so, such as abortionist killers, are not exhorted to it by Christ's teachings, IMO. Not so Muhummad. Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 9 January 2015 11:34:04 AM
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Constance, your second last link goes through to an article with no comments following.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 9 January 2015 11:39:14 AM
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"McAdam, Have you actually read the hadith and early Islamic histories?" Yes, I have. I don't claim to be an expert, but have read enough to know that cherry picked study of history can be extremely misleading. And every thing one reads as history may not be true. It requires a careful and scientific approach, to benefit from history, like the example from Ibne Khaldun's Almuqadimmah we discussed earlier. Kactuz, one can not put out fire by throwing fire over it. Nor can one finish hatred by fomenting hatred. If you succeed finishing hatred by spewing hatred, you would have discovered a phenomenon unknown to science and the entire human experience. Keep at it, if you must; good luck Posted by McAdam, Friday, 9 January 2015 11:41:08 AM
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"Kactuz, one can not put out fire by throwing fire over it."
Yes one can, by using high explosives and denying the fire oxygen. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 9 January 2015 12:00:53 PM
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"Yes, it's called "secular democracy", but you disagree with this." There is finality in your tone .....and then you speak on my behalf, with finality too. So where is room for my opinion? You sound like; "there is only one way, my way." No Luciferase, there can be more than one ways of doing a thing correctly. We need to listen and when we talk of mutual coexistence, we must Listen and accommodate. On the question of introspection in Islam. I personally feel there is dire need of this. Growth in Islamic thinking has been static since centuries. There are however voices stressing progress in this regard and I quote one here; "there is no such thing as finality in philosophical thinking. As knowledge advances and fresh avenues of thought are opened, other views, and probably sounder views ... are possible. Our duty is carefully to watch the progress of human thought, and to maintain an independent critical attitude towards it."(Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam,Iqbal) All is not well with Muslims today, yes they need lot of introspection. People in west, need to understand the ground realities and not lump them simplistically as inherent flaws of Islam. "There a general view in the Islamic world that the violence done by its followers is self-defensive,...." Do you really believe that there is a war going on between the Muslims and the rest of the world.? There could be nothing more idiotic for Muslims to pursue. They have bigger wars to win; the war on ignorance, war on poverty, war on internal disunity and so on. Events in the Middle East make no sense, if seen purely as religiously motivated. Remember, these events are continuation of invasion of Saddam's Iraq which was a secular country and had nothing to do with Islam. As I said earlier, we are living in interesting times and we need to keep our eyes open and we should not let ourselves be fooled into beliefs that some kind of war is being waged for Islam by the puppets and stooges of IS. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 9 January 2015 2:45:42 PM
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Earlier I asked you to "Join me in condemning any religious ideology that threatens secular democracy."
You answered, "I do not agree with you, but respect you for your honesty, as against those who are one eyed on the subject." Then, in my last post, I assume your answer is unchanged and guess at your reasoning behind it, as you provided none. Now you chastise me for guessing and still shirk opportunity to lay yourself bare. What is your proposal as to how we can live together? Benevolent Islamic theocracy? Enough vacuous soothings about listening and accommodating while offering nothing. As for the rest of your post, where do I begin? It's no use continuing. Your statement, "...we should not let ourselves be fooled into beliefs that some kind of war is being waged for Islam by the puppets and stooges of IS." tells me how far you've stooped to avoid reasonable critique of Islam, despite agreeing that "All is not well with Muslims today, yes they need lot of introspection" Enough from me. Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 9 January 2015 3:40:46 PM
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Hi McAdam/NC,
Computer problems. So much to respond to, so few posts. As to your self-pitying query: "what took you ages to say any thing against other religions?" As an atheist, I'm a equal-time critic: I've been racking my brains thinking back about any terrorist attacks by Baptists, or Seventh-Day Adventists, or even those people that come door-to-door, but I can't recall any terrorist attacks lately by Christians. Perhaps you would like to go back to the British attacks on the Arab slave trade in the nineteenth century, or the attempts back in the Crusades by Christians to get their territories back ? But nothing much recently. Perhaps Methodists have tried to drown someone in camomile tea ? Or Quakers have tried to smother someone with love ? However, as I write, Boko Haram is butchering people along the Nigeria-Cameroun border, al Qa'ida terrorists have just blown up thirty people in Yemen, French terrorists, shouting "Allah Akbar", have just killed twelve journalists in Paris, and god knows what else today. Do they have anything in common ? Yes, they all claim to be acting in the name of their god, Allah. Were they ? i.e. acting in the name of Allah ? Could they cite the Koran perfectly to support their animal actions ? Can anybody cite the Koran in support, no matter what they do ? If so, I'll happily stay an atheist. Equal treatment of all ? Yes, yes, yes ! yes, indeed - if ANYBODY commits terrorist acts, we have the right to call it out. If people don't then we don't. Equal treatment for equal actions. So if people you support commit terrorist acts, others can condemn it. Please no more mealy-mouthed bullsh!t designed tov shut people up. And as for that little fascist Junaid's crap about 'freedom of action' - NO. There is no such thing - freedom of speech, for you, for me, for SPQR and Luciferase and Constance and everybody else on OLO - but there is no legitimacy for any fascist rubbish about 'freedom of action': Hitler would have been proud. [TBC] Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 9 January 2015 3:43:13 PM
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As long as believers in any particular god, or block of wood, or fish, or elephant or whatever, are prepared to live in peace with other people, non-believers in their particular brand of rubbish, then we can get along. You can believe yours, I'll believe mine. No need for violence, is there ? If you don't try to convert me, I won't try to convert you :) But where some adherents of a particular religion do actually rely on terrorism and violence, then their fellow-believers have the task of confronting them and extirpating their influence. " ..... Nor can one finish hatred by fomenting hatred." And the first step in that process of reconciliation is to criticise the 'hatred' and murder carried out in one's name, and purge it from one's community: otherwise other people are entitled to believe that you are phony, that you are merely practising teqqiya. But I congratulate you for suggesting that " ..... On the question of introspection in Islam. I personally feel there is dire need of this. Growth in Islamic thinking has been static since centuries. " Again as an atheist, I respectfully suggest that ALL religious groups (as well as atheists) are woefully inadequate in their willingness to critically assess their own principles, in the light of the modern world, of universalism and globalisation, of modern science and its amazing advances, of the rapid development (in historical time) of human rights, of slaves, women, children and immigrants. But I must say that, even as an atheist, I am very impressed by the verse in the Koran, 5.33, as well as the Christian story of the Good Samaritan: to recognise that ALL people, people other than our fellow-believers, have as much rights as we do, as much right to life, comfort and safety. Put those principles into practice and we can all start to believe that, for the first time in 1400 years, Islam is a religion of peace. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 9 January 2015 3:57:30 PM
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On your question Re Quran (5:32): <<NC, based on the many interpretations given at that reference, isn't it quite probable that kactuz has it right?>> And Kactuz 8 Jan, on the same reference. <<Actually Allah is a plagiarist because that quote is from the Jewish Talmud.>> Even an occasional reader of Quran knows that Quran does not consider its message to humanity to be a new one. Quran, according to itself, is a continuation of the message given to humanity through Abraham, Moses, Jesus and many others. It calls itself a ‘Reminder’ of what humans were told before, through so many scrolls of the past. One of many examples: Quran (87: 17-19) “Although the Hereafter is better and more lasting. Lo! This is in the former scrolls. The Books of Abraham and Moses.” Pickthall By the way, the “many interpretations” you refer to, are independent translations who will not, understandably use the same words. Your questions on religion apart, but kactuz’s position is different. He sees it as plagiarism. In every sentence he writes, he shows the ignorance that completely surrounds him. I have shown him the origin of his hatred against Muhammad through well researched work of Encyclopaedia Britannica (my post of 31 Dec), an example of Arnoud Van Doorn (my post of 28 Dec) who confessed his misconception of Muhammad with a famous statement “I am Sorry, O Prophet” and a catalogue of present-day mainstream references clearing Muhammad and Islam of all medieval blemish that kactuz still holds so close to his heart. But apparently his hatred for Muhammad has totally consumed his sanity, like few other posters in this thread. He sees in Quran and history what he wants to see and NOTHING ELSE. For independent minds, an apparently Atheist (?) Karen Armstrong, is one of so many upright minds of this age that I can recommend for her take on history and religion. Her books on Islam and Muhammad will have good information for a western. Her book “The Battle for God, Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam” is another superbly researched work Posted by NC, Friday, 9 January 2015 5:27:11 PM
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"Even an occasional reader of Quran knows that Quran does not consider its message to humanity to be a new one. Quran, according to itself, is a continuation of the message given to humanity through Abraham, Moses, Jesus and many others. It calls itself a ‘Reminder’ of what humans were told before, through so many scrolls of the past." So ...... Allah is the God of the Jews, 'reminding' Muhammad of the original books ? Islam is simply one off-shoot of Judaism ? A backward and stunted off-shoot perhaps, but just another branch of it ? That would explain the attempt to borrow Jerusalem too, for the story about Muhammad flying there on a horse, in order to climb up Jacob's Ladder to Paradise, the only pathway to Heaven in the Torah ? So Muslims were originally Jews by another name ? Fascinating, from an atheist's point of view. I suppose people everywhere struggle to explain the world they find themselves in, and borrowing somebody else's entire religion, and then claiming it solely as one's own, is an easy way to do it. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 9 January 2015 7:06:35 PM
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Why the injunctions in the Quran to kill homosexuals and adulterers?
A simple question. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 9 January 2015 7:25:25 PM
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Because God wants to.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 9 January 2015 10:17:06 PM
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"So Muslims were originally Jews by another name ? ..... and borrowing somebody else's entire religion, and then claiming it solely ..." No, Muslims never said they were Jews. They believe in the Prophets and in the Book Jews believe in. They do not consider themselves as Jews....never have, because of a fundamental difference. Muslims believe in equality of all human beings regardless of color, creed, or race. And believe in one set of rules that applies to all. Muslims are against assertion of one's superiority over others, as this results in double standards and therefore, is at the root of most of the problems faced by humanity...reflect on it. On "borrowing some body's entire religion", Muslim view is that there in One God one humanity and one message. It had to be repeated because, the followers could not keep the purity of the message. Remember, Jews became polytheists, during a time period of their history? Degeneration, necessitated renewal. Did Jesus say, he had brought a new religion?...... Later, Christians too, mingled the word of God with narration of events and accounts of life of Jesus, in one book. "Muhammad flying there on a horse, in order to climb up Jacob's Ladder to Paradise, the only pathway to Heaven in the Torah? " Can you quote reference from Quran, for the " horse" and "Jacob's ladder" If not, which you can not, as there is none, then please review the flimsy foundation of your prejudices against Islam. Your remark in an other post ...."ALL people, people other than our fellow-believers, have as much rights as we do, as much right to life, comfort and safety" ... lays the foundation of peaceful coexistence... If you mean it and if you can stick to it. Just add to it; "For you is your religion and for me is my religion". This is the same thing in essence as you say "If you don't try to convert me, I won't try to convert you :and we have the framework, we seek. Can you stick to it? Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 10 January 2015 3:23:32 AM
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“In 638, the Christians were forced to surrender Jerusalem to Muslim control under caliph Omar. In a remarkable gesture for the time, Omar refused to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, saying, "If I had prayed in the church it would have been lost to you, for the Believers [Muslims] would have taken it saying: Omar prayed here." This act of generosity would have unfortunate consequences, however." “The Church of the Holy Sepulchre continued to function as a Christian church under the protection of Omar and the early Muslim rulers, but this changed on October 18, 1009, when the "mad" Fatimid caliph Hakim brutally and systematically destroyed the great church." "Ironically, if Omar had turned the church into a mosque, Hakim would have left it alone. But instead, Hakim had wrecking crews knock over the walls and he attacked the tomb of Christ with pricks and hammers, stopping only when the debris covered the remains. The east and west walls were completely destroyed, but the north and south walls were likely protected by the rubble from further damage." "This was the church to which the knights of the First Crusade arrived to sing their Te Deum after capturing Jerusalem on July 15, 1099. The Crusader chief Godfrey of Bouillon, who became the first king of Jerusalem, declared himself Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri, "Defender of the Holy Sepulchre." “The Christians gave the key of the Church of Resurrection to Muslims to be responsible for its safety. This key is still with the Muslims today as a sign and symbol of the mutual trust.” >>>> Jardine, the comments are there - go past the ads further down. Posted by Constance, Saturday, 10 January 2015 6:04:27 AM
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Boko Haram has just butchered two thousand peole in north-east Nigeria. So when you assert, "Muslims believe in equality of all human beings regardless of color, creed, or race." As long as they're Muslim ? Any mercy for the non-Muslims in Nigeria, or in Pakistan ? For the Yazidis in Iraq ? What a worthless bunch of murderers. Je suis Nigerien et Yazidi. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 January 2015 6:29:51 AM
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@ McAdam
<< Muslims believe in equality of all human beings regardless of color, creed, or race. And believe in one set of rules that applies to all. Muslims are against assertion of one's superiority over others>> ROFLMAO why the special dhimmi status for non-Muslims under Muslim rule. And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont try and sell us on the line it was a privileged status --even you could NOT believe that tosh! Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 10 January 2015 6:38:46 AM
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Indian site: Note. I tried to post two other comments by “charvaka” but because of the repetition it would not let me post. See comment starts Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Christians = No Problem Hindus living with Jews = No Problem, etc Other comments below: “You know what... I actually believe maybe these muslims are worshiping the Devil and not the God ? And that's probably the reason these guys are so FURKD up!!” “they love to be in blanket of sickularism” “Wow, People with AK's living like a normal citizens there and the french had no clue. This is what happens when you try hard to be a sickular.” Reason for all killing and violence by muslim terrorists V3iole3nt things in the Qur3'an:- 9:5 “ki3ll the disbelievers 9:29 “fight against those who do not believe in All3ah” 60:4 an excellent pattern “hos3tility and ha3te for ever” 9:73 “fight ag3ainst the disbel3ievers” 8:60 use all you can of power against them including stee3ds of war 4:56 Burn the Jews3 in fire 47:4 "...Those who disbelieve smi3te the3ir nec3ks until you have inflic3ted slaugh3ter on them, then secure th3eir bonds." 4:89 Those who turn re3negade sm3ite them and kill them 8:39 Fight against them until there is no dissension and the religion is entirely Allah’s 4:95 Al3lah pre3fers those who fight. Cont... Posted by Constance, Saturday, 10 January 2015 6:47:02 AM
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Both you and "charvaka" need to remember that Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu and that the President of India, Indira Gandhi was murdered by Sikhs and both were killed because of perceived insults to religion. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 January 2015 9:58:36 AM
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*32:21 we will make you suffer the near t3orment, torm3ent in this life… 8:67 no prisoners until there has been a great slaughter. 17:33 ...let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life 5:33 for those who wage war against Al3lah and his messenger be killed or cru3cified or that their ha3nds and feet be cut off. Evil things in the Qur'an:- The wives of the pro4phet are told to stay in your houses 33:33 Is this as example to be followed? Wives are tilth to be ploughed whenever you please2:223 Man can beat up his wife (dar3aba) if she has been diso3bedient and admon3ish her and thro her out of the bed 4:34 65:4 Divorce rules "for those who have not mens3truated, ie children. So a man can take a child bride as Muha4mmad did according to Bu3khari (Ayisha age 6 having se3x with her age 9 whe3n Muhammad was 56) and divo3rce her with noth3ing before she is mat3ure. You musn't force your sl3ave girls into pros4titution if they desire cha3stity but if you do Al4lah will forgive you. 24:33. *Dr.Joseph from Kerala India had his hands cut off when he wrote something against Mohammed - 100% license to do anything if one is muslim? *Aid them, educate them , love them, accept them, - whatever good you do to them - all favours will be returned in the form of violence and destruction -sickulars are you listening- >>>>>>> Is Mise, I don't know why you've brought up Ghandi as there is no reference - can't see any. In Indian history, thousands were slaughtered by Muslim invasion. >>>>>>> Cont....... Posted by Constance, Saturday, 10 January 2015 10:42:01 AM
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"You know why Aamir or Hirani will never make a film on Muhammed or mock him, because they know that if they do it, one day, there severed head will be spiked to a spear. They are coward, cunning, money-minded thugs. Then, why they mock Hindus, because we are real peace lovers, but I wish somebody do a "Inglourious Basterds" (its a Quentin Tarantino's movie where Jews takes revenge on Nazis) on some of these idiots. Naive Hindus wake up, you do not need to become radical, at least defend your fellow Hindus and assert your rights and fight for equality (right now we are 2nd class citizens in India), if not, one day Maa Ganga to river Kaveri will be red with our blood and it happened many times and nearly 50-200 millions Hindus were butchered and 1000s of Temples were destroyed and they constructed their mosques on them to renegade us. This has gone for 1000 years." Posted by Constance, Saturday, 10 January 2015 10:43:45 AM
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I brought up The Mahatma to illustrate the point that Hindus cannot sometimes live with Hindus. Side note: Attenborough's film "Gandhi" was banned in India because either through intent or pure stupidity the assassin of Gandhi was erroneously shewn to be a Muslim. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 January 2015 10:59:32 AM
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Loudmouth and Co, "Boko Haram has just butchered two thousand peole in ..Nigeria."
Terrible and condemnable in the strongest possible terms, if it is so. I did not see this news. And frankly, I have no clue about the Boko Haram; who they are. What they do, is definitely not the Islam, that I know of. Who these Boko Haram people report to? I don't know, but wonder why some people, like the beheading thugs of IS, paint Islam's picture, that anti Islam forces would like to be projected. Dhimmi, in ancient times had exemption from military service and paid a tax, in lieu, so what? Assessing ancient practices, with present days frame of reference, is out right silly. If you had an example such as a Muslim and non Muslim having different punishments for committing the same crime, as is being practiced in apartheid Palestine today, that would be a relevant example of treating people differently. On the violence in Quran? ? Didn't you read the violence in Bible posted on this very thread?( Jonathon Swift, Friday, 9 January) and "I'm with McAdam on biblical violence, even in the New Testament" ( Luciferase 8 January) Same is for people obsessed with homosexuality and adultery. Did you not read, much severer injunctions of Bible on the subject, on this very thread. (my post of 08 January) Having agreed that actions of a few can not justify lumping all Muslim together, there is an attempt again to put Muslims on spot. Are you:- a. Blind that you do not read posts on this thread about violence and anti homosexuality/adultery injunctions in Bible? or b. Do you suffer from memory loss or have comprehension or retention problems? or c. You are bigoted and keep going back on your words of not lumping Muslims together? or d. Are you compulsive rubbish dealers and have to post rubbish, any way? or e. Are you insensitive to wasting own and other person's time by repetitions ? In any of these cases you are not worthy of wasting one's time on; good luck with your harping. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 10 January 2015 11:51:18 AM
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What the Bible says is no excuse for things that are in the Koran.
Now do you believe the Koranic injunctions to be right when they advocate the killing of homosexuals and/or adulterers? Simple questions. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 January 2015 12:58:18 PM
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You dare to write: ".... frankly, I have no clue about the Boko Haram; who they are. What they do, is definitely not the Islam, that I know of. Who these Boko Haram people report to?" Do you think we're all stupid out here ? Of course, you know about Boko Haram - two thousand people killed this week in the name of Allah ? By a vile terrorist group which has pledged allegiance to IS ? You pretend not to know ? Christ, you must be getting desperate, to use the flimsiest excuse to deny that Islam CAN BE violent, repulsive, fascist. You're a liar. And as an atheist, I don't give a toss about what Jews or Christians did two or three thousand years ago. What have people claiming to follow YOUR Book, and to believe in YOUR god - what have they done lately ? This week ? In Yemen, Nigeria, France, and god knows where else. Do you understand English ? I did not say that Muslims were Jews, only that they borrowed vast amounts of Jewish texts and stories for the Koran etc., so that the forms of Islam, to a large extent - its literate foundation anyway - have been not much more than stunted offshoots of Judaism - in much the same way as Christianity is a development, and an offshoot in that sense, of Judaism. For example, "Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success ". 9: 111" So Allah was abiding by the Torah and Christian Gospels ? I.e. "binding on Him" ? Barbaric and brutal for all that. What's this obsession with killing ? What a loveless god. [TBC] Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 January 2015 5:12:00 PM
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And if not for Muhammad's fabled flying to Jerusalem, then how on earth can Islam claim any link whatever with Jerusalem ? In what way is Jerusalem a holy city for Muslims ? Or are some of you just a pack of thieves as well as murderers ? These verses have me puzzled: "48:18 Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance unto thee beneath the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down peace of reassurance on them, and hath rewarded them with a near victory; "48:19 And much booty that they will capture. Allah is ever Mighty, Wise." Not just the crude appeal to crime, but if Allah gave the Koran to Muhammad in the beginning, how can it go on about "..... Allah was well pleased with the believers ..... etc. "? And you replied to Luciferase: "Do you really believe that there is a war going on between the Muslims and the rest of the world.? There could be nothing more idiotic for Muslims to pursue. They have bigger wars to win; the war on ignorance, war on poverty, war on internal disunity and so on." You've had 1400 years: when are you going to get started ? Will you ever get started ? Will the rest of us have to suffer in the meantime ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 January 2015 5:36:56 PM
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Extremists of this age are many types within many layers of current societies. The types relevant to this thread are two: Muslim Extremists and Anti-Muslim Extremists. A tiny minority of Muslim extremists out of 1.6 billion Muslims today have resorted to violence including suicide bombing. Irrespective of the events contributing to the current state of terrorism - a subject worth examining as a topic in itself - the fact remains that the entire Muslim population forcefully condemns these mindless crimes targeting innocent civilians. Muslims consider these crimes directed against humanity and Islam – a message echoed in this thread repeatedly. And then there are the Anti-Muslim Extremists. In case of this thread, the Author of article points out an obvious gap between crime of a deranged mind and the religion of Islam. Enter the Anti-Muslim Extremists (AMEs). Furious on this rational statement they dedicate their posts to blaming Muhammad and Quran for the act. On Muhammad and Quran, they stick to the dark-age narratives generated by the medieval mindset totally abandoned by present main-stream research. Without responding to the research of the hundreds of upright individuals and institutions like Encyclopaedia Britannic, they continue using the baseless narratives to peddle hatred against 1.6 billion Muslims. They don’t realise that their efforts can hurt many. The AMEs include apparently devout Christians – Kactuz and Loudmouth (kacmouths) cry violence in Quran ignoring what, for example, Jonathon Swift’s post of 9 Jan (Deuteronomy 20:10-18). Of course, the cited references are NOT the only examples. A sober advice in strong words is offered to kacmouths by Craig Minns for few days starting 29 Dec. But they continue peddling hatred against Islam and Muslims. This seems to be their mission. No amount of rational exchange can make them see the dreadful face of their designs. The question now is whether or not the western society can and will act against these hate peddlers, the AMEs, the kacmouths Posted by NC, Saturday, 10 January 2015 7:43:18 PM
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Is that the limit of your stunted sense of morality ? ".... Kactuz and Loudmouth (kacmouths) cry violence in Quran ignoring what, for example, Jonathon Swift’s post of 9 Jan (Deuteronomy 20:10-18). Of course, the cited references are NOT the only examples." First, you claim that Islam is a religion of peace and its books preach peace - so we (Kactuz and me) cite from the multitude of brutal examples of violence in the Koran: you asked for it, you got it. Second, then, like a six-year-old, in response to those examples of violence in the Koran, you use some 3,000-year-old crap from the Old Testament/Torah to show that 'well, they do too ! So there !' Do you have any concept how infantile that sounds ? 'Yeah, all right, violence is in the Koran, but look, it's in those other books too !' As if one cancels out the other ? Do you have any notion of right and wrong at all ? Along those lines, I still remember a Private Eye cartoon about LBJ raping a Vietnamese girl and saying something like that about Ho Chi Minh in the background. Thank god for satirical magazines. A multitude of wrongs can never make a right. I readily admit that at some time in history, atheists have committed horrific crimes - Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot for starters, people who were not only atheists but who committed crimes in its name, killing millions of believers precisely because they were believers (and millions of others because they were thinkers). But whatever they called themselves, they also were taking the quick, fascist option which Islamists across half the world are now taking. It was evil then, it's evil now. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 January 2015 8:03:03 PM
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Oh lookie, lookie NC has found another sycophant to sit beside Karen Armstrong on his shelf:
<<A sober advice in strong words is offered... Craig Minns for few days starting 29 Dec>> So now he has two sources that say that Islam is the best thing since sliced bread :) Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 10 January 2015 8:40:24 PM
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NC, a reply to your posts 31Dec-4Jan
My comments on Quran5:32 are exact. The verse is for jews. Are you saying the “real meaning” of “for the children of Israel” is “for Muslims”? I said: "Quran forbids asking questions".... You say: it is Muhkam Ayah and Mutashabih Ayah. I explain: Quran5:101. You who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you. I said: Quran says suns set in muddy field You say: reference to zulqarnain I explain: Quran18:83-86 “he found the sun setting in a spring of black muddy water”. From Abu Dawud (hadith)- Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water. I said: "Muhammad as God's partner" You said: God has no partners. The Quran says: when Allah and His Messenger have decide a matter(33:36). He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah(4:79-80). If they make decisions together and one substitutes the other, they are partners. I said: "We" is Allah and Mohammed You said: It is the Royal We. I reply: Allah is all over the grammar book - first second and third persons. Is the “royal we” more important then “only god” theology? ’We’ in the Quran can refer to Allah and Mohammad as co-gods. Take Quran7:4. “And how many cities have We destroyed, and Our punishment came to them at night or while they slept”. Did Allah destroy or did Mohammad attack, or both? Mohammad attacked villages 50+ times, so it must be him and with his co-god taking credit for the terror. I said: When Quran and Hadith disagree, Muslims obey Mohammad. You say: question shows lack of knowledge of Islam I correct: Quran says to pray 3times a day but Mohammad says 5times in hadith. How many times do Muslims pray? And “no compulsion in religion” (Allah) and “kill who changes his religion” (Mohammed). Who rules? I said Islam is Irrational and violent You say Islam is about peace and tolerance, or something. I correct: Islam teaches hate, oppression and violence. My proof: the news, duhhhh. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 12:37:32 AM
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About the trinity (gobbledegook, you say). You defame Christian dogma but expect respect for Mohammed? Still, I love a challenge. So let me try(?) to defend the Christian trinity. 1. It starts in Genesis. “Let us make man in our image”. Not ‘I’, but ‘us’ and ‘our’. 2. Also in Genesis: the spirit of god moved upon the water. 3. the Hebrew “elohim” (god) is plural . So the jewish ShemaYisrael says “the lord our gods (elohim) is one.” 4. Isaiah 9:6. For us unto us a child is born, called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 5. Isaiah 7:14. She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (God with us). 6. John 8:58. Jesus said, before Abraham was, I am. A reference to Exodus3:14. 7. John 10:30. I and the Father are one. 8. John 1:1-2. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 9. Matthrew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 10. Why do you think the angels of God proclaim “Holy, holy, holy”? (Isaiah) Frankly, the structural concept of the trinity, one god in three or three in one, is beyond me. I suppose nothing should exist if I don’t understand it, and God must explain his existence and constitution to me so I can approve and it can be true. Anyway, after recent events in France, BokoHaram kills 2000. The NYT headlines “No safety for Christians in MidEast”, bombs in Yemen and Pakistan, and you still defend this vile ideology? Just like the Paris murderers, you defend Mohammad. What about poor Allah? Muslims only care about their vile prophet. As to my crime of disappearing and breaking the continuity of discussion; I apologize. I have a life and there are things like plumbing, paint, broken windows and playing taxi that require my attention – I have a life. Yes, I am getting old. Thank you for your concern about my health. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 1:02:36 AM
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Constance 1/3
Your post of the 10th << Reason for all killing and violence by muslim terrorists Violent things in the Qur'an:->> The translations, where given, are from Pickthall Starting with lowest verse number: <<4:56 Burn the Jews in fire>> 4:56 Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. Note: The word “Jew” as you say, IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE VERSE. Mischief of an honourable? critic of Quran! <<4:89 Those who turn renegade smite them and kill them>> 4:89 …. if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them. It is about those who return to enmity. Aggression must be met with force – universally accepted principle! <<4:95 Allah prefers those who fight.>> 4: 95 Those of the believers who sit still, other than those who have a (disabling) hurt, are not on an equality with those who strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives…… Striving in the way of Allah is better than sitting still. Your take is not without mischief here too. <<5:33 for those who wage war against Allah and his messenger be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off.>> 5:33 The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Note: It is again a war in response to war. The description applied to a state of war that entails death and injuries. Are they not permitted in war? Continued …. Posted by NC, Sunday, 11 January 2015 1:17:44 AM
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Constance 2/3
<<8:39 Fight against them until there is no dissension and the religion is entirely Allah’s>> 8:39 And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do. It is to fight persecution NOT dissension - mischief, yet again <<8:60 use all you can of power against them including steeds of war>> 8:60 Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged. Instructions for full preparations for the war that enemy is planning on you. What do you do? Don’t prepare for an upcoming war? <<8:67 no prisoners until there has been a great slaughter.>> The verse 8:67 was revealed just after the Battle of Badr. Where prisoners taking reduced the force that could have concentrated on crushing the enemy more severely, consequently the enemy attacked Madina soon after with a much larger force. The injunction called for the prisoner taking to be the second preference to subduing the enemy. What is wrong with this strategic advice. Verse 9:5 Applied to the prevailing state of war. What do you do in that state? Not fight? Look at the verse that follows: 9:6 And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not. <<9:29 “fight against those who do not believe in Allah”>> 9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. Continued Posted by NC, Sunday, 11 January 2015 1:22:21 AM
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Constance 3/3
The verse (9:29) belongs to the time when Muslim state was established. Tribute is translation of “Jizyah”, a tax on non-Muslims. Muslims paid taxes prescribed by their faith. Why should non-Muslim citizens of the state be excused from Tax? <<9:73 “fight against the disbel3ievers”>> 9:73 O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. The key word is “strive” NOT “fight” as you insinuate. <<17:33 ...let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life>> 17:33 And slay not the life which Allah hath forbidden save with right. Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power unto his heir, but let him not commit excess in slaying. Lo! he will be helped. You apparently did not mean to quote this verse!! <<32:21 we will make you suffer the near torment, torment in this life>> 32:21 And verily We make them taste the lower punishment before the greater, that haply they may return. It is a wonderful hint on how Nature (?) warns humans for smaller lapses to guide them to improve. You get it wrong again! <<47:4 "...Those who disbelieve smite their necks until you have inflicted slaughter on them, then secure their bonds.">> 47:4 Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. ….. Note “grace or ransom” after the war. 1- It is not at all what you imply. 2- Compare it with Deuteronomy 20:16 . ….DO NOT LEAVE ALIVE ANYTHING THAT BREATHES. Jonathon Swift (9th), and of course with a lot more – you honourable? critic of Quran!! You will not quote Bible as pointed out! <<60:4 an excellent pattern “hostility and hate for ever”>> 60:4 …. And there hath arisen between us and you hostility and hate for ever until ye believe…. It is a story of what Abraham and those with him said to their folk Posted by NC, Sunday, 11 January 2015 1:32:16 AM
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Loudmouth, "Do you think we're all stupid out here ?"
Not all....But some certainly act like it. A concerted effort is clearly discern-able to portray Muslims and Islam as a threat to the World. And props like IS are used to convince the world. Now consider following statement of US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, "it is religious, it is will be long term" reflect on it, if you have the ability. See an other statement repeated on this thread, by the person who appears to be deputed for this purpose; "..... When Muslims get the numbers" .Some one is clearly ,worried and is engaged in seeing to it that they don't get the numbers. Now see these statements in contrast to the priorities of 99% of the Muslims who just want to get on with their lives. And we agreed, that the everyday Muslims have nothing to do with current violence. I will place two points for the consideration of those, who can rise above religious prejudices and can examine them as world citizens; Just as Wold Citezens. 1. Muslim numbers. What is my concern with you being Muslim or what ever, when I say "For you is your religion and for me is my religion"? It worries the beneficiaries of the status quo, who know their greed is making the world increasingly unsustainable and is fueling the movements like Occupy- Wall Street. They need to preempt any threat to their control of wealth, and through it, the control of governments..and the world. They know Islam's view on the subject, you don't. Here it is; "It is essential to produce wealth but wealth enhancement and welfare of the society is not one and the same thing. Excessive greed and lust for wealth can play havoc with the harmony and sustainability of a society. Therefore purely economic phenomenon of development and wealth production can not be divorced from the social, cultural and political considerations" ( Ilmul Iqtisad,1903,Iqbal, page 58) Quran forbids usury 2:275 Did you know, when did they go after Jesus? Continues Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 11 January 2015 2:21:56 AM
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Did you know, when did they go after Jesus? Not when he was restoring sight of the blind, not when he was curing the leper, not even when he was raising the dead from the, no, it was when he checked the exploitation of common man by the money changers.
Capitalism has won a war over Communism in the twentieth century but problems of humanity have not been solved. They want to win the next round, before even it starts...and gullible of the world like you, are their vanguard. Go on Don Quixote, go on your adventure....It is foolish and totally unnecessary adventure. Fighting an idea with bullets is doomed to fail. That is lesson of human history. Now the statement of the Chairman, becomes understandable. 2. Let me request your wisdom to ponder over the rise of IS in an occupied country and their amassing billions and heavy armaments in the environment in which the flow of money and weapons is closely watched. And they thrive in desert , without any air cover with all their big flags in an environment where nothing is hidden? And they do exactly what the projectors of Islam as a threat would like; beheadings and high visibility crimes necessary to sustain the world support for this "long term effort" Do not dismiss this as a conspiracy theory. You must take into account the budget of the west for clandestine activities, which exceeds the entire budget of the developing world. It's affect must be taken into account, and also the fact that West has been using Muslim zealots for their purpose, thus far. The truth of media can be judged by listening to both sides. Listen to West's view on Ukraine for example and compare it with Russian view. Truth is some where in between. Those who take one sided view as truth, stand on precarious grounds. Now answer your question yourself, if you are stupid or not! But it does't matter what you think, they know you are; you believed in Iraqi WMD, you believed that Saddam stood for Islam; didn't you? Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 11 January 2015 2:45:18 AM
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".... and also the fact that West has been using Muslim zealots for their purpose, thus far."
How does one make a Muslim a zealot? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 January 2015 6:59:18 AM
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Is Mise, one makes a Muslim a zealot the same way one makes a Jew a Zealot (the original Zealots were a militant Jewish sect distinguished for their fanaticicism, or a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Feminist, a Bolshevik, a Fascist, etc, etc, etc.
It's not easy, most people given the same treatment don't become zealots, but some have the specific personality traits to do so. I haven't seen any literature on the subject, but it seems to me that zealotry is a form of Borderline Personality Disorder. If you're not familiar with that terrible affliction, it's one of the most destructive of the personality disorders, both for the one afflicted and for those around them. It's characterised by what's known as Splitting; ideas and people are rigidly defined as either irredeemably bad or ideally good and things that are good are always on probation. A good thing can be switched to bad for a single departure from the ideal. It's a tragic affliction and it's on the rise all over the world. What's needed is 1.exposure to traumatising experiences, either directly or vicariously. 2.poor emotional regulation. Because emotions are experienced as overwhelming, they are either rigidly suppressed or wallowed in with little cognitive processing. 3.because of 2, there is a desperate desire for some kind of guiding narrative to provide the certainty that they crave. 4.3 can lead easily to a blind, self-sacrificing loyalty to some abstract cause without any deliberate involvement of others, but BPD makes people very vulnerable to emotional manipulation and so they are easily recruited as cannon fodder. Attacking Islam weakens the case of the people who might be able to help. The only known effective treatment for BPD is called dialectical behavioural therapy, replacing bad narratives with better ones and it can only work with the willing cooperation of the sufferer. Man up and hold out your hand in trusting friendship. Or hide in paranoid fear shouting insults behind your self-erected walls forever. Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:04:56 AM
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Hi Craig,
Fascinating ! You certainly could be onto something, that explains so much. Not just of fascists like Islamists, but - in my sixty-odd years of experience - of many on the Left, what is usually called 'the extreme Left', and of course, of many devoutly religious people. After all, to many on the Left, what they devoutly believe in is in fact a religion. Try to argue or change their ideas and the response is identical to that of arguing with a Jehovah's Witness, albeit somewhat more violent. Been there, done that :( So, in my recollection, there are many such people who treat, say, Marxism as something utterly unchangeable: to suggest modification is apostasy. So they still dream of (but rarely plot or plan these days) a workers' revolution, in which clearly they will play the roles of executioners and apparatchiki, purifiers of the revolutionary cause, and its natural leaders. Thank god they don't have AK-47s too. Currently, only members of the religion of peace seem to be using those. Yes, fascism takes many forms. Compare early Bolshevism with early [Mussolini's] fascism - no wonder so many 'progressives' in 1920 or so couldn't really see any difference, and praised both. Bertrand Russell seemed to be to be only one to get it right. And what did he compare Bolshevism too ? [pp. 74-75: ...... Bolshevism] You've got it: Islam. You can't fool all the people all the time. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:41:21 AM
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Back to REVERT that they call Converts which you haven’t answered. This would imply that nothing else exists or ever existed outside Islam. Yes? Dar El Salam? Infidels (Non Believers) as there is only one belief. Connect the dots. Your non response to my queries of honour killings, absence of knowledge of Boko Haram having kidnapped and enforced conversions of Christian school girls and now the recent annihilation of a whole town in Nigeria. Nigeria is 50% Christian and they want it to become a total Islamic state. Correct? The killings of school children in Pakistan. So their aim is non education and advocacy of ignorance. Especially of any other knowledge or customs outside of Islam. Hence, you have Madrassas. You can only study the Koran – nothing else. A friend ‘s Muslim manager at work said one day to him “that Tony Abbott keeps on calling ISIS terrorists, they’re not”. This man would be perceived to be a moderate Muslim. So if he doesn’t think ISIS are terrorists, what would they be then? What would be the more appropriate description of these killers? And is there such a thing as a moderate Muslim? Just recently another friend’s sister went to her doctor and saw a spare seat on a lounge where a family of Muslims were sitting in the waiting room. As soon as she went to sit down they all got up and walked to the other side of the room. She sat there remaining on the six seater alone feeling quite strange. This also reminds me of an elderly man I knew who went to board a bus one day and this young Muslim man just went and pushed passed him and said to him “you know I can kill you”. Cont.... Posted by Constance, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:45:05 AM
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These are just a few anecdotes. Would you be able to explain this kind of behaviour of these Muslims living in Australia in my last post? Are they normal Muslims?
I understand that Islam is a complete way of life where Islam doctrine dictates every aspect and detail of your life. It also looks to be more tribal than spiritual. Therefore I’m finding that it is much more than just a religion, ie. it also dictates politics and warfare. True or false? Would ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and all the other Islamist groups just be imitating Mohammad? “Muslims believe in equality of all human beings regardless of colour, creed, or race. “ Are you sure about that? It doesn’t look like it to me and many others, considering what they’re doing to Nigerian Christian girls, Yadzidis, Muslims and Non Muslims. And this violence is occurring in Africa, the Middle East, the Philippines, Aceh, Thailand, Russia, China and the West and other places. And we saw what happened in East Timor by the Moderate Indonesian government. Whether Muslims are a minority in a different culture or about 50% of the population, Nigeria for example there is always Muslim trouble. And when they are in majority in a country, the minorities become Dhimmis imposing special tax and restrictions and live weakened paranoid lives. And you say we have nothing to be afraid of? Seems more than insidious to me. There is the lying code of Taquia after all. When I studied Islam and the West in class the instructor said that there is never any real honest dialogue with Muslims as the Koran cannot be questioned. So Muslims just play the game. Should we be afraid? Posted by Constance, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:59:27 AM
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I forgot to mention, you yourself have already downplayed the Islamic terror occurring around the world. “A tad hint of terror” you say? It seems you agree with the Muslim manager’s sentiments in the office. Could you please explain why you do not consider the current terror in the world not really terror? I've heard there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Do you agree? Posted by Constance, Sunday, 11 January 2015 10:55:26 AM
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Constance, the so-called “moderate” Muslim has no problem with the hate in the Quran and is untroubled by the evil deeds of Mohammad. Murder, plunder, torture, rape, enslavement of men women and children are bad, but only for some. “Moderate” Muslims are unconcerned with the religious oppression that is characteristic of Islamic societies everywhere. These “moderate” Muslims constitute 99% of Muslims, most of them in Islamic societies, and accept norms (including sharia) that restrict freedoms, penalize thought and oppress minorities including women. Should nonMuslims trust ‘moderate’ Muslims?
All Muslims believe that Islam is perfect. If Islam is perfect, it is then true. If Islam is true and this is recognized by faith, then reason is not required to arrive at truth. If there are any facts that might contradict Islam, they must be false. If facts are false, then they might promote unbelief and are evil. This is why anything that disagrees with Islam must be destroyed. If a fact, cartoon, voice, post to OLO, or any opinion contrary to the tenants of Islam is obliterated, physically or intellectually, Islam once again becomes the object of perfection the believer images. Our Muslim friends here build castles of vapor in the cloud. They quote selected verses and preferred sources but ignore the fundamental writings of Islam because they don’t provide the substance needed; they ignore the horrid situation of Islamic societies because these too don’t provide a convincing argument of Islam’s perfection. What seems to work best are bullets and blood and you know the rest. So newspaper columnists tell us that European Muslims vehemently condemn the acts of the radicals. Our Leaders tell us that the murderers are not real Muslims. An Imam writes an article saying that Islam supports freedom of speech. Everytime major atrocities happen, we hear this same kumbayah chorus --- and nothing changes. It happens again and again. Personally, I would consider a good Muslim to be one that admits the violence advocated in the Quran, and apologizes for it, and also condemns the nefarious actions of Islam’s prophet. I am also looking for a unicorn. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:10:19 PM
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NC, that 350 word limit, 4 posts per day to a thread, is a real bummer, isn't it!
Any minute now.... Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:13:25 PM
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Mise asks: How does one make a Muslim a zealot?
Here's couple of good starters: 1) A creed that sells them on the idea that they are doing Gods work by killing infidels,and 2) Spokespersons like McAdam and NC who unendly pontificate-on about all the imagined wrongs done to their tribe --and none of the wrongs their tribe does to others. Have those two ingredients and, you are well on you way to making lots and lots of Monis's Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:44:11 PM
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Constance and Kactuz,
Constance – Today’s 4th message. Continuing with the subject of your quotes on Quran (will attend to your other questions later), my last three posts show that your quotes carried: • Misrepresentation of facts: Example “kill Jews” in a verse not even containing the word “Jew” or killing others; • Mischief of wrong words in translations: Many; and • Lack of understanding of the overall context. On the Context: (Source: Armstrong) “Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war, several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle.” Quran dealt with a society engaged in all-out war, so it had to address this evitable fact of human life. The war according to Quran is a self-defence option and must be directed to establish peace ONLY. “…but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of nonviolence” ..”When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia…” This achievement of Muhammad has no parallel in human history – you believe it or not. Countless upright minds independently arrive at this inevitable result. One of many, I mean MANY examples -Lamartine “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modem history with Muhammad?” Notice the “greatness of purpose” and the “astounding results”. Constance, religion apart – yours or mine, this man Muhammad needs to be looked at without bias and with an insight into where the human mind was in his times. Advancement in human knowledge of history makes it possible today, as compared with dark or middle-ages. A purely secular look at Muhammad is worth the time it takes. Examine how he transforms a society, gives it laws, guides it to use reason and improve social systems in time (IJTEHAD). Kactuz, On your messages addressed to me, McAdam said what you think I said to you!! Posted by NC, Sunday, 11 January 2015 7:53:14 PM
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What about the ordering the killing of homosexuals and adulterers?
A simple question, Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:14:32 PM
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But why Reverts and not Converts? How could we all be born Muslim? Why is there only one way? This is crazy stuff. Dar es Salaam or Dar al-Islam doesn't end up peaceful I'm afraid. I’m so sorry for you both. It is not your fault you were both born into Islam. I know there are some good Muslims. But please face facts. You have been brain washed to hate. Do you really wish to destroy all civilisations? You must look for the beauty in this world. You must find a new path. Go to nature first. 9:103 Take alms out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; surely your prayer is a relief to them; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. 3:85 And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers. 9:5 Verse of the Sword 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. 2:191 2:192 And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 9:5 Verse of the Sword Posted by Constance, Monday, 12 January 2015 12:21:01 PM
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Constance and Kactuz,
On Kactuz’s (11 Jan) <<Personally, I would consider a good Muslim to be one that admits the violence advocated in the Quran, and apologizes for it, and also condemns the nefarious actions of Islam’s prophet>> From his description of a moderate Muslims, kactuz himself ONLY qualifies to be a moderate Muslim. He seems to asking a Muslim – “the only condition for you to live is to kill yourself” Hatred of Islam and Muslims has robbed him of any trace of rationality and sanity. This is what hatred does to a person! Can a person like him be reasoned with? Constance, On your <<These are just a few anecdotes>> you seem to asking for my comment, how can I comment without knowing the other side of the versions you heard and believed. A comment like that would be against universally accepted principles. Wouldn’t it be? What you hear first or what you read first is NOT all you need to arrive at the facts. You will need to change this habit to see light out of the self-created darkness that surrounds you in respect of Quran and Muhammad. Your questions to me have been answered, I think. Explain what you mean by <<But why Reverts and not Converts?>>, I will address it Instead of responding to my posts (11th) on your: • Misrepresentation of facts: Example “kill Jews” in a verse not even containing the word “Jew” or killing others; • Mischief of wrong words in translations: Many; and • Lack of understanding of the overall context. (You owe to the readers apologies on each distortion you have wilfully made on Quran. But are you honourable enough to offer apology?) You have referred to new verses from Quran. I will address those. In the meantime, let me hear what I said above. I notice you quoting wikiislam – one of the most notorious Islamophobe sites. So you are back to your den of darkness again. You have raised issues of history. See my next posts. Posted by NC, Monday, 12 January 2015 5:50:22 PM
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Do you agree that homosexuals and adulterers should be killed? Or did we get the relevant bits of Islamic teaching wrong? Just a simple question. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 12 January 2015 5:57:37 PM
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COLONIALISM and CHURCH’s SUPPORT for it. (1 of 3)
Modern colonialism is a trauma that human psyche will take time to transcend. The pain it brought to the subjugated people is not the subject of this post. I will try to limit myself to the zealous support that Christian Church provided to this mass-scale exploitation of nations, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Motive: Greed; Justification: Religious – interesting combination. Limited by space, this post will focus on significant observations. AFRICA: Jomo Kenyatta ( 1893-1978) is considered to be the founding father of the Kenyan nation. “When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.” The famous Desmond Tutu said similar things so many times in his historical struggle against Apartheid of South Africa. SUBCONTINENT: Dr Iqbal – “When they eye the assets of the other nations, the ambassadors of the Church are their vanguards.” NORTH AMERICA: Chief Pontiac (1720-1769) "They came with a Bible and their religion - stole our land, crushed our spirit - and now tell us we should be thankful to the ‘Lord’ for being saved." AMERICAS: The Spanish conquest of Americas was supported by Pope Innocent IV on the bases that infidels violated the natural law. The Pope provided full religious justification of enslavement of the locals. For decades, the Spanish colonists insisted that the only way to teach civilisation to locals was to introduce them to Christianity. They promoted some of the most brutal exploitation of the slave labour that recent history records. MIDDLE EAST: Edward Said (1935-2003).Professor at Columbia University and the writer of the ground-breaking book “Orientalism”. The book has acquired the status of a standard reference in academic institutions on the subject of Orientalism and how it has historical served the Colonialism. The single most significant proponent of Orientalism has been the Christian Church. “We allow justly that the Holocaust has permanently altered the consciousness of our time” Continued … Posted by NC, Monday, 12 January 2015 8:17:59 PM
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IMPERIALISM and CHURCH’S Support of it (2 of 3)
Continuing with MIDDLE EAST: Edward Said (1935-2003). “We allow justly that the Holocaust has permanently altered the consciousness of our time” “why do we not accord the same epistemological mutation in what imperialism has done, and what Orientalism continues to do?” Marxism and Leninism opposed colonialism. Evangelism provided theological basis to counter this opposition, especially for those in the bastion of imperialism – the United States of America. To counter the resistance of the Islamic world, the evangelists called upon the medieval literature that we see echoed in this thread as well. Liberation movements of the 1960’s helped nations slip out of physical colonial-hold. British and French empires collapsed and were forced back to the smallish confines of their homelands. Humanity waved a ‘permanent’ goodbye to colonialism, but the colonialists did not understand or accept it. Greed that fuelled colonialism now propped up a new monster: Imperialism, which relied on remote control operated through economic prowess as opposed to the physical control of the colonial times. Nine elven was welcome by Neo-cons who with the evangelist-help lodged a campaign to prepare the US public to invade the Middle-East to regain monopoly of the natural resources that colonialists enjoyed for a century or more. The evangelists spread hatred against Muslims using distortions of Islamic teachings they have traditionally used. They succeeded in reaching as far top as the top man who infamously initiated invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq with infamous foreword “God said to me George”… The evangelist-support to greed of nations inflicted deaths, pain and miseries on the hundreds of thousands of civilians. The outcome has been painful for humanity. The survivors of families wiped out by the carpet bombing in Afghanistan and Iraq and by drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan got a motive for their heinous attacks on civilians. The motive: revenge; and the justification: Religion. The extremist fringe in the west uses these actions to point out what they call the inherent defect in Islam. Continued …. Posted by NC, Monday, 12 January 2015 8:22:32 PM
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WHAT NEXT? (3 of 3)
In this saga of brutalities, as it does, the nature punished the aggressors as well. The years of the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq witnessed an unprecedented erosion in its economic prowess. The impact is huge and irreversible. Extrapolate it over next 20 years and see the folding up of the US Imperialism just like the western colonialism. An utter failure of the invasions accompanied by mounting challenges to it economic power from Asia, South America and even Africa herald a new world order. The obvious change is too fine for medieval-evangelic mind to discern. Once the dust of the invasions settles, even the extremists of this thread will see that, the real threat to the west is from elsewhere -not from the Muslim world. One formidable challenger is China, who is replacing western imperial hold everywhere in the third world, more noticeably in Africa with a better bilateral cooperation model. See the change from Opium Wars days when British-French army could force China to buy opium they sold around the world – not long ago. Can they even think of doing that to the present-day China? For the extremists of this thread, your one-eyed focus on Muslims will not help you. Look at the ground realities of today. These realities can help you imagine the near-future world. The gun-diplomacy hurts more than it helps its promoters in the changed world. There is nothing wrong with the Muslims, like other nations in the post-colonial era, to aim for controlling their own resources. With a permanent curtain drawn on the colonialism, and severe dents in the economic monopoly of the west to remote control other nations, the only sustainable interaction between the nations is going to be the bilateral coordination. With a host of formidable competitors emerging for the west around the world, deer extremists, it is time to mend fences with the Muslim world. But perhaps, you need another 20 or so years to see it clearly. Posted by NC, Monday, 12 January 2015 8:29:18 PM
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"There is nothing wrong with the Muslims, like other nations in the post-colonial era, to aim for controlling their own resources."
Finally bared your teeth fully, NC. Go The Muslim nation, Islamic State, The Caliphate! Go you good thing! Why dint'cha just say that in the beginning? Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 12 January 2015 9:22:24 PM
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Well, you've convinced me, Luciferase. The sheer unmitigated gall of suggesting that people should have control of their own resources just shows how far these Muslim bast**ds are prepared to go!
Next thing you know they'll be spouting nonsense about loving their children, the dirty mongrels! Seriously though, that was a really impressively stupid comment. Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 12 January 2015 10:30:07 PM
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I was not aware that a religion owned resources. Thank you for correcting me, Craig.
Twat. Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 12 January 2015 11:42:43 PM
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correction : ..."the" resources.
Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 12 January 2015 11:52:24 PM
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You're so right, Luciferase, how foolish of me not to have picked up such an obvious flaw. Once again you have shown us all the value of thinking things through in the right way.
I'm sure the various church authorities will be arranging the handover of all assets to the nearest person with a gun as soon as they get word that you've rumbled 'em. Perhaps a Bex and a nice lie down? Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 12:11:55 AM
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No, Craig, 'tis I corrected by you, thanks.
Just had a thought tho', Craig. What about Muslims of the wrong cut and other religions, and non-religions, being slaughtered by our aspiring Islamic State. Why don't they get a piece of pie? Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 12:43:19 AM
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Once again we see that NC has mastered all the cliches about Western imperialism and colonialism --but knows nothing about Islams imperialism and colonialism---in fact to even discuss Islams black past is a hate crime. With spokepersons like NC in their community is there any wonder they produce lots of Monis's ? Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 6:28:40 AM
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"You have been brain washed to hate. Do you really wish to destroy all civilization" There must be some evidence to support, the "hate I am alleged of"or of of my intention to destroy all civilization; all my posts are here for review.:- 1."Responsible behavior is not to become fuel for the fire of hatred." 2."And first victim of this destruction is the mind beholding hatred Please stop this holier than though approach and be realistic as:- " We're all pretty strange one way or another; some of us just hide it better." 3. "pray that I have the ability to be good and loving to my fellow human beings and other creatures. I think majority would join me in this prayer." 4. "Constant care and effort would be required to maintain that peace and harmony. And the way forward is, with tolerance of diversity and LOVE FOR THE NEIGHBOR." 5. "He says Love Thy Neighbor. Any one now telling us to Hate Thy Neighbor for the reasons he/she feels he/she knows better, is claiming to be wiser than his/her God." 6. "Is it the the dilemma of human psychology, at play here ; what you can't forgive in others, in fact are your own weaknesses, get rid of them." 7. "So in my understanding, good neighborliness is emphasized in all three religions. May God forgive me if I have erred in narrating the understanding truthfully, which I have done truthfully, in all sincerity. Thanks for reading this post. 8. "This is how it appears to me but if some one feels differently, it is his/her prerogative" 9. "Please remember, hate is harmful to you" 10. "Let's be careful what we sow, because we will harvest. This incidentally is the crux of Torah." 11. "I will believe that statement to be sincere and true, when I see the discussion on Islam vanish from these pages and concentrated instead on condemning the heinous crime committed by the hostage taker and indiscretion of the zealot who harassed a lady for her dress. Best regards" 12. "Thanks Joe for your comments, Continued Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 11:52:07 AM
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13. "A time to pause, to take a eep breath and ponder; whose mentality is one sided. Kindly do not address any post to me, if you are not sure of what I am saying is truth or not. Thanks" 14. "Roughly translates (Sadi); Children of Adam are limbs of a body of a common birth. If one limb aches, the others become uneasy. If you are unmindful of pain of others, you are not human. I have tears in my eyes when I write this. Do you have in yours, when you read it? Regards." 15. "I do not see any point in interacting with a person who evades truth. Good luck and good bye." 16. "Merry Christmas " 17." Deep and honest study by you will unmask the truth to you. This hate charged debate will push you deep into abyss of ignorance " 18. "Please do correct, if any misquote is noticed." Thanks" 19. "I do not agree with you, but respect you for your honesty, " 20. "This is how it appears to me, I am no expert on the subject and I can be wrong in my understanding. But what I have presented is true, to the best of my judgement." 21. "We all, need to be on the side of reason. It is not reasonable to spread hate......the basic message of the article we are discussing" 22. "I realize, I have not been able to do full justice to your good question, but if I have convinced you to carry on with your quest to find the truth, you will find what you seek." 23. "Now the reality is that some people from various religions take others as enemies and are .at each other's throat. Should we follow them, rather than the likes of Sadi and Khalil Gibran? Should we join these misguided ones and go for each other's jugular or should these fringe groups be isolated and neutralized with a hope that they too, would one day grow out of the hatred." 24. "You are my brother, Continues Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 12:04:01 PM
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You are my likeness, for we are prisoners of the same body, fashioned from the same clay. You are my companion on the byways of life, my helper in perceiving the essence of reality concealed behind the mists. You are a human being and I have loved you, my brother. Say about me what you will, for tomorrow will pass judgment on you and your words..." Do you have tears in you eyes while reading it; I have in mine while quoting. May we, all be guided to the truth, amen" HAPPY NEW YEAR HAPPY NEW BEGINING" 25. "Take care, Happy New Year." 26. "Are you intolerant of diversity or of freedom of religion?" 27. "You follow, what you please, even though it may be utterly flawed, I will follow my faith..... . "Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion." Quran 109:6 (Pickthall Translation)" 28. "Please get hold of yourself; stay cool, stay descent or if you can not do that, stay quiet." 29. "May we all be able to see the truth, amen."...Cheers" 30. "it is your judgement and you are free to do with it, what you like." 31. "The possibility of error can not be ruled out. I will welcome any correction....thanks." 32. "May I be counted with those who sided with the good of humanity, amen. You pray the same?" It took me a while to dig out all the references. Please tell me which of these shows that I hate or I wish to destroy all civilization? All I wrote might not have been very polite, but it is not hateful. Like my finding about you, it is not based on hatred but is my considered opinion that you are devoid of reason and any sense of honor to think before leveling a totally false allegation. This I say, not because I hate you but because I find you in that pitiable state that any honorable person would dread being in. God cluck in the abyss of falsehood that you have put yourself in. May we all be saved from hatred, amen. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 12:09:35 PM
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Oh come on, lighten up. If it will make you happy I'll kill myself and six other infidels here. Feel better now? I really don't understand how you get from self-criticism to killing, but what do I know about the Muslim mind? (or the female one, for that matter!) FYI, I have no problem in ridiculing nonMuslims, politicians, preachers, media blokes and so on -- it is just that they are not as juicy, easy targets as the followers of your prophet, and the harm they do is less immediate. I must admit that you and mac have been persistent, putting many hours into defending Islam from the beasts that assail it. The good thing is that much of your research (and copy and paste) will be available for future threads of similar nature, which will certainly come. I am sure you will agree with that statement, because you are not stupid or naive, and you know this whole issue is not over and maybe will never be over. It is oil and water, I think. Posted by kactuz, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 2:00:30 PM
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Seems that I might have been wrong, at least about adulterers, they are only to be killed if they are serial offenders; like most of the young blokes that I know.
Casual fornicators are to be given 100 lashes, only moderate lashes but 100 none the less. So do you pair of apologists think that 100 is OK? I note that only 50 welts of the lash is to be given to erring wives who were captives or to slave women who have a bit of illicit sex. Hardly an example of equal pay for equal work. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 5:40:55 PM
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Luciferase and Kactuz
Luciferase, The webpage did not permit this post earlier. Your wrath on my "There is nothing wrong with the Muslims, like other nations in the post-colonial era, to aim for controlling their own resources." has disappointed me. Do I have to inform you that a nation’s right to control its own resources is a universally acknowledged principle of this age? My statement that infuriated you cannot conceivably have a single objection if it is presented in a forum like the United Nations, and for that matter, in any other forum attended by sensible people. Now you tell me, why should a nation (even a Muslim nation) should not aim to control its own resources?. This is my Question no.1 to you. Who should control its resources, if not the nation itself?- Question 2 Do I see the colonial impulse bothering you in this day and age? And then you top up your rage with: <<Go The Muslim nation, Islamic State, The Caliphate! Go you good thing!>> How did you see “The Caliphate!” etc in the universally recognised principle I was referring to? – Question 3 I notice that you have already been confronted for your less than intelligent comment. And in defence you bring up religion owned resource. What?? You see religion owned resource nowhere in the statement that has enraged you. The statement clearly refers to ALL “nations in the post-colonial era”, including of course the non-Muslim nations. So, Luciferase, please cut the red herring. Answer my above three questions in clear terms. Your answers, I am sure, will make an already obvious fact conclusively obvious, i.e. “WHO bared his teeth fully” Kactuz, Good to see that you have sense of humour as well (your post 13th). Will see how long my pleasant surprise lasts. I can’t think of the loss of your life (or others’), don’t mind you living another 75 years. Will be good if you do that researching facts before drawing conclusions, overpowering hatred and recognising that: “We inhabit a universe that is characterized by diversity.”, your wise co-religionist, Desmond Tutu. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 6:01:44 PM
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All nations should control their own resources. Islam is not a nation. Islam has no seat in the United Nations. Which nations do not control their own resources? You may refer to any dictatorship, theocracy or secular democracy you like. If they don't control their resources, who does? Support your answer. You refer to Tutu as a coreligionist of kactuz? How so? Does disagreement with Islamic ideology necessarily make one a Christian? You are so imbued with your religion that you are incapable of separating church from state. I have consistently attacked that in you and McAdam here. Neither of you have rejected secular democracy with sensible reasoning, only with a call to faith, one faith, your faith, Islam. Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 13 January 2015 9:45:19 PM
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"... McAdam here. Neither of you have rejected secular democracy with sensible reasoning, only with a call to faith, one faith, your faith, Islam." You blame me of " rejection of democracy and call to faith, one faith, Islam. ( I have never done it, I plead not guilty) It is you, who is pedaling the secular democracy, as the sole cure. Isn't it? Is every one satisfied with the system of western democracy? Its critics, find the system serving the rich and powerful, who "buy" the politicians right in elections and later use them to guard their interests. This is also true, that democracy, in spite of shortcomings, is by far the best system of governance. But pedaling it as the sole system and cure for all societies, irrespective of their peculiarities, is fraught with pitfalls. Do you remember, the experiment of imposition of this system in Afghanistan, by USA? What happened? The looser of the election, refused to concede. The hodgepodge solution arrived at, with the US intervention has been that the winner and looser join to form a government. As you can see, this has hardly been a representative specimen of Western Democracy. Lesson learnt is, that it is unwise to impose One System on all, with out regard to local peculiarities. Haste to impose your system on others results in Libya or Iraq like situations. There are more than one ways of doing a thing correctly and who decides the system for a people? People themselves. Others aught to show patience, to let the system mature for each country. That is the lesson of diversity, that the world needs to live with. And where have you got that notion from; one faith, your faith; Islam. See the translation of Quran 2:62 ": Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve."(Pickthall) Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 3:29:58 AM
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"There are more than one ways of doing a thing correctly and who decides the system for a people? People themselves." Where dictatorship or theocracy rule, dissent is crushed. So much for the choice of the People. Look at the Arab Spring, where the People nearly had a win. In Egypt, at the election following the uprise against Murabak's dictatorship, even Christians voted for the Islamic Brotherhood based on their stated platform, which immediately began to spiral towards repression and imposition of Islam over other religions after the election. The People rose up and now dictatorship rules again. You have a point, secular democracy has no chance while Islam is so immature. If there is ever a new election allowed, the Brotherhood will not fair so well, and its ideology will forever be pitched against the resulting secular democracy, leading to more carnage. Beneath the peace and love you and NC have dredged from the Quran lies its true heart, and your heart. All peace, all love, all fraternity and equality can only be arrived at through the words of The Prophet, and that's what's at issue here. Too bad about liberty. Secular democracy can succeed in the Middle-east only if Islam ever passes through an enlightenment, an age of reason. The world can't hold its breath until then and security measures must be taken everywhere, some of which Muslim minorities living in Western democracies may oppose. Even a significant section of the majority opposes a compromise of privacy necessary to enhance security. Parliaments in our secular democracies will determine any degree of this. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 9:05:10 AM
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Meanwhile the adulterers are still getting 100 (medium) lashes, is that right?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 9:48:42 AM
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Hate to say it, but I have a sense of humour. All of us need it in today's world.
So what do you think of all those French Jews moving to Israel? Isn't that just what Palestinians and Israel's Arab neighbors need -- more Jews next door? Wouldn't it be more logical for Muslims to do everything possible to make Jews happy and safe outside of Israel? (Ibrahim says: "Hey Jacob, do you need help with that package?") Or is it just the god of Israel (and/or Christians) gathering his people back from exile for the fun of the last days? (Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation). I have already told my Jewish neighbors that their children, if not themselves, should seriously consider moving to Israel because it is going to get bad. Good thing I'm a goy boy. Posted by kactuz, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 10:12:27 AM
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You say on the 13th that <<All nations should control their own resources.>> Good to hear that from you! And on the 12th you were furious at me for my statement that you quoted. "There is nothing wrong with the Muslims, like other nations in the post-colonial era, to aim for controlling their own resources." See the contradiction ? Is it not HUGE? If you answered all questions of my post of the 13th, more of you would be on display. But you have avoided it. Any remorse on your part for lashing out at me for saying earlier exactly what you yourself say now? None! But then, it needs a personal trait far weightier than impressive wording and slick language. And now you bring in: <<Islam is not a nation. Islam has no seat in the United Nations.>> Nobody said that. You can waste hours of your time writing about your assumptions of what the other side has in mind. This is red herring. I avoid that. “Secular democracy”, has not been treated by me, as I recall, in my interaction with you so far. Still you seem to have views on my ‘assumed’ views! We can talk about secular democracy. (The outmoded caliphate is the thing of past. You don’t see any Muslim nation officially or unofficially vying to revive it and you don’t see mainstream Muslim scholarship projecting it either. Fringe scholarship and minority groups must be seen as exceptions, rather than the rules.) For a detailed discussion, frankly, my current experience with you combined with your earlier interchange with McAdam that I followed closely is no encouragement. You made sweeping statements on Pakistan’s affairs based on your scant knowledge of the ground realities. Fortunately McAdam was there to expose the shallow base that supported your unsupportable lofty claims. Need for introspection on you part? Your subject! Posted by NC, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 10:13:58 AM
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Hi Kactuz,
"Good thing I'm a goy boy." Don't kid yourself :) I think the Islamists have special punishments for atheists like SPQR and you and me. Somebody claimed above, I think, that Islam brought peace to other countries, as in the Middle East, North Africa, Spain up into France, central Asia, Turkey, India, China. They almost brought peace to Japan but a storm destroyed their 'fleet of peace'. They had their arses kicked by the Vietnamese on the Hong (Red) river in their attempt to bring peace there. But on that criteria - that wherever one's empire extends, by definition, that must mean that they brought 'peace' - then every empire known to history has 'brought peace'. If the Islamists got hold of our history curriculum, would they be teaching that ? Much of what NC/McAdam raves about, Muhammad yada yada, means very little to me, as an atheist - he was a bloke (to the extent that he actually existed) but also perhaps a con-man, a rapist, a sadist (if slitting a pregnant woman's belly open constitutes sadism) and a warmonger, perhaps a psychotic as well. Hardly a paragon, or worth giving a minute's time too really. By the way, out of interest, are their any love songs which are Islamist ? Do they have a concept of love at all ? The Sufis, perhaps, but not Salafists or other assorted fascists. A promise of non-stop 72 virgins yes, but love ? So what makes their world go around then ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:25:42 PM
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"you are not stupid or naive, and you know this whole issue is not over and maybe will never be over. It is oil and water, I think. Kactuz"
The confusion arises when the seekers of "oil", invoke religion to mask their greed and an army of gullible masses follows them. "God said to me George..." As if God had said, go after the non existing WMDs and kill 1.5 million innocents for the sake of oil. Earlier the need had arisen to deliver the death blow to "Evil Empire" of Soviet Union. They were lured into occupation of Afghanistan, and the Afghans were encouraged to rally around the cause of Islam to defeat the infidels....they did. Soviet Union is dead but the threat to the coffers of greed, is still alive. Islam forbids usury and commands sharing of wealth with the disadvantaged. It is the most rapidly spreading religion and ideology...even in the west. So the threat is not from the primitive followers of Islam in the third world, marching on to conquer the planet. No sense able analysis can show, it's practicability. It is the possibility of people from west starting to embrace the message of Islam, that poses credible threat. They are the target of current effort. They must be insulated from Islam. The Muslims must be projected as threat and restricted. Urgent action, in this regard is needed " before Muslims get the numbers". Understandably a book titled, The Fall and Rise of Islamic State, is published in 2008 by Noah Feldman, a Jew. He warns the world about the increasingly popular call for the establishment of the shari'a--the law of the traditional Islamic state--in the modern Muslim world, and this being a threat to democracy. Islamist movements are winning elections on it. Terrorists use it to justify their crimes. The world better watch out, he warns. Then IS is created by Saudi Arabia and UAE, the world is informed by the U.S. Vice President. ( he withdrew his statement later) Saudi Arabia, which is pumping it's only resource mercilessly to glut the world market Continues Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:34:13 PM
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at throw-away-price to serve the Western agenda of squeezing Putin's Russia, is doing some thing in defiance of US, we are asked to believe. The world being told that the Muslims whose combined GDP is less than California's, who have rampant problems of ignorance and poverty, who would require a few generations, to come up to the level of self sufficiency, were capable of taking over the world....And IS is borne and is named by the West as ISIS , then ISIL and then plain IS. The oddities of its birth and life so far were discussed briefly, on this thread. Wether this struggle, that world is being plunged into is really necessary.? Will it succeed? are questions that different people would answer differently, yet clearly every body in the world is not on the same page. The events of Paris violence are very illustrative. The resolve of the leaders of the western world,gathered in Paris on a day's notice, shows a concerted effort of the political leadership of the world. Mainstream media leadership, fully supports them, as evident by the position taken by Robert Murdoch, in his tweet of 9 January"Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible." Then on the other side are the likes of J K Rowling, who tweets back on 11Jan; "I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate." Then answering her critics, on same day, she tweeted; "Eight times more Muslims have been killed by so-called Islamic terrorists than non-Muslims." During the unfortunate incident in Paris where violence was being committed in the name of religion, Lassana Bassily, a young immigrant from Mali, switched off freezer and let jewish customers hide in there. He is the young man who handed over keys to police. He saved precious lives of fellow humans, risking his own, and he is a Muslim. Again in Paris, it is Muhammed Amine, a Muslim immigrant from Morocco, who saved a Jew Lilian (Both incidents reported by CBS News 11Jan.) Continues Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:41:14 PM
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Clearly, the every day Muslim has nothing to do with violence.....a conclusion that most of us on this forum, have already arrived at. What would be the end result of this struggle, which has just started? It can fail or it can succeed, in putting all types of restrictions on Muslims. If it fails, the world proceeds, more or less on the existing lines. If it succeeds, what happens then is a question to ponder. Muslims got decisively crushed by the Mongol hordes. Their message however remained available. Baraka Khan, who was chief of the Golden Horde from 1256 to 1267 was first to leave Shamanism and to embrace Islam. His rival Hulagu,s son Takudar, also embraced Islam. It is these Mongols and their descendants that spread Islam to the length and breadth of Asia and Europe. Lesson learnt is that force does not destroy an idea. Whole truth may never be told but we have the inputs from the likes of NC who put in hard work to dig out the verifiable information and also the input from those who deal with superfluous and the obvious and rely on off the cough waffles like questioning the right of people to have control of their own resources. We will have the inputs from the likes of Murdoch pedaling their agenda and the stands of the likes of JK Rowling and Craig Minns, on this thread, who have the capacity to discern the truth and express it confidently. For us commoners the lines are clearly drawn. Pick your sides; you want to attack people's religion or kill people for their religion, like the terrorist in Paris did or you want to save other people, risking your own life, if necessary, regardless of their religion, like Lassana Bassily and Muhammad Amine did. Or we want to support squeezing every day Muslims, who have nothing to do with violence? In any case the extraordinary times require extra ordinary vigilance to be on the side of truth rather than being consumed by the blind hate....the real message of the article we are discussing. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:58:45 PM
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"See the contradiction ? Is it not HUGE?"
Can't you? Muslims are not a nation. Islam is not a nation. Resources are not owned by non-entities. I hold no remorse for pointing this out. Having read everything from you and McAdam, genuine secular democracy is an oxymoron to you both. I have covered all of your questions Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 1:25:40 PM
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I posted this on another thread -- but it is equally relevant here. This is the sort of state McAdams & NCs "thinking" nurtures---not Isis --but Gaza under HAMAS:
<<"The most prominent reward that Palestinian Martyrs are repeatedly promised are the 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. A Palestinian religious leader explained that this is authentic Islam, whose purpose is to 'fill Muslims with desire for Paradise': 'He [Muhammad] said (in a Hadith, Islamic tradition): ‘[There is] a palace of pearls in Paradise and in it seventy courts of ruby... And in each court [there are] seventy houses of green emerald stone. In every house, seventy beds. On every bed, seventy mattresses of every color and on every mattress a woman.’ (Hadith) The writing of the Prophet [Muhammad in this Hadith]... is intended to fill Muslims with desire for Paradise... to be worthy of it, because only three dwell there: Prophets, Righteous and Shahids (Martyrs for Allah).' [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 2, 2004] The message comes from all parts of society, including religious leaders, TV news reports, schoolbooks, and even music videos. Newspapers routinely describe the death and funerals of terrorists as their “wedding.” The indoctrination has impacted so significantly on Palestinian society that mothers celebrate their sons’ death as “weddings” and some even state that their sons’ motivation to fight Israel and be killed was to reach Paradise and marry the Dark-Eyed Virgins. This music video is an example of the PA's continuous indoctrination of this message. The longest running music video on PA TV, originally aired in 2000 and broadcast regularly in 2010, shows a male Martyr being greeted in Islam’s Paradise by dark eyed women all dressed in white. As the PA religious leader wrote, its purpose is to “fill Muslims with desire for Paradise.”>> Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 1:54:25 PM
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Pussy galore, what's not to like? Where do I sign up?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 5:24:24 PM
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Your <<Muslims are not a nation>>. And who said they are? <<Islam is not a nation>>. And who said it is? <<Resources are not owned by non-entities>> And who said resources are owned by non-entities The same recurring problem with you Liciferase: You assume that I have said so, then you respond to YOUR assumption. Had you answered my Question 3 of the 13th (about your <<Go The Muslim nation, Islamic State, The Caliphate! Go you good thing!>>) <<How did you see “The Caliphate!” etc in the universally recognised principle I was referring to? >> your convoluted perception that spurred your observation (addressed in Question 3) would certainly be at display. You skipped Question 3, yet insist << I have covered all of your questions>> Now your “Secular” Democracy. I would rather prefer to talk about Democracy. A franchise right you seem to be asserting through “Secular” is your problem. Come back to me with this term added in front of Democracy after you succeed in removing “One Nation Under God”; ''In God We Trust'' and ''God bless America'' etc from US democratic institutional proceedings and records etc. I totally acknowledge your right to hold secular views you choose to hold just as I am free to stick to my religious inclination. McAdam expressed his view of democracy (14th, 3:29 am): <<This is also true, that democracy, in spite of shortcomings, is by far the best system of governance.>> Recall Churchill’s observation: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." (House of Commons speech on Nov. 11, 1947) (See Churchill didn’t say Secular Democracy!) I agree with McAdam and Churchill. The best workable form of governance: 1. Must be based on mutual consultation; 2. Must evolve from within the society just as various shades of democracy have evolved from within the western societies. Detail on the subject need lot more space than I have. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 6:10:38 PM
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On your quotes from Quran – post of the 12th. You have repeated some verses, see below. You probably don’t read before you post. Anyway, I am happy to document the facts on misconceptions about Quran. Your references allow me to do that. I encourage you to raise more questions on Quran. As pointed out previously and reiterated now, the armed response according Quran: • is in self-defence; • must have an overarching objective of the establishment of peace; and • must cease as the aggression ceases. Here are the translations with the context, where applicable: <<2:191>> Response authorised to the persecution Mecca inflicted on Muslims – See the check imposed through the following verse . Note that armed response must cease as the aggression ceases (next verse 2:192) <<2:192>> But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Pickthall) <<3:85 And whoever desires a religion other than Islam ….>> Translation: And whoso seeketh as religion other than the Surrender (to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.(Pickthall) “Surrender to Allah” is the religion brought by Abraham, Moses, Jesus and large of number of earlier prophets, according to Quran. <<9:5 Verse of the Sword>> Already addressed in my post of 11 Jan. <<9:5 Verse of the Sword>> Repeated for the third time!! <<9:29>> Already addressed in my post of 11 Jan. <<9:103 Take alms out of their property ….>> Alms here mean ‘Zakat’, obligation for those with wealth for those who are in need. Zakat is levied on savings. Checks accumulation of wealth and ensures social justice! Posted by NC, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 10:27:40 PM
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How are you boys coming along with the justification for flogging people for having naughty nookies?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 15 January 2015 12:21:01 AM
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Jadine, I thought you were a woman!! Now I am worried!!
Maybe I am old but 70+ women doesn’t seem like paradise to me. The Islamic paradise (janna) is really a very complicated thing. It seems that the experts and authorities are not sure if there will be 70 or 72 virgins (actually houris) or 2 wives or both, or even little boys!! Yes, little boys, in fact the Quran (52:24, 56:17-19) says more about little boys that the houris (or grapes?)… At least we know there will be houris, boys and rivers of wine. Also the Quran is silent on the fate of women believers. Most think that the reward for a Muslima in paradise will be… Ta-tat-a-dah – her husband! So old Almed beats Fatima for thirty years and makes her life miserable. He goes off to jihad and dies. She also dies, after a few years of peace. In paradise, Ahmed gets unlimited pleasure and Fatima gets Ahmed. It doesn’t seem fair to me. Then there is the fact that most people in hell are women ( Islam’s prophet doesn’t say if they are Muslim women or just unbelievers, but the context seems to indicate they are in fact muslims. Maybe that would be better for Fatima. The 'more women in hell' theory really doesn’t make sense, if we crunch the numbers, because that means infidel men are less likely to go to hell also. Go figure. Then there is the whole eschatology thing. Even less than the afterlife, the Quran is basically silent on what the Christians call the “end times”. To me, I think is that sometime in the 10 and 11th centuries, Muslim scholars felt kind of cheated because they had no quranic end-times theology. So the took the Christian version, made a few adaptations, presto, and they too have a madhi, big battles, and end of world scenario. See, Islam is fun -- and funny!! I am rambling, but that’s ok Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 15 January 2015 5:34:55 AM
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Like most atheists, I'm sure, I've struggled consciously all my life to live by, and to enrich, a sense of right and wrong. I haven't had a book to tell me what is supposed to be right or wrong, good or bad. Like most atheists, I've tried to go by what is my heart, and my mind. It isn't that hard, actually.
As an atheist, I really wonder if many believers have a genuine sense of right or wrong, apart from what they are told or, less likely, read: that, really there is nothing else in their hearts. I hope there is. Yes, I've met some wonderful Christians, good people who obviously have developed a rich sense of right and wrong, good and bad, good people who are concerned about their fellow-human being, even if he or she is not a believer, but just that - a fellow human being. And I don't think that their rich sense of right and wrong is necessarily bound solely to their reliance on a book, but simply because they do genuinely love their fellow human beings. I'm sure that many Muslims (and Buddhists and Hindus, of course) would have developed an equivalent sense of good and bad, right and wrong, either as well as, or above and beyond, what may be in their books or rituals. They are human beings too after all, and in a genuine, equality-oriented, fair-go, multicultural society, they would surely be bound to have developed friendships across religious - and non-religious - barriers. I certainly hope so, because if I can, I presume so can they. If I can weep for the thousands killed this week in Nigeria, I'm sure so can they. If I can feel outrage at the murder of children by IS in Syria, of Yazidis in Iraq, then surely so can they. I have to believe that. Je suis Baga. Je serai Baga encore. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 15 January 2015 7:31:11 AM
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"The 'more women in hell' theory really doesn’t make sense, if we crunch the numbers, because that means infidel men are less likely to go to hell also." Presumably Allah could re-adjust the numbers at will without regard to the laws of biology and mathematics, re-attach hymens, anything. Nothing would be too much for his ineffable powers. Anyway, that's the theory I'm going with. Whee! This theology stuff is easy. One good thing to come of this whole sorry affair is the outbreak of fragments of schoolboy French throughout the Anglosphere. Malcolm Turnbull stunned us with "Nous sommes Charlie", and then someone else chimed in with "Je ne suis Charlie". I was only waiting for "La plume de ma tante" to make the whole thing worth it after all. However on the subject of virgins, it has occurred to me that deflowering 72 *in this life* might be a way to have the benefits of paradise without the detriments of martyrdom. How come you didn't think of that NC? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 15 January 2015 8:31:26 AM
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Secular = separation of church and state.
(Liberal) Democracy = a system involving distribution of political power in the hands of the public which forms the electorate, representative government, freedom of speech and protection of individual rights. One Islamic scholar read the possibility of secular democracy into the Quran, and wrote a book about it, leading to his repression and re-education before he could rejoin society, lucky to live to old age. The pejorative Islamic view appears to be that secular democracy is amoral, yet Muslims flock to live where it exists. Of course, some can't help themselves and bring along their Shari'a, a la Charlie Hebdo, committing sacrilege against the beliefs and values of the society that nurtures them, and without too much complaint from their Muslim community. The future looks grim: Jews can see the writing on the wall and are leaving France. What is written on a dollar bill makes the USA a theocracy in the eyes of those too blind to recognize a historical vestige. Sadly true, however, is that the religious right in secular USA will be strengthened by recent and developing polarizing events. Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 15 January 2015 10:21:05 AM
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Correction: not even amoral, but immoral.
Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 15 January 2015 10:57:16 AM
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You are not kidding, nothing is be too much for Allah's ineffable powers. Back to paradise.... A couple is in paradise, the bloke has taken some time off from his virgins and as returned home because his wife needs him to move the furniture. Now he is really tired (all that shagging!) and the furniture is really heavy. So what to do? He needs help! He grabs the wifey, they do a quick wham-bang and ... pronto, they have a child, a boy, and in one hour he is full grown! Now he can move the furniture; he has help. See how easy things are for Muslims in paradise! Allah is really a jolly good fellow. Allah can do just about anything but solve the problems of the Muslim world and keep his faithful from killing each other (and us!). Need a source? ... narrated by at-Tirmidhi (2563) in his Sunan from Abu Sa‘eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If the believer wishes for a child in Paradise, the pregnancy, birth and growth will occur within an hour, as he wishes.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami‘.What is meant is that the pregnancy will occur and the child will be born and will grow to the age of perfection, which is thirty years, as the person wishes, i.e., the child will be male or female and so on, in accordance with the person’s wishes. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 15 January 2015 12:32:53 PM
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So much the better if she's female I imagine.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 15 January 2015 12:56:46 PM
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Paris events are painful. Every one is saddened at loss of life and wants to know the facts,and for that, one can ride the band wagon of the likes of Murdoch and paddle their version or one can, as every one should, dig deep, find facts, reflect and form a considered opinion.
I shared the heroic role of Muslims in the tragic events. Sorry, I missed mentioning Ahmed, the Muslim Policeman who lost his life while protecting the magazine. The same event looks different from different points of view ; 1) of a Muslim hater and 2) a fair human being. Here is my assessment:- It is not about freedom of speech. It is that west is exposing it's double standards:- Charlie Hebdo sacked the veteran French cartoonist Maurice Sinet in 2008 for making an allegedly anti-Semitic remark? Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published caricatures of the Prophet in 2005, reportedly rejected cartoons mocking Christ because they would "provoke an outcry" and proudly declared it would "in no circumstances... publish Holocaust cartoons"? There is the widespread discrimination going on in Germany and Italy, against Muslims in education, employment and public life - especially in France. Muslims are asked to denounce a handful of extremists as an existential threat to free speech while a blind eye is turned to the much bigger threat to it posed by the elected leaders. Barack Obama - who demanded that Yemen keep the anti-drone journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye behind bars, after he was convicted on "terrorism-related charges" in a kangaroo court - jumps on the free speech band wagon? Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of a country that was responsible for the killing of seven journalists in Gaza in 2014, attend the "unity rally" in Paris? Angela Merkel, chancellor of a country where Holocaust denial is punishable by up to five years in prison, and David Cameron, who wants to ban non-violent "extremists" committed to the "overthrow of democracy" from appearing on television. May we retain the ability to see the truth and live by it, in the interesting times we are living in, amen Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 15 January 2015 1:11:37 PM
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Yes, as you say, "May we retain the ability to see the truth and live by it, in the interesting times we are living in, ..... " And as one says at the end of Jewish prayers: " ..... amen." In something like that spirit, I wish more people would acquaint themselves with the religion of peace: On the issue of Islamist morality, or the total lack of it: what religion recruits murderers by promising them that if they kill a non-believer - any non-believer, it doesn't really matter - they can get as many young women as they like to root, all day, every day, forever ? What, 72 is not enough ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 15 January 2015 4:51:54 PM
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Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 15 January 2015 6:05:50 PM
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The secularism (Oxford Dictionary) is “the view that morality and education should not be based on religion”. Narrower versions of this definition are there. A society adopting secularism expresses its “RIGHT” to choose, but when it insists that no other society must look towards religion (the first source of moral principles for humanity) for moral principles, it is its “ARROGANCE”. And this ‘arrogance’ is what I question in this post. Yes, Ali Abdul Raziq is one of many (yes, MANY and it may be a discovery for Luciferase) who addressed the political system in a Muslim country in the wake of abrogation of Khilafat (in 1920s) and more importantly with the freedom from colonial bonds in the 2nd half of the 20th century. They emphasize the injunction of “mutual consultation” (Quran 42:38, one example) in running affairs (including governance), the fact that Muhammad did not nominate his successor for governance (apparently knowing that the people he trained were capable of electing one) and the ELECTIONS of the first four Khalifas (another surprise for Luciferase – now he may wonder why their voting system was not same as that of a modern state). The society of that time could not permanently overcome the tribal impulses and reverted to hereditary succession keeping the name “Khalifa” for common acceptance. However, the principles of mutual consultation and establishment of social justice are preserved in history for a thinking mind of the present day. Khalifas, after the first four, were pretty much kings and ruled quite like kings. Ottomans did the same, starting with King Saleem turned Khalifa Saleem in early 16th century. The second emphasis of the Muslim scholars is on the lack of religious sanction for the so called ‘office’ of Khalifa. There is nothing in Quran or in what Muhammad did (according to many, including my little search) that can assign sanctity or permanence to this office. The sanctity is, of course claimed, by a fringe and by the likes of IS which now appears to be distancing itself from its originators. Continued … Posted by NC, Thursday, 15 January 2015 8:53:28 PM
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Continued …
DEMOCRACY AND ITS GUARDIAN (2of 2) The fact remains that there is no overt or covert effort from the political parties or the institutions of all Muslim countries to revert to Khilafat. (An example: historically, all religious political parties combined have won no more that 5% of the seats of the National Assembly in Pakistan, and you don’t see any of them working for the restoration of Khilfat. Same is true of most Muslim countries, barring residuals of the colonial era propped up by you know who – societies themselves cannot be absolved of their responsibilities for this failure) Yes, a debate is on in Muslim societies, of which Luciferase knows only a little, but tries to make sweeping statements that he made on Pakistan affairs as pages of this thread would show. The question is what is wrong with a debate? Is it not part of the process leading to a collective decision? A more important question is that of time. European societies took centuries to evolve their systems. The demand from Muslims is to do it immediately (after their re-birth in the post-colonial era) or be condemned for ever. Is it justified? And even more basic question: Is the western democratic system the ONLY workable democratic model for the entire world? If Luciferase is the only guardian of democracy (sorry, secular democracy), why does he not enforce that on China? Chinese system has evolved since pre-Mao time to present. It is functioning and still evolving, and you bet, it is NOT Luciferase’s secular democracy. And it is highly likely that its future evolved shape will still differ from that of the west. Understand that societies differ. The current shape of western democracy has evolved out of its social outlook and habits. Other societies can and will come up with the models of ‘mutual consultations’, including many Muslim countries, understandably different from each other but still workable in their own environment. Give them time west took to mature its systems. Posted by NC, Thursday, 15 January 2015 9:00:18 PM
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Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 15 January 2015 9:31:53 PM
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"what religion recruits murderers ....."
That religion is called "Power". Please refer to the confession of US Secretary of State, posted on this thread, of recruiting Mujahideen to destroy the Soviet Union. Most of the Mujahideen fighters were convinced through the paid clerics that they were serving their religion, by killing the rivals of Capitalism. Right? Is the game over or is it on? That is the question. There are people who go for the easy to digest, regurgitated information, the likes of Murdoch provide "hold all Muslims responsible, for the crimes committed by any terrorist" this attitude is also displayed by some, who would like to receive knowledge through transfusion, without having to take trouble of seeking, analyzing and assimilating. Fortunately, there are people like JK Rowling, who can question; how can the community be punished for individual crime? She has the alertness to notice that eight time more Muslims have been killed by the so called Muslims Terrorists which raises the question, who the real target is here? Remember, Pakistan having suffered 56012 dead up till 2014 and double the number maimed at the hands of "Muslim Terrorists". Where these "Muslim Terrorists" come from? Example of recent massacre of 132 School children in Peshawar is illustrative. Immediately after the attack, the Pakistan Army Chief dashed to Kabul with forensic evidence of conduct of this heinous crime against humanity,by Mullah Fazalullah operating from Afghanistan. Further proof about "masters of the Mullah" was provided to US. John Kerry, in his just concluded visit to India, is reported in the Indian press, to have confronted Modi with undeniable evidence of Indian patronage of Mullah Fazalullah. One out come of Kerry Modi meeting is, that Mullah Fazaullah is placed on US list of international terrorists, before Kerry flies for meetings in Pakistan. Now ask yourself again; "which religion recruits murderers?" May we have the wisdom to encompass the answers to the difficult questions raised by the interesting times we live in, amen. Any body calling amen a Jewish thing, can raise it again and we will discuss to know, it is not. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 16 January 2015 1:43:33 AM
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Extract from Indian Press,for those who may need substantiation of my earlier post of the day:-
From Christina Palmer & Anjali Sharma NEW DELHI- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was humbled by the US Secretary of State John Kerry on his official visit to India that was considered to be an advance visit by a high level US team in connection with the upcoming visit of the US President Barak Obama to India, later this month. ....Indian side .. refused to admit having any role in TTP-led terrorism in Pakistan...Premier Modi very blatantly stated that he and his government were so shocked to hear about the Peshawar School Terror that the schools and both the houses of the Parliament observed moment of silence to mourn the Peshawar School ....American team ...provided hard evidences of Mulla Fazalulla and RAW nexus in Afghanistan to ...terror in Pakistan... and also snubbed Modi over the ... role of his National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval.... Modi and his team were grilled over the admissions of Ajit Doval of funding and utilizing TTP terrorists to destabilize Pakistan .... Modi was told to end India’s patronization of Mulla Fazalulla in Afghanistan and it was made it clear to Modi and his team that the US was about to place Mulla Fazalulla on list of global terrorists and an Indian pampering of him would jeopardize the US-India relations and can also have its implications on the upcoming visit of the US President to India. ... American side had done its homework in the backdrop of Pakistani Army Chief General Raheel Sharif’s recent high profile visit to the United States.....and most likely his handing over of certain solid proof to support his arguments during his US visit had .. .... it must bring an .... end to RAW-TTP nexus... It may be mentioned here the former US Secretary of State, Chuck Hegel had also crystal clearly accused India of exporting terrorism to Pakistan via Afghanistan and his remarks in this regard ar still on ...record. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:46:53 AM
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Food for Thought!
MANILA, Philippines — Pope Francis suggested there are limits to freedom of expression, saying in response to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that "one cannot make fun of faith" and that anyone who throws insults can expect a "punch." The pontiff said that both freedom of faith and freedom of speech were fundamental human rights and that "every religion has its dignity." "One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith," he said. "There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity ... in freedom of expression there are limits." (NBC News) At the moment, Google has offered almost $300,000 to Charlie Hebdo, so it can continue publishing. The Guardian Media Group has chipped in $150,000 of its own. And France’s government has pledged more than 1 million euros. It’s a powerful gesture in favor of free expression. But I’m not sure it’s the kind of expression a government should want to pay for. (Jordan Weismann) Lines are clearly drawn, it's our choice, who we consider reasonable and who we side with; The choice posed by the interesting times that we live in. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 16 January 2015 3:44:04 AM
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Quote: Lines are clearly drawn, it's our choice, who we consider reasonable and who we side with...
Well, I don't know about you, McAdam, but I am for free, unlimited speech, for adults. I do not accept that identical words by some can be considered hate speech, but when used by Muslims or by some confused, sacred text, cannot be criticized. I stand with those who reject hate and violence, and that means that hate and violence in Western writings and hate and violence in the Quran. I am against attacking villages, plunder, torture, burning crops, rape and slavery, whether by people of Western cultures or in Islamic societies, and by Mohammed himself. I doubt you can say that. No excuses. If you, the Pope, Western leaders and all Muslim societies are against SOME hate speech, but not against others; if you condemn discrimination in some places and not in others, that is something you must live with and you will sow what you reap. We will certainly pay for our foolishness and sins. This whole Muslim thing and hate speech issue is just another PC maneuver so not to inconvenience Muslims with things they would rather not hear. And the band played kumbayah. Oh yes, another terror operation in Belgium – must be those Baptists again. Posted by kactuz, Friday, 16 January 2015 7:21:40 AM
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MacAdam et Cie,
How about a response to the flogging of naughty nookiers? Can you tell us just how hard the strokes are, is their some official Islamic ruling on this? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 January 2015 7:35:23 AM
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Yes <<[The] Lines are clearly drawn, it's our choice, who we consider reasonable and who we side with>>
Yes indeed, its either one or other permutation on the ISIS/HAMAS/Hezbollah model which the McAdams-NC doctrine will inevitable lead to --or a liberal democracy. Those on the left need to think long and deep before supporting any more ayatollahs ala Iran. Posted by SPQR, Friday, 16 January 2015 7:58:57 AM
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Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 16 January 2015 11:40:06 AM
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KJK and Kactuz
JKJ Ignoring, for now, your ability to ask senseless questions (my posts of 26 Dec pages 24, 26; 2 Jan P46) I answer your question to me (15th) <<Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion?>> with a question to you: Is there any of my posts that suggests to you a ‘yes’ from me to this outrageous question of yours (as above)? Quote my post(s), if you think so. Remember the rule: I will ignore your questions (and posts) until you answer my question. Also, more insensible question(s) from you will only convince me to ignore your questions and your posts, which I am doing in case of few of your associates already. Kactuz, On your continued ignorant and bigoted insult you keep spouting on Islam (your post of the 16th 7:21 AM): You even disregard suggestion of your Pope <<"every religion has its dignity.">> The miserable state of your mind is what you have earned through seething hatred of another belief system. Posted by NC, Friday, 16 January 2015 12:14:29 PM
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Of all the forms of governance, only secular democracy is principled upon not raising one man's voice above another's. Freedom of candidature, then one man, one vote. NC's panoply of alternatives fail this, often whilst faking an appearance otherwise.
From "........ freedom of conscience is inseparable from civil liberty, and that personal responsibility in spiritual matters (#) implies individualism in secular affairs. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”" (# including a choice not to believe in a god.) Regarding who has knowledge, the man inside looking out, or the man outside looking in, neither has 20/20 vision. Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 16 January 2015 12:37:49 PM
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"Is there any of my posts that suggests to you a ‘yes’ from me to this outrageous question of yours (as above)?"
Why is the question outrageous? How many innocent people do you think have been killed by your co-religionists in the name of religion while you have been gabbling and glozing in here about how wonderful Mohammed and Islam are? It's your blatant evasion and intellectual dishonesty that's outrageous. To answer your question: All your posts defending Mohammed and Islam. Now stop your evasions and answer both my questions: 1. Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion? 2. How many innocent people do you think have been killed by your co-religionists in the name of religion while you have been gabbling and glozing in here about how wonderful Mohammed and Islam are Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 16 January 2015 1:05:58 PM
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It is not Freedom of Speech, but Truth itself, which is at stake. Read on:-
.....Former President Nicolas Sarkozy condemned the violence as " attack on civilization." .... ..... ....The thought-control Western media, would not say that the very extremist forces Sarkozy helped to unleash from the illegal overthrow of the Libyan state share ideology with ISIS and have now killed his own people right in the capital of his republic. ....... A French satirical to denigrate Islam, but it would never be allowed to condemn Zionism and all its provable criminality. ...... So, Western "free speech" is really freedom for the powers-that-be to demean and demonize whomever the West requires for furthering its political interests. When free speech legitimately attacks Western interests,....Censorship is then the ironclad order. French comedian Dieudonné, ..has been banned ....for his farcical arm gesture,"Quenelle." ... Because the sign is considered "anti-Semitic" ..."anti-Zionist" and "anti-establishment." The comedian has been ...His friend Nicolas Anelka, was last year banned from playing soccer games in England and fined over $100,000 for signaling the Quenelle. .... Evidently, it's acceptable to insult Islam, according to Western select use of free speech because it suits political agendas of demonizing Muslim countries so that they can be attacked with Western warplanes or covert terrorist proxies. But it is not acceptable to satirize Zionism or Western ruling classes. And here is .... touchstone. Why is Press TV banned across Europe and North America? Where is Western free speech in that case?.... The truth of Western-sponsored state terrorism as practiced by the genocidal Israeli regime is ..shoved...under the spurious pretext of "anti-Semitism." ...All such views, no matter how intellectually rigorous, morally scrupulous and legally substantiated, must be censored, and those who articulate them must be hounded into isolation..... A satirical magazine championed by Western war criminals for its "free speech" to dehumanize Muslims is hailed as "heroic?" While an informative, serious news channel like Press TV is banned. Now that is farcical cartoon. (Finian Cunningham) The lines are clearly drawn between the seekers of truth and followers of propaganda of controlled mainstream media. Posted by McAdam, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:29:27 PM
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My mind is fine, the old body not so much. I am glad you have noticed that I don't like Islam. As to my "continued ignorant and bigoted insult you keep spouting on Islam", this is because I don't like ideologies that teach hate and violence. Seems reasonable to me! As to "my Pope", he ain't mine. The last 8 popes that I can remember have been one disappointment after another, either for their stupidity about Islam, the materialism, the false piety or because of the abuses by pedophile priests. As to "hatred of another belief system", I think you mean "hatred of a belief system that teaches hate". Also, did you miss my question about being against attacking villages, plunder, torture, burning crops, rape and slavery, whether by people of Western cultures or in Islamic societies, and by Mohammed himself? You didn't answer: Do you have any problem with your dear prophet's attacks on his neighbors? Yeah, asking a question like that is hateful!! Posted by kactuz, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:38:26 PM
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Your practice of asking senseless questions is once again reflected in your second question: <<2. How many innocent people do you think have been killed by your co-religionists in the name of religion while you have been gabbling and glozing in here about how wonderful Mohammed and Islam are>> Whatever be the answer to the first part, you want me to say that I <<have been gabbling and glozing in here about how wonderful Mohammed and Islam are>>. When you did that last time (my posts of 26 Dec pages 24, 26), I likened your question (my post 2 Jan P46) to the question: “Is 7 plus 8 equal to 15, given that 6 is larger than 9 according to the mathematical principles”. And now you top your senseless statement with yet another one by concluding that in my view <<it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your (my) religious opinion?>> because of my <<posts defending Mohammed and Islam.>> Question1: Any chance of a reasoned exchange with you: None whatsoever. Question2: Outcome of interacting with you: Shear waste of my time. This is my last direct message to you. From now on, I will not even read a message from you, whosoever it is addressed to. Now you figure out the probability of you getting a response from me. Posted by NC, Friday, 16 January 2015 4:55:42 PM
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Secular Democracy, Kactuz
The statement (Luciferase 16th) <<Regarding who has knowledge, the man inside looking out, or the man outside looking in, neither has 20/20 vision>> makes sense. But the statement re-emphasizing that people have <<a choice not to believe in a god>> was unnecessary in view of my earlier acknowledgement (post of 15h) <<A society adopting secularism expresses its “RIGHT” to choose>> As for <<NC's panoply of alternatives>>, Luciferase misses the point. I am not proposing what is good for Luciferase, or for anyone else for that matter. I am only questioning Luciferase’s right to impose his favourite ‘best model’ on the rest of the world. Luciferase has the right to choose the secular democratic model for running his country, fine. But why the rest of the world should have no choice other than what Luciferase specifies for it. Makes no sense to me! Example of China is to make the point in discussion clearer. Can Luciferase advise the readers: 1- Why should he impose his ‘best model’ on China; and 2- How possibly can he impose his ‘best model’ on China. Kactuz, You <<don't like Islam>> is the understatement of the year. I can attempt a rational exchange on this, as long as it stays rational at your end. We better start with Quran. It is easier to quote and the quotes are readily verifiable. Let me know why you see (please quote) the violence in Quran that you keep referring to, your concern on Quran’s position on Trinity and whatever else you have in mind. Also on your << The last 8 popes that I can remember have been one disappointment after another, either for their stupidity about Islam….>> Are you implying the some of the 8 popes were stupid about Islam because of their respect for it? If not this, then what else, will help clarify your position to me for a meaningful exchange. Posted by NC, Friday, 16 January 2015 10:25:31 PM
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Do you think your evasion and intellectual dishonesty aren't obvious to even a casual observer? Stop squirming, and writhing, and twisting, and bucking on the line, and mind-reading, and trying to get out of it, and just answer the questions: 1. Do you think it's okay to kill people who don't agree with your religious opinion? Yes or no? 2. How many innocent people do you think have been killed by your co-religionists in the name of religion while you have been gabbling and glozing in here about how wonderful Mohammed and Islam are? IT'S NOT SENSELESS. ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTIONS! HOW MANY DO YOU THINK HAVE BEEN KILLED? While you're at it, answer this: do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9 year old girl? Just answer: yes or no? Have you told your co-religionists that you think their religious beliefs are "senseless" and "outrageous"? Because that's what you're telling me when I ask you about them. YOU'RE TELLING THE WRONG PERSON! YOU SHOULD BE TELLING THEM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE TELLING US HOW WONDERFUL ISLAM AND MOHAMMED ARE? WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING YOUR CO-RELIGIONISTS WHO ARE BUSY KILLING AND RAPING AND CRUCIFYING AND DECAPITATING PEOPLE, THAT THEIR RELIGIOUS OPINIONS, ACCORDING TO YOU, ARE SENSELESS AND OUTRAGEOUS? No-one can be as dumb as you're pretending to be. You are either very stupid or dishonest. Which is it? You have been brainwashed into believing that hate and lying are okay, that's all, and that's what you're doing. You need to grow up, because mentally and morally you're operating at the level of a child, and if you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you'd admit it instead of trying to squirm out of it, you lying fool. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 17 January 2015 12:16:56 AM
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Violence in Scriptures - What is this discussion?
The issue is already settled. See following two posts:- 1. "I'm with McAdam on biblical violence, even in the New Testament" (Luciferase, 8 January) 2. "Deuteronomy 20:10-18 10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. 16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. Well gosh, I guess that settles it. It's there in and black and white in the Bible,... it says in that bloody enormous book... My Good Book says I must wage genocide" ( Jonathon Swift, Friday, 9 January) Violence is preached in Scriptures; every one knows it. Any body implying that it is only in QURAN, is not stating the truth and is wasting his/ her and every one else's time...move one ..... please. If you still insist on pursuing the subject, do so sensibly; apply uniform criteria on all scriptures and let the reader be the judge. Without a scientific approach, the conjectures are worthless waste of time. I get an impression that some of us are not sober while writing their posts...please be sober. Thanks. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 17 January 2015 2:43:30 AM
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"Are All Terrorists Muslims?
It’s Not Even Close There are people who sincerely view themselves as Muslims who have committed horrible acts in the name of Islam, yet most of those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims; statistics: Less than 2 percent, attacks were committed by Muslims in Europe As per Europol report released last year, majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. In 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs, such as groups like France’s FLNC. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. In Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. In 2011, Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto. Extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and in Sri Lanka. Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks, including vandalization of of mosques and churches. An FBI study Covering 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. 42 percent of terror attacks were by Latino-related groups, followed by 24 percent perpetrated by extreme left-wing actors. And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered. Did we ever hear the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities (Dean Obeidallah) All that mainstream media tells us is not true, in these interesting times. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 17 January 2015 3:46:51 AM
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Fair dinkum?
Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 17 January 2015 6:14:03 AM
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McAdams pontificates that <<Less than 2 percent, attacks were committed by Muslims in Europe>> Here's a nice little footnote--its a comment on a similar apologists claim in a mainstream newspaper. "I agree, Mark Twain once wrote "there are lies, damn lies and statistics": The above analysis is quantitative and gives the same weight of an eco terrorist spray painting a building (destruction of property) to the 911 attacks. A qualitative analysis (eg. number of people killed in all terrorist attacks) suggests that 93.8% of all murders by terrorist attack were committed by Muslim terrorists between 1980 and 2005. As of 2007, the US Muslim population was 0.6%. Projected from 0.6% of the population to to committing 93.8% of the deaths suggest that Muslims are 156 times more likely to commit an act of terrorism where someone is killed. Most Americans have not read the Qur'an and applied tafsir... They are too lazy, ignorant and indifferent (don't know, don't care). The political correctness in America doesn't call attacks like the DC Sniper a terrorist attack - though he was retaliating for America's decision to invade Iraq." So perhaps we would be better served looking at Muslims as percentage of population visa vee the percentage of crimes they commit --just a thought! Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 17 January 2015 7:51:48 AM
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More peace loving Muslims:,h=425,pd=1,w=620.jpg I mean, you can just tell from the expressions on their faces that they are lovable chaps :) And this is in Pakistan. The country that McAdam had assured us had risen up en mass against fundamentalism! Here is some of the photo's accompanying commentary: "Clashes erupted in Karachi when protesters started heading toward the French consulate, throwing stones at police, who pushed them back with water cannons and tear gas... Police officer Naseer Tanoly said some of the protesters were armed and opened fire on the police... About 1,000 people gathered in Islamabad to condemn the French publication. The demonstrators carried signs that read "Shame on Charlie Hebdo," and "If you are Charlie, then I am Kouachi" — referring to the brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, who were killed after carrying out the attack on the newspaper office. They had claimed to be sent by al-Qaida in Yemen. A second day of protests in Lahore drew about 800 people. On Thursday, Pakistani lawmakers passed a resolution against cartoons of the prophet and marched outside parliament to protest Charlie Hebdo's latest cover." Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 17 January 2015 8:10:54 AM
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My last post contained an extract of the article written by Dean Obeidallah.
It is good to question his statistics and his conclusions. It is this approach to news that will guard us against being targets of the controlled media. However, I find merit in author's observation that, "In 2011, Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto." Yet not a voice was raised about "Christian Terrorism" same thing happened in the wake of Oklahoma Bombing, no one called Timothy McVeigh a Christian Terrorist or even a terrorist. It is understandable, that had these acts been committed by Muslims, the media response would have been different.....that is the whole point. An other point is the repeated complaints of the parents that their children are set up.John Cornell father of Christopher Cornell, the young man alleged of plotting to bomb the capital, says his son was set up by FBI. "snitch." Similar allegation was leveled by the mother of teen ager under trial as "Boston Bomber" Similarly Mohamed Osman Mohamud (born 1991), a Somali-Americanstudent, was arrested in an FBI sting operation on November 26, 2010, in alleged car bombing. The attorney for Mohamud argued that his client was entrapped by FBI One sees a patron here. Sense of context is important. Right now, as it appears to me, West realizes it need to insulte its population from Muslims and Muslims need to be kept under check. The states need extraordinary powers to do it and justification is required. The situation is not going to change overnight. This, to me, is the meaning of the term " it is religious, it is ideological and it is going to take time." These are interesting times we are living in. We need to keep our eyes open. On situation in Pakistan, the Pope warned you, but you think you are wiser than Pope. Hate begets it...don't provoke, particularly when provocation suits states looking for more coercive powers. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 17 January 2015 9:41:22 AM
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McAdam, if you're going to quote me, include the further point I made that, in the New Testament, God and his angels do the dirty work. Followers are not exhorted to it.
After Christ's death, Christians, followers of his teachings, first appear in the Bible. They are not accountable for what whatever was done in the name of the god of the Jews that preceded them. Take those matters up with Jews. Before Christ it was "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". After him it was "turn the other cheek". The Quran exhorts Allah's followers to acts of offensive violence. Unfortunately there is no Jesus character in that book to take his followers into a peaceful direction which some might cleave to. Being a peaceful Muslim comes down to an individual decision to be so and to ignore the Quran's violent exhortations, not denying the fact that they are there to be followed. NC, if you take normal people, not fundamentalist Muslims, and ask them to choose how to govern themselves, they won't choose to subjugate themselves to a higher authority. In history, power/authority has come from the barrel of a gun, not consensus. Governance in China, is a product of a history I have no ability to change, but would if I could, as I would with repressive regimes everywhere. Fundamentalist Islam trucks no place in governance for viewpoints other than Allah's. Secular democracy is an oxymoron. Therefore, the only counter to fundamentalism, where it consumes a majority of the populace, is dictatorship. Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 17 January 2015 10:08:06 AM
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Hi Luciferase,
Not an oxymoron - 'secular democracy' is a tautology, although of course, there have been, and are, secular dictatorships as well. Nothing's dead-certain in this world. Islam claims that it adds onto Judaism and Christianity, and completes them. It goes one better than they do. For example, the Good Samaritan parable in the New testament, of someone helping one who is not of his own group, simply because he is a fellow human being, presumably has a counterpart in the Koran, or in the hadiths. Perhaps someone could enlighten me :) Yes, there is the story of the woman throwing garbage daily on Muhammad as he passed below. Lovely story. I'm trying to start a rumour of what happened to a Shi'ite Kurdish woman in Mosul who threw garbage on an IS fighter walking below. I'm just trying to work out how the story ended, then I'll put it on-line ...... Any help gladly welcome ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 January 2015 10:25:06 AM
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I would disagree that in Egypt, for example, there exists "secular dictatorship", tho' some claim it: "Secular", when first coined, meant a separation of church and state, so to me that translates to "not religiously-based" governance, not to no religion in governance. Australia is a secular democracy with a history of religious parties and non-religious parties vying for votes. In Egypt it is proposed that only non-religiously-based political parties should exist To be secular, dictatorship must be non-religiously based. By excluding Islamisists from membership, or by Islamisists exluding themselves, a dictatorship is disqualified from being described as secular, IMO. Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 17 January 2015 11:17:52 AM
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You are right, your full quote is as you write but word-quota restricted me. The points you raise take us into another realm; of our relative understanding of religion. It obviously varies. Mind you, it is not that our respective religions are that different, it is that our understanding is. The great Muslim Sufi philosopher, Muhyidd Ibn al-‘Arabi of Spain, made an acute observation that "God is a percept, the world is a concept". When two people discuss God and differ, they state their relative percepts....God remains the Same. I can not see God separated from the Devine Will. His creativity can be perceived in nature and through the activity of His creation, including man. To you the act of man is different from the "dirty work of God and Angels". To me God's message is universal and you it is time barred and applicable to one people at one time. I see in Jesus the personification of love and forgiveness and you see Muhammad PUH, differently. You say "unfortunately there is no Jesus character in that book to take his followers into a peaceful direction which some might cleave to" that is how it appears to you. I see the example of a man before me, in all practical situations of life to emulate ....of a man as kind and as merciful as one possibly can be. This is not a matter of debate. Your perception is the result of the depth of your involvement and extent of your study. In fact the discussion on the concepts beyond the scope of tools of this forum and venomous style of slurs and slander can only make us cement our position, even though faulty they may be, in the first place. We should agree to disagree and leave such discussion, yet on the matters agitating our mind, we should put in hard work required to dig and grasp the truth, basing our search on credible sources of knowledge. May our quest for knowledge be joyous one and may it lead us to The Truth, amen. Thanks. Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 17 January 2015 2:48:13 PM
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"no attempt to understand" You are lying. I have made lots of attempts to understand, and no apologist for Islam will dare to answer me, because they know very well that Mohammed was responsible for lots of things that are completely and disgracefully unacceptable in civilised society, such as armed robbery, killing during armed robbery, mass murder, rape, slavery and having sex with a prepubescent child. It is blatant dishonesty on your part to pretend that the problem is that Muslims are facing intolerance. What's happening is that the tolerant Australians how brought about one of the most inclusive and non-discriminatory immigration regimes in the history of the world, now find that they are faced with a significant minority who appear to believe Mohammed was a wonderful moral example. And when we try to find out whether that is what they do in fact believe, what we get is endless evasion, personal argument, mind-reading about how the question is motivated by hate and bigotry, and playing the victim of hate and bigotry. What they won't answer is, how do their religious beliefs DIFFER from the religious beliefs of those Muslims who are currently committing atrocities all around the world ever day? That's what I'm trying to find out, and it's a perfectly reasonable question, because a) we're talking about the personal example of Mohammed and the authority of the Koran, and b) this is what's motivating the plague of Muslim abuses around the world. So instead of abusing and villifying Australians for trying to find out, which is what you're doing, how about you show a bit of intellectual honesty, and inquire yourself? NC/McAdam/Craig: Do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9 year old girl? Stop evading, stop pretending to pained moral superiority, and just answer the question. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 17 January 2015 3:34:06 PM
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Two scenarios: One in France: * seventeen people murdered, ten because they are left-wing journalists, two because they are police (one happens to be Muslim, the other a West Indian woman), and four because they were Jews - as well as a completely innocent cleaner. Response: four million people march, in peace; * Mosques damaged: nil * Vigilante attacks: nil The other scenario, a hypothetical one, in Pakistan: Twelve imams are murdered by Christian fundamentalists; Response: four million people march, in peace, arm in arm; * Christian churches damaged: nil * Vigilante attacks, flags burnt, Christians beaten to death, etc.: nil Are these two scenarios equally likely ? What immediately comes to mind ? No fudging now, be honest with yourself, even if you can't be honest with anybody else :) Your answer ? Thought so. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 January 2015 4:25:58 PM
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Here's an answer already to my question (I didn't expect it for days!): Thank goodness Islam is a religion of peace. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 January 2015 4:39:54 PM
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Luciferase, China’s example did bring up the clarification, I was after. Your <<Governance in China, is a product of a history I have no ability to change…>is a recognition on your part of the fact that Governance in all societies (not just China) are the products of their history and the outsiders like yourself have no ability to change them (not just China) – remember, it is post-colonial world. Still your <<….but would if I could, as I would with repressive regimes everywhere.>> smacks of Secular Idealistic Mission of “setting things right for the others”. This is what ‘fundamentalists’ (your rightly resent) do to bring God in Godless lives of the others. See the similarities? Now, you will dispute the similarity on the ground of dissimilarities which are inevitably- no two individuals are exactly alike. And these ‘fundamentalists’ supposedly represent a religion which tells them “……..There is no compulsion in religion” (Quran 2:256) And wants them to stop the religious debate with “Unto you your religion, and unto me mine.” (Quran 109:6) Your enhanced focus on Islam <<Fundamentalist Islam trucks no place in governance for viewpoints other than Allah's>> seems to stem from you ‘misinformation’ that Allah has view points on governance of people and Muslims aim to implement that list of views of Allah. Please seek information before drawing conclusions. I will, broadly only, try to give you basic information on the subject we have not touched so far. Quran addresses two major issues that human beings encounter: Issue1: Human affairs in this world; and Issue2: Metaphysics – call it spirituality, if you will. Leaving Issue2 aside (quite contentious from your viewpoint that opposes religion in general, I think), I restrict myself to the governance covered in Issue 1. Quran instructs its follower to use REASON guided by the two principles: Principle 1: Mutual Consultations (Quran 42:38) Principle 2: Establishment of Social Justice (Repeated in Quran many, MANY times) Continued … Posted by NC, Saturday, 17 January 2015 5:58:43 PM
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No form of governance has been supplied by Quran totally leaving them to the reason of the followers subject to Principles 1 & 2. Now these facts are quite contrary to the assumption built in your “viewpoints other than Allah’s” statement. And the importance of justice -Quran 4:135 “O ye who believe! Be ye staunch in justice, witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or (your) parents or (your) kindred, whether (the case be of) a rich man or a poor man ……..” (Pickthall) In your secular zeal you keep repeating typical anti-Quran propaganda items that you do here as well <<The Quran exhorts Allah's followers to acts of offensive violence.>> As a supposedly rational person, would you (also) care to quote Quran on violence. Don’t omit the correct meanings and correct context – you may have seen many misquotes in this thread already. And if your resource is a typical Islamophobe site, you don’t see but misquotes. And then comes your typical ‘all wise’ view on Islamic scripture and history: “Unfortunately there is no Jesus character in that book to take his followers into a peaceful direction which some might cleave” You have NOT read “that book” on the rational alternative it provides to “turn the other cheek”. Quran 42:40 “The guerdon of an ill-deed is an ill the like thereof. But whosoever pardoneth and amendeth, his wage is the affair of Allah. Lo! He loveth not wrong-doers.” The human right to respond to an ill-dead with a similar deed is recognised, but forgiveness is recommended as a preferred response. Quran 2:263 “.. forgive evil” and Quran 4:149 “cover evil with pardon” are two of dozens of directives that take the “followers into a peaceful direction” which you seem to have totally missed in your characteristic sweeping statements based on little or no information as you have shown so many times now. My friend, the impressive words and slick style matter a little, it is that facts that count in the final analysis. Posted by NC, Saturday, 17 January 2015 6:10:20 PM
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for an update on the status of the Lyndt Cafe terrorist. Monis is now officially deemed to have been a terrorist and by the Federal Government no less. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 January 2015 6:21:49 PM
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" is that facts that count in the final analysis"
If only they were, NC. So the Quran says a few nice things, which I've never countered. Anything naughty written about killing has simply been taken out of context, and me, and those silly IS boys, and the deliverers of Sharia justice in the western world, just don't get it. Your defense of Islam's call to violence is by highlighting its supposed limits based on self-defense cessation upon enemy submission. There is a general view in the Islamic world that it is under attack from the West and is defending itself. So the violence has many sympathizers, while Westerners turn the other cheek to maintain social cohesion. Why bring up forgiveness in the Quran, which I did not to deny was there, then berate me as if I had? I mentioned it in distinguishing between Bible testaments. Yes, I feel strongly about democracy and freedom, and you don't, excusing their lack in your native part of the world with any justification. You label me as a zealot, a pejorative term suggesting I hold the ideal unreasonably. You won't countenance the remotest possibility that your religious ideology is the biggest impediment to these values ever taking root and evolving. Why don't you just admit secular democracy is immoral in the eyes of Allah, and therefore to you, and move on instead of spouting circumlocutory obfuscation? My writing style is offensive to you. Your beration is tiresome. Take your finger out of my face. Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 17 January 2015 10:51:42 PM
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Do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9 year old girl? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 17 January 2015 10:57:11 PM
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This is titled; The Covert Origins of ISIS One may or may not agree with it, but consideration of other narrative is necessary when truth is masked by state- lies. We all, should trust the good judgement that most of us might have been blessed with. Reality of current events may become clearer in time. And if and when that happens, I pray for the satisfaction, of having sided with truth....because the burden of supporting massacres and loss of innocent lives is too much to bear; like the loss of 1.5 million lives during the destruction of non existent WMD of Iraq. I pity the current state of mind of those miserable souls who participated in or supported that massacre. We may come to know, after a few years what actually is happening in the region, if for example we witness the creation of a new state of Kurdistan, at the cost of Iraq and Syria and these two "evil" countries cut to size of Lebanon or Jordan and then the whole attention could be focussed on remaining villains like Iran. This scenario can be rightly dismissed as conjecture or conspiracy theories ......until of course, the curtain is lifted. Are these conjectures facts or not, is not the point. The point is; the importance of keeping our eyes open in the interesting times that we are living in. We need to trust our judgements and not the mainstream media. Good luck. May god help us all, amen. PS: Following is titled; The a Geopolitics of WW III It contains a line; " the public is sleep walking in to tragedy". Is it? One may expect states controlling social media now. Efforts in that direction are already discernible. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 18 January 2015 2:53:54 AM
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The manner of NC and McAdam has much in keeping with shonky used car salesmen trying to sell a rust bucket :)
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 18 January 2015 6:20:39 AM
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And this Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability persists in his; hurried waffles, point scoring, spins and outright misinformation. His sole contribution is negative. Not a single knowledge based researched piece that could have enriched the Forum.
Likes of this Suspicious Person, have always lead themselves into believing that others are inferior or fools. Reality is that the recipient knows the difference between the rubbish this Suspicious Person, is apparently paid to paddle and sincere information and thought. As I had said earlier, because of the lies this person has been consistently posting, I care two hoots for his opinion and care less for his below the belt remarks. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 18 January 2015 7:05:50 AM
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In view of what we experienced with Monis --i wonder how many of these fine chappies:,h=425,pd=1,w=620.jpg Will appear on our doorstep appealing for sanctuary? No doubt McAdam and NC would welcome them :) Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 18 January 2015 8:33:44 AM
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" is that facts that count in the final analysis" Yes it the facts! My friend. And the ‘facts’ are again missing in your repeated rant of violence in Quran. To my request: <<.. would you (also) care to quote Quran on violence.>> All you have is smooth slick wording and NO references. <<Quran says a few nice things, which I've never countered>> Good to see that you see ‘few nice things’ in Quran. Keep exploring this book, it is all about JUSTICE. And justice authorises you to hold the aggressor's hand by force. This should not offend a rational mind, but you are apparently offended by it. <<Yes, I feel strongly about democracy and freedom>> Nice attempt to tamper down your mission to enforce your ideology on the rest of the world. But, it is different from religious zealots who want to force God into your life. Tell me that! <<Why don't you just admit secular democracy is immoral in the eyes of Allah>> Is it not clear from my posts so far, that the principles of “Mutual Consultation” and “Justice”, enjoined by Quran are NOT opposed to democracy? The thread records my views that democracy is the best system, despite its shortcomings. Can you question that in your right mind? Secularism and NOT the democracy is the issue, and it is so because you keep insisting on making secularism as part of democracy. Godlessness may be good for you, but how do you decide that it is good for me too? <<while Westerners turn the other cheek to maintain social cohesion>> Killing hundreds and thousands in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan was turning the other cheek? How far can you go hiding facts under your slick wording. Facts, NOT the words matter, my friend. <<Take your finger out of my face>> I don’t want my finger on any one’s face. I have just tried to defend Quran in the face of your belligerent and misinformed attacks. Stop insulting me and my faith. I will have no reason to respond to you Posted by NC, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:22:08 AM
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@ McAdam & co
I found this on another thread--it not my work, but someone elses. In view of McAdam's (earlier) proud boast <<Less than 2 percent, attacks were committed by Muslims in Europe>> it is worth a read here to: ‘morning Keith, Busy as you and many others like you may be, in sorting out the “Soul of Islam”, does anyone want to discuss the enormity of what they are trying to appease? The Institute for Economics and Peace reports 24,866 Islamic Terror attacks between 9/11 and the end of 2013. At least 306,381 people were killed or critically injured. This includes 126,165 killed and 180,216 critically injured. The Global Terrorism Index shows a 61% increase from 2012 to 2013, (11,133 deaths to 17,958 deaths), and that “extreme interpretations of Wahhabi Islam are the key commonality.” How might things look for 2014? I have reproduced statistics for the months of Jan/July/Nov. 2014. Research by the BBC and Kings College shows that for the month of November 2014 alone there were 664 Islamic Jihad attacks across 14 countries with 5,042 deaths. In January, 2014 there were 239 attacks, in 23 countries with 1,413 dead and 2,162 critically injured. In July 7 to August 8, 2014, statistics show there were 235 attacks, 2,750 deaths and 8,600 injured. Averaging the figures for these months and multiplying by 12, we arrive at a projected 4,548 attacks and 36,819 deaths. This would be an increase from 2013 to 2014 of over 100%. The GTI report concludes that “Over the 2012/2013 period, the number of countries that experienced more than 50 deaths rose from 15 to 24. This highlights that not only is the intensity of terrorism increasing, its breadth is increasing as well.” Before the PC “relativists” get too carried away with “Ah well there are lots of other groups committing terror attacks, it’s not just Islam”. The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) states that of the 12,533 terrorism-related deaths worldwide (2011), there were only 170 by a category described as “other”, and 77 by “Neo-Nazi/Fascist/White Supremacist” groups. (continued...) Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:37:23 AM
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Interestingly the NCTC records separately the 1,926 terror attacks by “secular/political/anarchists” which were primarily identified as Marxist, Communist, Socialist sympathizers (Progressives).
Now who would have thought that the Leftwing terrorists would out perform the “Neo-Nazi/Fascist/White Supremacist” groups the Progressives so love to blame? Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:15:21 AM Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:37:53 AM
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Looking at those statistics, of "24,866 Islamic Terror attacks between 9/11 and the end of 2013. At least 306,381 people were killed or critically injured ... " 170 terrorist attacks by neo-Nazis etc. and 1,926 terrorist attacks by 'progressives', I think you may have mis-quoted McAdam's statement - it probably actually read: <<Less than 2 percent, attacks were not committed by Muslims in Europe>> We need to be accurate when we cite figures :) Bertrand Russell compared the Bolsheviks to Islam in 1920, remarking that both semi-fascist groups (as they really were, and are) sought (what we would now call) quick-fix solutions to complex problems. Part and parcel of that approach was a reliance on terror, on the quick elimination of dissidents and 'doubtfuls', control of how people outwardly think, and close direction in how they were supposed to live henceforth. I'll have to go back and compare what Lenin and Trotsky were ordering, with Shari'a. Of course, there will be differences in terminology, different uniforms, but if that was stripped away, I wonder how similar they would be. Scary. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 18 January 2015 11:11:51 AM
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Thank you for clarifying that we are at war and Quranic justice prevails i.e. Muslim violence is justified, without cessation, until the world yields to Islam. Forget more references, as if you've satisfactorily dealt with any put to you while you've evangelized here. Thank you also for clarifying your empty idea of true democracy. I reject Allah and any god, but I remain a first class citizen. You reject secularism, which guarantees citizen status regardless of religion. Secularism is the basis of western democracy, and is inclusive of any belief in any god, while you place Allah above everything and everyone. I don't want Allah's "justice" that you have pre-ordained for me. Regarding my supposed missionary zeal and incredible power to impose myself, did I cause the Arab Spring? What an idiot to compare my ideals with the ideology of a religion, such as Islam, which marginalizes non-believers, or worse. Bertrand Russell had it right. You have clearly revealed that questioning your religion is insulting it, so why do you refer to me as "my friend", other than in arrogance. Enjoy the last word. Posted by Luciferase, Sunday, 18 January 2015 12:52:56 PM
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"McAdam's (earlier) proud boast <<Less than 2 percent, attacks were committed by Muslims in Europe>> "
It was not my proud boast. This is what I wrote in my post of 17 January:- "My last post contained an extract of the article written by Dean Obeidallah. It is good to question his statistics and his conclusions. It is this approach to news that will guard us against being targets of the controlled media." Obviously this Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability did not read what I had posted. This is not the first time, he is taking a stand without reading. He tried to make fun of my statement that "Pakistan was rising up as a nation, against terrorism" by calling it the joke of the year. That statement about Pakistan was proved to be true, as is verifiable even today. Then this Suspicious Person made this completely innocuous statement contentious that "it would be wrong to put all Christians on the spot for Inquisition .." No one in his/ her right mind could do such a thing, but this Suspicious Person, because, he has no time to read, reflect and record a researched response. He is always in haste; hoping threads to meet the requirements of his masters who appear to have deputed him for the job. His contributions have been; cut and paste from other threads or loose non serious remarks, without any regard to accuracy. Not a single response from him reflects seriousness and time consuming reflection; most have been quick reflux, almost instantaneous vomits, He, through his non serious posts, as recorded on this post, has done to the Forum what a bird does to the car underneath. And that is the worth of his contribution; needs to be wiped off. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 18 January 2015 1:36:29 PM
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"There are people who sincerely view themselves as Muslims who have committed horrible acts in the name of Islam, yet most of those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims; statistics:
Less than 2 percent, attacks were committed by Muslims in Europe." Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 17 January 2015 3:46:51 AM Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 18 January 2015 2:14:51 PM
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No references. No facts. The same old glossy, shallow and superficial stuff. The stuff that you have been posting for so long now, in an attempt to impose your secularism on others. Facts convince, NOT the slick words, my friend. You are free to choose your ‘religion’ but others need YOUR approval for what they choose. That does not happen any more in this age. This was your ‘last word’? Too good to believe! Let us see. Posted by NC, Sunday, 18 January 2015 5:02:34 PM
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What is Going On? Any One Interested?
This is a talk titled Top Secret Military War Plans, professor who researched the subject, has copies of original plans and he wrote a book on it. Michio Kaku, American Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York and author, discloses that President Eisenhower and later President Nixon, both had firmed up plans to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea. Both could not execute their plans for lack of sufficient public support at home. Can you see what is happening these days? You at home are being convinced and being prepared to accept the "evil" that the states want to eradicate, for the noble purpose of peace and not for oil and not for providing protection to the beneficiaries of greed of the present dysfunctional and unsustainable system. Your decision is your choice. If you feel it is the goodness of Christianity and badness of Islam that is the issue...go ahead...champion the cause. Go ahead with your slurs on Islam. You your own life time, be able to see the real will you face the mirror then? Is your problem. Good luck. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 19 January 2015 12:46:02 AM
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"Are All Terrorists Muslims?
It’s Not Even Close. By Dean Obeidallah" I posted extract from this article and personal attacks started. I don't think it is right. These are views of an academician and following are the links which may help those interested to get in touch with him directly:- I find the author right when he says; "when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists" Other instances also show that the mainstream media reacts differently where Muslims are involved in violence. I also find his argument well supported by evidence when he says that "less than 2 percent terrorist attacks were committed by Muslims over the past five years". Then he substantiates his conclusion by citing actual official reports like that of "Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs." I also recognized the right of others to disagree and I wrote in my post; "It is good to question his (author's) statistics and his conclusions. It is this approach to news that will guard us against being targets of the controlled media." So where is the ground for personal attack? Clearly, it is every reader's right to believe in what he/she chooses to. But if any one wants me to agree with his/her conclusion, I require credible evidence. If, instead of providing the requisite evidence, one resorts to personal attacks, it is a proof and confession, in my reckoning, that such a person does not have facts to support the argument. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 19 January 2015 4:15:07 AM
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BY GLENN GREENWALD. @ggreenwaldWEDNESDAY AT 8:15 AM Forty-eight hours after hosting a massive march under the banner of free expression, France opened a criminal investigation of a controversial French comedian for a Facebook post he wrote about the Charlie Hebdo attack, and then this morning, arrested him for that post on charges of “defending terrorism.” The comedian, Dieudonné , previously sought elective office in France on what he called an “anti-Zionist” platform, has had his show banned by numerous government officials in cities throughout France" It is not only about the double standards of the government; of rewarding the magazine for freedom of speech, yet arresting others for freedom of speech It is about what governments are after; control of social media, besides other draconian powers to curtail free speech. Selected population is targeted now, yet door has been opened to extend these measures to all. Public has to be prepared, and conditioned to accept such measures. To this end, more "outrageous acts by Muslims" may unfold. The unfortunate direction of movement of events is clearly discernible to any thinking person. Actual target is own public and their minds to be precize. They want, to be gullible, to accept as gospel truth, what ever is on the mainstream media or do they analyze first and accept only what makes is a matter of individual choice. It will never happen, that one day we'll get up to find that we all have unanimity of has never happened. So that can not be a sensible goal to pursue, yet we may be safer, if we develop the habit of reflection and independent judgement and guard against blind hatred against stereotypes that states may like us to, in order to suite their ends. Choice is ours and it is for us to exercise it by embracing information as truth with due care. We may have our eyes open in these interesting times we live in, or we may continue to "sleep walk to tragedy" Posted by McAdam, Monday, 19 January 2015 7:31:54 AM
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Hi McAdam,
North Korea, Eisenhower, Nixon ..... So are you saying that precautionary policy decisions in the US fifty and sixty years ago justify .... what ? Islamist terrorism ? Presuming one was as evil as the other, are you suggesting that one country's evil justifies, or at least cancels out, the evil actions of a bunch of murderers ? Two wrongs make a right, is that it ? An eye for an eye, and then it's all okay ? Pretty backward thinking: it resembles the mentality of the Hebrews three and four thousand years ago - i.e., not suitable for 2015. Time to bring your thinking into the modern world :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 19 January 2015 8:12:11 AM
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yes Loudmouth,
Every now and then McAdam and NC let slip their real motives.They appear to have a deep hatred of the West which they try to gloss over --but every now and then it slips-out. Posted by SPQR, Monday, 19 January 2015 12:06:22 PM
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Hi Loudmouth,
"North Korea, Eisenhower, Nixon ..... So are you saying that...decisions in the US fifty and sixty years ago justify .... Islamist terrorism ?" No, that is not what I have said. To the contrary, I agree with you, that "Two wrongs don't make a right". Kindly see the clip of Dr. Michio Kaku, I quoted; , you'll understand the point better. Dr. Michio quotes two examples. Eisenhower, he says had decided to nuke North Korea, but had to abandon the idea because of insufficient public support. Second example is of Nixon, who thought the Vietnam War could be ended through a nuclear strike on North Korea and he too, cancelled it for the same reason. The point is that the governments, cannot do what they otherwise consider necessary, if they have unfavorable public opinion at home. Therefore, working on domestic public opinion becomes necessary to motivate it and to condition it, to approve, otherwise unacceptable actions. Receiving body bags or witnessing other human beings die, for example, needs lot of motivation or catastrophic events at home. Similarly the draconian measures such as censorship, or invasion of privacy or coercive measures on a section of a population would not normally be accepted. Therefore the public has to be terrorized to believe that the target population is so evil, that such measures are necessary. I hope you understand the point. You may or may not agree with it, but that is the point. And I hope and pray that I am wrong to suspect that more violent actions like Sydney or Paris or repeat of beheading etc by the proxies of IS etc may have to be witnessed again, because the domestic public opinion is yet not sufficiently prepared. May we all be spared the witnessing of more madness, amen. Just before posting, I see that Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability is back again, with habitual false statements. He is seeing my "deep hatred for the west" in this, HOW? Substantiation is never his concern. It proves yet again,the sick mind this incorrigible creature has. Pity on him. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 19 January 2015 1:52:34 PM
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I have noticed that there is a tendency to bring up the age difference between Muhammad and his little girl bride, Aisha.
Now credit where it is due, after the consummation of their union he let her still play with her dolls. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 January 2015 2:00:07 PM
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Hi McAdam,
I'm glad that you condemn the dreadful brutalities of IS - does this mean that you don't believe that IS in adhering to the Koran ? Are you agreeing that terrorism is not, and never will be, the way to exert one's will over an unwilling world ? Are you suggesting that the Koran, like the Christian's Bible, contains parts which can be twisted to SEEM to authorise, or even demand, terrorist acts ? And that believers need to seriously question and reject those defective interpretations ? Are you suggesting that, as I would, all people, believers and non-believers, men and women, are equally entitled to the benefits and the protection of the law, to exercise their democratic right to contribute to the choosing of a government, which thereby has the authority to initiate laws for the protection of all, equally ? I fervently hope so. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 19 January 2015 3:47:51 PM
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McAdam’s reference to <<Michio Kaku, American Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York and author, discloses that President Eisenhower and later President Nixon, both had firmed up plans to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea. Both could not execute their plans for lack of sufficient public support at home.>> is quite significant. An established intent to use Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) aside, it has been used by the same country. The same country, with the aid of its allies, has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians on the pretext of WMD in Iraq which were never there. And countless in Afghanistan. And thousands in Pakistan. And thousands by its ally in Palestine. No condemnation for hundreds of thousands of these deaths from extremists of this thread. They don’t even talk about that. Not even as a factor motivating revenge. Their approach: Shift the focus from enormous number of deaths. Shift the focus from occupation of countries and land of Palestinians. And target the belief system of the sufferers. This is where discussion of these extremists has been fixed – De-contextualisation. The likes of SPQR must continue to target Islam. They know from the clarifications of the misquotes posted in this thread that Quran is not violent. They can’t produce reference from Quran, other than those accepted by universally acknowledged principle of holding by force the hand of the aggressor. They know that Bible, even the New Testament has lot more violent provisions. Yet they must keep crying violence of Quran - De-contextualisation. Their intent is so obvious that the crime of a deranged mind in Sydney immediately focusses their minds on Islam and that is where they are stuck still. These are the people with mission and their mission is to paddle hatred against Muslims through misinformation and De-contextualisation. Posted by NC, Monday, 19 January 2015 9:48:38 PM
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Hii Loudmouth,
"......Are you agreeing that terrorism is not and can never be the way to exert one's will over an unwilling world ?"....And that believers need to seriously question and reject those defective interpretations ?".... all people, believers and non-believers, men and women, are equally entitled to the benefits and the protection of the law, to exercise their democratic right to contribute to the choosing of a government,....equally ? Short answer to your post is; yes I agree with entirety. I also know that all Muslims may not agree with me....we have zealots too, who would like to impose their version, their interpretation on others, but that does not mean that they should not be challenged. Challenged, they must be, as fairness and truth has to prevail over falsehood, like light has to, over darkness. Loudmouth, you and me have differences and those differences shall perhaps remain . But you and me have agreements too. What is the percentage of our agreements and disagreements? A serious calculation is in order here, yet I have not seen any effort any where in the world to concentrate on points the humanity agrees on. All of us have allowed ourselves to be the hostage to the Stake Holders in Religious Differences, which is mainly clergy.....and their bread and butter is in fanning the differences. Either the story of our our common origin, commonality of genes and oneness of humanity is wrong or we all have been taken for a ride by the dispensers of hate. I know I can't correct the world, yet I'll heed Thomas Carlyle who said; "Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one less scoundrel in the world.” May I not hate and may I be counted among those who contributed to the good of humanity, even though it be a straw's worth of goodness, amen May be I am emotional and weak, but I should like to believe it is because of sincerity that I have tears in my eyes, when I write these lines Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 1:34:50 AM
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Striking Fear in Paris by URI AVNERY .....To conduct an effective fight, one has to put oneself first into the shoes of the fanatics and try to understand the dynamic that pushes young local-born Muslims to commit such acts. .....It is a struggle imported from North Africa Algerian war of liberation ...1954, the Jews ....decided to support the colonial power, France, against the Algerian people. In 1870, the French minister of justice, Adolphe Cremieux, ....a Jew, conferred French citizenship on all Algerian Jews,....... ... The local Jews, proud of their French citizenship, staunchly supported the colonists. In the end, the Jews were prominent in the OAS, the extreme French underground which conducted a bloody struggle against the freedom fighters..... now is the continuation of this war between Algerian Muslims and Jews on French soil. All the four “French” Jews killed in the attack had North African names. ..... The anti-Semites have helped drive the Jews to Palestine,And the new immigrants will certainly settle in the occupied Palestinian territories on stolen Arab land. ... Israel benefits from the Paris attack has led Arab media to believe that ... the Arab perpetrators were really manipulated by the Israeli Mossad. ...winner from this outrage is Israel. But to draw the conclusion that Israel is hiding behind the Jihadists is utter nonsense." URI AVNERY is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is a contributor to CounterPunch’s book The Politics of Anti-Semitism." This extract is not being posted to discuss the right or wrong stated therein. It in only to show that the world events have complex dynamics. Things are not as black and white as the mainstream media spins for popular consumption; for the consumption of people, as stated on this thread, "are too lazy, ignorant and indifferent (don't know, don't care)" We don't want to be in that category. We want to work through the noise of media to dig the truth and stand firm on it. We need to keep our eyes open, in the interesting times we are living in. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 4:42:03 AM
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Substantiate ? What a joke, ROFL It is pretty clear that no amount of evidence will sway you or your confederates But for the benefit of others here are a few snippets: “I suspect that in the medium run, the new crusader city state known as Israel won't survive much past the end of US supremacy even with their nuclear weapons” [Posted by dkit, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:04:44 AM] Note the mindset still in the crusades era! <<“a moron in a three piece suit is still a moron” …The sooner you realize the above the earlier I can accommodate you in my Troll Rehabilitation Program… Virulent trolls>> [Hadi, Friday, 15 August 2014 1:13:41 PM & on numerous other occasions] Note his loving-kindness towards his fellow humans <<But nothing in human history compares with the Atlanta slave trade (1441-1840) in volume, exploitation and brutality… Conclusive historic evidence: How did the huge number of black Africans end up in Americas – Not on work or business visas! [Posted by NC, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:01:18 PM] Note his one-eyed halal take on history <<• … The rate at which the political and economic land-scape is fundamentally altering, US will soon have enough of its own concerns, than to bather about Israel, what then?... • The aging US on irreversible decline…[Posted by NC, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 6:15:41 PM]>> Put this down as No.1 on his secret wish list. Can’t you just feeeeeeel the spray of venom in the above posts,eh! Another point to note from that thread <<Cutting The Grass>> it it was grounded on a comment taken out of context and blown out of all proportion …something NC & McAdam supposedly take much umbrage to when it relates to their holy texts! Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 7:25:44 AM
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Thank you, McAdam, that clarifies the situation.
SPQR, On the Atlantic slave-trade: of course, it was a subsidiary of the much-longer slave trade - which even pre-dates Islam - from sub-Saharan Africa to all points across the north and east. Muhammad had at least one African slave, Bilal, BEFORE Islam. I think he freed him when he converted. The fact that trans-Atlantic shipping points were usually just forts and holding compounds right on the coast, i.e. within a hundred metres of the water, raises a question: who brought the slaves to those points ? Who transported those many millions of Africans, over many centuries, across the Sahara to North Africa and to the Middle East as well ? [I believe they called the slave-trains 'coffles', they could take a year or more to shuffle from point of capture to slave market. And where were the main slave markets ?] Is it possible that that trade is still going on ? Mauretania still has a large slave population: they were allowed to vote in elections in about 2007, for the first time; they were given the afternoon off to do so [Islam is kind and merciful, after all]. The key requirement of a slave is that the slaves not be Muslims - although someone may deny this, pointing out that in some Muslim countries, some slaves are after all Muslims. Go for it. . Does all that await us ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 8:03:43 AM
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The bell goes for the next round and McAdam staggers toward centre ring, bloodied and unaware that he's got no hope....
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 8:51:37 AM
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Substantiation by the Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability; quotes of other persons made in another context and from another thread..... And from another year......and not a single quote from me. So the old writings of others are being produced as a proof of what I stand for.? That is substantiation of allegation against me?...... Is it sane? Nothing but rubbish from this Person; an other addition to the heap already piled up by him on this thread. Hopeless,...... utterly hopeless person! Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 9:42:34 AM
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On his partial quote from my post (NC, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:01:18 PM on a different thread) SPQR initiated discussion on slavery by: <<Islamic invaders waged war to convert or enslave Africans up until very recently (& the Islamic slave trade was the biggest in history-buthow many have heard of it?).>> 1 Aug 7:21 AM To which, I responded with: <<And now you have brought in slavery and, as usual, you are blaming it all on the Muslims. I must touch your diversions while keeping the focus intact. Not to say the no Muslim had any role in it, the slavery, an ancient practice, was common in Roman world, also the10th century Vikings would sell men and women in open markets along Volga River and Caspian Sea. But nothing in human history compares with the Atlanta slave trade (1441-1840) in volume, exploitation and brutality. Historic records are too many and too vivid to be ignored along with the (18th and 19th Century) literature condemning the black man to an inherent inferior position for a moral justification for his enslavement – something similar to what you are trying to do to Palestinians today. Conclusive historic evidence: How did the huge number of black Africans end up in Americas – Not on work or business visas!>> I tried to correct his perspective on slavery, like many other misconceptions he seems to carry and keeps paddling around with no care or concern for the facts. And now (as I noticed while going to the next post) another IGNORANT with the same goal of paddling misinformation comes up with: <<On the Atlantic slave-trade: of course, it was a subsidiary of the much-longer slave trade - which even pre-dates Islam - from sub-Saharan Africa to all points across the north and east.>> Does he understand what he is talking about? Can he defend his statement? Ask him. And then another outrageous lie manufactured by this misinformation paddler: << Muhammad had at least one African slave, Bilal, BEFORE Islam. I think he freed him when he converted.>> Miserable commitment to the spread of misinformation!! Posted by NC, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:19:12 PM
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Hi NC,
Yes, according to Fernand Braudel, Bilal became the first Muezzin, presumably after Muhammad freed him. The Atlantic slave trade lasted for four hundred years, from Brazil and the Caribbean to the American colonies, up into Canada. The Muslim trade in African slaves lasted for perhaps 1200 or 1300 years - from, say, 700 AD up until, say, 2015, in Mauretania - or have they freed the slaves in Mauretania ? Slaves from all parts (the Baltic, Greece and the Balkans countries, Ireland, sub-Saharan Africa) - built the palaces and fountains, and worked the fields, in Moorish Spain, according to the economic historian of Spain, Vicens Vives. Slaves grew sugar in Moslem Sicily and Syria. Livingstone trekked all across Central Africa trying to stop the slave trade being operated by -- ? Can you put your hand on your heart and swear that there is no slave trade into Saudi Arabia right now ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:50:25 PM
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Here's a pertinent little comment on the issues from someone who can hardly be stereotyped a white, redneck, racist:
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Some countries have allowed Muslims to establish autonomous neighborhoods in cities where they govern by a harsh version of Islamic law, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Monday during a speech in London... Jindal said some immigrants are seeking 'to colonize Western countries, because setting up your own enclave and demanding recognition of a no-go zone are exactly that.' He also said Muslim leaders must condemn the people who commit terrorism in the name of faith as 'murderers who are going to hell.'" Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 1:46:11 PM
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For those who may not have been able to link the discussion on the topic of Substantiation:- Following was posted on Monday, 19 January 2015 12:06:22 PM by the Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability: "Every now and then McAdam and NC let slip their real motives.They appear to have a deep hatred of the West which they try to gloss over --but every now and then it slips-out." I wrote the same day " He is seeing my "deep hatred for the west" in this, HOW? Substantiation is never his concern." On 20 Jan the person states in his post ; "Substantiate ? What a joke,..." Then he lists quotes from others. Not a single quote from me. And the quotes of other persons; made in another context and from another thread..... And from another year..... Are being presented as substantiation of the allegation, that I have deep hatred for the West...... Is it sane?... This is joke...and a sick joke at that. This is the habit of the person to level baseless allegations, to put spins and to tell lies, outright. This Suspicious Person is indeed with Questionable Reliability and he has repeatedly proved to be so. Now he quotes a wild remark of Governor of Louisiana USA about behavior of Muslims in Europe; what a credible authority? As credible as a governor before him; Sarah Palin. What are credentials of this person to speak with authority on Europe? That is a specimen of research of the Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability. His credibility is worth zero. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 2:14:58 PM
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Hi McAdam,
Governor Jindal said: "Some countries have allowed Muslims to establish autonomous neighborhoods in cities where they govern by a harsh version of Islamic law, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Monday during a speech in London... Jindal said some immigrants are seeking 'to colonize Western countries, because setting up your own enclave and demanding recognition of a no-go zone are exactly that.' "He also said Muslim leaders must condemn the people who commit terrorism in the name of faith as 'murderers who are going to hell.'" Is what Jindal says true in any way ? Are there areas of British or French or German cities where shari'a is applied ? One hears of Bradford and Birmingham and Wolverhampton and parts of London - is this so, to your knowledge ? Should it be ? Should the rule of law, equality for all, etc., be overturned in favour of shari'a ? He also suggests that Muslim leaders should condemn terrorism. Do you suggest that this is a 'wild statement' >? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 3:29:11 PM
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The readers note the ‘theories’ this paddler of the misinformation spins in every post. FACTS on Bilal • Bilal accepted Islam as a slave and his master would subject him to extremely painful physical torture for good part of the day; • Bilal was one of many slaves that Muhammad’s friends ,Abu Bakr, bought and set free in the recognition of Quran’s emphasis on the virtue of ‘freeing the slaves’; • Bilal was a highly respected companion of Muhammad. The first Muazzin of Islam [one who delivers Azaan (call) for prayer]. The legendry respect for Bilal among Muslims continued in days of Omar (the 2nd Kalif) who would come out of the door to personally receive him while the so called dignitaries would wait till Omar was free to see them; • Bilal is a typical example of the racial equality of Quran’s teachings. Content of the heart is what matters and not the colour of the skin. SPINS on Bilal: Now look at his spins with qualifiers ‘I think” and ‘presumably’. << Muhammad had at least one African slave, Bilal, BEFORE Islam. I think he freed him when he converted.>> 20 Jan 8:03 AM <<Yes, according to Fernand Braudel, Bilal became the first Muezzin, presumably after Muhammad freed him.>> 20 Jan 12:50 PM I would like to correct him on Atlanta Slave Trade as well. But he must assure me that he will answer my question first. He has not answered my previous questions and keeps repeating his questions, despite my reminders that he has to answer questions in order to be able to ask the next question. After that it will be one question from him and one from me. This can go as long as he does not break this rule. And break the rule he will, because he is not in the business of serious exchange apart from paddling the misinformation he has done so consistently. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 4:30:09 PM
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Thank you, NC, that fills out the picture :) So Bilal was an African slave, brought to Mecca or Medina, before Islam got going ? That was my point, that the African slave trade with Arabia was going on before Muhammad began preaching ? Is that right ? Who were the traders, I wonder.
Sorry, what was the question again ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 5:06:31 PM
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Hi Loudmouth, "Governor Jindal said"
Remarks of a state governor of USA about Europe? ...... What? "Education, jobs and the economy are the most important issues that Louisiana voters want the next Congress to address, according to a poll released Wednesday by the state's largest business lobby. Conducted by Southern Media and Opinion Research of Baton Rouge for the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, the survey found that education was "very important" to 87.3 percent of those polled. Jobs and the economy -- considered as one item -- came in a close second at 83.2 percent". Or major problems in maintenance, storm preparedness of Louisiana refineries, is an other issue, that Louisiana governor could shed some light on. We could take it seriously, if the UK Prime Minister or some other credible source from there had voiced the issues like No Go Areas. It appears that he does not even know the meaning of the terms he is using. Does the term No Go Area refers to the areas with a single community concentration, like the China Towns of New York and San Fransisco or of Harlem, where others are careful to visit. No Go Area, on the other hand means an area where entry is controlled by force. No Go Area in UK? A country, which takes pride in its legal system would suffer such an outrageous thing? Appears unthinkable. I am no expert on Europe but know clearly, that if I needed a medical opinion, I wouldn't follow a cobbler's advice on the subject. Bobby Jindal on Europe? Please follow him if you like to. I am not interested in this wild goose chase. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 2:18:45 AM
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"Parts of the UK are becoming no-go areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.
The rise in ‘community justice’ means crimes as serious as murder and sexual abuse are going unreported – a situation reminiscent of Belfast in the height of the Troubles. Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice. Honour killings, genital mutilation, and domestic violence are some of the offences thought to be unreported He said: ‘There are some communities born under other skies who will not involve the police at all. I am reluctant to name the communities in question, but there are communities from other cultures who would prefer to police themselves. ‘There are cities in the Midlands where the police never go because they are never called. They never hear of any trouble because the community deals with that on its own." Read more: This is the 'benevolent' side of No-Go areas, they exist in the UK. I've been there and have seen areas into which the prudent and the police, unless in force, do not go Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 7:49:27 AM
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Hi Loudmouth,
A lesson Re- Learnt and Re-Learnt and....... 1. Governor Jindal says that there are No Go Zones in UK and elsewhere Europe. 2. Fox News disseminates this to the world. 3. Our own Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability, paddles lit as truth. 4. Some on this thread, including yourself appear to be inclined to believe this as truth and put other Muslims on the spot for it. 5. David Cameron the British Prime Minister says there are no No Go Zones in UK. He also says the Birmingham has a large Muslim community, still a minority and the city has lower crime rate. 6. French media is outraged by the insult done. 7. Fox News accepts wrong reporting and apologizes four times in one day. 8. Mayor of Paris is still not satisfied and announces to sue Fox News for attacking the honor of her city. 9. CNN asks Jindal to show evidence for his claim and he has none. 10. Jindal is still non repentant and CNN says he has made a fool of himself. Jindal might have shot himself in the foot already. 11. Any apology from our paddler of lies? None and none may be forthcoming. He has been caught lying ealier, as the one who hears something and passes it on as truth, without verifying it's truth is a liar too. He has never apologized for his lies, probably because he claims others "are too lazy, ignorant and indifferent (don't know, don't care)" When one takes others as such he/she is self assured to be able to talk one's way out of any situation. No one can save such a person from becoming a habitual liar....he/she is incorrigible. Such people should be left alone...basking in the cesspool of their lies. The other lesson relearnt for the umpteenth time is that we should keep our eyes open, in the interesting times we are living in and should not be among those who are seen as sleep walking into tragedy. May we be with the truth and may we be spared the tragedies, amen. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 7:52:53 AM
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"Are most victims of terrorism Muslim?
Last updated 3 hours ago By Ruth Alexander BBC News ..2011 report by the US government's National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC), ..said: "In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years." Miller does point out, though, that between 2004 and 2013 about half of all terrorist attacks, and 60% of fatalities due to terrorist attacks, took place in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan - all of which have a mostly Muslim population. So while she doubts that 95% of terrorism victims are Muslim, she thinks the truth might not be far off. "It's not out of the realm of possibility, given the extreme concentration of attacks in majority-Muslim countries," Miller says. The overall number of deadly terrorist attacks in France, the UK, Spain and the US, however, is very low by international standards. Between 2004-2013, the UK suffered 400 terrorist attacks, mostly in Northern Ireland, and almost all of them were non-lethal. The US suffered 131 attacks, fewer than 20 of which were lethal. France suffered 47 attacks. But in Iraq, there were 12,000 attacks and 8,000 of them were lethal. "It's tempting for many people to try figure out which religious groups are more violent than others, ....This is a mistake, ... Most terrorist attacks are rooted in geopolitics, ..(note the intriguing term used here; rooted in geopolitics) "Religion is certainly a part of them, but it is not the only part."" Copied above an extract from is the BBC report; just out. According to this report; 1. We on this thread have been blaming the primary victims of terrorism; Muslims, for terrorism. 2. Second point in the report worth consideration is that terrorist attacks are rooted in geopolitics more than in religion. The discussion about QURAN being the basis of violence, is clearly misplaced. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 10:52:39 AM
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"The discussion about QURAN being the basis of violence, is clearly misplaced"
HA! HA! HA! Good one Mac, but don't give up your day job. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 11:40:16 AM
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Where is the MORAL COURAGE to say that he MADE a WRONG STATEMENTS? He said << Muhammad had at least one African slave, Bilal, BEFORE Islam. I think he freed him when he converted.>> 20 Jan 8:03 AM and <<Yes, according to Fernand Braudel, Bilal became the first Muezzin, presumably after Muhammad freed him.>> 20 Jan 12:50 PM Both are malicious spins on FACTS that I clarified in my post of 20 Jan 4:30 PM. He can’t dispute the FACTS But has NO MORAL COURAGE to say sorry for the WRONG STATEMENTS he made. Because that is how he is!! Instead, he appears to have declared his victory on ‘his discovery’ that there were black slaves in pre-Islamic Arab society. Who said that they were not there then? There were black slaves and there were ‘non-black’ slaves in Muhammad’s time, in fact the later were more in number than the former (on his << who were the traders, I wonder>> the misinformation paddler needs to study history a bit more to understand how a free person was turned into a slave in the ancient practice of societies, Roman society included - much earlier than the period under discussion here). Quran declared slaves to be human beings deserving same treatment and respect as their masters assumed for their own selves. And best of all the slaves deserve to be freed, Quran declared. With his typical style he has once again tried to avoid a format of exchange in which both sides ask as well as answer questions. He must insist on ‘asking’ questions only to maintain an environment where he can consistently mix his spins with the facts. Because that is how he is!! Posted by NC, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 11:53:55 AM
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(Extract From an Article titled Shame onYou Charlie Hebdo- Making Sense of the Paris Terrorist Attacks, by ISMAEL HOSSEIN-ZADEH, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Drake University and Author) "The simplistic and politically expedient explanations of current violence such as incompatibility” of Islam with the modern world or “good vs. evil” have shed more heat than light on the issue. Such crude explanations of terrorism are essentially popularized versions of the theory of “the clash of civilizations,” which implies that Islam is inherently irreconcilable with modernization and Western values. The theory, initially expounded by Samuel Huntington in the early 1990s, sets out to identify “new sources” of international conflicts in the post-Cold War world. During the Cold War years, major international conflicts were explained by the “threat of communism” and the rivalry between the two competing world systems. In the post-Cold War era, however, argue Huntington and his co-thinkers, the sources of international rivalries and collisions have shifted to competing and incompatible civilizations, which have their primary roots in religion and/or culture. It is on the basis of these dubious projections that champions of the theory of “the clash of civilizations” can argue that international conflicts erupt not because of imperialistic pursuits of economic, territorial, or geopolitical advantages but because of non-Western civilizations’ reactions to Western power and values. Huntington’s theory of “the clash of civilizations” is essentially a subtle version of Richard Perle’s strategy of “de-contextualization.” Perle, a leading neoconservative militarist (and a prominent advisor of the Likud party of Israel), coined the term “de-contextualization” as a way to explain both the desperate acts of terrorism in general and the violent tactics of the Palestinian resistance to occupation in particular. He argued that in order to blunt the widespread global criticism of the Israeli treatment of Palestinians, their resistance to occupation must be de-contextualized; that is, we must stop trying to understand the territorial, geopolitical and historical reasons that some groups turn to terrorism. Continues Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 22 January 2015 2:22:25 AM
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Instead, he suggested, the reasons for the violent reactions of such groups must be sought in the arenas of culture and/or religion—in the Islamic way of thinking. Like the “clash of civilizations” theory, de-contextualization strategy has been part of a well-orchestrated effort to divert attention from the root causes of terrorism, and attribute it to “pathological problems of the Muslim mind.” Beneficiaries of war dividends, that is, big banks and military-industrial-security-intelligence complexes in major capitalist countries, have found this sinister strategy of obfuscating the root causes of terrorism quite useful for the purposes of justifying their military adventures in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Ever since the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 beneficiaries of war and militarism in major Western countries have been searching for substitutes for the “communist threat” of the Cold War era in order to maintain and justify their lion’s share of their respective countries’ national budgets or public finance. The view that Western civilization is threatened by militant Islam has provided these beneficiaries with a “perfect” substitute for the communist threat of the Cold War era. Aside from their poisonous implications for international relations, such obfuscating explanations simply fail the test of history. The history of the relationship between the modern Western world and the Muslim world shows that, contrary to popular perceptions in the West, from the time of their initial contacts with the capitalist West more than two centuries ago until almost the final third of the twentieth century, the Muslim people were quite receptive of the economic and political models of the modern world. Many people in the Muslim world, including the majority of their political leaders, were eager to transform and restructure the socioeconomic and political structures of their societies after the model of the capitalist West. As Karen Armstrong, author of a number of books on religious fundamentalism, points out: “About a hundred years ago, almost every leading Muslim intellectual was in love with the West, which at that time meant Europe. America was still an unknown entity." Continues Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 22 January 2015 2:24:21 AM
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"....Many people in the Muslim world, including the majority of their political leaders, were eager to transform and restructure the socioeconomic and political structures of their societies after the model of the capitalist West. As Karen Armstrong, author of a number of books on religious fundamentalism, points out".
What she doesn't point out was that they had an albatross about their necks, to wit, the Koran. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 January 2015 8:16:11 AM
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Those interested to read the rest of this lengthy article, may Google it. It traces the origin of some anti-Muslim terms, visible even in this thread. It is not easy to embrace new ideas. It is convenient to cling to one's world view and to move in the rut; that is what cattle do. Humans have been bestowed with the faculties to differentiate between right and wrong; it requires constant vigilance. We and we alone, will have to answer for the choices we make. It is time to reflect on rather than embrace the lies being paddled, these days. See the example just witnessed, of the Fox News/Jindal and the No Go Zones in Europe, episode . Fox has since apologized for comments by terror expert Steven Emerson, who claimed Birmingham was "totally Muslim" and ruled by Sharia law.Fox News host Jeanine Pirro subsequently said Emerson had "made a serious factual error. Emerson said he had made an "inexcusable error". Prime Minister David Cameron responded by calling him "a complete idiot" (BBC). Other example of falsehood being paddled is the naked pursuit of oil by West in the name of protecting the Western values and how much it has exposed the falsehood of the idea being projected that international conflicts erupt not because of imperialistic pursuits of economic, territorial, or geopolitical advantages but because of non-Western civilizations’ reactions to Western power and values. The current discussion on violence in QURAN, is indeed misplaced ....but then we all do not see equally; it is the function of our relative vision. And the discussion, we should not forget, is on the argument of the author, that condemnable act of a terrorist, should not be used as a license to harass those who have nothing to do with this sane person could disagree. It is time to develop the habit of deeper thought, rather than following the easy course of accepting the superfluous and the obvious. We all need to unearth the truth and then stand firm on it. May it become easy for us to do it, amen. Concluded Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 22 January 2015 8:26:58 AM
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This paddler of misinformation finally quotes a sensible author Karen Armstrong, (apart from the usual hate-sites stuff): <<....Many people in the Muslim world, including the majority of their political leaders, were eager to transform and restructure the socioeconomic and political structures of their societies after the model of the capitalist West.>> post of 22 Jan 8:16 AM. Yet true to the spirit of misinformation spins, insists that: <<What she doesn't point out was that they had an albatross about their necks, to wit, the Koran>> NO, SHE DOES ADDRESS QURAN IN DEPTH in her works. She has studied Quran and respects it - her secular outlook may not be agreeable for many believers. Karen Armstrong’s representative findings on Quran that may interest the readers are; “The Quran gave women rights of inheritance and divorce centuries before Western women were accorded such status”; On violence in Quran, the person has been paddling so much of the misinformation about; 1. “In the Koran, therefore, the ONLY PERMISSIBLE WAR IS ONE OF SELF-DEFENSE”; 2. “Muslims may not begin hostilities (2: 190)”; 3. “Warfare is always evil, but sometimes you have to fight in order to avoid the kind of persecution that Mecca inflicted on the Muslims (2: 191; 2: 217) or to preserve decent values (4: 75; 22: 40)”; 4. “Hostilities must be brought to an end as quickly as possible and must cease the minute the enemy sues for peace (2: 192-3)”; and 5. “….but like the Gospels, the Koran suggests that it is meritorious to forgo revenge in a spirit of charity (5: 45)”. And on Muhammad, a representative statement of Karen Armstrong: “The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of nonviolence. When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia…….. Posted by NC, Thursday, 22 January 2015 3:22:29 PM
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A very thoughtful article which should be read by one and all and its true meaning should be understood.
Posted by Rehan, Saturday, 24 January 2015 7:00:36 AM
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@ McAdam
still cherrying his confirmation bias <<Beneficiaries of war dividends, that is, big banks and military-industrial-security-intelligence complexes in major capitalist countries, have found this sinister strategy of obfuscating the root causes of terrorism quite useful>> McAdam have you met the poster Arjay? You and him would make excellent soul mates ;) Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 24 January 2015 7:19:50 AM
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LOL no one could ever accuse NC of being that ...both NC and McAdam have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle for some time now :) Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 24 January 2015 12:51:00 PM
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This Suspicious Person with questionable Reliability is always in haste while reading and then has repeatedly shown his inability to comprehend and retain what he claims to have read. His focus, is not on the idea under discussion, but on the person on whom he is keen to pass unsubstantiated cheep remarks.
The line he quotes, implying to be mine, is of the author of the article, and is in inverted commas. My comments on the article are contained in the third post on the subject. Point out any thing, and I will defend. This thread is littered with the cheap unsubstantiated personal remarks he made, or the falsehood he paddled. Latest by him was about the No Go Zones in Europe. Fox News has since apologized repeatedly for the comments by their terror expert Steven Emerson, who claimed Birmingham was "totally Muslim" and ruled by Sharia law.Fox News host Jeanine Pirro subsequently said Emerson had "made a serious factual error. Emerson said he had made an "inexcusable error". Prime Minister David Cameron responded by calling him "a complete idiot" (BBC). City of Paris is contemplating legal action against the liars and say "Our logic is very simple, We want Fox News to assume responsibility because they hurt us, they hurt the city of Paris." Any regret, any remorse or any shame by this Suspicious Person?....None. This is the person who attempted to substantiate his wild judgement on me by quoting other persons, as proof of what I had said. Off the mark by such a great margin can be a person who is; out of his senses or totally unmindful of the consequences of he being proven wrong. A trait of a liar or of person lacking shame completely. Who is he a perfect soulmate of? I have yet to come across a person, as low as that Posted by McAdam, Saturday, 24 January 2015 3:11:33 PM
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I wasnt going to buy into the no-go zones. However, since you have twisted my arm... But, first, let me say that one needs to take with a huge grain of salt anything high profile politicians permit themselves to see or to say in our PC rich environment. So citing David Cameron's PC crafted comments hold little water. Here is a much better assessment: <<A 120-page research paper entitled "No-Go Zones in the French Republic: Myth or Reality?" documented dozens of French neighborhoods "where police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation, projectiles, or even fatal shootings." In October 2011, a 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law.>> Please read the full article. Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 24 January 2015 4:43:26 PM
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Is this the first time that this Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability has refused to accept his lie, even when caught "red handed"? No, that is his habit.
He is now claiming to be right, even after the news channel which carried the story, has accepted as "serious factual error" and " inexcusable error" Steven Emerson, of Fox News claimed Birmingham was "totally Muslim". David Cameron says Muslims are a minority in Birmingham. Is it not verifiable? Can't we know who is liying here? Why quote questionable sources? Why not refer to census? Didn't any body teach this paddler of lies, the techniques of verification? Here is the ethnicity of Birmingham, based on 2011 census :- Number % White: British 570,217 53.14% White: Irish b 22,021 2.05% White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 408 0.04% White: Other 28,990 2.70% White: Total 621,636 57.93% Asian or Asian British: Indian 64,621 6.02% Asian or Asian British: Pakistani 144,627 13.48% Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi 32,532 3.03% Asian or Asian British: Chinese 12,712 1.18% Asian or Asian British: Other Asian 31,148 2.90% Asian or Asian British: Total 285,640 26.62% Black or Black British: Caribbean 47,641 4.44% Black or Black British: African 29,991 2.79% Black or Black British: Other Black 18,728 1.75% Black or Black British: Total 96,360 8.98% Mixed: White and Black Caribbean 24,720 2.30% Mixed: White and Black African 3,223 0.30% Mixed: White and Asian 11,186 1.04% Mixed: Other Mixed 8,476 0.79% Mixed: Total 47,605 4.44% Other: Arab 10,910 1.02% Other: Any other ethnic group 10,894 1.02% Other: Total 21,804 2.03% Total 1,073,045 100.00% The figures are from a secondary source. Please dig the official figures to know that David Cameron is right and this peddler of lies, is standing on the slippery ground of falsehood, that he always chooses for him self. Why does such a person make a fool of himself, so often? Because he says others are " ignorant and too lazy (don't know, don,t care)" these are his words. No, it is this person, who is ignorant. You the Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability; you the hopeless Liar. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 25 January 2015 1:25:04 AM
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I posted this elsewhere but if has high relevance here
<<THIS FROM LEGO'S POST ABOVE IS HIGHLY NOTABLE: <<AN IRANIAN immigrant sentenced to eight years’ jail for raping a teenage girl The university-educated Mohebbifar, who came from a middle-class Iranian family, told a psychologist that Western women were “portrayed as whores” in Iran>> Hmmmmm! now if an Anglo-Ozzie had made that point the PC brigade (& NC & McAdam) would be up in arms.>> Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 25 January 2015 5:29:53 AM
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Cheep, cut-and-paste and unsubstantiated personal accusations; that is what is dropped by this paddler of lies, all over this thread, like the droppings from a bird on the tree. Filth, nothing but filth of lies from this Suspicious Person with Questionable Reliability.
Meanwhile the lie of this person and the Fox News about Birmingham being a 100% Muslim town is exposed by the website of Birmingham City Council It says:- "Birmingham's residents are from a wide range of national, ethnic and religious backgrounds......the largest ethnic group in Birmingham .... White British with 570,217 (53.1%).....Other large groups include Pakistani (144,627, 13.5%) and Indian (64,621, 6.0%)...Black Caribbean (47,641, 4.4%)" He dismisses the statement of British PrimeMinister on the subject that Muslims were a minority in Birmingham by stating that "one needs to take with a huge grain of salt anything high profile politicians permit themselves to see or to say in our PC rich environment. So citing David Cameron's PC crafted comments hold little water." And at the same time paddles the No Go Zones version of Bobby Jindal. That governor of Louisiana and possible presidential hopeful not politician?. And if British PM is not right, what is the proof of Birmingham being all Muslim? What is the truth? But truth has never been his concern; just a spin, a lie or a cut-and-paste to side track the pursuit of truth. Shame on the paddlers of lies. He confesses his liar's mindset; "I wasnt going to buy into the no-go zones. However, since you have twisted my arm" If his arm gets twisted the truth changes? Truth is truth, regardless of personal emotions. But he manifests a mindset....sure to talk his way out of any situation because others are "ignorant and lazy ( don't know, don't care)". So he assumes he has the freedom to construct his own facts...twisting them at will. He continues to make a fool of himself that he has deceived others while others know, he is a liar...... Pity on the liar. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 25 January 2015 8:10:32 AM
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Do you agree with killing people for their religious beliefs, or not? If not, what steps have you taken to persuade your many co-religionists who don't agree with you, that what they are doing is against Allah, Mohammed, the Koran, and Islam? Why are you wasting your time in here apologising for the Muslim religion when you have real work to do? NC Do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9 year-old girl, or not? If not, what have you done to let your fellow Muslims know that you believe Mohammed did the wrong thing? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 25 January 2015 9:31:16 AM
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Jardine, "Do you agree with killing people for their religious beliefs, or not?
Why are you wasting your time in here apologising for the Muslim religion when you have real work to do?" Are you on drugs Jardine? Or you just don,t read. Have you read the posts about; decontextualization, most of victims of terrorism being Muslims, more than 95% of terrorist attacks being done by non Muslims and the example of most of terrorist attacks suffered by UK being in Northern Ireland? Here is extract from my post of 21 January containing part of BBC Report by Ruth Alexander:- "It's tempting for many people to try figure out which religious groups are more violent than others, ....This is a mistake, ... Most terrorist attacks are rooted in geopolitics, ..(note the intriguing term used here; rooted in geopolitics) "Religion is certainly a part of them, but it is not the only part" If you have read those posts, where has this question come from? Am I apologizing for Islam? Where has that come from? It is you who needs to apologize for the gobbledegook you believe in. Please don't waste every body's time by trying to rewind the discussion. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 25 January 2015 11:44:56 AM
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SPQR and McAdam,
SPQR is the person on record to have wilfully misquoted Quran. Spread of misinformation on Quran and Islam is his mission and that is what he does consistently. The support material he provides is the unreliable stuff from hate sites. KJK specialises in asking senseless questions. McAdam has tremendous patience to interact with SPQR and KJK. Posted by NC, Sunday, 25 January 2015 2:25:14 PM
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Your question about the age of Mother Aisha, may God be pleased with her, at the time of Marriage, is based on assumption that marriage was consummated at the age of 9 years; different ages are recorded in different traditions. What is the point? Have you read your Bible? What is the permissible marriageable age, as per Bible? Why did you not respond to my post dated 5 January 2015, 12:58:42 AM; "In the Bible, if a girl is old enough to menstruate, then she can be a wife," (Extract from the report filed by Ashley Fantz, CNN, April 14, 2011 9:23 a.m. EDT) The way you word your questions, shows utter lack of respect for Islam. While your Pope says "one cannot make fun of faith, "There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity ... in freedom of expression there are limits." Let me remind you of my post of 27 December last year; "Jardine, I had suggested that we close the forum because you and others on your sides were repetitive, indicating not having anything new to add." You were repetitive last month. See for yourself, where you stand today; exactly where you were a month ago. The discussion has since moved on and you appear to have suddenly awakened from your slumber and wish to drag the discussion back. Is it not sheer waste of time? Can you can see it? Others can. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 25 January 2015 3:20:04 PM
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Did Aisha's father not object to her marriage to Muhammad?
Wasn't her father over ruled by that worthy? Still, as I remarked elsewhere, he did let her play with her dolls after he bedded her. She might have been a big girl for her age and able to carry a full goatskin of water. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 25 January 2015 9:12:58 PM
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The Ignorants!
Clearly we have some in this Forum who are bent upon exposing their ignorance:- 1. Ignorance of their own Scripture; " if a girl is old enough to menstruate, then she can be a wife,". 2. Ignorance of their own religious history; " There are two opinions in the Midrash as to how old Rebecca was at the time of her marriage. According to the traditional counting cited by Rashi, Isaac was 37 years old at the time of the Binding of Isaac; Sarah, who gave birth to Isaac when she was 90, died immediately after the binding when she was 127 years old, making Isaac around 37 at that time. News of Rebecca's birth reached Abraham immediately after that event. Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebecca, making Rebecca 3 years old at the time of her marriage.According to the second opinion, Rebecca was 14 years old at the time of their marriage." 3. Ignorance of the fact, that this vain and out of context discussion about the prophets of God serves no purpose to the topic. 4. Ignorance of the current events. They pursue the superfluous and the obvious and have no vision to encompass that the current terrorism is rooted primarily in geopolitical reasons. 5. Ignorance of the development of discussion of this Forum; contributors from both sides since agree that the tussle in the region is about "oil "and not that much about religion. 5. Ignorance of reality and fixation with the hate literature that they think has empowered them and are bent upon pursuing it, in spite of its proven irrelevance to the topic under discussion and the topic being, a terrorist act by an individual should not be used as a license to harass the whole community. It is punishment in itself, that they themselves have bared their ignorance to all. They brought in upon themselves and can't even see, others can. What should others do with them. I have been taught by QURAN 7:199; "Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant"(Pickthall, translation) Posted by McAdam, Monday, 26 January 2015 2:17:15 AM
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The difference being that no one in Christendom tries to argue for child marriage today because of a few instances in the largely irrelevant Old Testament, however child brides are common in Islam and the justification is always the Qur'an and the example of the Prophet.
Not all of today's old husbands let their little wives play with their dolls, which is a pity because it robs them of part of their childhood. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 26 January 2015 7:21:36 AM
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It's not that I'm being repetitive, it's that you're being evasive. Answer the question honestly and directly and I won't have to keep asking you. Stop retorting Judaism at me, stop trying to squirm out of it, and answer the question. Do you think it's okay for a 54 year-old man to have sex with a 9-year old girl, or not? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 26 January 2015 11:08:22 AM
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Claiming that child marriages are exclusive to Muslim societies, is insistence on ones ignorance:-
1. According to UNICEF's "State of the World's Children-2009" report, 47% of India's women aged 20–24 were married before the legal age of 18, with 56% marrying before age 18 in rural areas. The report also showed that 40% of the world's child marriages occur in India. 2. Child marriage is common in Latin America and the Caribbean island nations. About 29% of girls are married before age 18.The child marriage varies between the countries, with Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti and Ecuador reporting some of the highest rates in the Americas. 3. According to UNICEF, Africa has the highest incidence rates of child marriage, with over 70% of girls marrying under the age of 18. 4. The countries with the highest observed rates of child marriages below the age of 18 are Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh, Guinea and the Central African Republic, with a rate above 60%. Niger, Chad, Bangladesh, Mali and Ethiopia were the countries with child marriage rates greater than 20% below the age of 15, according to 2003-2009 surveys. 5. Child marriage, as defined by UNICEF, includes cohabitation. According to a 2010 report by National Center for Health Statistics, an agency of the government of United States, 2.1% of all girls in the 15-17 age group were in a child marriage. 6. Ariel Durant, co- author of 11 volumes of The Story of Civilization and a number of other books, married her teacher William Durant at the age of fifteen and roller skated to her wedding. Reality is that child marriage is a world wide problem. US has mobilize world opinion against this menace and it is illegal world wide. Still a concerted and sustained effort, would be required to fully eradicate it from the world. Using Child marriage as a stick to beat Muslims and Islam with, is both factually incorrect and mischievous. No one should ridicule others as "Ridicule is more bitter than killing" Khalil Gibran. Jardine, I answered you already. Kindly read my post carefully. Posted by McAdam, Monday, 26 January 2015 1:03:23 PM
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Now that McAdam has addressed the issue with you, I have the following to support what he has already said. Customs of societies change in time. Judging these customs with gap of millennium and more is comparing apples and oranges. If you understand this reality, there should be no issue of the age of Aisha at the time her marriage you have been blubbing about for so many weeks now. But given your small mind, you cannot, probably, comprehend this simple reality. This has been my reason of not taking it up with someone like you, JKJ. Her age was NOT 9 years when the marriage was consummated and this is based on the consensus of most of the resources of the time. The marriage took place at the marriageable age regarded by the-then society. There was not a single objection to it raised by the-then society which is a conclusive proof that it complied with the prevailing practice. Now even if your small mind recognises time as the significant factor in customs of societies, your malicious nature will not permit you to accept it, given your posts to date. Therefore, ANSWER my questions: 1- Do you think New Testament (NOT Judaism) is right, from current standards of its followers when it says “For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death’”( MATTHEW 15:4 NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ); and 2- Do you think Twelve Tables (recognised as the first source of written law out of which the Roman and therefore Western laws have gradually evolved over centuries.) were right when they recognised the authority of a father over the life and death of a son and also authorise him to sell his son into slavery for a number of times. You will probably avoid answers to these questions because of your malicious mind. But know that I will keep repeating them as you repeat yours unless you answer them. And I will have many more and will insist on answers. Posted by NC, Monday, 26 January 2015 8:28:08 PM
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"Do you think New Testament (NOT Judaism) is right, from current standards of its followers when it says “For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death’”( MATTHEW 15:4 NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION )" I find that question unclear. Do you mean, do *I* think those sayings are right? If that's what you mean, the answer is, no. Or do you mean, do I think they are right from the current standards of the followers of the New Testament? If the latter, I don't understand what you mean. Please clarify? "Do you think Twelve Tables (recognised as the first source of written law out of which the Roman and therefore Western laws have gradually evolved over centuries.) were right when they recognised the authority of a father over the life and death of a son and also authorise him to sell his son into slavery for a number of times." No. Do you? (PS The English common law did not evolve out of the Twelve Tables of Rome.) Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 27 January 2015 12:34:31 PM
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I will break up the first question for you Part 1: Do you think that the New Testament says that ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death’? (MATTHEW 15:4 NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION) Part 2: Do you think it IS OK to put to death anyone who curses his/her father or mother in the present time? Part 3: Do you think it WAS OK to put to death anyone who cursed his/her father or mother at the time when Matthew version of Bible was prepared? On your question: I agree with your ‘NO’. Roman society observed a law or a custom at one point in time which is absurd in eye of a modern day society. Do you agree? Posted by NC, Tuesday, 27 January 2015 5:01:22 PM
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"Do you think that the New Testament says that ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death’? (MATTHEW 15:4 NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)"
I believe so. "Do you think it IS OK to put to death anyone who curses his/her father or mother in the present time?" No. "Do you think it WAS OK to put to death anyone who cursed his/her father or mother at the time when Matthew version of Bible was prepared?" Do I think it was okay from my point of view for them to put to death anyone who cursed his or her parent at that time? No. Do I think it was okay from their point of view? Yes. "Roman society observed a law or a custom at one point in time which is absurd in eye of a modern day society. Do you agree?" Yes. So what? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 27 January 2015 7:48:23 PM
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I understand from you that: 1- You agree that the New Testament orders sons or daughters be killed who curse their parents. 2- You think that sons or daughters who curse their parents should NOT be put to death. 3- But you also think that it was ok from their point of view (about 2000 years ago) to kill sons and daughter who curse their parents. I will come to your what?, after I get a clarification on your answer: Why do you think it was ok to kill sons and daughters who cursed their parents about 2000 years ago and why the same thing is not ok today? Posted by NC, Wednesday, 28 January 2015 4:46:58 PM
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Do you think that it is OK to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators?? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 January 2015 5:28:36 PM
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Sorry, busy for a few days.
I clarify as follows: 1- You agree that the New Testament orders sons or daughters be killed who curse their parents. Yes, agreed. 2- You think that sons or daughters who curse their parents should NOT be put to death. Yes. 3- But you also think that it was ok from their point of view (about 2000 years ago) to kill sons and daughter who curse their parents. Yes. Why do you think it was ok to kill sons and daughters who cursed their parents about 2000 years ago and why the same thing is not ok today? I didn't say it was okay. I said I think it was okay from their point of view. So I don't understand your last question. Are you asking why I think they thought it was okay? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 31 January 2015 10:51:47 AM
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On Your <<I clarify as follows: 1- You agree that the New Testament orders sons or daughters be killed who curse their parents. Yes, agreed. 2- You think that sons or daughters who curse their parents should NOT be put to death. Yes. 3- But you also think that it was ok from their point of view (about 2000 years ago) to kill sons and daughter who curse their parents. Yes >> And your last question <<Are you asking why I think they thought it was okay?>> Go ahead with your why do you think it was okay for them to “kill sons and daughter who curse their parents.” Now it may be in your response, would help if you comment on THEIR RIGHT TO DO WHAT THEY THOUGHT OKAY FOR THEM IN THEIR TIME centuries before the present time, even though it is not okay to do the same in the current time. Posted by NC, Sunday, 1 February 2015 12:36:21 PM
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Pretty obviously, what might have been tolerated a couple of thousand years ago cannot be tolerated these days: in the intervening millennia, people have fought hard for an extension of their rights, freedom not be to be killed or eaten or enslaved for being in a different group, freedoms to criticise their lords and kings and chiefs. So clearly, in a civilized world, we do not condone actions which may have been condoned hundreds, or thousands, of years ago. People have rights now, at last in civilized countries, right of expression, rights to be represented democratically, rights of movement, rights of worship, rights to marry who they like, and so on. What was accepted then is not accepted now. Societies progress. Yes, barely a few hundred years ago, my Scottish and Irish forebears were butchering each other in interminable and idiotic battles, perhaps eating each other, because each group thought all of the others were not quite human. Aztecs and Australian Aborigines exterminated neighbouring groups. One Aboriginal group here in South Australia was entirely exterminated in the 1880s by neighbouring groups on the pretext that some of the men had married 'wrong'. Another group was wiped out by a neighbouring group up in the gulf of Carpentaria in about 1906, according to Dick Roughsey. Barbarism happened in the past, but there is no excuse for it now. None. Is that your point ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 1 February 2015 12:51:38 PM
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"Go ahead with your why do you think it was okay for them to “kill sons and daughter who curse their parents.”
I didn't say it was. And I told you I didn't think it was. Therefore you knew that I didn't think it was, and you knew that I didn't say it was. Is that the best you can do? You are obviously and deliberately trying to confuse what *I* think is okay, with what *other people* think is okay. Idiot. Now stop your snivelling dishonest half-witted evasions, and answer the question. Do YOU think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9 year old girl? Not OTHER PEOPLE. YOU. Do YOU think it's okay. Other people also thought armed robbery, rape, slavery and mass murder were okay, didn't they? The question is how YOU reconcile that with YOUR moral code, you lying idiot. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 1 February 2015 2:47:14 PM
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Jardine, Language, you use is not the language, decent people use and it also indicates utter helplessness in the face of lack of force of logic and reason.
I am disappointed. I did not know you could stoop so low. Low you were, in your knowledge and reason, as evident by the contents of your posts, but so low in manners and maturity, I did not know. Sitting on judgement, on actions of people over a thousand years ago, is some thing that a sane person would avoid. An action is to be judged in accordance with the ground realities and norms at the time. Judging actions of the past with the standards of present, is both rash and extremely misleading. Only a childish mind or utterly ignorant person would proceed with the assumption that world has always been, the way it is now. Some people just can not imagine that there was time on this planet that there were so few people and living so far apart that people of same kind were not available to these nomadic tribes at all. They did not enjoy the choices in marriage available to people these days. Hence a particular tribe, who would not marry outsiders, had to resort to kinship marriages:- " Kinship marriages amongst the patriarchs includes Abraham's marriage to his half-sister Sarai;[Gen.20:11,12] the marriage of Abraham's brother, Nahor, to their niece Milcah;[Gen.11:27–29] Isaac's marriage to Rebekah, his first cousin once removed;[Gen.27:42–43;29:10] Jacob's marriages with two sisters who are his first cousins;[Gen.29:10,Ch.29] and, in the instance of Moses's parents, a marriage between nephew and aunt (father's sister).[Exod.6:20]" Brothers and sisters marriages continued for centuries even after this period. Cleopatra, a Hellenic, married two of her brothers. One of wives of Darius was his sister. These marriages were permissible at the time. There are certain other unions, unimaginable these days, which appear to have been, forced by the isolation of a family and absence of any other choice except father and daughters for example; Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. Genesis 19:36 (King James Continued... Posted by McAdam, Monday, 2 February 2015 6:02:01 AM
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Jardine, Language, you use is not the language, decent people use and it also indicates utter helplessness in the face of lack of force of facts and reason.
I am disappointed. I did not know you could stoop so low. Low you were, in your knowledge and reason, as evident by the contents of your posts, but so low in manners and maturity, I did not know. Sitting on judgement, on actions of people over a thousand years ago, is some thing that a sane person would avoid. An action is to be judged in accordance with the ground realities and norms at the time. Judging actions of the past with the standards of present, is both rash and extremely misleading. Only a childish mind or utterly ignorant person would proceed with the assumption that world has always been, the way it is now. Some people just can not imagine that there was time on this planet that there were so few people and living so far apart that people of same kind were not available to these nomadic tribes at all. They did not enjoy the choices in marriage available to people these days. Hence a particular tribe, who would not marry outsiders, had to resort to kinship marriages:- " Kinship marriages amongst the patriarchs includes Abraham's marriage to his half-sister Sarai;[Gen.20:11,12] the marriage of Abraham's brother, Nahor, to their niece Milcah;[Gen.11:27–29] Isaac's marriage to Rebekah, his first cousin once removed;[Gen.27:42–43;29:10] Jacob's marriages with two sisters who are his first cousins;[Gen.29:10,Ch.29] and, in the instance of Moses's parents, a marriage between nephew and aunt (father's sister).[Exod.6:20]" Brothers and sisters marriages continued for centuries even after this period. Cleopatra, a Hellenic, married two of her brothers. One of wives of Darius was his sister. These marriages were permissible at the time. There are certain other unions, unimaginable these days, which appear to have been, forced by the isolation of a family and absence of any other choice except father and daughters for example; Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. Genesis 19:36 (King James Continued... Posted by McAdam, Monday, 2 February 2015 6:04:15 AM
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Now should all those unions of the ancient times be judged on today's standards? And should we hasten to pass judgements without grasping the facts and evaluating the actions in the then prevalent conditions, first? Obviously not, for it would be rash and extremely misleading to do so. I see a strange impatience in you. You want a clear cut answer in yes or no terms; more like a prosecutor than historian. Prosecutor is always in haste to win the " guilty verdict". Historian, on the other hand, has to proceed with patience and without out any preconceived biases. Study of history does not present black a white, clear cut answers. Nor does it provide easy to digest regurgitated information. One must have the ability to mine all the information first and then patience to separate the nuggets of facts from the mass of dirt of untruth that they come with. And without the capacity of contextualization, the study of history is useless and can be quiet misleading. The marriage of Aisha is one such issue. Her age is reported to be 9 years in one tradition. But is that the only tradition on her age? Are we certain about that age? Do we have all the data about the ages of brides in that era in that area? Do we have injunctions in scriptures at variance with this marriage. Mind you, the dismissal of Old Testament, as applicable to Jews only, is invalid the and intellectually dishonest as the Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible. Then the marriage of three years old Rebecca to 40 years old Isaac, as per Jewish tradition, also becomes relevant. Holy Marry is reported to have become mother at age fifteen or there about, it also becomes relevant. Continues.... Posted by McAdam, Monday, 2 February 2015 6:16:26 AM
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Insistence that people of today should judge the marriage of Aisha without having the irrefutable facts, first and without taking into account the prevalent conditions at the time, is of zero academic value. And engaging in such a discussion is utter waste of time, particularly when the discussion on the topic has since advanced and people from both sides agree that the current violence is rooted more in geo political reasons than in religion. And it has been clearly shown that about 2% of the terror attacks are conducted by Muslims and the fatalities suffered through the terror attacks are about 95% by Muslims. Putting Islam and Muslims on the spot for this reason is without any valid reason. And the primary point of our discussion must always be kept in mind, in order to remain focussed. We are discussing that a criminal act of an individual should not be used as a license to harass all individuals of the community. Finally, if the kind of language you use has to be continued with, then kindly reconsider the use of word "civilized" for the people resorting to this language. Regards Concludes Posted by McAdam, Monday, 2 February 2015 6:23:53 AM
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Rebecca and Isaac, okay, so the practice of child marriage in early Islam was only 2,500 years behind the Hebrews, who, like the Arabs, came out of the desert to overwhelm the cities, where they gradually learnt more civilized practices. We all come out of savage and barbarian societies, traditional societies to give them a more acceptable title, but most of us have put those barbaric practices behind us long ago. And surely Muslims have put 1400-year-old desert practices behind them too ? End of. Let's move on. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 2 February 2015 8:20:42 AM
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Mc Adam,
Do you think that it is OK to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators?? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 2 February 2015 9:44:53 AM
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JKJ, (1 of 2 ; 2 Feb)
The risk with engaging a small mind like yours is the exposure to your foul language. After all, your mouth must convey your mind. You continue to miss the point despite clear hints. No wonder – another cast of engaging with a small mind! But I will continue a little further to see if you can see the point. On your current tirade: Your words (27 Jan 7:48 PM): <<Do I think it was okay from their point of view? Yes.>> Also your words (31 Jan 10:51 PM): <<3- But you also think that it was ok from their point of view (about 2000 years ago) to kill sons and daughter who curse their parents. Yes>> In my post of 1 Feb 13:36 PM I repeat your words <<Are you asking why I think they thought it was okay?>> And ask you <<Go ahead with your why do you think it was okay for them to “kill sons and daughter who curse their parents.”>> You could have answered the question “why you think they thought it was ok” for them to kill sons and daughter who curse their parents. YOU CAN STILL ANSWER THE ABOVE QUESTION. More important is the question about your <<comment on THEIR RIGHT TO DO WHAT THEY THOUGHT OKAY FOR THEM IN THEIR TIME centuries before the present time, even though it is not okay to do the same in the current time>> YOU HAVE AVOIDED THIS QUESTION ON A FLIMSY EXCUSE. Nice try, but it will not work. Even your foul language will not distract the discussion. Continued … Posted by NC, Monday, 2 February 2015 3:51:59 PM
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JKJ, (2 of 2; 2 Feb)
You must answer the above two questions to enable this discussion to proceed. Now McAdams has tried to enlighten your childish mind by showing you that customs of human societies are not ‘fixed articles” in time. Human customs have changed and will continue to change. I showed you earlier that Roman Law recognised authority of a father to kill his son - Unimaginable today. I also showed you that Bible (MATTHEW 15:4) permits sons and daughter who curse their parents to be put to death- unimaginable today (again). These are two out of numerous similar examples. But your mind must be stuck to one case ONLY because it differs from your CURRENT criterion. Aisha had the acceptable age for marriage, according to the standards of the time. Her age was NOT 9 years when the marriage was consummated and this is based on the consensus of most of the resources of the time. You can find no surprise recorded on this marriage in its time – And this conclusively proves that the acceptable condition of the age limit (of the time) was met, apart from a complete endorsement of the marriage that the earliest records show. GROW UP JKJ! Attempt the above two questions. You may see it more clearly. Know that you must answer the questions for this discussion to proceed. And yes, I notice messages addressed to me from your friend, apparently in your support. I don’t read Loudmouth’s messages and will not read until I get answer to my many weeks old questions. Posted by NC, Monday, 2 February 2015 3:57:00 PM
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You honour me :) Are you maintaining that, whatever may have been the practice many centuries - and even millennia - ago, is still the approved practice ? Do you have any concept of change, of the painful and hard-fought 'evolution' of social practices and standards in many societies, since our barbaric-past days up to the present ? Perhaps even in yours - I live in hope :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 2 February 2015 4:50:40 PM
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Do you think your dishonesty and stupidity is not obvious to even a casual onlooker? Your flimsy attempt to confuse "A" with "not-A", my opinion with SOMEONE ELSES - you idiot - only exemplifies that you are operating at the mental and moral level of an infant. Because you obviously don't know or don't care what an intellectually honest discussion would look like, IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: JKJ: "Do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with a 9-year old girl?" NC: "YES I DO, for five reasons: 1. I make no distinction between my own moral opinion, and the moral opinion of other people in a former age 2. Mohammed did it, and I think he is the supreme example of moral goodness, therefore I approve of rape, murder, slavery and phucking children BECAUSE MOHAMMED DID IT AND I THINK HE'S WONDERFUL 3. I have no content to my moral opinion other than to ask, like a moral imbecile, if other people are doing something, 4. I am too embarrassed in contemporary Australia to admit what a moral turd I am, and so I try to squirm out of admitting it by pretending that some other question has priority every time I am asked; this childish evasion satisfies my kindergarten-level intellectual standards, and 5. I have no argument but only snivelling dishonesty, misrepresentation, mind-reading, and PRETENDING that I'm not being thrashed when any child can see that I am." Thank you for demonstrating why the Muslim world is so intellectually and morally backward. You think having sex with little children is good, are too dishonest to admit it, and try to defend it by confusing the difference between what YOUR moral opinion is, and what the moral opinion of OTHER PEOPLE is Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 2 February 2015 9:57:28 PM
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In 'traditional' societies, - tribal, pre-civilized, primitive, whatever term one likes to use - there were and are many practices which people in modern societies, with long histories of hard struggle for the expansion of human rights, including the rights of children and women, would agree were and are abhorrent. In tribal societies, female children are tradeable goods, used to strengthen links between clans, the property in patriarchal groups of their fathers, then of their husbands (probably an anthropologist would quibble that really they were transferred from the property of their clan to that of their husband). As children, they had no rights. As women, they had no rights, only duties - not to disgrace their clan, and not to disappoint their husbands. Such barbaric practices are long gone in civilized societies. To believe that, if such practices were okay in one society, then they are okay in all societies, shows a backward mentality and inability to understand - or even approve of - the slow and painful evolution of the rights of women and children in societies over especially the past thousand years. That anybody should actually defend and champion such barbaric practices today demonstrates an infantile mind-set. For such notions to be purveyed as 'religious principles', and therefore sacrosanct, is contemptible, and should have no place in modern societies. They belong in the dust-bin of history. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 3 February 2015 8:45:43 AM
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AISHA’S AGE when she was MARRIED TO MUHAMMAD (Saw) [1 of 3]
JKJ is the person, I should address this message to. But JKJ’s post of the 2 Feb 9:57 PM shows that the ‘small mind’ has now totally been taken over by the ‘foul mouth’ this person had shown previously as well. Does not answer my questions. One step further: now answers his own slanderous questions on my behalf. For the other readers, I provide the following historic information for them to make up their minds on the issue in discussion. BASIC FACT 1: Aisha’s age of 9 years when she was married to Muhammad (Saw) is reported by ONE source ONLY against a host of sources reporting that age from 14 to 19 years. BASIC FACT 2: Marrying a 9 year old girl was not an Arab practice even in the period in question. BASIC FACY 3: There should have been a surprise, dislike or protest recorded in that time if Aisha was 9 years old. A complete absence of any of this conclusively shows that she was much older than the reported 9 years of age at the time of he marriage. ON THE ONLY SOURCE [Bukhari (d 870 ad)] • The age of 9 years was reported on narration of one person (Hisham ibn urwah) ONLY. He is one of the hundreds of people recorded as narrators of Hadith; • Hisham lived in Madina first 71 year of his life, and NO ONE from Medina narrates the age of 9 years to Bukhari or a number of other Hadith collectors. Hisham experienced memory problems in his old age, and has been widely observed to have reported incidents inconsistent with historical facts when he was in Iraq. Scholars have warned against his narrations during his old age. Continued … Posted by NC, Tuesday, 3 February 2015 1:46:31 PM
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AISHA’S AGE when she was MARRIED TO MUHAMMAD (Saw) [2 of 3]
ON SOME OF THE OTHER SOURCES 1. Aisha was engaged to son of Mutam about 9 years before her marriage to Muhammad (Saw), according to Tabri (historian – d923) – Mutam refused for Aisha to live in his house because Aisha had accepted Islam (Aisha’s father requested this as he wanted to migrate to Habsha to avoid persecution in Mecca). This suggests that she was about 19 years old at the time of marriage. 2. According to most historians the older sister of Aisah (Asma) was 10 years older than her. It is an established fact that Asma was 28 years old at the time of hijra (1 or 2 years before Aisha’s marriage). This suggests her age of about 19 when married. 3. Tabri also reports that all four children of Abu Bakr (Aisha included) were borne in pre-Islamic period. This suggests Aisha’s age at the time of marriage to be 14 years or more. 4. Ibn Hisham – the historian (d833 ad) reports that Aisha accepted Islam before Umar ibn Khattab. This also suggests her age to be 14 years or more when she got married. 5. Ahmad Bin Hanbal (d 855) reports that the lady (Khaulah) used the Arabic word “bikr” for Aisha, when she suggested Muhammad (Saw) to remarry after the death of his wife. The word ‘bikr’is used for an unmarried lady as opposed to the word “jariyah” which should have used for a young 9 year old girl, if that was Aish’s age then. 6. According to Ibn Hajar (d1449) Fatima was 5 years older than Aisha. This suggests Aisha’s age of 14 years or more at the time of marriage. There are other references confirming the above and NONE supports the age of 9 years as reported by the single narration by Hisham ibn Urwah. Continued …. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 3 February 2015 1:51:44 PM
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AISHA’S AGE when she was MARRIED TO MUHAMMAD (Saw) [3 of 3]
This post was time barred earlier, had to wait. JKJ does not have access to correct historical records except some hate sites which suit his favourite slanders. The consensus of scholars suggests that Aisha’s age when she married Muhammad was more than 14 years and most likely in the range of 19 years. Even an age of 14 years for a girl should not be unusual for marriage, considering practice all over the world, even if JKJ makes no allowance for change in customs over centuries so obvious to sane minds as I have been pointing out to him in last few posts. Relatively recently, the legal age of consent for marriage in Massachusetts (in 1854) was 14 for males and 12 for females. And in today’s world, in Massachusetts an age of 14 years for male and 12 years of female is possible with parental and judicial consent. Aisha’s age will continue to be an issue with Islamophobes like JKJ. This person can hardly be engaged in a rational exchange. JKJ’s last post (2 Feb 9:57) is nothing but tirade of swearing, name-calling and vulgar language; and totally devoid of a remotely sensible treatment of historical facts, which of course, is the objective of any sensible discussion. The mental state of this person has been devastated by the outright hatred he carries deep inside him as is all too obvious NOW. There is no substance in his current post, hence my response on correcting his misinformation on Aisha’s age is complete. But I do intend to post the correct facts on the Islamophobe misinformation that this person peddles. And his vulgar language, I will leave it for readers to decide how far it is effective as an argument for his case! Posted by NC, Tuesday, 3 February 2015 6:33:45 PM
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Is Mise, "Do you think that it is OK to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators??"
I have so far avoided this question for its relevance to our topic, but have decided to respond to it now, in view of your persistence. I'll start by asking you two questions: 1. Why do you keep addressing this question to me? Why not ask those whose Scripture prescribes death for these crimes:- "Both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death". (Leviticus 20:10) “If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die," (Deuteronomy 22:22 ) "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death". (Leviticus 20:13) 2. Where is killing of these people intended to take place? Because I know, I am nobody to draft penal code for others. No one, for that matter has the mandate to impose his/her likes and dislikes on others. The question you pose, relates to crime and punishment. There is no universal agreement on the crimes and punishments. Each society defines its laws, depending on the root of its own law; may it be natural, commandment based or manmade. Please consider two examples to understand the point: 1) No one can be punished for eating a beef burger the world over, except in a society, where cow is worshiped as a goddess. Eating cow's meat, in such a society may be considered a crime and might as well be punishable. 2) Chewing gum is a matter of individual choice in USA and in most parts of the world, but it is a crime in Singapore. They imposed a fine of $15,000, the other day for throwing a cigaret butt on the road. Whereas throwing cigaret butts carries no punishment in most countries. So it is for the society itself to decide the laws and rules it considers necessary to regulate its activities that it chooses to be publicly imposed. Continues... Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 4 February 2015 3:40:28 AM
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You appear to be from a western country, practicing western law. Western law has its roots in both Roman law and the Bible. As Western culture has a Graeco-Roman Classical and Renaissance cultural influence, so does its legal systems. Western law on the subject has since been amended to move way from injunctions of Bible. It is society's prerogative to amend its laws from time to time; prerogative that the Western society as well as other societies have. Law, in order to be effective, has to be in line with the nature, religion and moral code of the people it aims to regulate. Imposing a set of laws from out side, which are not aligned with the local conditions is bound to confuse and corrupt the locals. One of the reasons of the present chaos in the third world which was mostly colonized by the West, is the thoughtless imposition of western law on them without due consideration to local conditions and without first, sufficiently preparing the societies to receive it. Every society is free to frame its laws. Although the society has to be cognizant of the consequences of the laws it frames. Remember, punishment is not an end but a mean to an end. Singapore, for example, aims to keep the city clean and its draconian laws on the subject have helped it to achieve that goal. A clean city with healthy environment is a worthwhile goal to pursue, in their reckoning, compared with some other cities in the region with laxity on littering and polluting, which has resulted in the diseased and polluted environment of those cities. Should Singapore be made to repeal its laws because they appear be harsh to others? Or, conversely, should Singapore force other countries to adopt its laws because of their proven usefulness? Answer is obviously no, in both cases. Every country frames its own laws and reaps the fruits if it gets it right and suffers the consequences, if it falters. Continues.... Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 4 February 2015 3:53:47 AM
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The harsh punishment laid down in the bible, reflects the importance given to the purity and sincerity of relationship of man and wife. This relationship is the glue that binds the family together and family is the building block of any society. Laxity in this relationship can result in broken or incomplete families, unhappiness, suicides and crimes etc. It is for the society to factor in all impacts and consequences, while framing their laws. It is a very tight rope to walk on. Make the laws too harsh and suffocate the people or go too lenient and have the family and consequently the society crumble. Every society has to balance its own act and reap the resultant benefits or suffer the consequences. We have different societies, therefore we are bound to have different laws in different countries. This diversity must be respected and celebrated. Entire humanity has never thought alike and they may never do. Peaceful coexistence is possible in the realization of this fact and living with others as they are. The implied sarcasm in your question, appears supremacist. It is for you to reconsider this stance. Arbitrarily considering one self civilized and others uncivilized may be full of surprises. History records how the uncivilized thought themselves to be civilized and ridiculed the civilized. We need to turn to the authorities on history to understand the reality; Arnold Toynbee and Ibn Khaldun. Both of them state that the Desert is the Cradle of Civilization where human values are preserved and nurtured. It is the urbanites, in their opinion, who manifest the decadent and uncivilized behavior. Examples are many, but I will cite only one and words uttered are to the effect "they threaten the civilized way of life that our society has developed and we will not allow them." Who said that?.... We all heard, but I am referring here to Pharaoh, who uttered these words as he thought that Moses and his followers were uncivilized and threatened the way of life of the civilized super power of the time, that he thought, he was god of. Continues.. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 4 February 2015 4:01:56 AM
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This may be my last post on the forum. The hateful comments and use of abusive language which has just entered the dialogue, defeats the basic purpose of discussion. Discussion remains a tool of learning, as long as the participants are open to accept the facts. Flow of knowledge is only possible where there is the realization of room for improvement. Where people enter the discussion with the stance that they know every thing already; exchange of knowledge does not occur. The discussion, in such a situation degenerates to a match of petty point scoring, where winning is everything. It becomes like a bloody boxing bout....and winning is the sole aim; even if it is through hitting below the belt or by biting the opponent's ear off. Finally, I thank you, and the others , for having interacted with me, which provided me opportunity to understand their point of view and enabled me to put across mine. If I have been able to reduce an iota of hatred or motivate some one to strive to seek truth, rather than blindly accepting the narrative being pedaled through mainstream media, I would consider the labour worth while. Thanks once again and good luck. Concluded Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 4 February 2015 4:08:47 AM
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Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 7 February 2015 7:11:49 AM
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You must not have been reading what you've written. You have already agreed that it's okay to have sex with little children, twice over: 1. because you regard Mohammed as the supreme moral example to everyone, and would IN NO WAY criticise or condemn him as an evil pervert in anything; and 2. because other people have thought it okay, and you view that as THE SAME THING AS you thinking it okay, which is the trick you just tried on me, you fool. You're not just an idiot, you're a dishonest idiot. McAdam We have already established the irrelevance of other religions. It just a tactic of evasion and dishonesty on your part. The question is: do YOU think it's okay to kill homosexuals? Did you get that? Do YOU think it's okay? Not other people. You. Got that? Still can't understand it? YOU. Still can't understand? You. Not someone else. You. Now can you understand it, fool? Whether OTHER PEOPLE thought or think it okay is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT IRRELEVANT. According to your moral stupidity, if other people thought cannibalism was okay, THEREFORE it's okay. NC/McAdam Since you both either don't know or don't care what an intellectually honest discussion would look like, it would look like this. Is Mise: "Do you think that it is OK to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators?" McAdam: "Yes. I think it's okay because my religion tells me it's okay." JKJ: "Do you think it's okay for a 54-year old man to have sex with little children? NC: "Yes. I think it's okay because Mohammed did it, and I cannot accept that he was morally wrong." That's what you believe, remember? Because if you don't, then you regard Mohammed as an evil man, don't you? Can't you see what an exhibition of complete and immoral idiots you are making of yourselves? Why don't you stop conducting yourselves at the intellectual and moral level of a 5 year old child? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Saturday, 7 February 2015 3:44:13 PM
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What is the relevance of my personal opinion? Am I a Pope? Who gives you the right of being personal here and calling for my personal explanations? Discussion is on issues and facts. One has to support one's point of view with evidence..that is honest intellectual discussion. Being personal, passing judgements and using filthy language and at the same time claiming high moral ground of intellectual honesty, is beyond my comprehension. I wish we were having this discussion in person and you showing the guts of abusing me on my face! Now hidden behind false names and posting abuses, must be appearing chivalrous, honorable and civilized to you, according to your standards of civilization. Dear Jardine, I can not stoop to that level....I will not abuse you back. Be happy in your illusion of righteousness and wisdom supreme. But please do not forget every one has to pay for the wrongs one does. You only harm yourself by falsehood and by stooping to level that you have. I still do not hate you...but pity you and wish you well. Good luck. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 8 February 2015 12:47:30 AM
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Humans have been blessed with the senses to discern right from the wrong. The sensors within us confirm the right path that we take, by rewarding us with the peace and calm. The alarms are also sounded, if wrong path is chosen. The alarm goes on in the form of apprehension and uneasiness. Persistence on the wrong path takes the form of anxiety, depression or outright madness. We all make choices; life is about making choices. Those, who are fortunate to make the right choices are rewarded with serenity and tranquillity of mind. That is a reward in itself, hereafter notwithstanding. The state of mind of Jardine, who has no facts to support his/ her stand and has yet not marshaled the strength to see and accept the truth, gives a glimpse of the fate of wrongdoers. They would be perpetually unhappy for having made the wrong choices and shall remain bitter and hateful, cursing every one, till they develop the courage to embrace the truth and repent their falsehood. I quote this illustration to re enforce the point that we should strive to seek the truth and aim to stand calmly and firmly on it. So that we don't repent having made the wrong choices. And account for our actions, we'll have to. Epidemic of suicides in the gulf war veterans and suicide being the biggest cause of death in IDF , should be eye openers. We, as human beings, have theses sensors and alarms in us. We should use them and should trust our own judgement; originating from the deep goodness that we all have been blessed with. Accepting blindly the likes of Murdoch-Media and hate sites, is sure to end up in a state, like Jardine is right now in.......may we all be saved from it. May we all be guided to the truth and may we have the ability to recognize and embrace it. May we not become the tools of hate- peddlers. May we be counted among those who promote well being of humanity, amen. Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 8 February 2015 1:48:55 AM
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It will soon be page 100 and still you two will not answer the questions,
Is it all right to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators? Reading the Koran it seems that it is permissible, even encouraged, so do you as Muslims support the Koran in this or not? Is the interest of saving space a simple 'Yes' or 'No' will suffice. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 8 February 2015 8:13:55 AM
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The small mind is back after 5 days (his post 7 Feb), with no facts and no reasoning BUT with the SAME foul language, he has consistently spouted. He has repeated for the second time his version of my statements within quotes that you find nowhere in my posts. He can lie on something so obvious and so EASILY VERIFIABLE. Imagine what he can do to the historic facts. And this is what he has been doing so far. Apparently, lies don’t bother him. A serious question: Does he have a conscience? He will, most likely, repeat his lies and the foul language in his next post(s), as well, because this is all he has to contribute to a rational exchange of facts and ideas. He is obviously bent upon making a fool of himself – in writing and in permanent record. This is his choice and NOBODY can stop him!! Posted by NC, Sunday, 8 February 2015 9:24:46 AM
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Is Mise, "still you two will not answer the questions, Is it all right to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators?" This is after I post comprehensive as I possibly could make and I get this response which means, Is Mise is incapable of comprehending any thing that gets more complicated than " yes or no". Same is the case with his/her brother/sister Jardine, he/she too insists on "yes or no" answers. Jardine, blames me for not engaging with him/her at personal level. Why should I engage with him/ her at personal level? Do we know each other? Is this the forum for private gossip? I think we discuss issues and support our respective viewpoints with evidence and facts. What is the weight of personal opinion? Where other side displays lack of good faith? Jardine hallucinates. He/ she wrote on 25 January " McAdam..Why are you wasting your time in here apologising for the Muslim religion?" I challenged her the same day to show where, had I apologized for Islam........never got an answer. I challenged her point blank, "Are you on drugs Jardine"? .........No answer. He/ she may or may not be on drugs but, hallucinates all right. He/she attributed to NC, things he refuted and Jardine failed to provide proof of his/her claim that NC had made the alleged statement. He/she hallucinates again to claim "We have already established the irrelevance of other religions." Have we? When? Where? If we did so, there must be evidence available on this thread; where is it? Who is "we" and when and where this "we" established the irrelevance of other religions? Unless "we" means Jardine and there can be no other view point. This one eyed view is illustrated by the outright refusal to see other's view and insisting on one view; his/her view. So much so that he/she dictates wonky replies that others should furnish for his/her wonky questions. Continues Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 8 February 2015 9:31:49 AM
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Continued:- Now how can other religions be irrelevant to the discussion on Islam? What is the basis of this discussion on Islam, if the Forum agrees that the entire community can not be put on the spot for the wrong doing of odd individuals? And if one still insists on discussion on Islam, then one must clarify, from what stand point? If it is from the stand point of an atheist, then the questions should be addressed to Religion and not to Islam only. If the question is being asked by the believer in Judaism, Christianity or any other religion, then one must present the comparison of his/her religion with Islam and first establish Islam's stand on the point under discussion being relatively more objectionable and then raise the question. Just discussing in the air, without any frame of reference and raising questions without any reasonable basis is meaningless. So the irrelevance of other religions does not get established , just because Jardine so hallucinates. It remains very much relevant. This person hiding behind the name of Jardine has repeatedly made a fool of himself/ herself. He/she picked up an issue with Pakistan rising up as a nation, against terrorism and exposed his/her lack of in depth knowledge of the subject. The posts are recorded on this thread. I do not know the person, but the impression I form, based on the quality of content of the posts, is that this is a half witted person who is seldom sober while sitting in front of the key board. Cops administer a field test of Walk and Turn (WAT) to establish DUI. This person should draw a line and should start using the key board only if he/she can walk fifteen paces heel- to-toe, straight on that line. Otherwise he/ she will continue to expose her lack of sense....... further. Good luck Jardine. Good luck Is Mise Concluded Posted by McAdam, Sunday, 8 February 2015 9:43:54 AM
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This just came in:- "I think the secret is that we have to work harder to build bridges and we have to remember that our Lord taught us to love our neighbour, to do to others as you would do to you and just to go on despite the setbacks and despite the discouragement to try and build bridges and to show justice and kindness to people." (Prince Charles on BBC Radio 2 Programme 8 February 2015) Posted by McAdam, Monday, 9 February 2015 1:07:43 AM
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The questions were simple and all that is required are simple answers,
"Yes" or "No". There is no need to refer to any other religions, or opinions on them, for an answer. Do you believe that it is alright for homosexuals or serial fornicators to be condemned to death for their actions in regard to homosexuality and fornication, do you agree with the teachings of the Koran on these matters? Yea or nay? Affirmative or negative? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 10 February 2015 8:30:21 AM
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Is Mise, "There is no need to refer to any other religions, or opinions on them, for an you agree with the teachings of the Koran on these matters?"
Are you serious? Are you in your senses? I ask this, not in a derogatory fashion, but seriously. Why is there no need to refer to any other religion , or opinion? Before asking me about my belief, tell me about yours. What religion do you believe in? What are the injunctions of that religion on the subject? Guide me by pointing out the injunctions of Koran and show how are these harsher than other religions. This is sensible approach to discussion, if you are interested and capable of engaging in one. If, on the other hand, you kept on rattling mindlessly, the way you have done so far, that would be conclusive proof of your unfitness for a logical discourse and I would beg to be spared the futility of wasting my time with a lunatic, any more. Good luck. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 10 February 2015 11:16:51 AM
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"There is no need to refer to any other religions, or opinions on them, for an you agree with the teachings of the Koran on these matters?"
It's quite simple really, you are in Australia where homosexuality and fornication, mild or excessive, are legal activities; so just answer the questions. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 11 February 2015 7:21:55 AM
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Is Mise,
Please learn to ask a sensible question. If it is legal in Australia already, what is the question then? What other place you have in mind? If it is on Mars then there would be no need to discuss any other legal system or religion being practiced on earth. If it is on a place on earth, then frame of reference would be required. Elementary.......unless you skipped even the elementary education. I am conscious that I have used a harsh word about your question being void of sense, but it is a statement of fact. I have a feeling, that you lack the ability to take the hint and will soon expose, even to yourself, the void of sense question you are dwelling on, unnecessarily. So be it. Tell me the place and we will proceed from there. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 11 February 2015 9:45:26 AM
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"Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder, for shooting three young Muslims to death near the University of North Carolina, Wednesday.
The victims were Deah Barakat, 23, a second-year dentistry student; his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, who planned to start at the dentistry school this fall; and her sister Razan, 19, a student at North Carolina State University." Will we mourn the loss of life of these innocent and bright son and daughters of humanity for next hundred pages? O, the haters, only if you knew, the harm that the hate you spread so mindlessly, can do. For God sake, wake up, be sane and act with responsibility. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 12 February 2015 1:05:04 AM
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That was a shocking thing to do: three innocent people gone, and gone forever, and all that potential destroyed. As an atheist, I take death very seriously, as the tragic and 9rreversible end of everything for those fine young people. The murders raise questions immediately: was he acting alone, i.e. as a lone wolf ? Was he acting in the name of any ideology ? If so, then I condemn that dreadful action, and also call into question that ideology, if it could allow such evil. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 12 February 2015 3:04:36 PM
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We have reached "B&W 101", which might be an appropriate place to leave it, besides which it's getting far down the list and is now in the 'One quarter back' section and most posters can't be bothered in looking for it anymore.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 13 February 2015 8:38:28 AM
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I have no objection to stopping here as suggested in the previous post (12 Feb 3:04 PM).
The point raised by McAdam (post 12 1:05 PM) must touch hearts. Preaching hatred can’t promote peace. On the contrary, it must encourage the likes of Craig Stephen Hicks who took three innocent lives. More importantly, targeting Islam for the crime of deranged Monis is as unjust and dangerous as putting Atheism on spot for the heinous act of its adherent Hicks. Let us hope that human societies will resolve to condemn the preachers of hatred targeting ANY shade of this multi-cultural and multi-religious world. Posted by NC, Friday, 13 February 2015 11:08:21 AM
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We have already established that you think slavery, armed robbery, rape, mass murder phucking little children, and killing people for different religions opinions, are all okay because you hold the moral example of Mohammed to be unimpeachable on any ground. Don't you? Either that, or you criticise and condemn Mohammed as an immoral fraud. Which one is it? Do you affirm or deny the moral example of Mohammed? Just answer my questions directly without evasion. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 15 February 2015 11:43:51 AM
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To give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps NC/McAdam would concede that yes, Muhammad carried out brutal invasions and mass murder, child rape, robbery, thievery, lying and torture, but that was then when such brutality was commonly accepted in many societies - but now, I'm sure, McAdam/NC would not support such barbarity, and - he would probably suggest - neither would Muhammad. But societies and social attitudes evolve. Mostly. So Muhammad's character is all a bit moot, with little or nothing to do with the current situation - unless, of course, someone is seeking to suggest that what was good for Muhammad then would be good for him now, and 'therefore' good for all true-believing Muslims. Then we would have the problem of bringing barbarians, kicking and squirming, into the modern world. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 15 February 2015 12:04:17 PM
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That wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt, because then they would still have to unequivocally renounce and reject Mohammed's moral example. They're doing the opposite. They're saying it's the best possible moral example in the history of the world. The moral question is not what other people believe for other people in other times, it's what NC/McAdam believe for themselves in this time. Obviously if Muslims think murder, robbery, slavery and rape are okay because other people think or thought so, then Muslims could have no objection *in principle*, they would just look around and say, well, other people are doing it, so it must be morally okay. And obviously with that non-moral non-theory, no society would ever progress beyond the intellectual or moral standards of 7th century Bedouin bandits, which is why the Muslim world keep reverting to type, and the abolition of slavery had to be forced on them by outsiders. Obviously to be Muslim means to genuinely not understand that anything Mohammed did can be wrong. Otherwise NC/McAdam would just come out and say "You're right. Slavery, rape, robbery, mass murder and phucking little children are wrong and Mohammed was wrong for doing them and I condemn and renounce him for it." But they're not doing that, are they? They know they would disgrace themselves if they came out and admitted the details of their beliefs in modern Australian society, so they squirm and writhe and twist and gloze and evade and lie and misrepresent, and try to drive the discussion into the irrelevance of wrongs by others, which is all they've done this entire thread. BTW, the idea that tuch abuses were "commonly accepted in many societies" is not true, for obvious reasons. Only a complete moral imbecile would make the argument that NC and McAdam are making; and the problem is precisely that we are trying to work out how any Muslim can avoid the same premises. NC/McAdam's reply couldn't be more damning. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Sunday, 15 February 2015 4:07:39 PM
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"We have already established that you think slavery, armed robbery, rape, mass murder phucking little children, and killing people for different religions opinions, are all okay ...." I am surprised to know that it has been established by others, as to what I think,......without my knowledge or consent?. Your claim must be based on the consensus recorded on this thread; can you please quote? In my post of 8 February, I had challenged your earlier claim; "We have ablready established the irrelevance of other religions." I had asked you to substantiate. An honorable person would have provided the proof of last claim first; you didn't .... but instead have resurfaced after one week, with another hallucination. That puts your honesty and mental heath in serious doubt. Can a sane person be so sure of mind reading of others; without any proof? Can't you see, what you prove yourself to be? Again and again? You have repeated your earlier remarks, ignoring the conclusive evidence provided from history, by NC showing the falsehood of your stand and you again repeat your rubbish. You do not care about other's views and do not take into account, the developments of the discussion during your long absence. This jaundiced fixation with one's own view is common trait of all haters. You use offensive and abusive language against the faith when forum is discussing the heinous murder of three bright and innocent Muslim youths. Any human heart would be touched by the tragedy, except the one consumed by hatred; yours. That is what you have in common with the hate filled Hicks of the world and with the self righteous of the IS. It is hatred you spew that spawns the likes of Hicks. President Barack Obama said on Friday that no one should be targeted for what they look like or how they worship. That is exactly the point of the article, we are discussing. But you keep insisting that they should. You are a hater and you side with the haters and ....... you shall fail as better sense will prevail Posted by McAdam, Monday, 16 February 2015 12:45:26 AM
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“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” (George Orwell, 1984) Most people agree that there is deliberate and orchestrated effort to manipulate the facts to rewrite past as well as to affect the present. We are witness to the lie of WMD of Iraq. We are currently being told that the Egyptian Military Quo is democracy. They said in the recent past, that Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King were threat to their respective countries. People continue to be sensitive to history and are obsessed with recording it to their liking. See the deep obsession with holocaust, Nazism and antisemitism. It indicates the desire to have the history aligned with the narrative of the powerful. See an example from ancient history. Jesus is not found as a person in the historical records of the tribe which had the monopoly of writing and preserving the historical records. Jesus was a unique person who restored the sight of the blind and raised the dead from the grave and we are made to believe that he was not known to the people. Is it possible? Certainly not, clearly his name was struck off the records, for propaganda reasons. Even today the control of media is top priority of the powerful and they modify the facts and tell outright lies to suit their aims; we just cited the example of WMD. Truth is mutilated in war, as truth is known to be the first casualty in war; any war. Just see the respective accounts of events in Ukraine or in Iran. Each side tells completely different truth. We were told Bay of Pigs was attacked not by CIA. We were told Libya was not attached by CIA raised mercenaries and Syrian Rebels were not aided by the West. The history of Crusades is also filled with similar "truths". The other side was vilified and demonized. If we were to believe any book of that period as absolute truth, the chances of we being mislead, are easily imaginable. Continued.. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 5:27:03 AM
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The effort to twist the truth is constantly on, in our world of competing interests. The aim is to impose own will over the others, so the effort to target the minds is on; Huntington’s theory of “the clash of civilizations” argues that international conflicts erupt not because of imperialistic pursuits of economic, territorial, or geopolitical advantages but because of non-Western civilizations’ reactions to Western power and values". A deeper thought would expose the hollowness of this argument, yet a number of people have embraced it as truth. Similarly Richard Perle’s strategy of “de-contextualization.” Perle, a leading neoconservative militarist (and a prominent advisor of the Likud party of Israel), has coined the term “de-contextualization” as a way to explain both the desperate acts of terrorism in general and the violent tactics of the Palestinian resistance to occupation in particular. He argues that in order to blunt the widespread global criticism of the Israeli inhuman treatment of Palestinians, their resistance to occupation must be de-contextualized; that is, they must Be stopped from trying to understand the territorial, geopolitical and historical reasons that force some groups turn to terrorism. Instead the world be made to believe that it is because of inherent fault of the belief system of the Palestinians that they turn to violence.( Ismael Hussein-Zadeh) Again, a deeper thought and analysis, will unmask the truth. The question is what should we do to save ourselves from becoming the victim of propaganda? It is to see the bias of the source of our information. If source of our information on Jesus, for example are Jews, then we should know, they secured the punishment for him which was reserved for those guilty of the despicable crimes and then they also lead the world to believe that Jesus did not even exist. We should know that they are not the source that should be relied on the subject of Jesus. We should rather turn to the primary source. The believers among us can rely on the Bible and Quran as reliable sources, on Jesus. Continued... Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 5:49:14 AM
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If We want information on Islam or Muhammad, may peace be upon him, then the mediaeval hate material produced by the enemies of Islam, is not the reliable source. It remains our individual responsibility to seek and encompass the truth. It would depend on our respective access to the reliable source and also our relative ability to grasp the truth. Since our access to truth and our relative capacities to encompass the truth vary, the room for disagreement would still remain. All of us may never be on the same page. Yet if we strive to seek the truth, then we will not be standing on the slippery ground of lies and will not be struggling to find our feet and on every slip, we will not be cursing the others. Now, let us examine the position of Jardine. He/ she is convinced about what all Muslims "think". Period. He/she is convinced about the absoluteness of the information and needs no further evidence, because probably it is so written in what he/she has read. The precariousness of this position is obvious. His/her second "absolute truth" is the trash about the person of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. Again, because he/she has probably read it some where. His/her argument would be right if his/her premise was right; ........... if? These are interesting times we are living in. There is so much information clutter and so much tainted information, being thrown at us, that it requires vigilance and hard work to discern the truth, embrace it and stand firm on it. Yet remaining conscious that there would always be room for improvement in our information. Similarly, we must give allowance to others to have different opinion. We can agree to disagree. The abusive language and foul mouthing is out of place in a mature discourse. Continued.. Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 6:06:59 AM
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Finally, the manipulator of truth have so far thrived on isolation of people and have assumed that people would always be sealed from one and other; "If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies. The sealed world in which he lives would be broken, and the fear, hatred, and self-righteousness on which his morale depends might evaporate.” (George Orwell, 1984). The powerful would still like to isolate us from one and other. They would like the fear, hatred, mutual suspicion and self- righteousness to thrive. (It is amazing that this was judged in the middle of last century, when Orwell wrote his masterpiece) The effort to keep the people isolated is evidenced by the recent visit of David Cameron to US President, asking him for tighter control over Internet and subsequent meeting of the US President with Internet giants in Silicon Valley. Aim is clear; control through knowledge and information. The communities are however no longer isolated. We should see for ourselves that other people are like us and need to be treated like we ourselves would like to be treated. That is the message of Torah, Bible and Quran; can we grow up to it? "It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage.” (George Orwell, 1984) May we stay sane, amen. Concluded Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 6:23:59 AM
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He makes another false statement (his post his post of 15 Feb, 11:43 am): “We have already established that you think slavery, armed robbery, rape, mass murder phucking little children, and killing people for different religions opinions, are all okay because you hold the moral example of Mohammed to be unimpeachable on any ground.” The SMALL MIND continues to use his FOUL MOUTH to spread misinformation on Muhammad (Saw). He shows once again that lies don’t bother him. This makes me repeat my question: Does he have a conscience? Thomas Carlyle discouraged the likes of him against heaping lies around the “silent great soul” of Muhammad (Saw). George Bernard Shaw called Muhammad (Saw) the “Saviour of Humanity”. And thousands of other sane minds show nothing but respect for Muhammad (Saw). He needs to read REAL history. Ignoring all that, this SMALL MIND pursues his mission of degrading the faith of 1.6 billion people of the world, against all accepted norms of civilised behaviour of the present-day humanity. You find nothing in his posts other than the narrowness of a wicked mind. Every time he writes, he only shows a complete ignorance of the REAL history and the DECENT human values. Every time he writes he displays an unrelenting effort of making a complete fool of himself. Posted by NC, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 1:48:28 PM
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"Life of my life, I shall ever try to keep my body pure, knowing that thy living touch is upon all my limbs. I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind. I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart. And it shall be my endeavour to reveal thee in my actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act." {Rabindernath Tagore: GitanjaliI (Song Offerings)} May we all find the truth, that human soul seeks and may we embrace it, amen. Posted by McAdam, Wednesday, 18 February 2015 12:44:48 PM
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Tell me McAdam, is it OK to execute homosexuals and serial fornicators?
Does the Koran not say that this is what should be done to such 'offenders'? If it does not say this then kindly point out what it does say about them. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 19 February 2015 8:26:04 PM
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Is Mise,
"Do you think that it is OK to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators??" This is the question you have repeated a number of times on this thread. Although your question lacked specific details, yet I answered it comprehensively spanning four posts on 4 February. I had said in my answer that crimes and punishments were people and area specific and it was for the people themselves to frame the laws that govern their lives. I was no body to dictate to other people, as to what punishment they should award for what crime. You repeated your question on 8 February by stating; "Is it all right to kill homosexuals and serial fornicators? Reading the Koran it seems that it is permissible, even encouraged, so do you as Muslims support the Koran in this or not?" I answered the same day, pointing out your ridiculousness, for repeating this senseless statement after a comprehensive answer. You again asked the same question on 11 February, insisting on the specifics and quoted Australia where these things were not crime. I reminded you again, on the same day that crimes and punishment were area and people specific and wrote "Tell me the place and we will proceed from there." No answer ever came from your side. You wrote on 13 February "We have reached "B&W 101", which might be an appropriate place to leave it" Now again you have resurfaced on 19 February night, with the following "specific" question; "Tell me McAdam, is it OK to execute homosexuals and serial fornicators?Does the Koran not say that this is what should be done to such 'offenders'?If it does not say this then kindly point out what it does say about them." Is Mise, I have done my best to respond to your quarry, but you are bent upon this being brought on the permanent record of this post that you are void of sense. I have dug out the chronology, for any reader to see, on one page, what you really stand for. Continued... Posted by McAdam, Friday, 20 February 2015 4:43:36 AM
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Now let us be specific, if you want me to be specific, so must you too be. 1.Tell me, how is this question relevant to the topic of this Forum? The topic is that the whole community should not be put on the spot for the crime of an individual. Where do you stand on this? Are you with the haters, who incite hatred against the entire 1.6 Billion Muslims and their religion and thereby encourage senseless inhuman crimes committed by the likes of Hicks? Tell me, take a stand, be specific. Are you for hatred or sanity? 2. You want me to be specific, while you yourself are so vague. You even do not know what injunction of Quran lays down the alleged death punishment for these crimes. You are asking a question, based on your allegation that Quran directs putting such people to death.....that you so persistently and so shamelessly ....and so carelessly have repeated on this Forum....drumming to every one that Quran directs putting people to death for these crime. Is the onus not on you to quote the alleged passage of Quran, before asking explanation of Muslims? Quote the passage of Quran that directs death punishment for these crimes or apologize from the Forum for misguiding them and for telling lies about Quran. 3. You are asking me to tell you what the Quranic injunctions on the subject are. What? You do not know? You repeated the question umpteen times, with out first doing the spade work to ascertain what Quran really says? Is it not the responsibility of the person to have his/her facts straight, first? Aren't you guilty of wasting every body's time on a question based on untruth? Should you not apologize from the Forum for wasting their time? Continued.... Posted by McAdam, Friday, 20 February 2015 4:58:14 AM
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4. You are calling explanation of Muslims; who are you? Identify your faith first, so that you can be given the answer accordingly. 5. You ask a dual and confused question. You raise a question if it was right to give such and such punishment for such and such crime, without specifying the area and people for whom the legislation was intended. You raise the penal question totally oblivious of the basic requirement that there can not be any jurisprudence without jurisdiction. This point, I have repeated a number of times but you fail to grasp this basic fact of jurisprudence, yet keep repeating a legal question. Are you not nuts? Should you not be ashamed of hindering the dialogue with your senseless waffling and for not putting in the requisite legwork essential for framing a logical question? 6. On1 January, you addressed me as "Son of Adam" and I replied the same day; "Thank you for addressing me as Son of Adam, as that is what I am....and am conscious that I am talking to an other son or daughter of the same father.". Tell me where do you stand on this; are you talking to a fellow human being with equal status and rights? Please answer these six specific questions first. If you attempted to address me on the subject before answering these questions, I'll ignore and leave your post for those who may have time to waste. Good luck Concluded Posted by McAdam, Friday, 20 February 2015 5:08:41 AM
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" On1 January, you addressed me as "Son of Adam" and I replied the same day; "Thank you for addressing me as Son of Adam, as that is what I am....and am conscious that I am talking to an other son or daughter of the same father.".
Don't get carried away with yourself! 'Mc' is the abbreviated form of 'Mac' which is Gaelic for 'the son of', a notable McAdam invented what are commonly called 'Tar Roads', that is 'Macadamized',the well known rain coat, or 'Macintosh'was another Scottish invention by one MacIntosh. Ye're in guid comp'ny laddie. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 20 February 2015 8:10:35 PM
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"Treatment of homosexuals within Islam:
According to a pamphlet produced by Al-Fatiha, there is a consensus among Islamic scholars that all humans are naturally heterosexual. Homosexuality is seen by scholars to be a sinful and perverted deviation from the norm. All Islamic schools of thought and jurisprudence consider gay acts to be unlawful. They differ in terms of penalty: The Hanafite school (currently seen mainly in South and Eastern Asia) teaches that no physical punishment is warranted. The Hanabalites, (widely followed in the Arab world) teach that severe punishment is warranted. The Sha'fi school of thought (also seen in the Arab world) requires a minimum of 4 adult male witnesses before a person can be found guilty of a homosexual act. Al-Fatiha estimates that 4,000 homosexuals have been executed in Iran since their revolution in 1979. 10 public executions of homosexuals have been performed in Afghanistan by the Taliban army." Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 22 February 2015 8:59:14 AM