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Fair Fines
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Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 4 May 2014 1:48:42 PM
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SPQR, its not a problem for me, I take the bus to work from home. So hows that. The 'out of towers' neighbors would refer to are people who will drive their car 4 or 5 burbs then park and ride the bus the 10 minutes to their final destination, to avoid paying for parking. If they were to get up a half hour earlier and catch the bus or train the whole distance it would be better for the environment, it would be better for Cath, one of my neighbors who looks after her aged father, has to drive him around regular to doctors, hospital, shops he can't walk any distance. When she returns can't find a park in the street you have taken them all. Maybe you are one of the selfish types with a disabled sticker on you window, which you got courtesy of grandads heart attack. Cath told me she and her father are forever coming across people who will illegally park in a disabled spot rather than walk a short distance.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 4 May 2014 2:07:58 PM
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Given that wealthy people usually fiddle their tax returns to show much less than they have and assessing personal wealth could be expensive it would not be perfect, but has a lot of merit. First the less wealthy people have to control the parliament that makes the laws.Wealthy people devote a small amount of time to that and effectively control it.
In democracy votes rule, not money. There are far more middle income and poor people than wealthy ones. So they could easily control government. They don't because they don't realise that they could. Best to join Resident Roundtables (free), rate your politicians on performance and tell them what you want them to do. Those who have done so with FairGO over the last 28 years would mostly be very happy with the Posted by, Monday, 5 May 2014 5:48:29 PM
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Paul would it be a fair assumption to make it that your work place is inner city or near inner city? If so you probably are not seeing most of the welfare crowd at your work place.
R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 5 May 2014 6:16:06 PM
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Robert, no the welfare crowd wouldn't be at Paul's workplace. Why? Because they're too busy running mines, being CEOs, whinging that the dole is too high, sending their kids to the best private schools, fudging the books, being wealthy politicians and collecting their middle/upper class personal and corporate *WELFARE* (taxpayer funded of course).
Posted by Nhoj, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:15:28 PM
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the raeme meeting was very revealing ANYHOW COURT TOMORROW COURT 20 BRISSIE MAGG COURT AL WILL BE REVEALED..its time..we got a fare go* 20 dollars to save the world/but i resent being put iunto commerce but few know the ticket is the cash.recognise it for value and bank it if the bank sends it to treasure treasury monetizes it and either gives itto the state/or gets a refund. all explained there..or not no skin off my the one asking the questions. da-vid..goal lie*th. JONAH ENTERS THE BELLY OF THE WHA-EL UNLESS OF COURSE IM PUT INTO PHSYC*e IT WI BE A HOOT dont get cute. Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:42:23 PM
I process fines, and many come from Gen Y and people in business suits. Sometimes trades people, not that many from people you might refer to as 'Doleies' or 'dole bludgers' tend to rely on public transport more, hard to get a parking fine on a bus.