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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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From Chresby.

"The Constitutions of Commonwealth/State give the Queen, Her appropriate representatives - the sole power and authority, at any time of their choosing, to dissolve the so-called Lower House and send those Members back to the electorate. IF directed by the WRITTEN WILL of the people the Queen or Her Representative, MUST dissolve the Lower House.

This is 1 of 2 vital powers of control over parliamentarians and parliament that the people possess. The other is to ask the Queen to give them the specified results they want from the parliamentary machine.

Always remember this vital fact: IF it is physically possible AND the majority of people want it, then the Queen has FINAL powers to make certain that the People get what they want. No court would rule against the exercise of the Queen's power in that respect.

That is not in the best interests of the political parties, for it is the end of Party control over the voice and vote of Members of Parliament, unarguably.

Stressing that: "The lawful duty and obligation of every elector continuously to inform his Federal and State Members of Parliament, and State Senators, of what his WILL is on everything that comes before Parliament, or should come before the Houses of the Parliament."

By not doing this, members and Senators have a plausible excuse for not carrying out their judicially defined legal duty and legal function, thus enabling party manipulators and controllers to retain their dictatorship over the voices and votes of your Members and Senators and of the machinery of Parliament to to impose their will upon you.

Shorn of all legal jargon, the Constitutions of the Commonwealth and the six Australian States provide for the operation of an almost perfect form of democratic parliament IF YOU - THE PEOPLE, choose to apply the power and authority which those Constitutions give to you.

The sole and only legal limit to the power and authority of the Queen is the unknowable extent of what her People - at any time of their choosing, MAY directly request of Her."
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 3 March 2017 11:34:09 AM
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Nearly right , but the advice of the PM rules Peter / Elizabeth. If the population majority roll down the grass slope on the House and set up a guillotine to execute him , the PM can still smile his dimples and twinkles and say it's a nice day. He can appoint any Liberal party animal boozer as Judges who can say the Electoral Act is Labor CFMEU rorts and Malcolm is set for life . The Royal Navy is west of Suez , west of Gibraltar and almost broke.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 3 March 2017 1:04:09 PM
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Is this an act of stupidity or isthe Man Monk Abbott, making a calculated political play, or does he have a political death wish for his "good friend" Money Bags Malcolm, don't answer that it is a rhetorical question. With the Coalition vote standing at 3 down from 4 last month, Abbott has called om Turnbull to "put the boot into workers" Little Johnny Howard style, and by workers I mean voters, and their pay packets! What Abbott's agenda is, who knows, is it to make his "good friend" even more unpopular than he is now, and open the crack for a leadership bid even wider. Time will tell, looks like Money Bags is not buying for the moment at least!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 4 March 2017 8:11:13 AM
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It amazes me when people refer to the fair work commissions suggestion on penalty rates as 'putting the boot into workers', when in reality they are suggesting a correction which in all fairness is in keeping with the current times.

Notwithstanding the fact that very few consider the position of the employers, the reality is the boom times are gone, and wages, like anything else, need the flexibility to go down, just as they went up during the boom years.

Times have changed and those providing the jobs are hurting and if we continue to hurt them, the risk takers, they will stop taking the risks. By all means keep pushing, but don't say we were not warned of the possible consequences.

I'm close to shutting my shop on Sundays simply because I pay for three butchers wages but can only employ two due to penalty rates. So in effect these two will loose one and a half days pay.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 5 March 2017 8:47:23 AM
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Unions are probably the most greatest force when it comes to job destruction.

They destroyed most British industry, including coal mining. They then destroyed our car & iron industries, & are making many of our services so expensive that we are going broke.

Fortunately many workers are not as stupid as unions. If given the opportunity they can be very smart. In the Whitsundays I had 3 complete crews to run 2 large tourist boats 7 days a week, 14 runs. During the pilot strike however I could only economically run them 5 days a week. With their fuel consumption it was much cheaper to leave them on the mooring than run them more.

Like most operations, we were struggling to stay afloat with dramatically reduced cash flow, but still huge overheads. Obviously I could not pay for crew I did not have a job for, so gave them the option. I could sack one complete crew, or they could all go onto a 4 day week, & save all their jobs.

They, to a person, chose the 4 day week, saved their jobs, & 4 months later were back to normal. Two other operations, with staff more into unions, had considerable layoffs.

This may have been easier in this industry, where the nature of the operation meant long days with some overtime every day, so incomes were above average. However it showed they were more interested in everyone having a job, rather than getting more for themselves.

I think most people would agree to this, if the options were laid out accurately to them, & they were given a personal choice.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 5 March 2017 11:19:50 AM
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P Hanson of One Liberal has voted for Putin as PM . Pauline knows the price of fish and caviar:
"Russians are finally getting some good news. Minimum wage is going up by 20%. Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said pay for low wage workers will go up to $ Au138 a month in July, from the current a month $115 . It will be the second raise in 2016 after a 4% raise in January.
Average wage in 2017 $Au6700 year."

"- Sunday is a general holiday for all employees in Russia. ... Working a weekend day or public holiday is paid at least double the usual amount ..."
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 5 March 2017 8:31:22 PM
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