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Black and white flag : Comments
By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?
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The term 'bigot' is thrown around so recklessly that it is meaningless. Bigot does not mean = anyone who disagrees with my own views. It simply means intolerance. Perhaps you're a bigot for not tolerating their views.
Posted by Aristocrat, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 11:28:42 PM
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The hostage taker in the cafe was a criminal and should have been be treated as such. He met the fate he deserved.
And, at the same time, the person who insults and harasses a lady because of her dress should be held accountable. Hatred tends to spread like wild fire, destroying everything it touches....that is human history. Wild fire is checked by fire walls; the fuel free spaces, wherefrom fire travels no further. Responsible behavior is not to become fuel for the fire of hatred. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 18 December 2014 12:51:24 AM
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Mr Cheema, you mention that your wife was abused by a 'shell of a man'. What happened? Was she praying? Did someone enter your home or approach your wife in a mosque? Did you report it to the police? Note that abuse of others, particularly women, is a serious crime in some societies, if not others (I am thinking of a certain verse). I will not condone abuse by anyone, even of Muslims, even of people that say that Mohammad is wonderful even after you point out how he disparages a pregnant woman split open for offending him or has another killed when nursing her child because he didn’t like her poetry.
So a man that abuses a pregnant wife is bad, a shell of a man, but a man that gloats over a woman split open is a great moral example to all who want to see Allah’s paradise (notice the reference to the Quran…). What I am trying to say is that when it comes to Islam, Muslims take off their brain and hide it in the closet. Likewise, they never apply to themselves the moral principles they demand of others. They never ask why Islam is perceived as a source of violence or why Islamic societies (all very difference, sharing only a religion) suffer from most of the same problems. Muslims never doubt and never ask questions, so they cannot change, and so the hate, violence and terror continue. But then again, Muslims believe Islam is perfect so it must be the fault of those evil infidels. It must be a mistake; it must be that Muslims are provoked by the terrible false criticisms. Who knows, maybe saying unkind words to a woman wearing a veil (shawl?) or saying that Islam is a death cult is much, much worse than shooting children, putting a bomb among spectators at a marathon or killing people in a café. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:21:32 AM
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TheHypocrisy - Would that be moi? Oh dear, how inconsiderate of me to cite the author’s previous articles. And of course, Muslims, all Muslims, as we know, do not take the Quran seriously, and as for the hadith, well, any Muslim (at least 99.9999%) will tell you that they are just fabrications about the life and sayings of their prophet, which are also totally extraneous to Islam and its teachings. It is a fact that Muslims never mention Mohammed and to them he is just another illusive, insignificant figure outside of the precepts of Islam.
In fact the extensive literature on his life and actions is totally preposterous and misinterpreted. For example, the campaigns undertaken, listed here ( were in fact missions to deliver flowers to his adversaries. Nothing says “love” and “peace” like an early morning incursion on a sleeping village to relieve them of their worldly goods, their silly freedoms and even their dreary lives. These are a small things compared to the privilege of sacrificing themselves to enrich and amuse the faithful, even if the flowers were somehow misplaced. It is possible, I suppose, to think that the portrayal of nonMuslims in the Quran and hadith may contribute to the silly impression that Muslims have different values and cannot integrate into Western society. Yeah, nothing says promotes peace and respect for others like calling them “lower than animals” and telling the faithful not to be friends, but to be harsh to them and attack them wherever they are. Dear me again, I must be quoting from some writings… Oh what can it be? And yes, an entire religion should not be condemned for the crimes of a single man, but maybe, who knows, it is proper to consider the beliefs of that religion, the character of its idols and most of all, the fact that everywhere that religion dominates, hate, discrimination and violence flourish. Maybe that is just an eerie coincidence, or maybe not. Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:24:20 AM
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Mr Sheema has produced a miserably worded article defending his co religionists, who's religious beliefs compel them to defend those among them who wish to engage in hostile and murderous acts against western civilians.
The importation of Muslims into western countries has been a social and economic catastrophe. They are nothing but trouble, and that trouble is increasing in direct proportion to their growing numbers. Muslim countries are renowned for their violence, and Muslim suburbs in western countries fit that bill also. Muslim suburbs are notorious for their high rates of serious criminal behaviour, welfare dependency, and "troubled" schools where teachers (especially female teachers) are routinely threatened. Australians flee these once peaceful suburbs and go and live in others to get away from the people that Mr Sheema defends. His mention of Cronulla was another misrepresentation of the facts. Everyone in Sydney who is not a Muslim or an ABC luvvie knows that the riot was caused by the behaviour of young Muslim men, who routinely acted aggressively on the beach and insulted young Australian women lying on the beach on their bikinis. Islam is a dangerous religion who's declared intention is to take over the world and turn the entire world into something resembling the shambles of the middle east. Mr Sheema might consider that infidels such as myself do not consider that scenario to be desirable. The Lindt café attack was just another Muslim attack on western societies which will get worse and worse, until we in the west realise that these people are our enemies, and we forbid the importation of any more of them into our once peaceful societies. If we can condemn Nazis as a group, than why is it we can not do the same for Muslims? Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 18 December 2014 3:31:54 AM
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The Iranian Govt wanted Monis extradited in 2000 for serious crimes yet our Govt protects him and virtually ignores his action. George Brandis' new fascist laws gives immunity to our intelligence agencies to commit crimes and even legalises assassination. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 18 December 2014 5:12:08 AM