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Should Tony Abbott Move On?
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Posted by doog, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 7:39:56 PM
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"How can anyone excuse an election run on lies"
Well spotted doog. You are incensed about Labor's Mediscare fraud, no doubt. As for 'It's Abbott, Abbott, Abbott', it is a jolly good thing that some pollie has got off his rear end to publish a political philosophy and some solutions. I guess the others are too busy travelling. What is that fright Willie Shorten up to these days? Still no ideas from him, just 'nope', 'nuthin' and negatives? Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 8:24:47 PM
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Shadow, a rather oddly amazing strategy there, make an even bigger putrid mess than the other guy, and hope to hell everyone will only remember his putrid mess, and not yours! Amazing! The next election may as well be a 1,000 years away, this mob of front stabbing fools led by Turnbull and Abbott have as much chance of lasting to then as does the Lovely Pauline have of becoming Islams next Grand Mufti.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 10:31:49 PM
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Obviously the left are terrified Abbott will become PM again, hence their continued rabid attacks on him.
They realise he has learnt his lesson well. It will be no more Mr nice guy, trying to be reasonable, & carry the fools of the left & greens along with him. There will be no more trying to accommodate them in his policy direction. No way. He will ram through the desperately needed policies, & get what is needed. He showed his metal in stopping the boats, & getting rid of the carbon tax, then tried to accommodate the stupidity of the left. With Trump now providing a model of how to treat the left, even if not quite hard enough to be ideal, I reckon he would be a very different bloke. The left are right to run scared, but the mood of the western world is turning very hard against them. Just imagine if Abbott & Pauline could bury their past, & come together. There wouldn't be a lefty or greenie game to raise their head above the parapet. Hell between them they just might be able to stop immigration & close down the ABC & SBS. Keep it up Tony, you give us hope. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 12:51:28 AM
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Hassy, you are in your element supporting the rights lunatic fringe. Come next election you will have a plethora of such wacko's to choose from. The Lovely Pauline, The Mad Monk, Corny Banana, what a smorgasbord of fools, you wont know where to start.
Turnballs, got something right yesterday; "disunity is death!" and it wont be long before rigamortis set into this dead carcass of a government. Interesting that 'Fat' George Christensen resigned his senior position of chief whip for the National Party yesterday. Is 'Fat' George about to jump? This bloke is one of the leading 'white anters' within the government. Will that dud Dutton throw his claim in for the top job sooner rather than later? Could he usurp The Mad Monk himself as the titular ruler of the ratbag right within? Will the homophobic and public servant hating Eric Abetz do the right thing and also quit? Another leading white anter within! Just a normal day in the life of this dysfunctional government. ELECTION TIME! Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 4:43:03 AM
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Another prediction, Lucky I don't bet on them or I would be a pauper. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 1 March 2017 8:44:57 AM
An election fought on lies and won on lies. Bulletins baffles brains he treated the country as if they were a nation of minors.
His memory will last forever, that is why bill nearly made the seats needed last election.
And of course some would say coalition won the last election. After winning back such a huge amount of loss through lies being told by Abbott. I would say labor clearly won that election but lost on a technicality..
Abbott retained his electorate seat and said he would no be disruptive player in parliament. The idiots that can still show support for a liar and a fraud is beyond common sense.