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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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Nickname, When penalty rates were set for the likes of retail and hospitality, the shops/cafes and Rest were not generally open on Sundays and definitely not on public holidays.

Society has changed its ways and now sees the likes of Sundays as a 'family day out' and as such demands the likes of cafes, shops and rests to be at their beck and call and, if one chooses not to open, they will frequent the ones who do open, and these are often the ones who pay cash anyway.

So if society demands the shops etc be at their bec and call, then the businesses should not pay the piece.

There are two solutions, one being a mandatory surcharge, 15% for Saturdays and 25% Sundays, 30% Pub hols, or option two, close at 11.30 on Saturday as we did prior to 1990 and reopen on Monday providing its not a PH.

Personally, I would go for option 2 as I have seen first hand how extended hours have ruined many a family life.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 6 March 2017 7:45:33 AM
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Comrade Putin is strong man , gives strength to all people against enemies of great nation. Pauline is strong woman , serves people with strong fish and protects family children from starvation .
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 6 March 2017 8:14:34 AM
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That's right NNN, back in the 80's I would often take the family out on a Sunday to a cafe, where we wold spend a pleasant 4 or 5 hours banging on the doors, wishing they would open so the kids could enjoy a 'Baby Cheno', Sure beats going to the beach.

Butch, if your claim that chop shops like yours, are doing it tough, then I would expect to see prices plummeting, there is certainly no evidence of that. In fact prices seem to be constantly on the rise, indicating a buoyant market. The same would apply to coffee shops.

Its time action was taken against the criminal retail law breakers who are avoiding tax, the cash only mob, flouting the law by robbing workers of their legitimate entitlements. The Seven 11's, the Bakers Delight and the two bob over supplied coffee shop market.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 6 March 2017 8:19:34 AM
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Hey how about this :
With no GST invoice the payer can with-hold the tax :
" This amount is 46.5 percent of the total payment owed unless the payment is less than $75 ".

I've wanted to try holding back about half the price for cash sales but legally I couldn't. But yeah , the $100 cash jobs , take $46 off and write to tax office . Don't get the bloke back again for another job though particularly if you get a black eye.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 6 March 2017 12:31:22 PM
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nickname the cash invoice, in most cases, is a cheaper option offered by the tradesman. When you think about it, a pensioner can hardly afford $80 to have their washing machine checked, let alone an extra $8 tax.

Paul, the reason most employers pay cash is because they avoid the likes of rediculous penalty rates (we agree to disagree on) escalting work cover premiums and super. In fact, it has been suggested the likes of Coles give some staff 2 or 3 four hour shifts per month to avoid super. Nothing wrong with that except big brother, in all their wisdom has erroded workers hours through shifting welfare to employers rather than governments them selv es.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 March 2017 3:21:21 PM
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