Comment History for citizen
The Forum > User Index > citizen > Comment History
» 15/02/2016 7:30:28 AM I'm sure it would be helpful to publish the assets of the aboriginal 'leaders'. Most of th.....
» 11/08/2015 8:56:55 AM With all the emphasis on 'hate speech' of late it makes me wonder why the koran has not be.....
» 6/08/2014 7:02:38 PM There are so many things wrong in this article I wouldn't waste my time pointing them out......
» 21/10/2013 10:37:47 AM Other than talking what is being proposed to 'do something about climate change'? If human.....
» 11/09/2013 8:42:13 AM My only tattoo is an image of Azaria being chased up my bum-hole by a dingo, and only spec.....
» 11/09/2013 8:24:37 AM Anything that prevents 'the west' from becoming involved in the Syrian civil war has got t.....
» 27/05/2013 2:39:47 PM Those guys were pathetic. They had plenty of time to complete the severing of the soldiers.....
» 27/05/2013 2:30:06 PM Poor Adam. Our big tough footy player hurt by a little girl so then he clicked his fingers.....
» 17/02/2013 4:04:07 PM Because i am out of work I am presently subject to the full spectrum of domestic violence,.....
» 27/01/2013 8:32:08 AM David Marr is said to represent 'the majority' but from everything I have read and heard f.....
» 17/12/2012 11:45:16 AM Jocelynne, I read the bio on your website but there wasn't any mention of you going to wor.....
» 16/10/2012 9:41:32 PM Australian women are the most privileged and pampered people on the planet but the feminis.....
» 27/03/2012 11:55:42 AM There are so many inaccuracies in this article I shan't waste my time responding to them. .....
» 27/02/2012 5:28:04 PM The longer a woman spends at university the less she knows......
» 16/04/2008 7:03:05 PM Sensible piece. The 'west' has painted itself into a corner by being gratuitously nice and.....
» 1/04/2008 5:56:15 PM "Second, what merit does a subjective view give to the question of the aesthetic beau.....
» 23/11/2007 3:30:13 PM The entire aboriginal discussion is just so much baloney......
» 21/11/2007 6:07:20 PM when are you turkeys going to wake up to the fact that islam is going to bring the most su.....
» 21/11/2007 6:03:02 PM If I spend my welfare on alcohol and beat the excrement out of my misses i am an r'shole, .....
» 21/11/2007 5:48:14 PM I don't really know but my intuitive feeling is that feminist nepotism has a great deal to.....
» 20/11/2007 12:53:27 PM Last time i heard of gar Foley he had been found guilty of coercing a 14 year old into per.....
» 8/09/2007 9:53:48 PM It doesn't how much you try to put a nice face on it islam is a particularly dangerous kin.....
» 3/08/2007 9:01:52 PM Oh Mr Holden, you are so nice. You have obviously never lived amongst muslims or understan.....
» 27/07/2007 8:48:30 PM I dislike Howard as much as anyone but will Rudd usher in another era of feminist stupidit.....
» 27/07/2007 8:45:24 PM Almost all abortions in Australia are actually illegal if you take the trouble to read the.....
» 24/07/2007 7:47:02 PM It is good that Noel is speaking out loudly of late but the disgusting behaviour in aborig.....
» 23/07/2007 5:56:53 PM Nagging has become more widespread since females were indoctrinated into thinking they are.....
» 16/07/2007 2:34:59 PM All muslims shouls return to muslim countries so world war 4 can have easily recognised fr.....
» 2/07/2007 11:36:46 PM You say "bad policy" but the perpetrators of crimes also have responsibility. Th.....
» 2/06/2007 9:40:11 PM The most economically disadvantaged people in australian society are single-parents, not a.....
» 2/06/2007 9:28:13 PM Bushbasher and Billy C, I see all kinds of people psychologically abusing all kinds of oth.....
» 29/05/2007 11:37:02 PM The makers of VB should be contributing millions to aboriginal services because they have .....
» 29/05/2007 11:34:49 PM Something nothing. When i saw the author on a tv quiz show she confirmed that she is a rea.....
» 1/05/2007 3:43:36 AM Good idea. Poverty is often caused by unpopular ideas and not just gambling, drinking, or .....
» 18/04/2007 8:29:48 PM Stickman, in Ireland they have a program supplying smokeable heroin. You don't get HIV fro.....
» 18/04/2007 2:02:08 PM Any rational person can see that the drug war is ridiculous, by why treat it as a health i.....
» 30/03/2007 11:17:16 AM The most unfortunate part about the religous war being inflicted upon the civilised world .....
» 28/03/2007 11:00:01 AM Thankyou for telling me how you felt, and feel. I remember writing, when my wife and I we.....
» 9/03/2007 12:41:21 PM As a nobody I challenged the type of intellectual dishonesty Mr Slattery discusses when i .....
» 9/03/2007 11:57:36 AM If you want to talk about getting off easy for criminal offences look at this http://www.a.....
» 9/03/2007 9:34:06 AM Why no hand-wringing about the phenomenal number of aboriginal people dying at the hands o.....
» 7/02/2007 12:46:09 PM To be a muslim, "a way of life", is to submit to the koran. Most muslims play th.....
» 21/01/2007 7:13:26 PM intelligent confusion caused by absorption of trendy ideology. pathetic and concerning......
» 23/12/2006 7:18:31 PM It is almost funny how much outrage there is when a 'white' person is involved in the deat.....
» 23/12/2006 2:52:17 PM Ever noticed the level of 'racism' is directionally proportional to the amount of contact .....
» 19/12/2006 11:10:54 AM Discussing the details about islam completely misses the point. Having studied islam and l.....
» 14/11/2006 4:34:56 PM There are always two ways of seeing things. I remember watching TV with my young neice and.....
» 14/11/2006 4:18:17 PM If I was robbed while drunk in a dark alley at 2am in a sleazy area I would acknowledge my.....
» 2/10/2006 10:19:02 PM Wow, there are a few women I'd like to see on the frontline. Too often women demand equali.....
» 2/10/2006 10:13:04 PM A nice benign overview of our post-gender-war world but it isn't that cosy for everyone. Y.....
» 26/09/2006 6:40:34 PM Speaking only for myself, i have learnt over the years that lieing is simply part and parc.....
» 20/09/2006 8:36:03 PM If only we could array all of the christian, muslim and jewish wackos on a great big plain.....
» 20/09/2006 8:26:15 PM Australian values comes down to being lucky enough to live in this rich and relatively fre.....
» 18/09/2006 9:08:43 PM When i returned to Australia after 4 years in a Muslim country where i had come to hate an.....
» 18/09/2006 8:50:15 PM Having lived 4 years in a Muslim dominated country I'm surprised that people haven't woken.....
» 18/09/2006 8:33:38 PM *JamesH Unlike the website you referred me to I had won custody of my daughter and raised .....
» 18/09/2006 8:13:59 PM Sandra Kanck had already got herself into trouble by showing that she was a person with th.....
» 15/09/2006 7:26:11 PM I know you guys just loe the wanky b-s, but the best way for an aboriginal person to get a.....
» 15/09/2006 7:23:08 PM A smile is worth a thousand dollars of cosmetics. Don't you love it when you see some gros.....
» 15/09/2006 7:18:12 PM 3 things: 90+ abortions are illegal (according to the legislation) but that fact is genera.....
» 15/09/2006 7:01:02 PM It is disappointing that most people are at least 10 years behind in their perception. I w.....
» 31/08/2006 9:47:20 PM It is shame that almost anything written by a woman is bound to have only one intention; t.....
» 31/08/2006 9:26:50 PM Don Chipp was a great guy but are any of the bastards honest as a result? People (in gener.....
» 15/07/2006 9:56:45 PM @ Jane Caro I was disappointed that I didn't get a response to my direct question so i wen.....
» 15/07/2006 9:10:49 PM An enjoyable, well written article. SBY and Kalla are a great improvement over useless Meg.....
» 14/07/2006 11:20:20 PM I think the basis of the problem concerning aboriginal people has most to do with the corr.....
» 14/07/2006 12:11:25 PM @Johnj I was really hoping for an answer from Jane, but John, do you really think I would .....
» 13/07/2006 7:05:40 PM Wow, all that gospelly gibberish is the neatest form of nihilism I ever come across. Wait .....
» 13/07/2006 7:00:45 PM How anyone can take a bunch of demonic clowns like the catholic church seriously is beyond.....
» 13/07/2006 6:51:19 PM I used to think just like you guys until I went to help out on an aboriginal community in .....
» 13/07/2006 5:42:21 PM @ Jane Caro My wife was killed in a car accident and so I gave up my full time job and con.....
» 12/07/2006 8:28:19 PM Jane, you make it all sound so simple and wonderful, like a shampoo commercial. Two legs b.....
» 12/07/2006 6:47:25 PM @ 2Bob A civilised society requires certain standards of behaviour. People who are violent.....
» 11/07/2006 4:50:57 PM David Latimer says, "Solving the global warming is not about going backward. It's abo.....
» 11/07/2006 4:26:30 PM I feel deeply for the people of East Timor, not only the women and children. But the peopl.....
» 11/07/2006 4:04:58 PM Stephen Hagan has a rather disrespectful attitude toward the female security person and th.....
» 10/07/2006 7:29:53 PM The violence, the suffering, the oppression of woman, it all flows forth from the machinat.....
» 30/06/2006 5:56:59 PM @Carl Don't bother despising, just wake up to how dangerous the collision between fundamen.....
» 30/06/2006 2:02:21 PM @Carl You are right to fear that "the freedoms we once cherished will be a dim memory.....
» 29/06/2006 5:44:51 PM Mr Irfan Yusuf, as a lawyer you should know that lies are so ubiquitous that truth has alm.....
» 28/06/2006 7:10:17 PM @bushbred If you do some reading beyond the Robert Manne variety you will discover that tr.....
» 28/06/2006 5:36:55 PM When I read, "Greg Barns is a former senior advisor to the Howard Government. After b.....
» 28/06/2006 5:30:17 PM The Labor party has betrayed the Australian people by becoming a completely useless 'oppos.....
» 28/06/2006 5:06:44 PM I am perfectly healthy but only earn a meagre wage, how much can I get for one of my kidne.....
» 28/06/2006 4:57:33 PM Strange how there don't seem to be any aboriginal people being jailed as a result of the '.....
» 22/06/2006 3:41:23 PM @Ningtyas Seriously, SBY might talk about "shock therapy" but it didn't bring th.....
» 21/06/2006 6:33:54 PM If neighbours are involved in various crimes then to be friendly to them, and assist them .....
» 16/06/2006 6:33:38 PM This is the first time I've been involved in posting comments and I've learnt that a lot o.....
» 16/06/2006 2:33:58 PM Reacting to the danger of islam is not racism. All religions are ridculous but Islam is ex.....
» 15/06/2006 2:36:39 PM @ Otokonoko Indonesia was not "an artificial construct born out of Dutch vanity".....
» 14/06/2006 2:58:43 PM People seem to have forgotten that East Timor only came into existence because the Dutch a.....
» 13/06/2006 5:48:45 PM To see the skinny snivelling people kneeling down to kiss the ring of Bishop Belo is to ge.....
» 8/06/2006 6:52:16 PM It's all quite confusing but I know I'll never let anyone who thinks an arsehole looks goo.....
» 8/06/2006 5:48:35 PM Despite how well disguised the jesuit's words are, the main cause of the suffering of the .....
» 8/06/2006 1:31:55 PM Why do some people automatically assume I am pro-Indonesian when I attempt to clarify some.....
» 20/04/2006 6:46:49 PM Is it in Australia's interest to be surrounded by failed states? We already have The Solom.....
96 comments in total: 88 article comments, 8 general comments.
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