Comment History for Ulis
The Forum > User Index > Ulis > Comment History
» 9/10/2012 11:14:24 AM Mr Singer (resident Zionist dissembler) there are many people around the world that are he.....
» 22/08/2012 12:08:22 PM Mr Terpestra whoever said that Ecuador was the bastion of free speech and liberty and why .....
» 18/08/2012 10:53:16 AM Marilyn, Arjay, Mkk & Stan1 I just wanted to tell you that I'm usually in the minority whe.....
» 16/08/2012 3:45:54 PM Marilyn try English it usually works for me. I noticed you didn't address a single point t.....
» 16/08/2012 2:09:03 PM I would like to know where Julie gets her intelligence. Iran is months if not weeks to enr.....
» 15/08/2012 4:02:58 PM McCakie you really don't get it do you? America and Israel are not the source of all evil .....
» 10/08/2012 6:15:41 PM A well thought out article with words that are long overdue in a global system that is so .....
» 30/07/2012 1:01:36 PM From the outset of demonstrations in Syria it was obvious that it was not another Arab Spr.....
» 20/07/2012 12:56:47 PM Talk about a stretch Jocelynne has taken a subject exclusively relating to men's language .....
» 23/06/2012 12:20:45 PM A sad but ultimately accurate assessment of the situation in Egypt today but what is the s.....
» 19/06/2012 5:30:51 PM Each year we hear the West make grandiose promises to the poorer nations in health, educat.....
» 15/06/2012 9:00:20 PM My compliments to Mr. O’Neil on his analysis of the situation today in the Middle East he .....
» 12/05/2012 1:11:02 PM Lorikeet, I really don't understand why a person who indulges in the use of illicit drugs .....
» 9/05/2012 4:59:52 PM Perhaps the most memorable statement on drugs was during President Ronald Reagan’s term in.....
» 23/04/2012 6:52:30 PM The Middle East is the most dangerous place in the best of times a slight miscalculation a.....
» 4/04/2012 4:31:09 PM Mr Singer’s newly found empathy for the disadvantaged and recognition of UN laws is an unp.....
» 18/01/2012 4:20:36 PM It appears to me that there is only one opinion when it comes to Palestine's membership to.....
» 10/01/2012 11:06:12 AM What is the matter with gay men have they taken leave of their senses? They want to regula.....
» 9/01/2012 10:29:45 AM How ironic that David Singer a pro-Israeli advocate in Australia should be concerned with .....
» 22/12/2011 1:56:13 PM This load of BS is nothing new well not to me. I was Deputy Chair for the Arab Council Aus.....
» 22/12/2011 11:21:26 AM Many of the comments include various scenarios of Iran being pulverized the second that th.....
» 21/12/2011 9:49:37 AM No matter what one's opinion is of Iran it is a fully recognized sovereign state with a se.....
» 5/12/2011 1:50:52 PM Lexi, I beg to differ with you. It just so happens that I'm reading "The War Within&q.....
» 5/12/2011 8:43:05 AM What has happened to the virile Western investigative reporting? Today on world affairs ne.....
» 4/11/2011 5:26:50 PM Raise the Dust I couldn't agree with you more but from my view point I see the human race .....
» 31/10/2011 3:56:18 PM There is no 'maths' behind the Shalit prisoner swap nor is there any morality. This is a s.....
» 19/09/2011 1:22:03 PM Moammar Mashi has written an informative article on the intransigence of the State of Isra.....
» 8/08/2011 10:50:59 AM Islam has approximately 1.4 billion followers around the world. Like all monotheist religi.....
» 25/07/2011 6:02:05 PM President Obama should just give up on the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks that have gone .....
» 9/07/2011 4:39:13 AM If you dislike the regime in Iran and you fear for Israel's future that is your point of v.....
» 8/07/2011 4:53:08 PM Custard neither the author of this article nor I are talking about the balance of power in.....
» 8/07/2011 11:26:25 AM The amount of propaganda spewed out by the Obama administrations against Iran is a ceasele.....
» 28/06/2011 7:03:36 PM cteele I believe you are quite correct of your assumption of the release of Marwan Barghou.....
» 25/06/2011 2:17:59 PM For a man that has just returned from Israel seeking an audience with Gilad you don't know.....
» 24/06/2011 7:20:29 PM Some of the letters in support of Shalit’s release are understandable on compassionate gro.....
» 24/06/2011 10:19:18 AM I admit I feel for Gilad Shalit's plight and more so for his family's suffering. He has ha.....
» 21/06/2011 7:23:46 PM Jonathan Kolieb writes with a confidence that there could be peace in the Middle East betw.....
» 20/06/2011 9:38:13 PM Cameo I can understand to a degree that in the past Israel might have suffered from parano.....
» 14/06/2011 11:05:44 AM Israel could not have a more compliant ally than the USA. No mention is made that substant.....
» 14/06/2011 1:19:52 AM Lego in your case I don't think you have cause to be concerned about the dumbing down of d.....
» 10/06/2011 11:09:58 AM Three years ago I stopped watching TV altogether previously the only program I would watch.....
» 24/05/2011 1:23:54 PM President Obama gave a relatively good speech from an Arab point of view though the restri.....
» 23/05/2011 5:24:39 PM There are today approximately one billion Muslims scattered around the world. To hate one .....
» 27/04/2011 4:10:35 PM Amro Ali makes an interesting observation of the power of social networking such as FB and.....
» 25/04/2011 12:53:18 AM I doubt that there are many people that remember Richard Nixon they remember what other pe.....
» 11/03/2011 7:56:56 PM It appears to me that you have a great deal of time on your hand Periciles when you can af.....
» 8/02/2011 2:03:54 PM Graham, I have just read your article and I am absolutely appalled that a democratic coun.....
» 4/02/2011 1:06:47 PM Sam have you ever lived in Egypt or even visited Cairo? No I don't think you have, I think.....
» 1/02/2011 7:40:42 PM It is difficult to understand what the writer is aiming at. Transparency in government is .....
» 25/01/2011 1:30:23 PM What a truly pompous, arrogant, misinformed bunch you are. You are doing exactly what Fran.....
» 24/01/2011 11:17:44 AM Everyone seems to have forgotten it was the banks that put the world into financial peril .....
» 22/01/2011 11:30:03 AM V made a good argument, not that I particularly agreed with it, right until the end. Then .....
» 20/01/2011 6:58:56 PM This is perhaps one of the most intelligent and well thought out though complex critiques .....
» 11/01/2011 6:04:18 PM The comments so far see matters entirely from the West's stand point Oh! And poor meek Isr.....
» 7/01/2011 4:11:53 PM If and that is a BIG if Iran is attempting to develop a nuclear weapon who can blame it? I.....
» 18/12/2010 11:49:31 AM David Stinger, your answer to everything is Jew Hater; you did not contradict one statemen.....
» 18/12/2010 10:58:49 AM Stezza I will oblige you with a reply with a true story of the time I lived in New York an.....
» 17/12/2010 2:50:33 PM Mr Singer the world no longer listens to the never ending Zionist list of Jew haters or an.....
» 13/09/2010 12:55:39 PM Big Mal The manner in which some Imams, Ayatollah's and the like translate the Quran in o.....
» 12/09/2010 1:16:11 PM In answer to Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 September 2010 8:01:38 PM Foxy you take a balance.....
» 11/09/2010 5:15:02 PM Mac, I am sick and tired of hearing this totally misunderstood adjective when applied to .....
» 10/09/2010 10:06:54 PM Pastor Terry Jones with 50 parishioners plans to mark the anniversary of the abhorrent eve.....
» 5/08/2010 11:33:55 AM Alex Whisson writes a pointed and accurate assessment of the Israeli/Palestinian situation.....
» 17/06/2010 3:58:12 PM Do you know why China today owns the USA? Because they don't think in the present or look .....
» 16/06/2010 12:33:06 PM Turkey has chosen a perfect time to turn East in strengthening its ties and has already st.....
» 23/04/2010 2:33:57 AM A highly succinct comment of the utter hypocrisy of America's foreign policy in the Middle.....
» 2/04/2010 9:59:21 PM I'm surprised by Fawaz Gerges whole article its surreal, does he think that the illegal in.....
» 1/01/2010 4:36:16 PM Peter D, humans are anything but perfect. God gave humanity 10 commandments to obey and I .....
» 24/12/2009 8:31:18 PM Religion has no place in the public domain and the clergy should keep out of it, they are .....
» 11/12/2009 9:54:55 PM President Barack Obama still has to define what he considers as victory or mission accompl.....
70 comments in total: 68 article comments, 2 general comments.
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