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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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Regardless of who runs this country, we need a person of action, one with not only the balls, but one who will use them. So far we have Dutton and Abbott, and Morrison in the back ground, but i dont see anyone in the labor party with what it takes. Hell, between lying about penilty rates and fighting for the right for queers to be equal in marriage, what else do these fools stand for.

Either way, Turnbull and his 'liberal wets' have to go. Lets face it, as a leader Turnbull is mych better suited as a labor mp.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 10:14:19 AM
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Disunity is death. Disfunction is voter turn off. This govt, ticks all the boxes. Has been and his Di hards are incredible to Barack for a govt that can not cease internal fighting.
The rot set in with jack boot John and his work choices. He was having amazing fun selling off everything he could get his hands on. Including 5 cents per litre gas to Japan locked in for eternity. Until then he was doing ok.
The last DD election has caused more delusion ment than ever before.
Whipping a dead horse will never make it a Melbourne cup winner. Those that say it,s 2.5 years to the next election are gamblers.
Turnbull has run his race, being the only one for the coalition to turn to, with the nationals in tatters and becoming increasingly weaker time is ripe for revaluation.
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 10:46:10 AM
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Well I'm going to stick my neck out and say
that I believe that Malcolm Turnbull and
the Coalition will win the next election in 2019.

It's in the cards. Since Canberra became Australia's
capital in 1927 - every conservative government coming
to office from opposition has won 3 or more general
elections. I don't see this changing under the Turnbull
leadership. Malcolm Turnbull will continue to be
our Prime Minister. Nobody else is up to the task.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 9:29:09 PM
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Foxy. If Turnbull was allowed to be prime minister by his own party I think you are right.
But he has that much against him in his chosen party that is going to make it virtually imposiable for him to continue.
Parliament is full of white ants, with bunkers underground , which I was a part of the building teem, which I have never heard of in media.
It was all about the cost of the flag pole which made the news .
People can see Turnbull as is, it,s his own opposition in his own parliament that are the grubs in the wood pile..
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 10:54:10 PM
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Dear doog,

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Once thing that the Coalition has to learn (as
Labor did the hard way) voters do not like a
disunited party.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 March 2017 1:36:38 PM
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More than disunited parties, Ozzies don't like incompetent no hoper leaders. That is why we have had so many Prime ministers recently.

In the last few years we have had KRudd, Gillard & Turnbull, all absolutely incompetent no hopers.

We have Abbott who offered some hope, but turned to water far too easily when challenged on his policies.

So what are we left with. There are the ratbag greens, so totally off the planet no thinking person could vote for them, & Pauline.

Pauline has the ability to see through the mess to actually see & define most of our problems, but does she have the ability to fix any of them.

Unfortunately if she quickly expands her party to have enough members elected to take government, she is likely to include far too many ratbags in the fold. They will be different to the Green ratbags, but ratbags none the less, as we have seen with quickly growing parties in the past.

About the only prospect for good government I can see is Pauline steadying the horses, & growing only quickly enough to take the balance of power.

With the greens eliminated from power there would be some chance for a government of either party, moderated by One Nation to at least give less bad government than we have had in a decade or more.

As for good government, I'm afraid we are just going to learn to whistle dixie.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 2 March 2017 4:35:42 PM
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