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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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Relax Paul,

There is still nearly 3 yrs until the next election. The coalition is still trying to clear up the mess that the labor greens alliance (especially the clowns Krudd, Juliar, Brown eyed Bob, Krusty Milnge, Syph Hanson Young and Disease Rhiannon) left behind.

Besides, we need time for the ABCC to kick in and control the CFMEU thugs.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 9:53:27 AM
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Is there anyone from either left, right or centre of Australian politics that could actually take us out of the mess ?

In the past I would have said the "Ship of Fools" was the one containing ALP/LNP/Greens, today it contains each and every one of us.

As much as hammering a keyboard actually achieves in venting our spleens, I think it would be much better if we could educate as many people as possible about the power we have individually under our Constitution and that is to write directly to each and every member and express our will.

But of course we aren't taught this at school & we certainly are not given any information on how to go about this.

From: Deakin: "Popular Sovereignty and the true foundation of the Australian Constitution. Michael D Kirby*

"At law schools throughout Australia, well into the 1960s and possibly much later, it was taught that the historical origins of the Australian Constitution, and they alone, gave that document its legal authority. The origins emphasised were the passage of the Commonwealth Bill through the Parliament at Westminster. Rarely indeed was there reference to the agonising process of the meetings, conferences, conventions, enactments and referenda of the people conducted in this country.

The Constitution has proved highly resistant to formal change. Far more so, I suspect, than Deakin and his referenda enthusiasts would have expected. It is as if all that talk about referenda involving the direct participation of the people, was naive. In actuality, such 'changes' as have been brought about have occurred, in part, by political initiatives using the text of the document in ways that would not have been conceived and, in part, by court decisions endorsing and upholding such legislation or occasionally finding rights and guarantees which the legislators themselves neither saw nor wanted.

Notwithstanding the difficulty for theory and practicality that these inescapable facts of history present, it is impossible to ignore the growing movement which suggests that the ultimate sovereignty, reflected in the Australian Constitution, is now to be taken as reposing in the Australian people themselves."
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 10:21:50 AM
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Turnbully is now blaming Abbott for the poll slump. Abbott is not the reason for the growing misfortunes of the Coalition. The one and only reason for voter disenchantment is Turnbully himself, a complete dud of a man, and the worst Coalition PM ever. His massive failure is made worse by his claims that he was better than Abbott, that Abbott had to be removed and replaced by him. The man deserves no sympathy, and it is hoped that Abbott hounds him out.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 10:22:44 AM
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Tony Abbot should do what Tony Abbot thinks is best for Tony Abbot.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 10:38:41 AM
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During the election TA was silent, and the coalition in spite of MT won the election.

However, given that there is nearly 3 yrs to the next election TA has the right to voice his opinion especially since MT kept him out of the cabinet.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 10:57:55 AM
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its amazing how the hatred of the left continue to spew their bile on Abbott. I remember a number of posters here (mainly from the sisterhood) who stated that he could never become PM. They stated he could never stop the boats, they stated he could never abolish the idiotic breathing tax. The likes of Marr still soothe with hatred every time he is given an abc microphone. In America the regressives hatred will remain on Trump for many years to come as he treats the lefist media with the contempt they deserve. I wonder if Abbott was to move on who the bile of the left would then be directed at. The bile is irrational, full of hatred and largely uncalled for but still an obsession with the abc and other lefties whose repulsive dogmas and pseudo science is know being exposed.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:00:01 PM
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