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Adam Goodes - The cutting taunt of a 13-year-old : Comments

By Michael Viljoen, published 27/5/2013

A chorus of ape noises erupted from the stands whenever Eto’o touched the ball. It was the whole stadium chanting, not just a handful of fans.

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"I'm not racist, but..."
The opening line to many a conversation, often overheard by children, as the speaker goes on to say something that is indeed extremely racist. If you asked said speaker, "Are some races superior/inferior?" they would reply in the negative but continue on with their jokes, slurs, etc anyway.
Education is the key, and as en educator I work hard to instill appropriate values in the children I teach. It's always depressing when you've just finished explaining something along these lines, and a child raises their hand and says, "But my father says all (insert race here) are (insert insult here)."
Not sure what the answer to that is.
Posted by rational-debate, Monday, 27 May 2013 8:01:17 AM
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Hullo, Michael.

As an unrepentent racist, I see little wrong with racism at all, other than it can be construed as bad manners. I would agree that the taunting of coloured sports people can be considered poor behaviour, but only within the context that coloured people can behave to the standards set by white and Asian people.

Since coloured people seem to have an issue with self control, and since they are very disproportionaely represented in violent criminal behaviour and long term welfare dependency, I think that it is only normal that the usual victims of their poor behaviour, and lack of self sufficiency, often look down on them, and hold them in contempt.

You seem to be advocating the usual anti racist message that everything that ever went wrong with coloured people is all the fault of white people. If this is indeed your position, could I respectfully point out to you, that your worldview is just as racist as mine is?

It is self evident, my dear Michael, that all people of every type prefer to live amongst people that they consider their kith and kin. People that they trust and feel safe with. They don't like it when people of another stripe invade their territory, and their notions of tolerence towards the new arrivals is conditional on the sort of behaviour exhibitted by the new arrivals. That may be racism, but it is also a cultural universal.

See? We are all the same, in a way.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 27 May 2013 8:57:57 AM
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I admired the way Adam conducted himself.
In the post match media conference, he went out of his way not to blame the girl.
The girls mother seemed to think it was seriously over-hyped. This is where the real problems lay.
Children aren't born racist! In fact if children of various races grow up together, the colour of their skin is never ever relevant, just the content of their character.
Children learn what they live, and take all the queues from those they live with; namely their parents!
Adam went out of his way not to blame the girl.
However, the mother seemed unable to connect the dots, and see that she and or her other half are the problem here.
An appropriate response would be the banning, for say one year, of the entire family, from any major sport venue.
This would impress on the entire family that their stone age attitude simply wasn't acceptable, neither is trying to excuse it.
When the ban is eventually removed, any repeat offence should incur a lifetime ban.
Coincidently, this sort of BS is hardly ever observed in the military, among front-line troops.
Soldiers, are just the other blokes one learns to rely on and respect.
And given the various duties and operations locations, we clearly need more brown skins in the ranks!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 27 May 2013 10:07:51 AM
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On lookers when you read LEGO post please be reminded that LEGO is a Black Disabled Lesbian Jew.
Back to the Post, there are two great things about the event on the weekend.
Firstly that is was an event, that fact that most right minded people were upset should just how far we have come, but sadly it’s not quite fare enough yet.
Secondly the class of the man that is Adam Goodes.

This post however seeks to corrupt that greatness of the event on the weekend and push a strawman for religious purposes.
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 27 May 2013 11:03:53 AM
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What a disjointed article, starts off by admonishing racism, fantastic, but finishes by blaming racism on the fact of evolution and our ancestry. Denying facts doesn't stop bigotry, only education will.

If we could only understand that 'race' is a social construct and has no biological or scientific basis. Majak Daw, Adam Goodes, Dane Swan, my white skinned, red haired freckled daughter, the 13 yo old Collingwood fan, their genetic differences are not based on race, we are quite an homogeneous species.

Ancestrally, we are all from Africa, we are all evolved African apes, this is not just a theory, but genetic fact. People who use the term 'ape' or 'monkey' to denigrate a person of colour are using words that have nasty historical connotations to hurt and cause offence. This is disgraceful, and has nothing to do with our common ancestry and evolutionary past. Given the fact that genetically we are so closely related racism becomes nothing but uneducated ignorance.

We are all related, all cousins, we all have a common ancestry. Teach our kids this, educate them about the fact that we are one big family then racism and bigotry will have no where to hide.
Posted by Secular Greg, Monday, 27 May 2013 11:07:26 AM
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If Adam Goodes wishes to not be called an ape then he should shave off his beard and get a haircut.

Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 27 May 2013 11:29:55 AM
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