Comment History for Bruce
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» 20/03/2012 9:59:22 AM A fundamental management principal is that if you are not measuring something then you don.....
» 3/02/2012 11:19:28 AM The education system has become so politicized between the bureaucrats in state and Federa.....
» 1/02/2012 8:19:10 AM While having acquired a minor in economics many years ago in my Uni days and having a life.....
» 29/12/2011 12:19:06 PM This is a call for situational law enforcement and has been practiced by Obama and his att.....
» 15/12/2011 10:31:13 AM Wouldn’t a veritable forest of wind turbines all across Aus be a beauty?. We could prop ab.....
» 14/12/2011 10:52:56 AM The emergence of a new political party in, of all places, California. The Useful Idiots fo.....
» 30/11/2011 10:07:20 AM The whole “climate change” fiasco is nothing more than a religion as presided over by the .....
» 25/11/2011 11:14:19 AM No, I think it is more bowing to political pressure when the populist science is half bake.....
» 25/11/2011 10:09:10 AM There have certainly been a lot of mistakes in our handling of water allocations over the .....
» 24/08/2011 5:05:46 PM There are a couple management maxims that immediately come to mind here. 1) you can freque.....
» 23/08/2011 9:32:20 AM Two very significant items were not mentioned regarding the “rights” taken from the unions.....
» 21/07/2011 10:51:40 AM Didn't Stalin call them the Useful Idiots?.....
» 24/05/2010 11:57:51 AM A real bunch of uneducated left wing blather. The pollies continue to pay off the voters w.....
» 24/05/2010 11:40:46 AM The liberal thinkers have got the cart before the horse - as frequently happens with those.....
» 10/03/2010 10:17:45 AM This article seems to only look at the surface of the equal pay problems. There are many u.....
» 10/03/2010 9:34:37 AM This article completely ignores the elephant in the room - if the value of your labour in .....
» 26/02/2010 10:43:18 AM I am so angry with all the lies, spin, and incompetence of the Rudd government that I turn.....
» 26/11/2009 3:35:30 PM Hey Mikey, take a look at the Wall St Journal, Washington Post and NY Times. AGW is a sham.....
» 26/11/2009 12:00:23 PM let's hear a solid round of applause for the hackers outing the global warming hoax and fo.....
» 14/10/2009 11:01:32 AM While the US government looks like a bunch of radical lefty loonies that only know how to .....
» 14/10/2009 9:40:48 AM I find it amazing that the religion of environmentalism (as is also true of every other ty.....
» 5/10/2009 12:30:24 PM "That is why it angers me when talent is wasted and power or privilege are misused.&q.....
» 5/10/2009 11:58:09 AM This approach to political "leadership" - do nothing but promise everything with.....
» 3/10/2009 8:05:27 AM Well done and well presented, Geoff. As you state it takes a lot of time and effort to bu.....
» 28/09/2009 1:14:03 PM I wonder what the atmospheric carbon levels were 70 years ago when we had the last dust st.....
» 20/09/2009 4:53:44 PM "And our politicians, corporates and non-government organisations seem to be some of .....
» 17/09/2009 5:22:56 PM 750 houses for $672 Million? That is almost $900,000 each! What in the world is this gover.....
» 14/08/2009 10:57:20 AM As alluded to by ODO above, Caldicott really needs to become updated on the latest generat.....
» 17/07/2009 11:03:55 PM This cap and trade foolishness is just another way for the gov't to tax the citizens. If y.....
» 17/07/2009 12:29:20 PM Rudd sees himself as an old China hand that knows the ropes and has a "special" .....
» 17/07/2009 12:08:53 PM Greg, what exactly is your point here? Your arguments are very long on emotion but very sh.....
» 16/07/2009 3:10:03 PM I wonder if Brian has been arrested yet? This whole affair is nothing more than the trad.....
» 16/07/2009 12:35:41 PM Why are you complaining? You are now realizing exactly what you have wanted. The governmen.....
» 26/06/2009 3:45:47 PM So why does the author continue to look backwards instead of forward. The latest generatio.....
» 22/06/2009 10:43:50 AM Thank you Senator for taking the time and your willingness to take the political heat on a.....
» 13/05/2009 4:35:29 PM Ozandy, please check your facts. Your rant is as farcical as the original article......
» 3/04/2009 10:52:04 AM A last and probably the most important aspect of any new project proposal as spelled out b.....
» 9/03/2009 3:08:11 PM Davidf - you are missing a very important aspect of basic economics in your praise of FDR......
» 3/03/2009 4:46:32 PM Jedimaster - your analogy of the economy to an airplane is not applicable unless you assum.....
» 18/02/2009 10:58:58 AM Rudd clearly does not understand the Australian economic model. When you eliminate food, a.....
» 17/02/2009 1:10:46 PM This proposal would make a lot of sense in a rational government situation where the real .....
» 12/02/2009 3:18:34 PM Even the Wall St Journal seems to think Rudd is running in the wrong direction with his st.....
» 10/02/2009 11:38:35 AM You state "If we look at the recent financial crisis, its real root cause is that the.....
» 30/01/2009 8:02:37 PM When I moved to Australia many years ago I came as a rabid reader much used to the Barns a.....
» 9/01/2009 11:29:27 AM There is a time and place for everything and I don't think you can just totally rule out t.....
» 25/12/2008 9:57:16 AM Missing from all the discussion is battery technology. As pointed out the current crop of .....
» 15/12/2008 8:47:46 AM This guy is seems to be spending too much time reading far leftie blogs without the benefi.....
» 12/12/2008 11:07:55 AM The Rudd governments attempts to "fix" the Australian economy has resulted in an.....
» 2/12/2008 10:42:38 AM This makes about as much sense as putting a carbon tax on beans and beer plus many other c.....
» 21/11/2008 9:16:02 AM Leadership is a very rare commodity when we are in the midst of major uncertainty at the t.....
» 23/10/2008 9:40:49 AM After throwing around all the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) there is no mention of the.....
» 29/09/2008 12:09:21 PM looks like a bunch of keystone cops. obviously an example of the worst case of what could .....
» 9/09/2008 11:35:48 AM I have lived many years in the US and I am very familiar with the American attitude of &qu.....
» 7/07/2008 9:21:49 AM A fair start to leveling the playing field would be to eliminate the tax exempt status of .....
» 4/07/2008 9:32:57 AM On ya Graham! A good time and place to spruik the OLO philosophy and raison d'etra. Your .....
» 2/07/2008 11:33:29 AM How about Bill Gates? He knew he had a good idea, he worked his tail off for years and he .....
» 2/07/2008 11:27:02 AM As the author points out, a windfall tax requires very careful scrutiny. It would appear t.....
» 24/06/2008 10:40:17 AM More arm waving, biased, scare mongering, emotional claptrap from the anti GM Luddites. .....
» 23/05/2008 9:38:42 AM " Lord Hunt of Kings Heath described images he had been shown by the police that “app.....
» 6/05/2008 11:37:17 AM A terrific primer of the economic issues facing our country and the international pressure.....
» 1/05/2008 10:29:37 AM It certainly sounds like the 2020 handlers had a good grasp of the government policies the.....
» 18/04/2008 10:48:58 AM Fundamentally, a good explanation of a significant problem we have where a very large perc.....
» 11/04/2008 10:19:10 AM While Cumes points out certain historical financial facts and incidents his perspective of.....
» 10/04/2008 12:27:11 PM It is also the governments responsibility to keep the unions under control and not cave in.....
» 2/04/2008 8:00:10 AM I totally support this proposal by Turnbull, it is the first proposal I have heard so far .....
» 22/03/2008 4:48:54 PM there is certainly a lot of fuzzy thinking going on here. a capitalistic economic system .....
» 22/03/2008 4:20:32 PM I think David Ritter has been watching to many fantastical movies where it is cool to blam.....
» 6/03/2008 11:59:54 AM Hey, Mr Right - you are Wrong. Children are not different in different parts of the countr.....
» 23/02/2008 5:40:55 PM Yes, Passy, of course rents would go up if negative gearing were abolished. You have negle.....
» 23/02/2008 4:34:57 PM Of course we need music in our class rooms. As we know most of us have trouble carrying a .....
» 12/12/2007 10:08:57 AM It seems that all the talk about getting the unskilled into jobs never addresses the funda.....
» 10/12/2007 9:33:40 AM Very well said, Jason. However, there is very little reason for the politicians to go int.....
» 4/12/2007 5:03:26 PM If Rudd and his large delegation at Bali think they are going to provide leadership the fi.....
» 1/11/2007 8:54:05 AM Insightful comparison between the known and unknown options. But I suspect that since the.....
» 12/09/2007 11:25:21 AM CJ Morgan says "Finally, an admission that the Liberal Party is just a branch of the .....
» 29/08/2007 10:47:04 AM Very few regulators are in a position to specify how a product should be changed or improv.....
» 29/08/2007 10:18:43 AM Since anybody can edit any entry on Wikipedia then those that have an opinion (or agenda) .....
» 29/08/2007 9:58:31 AM Nicola, the ALP has no hospital fix up plan. To have a plan requires commitments of dollar.....
» 25/08/2007 11:50:10 PM It is easy to understand the ALP policy that only one man gets the microphone. As pointed.....
» 1/08/2007 4:12:42 PM The one most significant factor delineating the difference between the private and public .....
» 23/07/2007 5:45:41 PM What is the point here? The author indicates it is the integrity of the content of the ads.....
» 23/07/2007 5:20:55 PM This kind of antagonistic article is nothing more than a bug light for lefty bimbos......
» 6/07/2007 10:29:29 AM Another obvious solution to excessive housing prices in the central city areas would be to.....
» 20/06/2007 2:38:04 PM This sounds to me like the same (un)reasoned logic promoted by the Year 2000 mob who expec.....
» 30/05/2007 10:10:51 AM Prasser has very clearly stated a significant problem faced by the Howard government. Thro.....
» 21/05/2007 10:32:03 AM "But Australians have in-built bull-dust detectors." We sure do and they are ri.....
» 18/05/2007 6:21:48 PM And why in the world would anybody trust little Kev - he only seems to do/say what the cro.....
» 1/05/2007 10:32:04 AM The writing is on the wall for the union bosses. An article in todays Sydney Morning Heral.....
» 1/05/2007 9:43:28 AM Well, I am sure this is a totally unbiased research article as it has been written by a pr.....
» 30/04/2007 5:55:51 PM In your zeal to tax the hide off everyone making more than some hypothetical maximum amoun.....
» 17/11/2006 10:58:14 AM "Childs is not a consumer. No student - none of us - can buy knowledge" Ahh, bu.....
» 23/10/2006 7:03:52 PM Maybe big business is trying to get involved in the formation of a centrist big government.....
» 15/10/2006 7:15:15 AM on ya Col.....
» 4/10/2006 5:05:38 PM Gore has an unstated and very significant agenda item - he will be running for U.S. Presid.....
» 22/09/2006 5:47:14 PM Let's look at the really best thing about multiculturalism - all the great ethnic foods th.....
» 31/08/2006 6:57:19 PM I always associate the inability to communicate clearly with the inability to think clearl.....
» 14/06/2006 6:27:01 PM We all have choices and with these choices come responsibilities. Sometimes we don't like .....
» 14/06/2006 5:32:47 PM If the Pacific Islanders think we are heavy handed now in the way we distribute aid wait u.....
» 14/06/2006 5:18:10 PM Ask any New Yorker, they would love to see the UN moved - probably to some place like Rowa.....
» 30/05/2006 9:40:42 AM Kym, you are proposing what? More air time for Big Brother? I will concede that some of t.....
» 25/05/2006 11:07:28 AM I agree with James' proposition. There needs to be much more done to improve transparency .....
» 15/05/2006 4:14:00 PM "And, among other straws in the growing wind, ABC News reports the World Competitiven.....
» 2/05/2006 6:30:33 PM The EITC would seem to me to be the best alternative for all the reasons cited. But it doe.....
» 27/04/2006 5:42:58 PM Sounds like little Walter had a government grant conceled.....
» 27/04/2006 5:32:56 PM With no empirical data to back up these allegations I have a very hard time accepting that.....
» 18/04/2006 2:00:56 PM When Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) were introduced in the US the proposition to .....
» 13/04/2006 6:06:31 PM The focus of the Cole commission was to determine if the AWB violated any laws. The govern.....
» 12/04/2006 5:26:49 PM I have always wondered if the people with those "nifty oriental characters" real.....
» 12/04/2006 5:11:07 PM Cannabis should be legalized , taxed, controlled and offered only to those who have reache.....
» 12/04/2006 4:43:50 PM I have been to Indonesia on many occasions and I can remember the signs at the airport on .....
» 12/04/2006 4:14:05 PM Ludwig, you write: "There is an absolute imperative to divorce government from big bu.....
» 4/04/2006 2:38:18 PM As sceptic states, a bill of rights must be at a constitutional level where it is much mor.....
» 31/03/2006 11:27:42 AM The departments of education should turn their zeal on the efforts of the religious right .....
» 31/03/2006 11:14:11 AM Iran has signed the non-proliferation pact. Who is enforcing this pact? who cares? We nee.....
» 31/03/2006 10:38:06 AM Bob, I agree with your closing remarks about contractors being the happiest of workers and.....
» 30/03/2006 9:32:09 AM Well, Kimmy, clearly just throwing money at it didn't work or we would have the problem li.....
» 27/03/2006 4:20:45 PM Hey, you two - go back and read the article again. John says absolutly nothing about priva.....
» 17/03/2006 1:52:00 PM This all sounds a bit like leftie paranoia. Mr Kevin is all up in arms because the federal.....
» 15/03/2006 10:32:20 AM What a set of unfortunate circumstances. How could so many things go wrong? One must wonde.....
» 14/03/2006 4:56:20 PM PART 2 It took about 3 years to get this factory running at a dependable rate of producti.....
» 14/03/2006 4:55:21 PM Having worked for a large international corporation I was tangentially involved in a socia.....
» 14/03/2006 3:51:28 PM A much larger bucket of money that is generally spent very foolishly and often not for the.....
» 13/03/2006 2:24:23 PM While an improved perception of parenting may be interesting, a far more important (and de.....
» 22/02/2006 2:23:00 PM Sighting all the headlines without providing any of the backup documentation explaining wh.....
» 20/02/2006 12:10:00 PM Right..... and when the various governmental water selling bodies determine that the water.....
» 24/01/2006 10:30:19 AM Sue, I believe the bottom line of your piece is that Greenpeace would be much more effecti.....
» 24/01/2006 10:21:47 AM David, You are absolutly right about the state of Australian journalists. Most seem to wan.....
» 30/12/2005 5:01:36 PM I can only imagin the improvements to Gunns management discipline and productivity if a bu.....
» 30/12/2005 4:47:22 PM Tim, I can't figure out from your article what it is you want Australia to do. It almost s.....
» 30/11/2005 11:01:46 PM taxi license owners are already being reimbursed for the costs of their license - it is ca.....
» 1/11/2005 5:45:47 PM bushbred, I like the way you think......
» 1/11/2005 4:36:48 PM If a federation is negociated it surely will have a large component dedicated to manufactu.....
» 1/11/2005 4:18:33 PM Peter, you left out a very significant factor - the religious right. This is a group that .....
» 1/11/2005 3:58:56 PM Mr. Bartlett should propose a Bill of Rights if he thinks this is what the country needs. .....
» 1/11/2005 3:46:45 PM A fundamental problem with standards is that nobody writes programs that strictly comply w.....
» 28/10/2005 4:13:36 PM Oh, that Australia could have the open free press and the quality investigative journalist.....
» 20/10/2005 7:58:16 PM Big Fish, to be able to write plain English law, contracts, rules you need to have a firm .....
» 20/10/2005 6:39:17 PM This is absolutly terrific. Here we are trying to save fuel, reduce green house emmisions .....
» 20/10/2005 6:25:12 PM Fat chance the ALP would ever have a search for relevancy with a $100K reward attached as .....
» 20/10/2005 6:10:29 PM I completly agree with noddy's position regarding the use of members dues to advance the p.....
» 15/10/2005 12:28:19 PM C'mon folks, let's try to take a bit of personal responsibility. The advent of these IR re.....
» 20/07/2005 8:30:04 AM As much as Aussies like to malign the excessive number of American lawyers and their prope.....
» 13/07/2005 1:00:25 PM Come on - let's do a reality check here. How many big companies would be able to break the.....
» 13/07/2005 12:38:25 PM If you believed all the above comments you would observe that paranoia is reigning supreme.....
» 1/07/2005 3:38:01 PM Now, if only Gillinson can do something about the subway rumbling under the hall during co.....
» 1/07/2005 3:25:19 PM None of the arguments above address the fair market value of a persons labour. In a fair m.....
» 29/06/2005 1:34:40 PM As a participant in the Federal Budget survey and followup forum I think this is a fair su.....
» 29/06/2005 12:52:32 PM I believe that Ludwig's arguments are those that would be promoted by any shadow gov't be .....
» 28/05/2005 11:20:46 PM I worked as a transnational for a large international computer firm for the past several y.....
149 comments in total: 149 article comments, 0 general comments.
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