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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Tony Abbott Move On?

Should Tony Abbott Move On?

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Abbott should do what is best for Australia. At the moment, he has Turnbull and the other 54 backstabbing grubs packing the s..ts, which is a beautiful thing.

“Vengeance is mine”, sayeth the Abbott.

The Liberal government is cactus, thanks to its absurd 23.5% RET and high immigration, which has 33% of immigrants on the dole.

The Liberals need to be put out to pasture to contemplate their Turnbull disaster. The only difference between them and Labor is border protection, and One Nation can help the Reds see the error of their ways on that one. The Liberals must be taught that Australians do not want two Labor parties.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 26 February 2017 9:30:38 AM
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yep people have woken to the fact that left wing progressives really means regressive. They won't us to live like animals and pretend its clever.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 26 February 2017 2:57:05 PM
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Cabinet ministers have to tow the cabinet line, but not back benchers. As such I always said TA should be given a ministry, not only because he has a decent record, but because it would give MT an experienced battler that kicked the crap out of two labor PMs, and who personally carries a lot of support in the liberal party.

If he leaves parliament, he does so on a $350k + retirement, and is still capable of stating his opinions.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 26 February 2017 6:05:53 PM
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Ttnb, not only are 33% on the dole, but the remaining 67% have taken jobs that Aussies should have had. Blind Freddie knows that when job numbers are tightening, the last thing one should do is throw in more competition for less jobs.

I agree with SM, bringing TA up to the front bench would have been a smart move, however, that window of opportunity appears to have closed. The libs are in a complete mess which leaves the punters in la la land, which is why confidence is shot.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 27 February 2017 6:45:34 AM
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Shadow, if TA had the support you state he garnered from colleagues, why hasn't he made a more measured bid for the top spot - given MT has a lower popularity now than TA did at the time he was ousted ? My bet is the preferences deal with One Nation will bite them on the bum.

Pauline is the quintessential "woman scorned" and if I was her, the best way to serve up a nice cold dish of revenge with extra salt in the wound, would be to kill off the Libs state by state. Barnett looks certain to get hammered here in WA in a few weeks.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 27 February 2017 9:12:45 AM
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Pauline does a tasty smorgasbord with Italian ingredients for a peoples' party.
Italian Parliament :

Democratic Party (Partito Democratico)
Five Star Movement (Movimento Cinque Stelle)
Forward Italy (Forza Italia)
New Centre-Right (Nuovo Centrodestra)
Democrats and Progressives (Democratici e Progressisti)
Northern League (Lega Nord)
Liberal Popular Alliance (Alleanza Liberalpopolare)
Italian Left (Sinistra Italiana)
Conservatives and Reformists–Direction Italy (Conservatori e Riformisti–Direzione Italia)
Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia)
Civic Choice (Scelta Civica)
Minor parties[edit]
Active parties having garnered at least 1% in a general/European election or having had at least 5 MPs, 2 MEPs or 3 elects in 3 different Regional Councils:

Act! (Fare!)
Centrists for Europe (Centristi per l'Europa)
Communist Refoundation Party (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista)
Democratic Centre (Centro Democratico)
Federation of the Greens (Federazione dei Verdi)
Free Alternative (Alternativa Libera)
Great South (Grande Sud)
Identity and Action (Identità e Azione)
Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano)
Italian Liberal Party (Partito Liberale Italiano)
Italian Radicals (Radicali Italiani)
Italian Republican Party (Partito Repubblicano Italiano)
Italian Socialist Party (Partito Socialista Italiano)
Italy of Values (Italia dei Valori)
Movement for the Autonomies (Movimento per le Autonomie)
National Movement for Sovereignty (Movimento Nazionale per la Sovranità)
New Italian Socialist Party (Nuovo Partito Socialista Italiano)
Pensioners' Party (Partito Pensionati)
Populars for Italy (Popolari per l'Italia)
Possible (Possibile)
Solidary Democracy (Democrazia Solidale)
Tricolour Flame (Fiamma Tricolore)
Union of the Centre (Unione di Centro)
Regional parties[edit]
Active parties having garnered at least 2% in a regional election (or in a general/European election at the regional level), having elected at least one regional councillor with their own lists or having had at least 2 regional councillors:

Aosta Valley
Valdostan Union (Union Valdôtaine)
Progressive Valdostan Union (Union Valdôtaine Progressiste)
Autonomy Liberty Participation Ecology (Autonomie Liberté Participation Ecologie)
Edelweiss (Stella Alpina)
Aosta Valley Northern League (Lega Nord Valle d'Aosta)
Piedmont Northern League (Lega Nord Piemont)
Moderates (Moderati)
Greens Greens (Verdi Verdi)
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 27 February 2017 9:21:38 AM
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