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Copenhagen: what we must demand : Comments

By Mike Pope, published 26/11/2009

The world can not be held to ransom by the greed or self interest of the largest economies.

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I could not agree more.
Posted by Andy1, Thursday, 26 November 2009 10:48:58 AM
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"The world can not be held to ransom by the greed or self interest of" the scientists and eco fascists.

there, fixed.

"If they can not agree on measures to avoid the catastrophes of global warming, they must be compelled to do so."

Compelled .. do you reckon the US can be compelled? China? Russia?

"If Copenhagen fails to reach agreements necessary to ensure human survival, the UN General Assembly must impose and enforce targets which do so."

How ridiculous.
Posted by odo, Thursday, 26 November 2009 11:11:47 AM
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‘The world can not be held to ransom by the greed or self interest of the largest economies.’

Oh yes it can…and almost definitely will be.

Large companies rule, not governments. This is a profound problem all over the democratic world.

Even if governments were inclined to implement strong and effective measures to deal with climate change, do you think they’d be able to if the multinationals and big business sectors didn’t want them to?

Anyway, so-called democratic governments are in bed with big business. So they are not likely to stand up in strong opposition to them in the first place.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 26 November 2009 12:53:20 PM
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"If Copenhagen fails to reach agreements necessary to ensure human survival, the UN General Assembly must impose and enforce targets which do so."

Another vapid posting by Mike Pope. The resolutions of the General assembly are entirely non binding, and the security council which has more powers is subject to the veto of china, the usa, GB, france and russia.

Rudd having done his best to alienate indonesia, china and India from Australia, will have almost zero leverage at the meeting, and whether or not we have an ETS in place will probably not even be remembered. (though I have no doubt that Kevin will take an hour to preen and state the obvious). We have neither the right nor capability to demand anything.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 26 November 2009 1:43:40 PM
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Hey Mikey, take a look at the Wall St Journal, Washington Post and NY Times. AGW is a sham.
The hoax has been made part of the pubic record due to the publishing of the CMU data base maintained at St Albins Uni in England. Also whistleblowers in Canada are releasing documentation showing how the few "leaders of the hoax" have been able to keep down the sceptics and control the IPCC.

and now Cruddy boy still wants to pass our ETS so that he can get billions of new taxes to pay back the over spnding on the stimulas.
Posted by Bruce, Thursday, 26 November 2009 3:35:30 PM
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What about the leaked emails from the Hadley Centre? They have admitted to doctoring the science on AGW and find it a travesty that they cannot explain the why the planet has cooled over the last 10yrs.

AGW is a lie and scam promoted by the proponents of the new world order to pay for their undemocratic corporate rule.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 26 November 2009 3:47:49 PM
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